Rabobank Industry Note #320 - June 2012 An Outlook for Renewable Energy in The Netherlands Rabobank International Food & Agribusiness Research and Advisory clara.van.der.elst@rabobank.com +31 30 71 24507 paul.bosch@rabobank.com +31 30 71 24439 www.rabotransact.com Contents Something has to change 1 The Next Investment Wave Rabobank expects a new wave of investment opportunities in renewable energy in the Netherlands to start around 2014. Solar PV, offshore wind, onshore wind and co-firing biomass are forecast to be the technologies benefitting most from an increased stimulus for renewable energy. We calculate the additional investment required to reach the agreed renewables target for 2020 to be EUR 24 billion, which is on top of the EUR 12 billion that would be spent under a business as usual scenario. Of the additional investments, solar PV accounts for the majority with EUR 13 billion, offshore wind would require EUR 7 billion, and onshore wind and biomass co-firing would each account for EUR 2 billion of investment. Why is the Netherlands lagging? 2 The need for additional renewable energy investment 7 Investments required under the accelerated investment scenario The driver for the new investment wave will be the clear deviation of progress against the 2020 target for renewables, which should become evident in 2013. Based on Rabobank’s calculations, the Netherlands is set to miss its 2020 targets for renewables: at current rates of investment renewable energy is forecast to represent just 9 percent of energy output by 2020, compared with a target of 14 percent. 9 Barriers to the accelerated investment scenario 10 Conclusion 11 Appendix 12 The deviation of progress against the 2020 target will, in our view, trigger a number of responses to address current barriers to renewables: ineffective policies, removal of support for wind, and a lack of progress on energy efficiency. We believe the government will recast renewable energy policies around 2014, due to the EU increasing pressure on member states that are lagging behind renewable energy goals, more vocal public support for renewable energy, and cost declines in renewables equipment resulting from technological and scale advances. Something has to change With only just over 4 percent of energy generation coming from renewable sources in 2010, the Netherlands lags most other European countries. The agreed target to increase the share of renewables to 14 percent by 2020 is therefore relatively high: more than three times the 2010 contribution (see Figure 1). The Netherlands has made little progress since 2008, when renewable energy stood at just over 3 percent. Aided by a 20 percent rise in (imported)1 household waste combustion2 and a lower energy use, overall renewable energy consumption in 2011 crept up to 4.2 percent. The main policy instrument to enable the Netherlands to achieve this target is the SDE (+)3. Rabobank’s analysis concludes that the SDE (+) has not been very effective, and largely as a result, we forecast that without any change in the policy approach, renewable energy generation will be stuck at 9 percent of the energy mix in 2020. We see 2014 as a potential tipping point for Dutch renewables, as the gap between actual and targeted progress will by then become very clear, and political changes in combination with lower costs will create a new wave of investment opportunities. Offshore wind, onshore wind and solar appear to be the best placed technologies to capitalise on the next investment wave. A greater use of biomass will also be required to achieve the target, although whether this is the right choice for the long-term remains to be seen. 1 A.o. from Napels, Italy Of which 50 percent is deemed to be of organic origin and thus renewable 3 Stimuleringsregeling Duurzame Energie 2 Page 1/12 | Rabobank Industry Note #320 - June 2012 An Outlook for Renewable Energy in The Netherlands Figure 1: EU renewable energy shares; 2010 baselines and targets for 2020 percent 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Renewable energy in 2010 Additional renewable energy 2010-2020 Source: National NREAPS, 2010 Box 1: The EU 20-20-20 directive for renewable energy—How it works In 2009, the EU adopted the 20-20-20 Directive, which stipulates three targets for the EU in total per 2020: 20 percent of energy use from renewable sources, a 20 percent reduction on greenhouse gas emissions as compared to 1990 and a 20 percent increase in energy efficiency. Under the Directive the target for the Netherlands is for a 14 percent of renewables in the energy mix by 2020. The