Ethics in Science Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan
Introduction to Science
Course Code
Foundation Year
Start & End time:
Tuesday 27th 9.30 – 11.00am
Number of Students:
Learning Outcomes:
Assessment Strategies
1. Define Ethics and what it means in a scientific context
Staff observation of word cloud
2. Discuss different approaches to ethical decision making
Paired work
3. Describe how scientist make decisions in ethical cases
Group round robin activity
4. Present and challenge thoughts and opinions on ethical issues Group discussion
Student Activity
(This section should evidence learning strategies, maths & English and E&D)
CSPAR can be evidenced in this section
Connect - Learners use their digital devices to post terms they associate with “ethics” on to
a word cloud board with PollEV. They will discuss these terms with their peers
Share - Explain that the aim of today’s session is to learn about ethics and its importance
in scientific disciplines. The learning outcomes will be shared and a rough over view of the
Present - Provide a very brief definition of ethics and clarify terms from the word cloud.
Present 3 ethical dilemma situations (one animal, one forensic, one medical)
Apply - Ask students to vote on the appropriate action through PollEV.
Recall & Review - Display survey results and ask students to brief discuss and share their
decision making process in pairs. Select a couple of volunteers to share thoughts.
Present - Present a brief summary of the different approaches to ethical decision making
covering Consequences, Rights and responsibilities, Autonomy, Virtue ethics and Pluralism
BREAK – Only if on track
Apply - Learners will be split into equal groups across the 5 tables and each table will have
an ethical dilemma question on it. These will be more focused developments of the original
started questions. Each group will be given 5 minutes to discuss the question focusing on a
specific ethical framework (Consequences, Rights and responsibilities, Autonomy, Virtue
ethics and Pluralism) and make notes. Group will change ethical question and approach to
decision making every 5 minutes
Recall/Review - Groups will return to their original question and review all of the response
provided. As a group they should then design a single slide, image or diagram which
shows the different aspects of the review and how a definitive ethical approach could be
determined in their case.
Present - Students will then display their finalised review on the boards around the room
for other groups to review, discuss and feedback on
Apply - All students will be taken back to the original ethical dilemma questions and asked
to answer each again takin gin to account everything that has been covered in the session
Recall/Review - A side by side comparison of the answers from start and end will be show
and students will be asked to see how their decisions may have been changed or how they
can be more confident in their decision making because they had now taken a more robust
decision making process.
Materials and Resources
Phone/tablets/laptops with internet access
Interactive boards
Poll EV sites and links
Flip chart paper