360 degree learning. What, how and why. Research paper by Claremont, October 2015. Introduction: 360 degree learning. For generations, teaching environments have been largely the same. Teachers lectured students from the front of the room, delivering concepts while students looked on in organised rows and scribbled notes. 02Introduction 04 What is 360 degree learning? 05 Who’s using 360 degree learning and how will it benefit your teaching environment? 09 How to implement 360 degree learning in your teaching space 13Conclusion This passive and formal approach has been the mainstay of western education for decades, but more recently the focus has started to shift. Now words such as engagement, inspiring, collaborative, immersive and experiential are used in the context of learning. The proliferation of mobile technology has played a significant role, opening our eyes to new ways to acquire, assimilate and share knowledge, removing the shackles of fixed place learning and creating new tools to excite and engage students. It’s perhaps not surprising then that classrooms are evolving. They look different, feel different and use different tools. That image of the teacher presenting in an uninterupted way is being replaced. Modern educators are more akin to conductors, helping their orchestra to understand, feel and deliver the music: finding ways to bring it to life, to add light and shade, to make them sound harmonious as individuals and together. Modern education is changing and 360 degree learning is at its heart. A study by National Training Laboratories proved that retention of information was heightened dramatically when it used discussion (50%*), practical exercise (70%) and peer-to-peer teaching (80%**) – compared with just 5% from traditional lecture-based teaching. Educators and students are fast realising the benefits of more collaborative and immersive learning, yet teaching spaces within schools and colleges have not caught up. So why wouldn’t you create a learning environment that sparks the imagination and encourages a more engaged student and teacher experience? The USA, UK and mainland Europe have already started to make that move. *Retention of information was heightened to 50% when it used discussion teaching compared with just 5% from traditional teaching. This whitepaper introduces the concept of 360 degree learning and what it requires of spaces, provides examples of how it’s already been put to use in the western world, reiterates the benefit to educators and students and provides some practical considerations to get your move to 360 degree learning underway. “The teacher becomes the audience and the students become performers.” Sean Kavanaugh, Martin Luther King Jr Early College, USA 02 What is 360 degree learning? 360 degree learning is the idea that all aspects of our surroundings and experiences impact on how we learn. It encompasses the environments students occupy and the way space is used, how teachers plan and deliver lessons and the way in which students engage with the subject and their fellow learners. A breath of fresh air for educators and students alike, 360 degree learning provides an opportunity for much more memorable and immersive learning and is quite different to the experience most of us had as students. Its premise is that the environment should be used differently to promote collaboration and flexibility through a greater number of stimuli and opportunities to spark creativity and independent thinking. These spaces enable students to have a more personalised learning experience, where ideas can be generated and shared and once hard-to-understand concepts can be brought to life. 360 degree learning takes education beyond lectures and note-taking. It considers experiences, feelings, ideas, movement and senses to provide all encompassing learning. This method is more participatory and discussionled, it involves group work as well as independent study, embraces technology in all its guises (projection, tablets etc.) and requires flexibility of people and space. 360 degree learning uses the environment as an educational tool. **Retention of information was heightened to 80% when it used peer-to-peer teaching compared with just 5% from traditional teaching. Flexible furniture allows students to choose the configuration that suits the task. Writeable wall finishes turn unusual surfaces into a canvas for sharing ideas and collaborating. 03 04 Who’s using 360 degree learning and how will it benefit your school? By using all available wall space, students’ work and ideas are visable to the whole classroom. For 360 degree learning to be delivered effectively it requires 360 degree learning spaces, spaces that support the teacher and student in this more engaged and dynamic method. After using the 360 degree learning method at Khan Academy in the USA 68% of all the students were above satisfactory level compared to 3 23% in the district. Before we talk about implementation and what it requires, we should reiterate the compelling reasons for adopting this style of pedagogy. There are numerous examples of schools, colleges and universities at the forefront of 360 degree learning adoption. America is a perfect example with eminent university, Harvard Business School developing The Hive to support its move to a more collaborative and participatory style of learning. This round learning environment has brought teamwork, flexibility and interaction into its previously traditional teaching spaces and sees lecturers forfeit their podiums to move in and amongst the students. Talking to Harvard Business School’s Alumni Website, MBA Program Chair Professor Youngme Moon said, “We’re trying to encourage a very different kind of pedagogy in which the stakes are even higher for the students. That