Contracts KPOZ Outline PRINCIPLES OF CONTRACT LAW Rest. §1 - Contract A contract is a promise or set of promises for the breach of which the law gives remedy, or the performance of which the law in some way recognizes a duty. §2 – Promise (1) a promise is the manifestation of intention to act or refrain from acting in a specified way, so made as to justify a promisee in understanding that a fucommitment has been made (2) the person manifesting the intention is the promisor (3) the person to whom the manifestation is addressed is the promisee (4) where the performance will benefit a person other than the promisee that person is a beneficiary §3 – Agreement An agreement is a manifestation of mutual assent on the part of 2 or more persons. A bargain is an agreement to exchange promises or to exchange a promise for a performance, or to exchange performances. Three Principles Of Contract Law -bargain -reliance -restitution THE BARGAIN PRINCIPLE o Definition: The theory that an agreement to exchange one thing for another gives rise to mutual obligations. o “a deal is a deal” arguably doesn’t apply under conditions of coercion, duress, or inequality of power and resources o Commonplace--an idea, story, or other belief that is widely held o What beliefs make up the commonplace, what reasons might people give for why deals are obligatory? -both sides are committed -the other person, counting on the deal, will spend money or make commitments b/c he or she believes the deal will be fulfilled -people make a living from deal making -our economy depends on commercial exchange Page 1 of 65 Contracts KPOZ Outline -a free market system, and our individual freedom, rests on deals and the fulfillment of deals o discover possible rationales (differences in “common sense” and intuition) o interrogate the rationales Bargain Principle is the “big daddy” of enforcement, if it doesn’t apply, go to reliance and restitution BP is fundamental basis for contracts; equal bargaining partners. Hawaiian case shows that alternative routes of enforcement were needed b/c bargain principle leaves some w/o remedy. Kirksey v. Kirksey--the plaintiff’s brother in law wrote a letter to her offering her a place to stay and land to raise her children. The plaintiff had abandoned her possessions 60 miles away in order to take him up on his offer. Court held there was no exchange-- of the things she gave up, none of it went to him, which would signify “bargain”Result: It was determined a gift, and the rule of gifts is that “as easily as it’s given, it can be taken away. Redgrave v. BSO Vanessa Redgrave says: her speech is the proximate cause of BSO’s decision to cancel. BSO claims that her speech caused an increased risk of danger, and as a result, they cancelled her. The court limited damages to the contractual performance fee (the person is entitled to be in the same position as she would have been at the end of the terms of the contract), but denied the actress and her company consequential damages for the actress's loss of future professional opportunities because the causal connection of a communicative link between the breach and the alleged harm was not shown. Market economy--a system in which goods and services are allocated through a regime of individual property ownership and voluntary exchange Bargain and the Market Neo-classical economics: the economic theory most closely associated with the Page 2 of 65 Contracts KPOZ Outline bargain principle. Assumptions of neo-classical economics: -People act in their own self-interest; -In the pursuit of self-interest, people act rationally; -People have access to perfect info. (People have the knowledge necessary to act rationally); -People and resources are freely moveable; -there are no artificial restrictions on entry to the marketplace (assuming that the marketplace remains competitive b/c buyers and sellers are free to move in and out of the market and thereby effectuate the free mobility of people and resources) -The current distribution of wealth and resources is taken as a given Values associated with neo-classical economics: -People are able to act rationally and make decisions in their own self-interest --People have perfect information implies that there is no economic or educational bias in the ability to process this info. --Ability to move freely--people are inanimate objects -Free entry and exit into the market -acceptance of the current allocation RELIANCE: TRUST, RESPONSIBILITY, AND INJURY *Trust and responsibility related because reliance is based on the premise of promise-keeping. Freeway Poem: --each time we get into a car, we rely on the premise that other people that get into their cars are equally governed by the same rules and cautions, and we have to TRUST the other drivers and their conforming to the rules --potential injury resulting from the break down in trust (brick wall on one side and straight drop on the other) --if we existed as individuals (rather than a society) then we wouldn’t have to be concerned with respect to how other people act and react Page 3 of 65 Contracts KPOZ Outline Andrew Rickets v. Katie Scothorn The grandfather of the payee made and delivered to the payee a promissory note. The note was given as a gratuity, to enable the payee to give up her employment. It held that, although there was no valuable consideration for the note, there was an equitable estoppel (she detrimentally relied on his promise and quit her job), which precluded the executor from alleging that the note in controversy was lacking in one of the essential elements of a valid contract. The payee’s grandfather intentionally influenced the payee to alter her position for the worse on the faith of the note being paid when due. Thus, it would be grossly inequitable to permit the maker, or his executor, to resist payment on the ground that the promise was given w/o consideration. Quid Pro Quo? Is the grandfather making the promise on the condition that she would quit her job? No. Equitable Estoppel: if a person makes a representation about a fact, in a situation in which another person is likely to rely on the truth of that fact, then the first person is barred from denying the truth of the fact as he or she stated it. *State Bank of Standish v. Robert N. and Kathleen Curry The jury was entitled to find that the officers' statements were not merely words of assurance or statements of belief, but of a promise of future action. The reviewing court concluded that where the parties had left open some matters to be determined in the future, enforcement of a promise was not precluded if there existed a method of determining the terms of the contract either by examining the agreement itself or by other usage or custom. What makes it a promise? o Prior dealings, course of conduct o The parties had an existing relationship (because in cases where the two parties in the contract are on a personal level (use first names, know about their families, have been doing business in the past), then reliance is greater (trust), and more enforceable.) Two views of Promise that would allow the promisee to reasonably rely on the promisor: --there must be some specific terms laid out by one party Page 4 of 65 Contracts KPOZ Outline --must be made as to justify a promisee in understanding that a commitment has been made. --strict view: specificity of terms laid out at time of contract --Like in the note from Katie’s grandfather: although it implied “if you want to” for the terms, there was enough in the context to infer a promise. Since we’re dealing w/equity and not with law 1) Have to have a promise that is as definite as you would need for a contract 2) Less definite 3) More definite—constricts limits of equity -Puts more people in the position to say that I have a promise that is not enforceable as a matter of law, but is enforceable as a matter of equity. If the promise is “less definite”, the scope of equity is expanded. *Promissory estoppel is an equitable remedy. If there aren’t problems w/the promise, it is an enforceable contract. RESTITUTION Requirements o must show that she conferred a benefit on and that the retained the benefit (i.e. didn’t give it back or pay for it) o must show that she did not confer the benefit as a gift (not just to keep a birthday present) o Must prove that she was not acting officiously in conferring the benefit. Executor of the Estate of Enoch F. Sceva v. Fanny True Fanny spends her last years at an institution (mad house) for the poor, even though she had property that someone else was reaping the benefits of. Suit could not be maintained because services were rendered, and support furnished, with no expectation on the part of Enoch F. Sceva that he was to charge or be paid therefore. It was regarded substantially in the light of a gift actually accepted and appropriated by the defendant, without reference to her capacity to make a contract, or even to signify her acceptance by any mental assent. o Contract requires two consenting individuals of the same mental capacity. o Implied in Law: it doesn’t require anything having to do with mental Page 5 of 65 Contracts KPOZ Outline capacity on either side. o At some level, in all of these: bargaining, restitution, reliance: fairness comes in to play. The law has a way of figuring out the fairest result, while still using the language of the law. Howard Bailey v. Richard West, 105 R.I. 61, A.2d 414 (103) The court rejected the farm owner's argument that there was a quasi-contract, finding instead that the farm owner was a mere volunteer who boarded the horse at his own risk and with full knowledge that he might not be reimbursed for his expenses. Lyle Dews v. Halliburton Industries, 288 Ark. 532, 708 S.W.2d 67 (110) The underlying principle is that one person should not unjustly enrich himself at the expense of another. To find unjust enrichment, a party must have received something of value, to which he was not entitled and which he must restore. The court affirmed in part and held that because the farmout recipient claimed ownership of the well by virtue of the assignment from the leasehold owner and accepted the work performed by the claimants, the farmout recipient would have been unjustly enriched if he were not required to pay for the work CONTRACT FORMATION Objective Theory of Interpretation Charles Embry v. Hargadine, McKittrick Dry Goods Co., 127 Mo. App. 383 Appellant employee of respondent continued working for respondent after the expiration of his written contract of employment. Appellant alleged that when he asked respondent's president if his employment would continue for another year, he was told that he was all right and need not worry. The court held that the employer's words were sufficient to constitute the renewal of the employment contract. A meeting of the minds is not literally needed in order for a contract to form at the time of contracting. Contract is concerned with if the manifestation of intent is the same, not if your minds are in the same state at the same time. Jury’s job is the interpretation of the contract to figure out the intent of the parties. Page 6 of 65 Contracts KPOZ Outline *United Steelworkers of Amer. V. United States Steel, 492 F. Supp. 1 (120) The union filed suit against the steel mill, seeking to enforce the mill's alleged promise to keep its plants open so long as it remained profitable. The union's complaint alleged breach of contract, promissory estoppel, violation of antitrust statutes, and property right. The court found for the steel mill in the areas of breach of contract and promissory estoppel, holding that the union provided insufficient evidence to prove that corporate officers had authority to make such promises. *In re Estate of Virgil Steffes v. Terry Stefffes, 290 N.W.2d 697 (126) The court established that the services were rendered at the instance of the decedent, and that the nurse expected compensation for these services over and above room and board and gratuities she received from the decedent. It also found the illicit relationship was incidental to the performance of the lawful services and was not a consideration for the implied promise to compensate. Moreover, it held that a contract could be implied on the ground of unjust enrichment and the nurse could recover reasonable value of services rendered. Difference and Meaning in Communication (Meeting of the Minds) Objectively—(law favors this interpretation)—concept of what a reasonable person might believe; whether or not there’s been an offer or acceptance is determined by how a reasonable person in the other party’s shoes would interpret a party’s intentions. It doesn’t matter what the party’s actual intention was if it’s contrary to the intent he manifested, and the other party doesn’t know or have reason to know what his true intentions are. Restatement of Contracts section 20: There is no manifestation of mutual assent to an exchange if the parties attach materially different meanings to their manifestations and (a) neither knows nor has reason to know the meaning attached by the other. *Konic International Corporation v. Spokane Comp., 109 Idaho 527 Made an offer based on his belief that the surge protector was $56.20, when the offeror meant $5620. The court held that there was no sales contract because the parties had a material mutual misunderstanding and any agreement that they thought they had reached was merely an illusion. Page 7 of 65 Contracts KPOZ Outline Dr. Werner Oswald v. Jane Allen, 417 F.2d 43 (150) Plaintiff coin collection purchaser filed a complaint against defendant coin collection seller, alleging that a contract had been formed for the sale of a Swiss coin collection. The trial court found that plaintiff thought the offer was for all of the Swiss coins, while defendant thought she was selling only a specific coin collection and not the Swiss coins in another collection also. The court below concluded that a contract did not exist since the minds of the parties had not met. Herlinda Marie Acedo v. State of Arizona, 20 Ariz. App. 467, 513 P.2d 1350 (151) Birth mother thought that she had six months in which she could change her mind and regain her child. The court noted that the form gave unconditional consent to the placement of the child, and specifically stated that she relinquished all rights in the child. The court held that the form clearly indicated that the consent given was immediately effective. Public policy demanded that the statutory process be followed. *S&J Associates v. Jay’s Trucking Co., 26 B.R. 73 (157) The debtor mistakenly executed the contract, which on its face bound it to perform sheeting and shoring, as well as excavating work. The mistake was due to inadvertence. The debtor never intended to perform any sheeting and shoring work under the contract. Trial testimony established that that the contractor knew what services the debtor intended to perform under the contract. The court found that there was no meeting of the minds regarding the contract and that no valid contract existed between the parties. Surge protector Coins Oswald v. Allen Adoption $5,620 v. $56.20 Swiss coins v. Swiss coin collection 6 mos. To change one’s Acedo v. mind. 0 mos. Arizona (Dept. To of Public change one’s Welfare) mind Contracting Excavation v. S&J Assoc. v. excravation + Jay’s Trucking sheeting & Reasonable misunderstanding on both parts. The buyer and seller were misinterpreting what the other was trying to say. Understandable discrepancy. Transfer of rights from birth mother to adoptive mother. Birth mother made agreement, then revoked. Challenged state of mind of birth mothers. No contract. No liability— both parties walk away Page 8 of 65 Contracts KPOZ Outline shoring Void contract: no contract has been formed so there’s no duty to perform under it. Voidable contract: one or more parties have the power to either ratify or avoid the contract. I.e. if it is formed under duress. Unenforceable contract: contracts that have some legal consequences, but they aren’t enforceable in an action for damages or specific performance, due to a defense (i.e. Statute of Frauds or the Statute of Limitations). EXAMPLE: Butcher tells Jack Beanstalk, “If you promise to give me your cow, I promise to give you a handful of magic beans…they grow giant beans that reach up to the clouds.” Jack agrees and signs a written contract. However, before the exchange takes place, Jack finds out the beans aren’t magic at all-they’re just ordinary kidney beans. Is the contract void, or voidable? A: it’s voidable by Jack. A void contract is one that produces no duty to perform (i.e. it lacks consideration), such that it wasn’t really a contract in the first place. No party is bound by a void contract. o Meeting of the minds: previously defined as legal rhetoric, dicta. o There doesn’t have to be a meeting of the minds because we are interested in subjective interpretation. In this case we see a mixed analysis b/c we have to start w/the terms, and move onto what each party meant when agreeing to the terms. OFFER AND ACCEPTANCE UCC: Sec. 2-204, 2-206, and 2-207 CISG: Art. 19 Rest (2d): Sec. 22, 24, 26, 29, 35, 36, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 48, 50, 53, 54, 56, 58, 59, 60, and 61. Note: prior relationships, past practices, and industry customs are all relevant in determining whether there has been a valid offer and acceptance. Offer 1. a communication by the offeror; Page 9 of 65 Contracts KPOZ Outline 2. 