target can be achieved by any renewable energy technology and any mix within the three end use categories: heating and cooling, electricity and transport. The European member states submitted National Renewable Action Plans in 2010-11 on how to achieve their respective targets. The share of renewable energy in total energy use by 2020 is not only dependent on the amount of renewable energy consumed in 2020, but of course also on the final overall energy consumption by then. This depends mainly on economic growth, population growth and the energy intensity of the economy. Why is the Netherlands lagging? Rabobank sees various reasons why the Netherlands will struggle to achieve the 2020 renewable energy target. Firstly, because the SDE (+) design has a number of shortcomings and does not align with the investment required by the original plan stated in the Dutch NREAP4. We also believe the SDE(+) tends to rely too heavily on biomass-sourced technologies. Finally, we view the assumptions regarding the underlying energy demand and possible energy efficiency gains as being too optimistic. Rabobank has modelled three scenarios to assess different renewable energy investment outcomes for 2020: The Dutch National Renewable Energy Action Plan (NREAP), which was the original plan for renewable energy investment; A ‘business as usual’ scenario, which projects forward to 2020 the levels and patterns of renewable energy investment seen to date; And an accelerated investment scenario, based on a concerted effort to reach the 2020 target, starting in 2014. 4 National Renewable Action Plan http://ec.europa.eu/energy/renewable s/transparency_platform/doc/dir_2009 _0028_action_plan_netherlands.zip The original plan: the NREAP The Dutch NREAP is an obligatory but non-binding pathway detailing how the Netherlands would reach the 14 percent target in 2020. In this plan, biomass including biofuels and wind would each contribute roughly half of the additional energy generated. Most of the wind energy generated would be offshore. For biomass, the plan details the limited availability of biomass in the Netherlands and consequently the substantial feedstock imports required. Figure 2 shows which technologies were expected to contribute to achieving the 2020 target under the NREAP. Notwithstanding, in 2012 there is already a material difference between the renewables investment and what has between achieved – in 2012 it is already quite clear that this scenario is effectively out of reach. Page 2/12 | Rabobank Industry Note #320 - June 2012 An Outlook for Renewable Energy in The Netherlands Figure 2: Targeted additional output growth under the Dutch NREAP; shares by technology, 2010 to 2020 percent Other 1 Geothermal 4 Biomass 23 Solar 1 Onshore wind 16 Biofuels 10 Biogas 10 Heatpumps 5 Offshore wind 30 Source: ECN Renewable Energy Projections as Published in the National Renewable Energy Action Plans of the European Member States, 2011 The ‘business as usual’ scenario Rabobank projections under a ‘business as usual’ scenario arrive at a 9 percent renewables’ share by 2020, at the low end of other recent forecasts5. This implies the Netherlands will achieve only half of the growth required from 4 to 14 percent. The results of the business as usual scenario projections are compared to the Netherlands’ NREAP scenario in Figure 3. The business as usual scenario assumes an extension of current policy settings and levels, implying a slow conversion of onshore wind and biomass grants into realised projects, and no new offshore wind farm subsidies. We have incorporated a high but declining growth rate for solar PV, starting with 100 percent in 2012, following recent price declines. We assumed the blending requirement for biofuels to be met throughout the period. Figure 3: Projected gap in renewable energy generation to 2020 target, 2010-2020 Percent 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Planned renewable energy (NREAP) Business-as-usual forecast renewable energy Rabobank Source: NREAP, 2010; Rabobank, 2012 What is holding back renewable energy investment? SDE budget has been grossly underspent The Netherlands Government has mostly used three policy instruments to aid investment in renewable energy projects: the Support policy Renewable Energy (SDE), the Energy Investment Deduction (EIA) and the Blending requirement (bijmengverplichting), which applies specifically to transport (see Figure 4). The SDE accounts for the bulk of the available subsidy budget. 