LANDSLIDE DETECTION AND MONITORING IMPLEMENTATION DETAILS CHAPTER – 5 IMPLEMENTATION DETAILS Fig.5.1 Circuit Diagram Dept of Computer Engg. KBTCOE, Nashik 32 LANDSLIDE DETECTION AND MONITORING IMPLEMENTATION DETAILS 5.1 Website Modules: START Enter Username & Password Login No If match Yes Display Current Landslide Status STOP Fig.5.2 Flowchart for Login Module Dept of Computer Engg. KBTCOE, Nashik 33 LANDSLIDE DETECTION AND MONITORING IMPLEMENTATION DETAILS Start Check user If admin If visitor Enter userID and password for login Visit other pages of website View Landslide status View History Learning and education Make changes if required Contact us Stop Fig.5.3 Overall Flow chart of website Dept of Computer Engg. KBTCOE, Nashik 34 Research LANDSLIDE DETECTION AND MONITORING IMPLEMENTATION DETAILS 1 2 5 3 6 7 4 9 Fig.5.4 Control Flow graph of website Cyclomatic Complexity =Number of Edges-Number of Nodes+2 =N-E+2 =13-11+2 =4 Cyclomatic Complexity = Number of predicate nodes+1 =3+1 =4 Cyclomatic Complexity = Number of regions =4 Dept of Computer Engg. KBTCOE, Nashik 35 8