CONTENTS Page Description Chapter_1 No. Declaration ii Certificate iii Dedication iv Acknowledgement v Contents vii List of Tables ix List of Figure x Nomenclature xviii : Introduction 1 1.1 General Introduction 1 1.2 Scope of Work 3 1.3 Thesis Outline 5 Chapter_2 : Review of literature 7 2.1 General 7 2.2 What Causes a Power Transformer Fail? 7 2.3 Transformer Diagnostics and Transformer 15 Maintenance 2.4 Condition Monitoring of Transformers 18 2.5 Comparison of Diagnostic Techniques 21 2.6 Conclusion 22 Chapter_3 : SFRA Basics 23 3.1 Introduction 23 3.2 SFRA Theory 25 3.3 SFRA History 27 3.4 SFRA Today 28 3.5 Purpose of FRA Measurements 29 3.6 Definitions 30 3.7 Development and Variations in FRA Practices 31 3.8 Measurements on Different Winding Types 34 vii 3.9 Conclusion 38 Chapter_4 : SFRA Testing 39 4.1 Introduction 39 4.2 SFRA Test Procedure 39 4.3 Test Circuit and Connections 47 4.4 Test Types 50 4.5 Measurement connection and checks 51 4.6 Conclusion 52 Chapter_5 : Interpretation of SFRA 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Modeling 53 53 of Transformer Winding for 53 Interpretation of SFRA 5.3 Basics of FRA Interpretation 62 5.4 Interpretation Methodology 76 5.5 Examples of FRA Interpretation 83 5.6 Conclusion 87 Chapter_6 : Experimental Work 89 6.1 Design of a Power Transformer 89 6.2 Experimental Set-up 91 6.3 SFRA Testing on Healthy Condition of a 97 Transformer 6.4 Comparison of SFRA Traces at different Tap 105 (Extreme Tap, Normal Tap & Lowest Tap) on the Healthy Condition of Transformer 6.5 Practical Simulation of Fault Damages 111 6.6 Conclusion 175 Chapter_7 Conclusion 176 7.1 General 176 7.2 Summary of Important Findings 178 7.3 Future Scope of Research Work 185 References 187 List of Publications 192 viii