copyright 2007 by TASH Research & Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities 2007, Voi. 32, No. 1.50-65 Augmentative and Alternative Communication Practice in the Pursuit of Family Quality of Life: A Review of the Literature Yumiko Saito University of Kansas National Institute of Special Needs Education, Japan Ann Turnbull University of Kansas everything ... it won't always fit into every little nook and cranny of everybody's life (Todis, 1996. p. 52). Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) practice may have both positive and negative impacts on quality of life (QOL) of children with AAC as wet! as their entire family. Thirteen sttidies were reviewed to analyze family outcomes and perspectives on AAC practice by using a family quality of life (FQOL) framework comprised of five empirically derived domains in order to identify issues that famities perceive as important lo their lives. The impact of current AAC practices encompasses alt five domains: family interaction, parenting, physical/ material welt-being, disability-related support, and emotional well-being. Implications are drawn for practitioners and researchers for AAC practices that impact positive FQOL outcomes. These voices from families of children who use augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) devices reveal both positive and negative impacts of AAC practice on the quality of the child's life, as well as their family. An AAC system is defined as "an integrated group of components, including the symbols, aids, strategies, and techniques used by individuals to enhance communication" (American Speech Language Hearing Association, 1991, p. 10). Approximately 1% of the general population have been reported to experience severe communication impairments that require AAC (Beukelman & Ansel, 1995). The Individuals With Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) 2004 mandates the provision of assistive technology devices and services that includes the provision of AAC devices for those in need. In IDEA, an assistive technology device is defined as "any item, piece of equipment, or product system ... that is used to increase, maintain, or improve the functional capabilities ofa child with a disability" (H.R.1350. SEC6O2[1]). Also, an assistive technology service is defined as "any service that directly assists an individual with a disability in the selection, acquisition, or use of an assistive technology device" (H.R.135(), SEC602[2]). DESCRIPTORS: augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) practice, children, family perspectives, family quality of life Introduction This magic device brought Kevin into the family. He became an active member and a participant in the things we are doing (Blackstone, 1994., p. 3). I truly believe it goes back to the fact Ihat even though she's in a wheelchair and she's strapped in and has problems with head control, that it is the device that makes her feel and appear different (Parette. Brotherson, & Huer, 2000, p. 183). An overview of historical deveiopment of AAC services shows that AAC assessment and intervention historically have centered on identifying the needs of the client as an individual rather that the individual within a family context (Hourcade, Pilotte, West, & Parette. 2004; Parette & Angelo. 1996). In the 19S0s. professionals began to incorporate into their considerations the impaet that the introduction of an AAC system could have upon families, and this challenge has been continued to influence implementation decisions today (Hourcade ct al., 2004). Aithough IDEA expresses a clear preference for family-professional partnerships in educational decision making, current practices may not The AAC device I thought would be the answer to all my prayers, and it is presented like that. I don't know if it is presented that way on purpose ... that is great. I want people to keep up the enthusiasm. But tell parents it is not an answer to every problem and Address all correspondence and reprint requests to Yumiko Saito. 5-1-1 Nobi. Yokosuka-shJ. Kanagawa. 239-8585. Japan. E-maii: ysaito@nise.go,jp 50 AAC and Family OOL always reflect the spirit of the law, and client-focused interventions have been far more common than familycentered practices in the field of AAC (Blackstone, 1994; Houreade et al.. 2(1)4; Parette & Angelo. 1996). Related service personnel often underestimate family influence and have been discouraged when family members fail to comply with professionally prescribed AAC intervenlions (Paretle & Angelo. 1996). Family systems theory (TXirnbuIl. Turnbull. Erwin, & Soodak, 2006) and ecological systems theory (Bronfenbrenner, 1986) suggest that interactive factors both within and outside the famiiy system have to be taken into consideration for successful AAC practice. A literature review by Parette and Angelo (1996) indicated that failure to consider family issues might eontribute to an increase in family stress and failure of ehildren and family to use these devices. Unfortunately, families sometimes underuse and abandon AAC devices (Biackstone. 1992; Phillips & Zhao, 1993). Phillips and Zhao (1993) reported that nearly one third of all purchased assistive technology devices are abandoned. From the perspective of family systems theory, this underuse and abandonment suggest that among other things the idiosyneratic family perspectives and priorities were not initially taken into account. Similarly, ecological systems theory can interpret child and family Linderuse and abandonment of A AC devices, not simply as lack of knowledge or motivation to change, but as the active expression of competing families' ecological influences, interests, values, and knowledge (Peck. 1993). In fact. Blackstone (1994) indicated that when assistive technology is involved, some families actively choose between devices based first and foremost on what they perceive as a reasonable quaUty of life (QOL) for the entire family rather than the impact on the overall development of their child. & Kyrkou, 2004; Brown. Isaaes. McCormack, Baum, & Renwick, 2004; Neikrug. Judes. Roth, & Krauss, 2004; Turnbull et al., 2tK)4). The core principles that emanated from the individual QOL work, such as multidimensionality and personal/environmental factors, provided the foundation for FQOL research. Starting with these principles, a research team at the Beach Center on Disability has carried out three phases of research in the development of a scale to measure FQOL. The first phase was comprised of qualitative inquiry involving 33 focus groups and 34 individual interviews that included family members of children with and without a disability, individuals with a disability, service providers, and administrators (Poston et al., 2003). In the focus groups and interviews, questions focused on families describing the times in their family life when things are going really well and when things are especially tough. Data analysis resulted in the identifieation of 10 domains and 112 indicators within those domains. The second phase of the research used exploratory factor analysis to develop a statistical model of the qualitatively derived items in order to form subscales and reduce the domains and indicators (Park et al., 2003). The 10 domains identified in Phase 1 were combined and reduced to 5 domains and 41 indicators. The third phase inciuded