COMM 1 Communication Fundamentals Course Syllabus



FALL 2018


TTR 1:00pm-3:45pm

Instructor: Julianna French

Office : BSTIC 210

Office Hours: M 1:30pm-4:30pm & TTR 12:30pm-1pm & 6:45pm-7:15pm


Phone: (949) 451-5329


Prepare and present an informative or persuasive presentation.

Construct a key word outline.

Use the Internet to search for, evaluate, and compile research materials.

Apply critical thinking in assessment of public speaking course concepts.

Self-assess individual speech performance.



Package of note cards

Lined paper

Access to the internet & a printer


Participation 50pts (10%) Journals 50pts (10%)

SEE-I 50pts (10%) 1 st Graded Speech 50pts (10%)


Final Graded Speech

50pts (10%)

200pts (40%)

Exam 50pts (10%)

Total: 500pts


Attendance is mandatory . According to district policy your instructor may drop a student if he or she misses 6 hours of class before the last day to drop (Nov 27 th ). I will enforce this policy . You are allowed 1 free absence. For each absence following (if your instructor does not drop you from the course) 20 points will be deducted from your participation points as you will not be present to participate. Two tardies equal one absence. In addition to losing 20 points, you may lose additional points for assignments missed on days when you are not present (i.e. journals). If you are tardy, it is your responsibility to communicate to the instructor AFTER class or else you may be marked absent for the day. Additionally, THERE WILL BE NO MAKEUPS FOR MISSING A GRADED SPEECH OR

EXAM! If you need to miss a class because of a school activity, it is your responsibility to communicate with the instructor reasonably prior to the event to discuss any necessary matters. Finally, if you miss a class you are responsible for all material covered.


Any students that have a documented disability should contact the DSPS office at 949.451.5630 or visit them in

Room SC-171. After the meeting, please meet with me to discuss the appropriate accommodations so that you may fully participate in the course. Confidentiality will be maintained. Please note that you are not obligated to disclose such information.

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Students are responsible for understanding and adhering to school policies regarding academic honesty, as specified in the college catalog and schedule of classes. Cheating in any form or plagiarizing any part(s) of any assignment in the course will not be tolerated. In addition, a report will be filed with the Dean of Students office for further possible action (including expulsion). If you are uncertain about what constitutes cheating or plagiarism, consult the college catalog and schedule of classes for definitions and for information regarding your rights and responsibilities.



Participation is essential to learning in this class. You will be required to come to class, on time, with the necessary assignments completed prior to class time so that you may effectively participate during in-class assignments and activities. This is an engagement-oriented labor-intensive, activity based class where you should do more talking than the instructor. Note, cell phone use is strictly prohibited during class. If your phone is visible during class time you are not only distracting yourself from being able to fully participate, but also your classmates.


There will be one exam that will test your knowledge of the material learned in class and through the reading assignments. The test will be closed book and administered on Tuesday December 18 th . There will be NO


Written Assignments

*All written assignments MUST be (1) double spaced (2) Times New Roman (3) 12pt font (4) 1 inch margins!!

SEE-I's (50pts)

Before each class period with a reading assignment, each student will prepare a written response to a prompt (found in the schedule of classes earlier in this document) that addresses one of the fundamental issues of the assigned reading. The SEE-I must be at least one typed page labeled , and comprised of 4 parts:

(S) Statement: On the weekly schedule for this course, a prompt is listed for each reading assignment. Complete the statement as a full sentence. (1 sentence)

(E) Elaboration: The next few sentences offer reasons that support the answer given in the statement. Begin this section with the phrase "This is true because…" or “In other words…” Especially helpful in this step are reasons outlined in the text. (5-7 sentences)

(E) Example: Following the explanation, the paper should provide an example that supports the statement and explanation. Examples should be vivid and provide enough detail that the audience can connect and understand. Begin this section with the phrase

“for example…” (5-7 sentences)

(I) Illustration: Finally, in some way, illustrate the principle discussed in the paper. This may be metaphorical/pictographic/etc. Regardless of the kind of illustration chosen, a written explanation of how the illustration functions is necessary. Begin this section with the phrase “This is like...” (1-3 sentences)

A typed and printed SEE-I must be brought to class. If the SEE-I for the day is not completed, the student is not prepared to participate in the "in-class" work of the day and will be asked to leave until the assignment has been completed. Each SEE-I MUST include a citation from the textbook . You do not need to worry about APA/MLA/etc format, however when citing the textbook be sure to bold the citation and include a page number . You should have a total of 5 SEE-I's. Following each class period, these papers should be revised and improved upon based upon in-class discussion and each person's reflective post-class thinking.

