See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: Issue 11 (ISSN-2349-5162) JETIR1811249 Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR) www.jetir Article · November 2018 CITATIONS READS 0 51 3 authors, including: Khwaja fahad Ahmad Integral University 2 PUBLICATIONS 0 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects: Retrofitting of Columns View project All content following this page was uploaded by Khwaja fahad Ahmad on 16 November 2018. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. © 2018 JETIR November 2018, Volume 5, Issue 11 (ISSN-2349-5162) A Review on Comparative Study on the Strength of Short Column by using Different Jacketing Material Khwaja Fahad Ahmad1, Mohd Kashif Khan2 (Corresponding Author) M. Tech Scholar1, Associate Professor2 1 Department of Civil Engineering, 1 Integral University, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh- 226026, India. Abstract– This paper presents a review of the different wrapping techniques of concrete columns. From the last two decades, different jacketing materials were increasingly used to strengthening and restoring degraded infrastructure. Experimental investigations were conducted in the past few years to understand the wrapping materials which are confined in the columns. It is also about to check the strength and ductility of a short reinforced concrete column by Fiber reinforced polymer (FRP), Glass Fiber reinforced polymer (GFRP), Carbon Fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) on a large extent. The Fiber Reinforced Polymers (FRP) were externally bonded by epoxy resin so, this is the technique to improve the shear capacity or ductility of existing reinforced concrete columns also the strength and ductility of the column depended on the number of FRP layers which enhance the properties of columns. This paper focuses on the performance and effectiveness of FRP confined in concrete columns has been investigated and effective in enhancing the structural performance and ductility of strengthened columns. Keywords– Strengthening, Wrapping technique, Fiber Reinforced Polymer, Strength, Ductility, Glass Fiber reinforced polymer, Carbon Fiber reinforced polymer I. INTRODUCTION A column is a very important component in structural members, which transmits loads of the entire structure to the ground or foundation. It is designed to resist axial or lateral load forces. Columns support floors, slabs, beams, and their stresses were transfer to the columns. So, it is important to design a strong column. Column plays a vital role in the structure if the column fails whole building collapse or destroys. In the case of tall buildings column failure lead to additional structure failure and can result in total building collapse So, various Strengthening techniques were applied to retrofit the existing column. “Retrofitting is a modifying the existing structure and make the structure more resistant to seismic or earthquake forces". It is the best method to rehabilitate the structure. Jacketing of a column is needed when the load carried by the member is increased due to increasing the number of stories or mistakes in the design From the past the application of advanced composite materials used as external reinforcement for strengthening and retrofitting existing infrastructure has received significant research attention. Conventional retrofitting techniques, such as concrete and steel jacketing, have been used significantly for the repair and rehabilitation of reinforced concrete (RC) structure. Several researchers have investigated these jacketing methods on compressive behavior of RC structure and found that they are useful in enhancing the performance of concrete column. Many techniques were used for improving the deteriorated or damaged Structure:(1). Reinforced Concrete Jacket (2). Steel Jacketing (3). Jacketing with high tension materials like Glass fiber, Carbon fiber, Aramid fiber (4). Ferrocement Jacketing II. LITERATURE REVIEW From the last two decades, there has been a demand for the alternative of strengthening techniques that give strength to the column and improved the life of the structure. Fiber reinforced polymer are the most reliable material used for wrapping the columns, it has many qualities such as easy to install and corrosion resistance etc. On this type of material, much research is still going. There are two main criteria for designing reinforced concrete column i.e. seismic resistance or ductility. On another hand, other jacketing materials were used for the strengthening of columns. A detailed review of the literature was carried out to study the behavior of reinforced concrete column retrofit with the various techniques:Amir Mirmiran and Mohsen Shahawy (1997) [1]:- investigate the use of external, confinement of column