Star Research Project

Name: ___________
Star: ___________
Star Research Project
Find a named star that you can research. You must find the following information for your star:
___ What is its mass compared to the sun's?
___ How far away from us is it?
___ How can we find it (RA and declination - please describe where that would be)
___ Does it have another name?
___ What stage is it currently in? What stages will it go through in its life cycle?
___ What history is there related to the identification and naming of this star?
___ What is its classification? What does that mean in terms of the characteristics it possesses?
___ Is it a part of a constellation?
___ Is it part of a star system? Does it have anything orbiting it?
___ Is it described/mentioned in any pop culture?
Once you have completed your research, you must make a visual aid to help you present this information.
You cannot use the computer to create or aid you in creating your visual aid​​, other than if you need
to look at pictures online for inspiration.
Your score will be based on the quality and quantity of the information you find based on the above
criteria, as well as the originality and effort put into your visual aid.
Name: ___________
Star: ___________
Star Research Project
Find a named star that you can research. You must find the following information for your star:
___ What is its mass compared to the sun's?
___ How far away from us is it?
___ How can we find it (RA and declination - please describe where that would be)
___ Does it have another name?
___ What stage is it currently in? What stages will it go through in its life cycle?
___ What history is there related to the identification and naming of this star?
___ What is its classification? What does that mean in terms of the characteristics it possesses?
___ Is it a part of a constellation?
___ Is it part of a star system? Does it have anything orbiting it?
___ Is it described/mentioned in any pop culture?
Once you have completed your research, you must make a visual aid to help you present this information.
You cannot use the computer to create or aid you in creating your visual aid​​, other than if you need
to look at pictures online for inspiration.
Your score will be based on the quality and quantity of the information you find based on the above
criteria, as well as the originality and effort put into your visual aid.