two studies carried out to confirm and refine the factor structure; additionally, the third phase included reliability and validity studies of the Beach Center Family Quality of Life Seale (HofDiian, Marquis, Poston, Summers, & Turnbull, 2006). Based on a sample of almost 5(X) families of children with disabilities, confirmatory faetor analysis refined the five domains and reduced the items to 25. TTie five domains include family interaction, parenting, physical/material well-being, disability-related support, and emotionai well-being. Data indicated that the subscales were unidimensional and internally consistent. Additionally, test-retest reliability and convergent validity were found to be satisfactory. What is Fainily Quality of Life? From a policy perspective. The Arc of the United States sponsored a national conference in January 2003 to identify the "policy promises" that are embedded in U.S. policy and to make recommendations for how researeh can advance these policy promises (Lakin & Turnbull, 2005). The conference addressed 12 topics within the DD field with family life being one of those. The conference participants who addressed family life formtilated an overarching policy goal and five associated goals reflecting U.S. policy promises to families. The overarching policy goal is as follows: "To support the caregiving efforts and enhance the quality of life for all families [emphasis added] so that families will remain the core unit of American society" (Turnbull et al.. 2fX)4). Given the foundations that FQQL has Ln both research and policy, we have used the FQOL construct and its five domains in this paper as the conceptual organizer for reviewing the literature on AAC. The purpose of this paper is to review literature on family perspectives and outcomes on current AAC practice. TTie concept of family qualily of life (FOOL) has emanated from earlier research on the QOL of individuals with disabilities. Based on the individual contributions of researchers throughout the developmental disabilities (DD) community (Cummins, 1997; Felce, 1997; Hughes & Hwang. 1996; Sehalock, 2000). an intemationai team of researchers synthesized research related to QOL's conceptualization, measurement, and application (Sehalock et al., 2002). Some of the core principles identified by this team include the fact that QOL is comprised of both subjective and objective components, is multidimensional and influenced by both personal and environmental factors, and is composed of the same factors for people with disabilities that are important to people without disabilities. As an extension of research on QOL. researeh has more recently foeused on conceptualizing, measuring, and applying the construct of FQOL (Brown. Davey, Shearer, Saito and Tumbull 52 Procedure for the Literature Review Search Strategies We searched for research articles pubiished in peerreviewed journals which explored perspectives of families whose chiidren are AAC users. The search terms used to identify relevant studies were "augmentative and alternative communication," "AAC," "assistive technology," "famiiy," "parents." "caregivers," "perspectives," "perception," and combination of these terms. The database used for conducting the search included Educationai Resources Infonnation Center (ERIC) database. PubMed database. Psychological Abstracts Oniine (PsycINFO), and Wiison Omnifile full-text seiect (Wilson Web). We hand-searched the joumal of Augmentative and Alternative Communication to augment the computer-assisted search. We also reviewed the reference lists from studies obtained in the computer-assisted and hand searches to identify additional relevant studies. Studies were included in this review if (a) they empioyed quantitative or quaiilative inquiry, (b) if they were published between i985 and 2005, (c) If their focus was to address famiiy perspectives about the AAC practices impiemented with their children with disabilities and/or about the impacts of the AAC practices on their own famiiy lives, and (d) if a majority of AAC users inciuded in the sampie were younger than 21 years oid. Studies were exciuded if their main purpose was to measure effects of specific AAC intervention and only marginaliy addressed family's opinion about the specific intervention. Studies on family perspectives on AAC practice in foreign countries, other than the United States, were excluded. Data Analysis Data were summarized regarding purpose/research questions, participants, instruments, research limitation, and major research findings. The findings related to issues of FQOL were then highlighted and categorized based on the five domains of the FOOL framework. For each domain, the first author generated several themes; then through discussion with the second author, we refined and finalized the themes. Search Results A totai of 13 studies meeting the specified criteria were ioeated. Given that researchers reported that the field of AAC research did not specificaily focus on famiiy issues until the mid-1990s (Blackstone. 1994: Parette & Angeio, 1996), it is not surprising that the research base on family perspectives and outcomes is smaii, Aithough some of these studies have limitations regarding rigor, we suggest that it is stiii important to examine what is known now about famiiy issues in AAC practices and to suggest future directions for practitioners and researchers. Tabie 1 provides a summary of the articies. Ail of the 13 studies were nonexperimentai and descriptive in nature. Five studies implemented surveys (Allaire, Gressard. Biackman. & Hostier, 1991; Angeio. 2000; Angelo, Jones, & Kokoska, 1995; Angeio, Kokoska. & Jones, 1996; Cuip, Ambrosi. Berniger, & Mitcheil, 1986); seven studies used qualitative methods such as interview, focus group, observation and content analysis from secondary sources (Baiiey. Parette, Stoner. Angeii, & Carroll. 2006; Huer & Lloyd. 1990; Huer. Parette, & Saenz, 2001; McCord & Soto, 2004; Parette et al., 2000; Parette, Chuang, & Huer, 2004; Todis, 1996); and one study used a psychologicai index (Jones, Angelo, & Kokoska, 1998). Among the quaiitative studies, four specifically investigated perspectives of families from diverse cuitural backgrounds (Huer et ai., 2001; McCord & Soto, 2004; Parette et ai., 2000; Parette et al., 2004). Family Perspective on AAC Practice and FQOL Domains In the foiiowing section, the 13 articies are reviewed using the five domains of FQOL as an organizing framework for understanding the central issue of famiiy perspectives on AAC practices. Figure 1 provides a graphic representation of the five domains and the themes that emerged witiiin these domains from the reviewed articies. Family Interaction The FQOL domain, family interaction, is characterized by the relational components of famiiy iife. The indicators inciude enjoying spending time together, taiking openiy with each other, showing iove and care for each other, soiving probiems together, and supporting each other to accomplish goals (Summers et ai.. 2(X)5). Among the reviewed articles, seven articies were found to reiate to this domain (Aiiaire et a)., 1991; Angeio, 20(K); Culp et ai., 1986; Huer & Lioyd, 1990; Huer et ai., 2001; McCord & Soto, 2004; Parette et al., 2000). Two themes under the family interactions domain reiated to AAC practice are relationships with nuciear and extended family, and famiiy