5 Planbureau voor de Leefomgeving/ ECN Sep 2011 Effecten van het kabinetsbeleid voor Milieu en Klimaat; http://www.pbl.nl/publicaties/2011/eff ecten-van-het-kabinetsbeleid-voormilieu-en-klimaat. Page 3/12 | Rabobank Industry Note #320 - June 2012 An Outlook for Renewable Figure 4: Policy overview Netherlands Energy in The Netherlands Policy name Description Approved projects win a fixed 8-15 year subsidy SDE covering the gap between generation cost and the actual electricity price Energy-saving or renewable energy investments EIA qualify for a one-off 41.5% corporate tax deduction, generating an around 10% return on investment Blending Legal requirement to blend biofuels with petrol, requirement consumer pays or benefits from any price differentials Source: Rabobank, 2012 The SDE(+) policies result in a relatively slow building rate: the combined SDE subsidies for renewable energy build under the 2008, 2009, 2010 and 2011 programs amounted to only EUR 80 million (see Figure 5), while the total cumulative budget -covering the lifetime subsidies of projects granted- amounts to EUR 9 billion. Figure 6 displays the differences between budgeted, planned and realized capacity over recent years, where a significant amount of budgeted capacity has already been withdrawn. As projects granted in a given year generally have a three to five year time limit in which they need to be built, we estimate that a further share of this pipeline will fail to be realised. Figure 5: Cumulative SDE budget excluding offshore; actual annual cumulative spending, 2008-2011 EUR million 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 0 2008 2009 2010 2011 Total budget available Total annual spend for SDE projects Source:AgentschapNL annual reports SDE, 2009-2011 Figure 6: SDE (+) budgeted capacity excluding offshore wind, 2008-2010 ktoe 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 0 2008 Completed 2009 Forecast realisation 2010 Out of the pipeline Source: AgentschapNL annual report SDE 2009-2011; Rabobank, 2012 SDE spending delays The SDE is proving ineffective for a number of reasons, some of which vary per technology, and these are set out below. Biomass Biomass has attracted the lion’s share of funding, but at levels that preclude profitability, hence creating a sizeable gap between intended and realised renewables capacity. Page 4/12 | Rabobank Industry Note #320 - June 2012 An Outlook for Renewable Energy in The Netherlands Investment under the latest SDEs, and especially the 2011 SDE+, has been geared towards biomass-fuelled energy generation (see Figure 7). Of the applications granted in 2011, 79 percent of energy output in ktoe was granted to biomass, of which 90 percent was for green gas or upgraded biogas. The SDE+ was described by the previous government as ‘technology neutral’, or not favouring one category over another, as grants were price tender-based. However, the relatively high amount directed to green gas points out that, strictly speaking, this was not the case. Gas was a separate category and can only be generated with biomass. Figure 7: Production funded under SDE+, 2011 percent Onshore wind 12 Offshore wind 0 Hydropower 0 Solar PV 8 Other 0 Heat pumps 0 Biomass 79 Geothermal 1 Source:Rabobank, 2012 Costs for the co-feedstocks that are used in manure co-digestion (for biogas), such as corn, have risen over the years. Rabobank calculates a cost per KWh for biogas generated electricity of EUR 0.14-0.20, assuming agricultural manure co-digested on a 50-50 basis with grains. Rabobank believes that a large majority of the SDE+ 2011 biogas and green gas projects have tendered for and been granted support at too low a level to be financially viable. As a result these projects will not be realised, leaving another gap in the build-out. Onshore wind The onshore wind category is responsible for the biggest chunk of the gap between budgeted and completed renewable energy projects; we estimate a gap of around 1250 MW spread over the 2008 to 2010 SDEs. A few elements are at play here. We believe the main reason for the delays is the ‘Not In My BackYard’ (NIMBY) opposition that can arise on a provincial, town council or residential level. This is of course also related to the high population density of the Netherlands. Only 52 percent6 of approved onshore wind projects are actually built, measured from the stage when land has been secured. Furthermore, the price-tendered structure of the 2011 SDE+ carries a disadvantage for onshore wind project developers, who can only apply after obtaining a building permit. The substantial costs for the permit application need to be incurred before taking a chance on success in the funding round. Finally, the fixed limit of 2200 maximum production hours that will be subsidized is also counterproductive for onshore wind. This issue is expected to be addressed in the 2012 SDE+. 