3. 4. 5. creating a reasonable expectation in the offeree; that offeror is willing to enter into a contract; on specified terms; Such that offeree need only accept in order to form a contract. §24, Restat. An offer is the manifestation of a willingness to enter into a bargain, so made as to justify another person in understanding that his assent to that bargain is invited and will conclude it. Factors: look to see if the communication is a promise. Consider language, circumstances, prior practices and relations of parties, method of communication, and industry custom (“I offer,” “I promise”) Seven Essential Terms of an Offer at Common Law: 1. subject matter 2. price 3. payment terms 4. quantity 5. quality 6. duration 7. work to be done (Ducks Say Quack Quack When People Pass) Note: a missing “quantity” term can invalidate a contract. Without the term there is no reasonably certain basis on which to give an appropriate remedy. A quantity term need not be an express quantity in the contract itself, as long as it can be definitely ascertained. EXAMPLE: This is a valid offer: The Camelot Army Store puts the following ad in a local newspaper: “SaleSaturday only-singing sword, Excalibur. Was $500, now only $24. First come, first served. Will open at 10 a.m.” Arthur King sees the ad, caps out in front of Camelot Friday night, and is the first one in on Saturday morning. He says, “I accept your offer for Excalibur. Here’s my $24.” EXAMPLE 2: Dee Fecht visits the Mendel Greenhouse. She is looking over the pea plants, and George Mendel, the owner tells her, “I have pea plants with red flowers and some with white flowers. I’ll sell you any one of them for $5.” This is Page 10 of 65 Contracts KPOZ Outline a valid offer because giving the offeree a reasonable range of choices does not destroy the offer. As soon as Dee chooses a plant, the contract is formed. *Michael Normile v. Hazel Elizabeth Miller, 313 N.C. 98, 326 S.E.2d 11 (161) The counter-offer by defendant, which stated that plaintiff-appellants had until 5:00 p.m. of the next day to accept, did not constitute a binding and enforceable option contract. Defendant's counter-offer on plaintiff-appellants' original offer was a rejection of that offer, which meant that the time for acceptance provision in plaintiff-appellants' original offer was also rejected and did not become part of defendant's counter-offer. Defendant then properly revoked the counter-offer by selling the property to plaintiff-appellee and thus gave plaintiff-appellants notice of that revocation. §39 Counter-Offers (1) A counter-offer is an offer made by an offeree to his offeror relating to the same matter as the original offer and proposing a substituted bargain differing from that proposed by the original offer. (2) An offeree’s power of acceptance is terminated by his making of a counteroffer, unless the offeror has manifested a contrary intention or unless the counter-offer manifests a contrary intention of the offeree. Parties Norman & Kurniawan Miller Segal Agent Byer Offer History 1 Offer History N&K offer to Miller Attempt to take offer, too late *(w/a Hawkins Counter-offer, N&K Byer: offer rejected sit Byer (2) Offer to Miller Offer accepted--Contract deposit) the 24-hr. time period b/w the offer and mandatory acceptance is considered a reasonable amount of time for the acceptor to accept, and for the offeror to hold the offer. Moving into a 48-hr. time period would transfer it to the category of “unreasonable”. §25 Option Contracts: an offer made irrevocable by consideration – i.e. offeree pays offeror to keep the offer open for some period of time. It creates a property right in offeree, which Means, without a provision to the contrary, that the offeree can sell or transfer this power of acceptance to someone else, enabling the transferee to accept the original offer. Page 11 of 65 Contracts KPOZ Outline Was there an offer? *Southworth v. Oliver, 587 P.2d 994 (165) The court explained modern law construes both acts and words as having the meaning a reasonable person would attach to them in view of surrounding circumstances and a contract includes not only what parties said, but what is necessarily implied from what they said. The court found landowners' letter quoting a price, when considered together with the facts and circumstances, constituted an offer and purchaser's acceptance resulted in a binding contract. It is the duty of the offeror to be sure that the terms are clearly laid out, including if it was an actual offer or not. §26 Preliminary Negotiations A manifestation of willingness to enter into a bargain is not an offer if the person to whom it is addressed knows or has reason to know that the person making it does not intend to conclude a bargain until he has made a further manifestation of assent *Ahmad Izadi v. Machado Ford, 550 So. 2d 1135 (172) Complaint alleging that a car dealer placed an ad representing a minimum tradein allowance, but limiting this statement in infinitesimally small print stated a cause of action for breach of contract, misleading advertising, and unfair competition. *Leonard v. PepsiCo, 39 UCC Rep.Serv.2d 1 (176) The court stated that advertisements were not contracts or offers to sell, but rather invitations to negotiate. The court noted that offers made in jest were not contracts where a reasonable person could see that no serious offer was intended. Six Ways to Terminate an Offer (besides acceptance): 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. revocation death or insanity (of either party) (Rest. 2d § 48) intervening illegality (Rest. 2d §§ 35, 36) Rejection/counter r offer (Rest. § 36) lapse of time destruction of subject matter (Rest. 2d §§ 35, 36) Page 12 of 65 Contracts KPOZ Outline (RED DIRT) --any act which is inconsistent with the offer is sufficient to revoke, as long (and as soon) as offeree knows about it (i.e. selling a house to another buyer). EXAMPLE: Christopher Columbus offers to sell his powerboat, the Santa Maria, to Leif Ericson. He turns around and sells it to Isabella instead. If Leif overhears of the sale from two strangers at the local tavern, Newe Worlde, the offer is revoked because if the offeree knows of an act by offeror which is inconsistent with the offer. Assent Invited: Acceptance §22 Mode of Assent: Offer and Acceptance (1) The manifestation of mutual assent to an exchange ordinarily takes the form of an offer or proposal by one party followed by an acceptance by the other party or parties. (2)A manifestation of mutual assent may be made even though neither offer nor acceptance can be identified and even though the moment of formation cannot be identified. *Panhandle Eastern Pipe Line v. Nowlin Smith General Rule: When a person writes on a contract, and the changes are material, the offer becomes a counter-offer. If the changes are immaterial, it is still considered an acceptance of the offer. --The things that Smith added to the contract were things that were already a privilege to him, before the contract formation. His request to review his file was not a condition of the contract, or an addition, because he would have access to his file as an employee anyway. §59 Purported Acceptance Which Adds Qualifications A reply to an offer which purports to accept it but is conditional on the offeror’s assent to terms additional to of different from those offered is not an acceptance but is a counter-offer. Mirror Image Rule: the acceptance has to be exactly what the offeror offered. Page 13 of 65 Contracts KPOZ Outline Any material changes are considered to be a “counter-offer” Acceptance v. Counteroffer (UCC 2-206) o Don’t worry about accommodation; consider materials of offer and material of acceptance. §61 Acceptance Which Request Change of Terms An acceptance which requests a change or addition to the terms of the offer is not thereby invalidated unless the acceptance is made to depend on an assent to the changed or added terms. Mode of Acceptance: --the only person who may accept an offer is the person(s) to whom the offer is addressed, even if the offer does not call for personal performance on offeree’s part. --acceptance is valid as soon as it is posted (including in the mailbox, “mailbox rule”), but only if the offeror authorizes the mailbox as a valid means of acceptance. It doesn’t have to reach the offeror in order to be a valid acceptance. §29 To Whom the Offer is Addressed 1. The manifest intention of the offeror determines the person or persons in whom is created a power of acceptance. 2. An offer may create a power of acceptance to a specified person or in one or more of a specified group or class of persons, acting separately or together, or in anyone or everyone who makes a specified promise or renders a specified performance. §35 The Offeree’s Power of Acceptance (1) An offer gives to the offeree a continuing power to complete the manifestation of mutual assent by acceptance of the offer (2) A k cannot be created by acceptance of an offer after the power of acceptance has been terminated in one of the ways listed in §36 §36 Methods of Termination of the Power of Acceptance (1) An offeree’s power of acceptance may be terminated by (a) Rejection or counter-offer by the offeree, or (b) Lapse of time, or Page 14 of 65 Contracts KPOZ Outline (c) Revocation by the offeror, or (d) Death or incapacity of the offeror or offeree. (2) In addition, an offeree’s power of acceptance is terminated by the nonoccurrence of any condition of acceptance under the terms of the offer §40 Time When Rejection or Counter-offer Terminates the Power of Acceptance Rejection or counter-offer by mail or telegram does not terminate the power of acceptance until received by the offeror, but limits the power so that a letter or telegram of acceptance started after the sending of an otherwise effective rejection or counter-offer is only a counter-offer unless the acceptance is received by the offeror before he receives the rejection or counter-offer. Restatement §41 Lapse of Time (1) An offeree’s power of acceptance is terminated at the time specified in the offer, or, if no time is specified, at the end of a reasonable time. (2) What is a reasonable time is a question of fact, depending on all the circumstances existing when the offer and attempted acceptance are made. (3) Unless otherwise indicated by the language or the circumstances, and subject to the rule stated in §49, an offer sent by mail is seasonably accepted if an acceptance is mailed at any time before midnight on the day on which the offer is received. §48 Death or Incapacity of Offeror or Offeree An offeree’s power of acceptance is terminated when the offeree or offeror dies or is deprived of legal capacity to enter into the proposed k. Note: the mailbox rule does not apply to option contracts, according to Rest. §64. Rejections, however, are valid when received. Note: this is within the offeror’s control; the offer can be made to as many or as few people as offeror desires. *Beard Imlement Co. v. Krusa, 208 Ill. App. 3d 953, 567 N.E.2d 345 (192) The court agreed with the buyer's argument that the seller never accepted the buyer's offer to purchase the combine. The court found that the purchase order form signed by the buyer constituted an offer made by the buyer to the seller. The Page 15 of 65 Contracts KPOZ Outline court concluded that the purchase order "unambiguously" required the signature by the seller's "dealer" in order to be a proper acceptance of the buyer's offer. The court therefore found that because the seller's "dealer" never signed the purchase order, no contract ever existed. *Krusa is the master of the offer b/c the company had to accept the trade-in and the money for the combine. Russell v. Texas Co. General Rule: Silence does not operate as acceptance. **If the offeror is willing to accept a silent acceptance, he/she is responsible for putting that in the offer. Otherwise, the other party does not have to assume that their silence operates as acceptance. i.e. The use of my land will cost you $150/day. If you continue to use my land, I will assume that that is an acceptance of this offer. *Multicare Med. Center v. State of Washington, 114 Wash. 2d 572 The court found that the plain language of Wash. Rev. Code § 74.09.120 permitted the state to make MI-GUA payments based upon a unilateral contract, and that such a contract existed between the parties. The court reasoned that the hospitals had to perform additional obligations under the MI-GAU unilateral contract than those required by federal law for Medicaid or Medicare certified hospitals, and that these additional obligations sufficed as consideration for the unilateral contract. Three Means of Acceptance Under UCC 2-606: 1. after a reasonable opportunity to inspect, manifest to seller that goods conform or are acceptable in spite of nonconformance; 2. fail to reject within a reasonable time after a reasonable opportunity to inspect; 3. Act inconsistently with seller’s ownership. Restatement §50 Acceptance of Offer defined; Acceptance by Performance; Acceptance by Promise (1) Acceptance of an offer is a manifestation of assent to the terms thereof made by the parties in a manner invited or required by the offer. Page 16 of 65 Contracts KPOZ Outline (2) Acceptance by performance requires that at least part of what the offer requests must be performed or tendered and includes acceptance by a performance which operates as a return promise. (3) Acceptance by a promise requires that the offeree complete every act essential to the making of the promise. Rest. §53 Acceptance by Performance; Manifestation of Intention Not to Accept 1. An offer can be accepted by the rendering of a performance only if the offer invites such an acceptance. 