For Loop Reading Python

Nothing is worse than having to do the same thing over
and over again. There’s a reason why some people count
sheep when they’re having trouble falling asleep, and
it has nothing to do with the amazing sleep-inducing
powers of woolly mammals. It’s because endlessly
repeating something is boring, and your mind can
drop off to sleep more easily if you’re not focusing on
something interesting.
Programmers don’t particularly like repeating themselves either, unless they’re also trying
to fall asleep. Thankfully, most programming
languages have what is called a for loop, which
repeats things like other programming statements and blocks of code automatically.
In this chapter, we’ll look at for loops, as
well as another type of loop that Python offers:
the while loop.
Using for Loops
To print hello five times in Python, you could do the following:
>>> print("hello")
>>> print("hello")
>>> print("hello")
>>> print("hello")
>>> print("hello")
But this is rather tedious. Instead, you can use a for loop to
reduce the amount of typing and repetition, like this:
>>> for x in range(0, 5):
The range function at can be used to create a list of numbers
ranging from a starting number up to the number just before the
ending number. That may sound a little confusing. Let’s combine
the range function with the list function to see exactly how this
Chapter 6
works. The range function doesn’t actually create a list of numbers;
it returns an iterator, which is a type of Python object specially
designed to work with loops. However, if we combine range with
list, we get a list of numbers.
>>> print(list(range(10, 20)))
[10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19]
In the case of the for loop, the code at
Python to do the following:
is actually telling
Start counting from 0 and stop before reaching 5.
For each number we count, store the value in the variable x.
Then Python executes the block of code at . Note that there
are four additional spaces at the beginning of line (when you
compare with line ). IDLE will have automatically indented this
for you.
When we hit enter after the second line, Python prints “hello”
five times.
We could also use the x in our print statement to count the hellos:
>>> for x in range(0, 5):
print('hello %s' % x)
hello 0
hello 1
hello 2
hello 3
hello 4
If we get rid of the for loop again, our code might look something like this:
>>> x = 0
>>> print('hello %s' % x)
hello 0
>>> x = 1
>>> print('hello %s' % x)
hello 1
>>> x = 2
>>> print('hello %s' % x)
hello 2
Going Loopy
>>> x = 3
>>> print('hello %s' % x)
hello 3
>>> x = 4
>>> print('hello %s' % x)
hello 4
So using the loop has actually saved us from writing eight
extra lines of code. Good programmers hate doing things more
than once, so the for loop is one of the more popular statements
in a programming language.
You don’t need to stick to using the range and list functions
when making for loops. You could also use a list you’ve already
created, such as the shopping list from Chapter 3, as follows:
>>> wizard_list = ['spider legs', 'toe of frog', 'snail tongue',
'bat wing', 'slug butter', 'bear burp']
>>> for i in wizard_list:
spider legs
toe of frog
snail tongue
bat wing
slug butter
bear burp
This code is a way of saying, “For
each item in wizard_list, store the value
in the variable i, and then print the contents of that variable.” Again, if we got
rid of the for loop, we would need to do
something like this:
>>> wizard_list = ['spider legs', 'toe of frog', 'snail tongue',
'bat wing', 'slug butter', 'bear burp']
>>> print(wizard_list[0])
spider legs
>>> print(wizard_list[1])
toe of frog
>>> print(wizard_list[2])
snail tongue
Chapter 6
>>> print(wizard_list[3])
bat wing
>>> print(wizard_list[4])
slug butter
>>> print(wizard_list[5])
bear burp
So once again, the loop has saved us a lot of typing.
Let’s create another loop. Type the following code into the
shell. It should automatically indent the code for you.
>>> hugehairypants = ['huge', 'hairy', 'pants']
>>> for i in hugehairypants:
In the first line , we create a list containing
'huge', 'hairy', and 'pants'. In the next line , we
loop through the items in that list, and each item
is then assigned to the variable i. We print the contents of the variable twice in the next two lines (
and ). Pressing enter on the next blank line
tells Python to end the block, and it then runs the
code and prints each element of the list twice .
Remember that if you enter the wrong number of spaces, you’ll
end up with an error message. If you entered the preceding code
with an extra space on the fourth line , Python would display an
indentation error:
>>> hugehairypants = ['huge', 'hairy', 'pants']
>>> for i in hugehairypants:
SyntaxError: unexpected indent
Going Loopy
As you learned in Chapter 5, Python expects the number
of spaces in a block to be consistent. It doesn’t matter how many
spaces you insert, as long as you use the same number for every
new line (plus it makes the code easier for humans to read).
