CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 : INTRODUCTION 3 INTRODUCTION 3 PROBLEM STATEMENT 4 OBJECTIVES 4 SIGNIFICANCE OF STUDY 4-5 LIMITATIONS OF STUDY 5 DEFINITIONS OF TERMS 5 CHAPTER 2 : LITERATURE REVIEW 6-12 CHAPTER 3 : METHODOLOGY 13 OVERVIEW 13 SELECTION OF PARTICIPANT 13 DATA GATHERING INSTRUMENTS 13-14 DATA COLLECTION TECHNIQUES 14 DATA ANALYSIS 14 CONCLUSION 15 1 CHAPTER 4 : RESULT AND DISCUSSION 18 PIE CHART 16-25 GRAPH 26-28 CHAPTER 5 : CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION 29 CONCLUSION 29-30 RECOMMENDATION 30 CHAPTER 6 : REFERENCES 31 Questionairre 32-33 2 CHAPTER 1 : INTRODUCTION 1.1 Introduction Since the technology has evolve, especially information technology, it eliminate boundry between nation. Todays, countries are more open to the outside world, opening their border for maximizing theirs economic potential. In Asia, especially in Southeast Asia, ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) their internatioanal organization like EU (Europe Union) in Europe has AEC (Asean Economic Community) which is an agreement between Southeast Asia Nation to work together to develope their economy, which mean there will be more economic activity resulting people more freely to move between nation for work and settle, and this community is active in the last 2015. From where it was limited, now it is more open. From which there had been friction between these foreign workers with locals, now with more foreign worker coming in perhaps things will getting worse. Malaysia is always been a destination of foreign workers, since Malaysia is one of the more develope country than other South East Asia country. With this achievement, workforce from neighbouring country are willing to work in Malaysia hoping for their life changing into better ones. Not all foreign workforces arrival always fill with peace, there will be a view trouble. Even it begins with good intention which is to improve their life standard, not all the workers are well behave, some of the workers are do crime, some workers are come in ilegally, and other adverse behavior. But we cannot just blame the foreign workforce, some times their employer dont treat them fairly, abuse them maybe and force these workers to do things that cannot be measured, negative behavior. Like anarchy and violance. Thats why their should be control, by the country which is Malaysia government. Their main role to establish stability, and security of the country are important. To do that, they need to understand, thoughfull, and have a consideration. Study on what and how big the social impact of foreign workforce on the local community in Malaysia will be very helpfull to future refferences. 3 1.2 Problem Statement Understand the social impact of foreign workforce on the local community in Malaysia is valuable. Because having knowledge about it, can give an insight and guide what action or preventive action can be done. Reason why, from data-data available shows the increasing number of foreign workforce coming in each year, not included the illegals. Without limitation or control, this will lead to various problems. With more worker coming in, some maybe start not to following the regulation/rules apply, especially the illegals. Then disrupt the harmony of the community they live in. Because bad attitude perhaps, or new culture that not suitable with the local culture. Other than that, after for a while local workers start to think, foreign workforce steal job opportunities since lot of foreign workforce filling up all the works, because most of the company prefer to hire foreign workforces because of the cheap wages they take. And at the end, eventuallyy hatred grows among local to these foreign workforces 1.3 Research Objective 1. To identify the social impact of foreign workforce on the local community in Malaysia. 2. To identify two perspective of people that working with and without foreign workforce 1.4 Significance of Study – Benefits The findings of the study are claimed to be significant to: Student : Study the socio impact of foreign workforce on the local community giving new insight, and better understanding so in the future student of UniKl MIMET will not face the foreign workforce with prejudice 4 Future Research : This might serve as a related study for other research papers dealing with the same topic. Furthermore, the outcome of this study will give advantages to UNIKL MIMET 1.5 Limitation The study that has been conducted, are more common in defining the foreign workforce. The study didnt mention the nationality of the foreign workforce, ore which area they are working, was it in the plantation, construction, or other area. So there are a few potential weaknesses for this study.The first potential weakness for this study is the study has lack of focus on the subject that should be studied resulting not very precise results. Second because the sensitivity of the topic, and given by Indonesian exchange students the questionnaire that will be given out to local people are will affecting the opinion that will given by the respondents. 1.6 Definition of Terms Social Impact means Influence or the result of an event, circumstances, policies that result in changes, both positive and negative for the social environment and social circumstances. Social fabric is The composite demographics of a defined area, which consists of its ethnic composition, wealth, education level, employment rate and regional values. 