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Take notes of classmates' suggestions for improving the SEE-I. The final draft of your SEE-I’s will be submitted for a grade on November 15 th . You will submit an electronic copy to TurnItIn on Canvas on this date. Please note that TurnItIn is a tool that checks for plagiarism and the individuality of your paper. All

SEE-I’s must be the original work of the student. Again, if you are uncertain about what constitutes cheating or plagiarism, consult the college catalog and schedule of classes for definitions and for information regarding your rights and responsibilities.

Research Assignments(50pts)


You will be required to complete several research assignments throughout the semester. The first requires a student to compose a folder comprising of 7 articles which will later form the foundation of a speech. In the subsequent classes to follow you will be required to submit additional articles for a total of 25 articles. Each article is worth 2 points. Research articles must directly address the topic of the research file, must be from a credible source, and must have a publication date no older than 2015. The article must be printed directly from ProQuest or EBSCO in such a way that the above requirements appear on the hard copy (i.e. the publication name and date must appear on the article). Articles that fail to conform to these standards are ineligible for points.

Additionally, no "late" articles will be accepted!


You will write self-evaluations on the speeches you give in class. You will give your topic, your speaking time, and explain what you thought you did well and what you thought you could improve upon (minimum length of 2 paragraphs/10 sentences). You will also include your classmate’s feedback on your speech on the back of your reflection. You will staple your notecard to each journal. In addition to your selfevaluations on the speeches you give in this class, you will also type one brief essay (minimum 500 words) at the end of the semester documenting your development .

1st Graded Speech & Final Graded Speech

Deliver a persuasive speech 7 minutes in length and using the organizational model. You will be able to choose your own topic (must be classroom appropriate). The speech must make ample use of evidence (7 source minimum). Sources that do not comply with class requirements for evidence will not receive credit.

The speech should use sound organizational structure and display excellent delivery techniques.

WEEKLY SCHEDULE: Instructor reserves the right to make changes as necessary to this syllabus!

Oct 18

Course Overview/Critical Thinking Review

Due Next Class : Read Ch 1 & 5;

SEE-I #1: "When preparing a speech, the most important reason to analyze my audience is…"

Oct 23

SEE-I Review/Analyzing the Audience

Due Next Class : Read Ch 8 & 9;

SEE-I #2: "Effective organization will make my speech better because…"

Oct 25

Research/Organizational Model

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Research Folders Assigned

Due Next Class : Read Ch 16;

SEE-I #3: “The most important step in preparing a persuasive speech is…"

Oct 30

Persuasive Speaking

Due Next Class : Read Ch 11 & 12

SEE-I #4: "The best way I can reduce my anxiety when presenting a speech in this class is…"

Nov 1

Verbal & Nonverbal Delivery/Overcoming Apprehension

Due Next Class: Research Folder (7 articles) & 7 min speech

SEE-I #5: "The most important thing that I can work on to improve my nonverbal delivery when giving a speech is…”

Nov 6

Practice Speech 1 & 2

Due Next Class : 7 min speech, 4 more articles

Nov 8

Practice Speech 3 & 4

Due Next Class: 7 min speech

Nov 13

Practice Speech 5 & 6

Due Next Class: 7 min speech; Final Draft SEE-I’s

Nov 15

Practice Speech 7 & 8 ; All SEE-I’s due

Due Next Class : Practice for First Graded Speech & 7 more articles

Nov 20

1/3 of the class: First Graded Speech

Due Next Class : Practice for First Graded Speech & 7 more articles


Nov 27

1/3 of the class: First Graded Speech

Due Next Class : Practice for First Graded Speech & 7 more articles

Nov 29

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1/3 of the class: First Graded Speech

Due Next Class : Gather impromptu examples

Dec 4

Impromptu Speaking / Imp Practice Speech 11 & 12

Due Next Class : Gather impromptu examples

Dec 6

Imp Practice Speech 13 & 14

Due Next Class: Practice for your final speech!

Dec 11

1/2 Class: Final Speeches & 7 articles due

Dec 13

1/2 Class: Final Speeches & 7 articles due

Dec 18

Final Exam & Overall Journals due

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