Here’s a more complicated example of a for loop with two
blocks of code:
>>> hugehairypants = ['huge', 'hairy', 'pants']
>>> for i in hugehairypants:
for j in hugehairypants:
Where are the blocks in this code? The first block is the first
for loop:
hugehairypants = ['huge', 'hairy', 'pants']
for i in hugehairypants:
for j in hugehairypants: # These lines are the FIRST block.
The second block is the single print line in the second for loop:
hugehairypants = ['huge', 'hairy', 'pants']
for i in hugehairypants:
for j in hugehairypants:
# This line is also the SECOND block.
Can you figure out what this little bit of code is going to do?
After a list called hugehairypants is created at , we can tell
from the next two lines that it’s going to loop through the items in
the list and print out each one. However, at , it will loop over the
list again, this time assigning the value to the variable j, and then
print each item again at . The code at and is still part of the
for loop, which means they will be executed for each item as the for
loop goes through the list.
So when this code runs, we should see huge followed by huge,
hairy, pants, and then hairy followed by huge, hairy, pants, and so on.
Chapter 6
Enter the code into the Python shell and see for yourself:
>>> hugehairypants = ['huge', 'hairy', 'pants']
>>> for i in hugehairypants:
for j in hugehairypants:
Python enters the first loop and prints an item from the list at
. Next, it enters the second loop and prints all the items in the
list at . Then it continues with the print(i) command, printing
the next item in the list, and then prints the complete list again
with print(j). In the output, the lines marked
are printed by the
print(i) statement. The unmarked lines are printed by print(j).
How about something more practical than printing silly words?
Remember that calculation we came up with in Chapter 2 to work
out how many gold coins you would have at the end of the year if
you used your grandfather’s crazy invention to duplicate coins? It
looked like this:
>>> 20 + 10 * 365 – 3 * 52
This represents 20 found coins plus
10 magic coins multiplied by 365 days in
the year, minus the 3 coins a week stolen
by the raven.
Going Loopy
It might be useful to see how your pile of gold coins will increase
each week. We can do this with another for loop, but first, we need
to change the value of our magic_coins variable so it represents the
total number of magic coins per week. That’s 10 magic coins per
day times 7 days in a week, so magic_coins should be 70:
>>> found_coins = 20
>>> magic_coins = 70
>>> stolen_coins = 3
We can see our treasure increase each week by creating
another variable, called coins, and using a loop:
found_coins = 20
magic_coins = 70
stolen_coins = 3
coins = found_coins
for week in range(1, 53):
coins = coins + magic_coins - stolen_coins
print('Week %s = %s' % (week, coins))
, the variable coins is loaded with the value of the variable
found_coins; this is our starting number. The next line at
sets up
the for loop, which will run the commands in the block (the block is
made up of the lines at and ). Each time it loops, the variable
week is loaded with the next number in the range of 1 through 52.
The line at is a bit more complicated. Basically, each week
we want to add the number of coins we’ve magically created and
subtract the number of coins that were stolen by the raven. Think
of the variable coins as something like a treasure chest. Every week,
the new coins are piled into the chest. So this line really means,
“Replace the contents of the variable coins with the number of my
current coins, plus what I’ve created this week.” Basically, the
equal sign (=) is a bossy piece of code that says, “Work out some
stuff on the right first, and then save it for later, using the name
on the left.”
The line at is a print statement using placeholders, which
prints the week number and the total number of coins (so far) to
the screen. (If that doesn’t make sense to you, reread “Embedding
Chapter 6
Values in Strings” on page 30.) So, if you run this program,
you’ll see something like this:
While We’re Talking About Looping . . .
A for loop isn’t the only kind of loop you can make in Python.
There’s also the while loop. A for loop is a loop of a specific length,
whereas a while loop is a loop that is used when you don’t know
ahead of time when it needs to stop looping.
Imagine a staircase with 20 steps. The staircase is indoors,
and you know you can easily climb 20 steps. A for loop is like that.
>>> for step in range(0, 20):
Now imagine a staircase going up a mountainside. The mountain is really tall, and you might run out of energy before you reach
the top, or the weather might turn bad, forcing you to stop. This is
what a while loop is like.