5 CHAPTER 2 : LITERATURE REVIEW Each country in this world has foreign workforces working in its system. They have bring some change in the country the work for. This changes that we will discuss. There are researches, and papers already discussed same topic about impact of foreign workforce to the local society in Malaysia. But they discussed it with different point of view, like what is the impact to the tourism, or manufacturing sector, or to the labour market or the construction site for example, or another one in different country like Singapore, Canada, Cyprus, Indonesia and etc. In this paper/researches the objective is to find the Social impact. First Objective Amalia , N. (2014, January 14) Stated in her blog that “impact of social change is a continuous social process in the life of society, related to the shift of the functioning of the system and social structure so as to change the pattern of behavior of members of the community.” She classified into two kind of impact. Positive Impact and Negative impact. 1. Positive Impact Demonstrate that social change gives effect to progress in people's lives. a. The development of science and technology The development of science and technology can change the old values into new values that encourage innovations that can facilitate people's lives toward social change towards modernization. b. Created new job opportunities Can encourage the industrialization and development of multinational companies. With the development of the company globally and the opening of small industries, there are many jobs to absorb the maximum workforce. c. Created a professional workforce To support industrial competition requires a workforce with high skills, skills, expertise, and professionalism. d. New values and norms are formed 6 Values are good, important, valued and norms are rules of value. e. Effectiveness and work efficiency increases Effectiveness and efficiency of work is always related to the use of production tools that can produce products faster, more, and targeted. 2. Negative Impacts Indicates the losses experienced by the community, the loss is material or nonmaterial. a. Social disintegration occurs Disintegration occurs because of revolutions, social inequalities, and difference in interests that can encourage division within society. b. There was regional upheaval Regional upheaval may arise due to: - Economic disparities - Not paying attention to the order of life - Ignore values and norms - Differences in religion, race, ethnicity and politics c. Juvenile delinquency Emerging from the influence of social change, the values of western cultural liberty are adopted without adjusting to the conditions of culture itself. d. There is environmental damage e. The existence of customs decreases The value of custom is increasingly abandoned by society because it is considered not in accordance with the times, and replaced with the value of modern culture. f. Social institutions are not functioning optimally Misuse and misuse of authority. g. A worldly view emerges - Consumerism, understand / ideology that makes a person consume / use the goods excessively. 7 - Secularization, a notion that separates world affairs from religious affairs. - Hedonism, a view that considers life aims to seek as much happiness as possible and avoid painful prejudices. With these referrences we try to configure what will be the kind impact of the foreign workforce on the local community in Malaysia. Sure does from the example given we will not clarified one by one. We will only classified it into two which is positive and negative social impact. Second Objective In Nin, A., & McEvill, W. (1961) cited in her book Seduction of Minotour that “We don’t see things as they are; we see them as we are.” From this word people tend to look at situations, events, and interpret what other people say and do, according to our own set of past experiences, culture, faith, values, all of which help us form our beliefs about ourselves, about others, and about the world in general. The meaning we give events, the way we make sense of our world, is based upon our set of core beliefs. People that not know close with foreign workforce might have different perspective from other people that know them. People that workwith them, close to them. People that already consider their fellow foreign workforce as a friends. Our minds are constantly trying to make sense of our world, forming judgements and opinions about every situation, event, and interaction. Those judgements and opinions will be affected by our central or core belief system and experinced. It is as though we are looking at the world through distorted or coloured lenses - and everyone has their own personal prescription or colour for their glasses. This is will be our second objective, that to finds out, to identify if is there any different perspective or different opinion from people that never have any experienced working with foreign workforce and people that have. 8 Foreign Workforce Mohamed, R. K. M. H., SPR, C. R., & Yacob, P. (2012) stated “A foreign worker is a person who employed in a country on a temporary basis to which the person is not a citizen. Those workers are including skill and unskilled legal and illegal workers” Number of foreign worker in Malaysia is increasing each year. Because of a few reason. According to Chu, M. M. (2015). The Number Of Foreign Workers In Malaysia Is