2. Except as stated in §69, the rendering of a performance does not constitute an acceptance if w/in a reasonable time the offeree exercises reasonable diligence to notify the offeror of non-acceptance. 3. Where an offer of a promise invites acceptance by performance and does not invite a promissory acceptance, the rendering of the invited performance does not constitute an acceptance if before the offeror performs his promise the offeree manifests an intention not to accept. Rest. §54 Acceptance by Performance; Necessity of Notification to Offeror 1. Where the offer invites an offeree to accept by rendering a performance, no notification is necessary to make such an acceptance effective unless the offer requests such a notification. 2. If an offeree who accepts by rendering a performance has reason to know that the offeror has no adequate means of learning of the performance w/reasonable promptness and certainty the contractual duty of the offeror is discharged unless (a) The offeree exercises reasonable diligence to notify the offeror of acceptance, or (b) The offeror learns of the performance w/in a reasonable time; or (c) The offer indicates that notification of acceptance is not required. §56 Acceptance by Promise; necessity of Notification to Offeror Except as stated in §69 or where the offer manifests a contrary intention, it is essential to an acceptance by promise either that the offeree exercise reasonable diligence to notify the offeror of acceptance or that the offeror receive the acceptance seasonably. Page 17 of 65 Contracts KPOZ Outline Content of Acceptance §58 Necessity of Acceptance Complying with Terms of Offer An acceptance must comply w/the requirements of the offer as to the promise to be made or the performance to be rendered. §60 Acceptance of Offer Which States Place, Time or Manner of Acceptance If an offer prescribes the place, time or manner of acceptance its terms in this respect must be complied with in order to create a contract. If an offer merely suggests a permitted place, time or manner of acceptance, another method of acceptance is not precluded. *Jom, Inc. v. Adell Plastics, 193 F.3d 47 (204) Plaintiff had to replace over one million chips due to defects attributable to their chemical composition. Defendant was unable to correct its defective resin. Plaintiff resorted to another supplier, sued for breach of contract and other claims, and was awarded significant compensatory damages. Step-saver Data Systems v. Wyse Technology, 939 F.2d 91 (213) The court observed, appellee’s software producer demonstrated a willingness to supply additional orders. Consequently, the disclaimer of warranty in the license did not constitute a conditional acceptance by appellant of its terms, irrespective of the repeated mailings of the license. The court held that it was error for appellant’s warranty claims to be dismissed, and that no evidence demonstrated any intentional misrepresentation by appellees on issues of software or hardware compatibility. Rich Hill and Enza Hill v. Gateway 2000, 105 F.3d 1147 (223) The court stated that a contract did not have to be read in order for it to become effective and that the terms inside a box of software were binding on a consumer who subsequently used it. Revocation of Offer Prior to Acceptance §42 Revocation by Communication by the Offeror Received by the Offeree An offeree’s power of acceptance is terminated when the offeree receives from the offeror a manifestation of an intention not to enter into the proposed k. Page 18 of 65 Contracts KPOZ Outline §43 Indirect Communication of Revocation An offeree’s power of acceptance is terminated when the offeror takes definite action inconsistent with an intention to enter into the proposed k and the offeree acquires reliable info to that effect. Dickinson v. Dodds, 2 Ch. D. 463 (227) Court held that was not entitled to specific performance and likewise not entitled to restrain conveyance of the property or to impress a trust upon the property if it had already been conveyed. Despite assuring that the offer to sell would be open until Friday at 9:00, was free to revoke at any time prior to the s acceptance. A promise to hold an offer open is not binding and can always be withdrawn on notice to the offeree. State of Washington v. Wheeler, 95 Wash. 2d 799, 631 P.2d 376 (231) The court held that where defendant failed to detrimentally rely on the plea in any manner except psychologically. The prosecution could revoke the plea proposal. The court also held that although the admission of the hearsay statements by a police officer was an error, it was a harmless error because the testimony involved prior intent or motive which were not elements of the assault offense. Holland v. Earl Graves Publishing, 46 F.Supp.2d 681 (235) The court granted the employee's renewed motion for summary judgment on the breach of contract claim and held that the compensation agreement was a unilateral offer that the employee would receive a bonus if her net revenue exceeded her revenue goal. Therefore, once the employee began substantially performing, the employer's offer could not be modified without the employee's consent. The evidence showed that the goal was changed without the employee's assent. Thus, as a matter of law, the employer breached the compensation contract. Drennan v. Star Paving Co., 51 Cal. 2d 409, 333 P.2d 757 (241) The court affirmed the award of damages to plaintiff, since the loss resulting from any mistake fell upon the party who caused it. Plaintiff had no reason to believe that defendant's bid was in error and plaintiff was entitled to rely upon it. Complicating Assent: Indefinite Agreements Page 19 of 65 Contracts KPOZ Outline George Varney v. Isaac Ditmars, 217 N.Y. 223, 111 N.E. 822 (254) The court held that the contract, so far as it related to a share of the employer's profits, was not only uncertain but it was necessarily affected by so many other facts that were in themselves indefinite and uncertain that the intention of the parties was pure conjecture. The court held that the employee was entitled to recover only the difference between the amount he was paid and the actual value of his work, if the value was above the amount paid, for work actually performed. As a general proposition: *If somebody drafts something and puts it on paper, and there is an ambiguity/misunderstanding, you have to determine who gets the benefit of the doubt draftee/offeree of the document. Rest. § 30 Unilateral Contract: Promise for performance. “I promise to sell you my book if you pay me $100.” If response is: “I will pay you $100” is not acceptance of the money. Payment of the money is establishing of the contract. Bilateral Contract: Promise for a promise. “I promise to sell you my book if you promise to pay me $100 dollars.” If you promise also, then I sell my book to someone else, I am in breach. Contract is established at the agreement of promise. Uniform Commercial Code UCC, §2-204. Formation in General (1) a k for the sale of goods may be made in any manner sufficient to show agreement, including conduct by both parties which recognizes the existence of such a k (2) an agreement sufficient to constitute a k for sale may be found even though the moment of its making is undetermined (3) even though one or more terms are left open a k for the sale of goods does not fail for indefiniteness if the parties have intended to make a k and there is a reasonably certain basis for giving an appropriate remedy § 2-205 An offer can be irrevocable in the absence of consideration – it is called a “firm offer” – as long as the offeror is a merchant, the transaction concerns the sale of goods, and the assurance not to revoke is embodied in a “signed writing.” Page 20 of 65 Contracts KPOZ Outline Note: the maximum length of a “firm offer” is three months. When the option expires, the offer isn’t automatically revoked, but the offeror gets the right to revoke the offer. UCC §2-206 Offer and Acceptance in Formation of Contract (1) Unless otherwise unambiguously indicated by the language or circumstances (a)an offer to make a contract shall be construed as inviting acceptance in any Manner and by any medium reasonable in the circumstances; (b) an order or other offer to buy goods for prompt or current shipment shall be construed as inviting acceptance either by prompt promise to ship or by the prompt or current shipment of conforming or non-conforming goods, but such a shipment of non-conforming goods does not constitute an acceptance if the seller seasonably notifies the buyer that the shipment is offered only as an Accommodation to the buyer. (2) Where the beginning of a requested performance is a reasonable mode of acceptance an offeror who is not notified of acceptance within a reasonable time may treat the offer as having lapsed before the acceptance. §2-207: Additional Terms in Acceptance or Confirmation Title should make clear why it is the first case for today is assigned, and why assigned w/in the context of acceptance Purpose: additional terms to offer/acceptance; rejects the mirror image rule. o Mirror-Image Rule (common law rule): In an offer, it calls for X, Y, Z and 1, 2, 3. In order for the offeree to accept this offer, according to the mirror image rule, X,Y,Z,1,2,3 must be included in the acceptance. o If the acceptance included X, Z, A, 2, 4, 7, this is a counter-offer, which rejects the original offer, and have extended an offer to be accepted by offeror/counter-offeree. If we are not bound by common law mirror-image rule, we need to ask whether the changes are material (and if so, purported acceptance is counter-offer; if they are immaterial, it is acceptance) o If offeror is master/mistress of offer, the acceptance should comport w/what the offeror had in mind. 2-207 §1: Page 21 of 65 Contracts KPOZ Outline If an offeree accepts an offer w/in a reasonable amount of time, and it includes additional or different terms, the parties have a contract if terms are expressly conditional 2-206 §2 (default rule that kicks in where you are dealing w/merchants) Additional terms are proposals for contractual additions, where the terms between merchants become part of the contract unless o The offer expressly limits acceptance to the terms of the offer (offeror remains master of the offer and does not allow changes to the offer)—if what is written on the offer is not subject to change/modification, it must be stated that way. o They materially alter it o Notification of objection to them has already been given or is given within a reasonable time after notice of them is received. Note: if the offeror specifically limits the acceptance to certain means, the acceptance is not valid if transmitted any other way. 2-206 §3 If both parties act like there’s a contract, there’s a contract. In that case, the original terms of the agreement, X,Z,2 would definitely become part of the contract, and the rest must be determined under the entire UCC (which rules would we use to determine if Y,A,1,3,4,7 would fit) o Are they merchants? o Are the terms material? o Do the material terms alter the contract, etc.? o Every statement of relevance must be followed by a “because” statement. I.e.: this statement (Y, A) is irrelevant because… UCC Gap-fillers: there is no real good way for a court to figure out which to choose (you pay to get it on the boat v. I pay to get it on the boat), so the UCC CONSIDERATION The Consideration Doctrine Page 22 of 65 Contracts KPOZ Outline --Is characterized as a “bargained for exchange” with three elements: the promisee must suffer a legal detriment; the detriment must induce the promise; the promise must induce the detriment. Application of the Consideration Doctrine and Corollary Rules *Langer v. Superior Steel Corporation, 161 A.571 (277) Defendant company promised to pay plaintiff employee $ 100 per month for the rest of his life after his retirement if he agreed to not work in any competitive occupation. Court held that there was good consideration to form a contract between the parties in that plaintiff employee refrained from seeking other employment with any competitive company. By accepting the monthly payment, plaintiff employee accepted the conditions imposed by defendant company and thus was restrained from doing something he had a right to do. This was sufficient consideration to support the contract. Corollary Rules: Rule 1: Courts Will Not Look Into the Adequacy of Consideration -But will consider where: 1. one party is unusually vulnerable 2. where the inequality of bargaining power is unusually great 3. where the contract includes a term that the court views as conflicting with some public policy or as unusually one-sided *Hamer v. Sidway, 124 N.Y. 538, 27 N.E. 256 (281) The court held that a promise to forbear or abandon a legal right in return for another's promise was sufficient consideration to support the contract. Here, plaintiff abandoned his legal right to use tobacco in exchange for his uncle's promise to pay him a sum of money; therefore, there was sufficient consideration to enforce the contract. Rule 2: Nominal Consideration Is Not Sufficient Nominal Consideration—the mere naming of something as “consideration” will not make it consideration (a big disparity b/w the things being exchanged, you can’t exchange a dollar for $100,000. The parties merely recited the dollar to satisfy consideration) In re Greene, 45 F.2d 428 (292) Page 23 of 65 Contracts KPOZ Outline The debtor, who was married, had intimate relations with the mistress for several years. The mistress claimed that under a written agreement, the debtor promised to pay her $ 1,000 a month during their joint lives, to assign her a life insurance policy on his life, and to pay her rent on an apartment she leased. The court found that the agreement was invalid for lack of consideration because past illicit intercourse was not sufficient consideration. There was no consideration for the debtor's promises beyond past cohabitation. The $ 1 paid by the mistress was nominal and could not support an executory promise to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars. o 5 points of consideration (she claims): 1.) $1 consideration recited in the paper is nominal. It cannot seriously be urged that $1, recited but not even shown to have been paid, will support an executory promise to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars. 2.) “Other good and valuable consideration” are generalities that sound plausible, but the words cannot serve as consideration where the facts show that nothing good or valuable was actually given at the time the contract was made. 3.) The release of claims furnishes the necessary consideration. No vestige of any lawful claim that the claimant had any claims to release. Release from imaginary claims is not valuable consideration for a promise. Although he might have promised to marry her, it cannot be considered lawful consideration, since he was still married. There is no merit to the release of claims, because she didn’t give up anything she had a legal right to pursue. In an overall context, where the policy is to encourage marriage (if this particular couple is on the verge of divorce, we would rather them reconcile than divorce). We would not work against the institution of marriage. 