communication styles and preferences. Relationships with Nuclear and Extended Family This theme embraces an understanding of who the family members are and how they reiate to the young AAC user in the family's life. Persons in the immediate famiiy were often the most significant communication partners in the AAC users' lives (Huer & Lloyd, 1990). Angelo (2000) conducted a comprehensive survey that examined the impact of AAC devices on the famiiy using a 5-point Likert scale. Neariy haif the families rated strongiy agree or agree that the parent's reiationships with their chiid are enhanced (49%) and that AAC aiso enhanced their reiationships with their extended family (45%). Focus groups with Native American. Latino, Asian American. Afriean American, and European American families of AAC children revealed that families wanted professionais to consider and support the needs of sibiings and extended famiiy (Parette et ai., 2000). They AAC and Family QOL i t- 53 Sailo and TXimbuIl 54 F, ''•' g .2 •= 'ra y is g tH TJ •— 1^ fr ^ S S .y g - g I Illl ra ,. « ^ - g .p 0) ra ^ « - c 2 " c S T3 £ "ra ^2 §u •gt.3 S^^.'S I "-I T3 3 C •a C E^ ^ §.-= l^'o ^ - . ra ^ S VI I'li-ollllll D..E 00 u ra •— C1..3 (J k- ^ k- ra w. OJ « u o c c 3 c « 5 o _ Q O g it ^ V ^ y " uf T; E •= T3 1. ra c 3 'E.S UJ in S Q irt •2 i - a E c 3 4-- S "^ ra u •5 '^ I •n a. a. ifl 'S 3-a a Eg. 1 c o = ra c -= S 12 o IM CV ra !/l 3 evel •G oO .s VI .^-1 w J3 >L U 01 " ' —3 3 . ra .a E' n 3 ^> g y 2 SJ-O S ' "6 « £ i g o :a 2 'S y o. .£ Lc T3 C ^ tn — 6 , ,3 «j IS .3s C w g i_ -= u 3 a ra E 5l g£ E = CT3 E . ^ O W O CO XI 55 AAC and Family QOL •a H u ra ra J2 u •p.a y II .y O .a ra y 2 ra .-1 ra 3 -C 1^ ^-•^•Er^-^'S •^ E >• "ob'. o S oo C CJ in 3 O OJ "" O ra u Iill ra u .= - ' o 2 E "2 n ° sj o u — ^ ra 3 ^ -c-g 3 u Ii y •> 01 •^ (u S ra ra eg i -d w .2 ". := s u .ts rr <J § " 5 '. v) b ra *r; C ^ & ^ c U (J - ^ Xi "S y p •£ u ^ra"O — C - o E-13 « oijp E £ •? .— D-i_ • c r a c a J C i S d n c Q.ra" ^ ra "a -..^.^^ •E = o .ra < Se flj •• . E .S "I °^ '^^ 2 C5 3 B^ < [2 3 - II g.-E O " ISol t 8? CJ CO o c =c ra J3 -^ 3 O :^i^'E S il •= E E E t 3 >-.2 oo ra H: -C ra £ •= a. _. ,o -5 i .2 ^ c, a > < i i ra u |.n ra ,.^ ^ fl § T? >- - r " • a := -c t_ •g S o E aj oj o F*^ q j " ^ C 3 E C1.-C: "p a> 2 "S — f^-irf .O P •S " < > £> S "S < -J^-S5?-fl-q T3 13 ^ - t j VI ^ H ^^« T3 ^ O..:^ -a 56 Sailo and Tbmbull •o c B ra • ra c T; c -S : 7>• : ra > V -5-^ li •= l/t 60 C p ~ ? 8 S o o. y u 11 8|. - si ^ •c o ra C- OJ ra ;-a-£ c a c •ra-g< ; ^T: 1.- •£ o e •5 XI O I S Ec t - ts 8 — OR 1 £; Si 5 p ra I OJ > ra2 o-.bu o a « •5 J= _ w — S_S E 5 "a y o 01 c c m OJ C c "G i:^ *^ m c OJ y 2 = ^ ^ 0 •a •£ S 2 5 OC.2 R OJ M _ C C OJ c "2 r t/: -— -> fill !" r! 3 t: OJ M ..^ wn3 .1-^8 y ' ^ C •3 ra ra c 1 ^ D. a o cu 0 1- c 1 0 ^ 0 iS B 3 * E - "£ ' E —' c T3 •o 3 OJ ?; -g :5 c 3 5^ ^ .E.™ ^ g 6 ^ ra a. >ants; migh S ra u VI w Tj 3 I C oj ra O D , a N p i : M O i OJ O OJ ' > c ' VJ M 5^g ss CL C t ^ ra -a O ^ .S := 3 OJ ra —5 u c ^ « S < .— t: ra c o 5° -- .c '- u — <u ra — o .^ S " •— c — u u ra 0 .2 "c OJ ngi ofi-£ a mil fc- T3 I J= -O O o c c C 2 .T3 0 0 m -S ra I- 5j ra Q. c O 3 i .— ra p. VI 4j S 2 3 S h W « ^ Q a T3 -a -E S 00 c ra E O ra _, -, S E 3 a "> ra 2 3 2 E •£ >< . o -a ja .i 11^ T3 -^i .E.y li •1 1^1=5 S8 o -o "5 ^° s y ra - .2 £- ^ y '1 >• •c . ^ "o K H r~ I— HIH JH "i ^ .E .a E u o -S v; M 3 09 S 3 B2 1/1 C 57 AAC and Family QOL Family Quality of Life Domains Familv Interaction Parenting Relationships with nuclear and extended family Parents' roles and responsibilities Family communication styles and preferences Information and training needs Phvsical/MateHal Well-BeinE Funding support and warranty for devices Disabilitv-Related Support Emotional Well-Beine Partnerships with professionals Evolution of parents' attitude AAC device features Frustration and stress Device use in the community Sources of social support Advocacy Transition needs Figure I. Issues associated with family perspectives of AAC practice. also wanted professionals to understand the importance of cotisidering opinions of elder and extended famiJy members and to involve them in the AAC assessment and planning process. Family Communication Styles and Preferences This theme addresses issues pertaining to families' perspectives regarding their communication styles and preferences. For many families. AAC devices enhance communication among family members (Angelo. 2000: Culp et al., 1986). A telephone survey by Culp et al. {1986) indicated that the most frequent strength of AAC that families reported was that "it was a way to communicate" (Cuip et al., 1986. p. 22), Angelo (2000) found that slightly over half of survey responders reported that parents' communication with their child is better (55%) and that parents do not perceive that the device restricts communication (52%). In spite of these positive findings, Angelo suggests limiting generalizability of the findings because the survey's respondents were predominantly two-parent, European American, well-educated. and middle-income families. Families expressed communication as a high need area even if their children were at the presymbolic level (Allaire et al., 1991). Furthermore, families of children with severe speech impairments, who did not have prescribed AAC devices, recognized the need to augment their child's communication in some way (e.g., express feelings without having tantrums); ahhough families reported that this need was sometimes overlooked. Famihes' preferences for a specific communication mode (e.g.. spoken words, sign language, electronic communication system) should be taken into consideration in implementing AAC. A culturally and linguistically diverse family may prefer vocabulary from their own lan- gtiage programmed on their child's device, although a child uses English vocabulary at school (Parette et al., 2000). Two qualitative studies conducted with Mexican American families indicated a preference for gesture, sign language, or verbal speech as the communication mode for their children (Huer et al.. 2001; McCord & Soto, 2004). Huer et al. (2001) reported that respondents (a) did not use AAC devices at home because all family members could understand the children without assistance and (b) relied largely on physical contexts or internalized processes for communication that is observed and valued within their culture as contrasted to coded, explicit, transmitted messages that the AAC device created. Similarly. McCord and Soto (2004) reported that although the participants' children were able to express more complex information while using the AAC devices than without them, family members valued a more intimate (i.e., close proximity, eye contact, familiar, and interdependent) and personal connection than they perceived was possible with the AAC devices. In summary. AAC practice can have a positive impact on various aspects of the family interaction domain of FQOL. In order for meaningful AAC outcomes to be achieved, families requested that consideration be given to enhancing relationships with nuclear and extended famiiy members. In addition, families wanted consideration for each family's specific communication styles and preferences. This is especially important for families of culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds who may have unique communication