Greater Than The Population of Some Nations. “ 9 As you can see here number of foreign workforce in Malaysi alread reach 2++ Milllions since the last decades. Local Worker Mohamed, R. K. M. H., SPR, C. R., & Yacob, P. (2012) Local workers in Malaysia define as a potential workforce born in Malaysia and exceptional is also given to citizen who holds Malaysian Permanent Resident. Those local workers are including skill and unskilled qualification. Number of local worker are increasing each year, together with the growth of the Malaysia population. Impact of Foreign Workers Employment on Local Employability Literature review suggests that employability is about work and the ability to be employed, such as the ability to gain initial employment, to maintain employment and 10 make ‘transitions’ between jobs and roles within the same organization to meet new job requirements, and to obtain new employment if required. Hillage and Pollard, define employability to a person's capability for gaining and maintaining employment (1998). An alternative account of employability takes a more relative approach. Brown and Hesketh (2004) define employability as ‘the relative chances of getting and maintaining different kinds of employment’ . According to the Ministry of Human Resource Malaysia (2010), “foreigners are more devoted to their job, when they are given additional work, because of their urge towards the job and the wages; an exact opposite of the local employees, who normally give reasons to avoid from working extra hours, and decide things last minute.” So it will increase the rates of unemployment among the local workers. In the end companies feel more efficient having foreign workforce. Which will be a threat to local workers, resulting high unemployement rate of local workers. Eventually, it ends up with locals’ lower purchasing power; giving negative effects to Malaysia’s growth of economy. Crime Issues Mohamed, R. K. M. H., SPR, C. R., & Yacob, P. (2012) also “Numbers of foreign workers are increased from year to year whereby assisting companies to save costs by employed labors in lower scale salary. But, this caused unemployment rate increased among the local workers and thus uncertainty is possible at the same time by increased in such activities like crime, culture and illegal strikes” We have data shown crime activities in Malaysia retrieving from KNOMAD (Knowledge partnership On Migration and Developement), a well known agencies, from 2003-2010 11 Seen this, data for the past 10 years show that crime rates for immigrant are lower than for Malaysians, except in murders. Proofing that the most of the crimes were conducted by locals, but we cant ignore the factor that the foreign who influence the amount of crime itself. Mohamed, R. K. M. H., SPR, C. R., & Yacob, P. (2012) also said “Another issue is that locals are being deprived and discriminated in their rewards system. Local workers are threatened by foreign workers’ low requirement of payment, quality of work, and other fringe benefits. Foreign workers who can bear with lower incomes and unfavorable terms and conditions of employment are more sought by local employers, since main purpose of foreign workers is to gain sufficient income in a short period of time. In this point of view, Malaysian local workers are not being protected against cheap foreign labor.” No governement intervention about protection policy that protect local workers from cheap foreign labor. The Malaysian government should be more concider on reducing the number of foreign workers by increasing the levies, in order to reduce the dependency of Malaysian employers on foreign workers was put to a stop by the outsourcing companies whereby their main income comes from recruitment of foreign workers. 12 CHAPTER 3: METHODOLOGY 3.1 Overview This research project has been conducted to study the social impact of foreign workforce on the local community in Malaysia. Based on this research, a particular methodology which is close – ended question, which is questionnaire has been used to conduct this research. This research survey has been conducted to all the local people in Sri Manjung Area. Then, the results of this data have been gathered and have been interpreting as in pie chart data. All of the answers provided by each person were treated privately and confidentially 3.2 Selection of Participants We set the minimum amount of participants up to 20 local people that we think are Malaysians and old enough to have enough work experience that we will give the questionnaire to complete this research survey. We manage to get 20 people from two different location, the first location is in Masjid Nurul Hidayah in Sri Manjung , distributes by Farhan and Syamsu, and the second location is from Kedai Makan distributes by Muiz. To get the best result from this research, all of the person had been advised to give a clear and proper answer for the entire question given. This is because to give a proper answer that answers the research objective. Moreover, each of the person profile has been keep confidentially and only will be use in the research purpose only. The selection of participants are mostly given to a randomly people finished their Mahgrib and Isya prayer which is the researchers do not know about their background and their opinion towards foreign workforce. Based on the observations, some of the people are having trouble to answer the questionnaire properly because didn’t understand English very well, but they all are reading the questions very carefully and few of the people are answering the questionnaire perfunctory 3.3 Data Gathering Instruments In this research project, the methods that have been used are the close ended question. This method are easier to analyse, than open-ended question which has 13 more broad meaning. After that, the result from this research will be analyse and interpret using a pie chart. 