Journalism Midterm Study Guide - High School

Journalism Midterm Study Guide
Chapter One
Looking Back: The History of American Media
1. The first American newspapers were often how many sheets long? _______________
2. Along with material borrowed from whatever source an editor could find, what did journalists include
in early newspapers? ________________ & ___________________
3. Which court case established "truth" as a defense against libel charges?
4. Which amendment guarantees freedom of speech and press? ______________________
5. What pays the cost of producing newspapers and getting newscasts on the air?
6. Reporters at Civil War battle sites made use of the ________________________ to transmit their
7. The end of yellow journalism ushered in a period during which American newspapers developed a
significant ___________________ ______________________.
8. Dr. Lee De Forest made improvements in the __________________ ________________ that made it
possible for the new medium of radio.
9. The first ________________________ newscast took place in the late 1940s.
10. The ________________________ was the last great media advance of the 20th century.
On a separate sheet of paper, define the following key terms from chapter one:
Partisan press, penny press, wire service, yellow journalism, muckracking, shock jock, global village, &
computer-assisted reporting.
Chapter Two
Meeting Ethical & Legal Responsibilities
1. The _____________________ function describes the obligation to cover in detail the activities of the
2. The _____________________ function states the press must report not only what is happening today,
but also what is likely to happen tomorrow.
3. Today the mass media performs the _______________________ function by getting people to discuss
their world.
4. The ___________________________________ function states that the mass media should reflect an
accurate record of local, national, and world news.
5. The ___________________________________ function reflects the idea that the media has the
power to determine what we talk about as individuals and address as a nation.
6. The _____________________________ function states that consumers needdiversion as well as
7. The public needs information about products, goods, and services according to the
___________________________ function.
8. The _________________________ function explains how the press provides a forum in which all sorts
of ideas are presented.
9. ____________________ & _____________________ are perhaps the two most imprtant ethical
principles journalists try to live by.
On a separate sheet of paper, define the following key terms from chapter two:
Ethics, composite characters, credibility, libel, prior restraint, objectivity, right of reply, plagiarism,
slander, privileged statements, fair comment, in loco parentis, & forum theory
Chapter Three
Deciding What Is News
1. A quick shortcut to news judgment can be found in the "____________ _____________" method.
2. Some of the most interesting news stories are based on the results of ________________.
On a separate sheet of paper, define the following key terms from chapter three:
News judgment, advance, timeliness, proximity, prominence, consequence, localization, human-interest
story, conflict, brainstorming, random sample, & filter question.
Chapter Four
Organizing the Staff to Capture the News
1. Journalists now have _______________________ resources available to them, yet
___________________ sources available to their readers.
2. For the most part, audiences today do not read __________________ stories.
3. Commercial newspapers receive a considerable amount of their news from _________________
4. Many ideas for news stories come in the form of __________________.
5. _____________________ are the eyes and ears of the news staff, but they cannot do the job alone.
On a separate sheet of paper, define the following key terms from chapter four:
Publisher, managing editor, beat reporter, general assignment reporter, jump, WED, maestro, mainbar,
sidebar, future book.
Chapter Five
Making the Interview Work
1. Prepare your questions ____________________ the interview; which often requires doing some
2. If you want to make the reader "see" your subject, look for quotes that convey the subject's
3. Try to develop an atmosphere of ___________________.
4. The purpose of prepublication checking is to ensure _____________________ of information.
On a separate sheet of paper, define the following key terms from chapter five:
Primary Source, open-ended question, -est question, stock question, formal interview, off the record, Q
and A.
Use the complete study guide (chapters 1-5) to prepare for your midterm exam this weekend. This
includes ALL key terms and definitions. The exam is worth 20% of your grade for the second quarter;
meaning it is one of the biggest and last opportunities you will have to bring your grade up.
Remember you can not fail 2 quarters and still receive credit for taking this class. I have given you all
the tools you need to succeed. Should you have any questions, feel free to email me. Good luck!
- Ms. Cooke