The Oxford School LESSON PLAN 2018- ‘19 WEEK: 2 Subject: English Teacher: Ms. Zinnaira.U TOPIC: REALISTIC FICTION Resources (including ICT): Smart Board, I pads/laptops, Handouts: 1; worksheets. Weblinks: LEARNING OBJECTIVES: - (Main and secondary – if any) To create a plan for a realistic fiction story. To identify the key elements of Realistic fiction. Period: 5 Day / Date: Monday VOCABULARY: Enquiry, Research & critical Thinking skills: Lesson Evaluation: Next session notes: YEAR & Section: 6G2 05 March,2018 Learning Styles Based on CAT4 Data: Extreme spatial: - Nil Extreme verbal: - Nil Differentiation: (Highlight) Task / grouping / resources / pace / outcome / dialogue and support / assessment / tiered assignment / questioning / choice activities No of SEND students: 01 Differentiation strategies for SEND: Nil Learning Outcomes: (Based on each objective) 1. Can research and note the key elements of Realistic fiction. 2. Can sort and identify the key elements of Realistic fiction. 3. Can plan a realistic fiction story. REAL LIFE APPLICATION: Ability to cope with day to day problems CROSS CURRICULAR LINKS: Moral Education Total No. of Students: 20 Timing Approximate time for each activity Teacher activities List the planned activities with differentiation Learner Activities Learning Evaluation Indicate how the learner will be engaged in active learning through differentiated activities State how you would assess the intended learning has taken place/ according to activity Engage: 5 mins. What’s This? Students will be given some Realistic Fiction books and will be asked to explore the book cover and guess the genre. Students will categorise the book into a genre that they are most familiar with. They will give reasons for choosing the genre. Explore –5 mins Students will be asked to use their I pad and research about the common features found in Realistic fiction genre. Students will use their I pad and research about the common features found in Realistic fiction genre and jot down their findings. 15 mins Students will be asked work in pairs and circle out the features of Realistic fiction genre from a mixed genre feature list. Students will review a mixed genre feature list and will work in pairs and circle out the features of Realistic fiction genre. Questioning Student response Questioning Student response They will come together in groups and compare the selected features to come up with a list of common features. The teacher will discuss and share correct responses Explain & Elaborate: 20 mins Students will be given a story planning sheet and asked to plan a realistic fiction story based on the theme of bullying. Students will plan a realistic fiction story based on the theme of bullying. Worksheet response Self-evaluation Students will fill in a self-evaluation rubric and assess their learning. A few students will be asked to share with the class what they have learnt. All the students will be asked to fill in a self-evaluation rubric HOMEWORK: Students will review their plans and make changes if required. Evaluate: 5 mins Learner self-evaluation