Dynamic Kenpo Karate Advanced Yellow Belt Advanced Yellow Belt Clutching Feathers (Front-- Left Hand Hair Grab) 1. An attacker at 12 o'clock grabs your hair with their left hand. 2. Step your left foot to 6 o'clock as you pin your attacker's hand with your left and cock your right hand at your right hip. 3. Unwind into a right neutral bow facing 12 o'clock utilizing torque as you simultaneously execute a right vertical middle knuckle (or punch) to your attacker's right floating ribs. 4. As your attacker begins to bend over, pivot into a right forward bow facing 12 o'clock as you execute a left palm strike to your attacker's jaw simultaneously with a right extended outward block to the inside of your attacker's arm. 5. Unwind into a right neutral bow facing 12 o'clock as you execute a right inward back knuckle diagonally across your attacker's nose. 6. Cross out towards 7:30. Triggered Salute (Front- Right Hand Direct Push) 1. An attacker at 12 o'clock pushes your left shoulder with their right hand. 2. Immediately and simultaneously turn your body counterclockwise, thus riding the force of the push and using your attacker's force, borrowed force. As you do this, step your right foot into a right neutral bow facing 12 o'clock as you pin their right hand with your left and simultaneously execute a right palm strike to your attacker's chin. Note: your right step may also buckle your attacker's knee. 3. Frictionally slide your right arm down your attacker's right arm, making the shape of a crane with your hand. Note: This should hook your attacker's right arm down towards 5:30 and end in an anchored elbow that is chambered. This is often taught as a percussion strike. 4. Immediately execute a right inward elbow to your attacker's right solar plexus. 5. Follow through and execute a right outward elbow strike to your floating ribs. 6. Using residual torque, follow through with a right backfist to your attacker's floating ribs or kidney. Follow through and cock your right hand at your right hip. 7. Execute a right vertical back knuckle strike to your attacker's chin. 8. Cross out towards 7:30. Dance of Death (Front- Right Straight Punch; their left leg forward) 1. An attacker from 12 o'clock comes at you with a right punch while in a left foot forward fighting stance. 2. Step your left foot forward towards 10:30 into a left neutral bow facing 12 o'clock as you simultaneously execute a left inward block to your attacker's punch. 3. Immediately pivot into a left forward bow facing 12 o'clock as you maintain a left bracing angle check and execute a right reverse hand sword to your attacker's groin. 4. Switch your hands so your right is now high against your attacker's right arm and your left is low. Execute a right step-through knee kick to your attacker's groin. (This gets their weight shifted off their right leg so you can grab.) 5. Land in a right neutral bow facing 12 o'clock as you simultaneously execute a right inward elbow as you grab the back of your attacker's right knee and pull towards you. Note: This move should knock them on their back. The pull and strike must counteract each other to be effective. 6. Execute a right backfist to your attacker's left knee. Note: This is done in case of an unintentional move; their left leg may come up when they are dropped to the ground. 7. Drop into a right wide kneel stance and take advantage of marriage of gravity and execute a right inward handsword onto your attacker's groin. 8. Cross out towards 7:30. Thrusting Salute (Front- Right Front Step-Through Kick) 1. An attacker from 12 o'clock comes at you with a right front step-through kick. 2. Step your right foot to 4:30 into a left neutral bow facing 10:30 as you execute a right inward downward block (palm up) followed by a left downward block to your attacker's right leg. 3. Immediately execute a right step-through front kick to your attacker's groin as your left hand rises as a check. Note: Timing wise, try to execute the front kick before your attacker's foot hits the ground. 4. Land in a right neutral bow facing 10:30 as you execute a right palm strike to your attacker's chin. 5. Cross out towards 4:30. Gift of Destruction (Front- Right Handshake) 1. An attacker at 12 o'clock grabs your right hand. 2. Hop forward to 11 o'clock with your left foot as your right hand simultaneously jerks on your attacker's arm pulling them down. 3. Simultaneously execute a left strike against your attacker's elbow joint as you execute a right knee kick your attacker's groin. 4. Plant your right foot forward into a right neutral bow facing 12 o'clock as you simultaneously buckle your attacker's right knee and execute a right inward elbow to your attacker's jaw. [Your left hand should be checking at your attacker's right arm.] 5. Cross out toward 7:30. Locking Horns (Front- Headlock) 1. An attacker at 12 o'clock wraps you in a front headlock with their right arm choking. 