SYNOPSIS By: Dr. Samir Al-Gailani SYNOPSIS • A brief summary or general survey of something [nearly 200 words]. • Normally synopsis will have 0ne/two line introduction then followed by state of Art [Literature Survey] then problem statement then methodology and finally expected outcomes. • Suitable Verification methods can also be included. © 2007, OSU Libraries, 2016Instruction Office SYNOPSIS Introduction •It should provide a brief description to introduce the area of the proposed research work. State of Art •Literature Survey of the area(s) of study – •a critical review in the context of the stated research question and related issues. Who is doing what? Who has done what? Who first did it or published it? © 2007, OSU Libraries, 2016Instruction Office SYNOPSIS • State of Art • Taken from published papers, research monographs, catalogues etc. • Based on primary sources. Offering a, probably new, structured view of the field of study © 2007, OSU Libraries, 2016Instruction Office SYNOPSIS Plan of Work and Methodology: • A plan of work describing the various aspects of the study in a logical sequence along with the methodologies to be employed, are the most important aspects of any research plan. • Sufficient details to demonstrate that the researcher has a fairly good idea about the nature of work likely to be involved should be provided. © 2007, OSU Libraries, 2016Instruction Office SYNOPSIS Plan of Work and Methodology: • In the case of experimental sciences, e.g., which equipment and experimental procedures will be used to obtain the results; • In the case of social sciences what resource materials will be used; whether the required information will be obtained from primary [original documents] or secondary [journal articles or books, but may include radio or television documentaries, or conference proceedings]. sources, etc. • A time schedule for the various aspects of the proposed research may be provided wherever possible. © 2007, OSU Libraries, 2016Instruction Office SYNOPSIS Expected Outcomes: • What are the results expected, are shown here to convince others that this work or research is correct and important. © 2007, OSU Libraries, 2016Instruction Office SYNOPSIS THANKS © 2007, OSU Libraries, 2016Instruction Office SYNOPSIS [Examples] Problem Statement • This work proposes an atmospheric model of FSO system which encircles propagation study on rain, humidity, temperature and haze attenuation effect in tropical regions like Malaysia. © 2007, OSU Libraries, 2016Instruction Office SYNOPSIS [Examples] Problem Statement • The main opportunities that could be explored are, • To determine k and a values for rain attenuation at sighting area, • The attenuation due to haze, and © 2007, OSU Libraries, 2016Instruction Office SYNOPSIS [Examples] Problem Statement • The relation of humidity with temperature, and variation of temperature with attenuation of the signal in tropical region • Therefore, these are considered as the main motivation for this research work. © 2007, OSU Libraries, 2016Instruction Office