4.) The claimant also urges that by the agreement the bankrupt obtained immunity from liability for taxes and other charges on the Long Island home. The fact is that he was never chargeable for these expenses because the payments he had already made were either gratuitous or were the contemporaneous price of the continuance of his illicit intercourse w/the claimant. 5.) It is said that the parties intended to make a valid agreement. It is a non sequitur to say that therefore the agreement is valid. A promise like this, even with a formal document writing it out, is not a legally Page 24 of 65 Contracts KPOZ Outline enforceable contract. The intent of the parties is not dispositive under these circumstances. 6.) The seal—provides presumptive evidence of the contract that is rebuttable. The seal is not supposed to be interpreted as evidence of an enforceable agreement. The seal would have been decisive in the claimant’s favor a hundred years ago. 2 Kinds of Presumption: i. If it’s an irrebuttable presumption, there is no way to disprove the presumption after it is established, there’s no amount of evidence you can submit to refute the conclusion that it could be an enforceable contract. ii. If it’s rebuttable—the seal acts as presumptive evidence that the presumption is enforceable. Can be knocked down by evidence proffered by the other party. Rule 3: Illusory Promises and Mutuality of Obligation (§77 Rest.) (“Provided that the requirements of consideration are met there is no further obligation to meet mutuality of obligation.” ) Agnes Masewski v. John Piskadlo, 318 So.2d 226 (300) Appellee deeded his fee simple title to appellant reserving a life estate. When appellant attempted to leave the premises, the parties reunited and made an agreement in writing that neither had the right to dispossess the other from the premises, but either of the parties could leave if desired. Appellant brought an action to enforce written agreement. The court held that the written agreement was unenforceable for lack of mutuality of obligation. There was no consideration to support the exchange of promises not to dispossess one another because while appellee gave up the right to dispossess appellant, appellant could not have dispossessed appellee b/c he was a life tenant. Also, appellant could not use parole evidence of consideration, her promise not to leave when she could have left, when such parole evidence was in conflict with the written contract where she had expressly reserved the right to leave at any time. Illusory: If you didn’t have the right before it all started, writing it down is not going to give you this right. Page 25 of 65 Contracts KPOZ Outline Parol evidence rule – whenever contractual intent is sought to be ascertained from among several expressions of agreement by the parties, and earlier tentative agreement will be rejected in favor of a later expression that is final. Lawrence v. Ingham County Health Dept., 160 Mich. App. 420, 408 N.W.2d 461 (304) The parents' assertion of an implied in fact contract failed for lack of consideration. A promise by the parents to follow the instructions given by the clinic along with the clinics promise to provide prenatal care was insufficient to establish an implied in fact contract. The lack of mutuality of obligation translated into a lack of consideration. The promise to follow the advice of the clinic was not a legally enforceable promise and could not provide consideration for an implied contract. Rule 4: Pre-existing Duty Rule --if you have a legal duty to do something, that legal duty cannot serve as consideration to render an enforceable contract. Angela White v. Village of Homewood, 256 Ill. App. 3d 354, 628 N.E.2d 616 (318) Took a physical agility test to become a firefighter/paramedic with village’s fire dept. She injured herself when she fell and sustained injuries. She brought a negligence action, which was dismissed b/c it had been barred by an exculpatory agreement signed by. The court reversed upon appeal b/c had a pre-existing duty to administer the agility test, and had a legal right to participate. The agreement also violated public policy b/c the disparity in bargaining power was such that that the agreement had not represented s free choice. Finally, b/c the relationship b/w employer and employee, public policy would not permit to contract w/ to relieve from liability for injuries caused by s negligence. Promissory estoppel: a promise which the promisor should reasonably expect to induce action or forbearance of a definite and substantial character on the part of the promisee and which does induce such action or forbearance is binding if injustice can be avoided only by enforcement of the promise. Rests upon a promise to do something in the future. Equitable estoppel: rests upon a statement of a present fact. Page 26 of 65 Contracts KPOZ Outline Mutuality of Obligation v. Consideration o Problem arises with inexact use of language. Don’t talk of meeting of minds or mutuality of consideration has been met. Example: Hamer v. Sidwell (older consideration cases talk about mutuality. Is there a bargain for Exchange if there is no need to talk about mutuality? PUBLIC POLICY AND DISFAVORED CONTRACT TERMS Romack v. Public Service Co. of Indiana, 499 N.E.2d 768 (324) The employee accepted a job from the employer after he received oral assurances that he would have permanent employment. Upon his termination, sued, and court held that the employee was at will because oral assurances of permanent employment were insufficient to establish a contract for permanent employment where the period was not for a definite or fixed duration, and he could have quit at any time, (3) relocation was not valuable consideration in exchange for the promise of permanent employment, (4) the employee failed to present evidence that he was fired for exercising a statutorily conferred right, (5) claims of fraud and negligent misrepresentation did not apply to future promises, and (6) the employee was not entitled to due process protection in the absence of a protected property interest. At-Will Employment Rule: At-will employees can be terminated for any reason at any time, regardless of good or bad cause, or no cause at all, unless a contract is present. Rebuttals for this rule: --If there is existence of consideration; if the individual is leaving permanent employment for another “permanent” position, but has special skills to offer, accepts the position based on his reliance on the job security (Romack); --Unions: if you’re subject to the jurisdiction of the labor union board, you cannot be fired for your union activity. These employees are not fully “at-will”, since there is something to prevent the employer from firing w/o cause. --Handbook policies, though employers do not have to give handbooks Romack Rule (a person is considered an “at-will” employee unless): Page 27 of 65 Contracts KPOZ Outline The employee is uniquely qualified for the position by virtue of his training and the highly specialized nature of the employment; the employee left lifetime employment to take his present employment; the employee was recruited by the employer to fill a position uniquely requiring a person who possessed the employee’s skills and abilities; the employee advised the employer that he would leave his existing job only if the new job offered the same permanency of employment Advancement and benefits Upon that basis, the employee was told by the employer that he would have permanent employment if he accepted the offer. Covenants Not to Compete *Richard Freeman v. Duluth Clinic, 334 N.W.2d 626 (337) There was no adequate consideration for the covenant not to compete as the second employment agreement was not merely a modification of the existing contract, and there was no distinction between those who signed the second agreement and those, like the doctor, who did not. They each received the same benefits regardless of whether they had signed. § 186 Promise in Restraint of Trade 1. A promise is unenforceable on grounds of public policy if it is unreasonably in restraint of trade. 2. A promise is I restraint of trade if its performance would limit competition in any business or restrict the promisor in the exercise of a gainful occupation. Promises Made in Recognition of Past Benefits Mills v. Wyman, 20 Mass. 207 (341) Plaintiff provided board, nursing, and care to defendant's adult son for a two week period after he returned from a voyage at sea poor, in distress, and sick. After plaintiff had finished caring for defendant's son, defendant wrote a letter promising to pay plaintiff for his expenses. When defendant did not pay as he promised, plaintiff sued. Plaintiff's complaint was dismissed for lack of consideration. The kindness and services provided for defendant's son were not bestowed at defendant's request, and defendant was not legally obligated to support his son in any way. Page 28 of 65 Contracts KPOZ Outline Joe Webb v. Floyd McGowin, 168 So. 196 (344) The plaintiff was permanently injured while saving the promisor's life. The promisor agreed to pay plaintiff a monetary amount every two weeks during the remainder of plaintiff's life. The promisor complied with this agreement up to the time of his death. Court held that the contract was enforceable because the injury to the plaintiff was sufficient legal consideration for the promisor's agreement to pay. PROMISSORY ESTOPPEL I. PROMISE + CONSIDERATION = CONTRACT, I.E. LEGALLY ENFORCEABLE PROMISE II. PROMISE + REASONABLE & FORSEEABLE RELIANCE = (A) CONTRACT, OR (B) REMEDY (FOR RELYING PARTY) Promissory estoppel as a consideration substitute (for contract): substituting [reasonable & foreseeable reliance] with [consideration] from first situation. 3 Requirements for Promissory Estoppel: 1. Promise must be as definite as what’s required by a contract 2. Promise must be less definite… 3. Promise must be more definite… --in order to be considered for promissory estoppel. For (B) REMEDY, do not substitute because the reliance was induced by the promisor. Remedy would be equal to that which the relying party would have received had the promise not been broken. Conditions where PE emerged: promises in the family promises to make a gift of land gratuitous agencies and bailments charitable subscription and marriage settlements Cases where the obligor promises not to plead the statute of limitation or gratuitous licenses for use of real property. Page 29 of 65 Contracts KPOZ Outline History Allegheny College v. Nat’l Chautaugqua County. Bank, 246 N.Y. 369 The decedent promised to give plaintiff college a charitable subscription 30 days after her death and with the condition that the scholarship established with the subscription be named in her honor. She donated $ 1,000 prior to her death. The court concluded that the duty assumed by plaintiff to perpetuate the name of decedent by naming the scholarship in her honor when it accepted part of the donation was sufficient consideration to make the charitable subscription promise legally enforceable. Q: What is the significance of § 17 of Restatement? A: Subsection 1 discusses “classical contract”; subsection 2 discusses “nontraditional theory of contract” § 17 another way to get end result of attaching liability to a promise. May take the form of paying somebody for relying on a promise made in a way that the promissory intended to induce upon the promisee. Contemporary Applications of Promissory Estoppel/ Reasonable Reliance § 90 of Restatement: Sub-section 1: 1. a promise which the promisor should reasonably expect to induce action or forbearance on the part of the promisee or a third person 2. and which does induce such action or forbearance …is binding if injustice can be avoided only by enforcement of the promise. In breach of contract: the prevailing party may recover compensatory damages, and punitive damages, but punitive damages may only be recovered if the manner in which they chose to breach the conduct could stand alone as its own claim (tort of fraud). Sub-section 2: 1. A charitable subscription or a marriage settlement is binding under Page 30 of 65 Contracts KPOZ Outline Subsection 1 w/o proof that the promise induced action or forbearance. -had this subsection been in effect, Justice Cardozo would not have had to go through his entire rationalization process in Allegheny College. --there are certain aspects of charitable subscriptions that could be enforceable (law is trying to make people abide by the terms of their pledge).