means extensive and intensive classroom interaction among students and faculty alike.” Many schools in the UK have moved to this model too, including St Margaret’s School in Liverpool, a pioneer of the 360 degree flexible classroom, and Glyndwr University in Wales. Both use flexible teaching spaces complete with moveable furniture and integrated technology to really grab the interest and engagement of their students. “The teacher becomes the guide on the side, instead of the sage on the stage, requiring wholly new learning spaces and teaching techniques.” St Margaret’s School installed a circular classroom as part of a trial with the UK Design Council. Pupil Phillip Harper studied Maths in the space and is one of countless students to sing its praises. Talking to The Guardian newspaper he said, “It is much better than other classrooms, the chairs are better, you can spin around and see the teacher…We get the boards down all the time and work together – before we would work more on our own in Maths. This has made Maths much more fun that it used to be.” 1 Eric Mazur, Professor of Physics, Harvard University The range of school activities widens day by day, so it is important to create spaces that are adaptable and multifunctional. Most recently the VUC Syd College 2 in Denmark has set about helping to re-engage many of the country’s 15 to 29 year olds to help them to get back into education or employment. The college has done this by reinventing the appearance of classrooms, using igloo shaped rooms and glass boxes with interactive screens to create environments that are more relaxed and centred on practical application instead of instruction-based learning. 1 Both examples as referenced by The Guardian newspaper – article: “In this school, the classroom revolution is now a reality – all 360 degrees of it” (UK edition – 2005) 2 As referenced on the BBC website on 23rd September 2015 – article: “Denmark reinvents lessons for reluctant learners” These table, storage and seat modules provide highly flexible learning environments: furniture that allows room for the most widely varied teaching and learning methods possible. A more collaborative group work setting. 3 As referenced on the excerpt from Teach, a documetary by David Guggenheim. This clip shows teacher Lindsay Chinn piloting 360 degree maths on her whiteboards. More Info: http://www. takepart.com/teach 05 06 So what does 360 degree learning deliver? 1. It creates a more effective student and teacher relationship. 360 degree learning frees teachers from their desks. The teacher’s movement around the classroom helps to engage all students and provides more opportunity for guidance and support. It also eradicates the ‘back of the class’ mentality and the ‘attention zone’, that triangle of students immediately in front of the teacher, which receive 90% of the attention. When talking about 360 degree learning Professor Astin from the University of California said, “Student involvement, not teaching resources or techniques, becomes the concern of the instructor.” 3 2. It improves the quality of teaching. 360 degree learning requires significant changes from teaching staff, with a different approach to lesson planning and delivery and the inclusion of more participatory work. Importantly this model encourages teachers to interact more readily with students and be more imaginative in their approach. 3.It creates serendipity and surprise. 360 degree learning environments are all about flexibility, giving the teacher and students the opportunity to configure the space to suit those particular learning needs. This means students have fewer fixed expectations of lessons and are more open-minded. An element of surprise when arriving for class can transform the learning experience. 4. It puts the focus on practical application and experience rather than just theory. Old teaching styles concentrated on students noting down concepts and theories, with little time for practice (something that was usually consigned The 5 Es model = Efficient learning. to homework). 360 degree learning puts practical application of knowledge at the heart of the experience - using group work, problem solving and team presentations to assimilate knowledge and put it to use right there and then. 5. It provides problem-solving and work-ready students. Interpersonal skills, team work and critical thinking skills are all nurtured and honed when students have more opportunity to work together to problem solve and discuss ideas. Easier and less formal access to teachers helps with this too. These skills are not only key to educational attainment but workplace success. Combine this with the fact educational interior design has started to mirror workplace design and you can see how students also benefit from studying in environments akin to the workplaces they will join. 6. It increases social skills and confidence. Because 360 degree learning puts more focus on empowering students and increasing collaboration it greatly increases social skills too. It takes into account the classroom dynamic and recognises the value of the teaching and learning that occurs among the students themselves. Peer to peer support and teaching is harnessed with 360 degree learning. Roger Yohe, Director of the Centre for Teaching and Learning at EMCC in Arizona, USA said, “With group work you have a lot of social norming going on. You don’t have the misbehaviours or distractions you might have with instructional teaching. Small groups keep their members in check. It is community learning. Students consult with their peer group first and go to the teacher second.” 4 7. It increases useable space. As educators face more budgetary challenges, it’s important to have learning spaces that deliver value for as many students as possible. 