styles. Parenting The FQOL domain of parenting is characterized by the child rearing and parental function of family life. The indicators include the family member's capacity to help 58 Saito and 1\irnbull children learn to be independent, help with schoolwork and activities, teach social skills, and address individual needs of every child (Summers et al., 2005). Eight articles were found to relate to this domain (Angelo, 2000; Angelo et al., 1995, 1996: Bailey et al., 2006; Culp et al., 1986; Huer & Lloyd, 1990; Huer et al., 2001; Parette et al.. 2000). Three themes under the parenting domain related to AAC practice are parents' roles and responsibilities, information and training needs, and advocacy. Parents' Roles and Responsibilities This theme embraces parents' roles and responsibilities for child rearing and education in family life. A couple of research studies (Culp et al., i986; Huer et al., 2(K)i) reported that AAC devices contribute to easing some aspects of parenting tasks. For example, a device made it possible for an AAC user to be cared for by a child care provider (Culp et ai.. 1986) and to use the bathroom more independently (Huer et al., 200i). Many research studies reported, however, that AAC devices increase parenting responsibilities. In Angelo's (2000) survey, nearly 60% of parents strongly agreed or agreed that after an AAC device became available, their roles and responsibilities increased relative to the implementing and maintaining of the devices. According to the respondents (i.e., two-parent, European American, well-educated, middle-income families), mothers were more likely to assume greater roles and responsibilities associated with AAC devices than fathers, and they perceived that they made a significant personal investment of time and energy related to AAC devices. A qualitative cross-case analysis with European American families revealed that family members' expectations of AAC device use for their children included increased independence, communicative competence, and communicative opportunities (Bailey et al., 2006). ironically, parents' roles and responsibilities might increase as they try to meet these expectations. Families noted that they facilitated significant social opportunities for their young children, including older AAC users (Huer & Lloyd, 1990). Huer and Lloyd (1990) pointed out that many of the children and youth aiso used wheelchairs due to mobility impairments. Parents who have children who have both communication and mobility restrictions tended to have a greater increase in their parental roles and responsibilities associated with AAC use. Mobility, as well as communication restrictions, appeared to limit the degree of participation an AAC user could achieve and created a user's continued rehance on others. Information and Training Needs This theme addresses information and training needs reported by parents in terms of parenting young AAC users. Angelo et al. (1995, 1996) conducted surveys identifying the needs, preferences, and priorities of parents of young children ages 3-12 (Angelo et al., 1995) and older children ages 13-21 (Angelo et al, 1996). In both studies, parents expressed the high priority needs of "in- tegrating assistive technology at home" (Angelo et al., 1995, p. i98; Angelo et al., 1996, p. 17) and "integrating assistive technology in the community" (Angelo et al., 1995, p. 198; Angelo et al., 1996. p. 17). Related to these needs, parents clearly expressed their desire for information and training. They put high priority on "increasing knowledge of assistive technology" (Angelo et al. 1995, p. 198; Angelo et al., 1996, p. 17) and "planning for future communication needs" (Angelo et al., 1995, p. 198; Angelo etal., 1996, p. 17). The information and training that parents need change over the lifespan. Fathers of younger children emphasized "knowing how to teach utilization of assistive device to their children" (Angelo et al., 1995, p. 198), whereas fathers of older children underscored the importance of "knowing how to maintain or repair assistive devices" and "knowing how to program an assistive device" (Angelo et al., 1996, p. 17). In the study by Parette et al. (2000), families from diverse cultural backgrounds also preferred to assume the roles of trainer/educator to other roles of expert, negotiator, and collaborator. In the Parette et al. study, families reported wanting information and training materials in their native language as well as repeated training sessions for extended family members and siblings. In the study of Mexican American families (Huer et ai., 2001), aithough they did not use AAC devices at home, they recognized the need for and usefuiness of devices outside the home and wanted training so they couid understand how to use their children's devices. Advocacy This theme embraces the advocacy role and needs of parents in terms of family's and young AAC user's OOL. Parents who responded to Angelo's (2000) family impact survey were mostly mothers, and about 60% of them assumed an advocacy role for their children using AAC, whereas their spouses and children assumed secondary advocacy roles. However, only 20% of parents reported involvement with advocacy groups or participation in systems change or policy issues. "Finding advocacy groups for parents of children using devices" (Angelo et al., 1995. p. 198; Angclo ct al., 1996, p. 17) had a relatively high priority among mothers of young (ages 3-12) AAC users (41%) but needs declined for mothers of older (ages 13-21) AAC users (35%). In summary, the introduction of an AAC device and practice into a family's life affects the family's OOL domain of parenting. Parents indicated their roies and responsibiHties associated with AAC devices increased their parenting loads. They, especiaiiy mothers, perceived an increase in their personal investment of time and energy and were inclined to assume advocacy roles related to AAC use. Both mothers and fathers expressed an increased need for information and training particularly in terms of how they could better incorporate AAC into their family and community lite. AAC and Famiiy QOL Physical/Material Well-Being Tiie FQOL domain of physical/material well-being incorporates the physical and material aspects of the family's quality of life. 