—that’s the way they do business and run successful pledge drives. Why should you be able to not show reliance but still have that contract be binding? --in marriage contract: the law would provide an “exception to the exception” because the contract is based on emotions, and one can’t be expected to operate in a clear-headed way. There is something different w/marriage where the law is considerate of people's feelings. A promises B $5000 (to buy land). The buying of the land (or the beginning of the performance) is when the contract becomes binding. Promissory Estoppel: legal term of art for the “doctrine”; talks about how reliance is operated (the whole statement found in subsection 1 of § 90) Reliance: part of promissory estoppel; always an issue Remedy: if reliance is used as a consideration substitute you want the remedy to be to enforce the promise. Promissory estoppel is freestanding alone as a remedy Example: If A says “I’ll sell you my book for $5”, and B gets another book—B doesn’t need 2 books (consideration would only get the book); A would be entitled to amount of money she would have saved had she not relied on the promise. Say the book had to be sent via FedEx to B, and it cost $25; promissory estoppel standing alone would give A the $25 plus the money for the book. If A says: I promise to give you $5000 if you promise to buy the house: contract is formed when B promises to buy the house. “Promise for a promise” (no reliance needed because the return promise constitutes the contract). (Bilateral contract). If A says: I promise to give you $5000 if you buy a house: contract is forced Page 31 of 65 Contracts KPOZ Outline when B buys the house. (Unilateral contract). *Joseph Hoffman v. Red Owl Stores, 26 Wis.2d 683, 133 N.W.2d 267 (388) The court concluded that injustice would result if plaintiffs were not granted some relief where defendants failed to keep their promises, which had induced plaintiffs to act to their detriment. Expends: signals “reliance” *If no intent to communicate false or misleading information: may only recover the amount of losses. (This was a mistake) *If intent to communicate: may recover for more because the “erroneous behavior” was deliberate. Then, punitive damages may result. (This was a lie) Violet Neiss v. Kenneth Ehlers, 899 P.2d 700, 135 Or. App. 218 (405) Pursuant to an agreement between the optician and the doctor and his wife, the optician left her employment to work in the optical business opened by the doctor and his wife. Among other things, the agreement conferred one-third interest on the optician after a year in consideration of her skills. The optician left after working for two years when the parties unsuccessfully attempted to negotiate a new agreement. The optician claimed that she was entitled under the doctrine of promissory estoppel, to some relief in connection with the ownership provisions of the initial agreement. Abbington v. Dayton Malleable, 561 F. Supp. 1290 (414) In this case, plaintiffs' contractual claim of promissory estoppel is based upon oral statements made during the tent meeting concerning efforts to modernize and keep the Foundry open and the employee responses to these representations. At the outset, there are a number of difficulties with plaintiffs' promissory estoppel argument. It is by no means clear that a claim of promissory estoppel based on oral [**20] representations is cognizable when the parties have executed a formal contract which addresses the precise matters which are the subject of those oral representations. The doctrine of promissory estoppel recognizes the possibility of the formation of a contract by action or forbearance on the part of a second party, based upon a promise made by the first party under circumstances where the actions or forbearance of the second party should reasonably Page 32 of 65 Contracts KPOZ Outline have been expected to produce the detrimental results to the second party which they did produce. Restatement (Second) of Contracts § 90 (1932) states: A promise which the promisor should reasonably expect to induce action or forbearance of a definite and substantial character on the part of the promisee and which does not induce such action or forbearance is binding if injustice can be avoided only by enforcement of the promise. This case differs from Dickenson v. Dodd because we didn’t have reliance or evidence of reliance in Dickenson. When B began making the improvements, that was enough to prove reliance, and render a promise irrevocable at least for the amount of time stated. Hopkins Case: example of promise being less definite Hoffman/Neiss (as definite) Case: somewhat of an example of as definite and less definite (dependent on the jurisdiction) Addington Case: example of more definite Section 90, Comment B: Character of reliance protected P. 1177: Illustration 2: why wouldn’t as promise to B be consideration? No quid pro quo—as promise to B is a gratuitous promise. A can revoke the promise at any time and not be legally liable. The improvements on the land are evidence of reliance (foreseeable and reasonable), under these facts, B’s conduct is not so out of the ordinary to catch A by surprise. You don’t have to suffer great losses in order for a person to prove that they relied. --A person is always entitled to one of two things for breach: 1. enforcement of the original promise (consideration substitute) 2. the amount that you are out of pocket (independent cause of action; reliance cost) Page 33 of 65 Contracts KPOZ Outline Reliance: Action or Forbearance on the Part of the Promisee Alden v. Presley, 637 S.W.2d 862(427) Court ruled that plaintiff had failed to prove the detrimental reliance and resultant loss, which were necessary to promissory estoppel. Plaintiff showed that decedent's promise had induced her to incur a $ 39,587 mortgage as part of a divorce settlement agreement, but the agreement was not binding on her or her husband until approved by the divorce court. Defendant denied liability for decedent's gratuitous promise to pay the mortgage before the agreement received court approval. This removed the element of detrimental reliance from the case. General Aviation v. Cessna Aircraft, 915 f.2d 1038 (432) Summary judgment in favor of manufacturer for breach of contract was proper because an obligation of good faith could not be employed, in interpreting a contract, to override express contract terms. Note: A gift that is executed is not effected by the death of the person giving the gift. But, if someone promises to give a gift and then they die, the estate is not liable for the remainder of the gift. Serves as an offer that is unaccepted. EXTENDING RELIANCE --more equitable uses of promissory estoppel. --the facts of these cases don’t fall within general framework for promissory estoppel. RESTITUTION: put in same position they would have occupied if the contract had not been broken. -the fact that there wasn’t a contract does not enable the person to look to the “quasi-contract” PROMISE→to enforce: 1. Put it in writing (though oral promises can be contracts)/Statute of Frauds (absolute defense) Farash v. Sykes Datatronics, 59 N.Y.2d 500, 452 N.E.2d 1245 (437) Plaintiff's cause of action to enforce an oral lease for a term longer than one year was barred by the statute of frauds. The cause of action was premised on the theory that the parties contracted by exchanging promises that plaintiff would have performed certain work in his building and defendant would have entered Page 34 of 65 Contracts KPOZ Outline into a lease for a term longer than one year was also subject to the statute of frauds. BRIEF INTRO TO S. OF FRAUDS, UCC 2-201 A person may not sue for enforcement for 6 categories of promises unless the agreement upon which such action shall be brought, r some memorandum or note thereof, shall be in writing, and signed by the party to be charged therewith. These categories are: 1. a promise of an executor or administrator to answer for the debt of his decedent; 2. a promise to answer for the debt of another; 3. an agreement made in consideration of marriage; 4. a contract for the sale of an interest in land; 5. any agreement that is not to be performed w/in one year from the making thereof; and 6. An agreement for the sale of goods for a price of more than ten pounds sterling. Kinoshita v. Canadian Pacific Airlines, 68 Hav. 594, 724 P.2d 110 (447) A question was certified by the court of appeals regarding whether the employer's employee rules constituted a contract enforceable by the employees. The court held that inasmuch as the employer circulated the rules w/an intention to create expectations and induce reliance by the employees as a group, it should not be able to escape liability on the ground that a particular employee was unaware of the rules and thus did not receive a promise. Review of Bases of Liability in Contract and Restitution Van Brunt v. Rauschenburg -Pay Van Brunt’s living expenses -reimburse business expenses incurred by Van Brunt on behalf of Raushenberg -annually supply Van Brunt w/two drawings and two paintings destined for exhibition from each of the series of works that Rauschenberg and Van Brunt worked on -provide Van Brunt w/one of each edition and two of each multiple or poster that Page 35 of 65 Contracts KPOZ Outline Raushenberg and Van Brunt worked on together -pay Van Brunt’s income taxes -transfer to Van Brunt the property on Captiva Island known as the “Fish House” 1. Consideration for these promises was evident since the relationship between Van Brunt and Rauschenberg did not involve an illicit sexual relationship, and the services provided were they type that are considered gratuitous, as stated in the law of New York.] In consideration for the six promises that R made to V, V promised to devote his life, personally and professionally, to R, and to perform duties including coordinating exhibitions and providing administrative services. However, since some of the promises were made on past consideration, they cannot be valid. The promise to give V the “Fish House” could not be considered since the conveyance of real property must be in writing to be enforceable. 2. Yes, the unjust enrichment claim will give V some relief. In order to maintain a COA for this, they must show that a) the has been enriched; b) the enrichment was at the s expense; and c) s retention of the benefit would be unjust. R used Vs photographs, audiotapes, and videotapes for his art work, and made a lot of money from them. V was never compensated for the use of this property, but continued to provide R with them because he thought that he would be, based on the promise. Therefore, R was seriously enriched by V holding up his end of the bargain by providing R with the materials to make a lot of money, and by V not getting anything in return, it would be considered to be “at his expense.” Additionally, by R never compensating V for the use of his materials, nor holding up his end of the bargain, Rs retention of the benefit would be unjust. 3. In order to satisfy a claim for promissory estoppel, there must be a) a clear and unambiguous promise; b) reasonable and foreseeable reliance by the party to whom the promise is made; and c) an injury sustained by the party asserting the estoppel by reason of his reliance. V performed in this case by continuing to provide R with sculptures, photographs, drawings, paintings, etc. in return for the promises that R had made to him, such as paying his living and business expenses and paying his income taxes. Therefore, there was a clear and unambiguous promise made, and it was reasonable for V to rely on the promises made by R. Because R did not uphold his end of the bargain, there was injury sustained by V because of his reliance. Page 36 of 65 Contracts KPOZ Outline PROMISES --in identifying the consideration, V promised to give his professional and personal dedication to the employer DEFENSES -who is bringing a defense. All defenses deal with illegality and public policy. Cannot enforce solely on the contract being against public policy. ILLEGALITY AND VIOLATION OF PUBLIC POLICY In re Baby M, 217 N.J. Super. 313, 525 A.2d 1128 (465) The surrogate-parenting agreement was a valid and enforceable contract pursuant to the laws of New Jersey. The rights of the parties to contract were constitutionally protected under U.S. Const. amend. XIV. The court further found that defendant mother had breached her contract in two ways: (1) by failing to surrender the child to plaintiffs, (2) by failing to renounce her parental rights to the child. The court found the child was a third-party beneficiary of the contract and specific performance was in her best interests. In re Baby M, 109 N.J. 396, 537 A.2d 1227 (482) The court reversed the order that terminated defendant surrogate mother's parental rights, restored her as the mother of the child, and invalidated the surrogacy contract entered into between plaintiff father and defendant. The court ruled that the contract was invalid as a matter of law, because it violated statute and was against public policy. The court ruled that no one can contractually abandon one's parental rights. Consideration: her womb A.C. v. C.B., 113 N.M. 581, 829 P.2d 660 (500) The court found that petitioner, who alleged a co-parenting agreement and an agreement settling claims of timesharing and custody, stated a prima facie case for relief. If proved, it would justify setting aside the dismissal and authorize consideration of her right to continue her relationship with the child. Evidence of petitioner's sexual orientation, standing alone, was not a permissible basis for the Page 37 of 65 Contracts KPOZ Outline denial of shared custody or visitation of a minor child. DeMuth v. Miller, 652 A.2d 891 (505) The court held that the continued relationship b/w the parties created the inference that the parties assented to another contract for a term of the same length and same conditions. Thus, appellant breached the contract by soliciting clients The court held that discrimination based on sexual orientation was not actionable under any PA statue or its constitution nor did it violate U.S. Const. amend. XIV. LACK OF CAPACITY Rest. Chap. 2 (p. 1096) §§12, 14, 15, 15 §12: Capacity to Contract; ability to enter into voidable contracts --a natural person who manifests assent to a transaction has full legal capacity to incur contractual duties thereby unless he is under guardianship, an infant, or mentally ill or defective, or intoxicated. Children James Halbman, Jr. v. Michael Lemke Issue: whether a minor who disaffirms a contract for the purchase of a vehicle which is not a necessity must take restitution to the vendor for damage sustained by the vehicle prior to the time the contract was disaffirmed. The other party that entered into the contract knew exactly how old the person was and that he was a minor. Therefore the minor lacked capacity to contract based on the infant doctrine. If the vendor of the car had wanted the contract to be binding, he would have had to contract with the guardians. Brooke Shields v. Garry Gross Attempted disaffirmance based on Shield’s age, was not successful because the Page 38 of 65 Contracts KPOZ Outline parent consented. Her mother was then responsible, and could not hide behind Shield’s status as a minor. Mental Incapacity Shoals Ford v. Maxine Clardy DURESS Rest. §§174-177 [173] §174: When Duress by Physical Compulsion Prevents Formation of a Contract; when the person under duress didn’t intend to sign the contract prior to the actions of duress. §175: When Duress by Threat Makes a Contract Voidable; Difference between 174 and 175: 174 involves physical compulsion Trane Co. v. Lorna Bond: creates temptation to allow all battered women relief. The Life of Nate Shaw: a lot of times it’s not necessary to have co-signer, but sometimes it was used as a means to control people. Sharecropping came after slavery, emancipation, reconstruction. Before that, ability to control family was restricted. Post-emancipation one of the ways slaves asserted their new freedom was to redirect their family (reasserting control over wife and children). Sosnoff v. Carter: shows aspect of economic duress. A fundamental requirement for the individual seeking economic duress was for the other person to cause the economic stress. UNDUE INFLUENCE a contract entered as a consequence of “undue” persuasion of one party by the other is voidable by the victim. Often applied in situations where the person exerting influence was in one of several recognized categories of authority or control. In situations of presumptive undue influence o A person promises to bestow an inheritance on his or her lover. Page 39 of 65 Contracts KPOZ Outline Nancy Ferguson v. John F. Jeanes: Ferguson and Jeanes had a partnership. Ferguson was Jeanes spiritual advisor, and lover. The partnership followed Ferguson’s search