Change Management

A few associations understand the significance of
progress and look for approaches to manage it,
while others can't respond appropriately to
change and, as a result, can't get by in the present
exceptionally aggressive world. Somewhere in the
range of 70% of all change activities fizzle (Balogun
and Hailey, 2004; Beer and Nohria, 2000; Hammer
and Champy, 1993; Kotter, 2008; Senturia et al.,
2008; Sirkin et al., 2005). Numerous examinations
have looked to comprehend the purposes behind
this disappointment and to discover successful
change administration capacities that empower an
association to adjust to any progressions it faces. It
is fairly evident that a change procedure requires
significant research and watchful usage.
Tushman and O'Reilly (1997) portray change
administration as moving an association from the
now to the future through a progress period. Amid
the progress time frame, the association partitions
into its constituent parts and they are moved, unit
by unit, towards the coveted future.
To forestall Step 1: Gathering the feelings of
related units about a change point
Soliciting the suppositions from related units
around a usage is an essential part of the
organizational culture. More often than not, the
feelings of related units are looked for with
respect to a coveted change usage, or when a unit
shows the consequences of an examination, a
reminder or an instrument of endorsement to the
authority. This progression gives alternate points
of view on a change procedure. In addition, when
different units and staff are incorporated into a
change procedure, they turn into a piece of that
procedure, and as Kotter and Schlesinger (1979)
note, staff interest reduces protection toward the
change procedure.
Stage 2: Analyzing past work and feelings about
the change subject
This progression is likewise part of current change
usage in the association. Conclusions assembled
amid the initial step, and past work about the
change theme, must be dissected by the units
capable utilizing a logical approach. This
progression must be done deliberately and
significantly, or issues may rise in the resulting
Stage 3: Presenting the aftereffects of the
Some organizations realize the importance of
change and seek ways to deal with it, whereas
others cannot react properly to change and, as a
consequence, are unable to survive in today’s
highly competitive world. Some 70% of all change
initiatives fail (Balogun and Hailey, 2004; Beer and
Nohria, 2000; Hammer and Champy, 1993; Kotter,
2008; Senturia et al., 2008; Sirkin et al., 2005).
Many studies have sought to understand the
reasons for this failure and to find effective change
management abilities that enable an organization
to adapt to any changes it faces. It is rather
obvious that a change process requires profound
research and careful implementation.
Tushman and O’Reilly (1997) describe change
management as moving an organization from the
now to the future through a transition period.
During the transition period, the organization
divides into its constituent parts and they are
moved, unit by unit, towards the desired future.
To prevent Step 1: Gathering the opinions of
related units about a change topic
Asking the opinions of related units about an
implementation is an important component of the
organizational culture. Most of the time, the
opinions of related units are sought regarding a
desired change implementation, or when a unit
presents the results of an analysis, a memorandum
or an instrument of approval to the commander.
This step provides different perspectives on a
change process. Moreover, when other units and
staff are included in a change process, they
become a part of that process, and as Kotter and
Schlesinger (1979) note, staff participation
diminishes resistance toward the change process.
Step 2: Analyzing previous work and opinions
about the change topic
This step is also part of current change
implementations in the organization. Opinions
gathered during the first step, and previous work
about the change topic, must be analyzed by the
units responsible using a scientific approach. This
step must be carried out carefully and profoundly,
or problems may emerge in the subsequent steps.
Step 3: Presenting the results of the analysis to the
investigation to the charge echelon
The Turkish gendarmerie's work standard depends
on a strict pecking order, and hence, before
looking for the endorsement of the officer, comes
about must be introduced to the hierarchy of
leadership and their marks acquired at each level.
Stage 4: Getting endorsement from the authority
Pioneers assume imperative parts in the
achievement of progress administration. The
administrator holds the most astounding position
in the association, along these lines, without
getting the authority's endorsement, no change
can be started at the Turkish gendarmerie.
However, this endorsement all alone isn't
sufficient to guarantee the accomplishment of any
change. Change administration is a collaboration
and numerous on-screen characters can influence
its prosperity. Thus, the pioneer ought to
comprehend the genuine needs of the association,
and as indicated by these necessities and
elements, must guarantee a reasonable situation
for accomplishment of a change procedure.
Stage 5: Providing data on the change procedure
to the faculty
Change isn't something that can be overseen by
just a single or even every one of these
components. There may be extraordinarily skilled
pioneers, educated change operators, and
dedicated human asset directors in an association,
yet in the event that the workers don't have faith
in the need for change and show protection from
it, the coveted change does not keep going long.
The part of representatives in the change
administration process is no less imperative than
that of alternate on-screen characters. As a result
of the chain of command, it can be effectively
expected that if there is a request, everyone must
obey it, and the part of subordinates isn't as
essential as that of representatives in the private
segment. There is almost certainly that the request
should be taken after quickly by subordinates.
However because of real task revolutions,
particularly in basic leadership positions or when
the officials are relegated to new positions, bunch
elements start to assemble and senior
subordinates may persuade the new official
administration to evacuate change executions by
taking note of their negative encounters with the
command echelon
The Turkish gendarmerie’s work principle is based
on a strict hierarchy, and therefore, before seeking
the approval of the commander, results must be
presented to the chain of command and their
signatures obtained at every level.