'Hie indicators include the family's ability to get needed funding support and the capacity to meet their expenses (Summers et al., 2005). Six articles were found to relate to this domain (Angelo, 2000: Angelo et al., 1995; Culp et al., 1986; Huer et al.. 2001; Parette et al., 2000; Todis, 1996). A theme within the physical/material well-being domain reiated to AAC practice is funding support and warranty for devices. Funding Supporl and Warranty for Devices This theme addresses issues associated with purchasing and maintaining devices, in Angelo's (2(X)0) AAC family impact study, all the participants were from a particular agency that had a long-term equipment loan program for their children using AAC through age 21. About 75% of families were satisfied with funding support, and more than half the parents were satisfied with the device warranty provided through the program. In other studies, however, families expressed their need for information on funding processes, support from vendors, and information and support related to product warranties (Angelo ct ai., 1995; Culp et al., 1986; Huer et al., 2001; Parette et al., 2000; Todis, 1996). Oualitative studies revealed that parents are typically faced with a decision to either commit a large amount of their own money or to spend time and energy in seeking money from various sources (Todis, 1996). in addition, the cost of the devices prevents parents from regarding the device as something they wiii use merely on trial basis (Todis, 1996). One reason for Mexican American families' nonpreference for AAC devices was that they did not feel comfortable with the responsibihty implied for accepting such expensive equipment (Huer et al., 2001). Families from diverse cultural backgrounds wanted clear communication about ownership, repair periods, and waiting periods for initial receipt of the devices, as well as funding processes (Parette et al., 2000). Parette et al. (2000) stated that although their five focus group sites involved similar funding resources within each state (e.g., iDEA, private insurance, and Medicaid), procedures and protocols for receiving devices and services using these funding systems widely varied. This resulted in families being confused by the various procedures and protocols. in summary, the introduction of an AAC device into a family's life may have significant impact on the FOOL domain of physical/materiai weli-being. Families expressed a need for information on funding processes, support from vendors, and warranties avaiiabie on devices. Disability-Related Support The FOOL domain of disability-related support is characterized by support that family members who have chiidren with special needs may require from the formal 59 service system in order to experience quality family, school, and community hfe. The indicators inciude the family having support to heip the child with special needs to make progress at home or schooi and to make friends, as weli as for the famiiy to have a good relationship with service providers (Summers et al., 2005). Seven articles were found to relate to this domain (Allaire et al.. 1991; Angeio et al., i995, 1996: Bailey et al., 2006; Culp et ai., 1986; Parette et ai, 2000, 2(X)4). Four themes under the disability-related support domain that relate to AAC practice are partnerships with professionals, AAC devices features, device use in the community, and transition needs. Partnerships with Professionals This theme addresses the concept of how families and professionals partner with each other for the provision of AAC practice to young AAC users. Parette et al. (2000) found that families from diverse culturai backgrounds clearly raised issues of partnerships with professionals. Families wanted the foiiowing: (a) professionals to use minimal jargon and to be honest; (b) professional recommendations based on objective rather than subjective experiences and to be individuaiized; and (c) professionais to be sensitive to their demands, needs, routines, and the reality of famiiy life. Families also expressed a desire for professionals to show sensitivity to the child-specific issues of ethnicity and disabihty. For example, some famihes wanted to avoid the stigma of making their child feel and look different, which could be caused by the AAC devices (Parette et al., 2000). Families noted the importance of their own role in evaluations and wanted professionals to recognize that their recommendations on AAC use were based on short-term contact with the child, versus lifetime contact on the family's part (Parette et al., 2000). In the study by Bailey et al. (2006), although families recognized the necessity of time for the development of a supportive, family-professional relationship, they felt that they did not have sufficient time for this to occur. A family's partnership style with professionals may change over time through the family empowennent process. Parette et al. (2004) reported that first-generation Chinese immigrants, as they adjusted to the U.S. society, developed more positive attitudes toward their children's future, no longer reported feeling ashamed of their children's disabilities, and became strong advocates for their children. As Parette et al. indicated, increasing families' awareness and knowledge of their children's educational rights and other societal resources helped to create equal and interactive family-professional collaboration styles. AAC Devices Features This theme embraces features of AAC devices which may affect the child and his or her family's lives. Families were concerned with issues of transportation, space, and maintenance of the device. For exampie, a family 60 Sailo and Turnbult reported that the device was too heavy to send back and forth to school and that programming it was overwhelming and time consuming (Parette et al., 2000). Families felt frustrated with inconsistent reliability of the devices (e.g., the device does not work sometimes), especially when the reliance on the AAC device was high (Bailey et al., 2006). Studies reported that parents wanted smaller, less complex, more durable, and more portable devices with intelligible and sophisticated output (Allaire et al., 1991; Culp et al., 1986; Parette et al., 2000). Difficulty or nuisances in handling devices by children as well as by families might result in abandonment ofthe device (Allaire et al., 1991). Some families were ctmcerned about the potential stigmatization resulting from a device; thus, developing devices accepted by the general public is a critical issue for their FOOL (Parette et al., 2000). It should be noted that some of the studies addressing device features were pubiished more than 15 years ago (Allaire et al., 1991; Culp et al., 1986); therefore, current AAC users are likely to have access to newer AAC devices. Device Use in (he Community This subtheme includes supports for young AAC users in order to incorporate AAC in their community life. Although underuse of AAC devices in the community has been reported (Allaire et al., 1991; Culp et al., 1986; Parette et al., 2000), many families expressed their children's needs for peer relationships and community involvement. It should be noted that as early as two decades ago, Culp et al. (1986) reported that families want the general public to have more education regarding AAC use. Angelo's group also revealed that parents of children using AAC expressed the high priority need for "integrating assistive technology in the community," "developing community awareness and support for users," and "having social opportunities for the AAC adolescents with peers" (Angelo et al., 1995, p. 198: Angelo et al., 1996, p. 17). More recently Bailey et al. (2006) reported that AAC use in the community seemed to improve the community members" perceptions of AAC users' competence. Transition Needs This theme inciudes items reiated to supports for young AAC users that address their needs for successful transitions as they grow older and broaden their social life. "Planning for future communication needs" (Angelo et ai., i995, p. 198; Angelo et al., 1996, p. 17) was a high priority for parents of both younger and older children. Angelo et al, (1996) suggest that planning for future communication involves upgrading assistive devices and ensuring access to services to meet those needs. Not only do parents need information about access to information about technology options, but they also need