3.3.1 Type of Questionnaires For this research project, a set of close-ended question has given out to the local people and it is the questionnaire methods. This questionnaire consists of five level of agreement, which is strongly disagreeing, disagree, neutral, agree, and strongly disagree. In addition, this questionnaire has been separate into two parts based on the research objectives and it consists of 15 questions for the first part and 5 question for the second part. By using this method, the structure of the result will be more accurate and lead to a good feedback from the local people as on what the person opinion towards foreign workforce. Thus, all the result from the questionnaire will be derived and fill in the result of the research. 3.4 Data Collection Techniques After conducting the questionnaire, the result has been gather by dividing it into people that has been work with foreign workforce and who did not. Based on the survey, there are about five questionnaires that filled by people did not have any experience working with foreign workforce . In that case, there are various feedbacks from the people towards each of the question. Hence, to make it easier to collect the data, each of the questionnaire are calculated thoroughly by each researchers by dividing equally and key in the excel data. 3.5 Data Analysis For the data analysis, all the results from people feedback are being analysed thoroughly by each of the researchers. In order to achieve the objectives of the report, the average of the data for all courses are measured through excels and will be interprets by using the pie chart to see the differences based on the objectives. From this method, the data each of the people then will be calculate in the form of percentages. In simpler terms, the final data that have been collected will be easier to discuss and easy to determine through the evaluation process. 14 3.6 Conclusion This chapter were done to study the opinion of local people in Sri Manjung towards foreign workforce in Malaysia affects their social/daily life. In this cases study, most of the feedback from the local people has answered the objectives report through the twenty questionnaires given. By using charts, the collected will be much easier to analyse. 15 CHAPTER 4 : RESULT AND DISCUSSION 4.1 Personal Opinion Aspect ( Pro or Con to the Subject) From question 1, 40% from 20 local people foreign strongly disagree workforces are that not increasing the competition to local worker. This shows that the foreign workforces have a big influence in increasing the compitition. How ever none of all the opinion reach more than 50% vote than other opinion. But still the reason why is because the employers prefer foreign worker over local workers because of invariably paid at a lower rate than local workers and usually do not receive benefits, such as healtcare or pensions that would raise the costs to employers. So, the goverment have to control over the use of foreign workers 2. I think foreign workforces are not affecting the wages in Malaysia s trongly a gree 0% a gree 16% For question number 2, the highest data is 42% of the local people choose disagree that foreign worforces are not affecting the s trongly di sagree 26% wages in Malaysia. This answer is relevant with the answer of number one, that the companies prefers neutral 16% foreign wokrkers than local workers due to the lower wages of foreing workers, thus affecting the wages di sagree 42% value in that area. 16 3. I think foreign workforces help the community they live in s trongly di sagree 5% For question 3, there are 40% of the loca community choose disagree and neutral that foreign workforces are help the community they llive in. s trongly a gree a gree 15% 0% This shows that the Malaysian people feel foreign workers who live with them do not help their social di sagree 40% life such as cleanliness, littering and ignoring the environment. neutral 40% 4. I think foreign workforces are contributing significance to the country Question 4 shows that 55% of the s trongly di sagree di sagree 10% 5% foreign workers are contributing s trongly a gree 5% local people choose agree that significance to the country. This indicate that the role of foreign workers is indispensable for the advancement development. neutral 25% of A state significant contribution to the country such as a gree 55% increase foreign exchange, establish good relations with other countries and increase the state money. 