Do you understand, what it would mean, if the proposed guardian gains guardianship over you? -They will be able to make financial decision’s for you. -They will be able to make medical decision’s for you. Do you wish to attend the hearing that will be held on your behalf? Do you wish to contest the hearing? Do you seek any limitation’s on the proposed guardian? You are entitled to be present at the hearing, in person, and you will be able to see all of the evidence they will show, while determing if you need a guardian or not. You are able to have a lawyer of your own if you so choose. This lawyer may cross examine both the physician that has written your medical report’s as well as myself the visitor. The hearing scheduled over your can be a closed hearing, if you wish it to be so. This generally mean’s that other people will not be able to attend your hearing. PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: CURRENT LIVING SITUATION: LEVEL OF COMMUNICATION OF PROTECTED PERSON: BACKGROUND OF PROTECTED PERSON: ATTITUDE UNDERSTANDING AND POSSIBLE CONSEQUENCES? DOES THE INCAPACITATED PERSON WANT ANY LIMITATIONS ON THE GUARDIANSHIP IN THIS CASE? DOES THE INCAPACITATED PERSON WISH TO ATTEND THE HEARING? INCOME AND ASSETTS OF THE PROTECTED PERSON PERSON OR AGENCY PRESENTLY ADMINISTIRING THE ASSETS? IS THE PERSON IN NEED OF HAVING A GUARDIAN OR CONSERVATOR: SHOULD ANY LIMITATIONS BE IMPOSED? MY RECOMENDATIONS Visitor Cheat sheet V2: © Nicholas C. Johnson January 18th, 2018