information on services that support the chiid's changing communication requirements (e.g., reevaluation, retraining) and facilitate transitioning. Although parents perceived that their children had increased educational (72%) and social opportunities (59%) as compared to their situations before using AAC, about half responded with uncertainty about future opportunity for their children (e.g., higher education, independent living, and employment) (Angelo, 2000). Parents of adolescents expressed needs for their children to have social opportunities with other AAC users (Angelo et al., 1996): whereas parents of young AAC users did not express this need. In summary, the provision of AAC devices and AAC practices directly affects the FOOL domain of disabilityrelated support. Families wanted professionals to be partners, taking families' unique needs into consideration. Families' partnership styles with professionals may change as they gain an increased awareness and knowledge of their children's educational rights and other societal resources. Families expressed strong needs for AAC practices that take into considerations issues of use in children's community and social lives, as well as future transition perspectives. In this regard, Angelo et al. (1996) emphasized the importance of implementing continuous needs assessment so that professionals can meet evolving famiiy priorities and needs across time. Emotional Well-Being TTie finai FOOL domain of emotionai weli-being includes the emotional aspects of FOOL, such as adaptability, happiness, and stress/exhaustion. The indicators inciude the family's or member's capability to have the support needed to relieve stress, to have friends or others who provide support, to have time to pursue individual interests, and to have outside help available for meeting the speciai needs of ail family members (Summers et al.. 2005). Seven articles were found to relate to this domain (Angelo, 2000; Bailey et al., 2006; Huer & Lloyd, 1990: Huer et al. 2001: Jones et al., 1998; McCord & Soto, 2004: Todis, 1996). Three AAC themes related to the emotional well-being domain are evolution of parents' attitudes, frustration and stress, and sources of social supports. Evolution of Parents' Attitudes This theme includes changes over time in parents' emotions and attitudes toward AAC devices. Todis (1996) reported on the complexities associated with the introduction of assistive devices into the lives of children with disabihties and their families. Parents' attitudes toward assistive devices often evolve from surprise and confusion when it is first suggested to resignation or tentative hope that a device will promote development and social interaction. Initial parental resistance to assistive devices comes from a concern that skills will be lost or that speciahsts are "giving up" (Todis, 1996, p. 52) on their child ever developing skills for speech. When parents overcome their initial resistance to the idea of "artificial systems" (Todis, 1996, p. 52), cautious interest AAC and Family QOL can quickly turn to enthusiastic advocacy for devices, such as "answer to all my prayers" (Todis, 1996, p. 52). In this regard, Todis as weli as Bailey et al. (2006) suggested that families should be cautioned against viewing the AAC devices as a panacea for solving communication difficulties and informed of the continuous work that is necessary to make device use functional aiid efficient, Frustration and Stress This theme addresses the frustration and stress that may be experienced during the implementation of AAC practice. In Angelo's (2000) study, in spite of the families' perceptions of increased roles and responsibilities, the majority of respondents (i.e., two-parent, European American, well-educated, middle-income families) did not report restricted lifestyles as a result of their child using an AAC device, nor did they find AAC devices to be either burdensome or stigmatizing. Angelo indicated that the positive findings of this study reflected the perspectives of "traditional families" (Angelo. 2000. p. 44), who could afford to overcome the stressors. Participants in the study by Bailey et al. (2006). who are also traditional families, reported that although there were difficulties, stressors, and barriers related to AAC device use. the devices were an integral and vital eomponent of their children's communication. Another study by Jones et al. (1998) on stress experienced by parents of young AAC user ages 3-12 shows, however, even those "traditional families" might experience considerable degree of stress. In this study, both mothers and fathers of young AAC users (i.e., mostly two parents, European American, well-educated, middleincome families) had a clinically at-risk score on childrelated stressors on the parenting Stress Index (Abidin, 1995). A score in this range indicates parents shouid be referred for assistance. Although families of young AAC users in Angelo's (2000) study did not report AAC devices to be either burdensome or stigmatizing, families in other studies expressed a variety of sources of stress. Bailey et al. (2006) reported that much of the participants' stress was related to the amount of time that was required to program the AAC device, Huer and Lloyd (1990) compiled and summarized perspectives of 165 AAC users in 187 first and third-person articles published between 1982 and 1987. They reported that the topic of frustration appeared more frequently than did other topics in the data. The reason for frustration often centered on the family's interactions with professionals. Children using AAC and their parents frequently criticized professionals such as doctors, educators, and speech language pathologists. For example, they objected to educators failing to see potential in a child because of his or her physical disability and limiting his or her educational opportunities (Huer & Lloyd, 1990). Although the data by Huer and Lioyd are somewhat dated, more recent 61 studies continue to report families' frustration caused through interaetion with professionals. Todis (1996) reported that parents' high expectations of the benefits of their child using an AAC frequently bring them into conflict with special educators and therapists. Furthermore, parents might become frustrated with what they regard as the educator's lack of interest in the device, their low opinion of their child's abilities, or their lack of training and knowledge about devices. Parette et al. (2000) indicated that adhering only to professional recommendations concerning device usage without considering family needs, preferences, and priorities might cause frustration for families. When families become frustrated with professionals, they often do not wish to comply with their recommendations, commtinication begins to breakdown, and the devices may be abandoned. It should be noted that the failure to address families' needs and preferenees as stated previously (i.e.. family needs in other FQOL domains) may possibly cause families to experience frustration and stress. The discrepancies between findings of these studies and the results of Angelo's study may support Blackstone's (1994) suggestion that when assistive technology is involved, some families actively choose between devices based first and foremost on what they perceive as a reasonable quality of life for the entire family