with high strength fiber, which enhances the strength, ductility and increases the energy absorption capacity. Uniaxial compression test was carried on concrete filled fiber reinforced polymer tube which indicates the effectiveness of confinement as they increase the strength of concrete. A data comparison of test with confinement specimens was available which indicates that while they produce an acceptable result for steel encased concrete and they overestimate the strength of FRP encased Concrete. This is attributed to their inability to estimate the dilatancy of confined concrete. The present study shows unique characteristics of confinement with fiber composites in that unlike steel, the dilation rate of concrete core curtails the FRP. There are 30 concrete were tested of dimension 152.5 x 305mm.In which 24 concrete-filled with FRP tubes and 6 were plain concrete specimens. This paper proves the confinement models that are calibrated for steel tending to cause harm in the design of fiber wrapped concrete columns. JETIR1811249 Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR) 389 © 2018 JETIR November 2018, Volume 5, Issue 11 (ISSN-2349-5162) Dr. Hamid Saadatmanesh (1997) [2]:- stated that construction is a wide field and the world infrastructure is increasing day by day and the resources are limited. So, repair and rehabilitate the structure through some modern materials such as fiber reinforced polymer and Glass fiber reinforced polymer. Fiber reinforced polymer composites were used to repair the masonry structure through various strengthening techniques. Fiber reinforced polymer has a great enhancement in civil engineering but the cost of the Glass fiber reinforced polymer is effective. Three different applications of FRPs will be discussed. In the first one, composite plates are epoxy bonded to the soffit of girders to increase their ultimate strength in the second study, FRP straps are used as external confinement for enhancing the seismic response of concrete columns. In the third study, composite fabrics were epoxy bonded to the faces of unreinforced masonry walls to improve their in-plane and out-of-plane responses during seismic loading this type of materials give a short-term performance for long-term durability better research should be investigated. Shamim A. Sheikh and Grace Yau (2003) [3]:- investigate the seismic behavior of concrete column confined with steel and fiber reinforced polymer. There are 12 Columns of diameter 356mm and length 1473mm long column cast in 510x760x810 mm stub. The column was tested under axial load and cyclic loading that limited forces from an earthquake. The column was tested by CFRP, FRP and GFRP tested up to failure. Four columns were reinforced with longitudinal and spiral steel remained eight columns, six were strengthened with carbon or GFRP before testing, and two columns were tested to a certain damage level, and repaired with FRP under axial load, and retested to failure. From the result the column subjected to axial load which is equal to 027P0 which is equal to balance load, one layer of GFRP or CFRP can increase energy dissipation capacity by a factor more than 100 , then it is observed that amount of FRP reinforcement required under an axial load of 0.54P0 is slightly more than twice that needed for axial load of 0.27P0 it is shown that CFRP and GFRP effectively used but later on it was concluded that FRP enhancing ductility, strength, and energy absorption capacity. Kunio Fukuyama, Yasuo Higashibata, Yasuyoshi Miyauchi (2003) [4]:- analyzed that column were tested by different techniques for damage concrete columns. In these two techniques were included steel jacketing and CFRP jacketing. 14 RC columns dimension 200x200 mm and 1500 mm in length. The column was tested up to failure. Results show that CRRP wrapping increases the ductility of the columns by 80% and increases the transverse load by less than 10% steel jacket increase the ductility in a small amount but improve the transverse load by 100% but both the methods were efficient, also a combination of these two techniques was work together. Mahjoub R. A, Yatim J. M. b, Mohd Sam A. b, Zulkarnain N. A. b, Raftari M. (2015) [5]:- investigated a new fibre that is KENAF FIBRE which made from natural fibres and resins which is known as biomaterials so it is an alternative to FRP. The test was conducted on cylindrical concrete that is one is un-retrofitted, second is retrofitted with GFRP and third is with kenaf fiber. But the strength of glass fiber is better than the kenaf fiber Tensile strength of kenaf fiber is very low compared to the glass fiber. Results show that kenaf fiber bears 540 KN; GFRP bears 1120 KN, retrofitted bears 470 KN. But the thickness of kenaf fiber can increase the strength. A study can be done on