17 5. I think Malaysia depends on foreign workforce s trongly a gree 25% s trongly di sagree 0% For question 5, 40% of the locals people choose agree that Malaysia depend on foreign workforce. This indicate that almost from all strategic sector there are many di sagree 20% foreign workforces, such as in restaurant, neutral 10% foodstalls, maids, gardens, construction sites, factory workers and more. a gree 45% For question no 6, there are 55% of 6. I think only ilegal workforce cause problem to the community locals s trongly di sagree 10% people choose strongly agree that only ilegal workforce cause problem to the community. This di sagree 10% shows that the Malaysia people are very disturbed by foreign workers is causing a lot of crime s trongly a gree 55% and increased criminal offenses neutral 20% due to foreign workers who do not have official permission or illegal workers. a gree 5% 18 7. I think Malaysia can't be independent from foreign workforces s trongly a gree 15% For question 7, the highest data obtain is 25% choose neutral that Malaysia s trongly di sagree 20% can’t be independent without foreign workforces. This indicate that the Malaysian people are still doubtful independence a gree 20% of their of the country without foreign workers. But in term di sagree 20% of the total precentage addition of agree and stongly agree is 35% neutral 25% which is indicate that some of the Malaysian people still believe that their country can be independent without foreign workers. Question 8 shows 40% the local 8. I think Malaysian people are not willing to replace the work of foreign workforces works s trongly a gree 5% s trongly di sagree 10% people agree that they are not willing to replace the work of foreign workforces works. The researcher di sagree 10% think that The researcher think that many jobs may not be desired by local a gree 40% workers. Thus, giving opportunities to foreign workers neutral 35% 19 9. I think foreign workforces are not too many in Malaysia s trongly a gree a gree 5% 0% For question no 9, the highest precentage achieve is strongly disagree with 60% from 20 local people that foreign workers are not too many in Malaysia. This shows neutral 10% that the Malaysian people are disturbed by the number of foreign workers in this country, because it di sagree 25% s trongly di sagree 60% a gree 0% rate in Malaysia for the local people Question no 10, there are 45% 10. I think foreign workforces are not already a part of Malaysia s trongly a gree 15% can be increase the unemployment choose disagree that foreign workers are not already a part of s trongly di sagree 15% Malaysia. This shows that foreign workers are already part of Malaysia in terms of developing their countries and improving the ability of local communities. neutral 25% di sagree 45% 20 11. I think foreign workforces new culture not affecting Malaysia culture s trongly a gree 0% Question 11 shows that 35% of the Malaysian people answer neutral that foreign workforces new culture s trongly di sagree 20% a gree 15% affecting Malasyia culture. But in term of total precentage addition of agree and strongly agree are 50% which indicate that half of the Malaysian people aware that the neutral 35% new di sagree 30% culture workforces from foreign affect the Malaysia culture. Refer to percentage of the Malaysian people that choose neutral, it also shows that 35% of the Malaysia people do not aware of the affecting of the Malaysia culture caused by foreign workforces culture For question no 12, there are 45% 12. I think foreign workforces, enjoy working in Malaysia the s trongly di sagree 0% di sagree 10% s trongly a gree 45% Malaysian people strongly agree that foreign workforces are enjoy working in Malaysia. This is shows that the Malaysian society neutral 10% sees the foreign workers fullfilled their lives. Due to economy growth, the foreign workers increases the need for facilities, their lifestyle and a gree 35% place of residence 21 13. I think the foreign workforces help the connection with the other country market s trongly a gree 10% s trongly di sagree 15% For question no 13, 40% of the Malaysian people choose agree that foreign workers help the connection with the other country market. According to researchers that foreign workers can help the local market to sell their goods di sagree 15% aboard. Because foreign workers can help companies in developing a gree 40% their business, increase investor neutral 20% confidence and can icrease ability to compete in global market 14. I think the foreign workforces help increase the economy of the country s trongly a gree 15% s trongly di sagree di sagree 5% 5% Question 14 shows that 40% agree that foreign workforces help increase the Malaysia economy. This shows that. The Malaysian people believe that foreign workers help create demand for skilled Malaysian neutral 30% contribute employees to economic growth a gree 45% 22 the and country’s 15. I think the foreign workforces filled the unwanted job s trongly di sagree 10% s trongly a gree 35% Question no 15 , there are 35% of the Malaysian people choose strongly agree that the foreign di sagree 0% workforces filled the unwanted job. This answer is relevant with the answer of number eight. The researchers think that local workers neutral 25% may not want that job. Thus, providing opportunities to foreign workers a gree 30% 16. I think foreign workforces that work have competency to do the job s trongly a gree 0% For question no 16, 63% of the Community choose s trongly di sagree 19% people in Malaysia agree that foreign workforces have a competency to do their job. This shows that the competence of foreign workers is di sagree 6% better than local workers. Because the Malaysian goverment has set a gree 63% neutral 12% the standard of ability fo foreign workers in terms of increasing their skills in every company and every field of work 23 17. I think foreign workforces are good work partner s trongly a gree 13% s