for an apartment, and Jeanes convincing her that she should let him in as partner, which she did based on her affection for him and because he was her spiritual guide. The court held that a partnership agreement is a proper remedy where the partnership is created through undue influence. MISREPRESENTATION AND FAILURE TO DISCLOSE Fact §159: Misrepresentation, Duress and Undue Influence, a misrepresentation is an assertion that is not in accord with the facts. §160: When Action is Equivalent to an Assertion (Concealment), action intended or known to be likely to prevent another from learning a fact is equivalent to an assertion that the fact does not exist. §161: (see below) §162: Fraudulent and Material Misrepresentation §163: When a Misrepresentation Prevents Formation Of A Contract (VOID), when dealing w/an essential term or material fact §164: When a Misrepresentation Makes a Contract VOIDABLE (see below) Speaks also to the effect of misrepresentation b/w two people; or by one person to another concerning a third party. §167: When a Misrepresentation is an Inducing Cause: Opinion §168: Reliance on Assertions of Opinion: distinguished from preceding sections because it is facts v. opinion. Only in circumstances where assertion of opinion makes reliance on that opinion reasonable; fiduciary responsibilities §169: when reliance on assertion of opinion is not acceptable Page 40 of 65 Contracts KPOZ Outline Intent §171: When Reliance on an Assertion of Intention is Not Justified, at the time you made the representation, your intent was consistent with what you represented. Note: mutual assent (offer and acceptance) + consideration = enforceable k If misrepresentation happens in the offer, and the contract is determined to be void, it’s as if there were no acceptance (void); if there was some conflict as to mode of acceptance, but there is remedy available, or it’s not as serious of a problem, it’s voidable by the adverse person that was affected by the missing element. The party it affects has the discretion to elect to abide by the contract or not. Void means neither party may enforce the k. Misrepresentation Makes a contract voidable (or void) if it was entered as a consequence of misrepresentation. May also be the basis for an action in breach of contract, fraud, etc. Emphasizes the effect of the misrepresentation on the victim as well as the blameworthiness of the speaker. Important aspect that victim did not consent to the exchange w/full and accurate information. Applies “reasonable person standard” where speaker did not know that he was offering a misrepresentation, if the reasonable person would have consented to the exchange. The person cannot rely on mere statements of opinion Audrey Vokes v. Arthur Murray, Inc.: Dance studio owner talked into buying $30,000+ hours of dance instruction based on the falsity that she would be a professional dancer, lifetime member of the dance studio, and be able to practice her dance in various countries. The court held that, while opinions (telling her she was a beautiful/poised/graceful/successful dancer) were generally not considered misrepresentations and therefore be actionable, except where: There is a fiduciary relationship b/w the parties Where there has been some artifice or trick employed by the representor, Where the parties do not in general deal at “arm’s length” Where the representee does not have equal opportunity to become apprised of the truth or falsity of the fact represented Page 41 of 65 Contracts KPOZ Outline Also, where a party has superior knowledge, it may be regarded as a statement of fact although it would be considered as opinion if the parties were dealing on equal terms. --In a contract, a party to a transaction owes no duty to disclose facts w/in his knowledge or to answer inquiries respecting such facts, but if he undertakes to do so, he must disclose the whole truth. Skyfox Corporation v. Boeing Company: parties entered into a contract providing that Boeing would sell the aircraft manufactured by Skyfox Corporation with a royalty of $150,000/aircraft. Boeing sold none in two years and terminated the agreement. Skyfox alleged misrepresentation in Boeings stated ability to sell 450 aircraft, and their agreeing to invest millions of dollars into the project. Boeing also had a patent licensing agreement, under which Boeing would pay all taxes and fees associated w/any patent application. The agreement alleviated Boeing of the obligation to sell, as well as the ability to terminate the contract. Court dismissed the action for lack of fiduciary relationship or joint venture between the parties. Contradictions in the licensing agreement voided the contract. The general rule is that a misrepresentation must relate to a preexisting or present fact; statements or promises about future occurrences are not actionable except where evidence establishes that at the time the promise as to future events was made, the promisor did not intend to perform the promised action. Lawrence Kang v. Dewey Harrington: Harrington moved into property owned by Kang with the agreement that rent would be $400 monthly, and that Harrington would make specific changes to the property. Harrington, however, attempted to fraud Kang and his agent by writing the incorrect information on the lease agreement and “tricking” Kang into signing it, although it was under terms different than previously agreed upon. The court held that: where it appears that one party has been guilty of an intentional and deliberate fraud, by which, to his knowledge, the other party has been misled, or influenced in his action, he cannot escape the legal consequences of his fraudulent conduct by saying that the fraud might have been discovered had the party whom he deceived exercised reasonable diligence and care. Warren G. Hill and Gloria Hill v. Ora and Barbara Jones: regards the question of whether a seller of a residence must disclose facts to a buyer pertaining to past termite infestation. Court applied Rest. § 161 that a vendor has an affirmative duty to disclose material facts where: 1. disclosure is necessary to prevent a previous assertion from being a Page 42 of 65 Contracts KPOZ Outline misrepresentation or from being fraudulent or material; 2. disclosure would correct a mistake of the other party as to a basic assumption on which that party is making the contract and if nondisclosure amounts to a failure to act in good faith and in accordance w/reasonable standards of fair dealing; 3. disclosure would correct a mistake of the other party as to the contents of effect of a writing, evidencing or embodying an agreement in whole or in part; 4. The other person is entitled to know the fact because of a relationship of trust and confidence b/w them. Rest. § 153: even a unilateral mistake of one party to a transaction may justify rescission. § 164(1): where a misrepresentation is fraudulent or where a negligent misrepresentation is one of material fact, the policy of finality rightly gives way to the policy of promoting honest dealings between the parties. Caveat emptor: let the buyer beware. This maxim summarizes the rule that a purchaser must examine, judge, and test for himself. Courts have previously held that the existence of termite damage and past termite infestation has been considered by other courts to be sufficiently material to warrant disclosure. While buyers should have made the connection between the damages they witnessed and termites, “a matter is material if it is one to which a reasonable person would attach importance in determining his choice of action in the transaction in question.” Jefrey Stambovsy v. Helen Ackley and Ellis Realty: Stambovsy purchased a house from s without being warned that the house had a reputation for being haunted. While the court agreed that the real estate broker is under no duty to disclose to a potential buyer the phantasmal reputation of the premises and that, in his pursuit of a legal remedy for fraudulent misrepresentation against the seller, hasn’t a ghost of a chance, and the court was nevertheless moved by the spirit of equity to allow the buyer to seek rescission of the contract of sale and recovery of his down payment. Caveat emptor requires a buyer to act prudently to assess the premises prior to purchase. Because this buyer did just that, and that no amount of inspecting would reveal poltergeists, he would be entitled to remedy. Page 43 of 65 Contracts KPOZ Outline UNCONSCIONABILITY Tends to divide up between two aspects o Procedural The way the contract was made; the language about the absence of meaningful choice o Substantive Speaks about the terms; whether it shocks the conscience §2-302 (UCC): If the court as a matter of law finds the contract or any clause of the k to have been unconscionable at the time it was made the court may refuse to enforce the k, or it may enforce the remainder of the k w/o the unconscionable clause, or it may so limit the application of any unconscionable clause as to avoid any unconscionable result. §208 (Rest. 2d) Williams v. Walker-Thomas Furniture: has had relationship with WT for 5 years. She has 7 kids, is a single mother, and is on welfare. If the contract lacked mutual assent, the contract would be “void” (one of the chief elements of k formation is missing). Procedural Brooklyn Union Gas. V. Jimeniz In re Marriage of Gene Gudmundson and Geng Hui Gudmundson Substantive Nez Percé Tribe of Indians v United States: courts may not inquire into the adequacy of consideration, but may require courts to look at the difference between what is the market value of something with the value assigned to that thing in a particular transaction. In this case, says the Indian Claims Court was wrong in deciding that the amount was wrong. Ryan v. Weiner: W is a “slum-lord” who took advantage of widowed, elderly, drunk Ryan by tricking him into signing over his deed when he thought W was merely giving him a loan to save his house from repossession. W’s actions so severely “shocked the consciousness” that the court allowed recovery for unconscionability for substantive only, without procedural. Page 44 of 65 Contracts KPOZ Outline CONTENT OF THE CONTRACT IMPLIED TERMS Course of dealing (prior relationships b/w parties) General Norms (customs) of Reasonableness or Good Faith Trade usage Trade Practices, Community Norms Nanakuli Paving and Rock Co. v. Shell Oil Co.: court’s presented with two plausible interpretations of the contract, and must determine which of the two makes more sense to enforce. Fisher v. Congregation Bnai Yitzhok Best Efforts, Good Faith, and Similar Communal Norms: Parties cannot get around good faith and fair dealings, even by attempting to put terms in the contract to negate the standard. NO DUTY OF GOOD FAITH AT THE NEGOTIATION STAGE, only at all other times. Wood v. Lucy, Lady Duff Gordon: application of good faith standard; contract was so one-sided the court determined it would be ridiculous to enforce it, without looking at the element of good faith on Wood’s part. Outputs and Requirements Contracts Outputs: a seller agrees to sell all he produces of a stated item, for a stated period of time, to the buyer. Requirements: a buyer agrees to buy all he needs of a stated item for a stated period of time, from the seller. As part of a contract are sufficiently vague, so you run the risk of having a dispute b/w arties if one of the parties requests or provides too much or too little. Fixed price, but amount buyer pays out would be different than Page 45 of 65 Contracts KPOZ Outline requested, or seller might get more or less than he expected Concreteness Comfort level Duty of good faith: implied term instilled in virtually all contracts. Atlantic Track v. Perini: output contract dispute; departure in the evidence of bad faith. Can’t turn an “estimate” into a minimum or maximum. Deviating from the estimate within a reasonable way means you are still acting in good faith and are not crossing the line. Larese v. Creamland Dairies: Dalton v. ETS: wants the good SAT score, as if there were no comment on his marked improvement on the tests. Contractual relationship b/w the test taker and test administrator. Terms of that contract provide remedies: submit documentation, arbitration; score thrown out and take over; take over and they’ll pay for it; Reid v. Key Bank of So Me: honesty in fact under UCC; question whether judge improperly instructed the jury. Exemplary damages: even if should have prevailed, exemplary damages are unavailable because it’s not warranted b/c there are insufficient facts to support an independent tort. Interpretive Presumptions and Implied Terms Rowe v. Montgomery Ward Was she right to believe that she would have a job for life w/Ward as long as she met her quota? If there had been a clear employee contract, it would have been a different story (being an at-will employee); but this was not the case. She was a commissioned employee who began well before the company instilled “at-will” employment and handbooks. She did not sign the new policies. If two parties enter a contract, one party cannot just change the terms of the contract by themselves. Interpretive Presumption: (implied term); we assume that employment is Page 46 of 65 Contracts KPOZ Outline at-will. This is the specific presumption used to determine the suit. We then need to look at oral representations to find terms sufficient to override the terms of at-will employment. Court said there was not enough for Mary to state that the at-will employment did not operate under her circumstances. Frigaliment v. International Sales: what’s chicken? Two options: fresh young chicken, or chickens including old, tough stewing chickens. If you use the word “chicken” and you want specifically young fresh chicken, you need to put qualifiers (adjectives) to specify that, unless it could only be a certain type of chicken. Regional Bank of Colorado v. St. Paul: What is pollution? A number of provisions in a k, some of them speak to pollution. Carbon monoxide was leaking from a pier, and company tried to say that it was not included in the k, therefore should not have to pay up. Court said they’re wrong. Trainer Rule, not plain meaning (in terms of reasonable policy holder) Start w/ a contract: Under the terms of the contract, is extrinsic evidence always relevant? o No, words standing alone don’t have meaning Trainer Rule (California): advanced a contextual analysis of written words that require you to look outside of the document to determine what the parties intended. Pacific Gas and Electric Co. v. G.W. Thomas: party wants to indemnify. Agreed to perform the work “at its own risk and expense” and to “indemnify” “against all loss, damage, expense ad liability resulting from…injury to property, arising out of or in any way connected w/the performance of this k.” Have to look at how parties look at “indemnify” according to this k. The use of extrinsic evidence need not be limited by how you characterize a certain agreement. You don’t have to say it’s ambiguous to say it’s unenforceable. The four corners of the document can and should stand on its own should be a problem. Parol Evidence Rule Definition: Extrinsic evidence, or evidence outside of the contract Page 47 of 65 Contracts KPOZ Outline 1. Parties give special authority or significance to a written statement of some or all of their agreement 2. If people do want to give special significance to a writing, they want the significance to be either: a. The writing to be a final statement of the terms stated in the writing, but not a complete statement of all the terms b. Or the writing was meant to be both final and complete statement of all the terms Determining: 1. look for writing –if no, then no Parol Evidence Rule issues; if yes, then: 2. integrated, i.e. parties intend to attach special significance to the writing; if not integrated, then no Parol Evidence Rule issues; if yes, then: a. partial integration: evidence of prior or contemporaneous agreements that contradict the writing are inadmissible b. complete integration: evidence of prior or contemporaneous agreements are inadmissible General Exceptions: 1. evidence is admissible to explain a term, even if integrated (when term is ambiguous); in order to explain a term, first determine that term is ambiguous (compare PG&E) 2. trade usages or prior dealings (or course of performance b/w parties)is admissible 3. Defenses to the formation and enforcement of the contract (unconsciounability, duress, fraud, etc.) Note: parole evidence rule doesn’t apply to agreements made after the writing; only prior or contemporaneous agreements Two Problems That Lead to its Complexity: 1. an inherent necessity for certain distinctions 2. The prevalence of a terminology in which the subject cannot possibly be discussed w/entire accuracy and lucidity. Betaco, Inc. v. Cessna Aircraft Co.: Parties have a writing; integration clause. Seems Betaco seems to believe that Cessna by way of a prior rep. has made a particular warranty as it relates to the airplanes, to the extent that they read the agreement they signed, but believing the disclaimer of warranty didn’t apply to them based on a letter they received. Page 48 of 65 Contracts KPOZ Outline --we have a writing --we have a prior writing (letter) --letter precedes the writing and contradicts the writing --is a motion for summary judgment appropriate? NO. Genuine issues of material fact to be solved. 