360 degree learning environments enable this as they have been designed with reconfiguration and repurposing in mind, not just throughout the day or week, but within one study session too. Use writable wall surfaces for your students to share their ideas using every bit of the room. In practical terms this also means that teachers and classes can move between rooms with ease. Any space should support any lesson. The 5 Es model was developed by Rodger W. Bybee, Ph.D., Director Emeritus of the Biological Sciences Curriculum Study (BSCS). This model supports experiential teaching and learning and environments which are flexible and engaging: 1. Engage. Instructors create a hook to interest students in the topic through short activities which sustain attention throughout the session. Writeable surfaces aren’t just for walls; they can transform virtually any space into a hub of creativity. 2. Explore. Teams collect knowledge and ideas, using them to generate new ideas, explore questions, and make discoveries. Tacit knowledge becomes explicit as the group accesses and shares knowledge, building on each other’s expertise. 8. It’s a point of difference. Although the concept of 360 degree learning has been in the western world for some time it is still not yet the norm in all educational environments. It is an opportunity to make your establishment stand out in terms of attainment and engagement against more traditional educational models. 9. Movement increases alertness. Physical movement increases alertness and helps to trigger memory. 360 degree learning can enable you to create more movement allowing students to refocus and pay attention, as Lengel and Kuczala report in The Kinesthetic Classroom: Teaching and Learning Through Movement, “Simply allowing students to get out of their seats to move while learning provides the brain with much-needed novelty and change.” 3. Explain. Students demonstrate their understanding of concepts to their instructor and other students. Instructors guide students toward deeper understanding. 4. Evaluate. Instructors observe students’ understanding and abilities and lead them to assess their learning and performance. 5. Elaborate. Students challenge conceptual understanding and skills through new experiences to develop a deeper and broader understanding and application. The UK Active Working Movement have also advised that we should change our working position every 30 minutes, vary the day by completing some tasks standing up and spend two minutes each hour walking around. Design the room as you want it. Mobile furniture will fit through any classroom door. Tables can be freely integrated into different configurations. 4 Taken from the whitepaper ‘Rethinking the classroom’ by Herman Miller. 08 How to implement 360 degree learning in your school. More educators are recognising the need to take learning beyond the confines of the traditional classroom. Those at the forefront are challenging the idea of what is useable space, making unexpected buildings, environments and surfaces stimulate, excite and engage. Not all students learn in the same way or at the same pace and teachers each have their own individual style too. Education psychology has shifted dramatically to make teaching reflect the learning needs of students and 360 degree learning advocates and enables that. The successful implementation of 360 degree learning requires buyin from all stakeholders including governors and parents, but starting “What you need is as much flexibility as possible when building schools. What you don’t want to do is trap yourself into one design. The 360 degree classroom is wonderful. It offers maximum flexibility.” with the faculty staff themselves. This is a significant shift in pedagogical styles and teaching staff must be willing and able to embrace a more confident, creative and interactive teaching style. Their buy-in will help to determine what you need of a 360 degree learning environment and how much investment (in training as well as facilities) is needed to make it possible. Mike Gibbons, The Department for Education and Skills’ Innovations Unit Writeable surfaces make it easier for the teacher to view students’ work. Martin Luther King Jr. Early College is an aged 6-12 school in the USA. On the 2012 TCAP, 78% of all students were below proficient in Maths. The support of facilities and estates teams must not be underestimated either. It’s important that they understand what this learning model requires from space at the outset as they will be instrumental to the ongoing use and effectiveness of your 360 degree learning environments. 51% 63% 6th Grade Beanbags are great for informal settings such as reading areas. Flexible fold-away furniture supports diversity of learning opportunities and teaching styles. 47% 56.5% 7th Grade 5 As referenced on the 360 degree math website on 6th October 2015 - article : “The Data” 09 41% 50% 8th Grade 51% 62.5% 9th Grade All of that changed in the 20122013 school year. After one year of 360 Degree Maths implementation, students at MLK outperformed their peers across Denver Public Schools. The table to the left shows the change in median growth percentile between the 2012 and 2013 assessment. 5 Apps such as “Bounce” by IdeaPaint are available to get your students’ big ideas off the wall and into the digital world, so brains can keep storming. 