2. Breath. (Tuck your chin to the left and against your chest.) Grab your attacker's right hand with your left hand to breath a little easier as you step your right foot to 12 o'clock in a right wide kneel and simultaneously execute a right reverse handsword up into the groin. 3. Execute a left outward handsword to your attacker's right knee as your right hand maintains a check on your attacker's right arm. Note: This handsword also checks their right knee. 4. Execute a right hammerfist to your attacker's left knee as your left hand returns to maintain a check on your attacker's right arm. Note: This also checks their left leg, but also sets you up for the final strike. 5. Execute a right obscure elbow to your attacker's body, contouring up and striking through your attacker's jaw. 6. Execute a right downward diagonal inward elbow strike as you execute a left palm strike to your attacker's face. 7. Cross out to 7:30. Lone Kimono (Front- Left Hand Lapel Grab) 1. An attacker at 12 o'clock grabs your lapel with their left hand. 2. Step your left foot to 6 o'clock as you simultaneously pin your attacker's hand with your left hand and cock your right hand at your hip. Note: During this pin, rotate your hand clockwise to position the elbow for easiest break. 3. Settle into a right neutral bow facing 12 o'clock and utilize the provided torque to execute a right upward forearm strike to your attacker's left elbow joint, causing severe hyper-extension, possibly even a break in the joint. 4. Immediately circle your arm counterclockwise and convert it into an inward downward strike on top of your attacker's forearm. Complete this strike with your right palm up and your left hand checking high. Note: mentioning an optional strike here of a left hand spear to the eyes. 5. Execute a right snapping outward handsword to your attacker's throat. 6. Cross out towards 7:30. Glancing Salute (Front- Right Hand Cross Push) 1. An attacker at 12 o'clock comes at you with a right hand push to your left shoulder. 2. Step your left foot to 11 o'clock into a left neutral bow facing 12 o'clock as you use borrowed force from your attacker. Note: You will ride the push so you are facing 3 o'clock. 3. As you step forward, your right arm will come up and pin your attacker's wrist against your chest as you execute a left inward vertical forearm strike against the elbow to break your attacker's arm. 4. Pivot into a left forward bow facing 12 o'clock as you simultaneously pin your attacker's arm against their body as you execute a right palm strike to your attacker's face. 5. Circle your right hand counterclockwise to the right of your attacker's face and hook it around your attacker's neck. 6. Pull your attacker's head down and toward the ground as you simultaneously execute a knee to your attacker's stomach. 7. Land in a right neutral bow as you execute a right inward elbow to your attacker's face. Note: This strike will capitalize on back-up mass and marriage of gravity. 8. Cross out towards 7:30. Five Swords (Front- Right Step-Through Punch) 1. An attacker at 12 o'clock comes at you with a right step-through punch. 2. Step your right foot to 12 o'clock into a right neutral bow facing 12 o'clock as you execute a right inward block to your attacker's forearm, your left hand checking at the wrist. Note: Your right knee will also be executing a pinning check as it is inside your attacker's right knee. 3. Immediately execute a right outward handsword to your attacker's neck. 4. Pivot into a right forward bow facing 12 o'clock as you execute a left palm strike to your attacker's face. (Your right hand will cock at your right hip.) 5. Take advantage of the anticipated response (i.e. their gut jutting forward due to the strike) and execute a right uppercut punch as you pivot back into a right neutral bow facing 12 o'clock. 6. Slide your foot to 4:30 as you execute a left outward handsword to your attacker's neck. Note: Your right hand will circle completely around for the final strike. 7. Pivot into a right neutral bow facing 10:30 as you pull your attacker in and execute a right inward handsword to the back of your attacker's neck. 8. Cross out towards 4:30. Buckling Branch (Front- Left Front Step-Through Kick) 1. An attacker from 12 o'clock comes at you with a left front step-through kick. 2. Step your right foot to 3 o'clock into a fighting horse stance facing 9 o'clock as you simultaneously execute a right inward downward block (palm up) followed by a left downward to the outside of your attacker's left leg. 3. Bring your left hand high to positionally check against any further action. 