6 Calculated by Bosch en Van Rijn for Netherlands Wind EnergyAssociation 7 Rabobank ’Reaching 10c/Kwh’ and BNEF/Rabobank ‘Foundations for Growth’ Nov 2011 8 KEMA/ECN; http://www.kema.com/nl/news/pressr oom/pressreleases/2011/Particuliere_zonnestroo m_in_Nederland_kan_in_2020_vervee rtigvoudigen.aspx Offshore wind Offshore wind has effectively been sidelined in the process. Offshore wind had its own dedicated category within the SDE in 2009. Since then the original NREAP target of 5GW of offshore wind by 2020 has been dropped by the government, which deemed this too expensive. While offshore wind costs have not yet declined much, we believe these will do so on the back of scale increases7. In addition, the delays caused by the NIMBY-effect in onshore wind underline the need for offshore wind in the energy mix. Solar PV Rabobank expects significant growth in solar. In the 2011 SDE+, small scale solar was not supported. However, residential solar PV is now proving financially viable for residential use without subsidies8. The reasons are twofold. In the past few years solar panel costs have Page 5/12 | Rabobank Industry Note #320 - June 2012 An Outlook for Renewable Energy in The Netherlands declined dramatically on the back of scale increases and manufacturing overcapacity, with costs more than halving in 2011 alone. The cost of solar PV per KWh has now been calculated by Bloomberg New Energy Finance as being lower than offshore wind. In addition the electricity generated by solar PV for own use is exempt from energy taxes, adding an effective incentive of EUR 0.11 per KWh in 2012. We therefore expect residential solar PV to show high growth rates between now and 2020 without inclusion in the SDE. Policy solutions to the slow rate of renewables investment Reflecting on the experiences in realising renewable energy investments since the NREAP was prepared, Rabobank has identified the following policy-related factors as posing risks to achieving the 2020 target: Subsidy levels need to rise In general, subsidy levels have been too low to attract uptake or financing required to meet an investment trajectory that will allow the 2020 target to be met. This applies to biogas, to onshore and to offshore wind and has been a reason for solar in the past. This could be seen as a positive for government finances in the shortterm, but simply creates a greater strain on public finance in coming years. Price tenders push out viable projects The recent structure of the SDE with a price-tendered auction is aimed at generating renewable energy capacity at least cost. While this helps governments ensure windfall profits seen in other policy systems are avoided, in reality, the share of granted applications actually being realised is low. Part of the budget is thus consumed by projects that are not going to be able to attract financing, which pushes out other projects. Reduce the heavy reliance on biomass – it is not sustainable A major advantage of biomass is that in most applications it provides energy continuously, as opposed to intermittent sources such as solar and wind. This makes it inherently attractive to those responsible for the integrity and continuous operation of the electricity grid. Notwithstanding, we see four drawbacks with the heavy reliance on biomass in the energy mix. o High proportion of variable costs make economic lifetime less predictable Renewable energy running on biomass has a different financial structure compared to wind and solar energy. With biomass, most of the costs are feedstock related and therefore variable, while with wind and solar projects, the bulk of costs are fixed. This means that, once built, solar and wind facilities can be assumed to keep running, while a biomass facility will be shut down should variable costs become too high. 9 National Renewable Energy Action Plan NL p. 109 10 Agentschap NL, May 2012, Statusdocument bio-energie 2011: http://www.agentschapnl.nl/nieuws/st ructurele-groei-productie-bio-energiezet-door o A lot of biomass feedstock will have to be imported With the Netherlands having the lowest percentage of forest land cover within the EU and a high population density, even the Dutch NREAP estimated that by 2020, 38 percent9 of the required biomass would need to be imported. Compared to solar and wind, this implies a high dependency on other countries and a lower sustainability profile. o Less likely to become cheaper As