MonroeTownshipHighSchool MonroeTownship,NewJersey FundamentalsofGeometry–ResourceCenter SUMMERPREPARATIONPACKET FundamentalsofGeometrywillprovideyouwiththe fundamentaltoolsofgeometricunderstandingthatwillsupport youinallfutureadvancedmathematicscourses.Sinceyouwill betakinggeometryaftersuccessfulcompletionofAlgebraI,the GeometryPreparationPacketcontainsreviewmaterialofthe algebraicconcepts,skills,andproceduresthatshouldbe masteredBEFOREenteringGeometryinthefall. Additional online resources are available at: - - - This practice problem packet is the only formal review of the concepts, procedures, and skills that you will have before beginning your geometry course. Your teacher will expect you to have mastered all topics included here. This collection of problems will identify those concepts that you have mastered as well as those you will need to practice and review. You are expected to seek extra help immediately on those concepts with which you have not demonstrated proficiency. Be resourceful – use the online resources provided on the webpage! Problems here are very representative of the types of items you will need to have mastered before Fundamentals of Geometry so we strongly encourage that you include it in your summer festivities! FUNDAMENTALSofGEOMETRY–ResourceCenter SUMMERPREPARATIONPACKET Name___________________________________________________ Directions:Graphthenumbersonanumberline: 1. " & # # − , , − 4,5 Directions: Simplify. 2. −9 + 7 3. −11 + (−1) + 6 ____________ ________________ 4.Ahotairballoonrises675feet.Itthendescends213feet.Findthe elevationofthehotairballoon,assumingitsjourneystartedatsea level(Showallworkandcirclethecorrectanswer). a) 888ft. b) –462ft. c) 274ft. d) 462ft. Directions: Simplify. 5. −2 ∗ −13 3&4 6. _______________ _______________ 7.Evaluatethepower:−54 (Circlethecorrectanswer) a) 25 # b) – 10 c) 10 d) −25 Topic: Solving Equation Step1:Distribute(ifneeded) Step2:Circlevariableandwhatevernumberisattachedtoit. Step3:Undoadditionorsubtraction Step4:Undomultiplicationordivision Directions: Solve. 8. 10. 𝑥 + 7 = 11 7𝑔 = 42 𝑏 − 10 = −23 9. 11. ; 3# =8 Directions:Solve. 12. 2𝑥 − 3 = 23 14. 3 5𝑧 − 20 = 15 13. −5𝑦 + 8 = −2 Topic: Solving Proportions (Butterfly Method) 8 192 1.Writetheproportionanduse = thebutterflymethod. 3 𝑛 8 𝑛 = 192(3) 2.Writethecrossproducts. 8𝑛 = 576 3.Multiply 8𝑛 576 4.Undomultiplicationbyusing = division. 8 8 5.Divide 𝑛 = 72 Directions:Solve. 15. @4 A = @B " 16. # 34 = C A Topic: Finding Perimeter and Area (Rectangle) Rectangle:afour-sidedflatshapewhereeveryangleisaright angle(90°). 17.Findtheperimeterandareaoftherectangle. Perimeter:__________________ Area:__________________ Topic: Finding Perimeter and Area (Triangle) Triangle-A3-sidedpolygon(aflatshapewithstraightsides). 18.Findtheperimeterandareaofthetriangle. Perimeter:________________ Area:________________ Directions:Writetheletterofthepicturenexttotheappropriate vocabularyword. 19.__________Ray a. (startsatapointandextendsin onedirection) 20.__________Line b. (Straightlinesthatextendin bothdirectionswithoutending) 21.__________Point c. (alocationinspace–adot) 22.__________LineSegment (Partofalinebetweentwo points) d. 23.__________PerpendicularLines e. (Linethatintersect(cross)ata 90°angle) 24.__________Angle (Spacebetweentworaysthat intersect) 25.__________ParallelLines (Linesthatneverintersect) f. g.