4. Execute a right step-through front kick to your attacker's groin. Note: You can add a scoop to this if you'd like to. 5. Execute a left step-through knife-edge kick to the back of your attacker's right knee, dropping them to the ground. Land the left foot to 1:30 into a front crossover. 6. Cross out towards 1:30. Scraping Hoof (Full Nelson) 1. An attacker at 6 o'clock gets you in a full nelson lock. 2. Step to your left into a horse stance as you execute two outward overhead elbows that pull on your attacker's arms to break their grip. Note: Some versions of this technique omit this step. 3. Pull your left foot back to your right as you thrust both fists to the ground to help get free from the grab as you simultaneously thrust your head back into your attacker's face for a headbutt. 4. Pivot your body slightly to 7:30, bending your left knee as you aim into a rear bow. Execute a right rear scoop kick your attacker's left knee. Then, upon finding the knee, execute a right knife-edge kick to your attacker's right knee. Execute a right stomp on your attacker's right foot. 5. Pivot towards 4:30, bending your right knee into a rear bow as you prepare to take aim. Execute a left rear scoop kick to your attacker's right knee. Then, upon finding the knee, execute a left knife-edge kick to your attacker's left knee. Execute a left stomp on your attacker's left foot. Note: I have seen the above repetition omitted in favor of thrusting your right leg to 7:30 to buckle out your attacker's left leg. Then stepping your right foot to 1:30 as you hook your attacker's right ankle. As you step through, execute a shoulder shove to your attacker's chest. 6. Step with your right foot to 10:30 and cross out. Note: Optional strike- as you step you can execute a right outward handsword instead of bringing it to guard. Grip of Death (Left Flank- Right Arm Headlock) 1. An attacker at 9 o'clock gets me in a right arm side headlock. 2. Step your right foot to 10:30 into a right close kneel stance as you tuck your head to the left and execute a right hammerfist to your attacker's groin simultaneous with a left hammerfist to your attacker's left kidney. 3. Circle your left arm over your attacker's right shoulder and grab your attacker. Note: Ideally this grab is to the underside of the nose (philtrim), but can go to the hair, chin, whatever you can get hold of. 4. Stand as you use a left anchored elbow in order to create a fulcrum with your forearm and elbow against your attacker's back and shoulder area to increase your leverage. 5. Pivot into a left forward bow facing 6 o'clock as you utilize torque and deliver a right palm strike to your attacker's chin. Note: Your left hand will release your attacker and become a positional check on top of your attacker's arm at your left shoulder to guide the arm off as your attacker falls; this simply wards against unintentional moves. 6. Cross out towards 10:30. Stance Set There are 22 stances in this set. This set is showing transition between stances. Hidden within this set are a number of foot maneuvers that, obviously, you need in order to move from one stance to another. This set teaches flow and smooth transitions from one stance to another. You will recognize the stance switches from both techniques and forms. This is often taught with your hands on your hips. 1. Attention stance 2. Step your left leg out to 9 o'clock into a horse stance. 3. Step your left leg to 6 o'clock so you are in a right neutral bow facing 12 o'clock. 4. Slide your right leg back into right cat stance. 5. Step your right leg to 3 o'clock so you are in a horse stance facing 12 o'clock. 6. Step your right leg back to 6 o'clock into a left neutral bow facing 12 o'clock. 7. Slide your left leg back into left cat stance facing 12 o'clock. 8. Step your left leg back to 6 o'clock into a right twist stance. 9. Unwind so you are in a right neutral bow facing 12 o'clock. 10. Step your right leg back to 6 o'clock into a left twist stance facing 12 o'clock. 11. Unwind so you are in a left neutral bow facing 12 o'clock. 12. Pivot counterclockwise into a right reverse bow facing 12 o'clock. 13. Pivot clockwise into a right forward bow facing 12 o'clock. 14. Execute a front to back switch. 15. Pivot clockwise into a left reverse bow facing 12 o'clock. 16. Pivot counterclockwise into a left forward bow facing 12 o'clock. 17. Pivot in-place into a right rotating twist stance facing 12 o'clock. 18. Step your right foot to 12 o'clock into a right neutral bow facing 12 o'clock. 19. Pivot in place into a left rotating twist stance facing 12 o'clock. 20. Step your left foot to 12 o'clock into left neutral bow facing 12 o'clock. 21. Step your left leg back to 9 o'clock into a horse stance. 22. Pull your left to your right into an attention stance.