trongly di sagree 12% For Question no 17, the highest percentage is 44% choose neutral that foreign workforces are good for work partner. This shows that some di sagree 6% Malaysian people believe in terms of working together with foreign workforces is a good thing. In a gree 25% addition, foreign workers who have good ability can be a trainer partner of Malaysian employees. But, if the neutral 44% record of foreifn workers who come in accordance with the rules that have been determined Question no 18 shows that there 18. I think foreign workforces work harder than the local worker are 44% of the Malaysian people s trongly di sagree 12% di sagree 0% choose strongly agree that the foreign workforces work harder than the local worker. From the data obtain, this tells that the Malaysian s trongly a gree 44% people neutral 25% don’t have a high confidence to be able to compete with foreign workforces. The second opinion is the Malaysian a gree 19% goverment may not provide a more opportunities to the people of Malaysia. Therefore many foreign workforces get a strategic position in the Malaysian companies 24 19. I think foreign workforces has the commitment and dedication For question 19, the highest vote is 44% agree that foreign workforces has s trongly di sagree 19% s trongly a gree 25% the commitment and dedication. Researcher believes that di sagree 0% foreign workforces contribute to can improving performance their companies such neutral 12% as makes a team work, a companies work and civilization work more better a gree 44% For the last question, shows that 20. I think foreign workforces has not difficulties to communicate and interact to Malaysian s trongly a gree 19% 50% of the choose s trongly di sagree 0% Malaysian disagree that people foreign workforce has not difficulties to communicate and interact with Malaysian people. This show that a gree 0% communicate is the important things to interact and talk to the di sagree 50% community people. This is indirectly neutral 31% shows that the foreign workforce does not have a good person as a social creatures. Malaysian people Thus, the knows that talking and interacting with foreign workforce is a must to establish good relationship 25 4.2 Working and Not Working 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Working STRONGLY AGREE AGREE NEUTRAL DISAGREE STRONGLY DISAGREE Disagree Strongly Disagree Not Working WORKING 24 34 38 30 34 NOT WORKING 38 67 46 39 28 From the Working / Not Working level graph, there are 2 condition. Each opinion answer indicate how local feels toward foreign workforce. We already design all our question if the answer Strongly Agree or Agree it means the locals have positive view towards foreign workforce and if it does not agree or strongly disagree then the local population has a negative view of foreign workers. The table show total sum of the answers from strongly agree to strongly disagree. From the graph, The local that working or has a job now, has a combination strongly disagree and disagree more than strongly agree and agree. SA + A = 58, and SD + D = 64 Strongly Agree (SA) Agree (A) Strongly Disagree (SD) Disagree (D) answer. This shows that the working local mostly have a negative view toward the foreign workforce. On the other hand local people that do not work, or mostly pension people because most people that we interviewed were 50++ have more positive view towards foreign workforce. It can be seen by the sum of their answer SA + A = 105 and SD + D = 67. Researches believe 26 most of the people that have been interviewed are mostly have a positive view towards foreign workforce because the number of people that has negative view in Working category dont have much different from the amount of people that has positive view. And Researches believe why people from the Not Working category mostly have positive view because of the old ages and experiences they have lead to a better understanding. 4.3 Working with foreigner / Not working with foreigner 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Working with Foreign Disagree Not Working with Foreign WORKING WITH FOREIGN STRONGLY AGREE AGREE NEUTRAL DISAGREE STRONGLY DISAGREE Strongly Disagree 60 94 66 41 42 NOT WORKING WITH FOREIGN 11 21 18 14 11 According to our second objectives that another thing that we try to find out is there any different perception between people that have the experience of working with foreign workforce and people who didn’t. The data we manage to obtain is from the percentage of people that answer the spesicific question. As we know the specific question was meant to people that have working experience with foreign workforce. Same as before, the question we made were designed to have the answer shows positive view towards foreign workforce if Strongly Agree (SA) or Agree (A), and 27 negative view if Strongly Disagree (SD) or Disagree (D). From the data, peopla that have working experience with foreign workforce shows mostly of them have positive view towards foreign workforce. It can be seen by the amount of people choose strongly agree and agree is greater than people choose strongly disagree and disagree, SA + A = 60 + 94 = 154 > SD + D = 42 + 41 = 83. Researchers believe most of the people that have working experienced with foreign workforce have different understanding and have positive view because these people know them differently than people who didn’t work with foreign workforce. Same result were showed from people that didn’t have any experienced working with foreign workforce. Data shows mostly of them choosed Strongly Agree and Agree over Strongly Disagree and Disagree, SA + A = 11 + 21 = 32 > SD + D = 14 + 11 = 25 . This indirectly shows that basicly ratio of local people that work and have positive, negative view towards foreign workforce is not too big. Local people are divided in terms of opinion. But in general local people concern about the foreign workforce in Malaysia still in minimum condition. 