1. writing—yes 2. integrated (had an integration clause)—yes 3. Would operate as a complete integration, but it contradicts a term explicitly laid out in the writing. So, we could satisfy the rule w/either partial or complete integration. Possible Exception: k defenses: misrepresentation, fraud; BUT have to be able to establish a present intent to misrepresent. Whether the contract signed by Betaco and Cessna was a fully integrated contract containing a complete and exclusive statement of the parties’ agreement. The clause is strong evidence that the parties in dispute intended and agreed for the signed contract to be the complete embodiment of their agreement. Court Held: the district court erred in granting summary judgment because the record was reasonably subject to contrary assessments of whether the parties intended their signed contract to be the complete embodiment of their agreement. Look at the weight of integration clauses, and how they can tip which way a contract would go. Merk v. Jewel Food Stores et al.: Extrinsic Evidence: outside of the contract Collective bargaining agreement, shady negotiations by representatives of employer and their own union reps that inserted a secret clause into collective bargaining agreement, then sprung the new info on the rest of the union. Concerns about National Labor Policy; unrest Page 49 of 65 Contracts KPOZ Outline PROMISES CONDITION S DEFINITIO N Commitments to do or not do something EFFECT OF NONOCCURANC E EFFECT OF NONCONFORMI TY MODIFICAT ION OR EXCUSE Breach— liability An event that must occur, unless excused, before performance due No liability PROMISSOR Y CONDITION S Both a promise and condition INSIGNIFICANT TERMS Mere suggestion, request or notation w/o legal significance No liability Substantial performance Strictly adhered to Strictly adhered to Mutual agreement/ additional consideration (except ucc) Unilateral modification/ excuse possible if courts allow Modify by mutual agreement, unilateral waiver/ct. order Doesn’t matter Internation: December delivery is at the essence of the contract. Delivery instructions before the date in December was a condition, if the condition doesn’t happen, no liability for failure to ship the rice that was supposed to be shipped. Incomm, Inc. and Muzzy: subjective in Muzzy because a statute was passed by legislature; objective in Incomm because lack of “lemon law” that was in Muzzy. MISTAKE OF FACT, CHANGED CIRCUMSTANCES, AGREED MODIFICATIONS MISTAKE OF FACT Beachcomber Coins v. Boskett First Baptist Church of Moultrie v. Barber Contracting Page 50 of 65 Contracts KPOZ Outline Changed Circumstances Difference b/w possibility and practicability on one hand and frustration of purpose on the other: Frus.: can still perform, but objective for getting into the contract is so messed up it’s not even practical to do so; don’t need to be absolutely incapable of doing it Parties enter into a contract. In between the time of formation and the time for performance, an intervening thing happens that changes either the value of the thing originally agreed to exchange, or ability to perform according to the terms of the contract you agreed to perform. p. 1133: Impracticability of Performance and Frustration of Purpose § 261 Discharge by Supervening Impracticability: where, after a contract is made, a party’s performance is made impracticable w/o his fault by the occurrence of an event the non-occurrence of which was a basic assumption on which the contract was made, his duty to render that performance is discharged, unless the language or the circumstances indicate the contrary. [Discharged from obligation to perform unless there is something to indicate that you should not be discharged] § 262 Death or Incapacity of Person Necessary for Performance: obvious. Dead persons are not obligated to perform under the terms of the contract, or their estates. This is unless circumstances were added into the contract to say that someone could fill in in the event the original person could not perform. §263 Destruction, Deterioration or Failure to come into Existence of Thing Necessary for Performance: If the existence of a specific thing is necessary for the performance of a duty, its failure to come into existence, destruction, or such deterioration as makes performance impracticable is an event the non-occurrence of which wasa basic assumption on which the contract was made. § 264 Prevention by Governmental Regulation or Order: if the performance of a duty is made impracticable by having to comply w/a domestic or foreign governmental regulation or order, that regulation or order is an event Page 51 of 65 Contracts KPOZ Outline the non-occurrence of which was a basic assumption on which the contract was made. § 269 Temporary Impracticability or Frustration: impracticability of performance or frustration or purpose that is only temporary suspends the obligor’s duty to perform while the impracticability or frustration exists but does not discharge his duty or prevent it from arising unless his performance after the cessation of the impracticability or frustration would be materially more burdensome than had there been no impracticability or frustration. Specialty Tires: excused Portland Section: not excused; different from Specialty Tires and Cazares (why is there no discharge or excused here) b/c each party could have contemplated inflation when entering into the contract, where inflation is generally foreseeable; failed to take into account possibility of inflation of cost, court says you assume the risk and after the fact cannot decide it is impracticable to perform according to the terms of the agreement Cazaras: in terms of contract it appears to be excused, but there seems to be an allowance for restitution Howard: frustration of purpose operating to excuse Brenner: didn’t apply; frustration of purpose was not applicable under the circumstances Modification Rest. § 89—Modification of Executory Contract: A promise modifying a duty under a contract not fully performed on either side is binding (a) if the modification is fair and equitable in view of circumstances not anticipated by the parties when the contract was made; or (b) to the extent provided by statute; or (c) To the extent that justice require enforcement in view of material change of position in reliance on the promise. UCC 2-209 Page 52 of 65 Contracts KPOZ Outline CISG ART 29(1): dispenses w/form of requirement that an attempted modification be supported by additional consideration in order for it to be enforceable. Alaska Packers: 1. He had no authority 2. There’s no additional consideration 3. They had a preexisting duty to perform Quigley v. Wilson: Original contract was entered into in 1980; renegotiate terms of contract in 86. Appeared to commit themselves to something other than the original intent (amount of money); committed themselves to less. Q: why doesn’t pre-existing duty rule operate in the same way to raise questions about the enforcement of modification? A: consideration, bargaining power; BREACH OF CONTRACT Caveat: anything we talk about in this class today doesn’t carry over to property Landlord/tenant: presumption in contracts is that they are dependent on one another, which means it’s not an irrebuttable presumption. To rebut, you need evidence that there is evidence of parties intended to have promises or covenants treated independent. Dependent covenants: performance is expected to be concurrent; i.e. the computer and the payment are expected to be exchanged on the same day. Independent: we would like to have performance on the 7th, but I understand that you may not have your money by that day, so it would be independent. You give me your money on the 10th, but I still have to give you my computer on the 7th. Landlord/tenants relationship: independent. Landlord is expected to make repairs. But, even if he doesn’t make repairs by rent due date, you still have to pay rent for that month. Page 53 of 65 Contracts KPOZ Outline Shaw v Mobile Oil Corp.: Promises: mobile to deliver at least 200,000 gallons (max. 500,000); indiv. Dealer is required to order at least 200,000 but not more than 500,000 over a year. Shaw is to pay 1.4 cents/gallon delivered, but no less than $33,572 (or $470/month). Mobile is entitled to amount stated. Shaw has obligation to not purchase gas from another seller. Mobile—Federal Energy Policy: you’ve got to distribute what you have to your dealers. Shaw ordered 34000 gallons, Mobile delivered 26,000. Even though mobile only delivered 26,000 even though shaw ordered 34000, mobile still wants the minimum amount of rent ($470); independent covenants. It was bad drafting: IMPOSSIBLE OR IMPRACTICABLE Court held: dependent covenants; Shaw wouldn’t have to pay rent if they did not receive their total amount of order. Spivey v. Highview: Contract for a golf course w/ written modification regarding enforceability of written mod. Allowing to w/hold part of the scheduled payment so you can compare what you got w/what you expected to get. (Easier to recover your money this way). Question remains to be decided on remand: whether the has as of June 5th substantially performed. If yes, has obligation to continue to pay. If not, there would be a breach, for which there would be a different remedy if substantial performance had taken place. Jacob and Youngs: (877) Construction of house; promises: 1. pay for the construction of the house 2. contractor would use reading pipe (industry custom, trade usage) The person getting the house built doesn’t understand that reading pipe may Page 54 of 65 Contracts KPOZ Outline be substituted, and that reading pipe does not mean cohoc pipe. Was not done fraudulently 4 Part Test: 1. purpose being served 2. desire to be gratified 3. the excuse for deviation from the letter 4. the cruelty of enforced adherence O.W. Grun…Construction Co. v. Cope: --material breach. Difference b/w this case and the previous case: the deviation was much more egregious because in the house, you can see the roof. The roof was supposed to be russet glow all of the roof, uniform. Contractor f-ed it up. She’s entitled to whatever it would cost her to get the roof she expected to get. PERFECT TENDER Perfect Tender Rule: contemplates that what is tendered will comply what’s called for in the terms of the contract. Reject Revoke [Acceptance] Acceptance Time Line --can reject it anytime b/f acceptance; in the event of nonconformity, it’s not substantial. --after acceptance, the nonconformity has to substantially impair the value of the contract in order to be able to reject; the degree of nonconformity must trigger the buyer’s options under those circumstances. Ramirez v. Autosport: Ramirezes and Autosport entered into a contract for a trade-in of the R van for another. They tried to pick up their new van several times before asking for their original van back. B/w the time they asked for the return of their van and their getting it, AS sold it. R wanted blue book value of the van and the van. Autosport decided not to give them what they wanted (upon bad legal advice), went to court. Page 55 of 65 Contracts KPOZ Outline Issue: can the s under these circumstances reject the s tender of a camper w/minor defects. Yes. Q: why wasn’t this a situation involving substantial impairment? A: they never accepted the van. Then, the minor defects may not have allowed the R to seek some sort of remedy b/c of the degree of nonconformity. They had an absolute right to reject the goods b/c they hadn’t accepted it. Anticipatory Breach and Related Doctrines Time for Performance Demanding assurance: seek adequate assurance of their intention on the date of the contract. Once you have demanded this, and they do fail to provide adequate assurance, then you have the right to treat is as an immediate breach and seek damages. Anticipatory Breach and Related Doctrines H.B. Taylor v. Elizabeth and Ellwood Johnston AMF Inc. v McDonald’s Corp. REMEDIES Expectation: giving the benefit of the bargain; see what would be the appropriate damage. Reliance: seeks to give out of pocket costs to show that what you spent was reasonably and justifiably correlative. Restitution: the measure of damages awarded to avoid unjustly enriching one party at the expense of the other party. The value of the thing transferred to one party, rather than how the person receiving the good might value that thing. [fill in w/randal’s notes “remedies notes”] Page 56 of 65 Contracts KPOZ Outline Alice Sullivan v. James O’Connor: the additional surgery would be evidence of the breach, but not the first two. She couldn’t have recovered for pain and suffering for the first two operations b/c there is expected to be pain associated with cosmetic surgery. Specific Performance Exceptional Remedy: courts like money damages first Clark v. Pennsylvania State Police: matter of equity? Impact of common wealth court act which creates equitable courts and defines jurisdiction. Clark had an agreement w/the van commission of the state police. According to the agreement, he would be promoted to corporal captain if he went to law school. He went to law school, new commission took over, didn’t give him corporal captain. He sued for the promotion, not for monetary damages. He does not prevail, balanced on jurisdictional grounds (as a court of equity, it does not have jurisdiction over the matter) In the commonwealth of PA, in order for someone to be entitled to specific performance, one has to show that: 1. no other remedy at law, 2. the amount of damages cannot be accurately ascertained or determined/calculated; 3. And you have exhausted all your remedies at law. Clark had not exhausted all his remedies at law b/c he did not go to the board of arbitration of claims, where he may have been entitled to monetary relief equal to the difference in pay of the two positions. Would have had to show unjust enrichment on behalf of the police force in order to get restitution. THIS IS NOT AN ISSUE. If he were alleging he came out of pocket for some expenses, if he alleged: Reliance in interest damages, he would be entitled to money he paid. Madison Square Gardens v. Earnie Shavers: Shavers has an agreement to fight Ali, and doesn’t honor it. Court issues a preliminary injunction (negative injunction: what you must do instead of what you can’t do). 