many EU members are banking on the use of imported biomass to attain their 2020 targets, we believe that prices of suitable feedstocks will be under upward pressure. Also, we believe the long term trend for commodity prices globally is upward in general. All in all, this makes the scope for future cost declines in biomass-sourced renewable energy smaller compared to other technologies. o Biomass already represents the vast majority of supply At the moment10, biomass accounts for 75 percent of the total renewable energy share. Developing a mix of energy technologies would diversify supply and increase energy security. Page 6/12 | Rabobank Industry Note #320 - June 2012 An Outlook for Renewable Increase focus on solar and wind Cost developments in solar and wind have seen continuous decreases and are likely to display further cost declines as both technology and deployment scale progress (see Figure 8). Solar in particular has seen a dramatic 50 percent to 70 percent module price fall in the past year alone and prices are forecast to halve further by 2020. Onshore wind is forecast to see an annual cost decline of low-tomid single digits, driven by technology advances and price pressure from China. Offshore wind is still in its infancy and has the potential for a 20 percent to 35 percent price decline in this decade in our view. A way to overcome the onshore wind NIMBY objections might be to focus on repowering existing onshore wind turbines, as the bulk of the Dutch turbines now installed are of a relatively small size. Energy in The Netherlands Figure 8: Cost of renewable electricity production versus wholesale electricity prices, 2007-2020f EUR/MWh 500 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Onshore Wind Solar pV 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Offshore Wind NL Wholesale electricity price (base load) Source:CBS, Rabobank, 2012 Lack of progress on energy efficiency implies a greater need for renewables The EU Directive allows states to incorporate the effects of future energy savings policies that are not yet in force . As a result, the total final energy consumption in the Netherlands, on which the Dutch NREAP is based, is forecast to be almost flat between 2010 and 2020. In Rabobank’s view this picture is overly optimistic as the Netherlands is yet to adopt a significant amount of new energy savings policies. In addition, the NREAP forecast was based on base year data that was below the actual number11. This means that energy efficiency is not going to contribute to meeting the 2020 target as envisaged in the NREAP, implying a larger than anticipated need for renewable energy investment. The need for additional renewable energy investment We believe that the gap between planned and realised renewable energy investment will become strikingly apparent in 2013. Widespread recognition that the Netherlands is not on track to meet its 2020 target should lead to public and EU pressure to facilitate increased investment in renewables. Rabobank has calculated an accelerated investment scenario based on a mix of technologies that would enable the Netherlands to get back on track to achieve its 2020 renewable energy goal. In this scenario we see a shift from smaller scale or decentralized opportunities in the short term to more large scale opportunities after 2014. As shown in Figure 9, this scenario affects on- and offshore wind, co-firing biomass, and solar. In the accelerated investment scenario we have assumed: Increased stimulus of residential solar PV, both financially and in terms of supportive public education and coordination. Financial stimulus for commercial solar PV. 11 CBS: http://www.cbs.nl/nr/rdonlyres/f1ed1 85c-1da7-4b70-920313ab6c895688/0/2010c89pub.pdf Increased national planning power for siting wind turbines. Page 7/12 | Rabobank Industry Note #320 - June 2012 An Outlook for Renewable A renewable energy obligation for electricity suppliers, effective from 2014 Energy in The Netherlands onwards. The conclusion that opposition to onshore wind cannot be overcome in half of the For biofuels, we have assumed that the anticipated blending rates will be met projects will drive renewed government support for offshore wind. throughout the period to 2020. Figure 9: Contribution of additional capacity in accelerated investment scenario by technology, 2011-2020 MWp, MW, ktoe 18,000 16,000 14,000 12,000 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 0 Solar PV Onshore wind Offshore wind Biomass (MWp) (MW) (MW) (ktoe) Business as usual Accelerated investment Source: Rabobank, 2012 We have included