rather than the impact on the overall development of their child. Sources of Social Supports This theme includes the family's opportunities to have the supports needed to relieve stress and to have outside help available for meeting the special needs of all family members. The study by Jones et al, (1998) described social supports identified by parents. Fathers (97%) and mothers (60%) identified a spouse or partner as the "most helpful" person for raising a child who uses AAC. A mother's parents tended to be identified as "most helpful." whereas a father's parents were "least helpful." Groups and people identified as "most helpful" were professional helpers, school/child care center staff, early childhood intervention program personnel, and one's own children (i.e., siblings of children using AAC). Social groups, friends, relatives, other parents, parent groups, professional agencies, church members, and the family/ child physician tended to be identified as "least helpful." Families from diverse cultural backgrounds may have unique social supports. Huer et al. (2001) reported that during their interviews with Mexican American families, a reoccurring theme of "working together" (p. 202) among all family members (including extended family) as well as among community members was noted. McCord and Soto (2004) found that in many Hispanic communities people were interdependent and were able to rely on each other to provide supervision for the children and to support the family member with a disability. In summary, the provision of AAC devices and AAC practices may influence both positively and negatively 62 Sailo and T\irnhull the FQOL domain of emotional well-being. Although it has been reported repeatedly that professional insensitivity to family issues may cause additional frustration for families, many parents identified professionals at schools/programs as a primary source of social support. As Todis (1996) suggested, the way professionals introduce the devices may actually contribute to the positive attitude expressed by parents; enhancing positive attitudes can, in tum, contribute to emotional well-being. Implications for Practitioners and Researchei^ In reviewing the literature on families' perspectives regarding AAC practices, it is apparent that the impact of current AAC practices encompasses multiple FQOL domains inciuding family interaction, parenting, physical/materiai well-being, disability-related services, and emotional well-being. Implications of this literature for professionals and researchers regarding AAC practices that impact on FQOL outcomes are presented below. Implications for Practitioners According to this review, families want empowering partnerships with professionals related to support for AAC use in their current and future lives at home and in their community. They expressed significant needs for acquiring and updating their knowledge about AAC over time (Angelo et al., 1995.1996). given that they are assuming active roles in AAC decision making (Parette et al., 2000). Sensitivity to family goals has been increasingly emphasized in the literature (Parette et al., 2000). Professionals should focus on helping families gain knowledge to make informed choices and decisions about technology and services for their children (Angelo et al., 1996: Parette et al., 2004). For example, Parette et al. (2000) suggested that family members might be unprepared for the responsibilities of programming and learning to use devices, so families must be provided assistance in order to develop their knowledge of AAC processes in order to make final decisions. Angelo et al. (1996) also suggest that professionals should strengthen the family in ways that make family members feel competent rather than dependent on professionals and services. This is especially important for families from diverse cultural backgrounds (Parette et al, 2000; Parette el al.. 2004). Knowing the roles family members assume (e.g., nurturer, provider, advocate, teacher), professionals can support them in their existing and evolving roles related to AAC practices (Angelo et al., 1996). Moreover, inereasing families' awareness and knowledge of their children's educational rights helps to create equal and interactive family-professional partnership styles (Parette et al., 2004). Assisting families with a child with AAC in accessing social supports and resources is another powerful way to empower families. This review revealed that sources of social support for families were mainly their own family members and professionals who provided services in their daily lives (Jones et al., 1998), but the families wanted other societal supports, such as advocacy groups for parents of children using devices and social opportunities with other AAC users for their adolescent (Angelo et al., 1995, 1996). Angelo et al. (1995) suggested that professionals could link families to parent support groups, advocacy groups, and volunteer services, which is an important step for identifying and accessing resources and meeting both present and future needs. Professionals can potentially enhance FQOL through the sensitive implementation of AAC practices. Based on the findings of the review and other sources (e.g., Blackstone, 1994). Table 2 provides a self-assessment checklist for professionals for family-friendly AAC practices. Implications for Researchers The reviewed studies demonstrate that current AAC practices impact multiple domains of FQQL. For ex- Table 2 Checklist for Professionals Working with Families with Young AAC Users 1. Do you listen carefully to the priorities, expectations, and preferences of the family in regard to AAC practice? 2. Do you ask who the main family members are and what roies each family member plays-information provider, active participant, advocate, communication partner, planner, etc.? Are ail intlucntial family members participating in decision making in the AAC practice? 3. Do you treat each family as unique, respecting the family values and their communication style? Do you incorporate them into AAC practices? 4. Do you recognize that the AAC device increases the family member's roles and responsibilities and may affect the family routmes and lifestyle? Do you respect the family for working on these accommodations? 5. Do you provide appropriate AAC-rclated infonnation and Iraining based on each family's unique needs? 6. Do you provide information on the funding processes, supports, and warranties for the AAC device? Are they clear to the family? 7. Do you sample the language use of siblings and peers? Do you ask families to help you select symbols to represent vocabulary on displays/devices? 8. Do you facilitate social opportunities with peers for the child using AAC? Do you support community participation of the chiid and family? 9. Do you work on transition needs of the child and family? Do you provide stability and continuity in AAC services across time? in. Are you aware of the frustration that the family might have caused by the service provision/management of the AAC deviee? Do you provide appropriate supports/solutions to the problern? AAC and Family QOL ample, although traditional client-focused AAC practice assumed that the desired outcome of the adoption of AAC would lead to greater independence of children, and less parental time, energy, and responsibility, the review revealed that parents' roles and responsibilities associated with devices actually increased their parental roles and responsibilities (Angelo. 