Scientific Poster Presentation Guidelines & Grading Rubric The goal of your scientific poster is to have an organized and attractive presentation of your research findings. Posters should be self-explanatory and readable within about five minutes. In addition, when fabricating your poster, you must comply with the following guidelines. Guidelines Title: At the top of your poster you should have a title that is both short and very descriptive of your project. As a rule, the title should be easily readable at a distance of about 4 – 5 feet away (words are approximately 1.5 – 2.5 cm in height). Name: Directly under the title, you should place your name. The name is usually about 2030% smaller than the title. The body of the poster: Introduction and Guiding Questions: In this section you should describe list the guiding questions that you explored, and what question you finally decided to explore in the context of current knowledge about the topic. Results: The purpose of this section is to present the answers you found to your guiding question. No analysis should occur. Just the facts/data you found. In this section include any table, graph, or figure with an appropriate subtitle or legend. Discussion: In this section you should interpret the meaning of your results with respect to the original question. You should interpret your results without repeating them. The discussion must include your conclusions about the answer to the question that motivated your research that you described in the introduction. If appropriate, mention explanations for unexpected results. Literature Cited: Include only those papers cited on the poster. Do not cite a paper unless you have read it completely. Print each paper used as a source and turn in to Mrs. Stearns in a marked manila folder for review. Graphics, Tables, Photos and Others Illustrations, tables, figures, photographs, and diagrams may enhance your poster. Make sure you are citing them correctly. Layouts There are an endless number of ways to put a poster together. Remember try to create a strong visual but, avoid making the poster look crowded. It is important to provide some indication of the flow of the poster (top to bottom, left to right). Some posters have numbered sections (units) to indicate the reading order. Specific Guidelines: One entire poster should take up a space no larger than 80cm by 120cm in either portrait or landscape format. All posters will be affixed to and displayed on a vertical surface. You should determine how to secure your poster to such a surface and bring whatever materials you will need to do this. You may build your poster upon a single piece of poster-board or it may be made up of several individual components that can be secured to the display surface. 945840718 page 1 of 3 Rubric for a Scientific Poster Presentation Presentation: Size, Content & Organization Level of Proficiency 1: Pre-Novice (or: Unacceptable) 2: Beginning (or: Minimum acceptable) 3: Developing (or: Good) 4: Accomplished (or: Excellent) Size ___ Size is completely inappropriate (too small to read or larger than the maximum allowable size) ___ Does not adhere to poster size guidelines, but otherwise may be sufficient for the content and layout Title & Name ___ No title or name ___ Title and name present but incomplete, unclear or otherwise minimally acceptable (e.g., misplaced, too small, or hard to read text used) ___ Adheres to poster size guidelines, but size may not be completely appropriate for amount of content and layout ___ Title and name present and complete but not prepared according to all guidelines Introduction and Guiding Question ___ No introduction ___ Introduction present but incomplete, unclear or otherwise minimally acceptable (e.g., does not present the question being explored, statement of the hypothesis, is unconvincing in terms of the significance of the study, is excessively lengthy and detailed lacking important points and relevance of the work) ___ No larger than 80 cm by 120 cm in either portrait or landscape form ___ Size is neither excessive nor minimal for the content and layout ___ Title is at top of the poster, short, descriptive of the project and easily readable at a distance of about 4-5 feet (words about 1.5-2.5 cm tall) ___ Name in a section about 2030% smaller than the title ___ Presents question being explored placed in the context of current knowledge ___ Includes precise statement of the question of hypothesis being addressed by the study ___ Convinces the reader of the significance of the study ___ Is brief but includes important points indicating the relevance of the work Criteria 945840718 ___ Introduction present and relatively complete but does not address all points indicated in the poster guidelines 2 of 3 Results ___ No results ___ Results present but incomplete, unclear or otherwise minimally acceptable (e.g., incomplete summary of data, poor explanation of graphics, etc.) ___ Results present and relatively complete but does not address all points indicated in the poster guidelines Discussion ___ No discussion ___ Discussion present but incomplete, unclear or otherwise minimally acceptable (e.g., no interpretation of results with respect to the original question, unnecessary repetition of results, no conclusions about answers to the questions that motivated the research as indicated in the introduction, etc.) ___ Discussion present and relatively complete but does not address all points indicated in the poster guidelines Literature Cited ___ No literature cited (appropriate only if no citations used in the text) ___ Literature cited present and relatively complete but does not address all points indicated in the poster guidelines Graphics, Tables, Photos and Other Images (and layout) ___ No graphics, tables, photos or other images (the poster should include at least some images) ___ Literature cited present but incomplete, unclear or otherwise minimally acceptable (e.g., lacking sources cited in the text, including superfluous entries, not prepared according to approved style guidelines, etc. ___ Graphics present but incomplete, unclear or otherwise minimally acceptable (e.g., lacking explanation, units, keys, misplaced or excessively large, inappropriate or confusing, etc.) 945840718 ___ Graphics present and relatively complete but do not address all points indicated in the poster guidelines ___ Includes summary of the data ___ All results presented, whether positive or negative ___ If present, table or figure subtitles for written summary and includes legend to explain the graphic clearly ___ Includes interpretation of results with respect to the original question ___ Results interpreted without being repeated ___ Includes conclusions about answers to questions that motivated the research as indicated in the introduction ___ If appropriate, includes explanations for unexpected results ___ Includes only sources cited in the text ___ Includes only papers if you read it yourself ___ Is prepared according the Modern Language Association (MLA) style guidelines ___ Illustrations, tables, figures, photographs or diagrams have unique identification numbers and legends ___ Text includes references to specific graphics or pictures ___ Legends include full explanation and where appropriate, color keys, scale, etc. ___ All images presented in appropriate layout and size relative to text 3 of 3