technologies in which we believe a catch-up effort is still possible, both in a planning and a financial sense. For the categories not described below, we have assumed no difference between the ‘business as usual’ and the accelerated investment scenario. We expect the following developments: Solar PV We assume a rise in installed panels from around 110MWp currently to 16GWp per 2020. This is achieved by an above 100 percent growth rate between 2012-16, declining to 30 percent in 2020. We believe this will be possible given the low starting point in the Netherlands relative to other European countries. For instance, Germany installed 7GW alone in 2011. We expect residential solar to pick up as people understand that acceptable returns are now possible on the back of low panel prices without subsidies. As panel prices decline and support for renewable energy becomes more substantial, we expect policy to become more favourable towards commercial PV and we forecast commercial solar to take off in the Netherlands from the middle of this decade. We believe commercial PV will be financed by project finance and corporate financing. Offshore wind Despite the recent government withdrawal, we believe offshore wind will come back to the table, as there are no alternatives to large-scale renewables deployment. Timelines for developing offshore wind are long, however, and apart from subsidies, it will probably be necessary to adjust planning permissions to achieve the additional 1.7 GW of offshore wind that we forecast. This would bring the total offshore wind capacity to 2.7 GW by 2020. An additional reason for including offshore wind in the mix is the high Dutch industrial expertise in this field, currently mostly put to work in the UK and German markets. Offshore wind will be 100 percent commercial, and financing will take place via project finance, vendor finance and a declining share of corporate financing. Onshore wind We forecast only a slight increase in onshore wind from a cumulative installed capacity of 3.3GW in the business as usual scenario to 4.8GW in the accelerated investment scenario. The low rate of additional growth is because we expect siting to remain a difficult process. Our forecast under the accelerated investment scenario is lower than other market watchers. To achieve 4.8GW by 2020 we raised our annual granted capacity from roughly 200MW to 600 MW by 2013 and increased the success rate to 75 percent from 2014 onwards. We see project finance as the main financing tool in onshore wind, representing 70 percent of total. Page 8/12 | Rabobank Industry Note #320 - June 2012 Biomass co-firing Rabobank forecasts a rise in biomass co-firing to around 14 percent of coal use by 2020, with a new supplier obligation being instrumental to achieving this. We expect the required investments to be 100 percent commercial, and the vast majority to be financed on-balance (corporate) by utilities. While the majority of biomass is expected to be used in co-firing, more dedicated biomass facilities being built is also likely. Investments required under the accelerated investment scenario Boosting the rate of renewables deployment to reach the 2020 target is only possible with additional investment. Rabobank has calculated the need for an extra outlay of EUR 24 billion between 2013 and 2020, or roughly EUR 3 billion to EUR 4 billion annually on average, on top of what is already in place and assumed under the business as usual scenario. The total investment required to reach the 14 percent target by 2020 would amount to EUR 36 billion. By technology, the associated investment levels are a total of EUR 16 billion for solar, EUR 13 billion more than under the business as usual scenario; EUR 10 billion for offshore wind, of which EUR 7 billion is additional to the business as usual level; EUR 2 billion for onshore wind, all of which is additional; and EUR 3 billion for biomass, including EUR 1.7 billion additional (see Figure 10). Figure 10: Annual investments under realistic and accelerated investment scenario, 2014 vs. 2016, 2018 and 2020 EUR billion 5 4 3 2 1 2014 2016 Business as usual 2018 Biomass Offshore wind Onshore wind Solar PV Biomass Offshore wind Onshore wind Solar PV Biomass Offshore wind Onshore wind Solar PV Biomass Offshore wind 0 Onshore wind Energy in The Netherlands Solar PV An Outlook for Renewable 2020 Accelerated investment Source: Rabobank, 2012 All in all, we expect project finance to provide EUR 15 billion of financing, (utility or commercial) corporate to provide EUR 7 billion, equipment vendors EUR 1 billion and private