Name: 1,1,/5 Properties of Polynomial Function Graphs IJ -ilna Domain: Range: {ne qex ssY ok o\\ X \ahleI o€ a\[ \ v46s +5 Interval Notation: uses parenthesis or brackets to imply where the function is defined ("$,1" , *'-T^tJ*) Set NotatiglirUses sets to say explicitly where the function is or isn't defined .o\*$ ,-"lL T N^l$ -7 >'&."P.." \t '' sd l{.r) 2 1 a .l -L \ so a L -l- aJ qt \ 2 :\+ ) -.) -l Graph 1 Graph Domain (Interval Notation) Domain (Set Notation) Range (lnterval Notation) (- Oo (-: ) *'-b a ) ,\ ,. i{} , U fx\-3Lx*B L-q ol I Graph 3 2 oo) (- oo,4U (g,d ,-\t \RJ tx F Ix nstg$on\ \ o["- @) L E {* \ x+3} (: w, o)U (o *' , I Range (Set Notation) [U -q: y4o3 {g \ L2Y3 [r\ y+ 03 For the graphs below, write the domain and range in interval and set notation. v "v 7 '31fi -6 -r 1 t. -5 v C , '! 1" +, -1 ** ,':, l- -.i| .{ ,* !:l ,) -..1 -'fJ 'I - Lf L I t- t" -i- tJ{ .1 ? -t" l')7A -L o '3 $t 1 4l' \ ) d., \, Q) o ,d odd \ xo t ohlo .xPt t 'v\ \ Ele,.1 ,/aeg(ee. \ ----- ir X+ 'cP, 9+ - v Ql,r"$ Do :, + o, , ') ?.1*'X ^(" X*2-'8, , \ )cn 1*) Do j g)\F I +5 !t $*grr*, L*arlrng 1i Jrl --!l *P *- -, --J {-l rr*t*nrer{ Learj ;t-rt,Ll*.etflr: :*,r,t: i rl 1 r]*S "t l A* .r'-+ :c *r' - I -t-if,, 1: -i .t .&s :. . i\q -+;r r- D*gre* 1en'e.. L**fling C*i:fficient i As rlc .' A* -v ":,: -+ *-> -r', i,*+ |r- _r,--+ :t, a. " e.*d 3' I , r *+ ttg i; r:* { {r * :*rt '. -.'. I --: .:, :!" ;: ,&"s :; -'l "tr'r:. \.' *t 1 ? ; l. & F I .v E ! Name: Date Period: Practice Worksheet: End Behavior & Graphing Polynomials \ L WITHOUT graphing, identify the end behavior of the polynomial function. lly=zxs+7x2+4x Degree:_ Sign of LC:- 3)y=12x4-2x*5 2) Y ='5x Degree:_ Sign of LC:_ Degree:_ Sign of asx+-@,y-_ aSX+-oo.y-_ asx+-@,y-_ as x ---+ oo, Y 41 ,*-A-Zx-+x2+5x3 asx+co.y- asx---+6,y+ 5)y=1*2x6-4x2-2x6 6ly=4x+2-5x6 Standard Form: Standard Form: Standard Form: Degree:_ Sign of LC:- Degree:_ Sign of LC:_ Degree:_ LC:_ LC:_ Sign of asx+-@,y-- asx---+-@,Y-_ asx+-oo,y*-_ aSX---+@,Y* asx---+m,y+ asx-@,y* Match the polynomial function with its graph WITHOUT using a graphing calculator. Think about how the degree of the polynomial affects the shape of the graph. B. A. C. -,| J f II l' ii :l tr- I I t, I I I I I I I I I F E D, \ f\ \ I' i 1 \, / I I \t II I I I I H. G. I t 1 1t l, I I I t !=-2x3 *3x*1 -7)Y=-x2+4x !=-x4+3x2+3 -l0l 131 v=!*+-1*z 22 -81 l4l v=1rt-Zx3+2x -111Y=3x2+2 55 1^.4 9l v = :x'33 l2l v=?x-+ 3 !=-5x*2 -151 \ / It 1 2 - Use the groph below to fillin lhe missing informotion from lhe loble. - lobelthe groph by using lhe oppropriote CODE ond TERM. Term Definilion Point(s) or lntervol{s} The highesl point on o groph in o Locol given orec, Moximum The lowesi point on o groph in o Locol given oreo. Minimum Absolule Moximum The highesl poinl on the entire Absolule Minimum The lowest point on the entire domain of o function. domoin oi o function. xintercept(s) The point{s} ct which the groph crosses the x-oxis. y-inlercepl The point ot which the groph crosses lntervol(s) of lncresse An iniervolin which the y-volues ore increcsing. fUs* inlervol nolafon with x-volues/ lntervol(s) of Decreose An intervolin which lhe x-vclues cre decreosing. {Use rntervol {D, 3) chonges frorn increcsing lo decreosing ond vice verco. I I / SEred ofl lhe groph..