algorithm analysis


Advanced Algorithms Analysis

Dr. Attiqa Rehman


Dr. Attiqa Rehman

Advanced Algorithms Analysis

Objective of This Course

Major objective of this course is:

• Design and analysis of modern algorithms

• Different variants

• Accuracy

• Efficiency

• Comparing efficiencies

• Motivation thinking new algorithms

• Advanced designing techniques

• Real world problems will be taken as examples

• To create feelings about usefulness of this course

Dr. Attiqa Rehman Advanced Algorithms Analysis

Expected Results

On successful completion, students will be able to

• Argue and prove correctness of algorithms

• Derive and solve mathematical models of problems

• Reasoning when an algorithm calls certain approach

• Analyze average and worst-case running times

• Integrating approaches in dynamic and greedy algos.

• Use of graph theory in problems solving

• Advanced topics such as

• Computational geometry, number theory etc.

• Several other algorithms such as

• String matching, NP completeness, approximate algorithms etc.

Dr. Attiqa Rehman Advanced Algorithms Analysis

Lecture No 1


(What, Why and Where Algorithms . . .)

Dr. Attiqa Rehman Advanced Algorithms Analysis

Today Covered

In this lecture we will cover the following

• What is Algorithm?

• Designing Techniques

• Model of Computation

• Algorithms as a technology

• Algorithms and other technologies

• Importance of algorithms

• Difference in Users and Developers

• Kinds of problems solved by algorithms

• Conclusion

Dr. Attiqa Rehman Advanced Algorithms Analysis

What is Algorithm?

• A computer algorithm is a detailed step-by-step method for solving a problem by using a computer.

• An algorithm is a sequence of unambiguous instructions for solving a problem in a finite amount of time.

• An Algorithm is well defined computational procedure that takes some value, or set of values, as input and produces some value, or set of values as output .

• More generally, an Algorithm is any well defined computational procedure that takes collection of elements as input and produces a collection of elements as output .

Input output


Dr. Attiqa Rehman Advanced Algorithms Analysis

Popular Algorithms, Factors of Dependence

• Most basic and popular algorithms are

– Sorting algorithms

– Searching algorithms

Which algorithm is best?

• Mainly, it depends upon various factors, for example in case of sorting

– The number of items to be sorted

– The extent to which the items are already sorted

– Possible restrictions on the item values

– The kind of storage device to be used etc.

Dr. Attiqa Rehman Advanced Algorithms Analysis

One Problem, Many Algorithms


• The statement of the problem specifies, in general terms, the desired input/output relationship .


• The algorithm describes a specific computational procedure for achieving input/output relationship .


• One might need to sort a sequence of numbers into non-decreasing order.


• Various algorithms e.g. merge sort, quick sort, heap sorts etc.

Dr. Attiqa Rehman Advanced Algorithms Analysis

Important Designing Techniques

• Brute Force

– Straightforward, naive approach

– Mostly expensive

• Divide-and-Conquer

– Divide into smaller sub-problems

• Iterative Improvement

– Improve one change at a time

• Decrease-and-Conquer

– Decrease instance size

• Transform-and-Conquer

– Modify problem first and then solve it

• Space and Time Tradeoffs

– Use more space now to save time later

Dr. Attiqa Rehman Advanced Algorithms Analysis

Some of the Important Designing Techniques

• Greedy Approach

– Locally optimal decisions, can not change once made.

– Efficient

– Easy to implement

– The solution is expected to be optimal

– Every problem may not have greedy solution

• Dynamic programming

– Decompose into sub-problems like divide and conquer

– Sub-problems are dependant

– Record results of smaller sub-problems

– Re-use it for further occurrence

– Mostly reduces complexity exponential to polynomial

Dr. Attiqa Rehman Advanced Algorithms Analysis

Problem Solving Phases

• Analysis

– How does system work?

– Breaking a system down to known components

– How components (processes) relate to each other

– Breaking a process down to known functions

• Synthesis

– Building tools

– Building functions with supporting tools

– Composing functions to form a process

– How components should be put together?

– Final solution

Dr. Attiqa Rehman Advanced Algorithms Analysis

Problem Solving Process

• Problem

• Strategy

• Algorithm

– Input

– Output

– Steps

• Analysis

– Correctness

– Time & Space

– Optimality

• Implementation

• Verification

Dr. Attiqa Rehman Advanced Algorithms Analysis

Model of Computation (Assumptions)

• Design assumption

– Level of abstraction which meets our requirements

– Neither more nor less e.g. [0, 1] infinite continuous interval

• Analysis independent of the variations in

– Machine

– Operating system

– Programming languages

– Compiler etc.

• Low-level details will not be considered

• Our model will be an abstraction of a standard generic single-processor machine, called a random access machine or RAM .

Dr. Attiqa Rehman Advanced Algorithms Analysis

Model of Computation (Assumptions)

• A RAM is assumed to be an idealized machine

– Infinitely large random-access memory

– Instructions execute sequentially

• Every instruction is in fact a basic operation on two values in the machines memory which takes unit time .

• These might be characters or integers.

• Example of basic operations include

– Assigning a value to a variable

– Arithmetic operation (+, - , × , /) on integers

– Performing any comparison e.g. a < b

– Boolean operations

– Accessing an element of an array.

Dr. Attiqa Rehman Advanced Algorithms Analysis

Model of Computation (Assumptions)

• In theoretical analysis, computational complexity

– Estimated in asymptotic sense , i.e.

– Estimating for large inputs

• Big O, Omega, Theta etc. notations are used to compute the complexity

• Asymptotic notations are used because different implementations of algorithm may differ in efficiency

• Efficiencies of two given algorithm are related

– By a constant multiplicative factor

– Called hidden constant.

Dr. Attiqa Rehman Advanced Algorithms Analysis

Drawbacks in Model of Computation

First poor assumption

• We assumed that each basic operation takes constant time , i.e. model allows

– Adding

– Multiplying

– Comparing etc.

two numbers of any length in constant time

• Addition of two numbers takes a unit time!

– Not good because numbers may be arbitrarily

• Addition and multiplication both take unit time!

– Again very bad assumption

Dr. Attiqa Rehman Advanced Algorithms Analysis

Model of Computation not so Bad

Finally what about Our Model?

• But with all these weaknesses, our model is not so bad because we have to give the

– Comparison not the absolute analysis of any algorithm.

– We have to deal with large inputs not with the small size

• Model seems to work well describing computational power of modern nonparallel machines

Can we do Exact Measure of Efficiency ?

• Exact, not asymptotic, measure of efficiency can be sometimes computed but it usually requires certain assumptions concerning implementation

Dr. Attiqa Rehman Advanced Algorithms Analysis

Summary : Computational Model

• Analysis will be performed with respect to this computational model for comparison of algorithms

• We will give asymptotic analysis not detailed comparison i.e. for large inputs

• We will use generic uniprocessor random-access machine (RAM) in analysis

– All memory equally expensive to access

– No concurrent operations

– All reasonable instructions take unit time, except, of course, function calls

Dr. Attiqa Rehman Advanced Algorithms Analysis


• What, Why and Where Algorithms?

• Designing Techniques

• Problem solving Phases and Procedure

• Model of computations

– Major assumptions at design and analysis level

– Merits and demerits, justification of assumptions taken

• We proved that algorithm is a technology

• Compared algorithmic technology with others

• Discussed importance of algorithms

– In almost all areas of computer science and engineering

– Algorithms make difference in users and developers

Dr. Attiqa Rehman Advanced Algorithms Analysis