residents EUR 11 billion (for solar PV). Estimated financing requirement by type for each of the four technologies for the total amount required under the accelerated investment scenario is charted in Figure 11. Two things should be kept in mind in considering the investment numbers. The costs are expenses that will be put forward by renewable energy investors, not the government. In addition, comparing the required investment outlays does not say much about the costs per KWh of the actual energy produced: these are affected by the expected lifetime of the facility, the efficiency rate, the actual location etc. For instance, a wind turbine has a 15year lifespan, while a solar panel roughly doubles that. For simplicity, we have assumed required capital expenditure costs to remain stable, except for solar, where we have assumed a 50 percent decrease between 2011 and 2020. With regard to the associated subsidies, we forecast the total annual cash outlay will rise from the current level with EUR 350 million in 2013 to EUR 3 billion in 2020. This is the combined amount for business as usual and accelerated investments. We believe a large amount of the unspent cumulative EUR 9 billion budget from the 2008-2011 period is still Page 9/12 | Rabobank Industry Note #320 - June 2012 included in government budgets and could be used without creating additional budgetary pressures. Figure 11: Estimated total financing requirements to 2020—accelerated investment plus business as usual scenarios EUR billion Ven 0.4 Res 0.1 Ven 0.5 Cor 3.2 Total financing Pro 2.7 Offshore wind Cor 0.8 Onshore wind Energy in The Netherlands Ven 0.9 Cor 7.0 Pro 6.9 Res 11.2 Cor 0.5 Pro 0.4 Pro 4.7 Biomass Solar An Outlook for Renewable Pro 14.7 Res 11.1 Cor 2.5 Residential Project finance Corporate Vendor Source: Rabobank, 2012 Barriers to the accelerated investment scenario The accelerated investment scenario is based on what we consider is likely and still possible. However, there are barriers that realisation of this scenario would need to overcome, including: Macro-economics Like most other eurozone members, the Netherlands is affected by the financial crisis and has put severe austerity measures in place. The Netherlands will see elections in September as the previous government fell over proposed budget cuts. An increased budget for renewable energy subsidies therefore would likely have to come at the expense of other government expenditures. However, although budgets from previous subsidy rounds since 2008 have largely remained unspent, we believe subsidies for projects still in the pipeline are included in the budget. When freed, as projects fail to get built within the required timeframe, these funds could be put to use. In addition, compared to some other countries, energy consumers in the Netherlands still only pay a relatively small amount towards supporting renewable energy directly, although this is scheduled to change by 2013. Financial regulation (Basel III) Project finance has been a popular vehicle to fund renewable energy projects. Today, project finance is constrained by the lack of long-tenored funding available in the treasury market. In addition, the Basel III banking legislation, which will be implemented between 2011 and 2018, stipulates stricter guidelines around project finance. In Germany, Denmark and the UK, specific finance facilities for renewable energy have been set up by the government to absorb some of the difficulties in attracting longer term project finance funding. Integration with the electricity grid Both for centralised -such as offshore wind- and decentralised renewable energy facilities, significant adaptations have to be made to integrate projects with the electricity grid. The intermittent nature of solar and wind energy also imply that non-renewable electricity supply levels will fluctuate more. Increasing the share of renewable energy in the overall energy mix will require significant grid investments, improved grid management and more flexible back-up facilities. In addition, recent research suggests that the cheapest way of dealing with at least part of the intermittent electricity supply is by building far better Page 10/12 | Rabobank Industry Note #320 - June 2012 An Outlook for Renewable Energy in The Netherlands exchange and trading networks in Europe. Instead of storage, national peaks and troughs are managed by im- and exporting. Importing renewable energy Recently, the Dutch government announced that it is considering the import of renewable energy to help keep renewables on track with the 2020 target. However, the