ORAL PROPHYLAXIS - A scaling and polishing procedure performed on dental patients in a normal or good periodontal health to remove coronal plaque (biofilm), stain and deposits to prevent caries and periodontal disease - Instrumentation 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Scaling – preventive (prevents periodontal diseases) Biofilm / Dental Plaque - Consists of soft bacterial deposits firmly attached to the teeth It can be removed by tooth brushing and by scaling It reforms rapidly after removal A complex metabolically interconnected, highly organized bacterial ecosystem Occurs as distinct supragingival and subgingival microbial colonization Biofilm is “the soft tenacious material found on the tooth surface which is not readily removed by rinsing with water It is estimated that 1mm of biofilm weighing about 1mg, contains more than 200 million bacteria There is well over 350 sorts of bacteria (opportunistic) in the oral cavity Tenacious: can’t be mechanically removed 30-45 mins. After brushing Calculus / Calcular Deposits - Calcified biofilm Calcified deposits occur as hard, firmly adhering masses on the clinical crowns of the teeth May also form on dentures and other oral appliances Always covered with uncalcified biofilm Where it exists in contact with gingiva, the gingiva is inflamed. o Because of the presence of toxic substances within the calculus o It irritates the gingiva due to its hard structure Significance of Calcular Deposits in Periodontal Disease 1. Calculus is rough, porous and facilitates retention of dental biofilm 2. Calculus is permeable and may store products noxious to the adjacent gingiva 2. Subgingival Calculus May be found on any tooth in the mouth and in any periodontal pocket 마욘 ✨ Chisels Hoes Sickles Files Curettes Chisel, Hoe and Sickle are designed for the removal of heavy calculus Curettes and Files are intended to remove finer or residual deposits and to smooth root surface Pocket Explorer - - Is held in the modified pen grip. Use a light grasp; between the thumb, the index finger, and the middle finger. Never use the sharp tip on the surface of the teeth Used for detection of irregularities on the surface of the tooth and for supra- and subgingival detection of calculus (up to 3mm subgingival) Used as root feeler, this indicates the extends of the subgingival calculus present before and after scaling Scalers - Are held in modified pen grip. Since instruments for scaling and root planning are used with a certain amount of pressure a correct grasp, proper point of support and stable but flexible finger rest are very important Chisel - Designed for the removal of extensive coronal calcified deposits Mandibular anterior region Used with a push stroke in labiolingual direction Hoes - Classification of Calcular Deposits 1. Supragingival Calculus Most abundant opposite the openings of major salivary glands a. Oral surfaces of lower anterior teeth b. Vestibular surfaces of the upper molars Creamy white to yellowish color Consistency is moderately hard Recurrence after removal is rapid Most often found on the approximal surfaces and with the lower frequency on the buccal surface More dense than supragingival calculus - For anterior and lingual surfaces. This scaler can also be used for the proximal surfaces of premolars and molars. It can be remove very large, heavy sub and supragingival calculus. Hoes are particularly suitable for deep, narrow pockets and concave root surface Pull instrument Can be used subgingivally but only to the extent that the gingiva can be displaced Sickle Scalers - Strong instruments that remove large calculus Has 2 cutting edges per working edges Can be used on all aspects of the tooth Working end is triangular in cross section May be used with pull or push strokes Cutting edges on both sides of the blade a. Large Hooked Sickle – lingual surface of mandibular incisors b. Contra-angled Sickle (Jacquette) – interproximal use in premolar and molar area c. Curved Sickle Scaler d. Straight Sickle Scaler Files - Having an action similar to that of 3-5 hoes on a row Designed for use in deep, narrow-mouthed pockets and in pockets inaccessible to other instruments Difficult to sharpen When improperly used, may score or nick the cementum surface Dental Disclosing – tablets and solutions stain the plaque build up in your teeth, allowing you to see how thoroughly you are brushing and flossing your teeth. They stain the bacteria making it easier to see where to remove dental plaque and calculus deposits - Scaling Technique (Five Step Technique) 1. Position the instrument at the correct angle against tooth surface 2. Change the angle of the instrument – the cutting edge should be in the right position against the tooth surface 3. Use light lateral pressure and push the cutting edge against the surface (do not use heavy lateral pressure) 4. Pull the instrument along the tooth surface towards the incisal/occlusal (pulling stroke) 5. Relax H6 / H7 – sickle 11A/12A – is used for the removal of calculus in the whole mouth; universal; identical to scaler S204SD; bigger and the working part is thicker; curette S204SD – smaller Curette - - - - - - The Gracey 1/2 is used for the removal of subgingival plaque, calculus, and root planning in the upper and lower anterior areas Assigned for specific areas, but it is possible to use them in other areas as well. When the instrument is inserted the last part of the shank of is parallel to the surface of the tooth Usually used subgingivally The curette 11/12 is used for the removal of subgingival plaque, calculus, and root planning of the mesial surfaces in the premolar and molar areas The Gracey curette combination 11/14 and 12/13 improves efficiency during treatment; the mesial and distal surfaces in specific (pre)molar areas can be cleaned with one instrument The curette 13/14 is used for the removal of subgingival plaque of the distal surfaces in the (pre)molar areas The curette 15/16 is used for the removal of subgingival plaque in the mesial surfaces of (pre)molar areas; more accentuated angulation of the shank Design of the Gracey curettes is unique in that each end had only one cutting edge and that is designed so that it can adopt closely to the specific tooth surface for which it is intended The cutting/useable edge of the blade is the lower outer aspect of the blade. It can be identified by holding the terminal shank of the end in question, the blade side lower, in a vertical position and viewing the blade portion head on. The blade of the curette is machined at 70 degree angle and the cutting edge exhibits a curve, which is longer When adapting the Gracey instruments to tge teeth to perform scaling, the cutting edge must be first identified, the terminal shank should be parallel to that surface Plaque Disclosing 마욘 ✨ Available without prescription Erythrosine is the most common dental plaque dye in disclosing tablets and solutions Modified Pen Grip Improves control, prevents slipping of instrument, reduces hand fatigue and improves tactility The point of support should be close to the working area and should be stable but flexible The 4th finger (ring finger) is often the support point It is not recommended to support the hand on the soft tissues (cheeks/lips) or on mobile teeth The blade of the instrument should always be into contact with the tooth surface The instrument should be moved over the surface with overlapping movements. It is recommended to scale from the bottom of the pocket towards the gingival margin It is preferable that all tooth surfaces should be completed in one session Angulation - Efficient cutting angulation is between 45, 90 and 70 degrees is considered ideal. Less than 45 degrees is considered “closed” and more than 90 degrees is considered “open” Insertion - To avoid damaging the soft tissues, the working end is inserted into the sulcus with the face of the blade “closed” or flattened to the tooth surface. Once in the depth of the pocket, the blade is opened. Strokes - The action of the working end as it is moved across the tooth surface Exploratory Strokes – provide light tactile feedback from the instrument tip a. Working Strokes – provide controlled pressure against a tooth surface using an appropriate cutting angulation b. Scaling Strokes – are short pulling strokes made with firm pressure to remove increment from root and enamel surfaces c. Root Planing Strokes – to remove deposits and smooth the root surface d. Working strokes – are ideally a series of overlapping strokes covering the entire tooth surface Polishing - May be performed with pumice of Zirconate applied with a rubber cup 1. Remove disclosing solution 2. Render surface smooth 마욘 ✨