World War I on the Home Front Plus/Minus Chart Directions: 1. Each group will be assigned one of the groups of Americans listed below. 2. The group will research how the U.S. involvement in World War I impacted each group. 3. The group will then create a plus/minus chart for their assigned group of Americans. (See example below). 4. Pluses: positive ways that the group contributed to the war effort (either at home or abroad), gains made by the group in their efforts to achieve equality in American society 5. Minuses: negative things that happened to the group during the war (either at home or abroad), any forms of discrimination that took place against the group (either at home or abroad) 6. Use the chart paper to create the plus/minus chart. Groups of Americans: ● Women ● German Americans ● African Americans ● Native Americans ● Hispanic Americans ● Japanese Americans Example: NAME OF GROUP OF AMERICANS + Positive changes that occurred to the group of people Or Positive effects of an event or program Negative changes that occurred to the group of people or Negative effects of an event or program