Spanish Pronunciation Guide **Spanish is a phonetic language. Every letter or letter combination will follow the same rule all the time. This is much easier than Engligh!** Consonants Sound b or v C (before e or i) or z C (before a or o or u) G (before e or i) or j G (before a or o or u) H ñ Qu r How to say it Like B in English except keep your lips close to your mouth when you say it “s” like English in most of Latin America “k” sound like in “can’t” “h” sound in Latin America “g” sound like in guitar Silent (not pronounced) “ny” like in canyon. This letter doesn’t exist in English “k” sound like in kangaroo This sound is different in Spanish. Tap the roof of your mouth with your tongue. Almost like an “l” or a “D” sound Spanish Word Examples Barcelona, vosotros Cero, azul Carro, coche Gente, Jose Agua, gol Hablar, he España, baño Quitar, que Ronronear (the sound a motorcycle makes)