28 CHAPTER 5 : CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION 5.1 Conclusion For the conclusion, there are various opinion received from the local people in Sri Manjung towards foreign workforce. They shows a various answers based on their opinion and own experienced towards foreign workforce. From the result, it shows that most of the local people in Sri Manjung that we have been given questionnaire agreed that most of the foreign workforces give a positive social impact and most of them also agreed that only illegals one who make problem. 5.1.1 First Objective As the conclusion for the first objective, researcher come out that foreign workforce in Sri Manjung and nearby area in general are gving positive social impact. Researcher can see that the locals, working and not working, working with foreign workforce and never working with foreign workforces still have a positive view towards them. And it can be seen how seldom we all heard news that put foreign workforce on blame. Even there are local people that show strongly disagree, example on one of the cases is the told researchers that before malaysia full of foreign workforces, murder is consider taboo or the worst thing that can happened. If there is murder, people will talk about it in weeks. But after foreign workforce start to come and settle, murder is consider ordinarry things. Their opinion is backed by the data availabe in literature review, but it just show small amount of percentage foreign workforce. In conclusion most of foreign workforce still give positive social impact towards community in Malaysia. 5.1.2 Second Objective As the conclusion for the second objective, the researcher can come out that there are various answer but shows mostly of the people are in the same perspective. Both groups (Have experienced working with foreigner/ have none) most people result is that they are have positive view towards foreign workforces. 29 5.2 Recommendation Recommendations for this research are divided into two, which are for current research, and for future research. For current research, there should be more control and supervision but still humane from the government to the incomer foreign workforce and the one that already here. Second researchers recommends to always see on other perspectives to have more understanding about a subject. For the future research, researchers recommend to increase the amount of questionairre given, so it will bring more samples to analize and more insight for better understanding. And the future research should be more focus on one specific area so the result can be more significane and the benefit will be more real. 30 CHAPTER 6 : REFERENCES Amalia, N. (2014, January 14). SOSIOLOGI. Retrieved Oktober 5, 2017, from Mohamed, R. K. M. H., SPR, C. R., & Yacob, P. (2012). The impact of employment of foreign workers: Local employability and Trade Union roles in Malaysia. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 2(10), 530. Emigration | KNOMAD. (n.d.). Retrieved November 28, 2017, from, M. (2016). Personality Development Tips : 10 Most Important Improvement Tips. Retrieved from Chu, M. M. (2015, March 18). 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You are kindly requested to tick the number of the corresponds to your degree of agreement, (Strongly Disagree=1 ; Disagree=2 ; Neutral=3 ; Agree=4 ; Strongly Agree=5) AGE :__________ GENDER : Male/Female Status : Working/Not Working (**) Answer it if your work involve foreign workforce No Questions 1 2 3 4 5 - General Question - - - - - 1 I think foreign workforces are not taking a lot of jobs 2 I think foreign workforces are not affecting the wages in Malaysia 3 I think foreign workforces help the community they live in 4 I think foreign workforces are contribute significance to the country 5 I think Malaysia depends on foreign workforce 6 I think only ilegal foreign workforce cause problem to the community 7 I think Malaysia can not be independent without foreign workforces 8 I think Malaysian people are not willing to replace the work of foreign workforces works 9 I think foreign workforces are not too many in Malaysia 32 10 I think foreign workforces are not already a part of Malaysia 11 I think foreign workforce new culture not affecting Malaysia culture 12 I think foreign workforces, enjoy working in Malaysia 13 I think the foreign workforce help the connection with the other country market. 14 15 I think foreign workforce help increase the economy of the country. I think the foreign work force filled the unwanted job. - Specific Question** 16 17 I think foreign workforces that work have competency to do the job I think foreign workforces are a good work partner 18 I thnik foreign workforces work harder than the local worker 19 I think foreign workforce has the commitment and dedication. 20 I think foreign work force does not has any difficulties to communicate and interact to Malaysian. - 33 - - - -