increasing the thickness of kenaf fiber and glass fiber. S. J. Pantazopoulou, J. F. Bonacci, S. Sheikh (2001) [6]:- investigated that FRP is used to repair the corroded structures because corroded products occupy greater volume as compared to the original material. Jacketing such structure by FRP sheets i.e. an effective remedy.FRP composites slowing down the rate of reaction but also provides confinement to the column in this 50 cylindrical columns were cast of height 300 mm and 150 mm in diameter. Two different arrangement in transverse reinforcement that is separating in two groups S and H in each group 25 specimens were referred and then each group has tested the columns and check the corrosion activity in the laboratory.FRP wrapping must be done and from increasing the number of layers enhancing the performance of columns.FRP is corrosion resistant and also an effective jacketing material. Testing the performance of FRP wrap corroded members of rectangular cross-section Consider the axial and flexural load to assessing the effectiveness of the repairing columns Katsuki Takiguchi1 and Abdullah (2000) [7]:- stated that a strengthening method using circular Ferro-cement jacket to improve the confinement of a column was investigated and compared with control specimens and different strengthening methods. Five square columns were constructed and have been tested under constant axial load. The loading system used in this experiment displaced the tested columns in a double bending. Two columns were tested as control specimens; one column was strengthened with circular Ferro cement jacket and was compared with those of other two identical square RC columns strengthened circularly with steel plate and carbon fiber. The control specimens suffered shear failure and significant degradation of strength during testing whereas the strengthened columns showed ductile flexural response and higher strength. The test results indicate that circular Ferro cement jacket can be an effective alternative material to strengthen reinforced concrete column with inadequate shear resistance. Reza Esfahani_and M. Reza Kianoush (2005) [8]:- studied the axial compressive strength of column strengthened with FRP wrap. In this six reinforced column were tested in two series. The series compared 3 similar circular reinforced concrete columns JETIR1811249 Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR) 390 © 2018 JETIR November 2018, Volume 5, Issue 11 (ISSN-2349-5162) strengthened with FRP and the second series 3 similar square column, two with sharp corners and the other with round corners Based on the results of the test results the following conclusion are drawn it conclude that FRP wrap may not increase the axial strength of square columns. If the corners of the square column were rounded properly, the axial strength and ductility of the column is increased. Niloufar Moshiri (2015) [9]:- investigated that 10 RC Column including 5 circular column with a diameter of 150 mm and 5 square column with a diameter of 133mm with a height of 500mm were constructed under uniaxial compression. Four methods were used that is near surface mounted (NSM), External Bonded Reinforcement (EBR), Grooving method (GM), Externally Bonded Reinforcement on grooves /in grooves (E- BRIG/EBROG). The result showed that the grooving method is a considerable increase in load carrying capacity of the column where E-BR did not improve the column maximum load. While EBROG and E BRIG techniques were increased 14.1% and 18.5%, Due to the flat surface of square column section enhancement of maximum load were smaller compared to a circular column. Kazemi and Marshed (2003) [10]:- investigated that the Ferro-cement jacketing were used for strengthening of six short concrete column were tested. The dimension of the column was 250x400x400 mm the cover provided up to 25 mm. Three specimens were retrofitted with Ferro-cement jackets reinforced with expanded steel meshes and one specimen retrofitted with ties before testing. The column was subjected to cyclic lateral loading until failure. The result shows that 6 short concrete column was tested under a constant axial compression force of 0.15* fc*Ag and cyclic lateral loading. Even a small amount of steel meshes increased shear strength but at a larger extent attain a good amount of ductility. Francesco Micelli, Rossella Modarelli (2013) [11]:- experimentally investigate the properties which affect the behavior of FRP confined concrete. In this 128 specimen were tested about 89 of them were wrapped with CFRP and GFRP and remaining were tested as plain concrete. Compressive load, axial load and hoop strain is measured to evaluate the stress-strain relationship. The test result shows that the confinement effectiveness decreases with an increase of concrete