Introduction How do things interact? Lecture 1 Electric Charge and Force 1) Gravity - a force between masses - holds planets in orbit, etc. • Properties of Electric Charges • Charging • Coulomb’s Law 2) Electromagnetism - a force between charges - responsible for all familiar forces (except gravity) – friction, normal, magnetic 3) Weak Nuclear Force - decay of particles 4) Strong Nuclear Force - holds nuclei together Serway and Jewett: Ch. 23 Physics 1E03 - Lecture 1 Electric Charge Electric Charge (continued) • A scalar quantity • Comes in “positive” and “negative” + F • Charge appears in nature in units of “e”: + - - + - 2 REPEL F eg: Particle electron proton REPEL ATTRACT Charge -e +e •Net charge is a conserved quantity: that is, the algebraic sum of positive and negative charges is constant. Units: coulomb, C and also “smallest unit of charge”, e 1.60210-19 C Eg: +5e-3e = +2e = +8e-6e Physics 1E03 - Lecture 1 3 Physics 1E03 - Lecture 1 4 1 Concept Question 1.1: Which of the following is true? (There may be more than one.) a) it is not possible to determine if a single charged body is positively or negatively charged. b) electrostatic forces can be properly described by postulating that like charges attract and unlike charges repel, even though this convention is not used. c) if the definition of “positive” and “negative” charges were switched, then all electrostatic forces could still be properly explained. d) it is possible that there are three kinds of charge, “+”, “–” and “=“, where like charges repel and unlike charges attract. Physics 1E03 - Lecture 1 Physics 1E03 - Lecture 1 5 6 Charging by Induction Insulators: charges do NOT move eg: glass, rubber, paper - can be charged by rubbing, but charges do not move Conductors: (some) charges move freely eg: metals, some liquids Semiconductors: electrical properties between insulators and conductors eg: silicon, germanium Physics 1E03 - Lecture 1 9 Physics 1E03 - Lecture 1 10 2 Quiz Charge is conserved. The conductor is neutral (no net charge). When a charged rod is brought close to it (without touching) the net force on the conductor will be: Experiment shows that objects acquire a net charge by the transfer of charge from one object to another, not by the creation of new charge on one sign. Conductor Charged Rod neutral + + + + _ + + _ _ _ _ A) B) C) D) _ 1E03 Lecture 1 11 Coulomb’s Law attractive repulsive zero it depends whether the rod is positive or negative -----Conductor Physics 1E03 - Lecture 1 Coulomb’s Law • The electrical force between two stationary charged particles is given by Coulomb’s Law • The force is attractive if the charges are of opposite sign • The force is inversely proportional to the square of the separation r between the particles and directed along the line joining them • The force is repulsive if the charges are of like sign • The electric force is a conservative force • The force is proportional to the product of the charges, q1 and q2, on the two particles Physics 1E03 - Lecture 1 12 14 Physics 1E03 - Lecture 1 15 3 Coulomb’s Law Coulomb’s Law Point charges F q1, q2exert forces on each other: q2 q1 r force due to charge 2 on charge 1 F rˆ 21 e 12 r̂ 2 2 2 C2 q2 force due to charge 1 on charge 2 F12 unit vector, dimensionless r rˆ12 12 r12 Since r21 r12 and is a unit vector parallel to r ke 8.988 10 9 N m r̂12 qq F12 1 22 r̂12 r12 qq F k rˆ r 1 q1 F21 12 r12 r21 r12 , Direction of the force is along the line joining the point charges. F21 F12 (Coulomb’s constant) Physics 1E03 - Lecture 1 This agrees with Newton’s third law. 1E03 Lecture 1 16 Coulomb’s Law 17 Exercise: GIVEN: • Remember the charges need to be in coulombs L e is the smallest unit of charge • except quarks 30 30 m e = 1.6 x 10-19 C q So 1 C needs 6.24 x 1018 electrons or protons L •Identical Masses, m=1.0 gram (equilibrium) m q •Equal charges q •L= 60 cm FIND: q • Typical charges can be in the µC range µC (micro coulomb) = 10-6 C • Remember that force is a vector quantity Physics 1E03 - Lecture 1 18 Physics 1E03 - Lecture 1 19 4 Exercise: Quiz: m=1.0 g, L= 60 cm, q=q1= q2 =? What happens to each angle if the charge on the left is doubled, and the other one is halved? Assume mass of charges is small. Draw Free body diagram: L y m T 30o Fe ? L 2q Ty Tx ? (equilibrium) m q/2 x A) angle increases B) angle decreases C) angle stays the same mg Physics 1E03 - Lecture 1 Quiz: 22 Example: q2 20C Two small conducting spheres have unequal charges of opposite sign, so that they attract each other with force Fi when separated by a distance d. They are brought into contact, and separated again by the distance d. The force Ff between the spheres is now a) b) c) d) e) Physics 1E03 - Lecture 1 20 300mm 400mm zero smaller, and still attractive smaller but repulsive larger, but repulsive not enough information q1 10 C q3 30 C Find: Force (vector) on q3 , in Cartesian form. answer: F (17 i 60 j) N 1E03 Lecture 1 25 Physics 1E03 - Lecture 2 27 5 Solution: Fe k Finding Resultant force vector: q1 q2 r2 q2 20 C y F31 q4 40 C 300mm x 400mm F32 q1 10 C q3 30 C Find: Force (vector) on q3 , in Cartesian form. Physics 1E03 - Lecture 2 28 Solution Physics 1E03 - Lecture 1 30 y F34 , x F32 F31 x F34 Physics 1E03 - Lecture 1 F34 , y 31 6