13th amendment says you cannot be compelled to perform Page 57 of 65 Contracts KPOZ Outline according to this contract because it would be involuntary servitude. Injunction prohibited Shavers from boxing w/anyone else until he performed according to the contract or pay the money in damages. Anticipatory Repudiation on behalf of Madison Square Gardens. Even though a normal injunction might not be available, under certain circumstances in certain jurisdictions, a negative injunction will be issued. Not compelling you to perform, just saying you CANNOT do something else until you perform according to the contract you were supposed to perform. Beverly Glen Music v. Warner and Anita Baker: Baker had a deal with BGM, Warner Bros offered a better deal. Had she been in NY, she would have been prevented from taking that deal until her contract w/BGM was complete. However, in CA, must show the services were unique and the contract was less than $6000 in order for a negative injunction to be available. Could make the case for unique services. BUT—the contract was not for $6000 or less. Therefore, no negative injunction could be issued by the court. *specific performance is an extraordinary remedy *there are specific requirements you have to prove above monetary damages in order to prove remedy. *remedy at law must be inadequate, and there must be some type of injustice *specific performance is the presumptive remedy when dealing w/land or real property THIRD PARTY INTERESTS THIRD PARTY BENEFICIARIES § 302: distinction b/w incidental and intended beneficiaries. Unless otherwise agreed between promisor and promisee, a beneficiary of a promise is an intended beneficiary if recognition of a right to performance in the beneficiary is appropriate ot effectuate the intention of the parties and either (a) the performance of the promise will satisfy an obligation of the promisee to pay money to the beneficiary; or (b) the circumstances indicate that the promisee intends to give the beneficiary the benefit of the promised performance. A and B are parties to the contract; C is outside of it. Law should provide C with some sort of remedy. Page 58 of 65 Contracts KPOZ Outline Difference between Devine and Scarpitti: Devine indicates that the intent must be clear and definite and must be expressed in the k. in Scarpitti, the court is not limited to the four corners of the k, but can look at the surrounding circumstances to determine if the parties of the k intended for party C to be a beneficiary of the k. Henry Horner Mother’s Guild v. Chicago Housing Authority: 3 different ways that C can be deemed to be beneficiaries under this type of k. Where you can contend there is a public benefit clearly intended by the nature of the public k. This would not apply to indiv. Seeking to be 3rd party beneficiaries to k where there is not a direct public benefit. 3 Ways to allow C to be able to contend that they are in fact 3d party beneficiaries to a k such as the one between HUD and Chicago Housing Authority: 1. Public housing tenants can be considered third party beneficiaries for certain types of contracts between HUD and public housing authorities. 2. third party beneficiary status on public housing tenants by the ACC 3. If the k were made for the third party’s direct benefit. Divided line is not bright between intended and incidental beneficiaries. WILLS Alvin Stangland v. Brock et al.: Transaction 1: Will (k) Decedent-atty law firm ()-beneficiary () Beneficiaries were supposed to take all of decedent’s real property, which included the farm at the time of contract. --real property included farm Transaction 2: (predates Trans. 1) Decedent-atty law firm-purchasers Page 59 of 65 Contracts KPOZ Outline Land k for a farm -personal property Second k changed a big portion of what the beneficiaries expected to inherit by changing the real property to personal Contract Torts (malpractice)—breach and duty --punitive damages b/c there was an independent tort; compensatory ’s don’t prevail because: --new matter memo: check through weekly to make sure that there was no new matter addressing your client, and if so that it wasn’t inconsistent w/the info. you believed to be true. Judges are lawyers; lawyers self-police. Judges are hesitant to impose rules on lawyers that they feel are unreasonable. Here, there was no “extraordinary or deviant conduct” Duty owed by Brock (attorney for trans. 1) to decedent: draft will, make sure it was in compliance w/the laws of the jurisdiction; signing. Did not require Brock to pay attention to the new matter memo. Duty of Carpenter (atty trans. 2): no obligation to go somewhere else (files, central files) to see what Brock had done, and to be sure decedent’s will would not be negated. Only required to use requisite care. However, someone should be made to pay for the problem. Finding a duty in the absence of privity: 1. multi-factor balancing test: extent to which the transaction was intended to affect the ; the foreseeability of harm to the ; the degree of certainty that the suffered injury; the degree of certainty that the suffered injury; the closeness of the connection b/w the s conduct and the injury; the policy of preventing future harm; and the extend to which the profession would be unduly burdened by a finding of liability. 2. Based on the concept of a third party beneficiary contract. must prove that he or she was intended to benefit from the established attorneyclient relationship. Page 60 of 65 Contracts KPOZ Outline ASSIGNMENT OF RIGHTS If you hold the rights to a contract, you can transform those rights to a party. Evening News Assoc. v. Peterson: k for personal services easily assigned Issue: whether a k for employment b/w an employee and the owner and licensee of a television station, providing for the employee’s services as a newscasteranchorman, was assigned when the station was sold and acquired by a new owner and licensee. Peterson had been employed by Post-Newsweek Stations when it was bought out b Evening News Assoc. He resigned after one year of work w/ in order to work at a competitor tv station. Court held: k was assignable and that evening News is entitled to appropriate permanent injunctive relief against Peterson. The s duties did not change in any significant way; and Evening News met all of its required k obligations. Bill of Sale and Assignment and Instrument of Assumption and Indemnity b/w the two: PNS has granted…to ENA…all the property of PNS…including…all and commitments listed in Schedule A. This included Peterson’s contract. Although there was no express provision concerning its assignability, it contained an integration clause stating that the parties were in understanding of the agreement, and it could only be changed through the written consent of both parties. s contention that he only agreed to the k because he was friends with the News Director and Exec. Producer, who since had left, was w/o merit since he did not contract with them, but with the company. Had he intended to condition his performance on his continued ability to work w/Snyder and Baker, the k should have reflected that. Summary: the performance required of Mr. Peterson under the 1977 k was (1) not based upon a personal relationship or one of special confidence b/w him and Post-Newsweek or its employees, and (2) was not changed in any material way by the assignment to the Evening News. Page 61 of 65 Contracts KPOZ Outline Rest. § 151-152: Contract rights as a general rule are assignable, but subject to exception where the assignment would vary materially the duty to the obligor, increase materially the burden of risk imposed by the k, or impair materially the obligor’s chance of obtaining return performance. Silence on the issue of assignability does not create ambiguity. Revisiting Parol Evidence Rule: when two parties have made a k and have expressed it in a writing to which they have both assented as the complete and accurate integration of that k, evidence, whether parole or otherwise, of antecedent understandings and negotiations will not be admitted for the purpose of varying or contradicting the writing. Equico Lessors v. A. Moneim Ramadan: Ramadan signed a lease w/Hastings Capital Corporation for an energy management system that would reduce the building’s electricity consumption. Hastings assigned the lease to Equico, who conducted a credit check on Ramadan. The assignment granted Ramadan’s personal guaranty of the lease. The lease contained a waiver of defenses clause as to any assignee of the lease. The assignee would be free of all defenses or claims Ramadan may have against Hastings Capital. Equipment failed to perform, used greater amounts of energy. As a result, Ramadan had the equipment removed and stopped making payments. Hastings went out of business, Equico sued R for balance. R raised defenses of misrepresentation and failure of consideration and counterclaimed on a breach of warranty. Florida UCC: validates waiver of defenses clauses in ks or leases; only valid when the assignment is taken for value, in good faith and w/o knowledge of a defense or claim. Close Connection Doctrine: if a close connection appears, then the assignee will be denied the benefit of a waiver of defenses clause. In a commercial setting, more than just a close connection must be shown before an assignee will be denied the status of a holder in due course. In Equico Lessors v. Rockville Reminder, Equico was found to be closely tied to the transaction and denied judgment due to its prior knowledge of the seller’s guarantee, and therefore of Page 62 of 65 Contracts KPOZ Outline potential claims that might arise. Court held: evidence offered by Ramadan was insufficient to justify setting aside the waiver of defenses clause, as there was no evidence of a standing agreement that Hastings Capital would assign to Equico all the leases it executed or that Equico agreed to make all assignments from Hastings Capital. DELEGATION OF DUTIES An arrangement in which someone who owes a contractual obligation arranges to have another person do the work. K b/w the delegator and the delegate. Rest. 2d § 318: a delegation is not valid if it will change the quality or character of the performance. Much more restrictive than doctrine of assignment of rights. UCC § 2-210(4): an assignment of “the k” or of “all my rights under the k” or an assignment in similar general terms is an assignment of rights and unless the language or the circumstances indicate the contrary, it is a delegation of performance of the duties of the assignor and its acceptance by the assignee constitutes a promise by him to perform those duties. This promise is enforceable by either the assignor or the other party to the original contract. Sally Beauty Co. v. Nexxus Products Co.: Nexxus contracted w/Best Barber & Beauty Supply, who merged into Sally Beauty Co. Nexxus cancelled the agreement b/c Sally is owned by a competitive manufacturer of hair care products. Court held: the k could not be assigned to the wholly-owned subsidiary of a direct competitor under s 2-210 of the UCC. Thus, delegation of duties under the distribution k is invalid if the proposed delegate is a competitor of the oblige. Explain RICO? Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act: makes it a federal crime instead of state Texas Dominant Factor Test: was the essence of or dominant factor in the formation of the k the provision of goods or services? Page 63 of 65 Contracts KPOZ Outline UCC 2-210(1): a party may perform his duty through a delegate unless otherwise agreed to or unless the other party has a substantial interest in having his original promisor perform or control the acts required by the k. UCC § 2-306: a lawful agreement by either buyer or seller for exclusive dealing in the kind of goods concerned imposes unless otherwise agreed an obligation by the seller to use best efforts to supply the goods and by the buyer to use best efforts to promote their sale. Unlike Best, Sally is a subsidiary of one of Nexxus’ direct competitors, and serious questions are raised regarding Sally’s ability to perform the distribution agreement in the same manner as Best. Hunter Tract Improvement Co. v. SH. Stone: original land contract purchased by a Caucasian for two African-American. It was conceived of as a front from the beginning. (B/c he was only purchasing it to assign the k to stone.). The Hunter Tract Improv. Figured it out, and tried to stop the sale. Says assignment has to be approved by HT b/c of language on the back of the k. Court held: language was invalid b/c it was on the back, and not technically part of the k. Parol evidence: could divide the front of the k from the back of it. Assignment is legal and enforceable. Geyen v. Time Oil Co.: leasing of a gas station residential situation by a party of one race, and sublet (k is assigned) to: Mrs. Geyen (white); and Mr. Geyen is black. The fact that they were an interracial couple is undesirable to the parties that made the k. They try to kick them out. Refused to deliver gas. They brought a breach of lease claim, but there was no breach. They paid, the oil was delivered. Awarded $7100, it was reduced (remittur: reduction of damages). Amount wasn’t supported by the evidence. Assignment of k vis-á-vie assignment of rights: generally assignment of k is disfavored, and assignment of rights is generally favored. May be linked to property rights being favored over everything else (con law). Assignment of k disfavored b/c: delegation of duties. Duties (in k) are obligations placed upon individuals that speak to who you’ll work for under what circumstances. This relates to labor. Forces you to work for someone you would Page 64 of 65 Contracts KPOZ Outline not otherwise have worked for: works against liberty of individual owing duty. Page 65 of 65