strength, the same amount of FRP increases the compressive strength as respect to plain concrete which is equal to 95% to 64% respectively for 28 MPa to 38 MPa. To attain full strength corners of the column were also retrofitted. External confinement used in the column by FRP can increase the strength, ductility, and Energy Absorption Capacity. Alper Ilki et al. (2004) [12]:- stated that non-ductile rectangular RCC column was retrofitted with CFRP. In this eight specimen constructed with low strength concrete and plain bars and without transverse reinforcement and they were tested under constant axial load and cyclic lateral loading. Specimens have rectangular cross-section 200x300x3000 mm was reinforced especially to ensure damage to occur in the confining zones. Plain bars with 14 and 8 mm diameter were used for longitudinal and transverse reinforcement. Test results show that for low strength concrete retrofitted by CFRP sheets, it improves the behavior of all specimen significantly in terms of both strength and ductility, it also prevents from premature strength loss by providing sufficient amount of confinement. At least it concluded that CFRP jackets of three rounds were enough for the retrofit columns. Alper IIki et al. (2008) [13]:- studied 68 reinforced concrete column were tested under uniaxial compression after being jacketed by CFRP Sheets. It provides from buckling of longitudinal bars and maintained the dual confinement effect provide together with internal transverse bars, as well as prevent from spalling of concrete. Increase the corner radius to give higher axial strengths. The pre-damage of the specimens and additional anchorages applied for increasing the efficiently confined cross section area did not have a remarkable influence on the behavior. Katarina Olivova and Juraj Bilcik (2009) [14]:- in this work author study the maximum amount of strengthened columns some laminate strips of CFRP reached tensile strain values close to the ultimate strain of CFRP. Some of the CFRP laminate strips were failed at the crack of the concrete column. The result indicates that strengthening technique proposed by Near Surface Mounted (NSM) technique was increasing the load capacity of the concrete column failed in bending. For eccentrically loaded column, the failure of an unconfined column was marked by crushing side of concrete on the compression side of the specimen. Victor C. Li et al. (2000) [15]:- presented super ductile fiber reinforced cementitious composite for repair the concrete structure. ECC has unique properties that can contribute to repair and retrofit of structures. Because of the strain-hardening property of (Engineered Cementitious Composites) ECC, these ductile materials behave more like steel than traditional concrete. As a result, the material is reliable and greatly enhanced it can be utilized with fiber reinforced concrete. The comparison of ECC and FRP has not very different. Structural strength and structural ductility for the simulated repair overlay system the shear panels and the simulated bolt jointing system are all much higher when ECC is used. This drives that point that material ductility is critical for high structural performance. It also enhances the performance of repair and retrofitted structural elements. JETIR1811249 Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR) 391 © 2018 JETIR November 2018, Volume 5, Issue 11 (ISSN-2349-5162) III. CONCLUSION Based on the results obtained from the various literature mention in a paper then it was concluded that the retrofit of a reinforced concrete column with GFRP and CFRP can withstand large axial loads and also impart high ductility. The load carrying capacity of CFRP and GFRP retrofitted column is higher than the other retrofitting techniques. Fiber reinforced polymer can enhance the strength, ductility, and energy absorption capacity. Carbon fiber reinforced polymer has three to four wounds are enough to provide effective strength. External confinement enhances the loss in the transverse strain. ECC has strain hardening properties which are good for the strengthening of the concrete column. ECC can be utilized with the high-performance material such as FRP. The columns were bonded by epoxy resin from which FRP sheets were linked with the column easily. The Damaged columns show durability after the improvement. IV. REFERENCE 1. Amir Mirmiran and Mohsen shahway (Members ASCE) (1997, May) “Behavior of Concrete columns confined by fiber composites” Journal of Structural Engineering – Vol.123, No.5. 2. Dr. Hamid Saadatmanesh (Construction and Building Materials) (1997) “Extending Service life of Concrete and Masonry Structures with Fiber Composites” University of Arizona Tucson Australia 3. Shamim A. 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