PHILOSOPHICAL CHAIRS WHAT IS PHILOSOPHICAL CHAIRS? It’s a way of setting up a two-sided discussion so that more students get a chance to speak, and no one talks over anyone else. HERE’S HOW IT WORKS: STEP 1: CHOOSE A SIDE The discussion is based on a statement. If you agree with the statement, stand (or sit) on one side of the room. If you disagree, stand on the other. STEP 2: AGREE SIDE STARTS One person from the “agree” side begins the discussion. They move forward from their group and briefly say why they agree with the statement. STEP 3: DISAGREE GOES NEXT One person from the “disagree” side takes the next turn. First they come forward and give a quick summary of the last person’s statement. Then they briefly state their own opinion. The discussion continues like this, with each side taking turns, always re-stating the other side’s last point before making their own. RULES Support your ideas with evidence from at least one text. Prepare ahead of time by reading and making notes on a text, and have it with you to refer to during the discussion. Share the floor: Once you have spoken for your side, you must allow two people from your side to have a turn before you speak again. Remember to respectfully restate or summarize the last point made by the opposing side before sharing your own thoughts. If the discussion changes your mind, you may move to the opposite side… calmly, please. WHEN IS IT OVER? • when time runs out • when no one has anything new to say, OR • when all members of one side have moved to the other side