- polynomioii cir4ffiSnr dlsconl:nuous b) llre Ieoa;ng coeific;enl the degree ts functions? positive o' negctive? odd? circle the poinl Square the point block purple notst,bn wi'lh x-volues,f (- l.s, -.b) u (1, 0o) # of tp's: / blue yellow The points ot which the groph II t c) (-5, o), [-z,o),[r, o), (i,o the y-oxis- Turning Point(s) o) ('s.t,Q ; (s, e) f.5, -r.s) (r,g) no nf, (."9 tc chau;or) Code 3 rar-1 ) Term Point(sJ or Interval[sJ Degree? Odd or Even? Code ,5 i 5 : Leading Coefficient? Positive or Negative? Posinv Lef + Pignl x9-oo,y* x) oo, s U (- oo Range (y-valuesJ : . t 0O q I oo) f:rb,m) flnterval NotationJ a .. _tq , I i Local Maximum Local Minimum /Absolute Maximum s (> : y* @ finterval NotationJ B : : ( Domain { x- valuesJ e q 1, a End Behavior ? l\ A 6ren a ( o 5 (-t ) ,-t) Green : (tl,' 0) 2b) Blue t t gnd lCircle fthe point (t , -zu) x- interceptfsJ Square the point Black y-intercept Purple Tangent Point fTurning Point where the graph touches the x-axis but does not cross it] Choose a Absolute Minimum Ns\q. ( t ; (t 'c) t '?"-'o' color j -?5 1( *+ r)z (x- D (x -u) Term Point(s) or Interval(s) +s Code Degree? Odd or Even? Leading Coeffi cient? Positive or Negative? End Behavior x* -*,y* xlm, y+ Domain Ix- vaiues) { finterval Notation) * Range fy-vaiuesJ (lnterval NotationJ Maximum x Green Local Minimum Blue Absolute Maximum Circle the point Absolute Minimum x- intercept[sJ Square the point Black y-intercept Purple Tangent Point (Turning Point where the graph touches the x-axis but does not cross it:J Choose a color q -Zx L +\ Point[sJ or lnterval[sJ Term Codt t: Odd or Even ? Leading or Negative? P (0 Positive End Behavior x*-co,Y+ (Lr.s2s 2.9sij) xloo,y) Domain .1) z Ix- valuesJ $nterval NotationJ (-1 .: .ils7, li) il Range [y-values] (Interval NotationJ .-, Green x5-Z*+'l Local Maximum Blue Local Minimum Absolute Maximum Circle the Point Square Absolute Minimum i- the Black t intercePt[ sJ Purple y-intercePt Tangent Poi nt (Turning Poin t where the graph touches the x-axis but does not cross Choose a color 7 Term AJ i-i :rrr +;r:r1 Point(sJ or IntervalfsJ ? or Even? ! Leading Coefficient? Positive or Negative? End Behavior x*-*,y* x) m, y* io, o) -{ l-? 7:ril fi\ Domain (x- valuesJ -2 (2 236, -n [Set NotationJ Range fy-valuesJ {i.2!.i1. -.1.3c-r) [Set Notation] Local Maximum Minimum -\- I Green BIue Absolute Maximum Circle the point Absolute Minimum x- intercept(s) Square the point Black y-intercept Purple Tangent Point (Turning Point where the graph touches the x-axis but does not cross itl Choose a color y3-b rl \ Term L\o Code Point[sJ or lnterval[s) Degree? Odd or Even? Leading Coefficient? Positive or Negative? End Behavior .I -2 x*-ao,y+ xlm, y+ ^1 Domain I x- values] [Set Notation) a : Range {y-values} [Set Notation) Local Maxirnum Local Minimum Absolute Maximum Absolute Minimum x- intercePtfs) y-intercePt Tangent Point (Turning Point where the graph touches the x-axis but does not cross V Green BIue Circle the point Square the point Black Purple -Lxq+ .{ xL - L '3 -q t: Write the domain in set notation. \^ 1. ,,\ Z.Write the range in interval notation. 'J/ ,r,1S. Consider the properties of the function f (x) = *xzQ( + a)(x - 1) **** Graph this function using Select True or False for each statement about the graph of the function. A. It is tangent to the x-axis at x=0 True False B. It crosses the x-axis at x=4 True C. D. , False It has two local maximum values. True False It has no global minimum True False