Step 4: Getting approval from the commander
Leaders play vital roles in the success of change
management. The commander holds the highest
position in the organization, therefore, without
receiving the commander’s approval, no change
can be initiated at the Turkish gendarmerie. Yet,
this approval on its own is not enough to ensure
the success of any change. Change management is
a team effort and many actors can affect its
success. Hence, the leader should understand the
real needs of the organization, and according to
these needs and dynamics, must ensure a suitable
environment for success of a change process.
Step 5: Providing information on the change
process to the personnel
Change is not something that can be managed by
only one or even all these elements. There might
be greatly talented leaders, knowledgeable change
agents, and very hard-working human resource
managers in an organization, but if the employees
do not believe in the necessity for change and
show resistance to it, the desired change does not
last very long. The role of employees in the change
management process is no less important than
that of the other actors. Because of the hierarchy,
it can be easily assumed that if there is an order,
everybody must obey it, and the role of
subordinates is not as important as that of
employees in the private sector. There is no doubt
that the order will have to be followed
immediately by subordinates. Yet due to major
assignment rotations, especially in decisionmaking positions or when the executives are
assigned to new positions, group dynamics begin
to mobilize and senior subordinates may convince
the new executive management to remove change
implementations by noting their negative
Furthermore, the results of any change
present change. Besides, the aftereffects of any
change execution generally influence subordinates
as they should live with that change for the term
of their administration in the association. Hence, it
is vital that staff are bolstered amid the change
procedure. Illuminating subordinates about
change administration is a fairly proficient way to
deal with picking up their help. Also, the
significance of the staff's part in the change
administration process is expanded in parallel with
administration at the association. On the off
chance that a fruitful staff (representative)
commitment show is connected for the Turkish
gendarmerie, there is presumably that as
protection from change reduces, the achievement
change administration will increment. As a piece of
this model, before starting any change execution,
all staff must be educated about the procedure
through logical reports, gatherings, papers and
other conceivable means. Hence, the impression
must be given that they are indistinguishable parts
of the change procedure. As Ackerman (1986)
noted, open correspondence directs are essential
in formative change: giving staff data about a
change procedure will set up great intelligent
relations for giving accomplishment in change
implementation mostly affect subordinates as they
must live with that change for the duration of their
service in the organization. Therefore, it is crucial
that personnel are supported during the change
process. Informing subordinates about change
management is a rather efficient approach to
gaining their support. Moreover, the importance
of the staff’s role in the change management
process is increased in parallel with the
development of human-oriented management at
the organization. If a successful staff (employee)
engagement model is applied for the Turkish
gendarmerie, there is no doubt that as resistance
to change diminishes, the success change
management will increase. As a part of this model,
before beginning any change implementation, all
staff must be informed about the process through
explanatory documents, conferences, papers and
other possible means. Thus, the impression must
be given that they are inseparable parts of the
change process. As Ackerman (1986) noted, open
communication channels are important in
developmental change: giving staff information
about a change process will establish good
interactive relations for the sake of providing
success in change management.
Step 6: Implementing change
After the above-mentioned steps are complete,
Stage 6: Implementing change
change can be initiated on order of the
After the previously mentioned advances are commander.
finished, change can be started on request of the
authority. The second kind of progress is The second type of change is transitional Change.
transitional Change. Albeit just 3 of 30 members Although only 3 of 30 participants think that
imagine that transitional change is the most widely transitional change is the most common type, all
recognized compose, all concur on its significance, agree on its importance, in second place, for the
in second place, for the accomplishment of current success of current change implementations. In
change executions. Likewise, 6 of 30 members addition, 6 of 30 participants note that the Turkish
take note of that the Turkish gendarmerie needs gendarmerie needs transitional change the most.
transitional change the most. We can without We can easily conclude from these findings that
much of a stretch finish up from these discoveries current transitional change requires some updated
that current transitional change requires some new change management and shall hold an
refreshed new change administration and might important place in the future of the institution:
hold a vital place later on of the establishment:
We made a long-term plan. We spread out this
We influenced a long haul to design. We spread plan into years and we carried out our target step
out this arrangement into years and we did our by step. In every step, we revised our plan by
objective well ordered. In each progression, we analyzing financial, legal and scientific situations
reexamined our arrangement by dissecting and finally, we reached our target.
budgetary, legitimate and logical circumstances
lastly, we achieved our objective.
I brought a talent that the gendarmerie did not
have by establishing a section from scratch. First, a
I brought an ability that the gendarmerie did not project group was established. Then, I made a plan
have by building up a segment without any and spread this out over a 2-year calendar of
preparation. Initial, a task assemble was set up. At activities. There were sub and main subjects in the
that point, I made an arrangement and spread this calendar of activities. We investigated legislation,
out finished a 2-year logbook of exercises. There the needs of personnel and equipment and who
were sub and primary subjects in the logbook of had experience of this work in Turkey and the
exercises. We examined enactment, the world. Then we got in touch with those with
necessities of staff and hardware and who had experience and got them to educate our
involvement of this work in Turkey and the world. personnel.
At that point we connected with those with implementation.resistance to change it is better to
encounter and motivated them to teach our keep the transition time to a minimum.
faculty. In conclusion, we propelled the Furthermore, to manage transition periods, it is
implementation.resistance to transform it is necessary to focus on the process by which a unit
smarter to keep the change time to a base. moves from the present to the future. George and
Besides, to oversee progress periods, it is Jones
important to center around the procedure by organizational change aims to move away from
which a unit moves from the present to what's to the present state towards some desired future
come. George and Jones (2005) make comparable circumstance
attestations: organizational change means to effectiveness.
move far from the present state towards some
organizational viability.