Connective tissue lines adrenal prostate Pitudituarytg hormones AVASCULAR Meanslittlespace mostcommon type f at insulation protection energystory fibroblasts Keloids endofbonestipofnose jointsvertebrae blood heart digestive system neurons nerve impulse enters here leaves heremaybe covered in Myelin Connective tissues Produces movement Muscle tissue Covers and protects the body from dirt, dust, and bacteria. Epithelium Nervous tissue Biff Squamous Simple Stratified Transitional Supports, binds, and forms framework for the body Carries nerve impulses Mito Columnar i Cuboidal Psuedostratified Single layer/same shape Many layers/same shape Several layers of differing shape Exocrine gland Endocrine gland Exocrine Endocrine Organs that secrete substances that are sent to the outside of the body through ducts Organs that secrete substances directly into the bloodstream Salivary gland Thyroid gland An organ in the body that secretes particular chemical substances for use in the body for discharge into the surroundings Blood circulates in the blood vessels Loose-areolar & Adipose. Dense-tendons, ligaments, and capsules around organs Cartilagem and bone tissue Serous membrane Mucus Membrane Cutaneous membrane double membrane with fluid between Secretes mucus, opens to outside of body Consists of stratified squamous tissue and an inner layer of dense connective tissue Synovial membranes Meninges Areolar Tumor that does not spread, not cancerous moles Tumor that forms in a can occur in tissue and spreads stomach, pancreas, throughout the body lung, liver Cardiac Smooth Skeletal Walls of the heart Organs besides the heart Bone Neurons Neuroglia Refers to the extent of your cancer, such as how large a tumor is or if it has spread. They can multiply almost indefinitely Limited to differentiating into different types of cell types of their tissue of origin