Adaptations Essay

Name: __________________________________
Your Proofreader: _________________________
Animal Adaptations Essay
Proofreader For: ______________________________
Goal: Recognize that animals have many adaptions that make their bodies fit a location. Also, the goal is to
increase your research skills and writing skills which you will use time and time again in life.
Handy Dandy Checklist
5 Points
Proofreader Guide
20 Points
This is a quick guide to keep you on track. Check
off as you complete please.
As you read your assigned person’s work look
for these common errors.
 Pick your animal
 Fill out About the Animal sheet
 Pick three adaptions you are most
interested in
 Fill out Content Organizer sheet
 Write our rough draft of essay
 Have your assigned proofreader use their
Proofreader Guide to proof your paper.
 Use your Proofreader Guide to proofread
your assigned person. (Can go onto next
step if person isn’t ready)
 Write final copy
 Check it using Grading Checklist
 Staple rough draft and final essay to the
BACK of this packet
Does the paper have what a good informational
paper needs? Such as: (Check off once checked)
Have a Question?
1. Re-read the directions.
2. Look on the
3. Then, raise your hand
quietly until a
teacher is free.
 Grammar:
 Words are capitalized correctly
 No misspellings
 Words are used properly and make
 All sentences are complete sentences
(Capital, subject/verb, and a period)
 Variation: Sentences are varied. Writer
doesn’t use the same word over and over. If
they do, offer suggestions on how to add
variation to make it more interesting.
 Formal Voice:
 Never uses the word ‘I’
 Uses correct tense through whole paper.
Is this taking place now or did it take
 Concise: Only says what needs to be said,
doesn’t add in words or information that is
not needed.
 Formatting:
 Paper is double-spaced
 Paragraphs are indented
 Font is 12 pt. size and something simple
to read.
 Adaptations Paper Requirements:
 Has all information needed for each
 Paper is interesting to read
 Includes a picture
 Something Positive
 Write a positive note about their paper
as you go or at the end.
About the Animal
20 points
Animal Name:
Describe Environment/Habitat:
Describe Physical Appearance:
Temperature? Rain? Climate? Colors? etc
Size? Colors? Patterns? Special parts? etc
Reproduction Facts:
What eats it? What does it
Behaviors that help it survive:
#? How often? Where? etc
Sleep? Play dead? Etc.
Fun Facts: ________________________________________________________________________
Content Organizer
30 points
Paragraph One: Introduction
Topic Sentence: Tell what the animal is.
Elaborate: Describe the animal’s environment, appearance, etc. (he information from your “About
the Animal” Sheet) in an easy to read way. Do not include your three favorites yet!
Then, tell them the three adaptations you picked in an interesting way. You want to get them
hooked so they want to keep reading your essay!
(if you need more lined paper please grab some!)
Paragraph Two: Adaptation One
Topic Sentence: Tell what the adaptation is.
Elaborate: Tell why the adaptation helps it survive. (could be more than one sentence)
Elaborate: Is it a behavioral adaptation, functional, or structural adaptation? Explain.
Elaborate: Negatives to this adaptation in today’s world? OR How long ago did they acquire this
adaption? OR Other interesting fact you found out about this adaption.
Paragraph Three: Adaptation Two
Topic Sentence: Tell what the adaptation is.
Elaborate: Tell why the adaptation helps it survive. (could be more than one sentence)
Elaborate: Is it a behavioral adaptation, functional, or structural adaptation? Explain
Elaborate: Negatives to this adaptation in today’s world? OR How long ago did they acquire this
adaption? OR Other interesting fact you found out about this adaption.
Paragraph Four: Adaptation Three
Topic Sentence: Tell what the adaptation is.
Elaborate: Tell why the adaptation helps it survive. (this could be more than one sentence)
Elaborate: Is it a behavioral adaptation, functional, or structural adaptation? Explain
Elaborate: Negatives to this adaptation in today’s world? OR How long ago did they acquire this
adaption? OR Other interesting fact you found out about this adaption.
Paragraph Five: Conclusion
Summarize your 3 topic sentences (three adaptations).
Summarize how these three adaptations help it survive.
When you are done with this sheet you can start to type it and add a picture to the page!
Grading Checklist
All steps complete in Handy Dandy Checklist
About the Animal sheet filled out completely
and is well researched
Content Organizer filled out completely
Proofread your assigned person’s paper using
the Proofreader Guide. Points will be deducted
if you missed points when I proof the paper.
Rough Draft is stapled, with your editor’s notes
on it.
Final Draft: Grammar (See Proofreader Guide)
Final Draft: Variation (See Proofreader Guide)
Final Draft: Formal Voice (See Proofreader
Final Draft: Concise (See Proofreader Guide)
Final Draft: Formatting (See Proofreader Guide)
Final Draft: Adaptation Paper Requirements
(See Content Organizer)
 Intro Paragraph: About the animal and state
the three adaptions
 2nd Paragraph: Adaption One/elaborate
 3rd Paragraph: Adaption Two/elaborate
 4th Paragraph: Adaption Three/elaborate
 Conclusion: Summarize what the adaptions
are and why they help the animal survive.
Score Yourself
Teacher Score