2000). This parental feedback suggests that one of the reasons for underuse and abandonment of devices could be social invalidity (Schwartz & Bare, 1991;Wolf, iy7S). The findings of this review underscore the need for family members to be considered as important stakeholders of AAC practices and research. In addition, taking into consideration ramilies' preferences for children's inclusive life in community and school, the perspectives of peers of AAC users, general education teachers, and prospective communication partners in the community need to be considered, and this would be supported by the social validity literature. Unfortunately, despite the increasing emphasis on stakeholder accountability, social validation is far from commonplace in the research field of AAC A content analysis of AAC intervention studies using experimental single-subject designs revealed that only 13% of the surveyed studies included social validation procedures (Schlosser. 1999). Social validation must be considered for al! AAC research studies. A definition of evidence-based practice (EBP) in AAC. proposed by Schiosser and Raghavendra (2004), addresses the importance of stakeholders' perspectives. •'Evidence-based AAC practice is the integration of best and current research evidence with clinical/educational expertise and relevant stakeholder perspectives, in order to facilitate deeisions about assessment and intervention that are deemed effective and efficient for a given direct stakeholder" (Sehlosser & Raghavendra. 2004, p. 3). Aithough there are three important com- 63 ponents in the definition of EBP in AAC (i.e., research evidence, practitioner expertise, and relevant stakeholder perspectives), stakeholder perspectives are mostly valued for best practices in EBP. "Best practices in EBP demand that direct stakeholders be made aware of clinical/educational expertise and all avaiiabie current research so that they may make informed decisions about how to proceed-even if those decisions are contrary to the evidence or what the practitioner believes" (Schlosser & Raghavendra, 2004. p. 17). Another important issue of research in this field is placing greater emphasis on a research agenda with an evidence-based orientation. Hierarchy of evidence to inform AAC intervention development and selection of participant with disabilities is proposed by Schlosser and Raghavendra (2004). which recommended the use of meta-anaiysis of (a) single-subject experimental designs and (b) quasi-experimental group designs. Furthermore, future research complies with quality indicators for relevant research methodology (e.g.. Odom et al., 2005). In addition to improving rigor, another important consideration is expanding to be more inclusive in terms of ineluding diverse family respondents. Severai survey studies (Angelo, 2000: Angelo et al., 1995, 1996; Jones et al.. 1998) reported serious limitations including the following: (a) participants were limited to a welloperated, agency-specific database; (b) the response rate of the survey research was low; (c) the majority of the respondents were two parents, European American. well-educated, middle-income families: and (d) the surveys were answered mostly by mothers. The researehers who conducted studies were typically from the same cultural groups as those reflected by the respondents. Lastly, by acknowledging families as important stakeholders of AAC practice, researchers should conduct research on aspects of AAC pracUce that could positively Table 3 Research Questions on AAC Practice for Family Outcomes FQOL Family Interaction Parenting Physical/material well-being Disability-related support Emotional well-being Possible Research Questions Regarding AAC How do AAC practices influence the domain of family interaction? How do interactions change over time as AAC is used? How do family values and cultures impact child and family use of AAC? How do families adapt roles and responsibilities regarding AAC? Whal kinds of informalion and training needs do families have regarding AAC? How do these needs change over time? How do families prioritize lheir needs? How do families want to be involved in advocacy aetivities regarding aeeess to and use of AAC? What kinds of difficulties do families experience regarding obtaining AAC deviees? Whal are effective support syslems (information, warranty, funding support, etc.)? What are imporiant issues for AAC decision-making processes that reflect family perspectives? How should various professionals work together as a team to support children and families? Are there any perspective differences among professionals regarding AAC instruction? What are team strategies to overcome the differences in their perspectives? How does the leam address individual child and family needs of inclusion and transition regarding use of AAC? How should professional preparation programs address family-centered AAC practice? What kinds of frustration do families experience related to AAC? How can professionals idenlify and assess family satisfaetion and frustrations regarding AAC practice? Whal kinds of supports would be most helpful lo families with children who use AAC? Sailo and Turnhull 64 impact FQOL outcomes. Since the late 1990s, family considerations, culturai issues, and issues of community inciusion have had greater prominence in the field of AAC research than ever before (e.g.. Beck. Fritz. Keiier. & Dennis. 20(K); Hetzroni & Harris. 1996; Hunt, Soto. Maier, Muiler. & Goetz, 2002; Kemp & Parette, 2000; KentWalsh & Light. 2003; Lahm & Sizemore. 2002; Parette & Brotherson. 2004; Parette & Hourcade. 1997; Parette & Huer. 2002; Parette, Huer. & Brotherson. 2001; Parette. Huer. & Hourcade, 2003; Parette & McMahan. 2(H)2; Roiiinson & Sadao. 2(X)5). Research questions shouid be developed that, when answered, wili be of interest and vaiue to families and AAC users (Blaclcstone, 1994). The FQOL framework is a useful tool for developing research questions that have the potential to enhance FOOL. Possible research questions related to each of the five domains of FQOL are provided in Tabie 3. Conclusion Tn taking a family perspective, one reflects on each family's unique pursuits for FQOL. Failure to take family perspective into consideration might result in a family who is frustrated and stressed and ultimateiy in a family who faiis to use AAC practices. Reviewing famiiy perspectives on AAC practices through the FOOL framework provides suggestions to practitioners and researchers. For AAC practices that support FQOL, it is clear that need for supports, resources, and accommodations exist at aii ecological contexts of a child's life, including family, school, and community, and that effective AAC practices will need to address the systemic nature of the problem and avoid interpreting problems as only residing within the child and family {Turnbull. Turbiville. & Turnbull, 2000). The FQOL framework can be a useful tool for planning, implementing, and evaluating AAC practices that are provided to children and families. References Abidin, R. R. (1995). Parenting .stress index (3rd ed.). Odessa. FL: Psychologieal Press Resources. Allaire. X, Gressard. R., Biackman. 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