Pediatric Chalk Mixture B.p (50ml) Patient Name :- Faizan Akram Dispensed By:- Dr. Asim Zubair Ref. # 29 Uses: As antidiarrheal As fluid replacement Precautions: Sodium Chloride Mouth Wash B.p ( 100ml ) Patient name: Faizan Akram Ref. No: 53 Precautions: Store at cool & dry Place. Keep away from children. Use: For mechanical cleansing & refreshning of oral cavity. Dispensing date: 30.12.2010 Shelf life: Use within 2-3 weeks. Dispensed By: Dr.Asim Zubair AnF Pharmacy Near Civil Hospital Bahawalpur For oral use only. Keep out of reach of children Store in cool & dry place. Use within 1 week Dispensing Date:- AnF Pharmacy Near Civil Hospital , Bahawalpur