Going Loopy
step = 0
while step < 10000:
if tired == True:
elif badweather == True:
step = step + 1
If you try to enter and run this
code, you’ll get an error. Why? The
error happens because we haven’t created the variables tired and badweather.
Although there isn’t enough code here
to actually make a working program,
it does demonstrate a basic example of
a while loop.
We start by creating a variable
called step with step = 0. Next, we create a while loop that checks whether
the value of the variable step is less than 10,000 (step < 10000), which
is the total number of steps from the bottom of the mountain to the
top. As long as step is less than 10,000, Python will execute the
rest of the code.
With print(step), we print the value of the variable and
then check whether the value of the variable tired is True with
if tired == True:. (True is called a Boolean value, which we’ll learn
about in Chapter 8.) If it is, we use the break keyword to exit the
loop. The break keyword is a way of jumping out of a loop (in other
words, stopping it) immediately, and it works with both while and
for loops. Here it has the effect of jumping out of the block and into
the line step = step + 1.
The line elif badweather == True: checks to see if the variable
badweather is set to True. If so, the break keyword exits the loop.
If neither tired nor badweather is True (else), we add 1 to the step
variable with step = step + 1, and the loop continues.
Chapter 6
So the steps of a while loop are as follows:
Check the condition.
2. Execute the code in the block.
3. Repeat.
More commonly, a while loop might be created with a couple of
conditions, rather than just one, like this:
>>> x = 45
>>> y = 80
>>> while x < 50 and y < 100:
x = x + 1
y = y + 1
print(x, y)
Here, we create a variable x with the value 45 at , and a variable y with the value 80 at . The loop checks for two conditions
at : whether x is less than 50 and whether y is less than 100.
While both conditions are true, the lines that follow are executed,
adding 1 to both variables and then printing them. Here’s the output of this code:
Can you figure out how this works?
We start counting at 45 for the variable x and at 80 for the variable y, and then increment (add 1 to each variable) every time the
code in the loop is run. The loop will run as long as x is less than
50 and y is less than 100. After looping five times (1 is added to each
variable each time), the value in x reaches 50. Now the first condition (x < 50) is no longer true, so Python knows to stop looping.
Another common use of a while loop is to create semi-eternal
loops. This is a type of loop that could go on forever, but actually
Going Loopy
continues until something happens in the code to break out of it.
Here’s an example:
while True:
lots of code here
lots of code here
lots of code here
if some_value == True:
The condition for the while loop is just True, which is always
true, so the code in the block will always run (thus, the loop is eternal). Only if the variable some_value is true will Python break out
of the loop. You can see a better example of this in “Using randint
to Pick a Random Number” on page 134, but you might want to
wait until you’ve read Chapter 7 before taking a look at it.
What You Learned
In this chapter, we used loops to perform repetitive tasks without
all the repetition. We told Python what we wanted repeated by
writing the tasks inside blocks of code, which we put inside loops.
We used two types of loops: for loops and while loops, which are
similar but can be used in different ways. We also used the break
keyword to stop looping—that is, to break out of a loop.
Programming Puzzles
Here are some examples of loops that you can try out for yourself.
The answers can be found at
#1: The Hello Loop
What do you think the following code will do? First, guess what
will happen, and then run the code in Python to see if you were
>>> for x in range(0, 20):
print('hello %s' % x)
if x < 9:
Chapter 6
#2: Even Numbers
Create a loop that prints even numbers until it reaches your year
of age or, if your age is an odd number, prints out odd numbers
until it reaches your age. For example, it might print out something like this:
#3: My Five Favorite Ingredients
Create a list containing five different sandwich ingredients, such
as the following:
>>> ingredients = ['snails', 'leeches', 'gorilla belly-button lint',
'caterpillar eyebrows', 'centipede toes']
Now create a loop that prints out the list (including the numbers):
gorilla belly-button lint
caterpillar eyebrows
centipede toes
#4: Your Weight on the Moon
If you were standing on the moon right now, your weight would be
16.5 percent of what it is on Earth. You can calculate that by multiplying your Earth weight by 0.165.
If you gained a kilo in weight every year for the next 15 years,
what would your weight be when you visited the moon each year
and at the end of the 15 years? Write a program using a for loop
that prints your moon weight for each year.
Going Loopy