Multiple Alleles Lesson Plan: Grade 10 Biology

Lesson title: Multiple Alleles
Lesson date: 16.04.2018
One sentence summary: Students will learn the main concepts of multiple alleles.
Links to curriculum: MoNE grade 10 biology 2.1.2
Length of lesson:40 minutes
1. Students will be able to complete blood type table after practice with teacher.
2. Students will be able to solve rabbit problem after teacher explanation of multiple alleles
on rabbits.
3. Students will be able to identify their misconceptions after kahoot quiz.
Key vocabulary:
● Alleles
● Antibody
● Antigen
● Genotype
● Phenotype
● Pleiotropy
Common misconceptions:
● Dominant traits are the most common traits in a population.
● Single genes code for most traits
● Your genes determine all of your characteristics, and cloned organisms are exact
copies of the original.
Teacher preparation:
● Prezi preparation.
● Sparking interest question.
● Preparing teacher notes.
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<1 min.
5 min.
10 min.
Lesson outline
Announcements, general administration, tasks: Greeting and explaining
Lesson starter (spark interest): Teacher will show tabby cat cross to students
and answer their questions.
Lesson core (engagement and formative assessments):
Teacher activity
Student activity
● Teacher will continue to
● Students will help teacher to
multiple allele topic with a
solve problem. They will ask
problem. Teacher will ask
questions to teacher. Also they
students to help him to solve
will identify phenotypes of F1
problem. After solving the
generation. Obj-2
problem, teacher will ask
students to identify
phenotypes of F1 generation.
● Teacher will ask students to
help him to complete blood
types table.
● Students will help teacher to fill
table. They will ask their question to
the teacher. Obj-1
10 min.
20 min.
1 min.
1 min.
● Teacher will open tahoot test ● Students will answer questions with
and wait all students to log in
their smartphones. Students will ask
game. After all students log
their questions after each question.
in the game, teacher will lead
the game. After each
question teacher will take
students questions.
Conclusions and closure: Asking students to fill feedback on kahoot quiz .
Final administrative or lesson tasks: Thanking for their collaboration and let
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them leave.
Support materials: Computer, flash disk, PowerPoint presentation, lesson plans and teacher
Resources and references: IB Environmental Systems and Societies Course Book: Oxford IB
Diploma program by Jill Rutherford and Gillian Williams, MoNE grade 10 biology curriculum,
TAC biology notes. Kahoot quiz link:
JFL C:\Users\BilkentPc\Dropbox\Biology Methods\Lesson plan templates\Activity and lesson template_2016.docx
JFL C:\Users\BilkentPc\Dropbox\Biology Methods\Lesson plan templates\Activity and lesson template_2016.docx