MonroeTownshipSchoolDistrict MonroeTownship,NewJersey MiddleSchool6th Grade*PREPARATIONPACKET* **ThispacketisMODIFIEDforstudentsintheResource Centeronly** 2018 ***SOLVETHESEPROBLEMSANDSHOWALLWORK*** Youwillberesponsibleforhandinginthecompletedpacketwithallwork shownONTHEFIRSTDAYOFSCHOOL.Theproblemsherearevery representativeofthetypesofitemsyouwillneedtohavemasteredBEFORE6th GradeMath…sowestronglyencouragethatyouincludethispacketinyour summerfestivities!Goodluckandenjoy!J Name:_________________________________ OperationsandAlgebraicThinking 1. 2. 3. Writeanumericalexpressionfortheproductofnineandseven. Writethefirstfivetermsinthepattern: Startwithzero.Theruleisadd17. 0,______,_______,_______,_______ Simplify.(RememberPEMDAS). (12–4)+2x3 Page1 4. 5. 6. Completethetable.Writearuleforcompletingthetable: Input Output 3 18 5 30 8 48 54 72 Rule:____________________ Thetablebelowshowsthenumberofgallonsofgasolineinthegastank eachsecondasitfills.Ifthepatterncontinues,howmuchgaswillbeinthe tankafter6seconds? Seconds 1 2 3 4 5 6 Pumping Gasoline Gallonsinthe 0.15 0.30 0.45 0.60 Tank Whichexpressionshowshowtosolve7x63withmentalmath.(Checkby findingtheproduct). A. (7x6)+(7x3) B. (7x60)+(7x3) C.(7x60)+(7x30) D.(7x6)+(7x30) Page2 NumberandOperationsinBaseTen 7.Writethenumbereightandtwenty-eightthousandthsinstandardform. 8.Orderthefollowingfromgreatesttoleast.Use>. 27.04127.01427.10427.410 9.Writethefollowinginstandardform. (3x100)+(7x10)+(2x1)+(.5)+(.08) 10.Writeπππ instandardform. 11.Megan’scheckforlunchattheLuigi’swas$13.87.Shepaidwitha20dollar bill.Howmuchchangedidshereceive? Page3 12.Describetheruleforthefollowingpatternandnamethenextthreeterms. 120,00012,0001,200120_______________________ Rule:___________________________________ 13.Insert>,<or=tomakethefollowingstatementtrue. 0.055_________0.20 14.Write3,409.7inexpandedform.(Example:500+20+6=526) 15.Writethefollowingwordsasadecimal: onehundredfiveandtwenty-ninethousandths 16.Round273.452tothenearesttenth. 17.Whatisthevalueoftheunderlineddigitinthenumberbelow?(Remember thatvaluedoesnotmeanplace). 57,035.189 Page4 Findthesum,difference,productorquotient.Showallwork. 18.3,684÷12= 20.27+8.7= 22.9172–316= 19.5,906x87= 21.6864÷2= 23.5000–987= Page5 NumberandOperations–Fractions $ % % & 24.OnMondayKatieworks2 hoursandonWednesdaysheworks3 hours. HowmanymorehoursdoessheworkonWednesday? & $ ' % 25.Ittakes cupoficecreamand cupmilktomakeamilkshake.Howmany cupsisthataltogether? ( 26.Jimmylives ofamilefromschool.BillylivestwiceasfarasJimmy.Howfar ) doesBillylivefromschool? $ $ * ' 27.Threestudentssharedapizza.Onestudentate ofthepizza,anotherate ofthepizzaandthethirdstudentatetherest.Whatfractionofthepizzawasthe thirdstudent’sportion? Page6 $ $ ) * 28. oftheseatsintheauditoriumwerereservedforparentsand oftheseats wasreservedfortheteachers.Whatfractionoftheseatswasreserved altogether? Findthesumordifference.Showallwork.Simplifyifnecessary. π π π 29.3–1 = π 30. + = π π 31.1 - = π π 32.8-3 = π π π π Page7 π π 33.2 –1 π π π π 34.3 +1 = π π Measurement and Data 35. Leah is 52 inches tall and Carol is 4 feet 7inches tall. Which girl is taller? How much taller is she? (Remember 12 inches = 1 foot) 36. Find the area of the rectangle below. (Area of a rectangle = L x W) Page8 37. What is the volume of the figure shown below? (Volume = L x W x H) Geometry 38. A Which quadrilateral has two acute angles, two obtuse angles, and two pairs of opposite parallel sides? B C D E Page9 39. Plot the following points on the coordinate plane: 40. • A (1 ,2) • Connect the points and name the figure__________________________ B (1, 5) C (5, 2) D (5, 5) Use the clues below to identify the figure: • • • • My figure has four sides. My figure has opposite sides that are parallel. All of my figure’s sides are congruent. My figure has two obtuse angles and two acute angles. Name of the figure: _______________________________________ Page10 41. D A E B F H C I G Write the letter of all the shapes above that fit into each of the categories below. (You may use a shape more than once.) Contain at least 1 right angle____________________________________________ Parallelogram _________________________________________________________ Quadrilateral____________________________________________________________ Rectangle_________________________________________________________________ 42. The temperature in Michelle’s house from 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. is recorded in the table below. Make a line graph to display the information. Remember to label the graph and give it a title. Page11 TimeTemperature 9am 11am 1pm 3pm 5pm 65Λ 60Λ 63Λ 68Λ 65Λ 60Λ 7pm TEMPERATURE TIME WhatwastheapproximatetemperatureinMichelle’shouseat2:00p.m.?_______________ Whatwasthedifferenceintemperaturefrom1:00p.m.to3:00p.m.?_____________________ Page12 Page13