WHAT IS FRUSTRATION? Frustration is an emotion that occurs in situation where a person is blocked from reaching a desired outcome. In general, whenever we reach one of our goal, we feel pleased and whenever we are prevented from reaching our goals, we may be in frustration and feel irritable, annoyed and angry. Typically, the more important the goal, the greater the frustration and resultant anger or loss of confidence. WHAT IS FRUSTRATION? >Frustration may be defined as the emotion produced when we are blocked form reaching our goal. >Frustration are minor e.g. busy signals, traffic slowdowns, late arrivals, pending assignments to check. >Students can also be frustrated over exam pressure, pressure from parents to perform well in exams. CYCLE OF FRUSTRATION Goals Efforts B A R R I E R Frustration Consequences Of Frustration Mood swings, improper affectice state Psychological Dissaticfaction, disinterest and bordem Decrease In person's self confidence and self-esteem Anciety, Tension, Depression Decrease in person's efficiency at home and work SOURCES OF FRUSTRATION 1. External Factors • Physical Factors • Social Factors 2. Internal Factors EXTERNAL FACTORS PHYSICAL FACTORS Physical factors that are related to physical environment. Natural calamities such as floods, tsunami, earthquickes, fire accident etc. obstacles such as traffic jams, crowded lines at a supermarket, droughts that destroy a farmer crops, noise that prevents concentration, floods that delay us in our travel. These can disturb human life. EXTERNAL FACTORS SOCIAL FACTORS The rules and the regulation of the parents, society, locality, culture and belief may control the desire and motive of the people. Restrictions imposed by other peoples, laws, customs, norms of society. E.g. Inter cast marriages. INTERNAL FACTORS Within individuals themselves are deficiencies which can cause frustraion. Physical abnormalities or defects: Bodily defects such as blindness, deaf or dumb. Heavily or thin body, dark complexion etc may cause frustration. E.g. A blind man dreams to travel to world. INTERNAL FACTORS Conflicts desires or aims: Frustration by obstructing mutual aims and goals. E.g. A person may be interested in marrying a girl whom he loves but he wishes to go abroad by marrying another girl. INTERNAL FACTORS Individuals Morality And High Ideals: An individuals moral standards, code of ethics and high ideals may become a source of frustration.He may caught between Superego and Id. Id. Pleasure Princple Superego. Morality INTERNAL FACTORS Level Of Aspiration Too High: one may aspire very high in spite of one's in capabilities or human limitations. E.g. A person become to be a captain of a team but does not know the basic of the games. INTERNAL FACTORS Lack Of Persistence And Sincerity In Efforts: Frustration may be caused due to weakness in putting continuous persistent efforts with courage enthusiasm and will power at one's command. E.g. Reading a book without interest and complainig that the book is not understandable.