10 Here are six key considerations for implementation: Re-evaluate your space. Challenge the expected. Take a closer look at how you use space and identify ways to make it more flexible. Where new build projects are under consideration, make sure that 360 degree learning is part of the brief. It should take into account the building itself, perhaps introducing circular classrooms that link to the outside of the building, and rooms with partitioning as well as integrated technology. Where new buildings aren’t possible it’s about reinventing existing spaces. This can be done with furniture, wall finishes and technology and that can be integrated to release previously underutilised areas of the classroom. If there are limits within your existing buildings, look at what unexpected additions you can make. The removal of static desks in favour of moveable height-adjustable desks will empower students and better support group work. Maybe a large circular tent could transform a classroom’s interior to offer learning in the round, even if the walls are square. The addition of an old bus on campus could provide a creative workshop space or the addition of external circular pods could provide thought-provoking spaces with 360 degree learning at their heart. Flexibility of space and visual interest is necessary to keep learners engaged and interested. Furniture is more than what you sit on. Harness the power of technology. Think about how you can achieve mobility and flexibility with your furniture. Desks and chairs on castors allow students to choose the configuration that suits the task, fold-away furniture creates large open spaces with ease and swivel chairs ensure students can see the teacher as they move round the room. Tables rather than desks might better support group work and the use of colours and dynamic shapes provides visual interest too. Technology is one of the biggest enablers of 360 degree learning and has made us realise the importance of both mobility and collaboration. Consider how you can integrate technology into your learning environment more seamlessly to improve the learning experience and support collaboration. Use every inch of space available. Multi-functionality. 360 degree learning relies on freedom and movement in the classroom, which means there is no front or back. Consider how you can use multiple focal points and different parts of a room to deliver different aspects of a lesson. Use writeable wall finishes to turn unusual surfaces into a canvas for sharing ideas. Consider how ceilings and floors can be used for projecting images to create completely immersive experiences. Dedicated classrooms for specific subjects have all but gone, with a few exceptions, and educators are under pressure to make every square foot of space count. Flexible classrooms require comprehensive, adaptable solutions particularly when multiple teaching and learning styles are all used within one lesson. Consider how spaces can be reorganised – can furniture be moved round with ease? Can a teacher switch between group-orientated work and independent study within one lesson without hassle? Can audio visual technology be incorporated with ease? Can lighting be used to create focus? Changes should be simple and effective. Can all surfaces of the room be utilised? In-built audio visual systems, projectors and video conferencing enable a much wider range of educational assets to be shared with and used by students. They could be used to project atmospheric video footage onto floors and walls or used to link-up with another school on a project. 11 12 Conclusion. The dawn of 360 degree learning is a reflection of our time. Students must enter the world of work ready with the skills, attributes and attitudes they need to succeed, and so the demands on educators have never been greater. Flexibility, adaptability and variety in teaching styles and environments are needed if we are to deliver students with the very highest levels of aptitude and attainment. Students do not have to be sitting at desks to learn, nor are they reliant on dedicated computer rooms to access technology. Modern learning environments have technology at their heart and integral to their design, and these spaces need to be adaptable and flexible in order to properly support new ways of learning. A seismic step change in the way education is delivered, 360 degree learning has also heralded a change in “Circular classrooms give the maximum teaching flexibility. Everybody’s included. Nobody’s at the back of the class or in the bad/naughty corner. Everybody’s in the class and the teacher is in control.” the way we design and occupy school buildings. It’s made creative, inspiring, motivating, flexible and tech-ready environments vital to learning. In summary, 360 degree learning is a new model for education in which new learning and teaching methodologies are supported by new types and configurations of spaces, technologies and furniture. It gives students a more inspiring, engaging, active and effective learning experience. Gareth Nutt, Head of Property & Regeneration, Neath Port Talbot Council, UK The research shows that students who engage in a greater variety of learning activities, who learn from one another and work in groups, and who incorporate movement and interaction with their surroundings into their studies, perform better in all aspects of education. These advantages ultimately translate to greater success for young people in the workplace and the wider world. “This tendency for learners to encode environmental features along with what they are learning has important implications for designing more effective learning environments and experiences.” Dr Elle Pruyne, Ashbridge Businss School, UK Different colourful worksettings give students a choice of environments. Working in an environment that better suits you will increase productivity and motivation. 13 Head Office Claremont House 2 Kelvin Close, Birchwood Warrington, WA3 7PB 01925 284 000 hello@claremontgi.com London Office 24 Greville Street Farringdon London, EC1N 8SS 0203 036 0582 Bristol Office Leigh Court Abbots Leigh Bristol, BS8 3RA 01275 372 342 www.claremontgi.com