EU directive stipulates that imported renewable energy will only be counted towards the 2020 target if the generating facility has been built after the directive came into force. As a result existing Norwegian hydropower, for instance, cannot be included. The use of imported renewable energy that does qualify under the Directive would reduce the need for some of the capacity identified in the accelerated investment scenario. Conclusion Although it will be challenging, we believe there still is a window in which the Netherlands can come close to meeting its 2020 renewable energy target. Under our accelerated investment scenario the technology winners will be solar PV, offshore wind, onshore wind and biomass. We expect project finance, utility or commercial corporate finance and private persons to provide the majority of financing required. Page 11/12 | Rabobank Industry Note #320 - June 2012 An Outlook for Renewable Appendix Energy in The Netherlands The SDE accounts for the bulk of the available subsidy budget. However, when looking at actual annual expenditures in the third part of the table below, the MEP policy is still responsible for the almost all of the government subsidies (see Figure 12). The MEP was the predecessor of the SDE until 2006 and was superseded by the SDE in 2008. More detail on SDE budgets, the completion rate and expenditures is provided in Figure 13. Figure 12: Dutch government funds associated with policies, 2008-2012 EUR million Annual budget available for approved projects Policies 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 SDE 1,500 3,801 2,100 1,500 1,700 139 145 150 151 151 0 5,384 0 0 0 EIA SDE Offshore wind Total funds approved for projects to date Policies 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 SDE 413 2,424 1,768 1,500 na EIA 122 78 98 na na 0 4,400 0 984 na SDE Offshore wind Total annual actual government subsidy spend for SDE, MEP and EIA projects Policies 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 MEP 2003-2006 492 620 600 na na SDE 2008-2010 na 2 23 54 na na na EIA fiscal deduction, assumed equal to funds approved SDE Offshore wind 52 69 68 Source: Agentschap NL annual reports, 2009-2011; Rabobank, 2012 Figure 13: Budgeted, approved and actual capacity and actual annual government subsidies SDE 2008 2009 2010 1,459 8,201 2,126 Budgeted (MW)* 651 1,634 611 Approved (MW)** 151 1,218 602 Completed (MW) 126 119 18 -525 -1,515 -593 Budgeted (EUR million) Delta budgeted - realised (MW) Of which offshore wind (MW) Of which still planned, excluding offshore wind (MW) Actual subsidies (EUR million) in 2010 for SDE realised MW in 2008-2010 0 600 0 25 499 584 15 8 0 * Based on an average cost per technology per MW ** Excludes withdrawn projects Source: Agentschap NL annual reports 2009-2011; Rabobank analysis, 2012 This document is issued by Coöperatieve Centrale Raiffeisen-Boerenleenbank B.A. incorporated in the Netherlands, trading as Rabobank International (“RI”). The information and opinions contained in this document have been compiled or arrived at from sources believed to be reliable, but no representation or warranty, express or implied, is made as to their accuracy, completeness or correctness. This document is for information purposes only and is not, and should not be construed as, an offer or a commitment by RI or any of its affiliates to enter into a transaction, nor is it professional advice. This information is general in nature only and does not take into account an individual’s personal circumstances. All opinions expressed in this document are subject to change without notice. Neither RI, nor other legal entities in the group to which it belongs, accept any liability whatsoever for any loss howsoever arising from any use of this document or its contents or otherwise arising in connection therewith. This document may not be reproduced, distributed or published, in whole or in part, for any purpose, except with the prior written consent of RI. All copyrights, including those within the meaning of the Dutch Copyright Act, are reserved. Dutch law shall apply. By accepting this document you agree to be bound by the foregoing restrictions. © Rabobank International Utrecht Branch, Croeselaan 18, 3521 CB, Utrecht, The Netherlands +31 30 216 0000 This report has been published in line with Rabobank’s long-term commitment to international food and agribusiness. It is one of a series of publications undertaken by the global department of Food & Agribusiness Research and Advisory. ©2012 - All Rights Reserved. Page 12/12 | Rabobank Industry Note #320 - June 2012