The Moon is the Earth’s only natural satellite . It is located 240,000 miles
from Earth .
There are two (2) methods for determining the Moon’s distance from the Earth .
One of them uses parallax . (The other method was discussed in an earlier chapter on the Moon .)
: - The apparent motion of an object due to the motion of
the observer .
When using the Earth’s diameter as the baseline , the Moon is observed from opposite sides of the Earth .
A line is drawn directly to the Moon from both sides of the Earth.
The resulting triangle is then cut in half .
Using trigonometry the distance to the Moon is then calculated .
This is a three (3) step process.
1) Measure the angle .
2) Measure the length of one side of the triangle .
3) Use the tangent to find the distance to the Moon
The Earth’s diameter is large enough, and provides enough of a parallactic shift , to measure adequately the distance to the Moon .
But stars , however, are found at very great distances out in space , and the
Earth’s diameter is too small to serve as their baseline .
We instead use the diameter of the Earth’s orbit as the baseline .
By observing a star at opposite times of the year , we can increase the parallactic baseline to 2 AUs .
These 2 AUs are the diameter of the Earth’s orbit , which equals
186,000,000 miles . (below, left)
From June to December , we see the same star shift in space as the Earth orbits the Sun . (below right)
And since this distance is 23,250x larger than the Earth’s diameter ,
then the diameter of
Earth’s orbit
provides an adequate baseline to measure the distances of stars .
If the star had been closer to the Earth , then its parallactic shift would have
been even greater . (below, left)
And had the same star been farther away from Earth , then its parallactic shift would have been less . (below, right)
So parallax serves as an excellent distance indicator of stars because the closer a star is to the Earth , then the greater the parallactic shift the star exhibits, and the farther away a star is from the Earth , then the less the parallactic shift it exhibits .
Even with a baseline as broad as 2 AUs , many stars are too far away to reveal any parallactic shift at all .
Even with the closest stars to the Sun , the parallactic shift is less than
1 arcsecond .
But if a star did exhibit exactly 1 arcsecond of parallactic shift , then the distance to that star would be known as 1 parsec . (below, left)
(For future reference, 1 arcsecond is written as 1”, and 1 parsec is
written as 1 pc.)
One (1) pc is equal to 3.26 LY , and there is not a single star which exists within
3.26 LYs or 1 pc of the Sun .
Since all stars within the Universe are farther away than 1 pc , then their parallactic shifts will all be less than 1 arcsecond .
The closest star system is Alpha Centauri , and it is located at 4.3 LY , or 1.3 pc
from the Sun .
At 1.3 pc of distance , Alpha Centauri will exhibit exactly
of parallactic shift . (below, right)
What happens to the parallactic angle if the star were closer than 1 arcsecond ?
For example , imagine that a star were only 1/2 pc away from the Sun ?
In that case , its parallactic shift would be 2 arcseconds . (below, left)
However, if the star were located at a farther distance than 1 pc away from
the Sun , then the angle will close up and becomes smaller .
For example , a star located at distance of 2 pc from the Sun shows a parallactic shift of only 1/2 arcsecond . (below, center)
So at twice the distance , the angle is only half as much. (below, right)
In the (3) examples given thus far , a trend should be apparent .
The parallactic shift exhibited by a star is always the inverse of the distance ratio .
Imagine that (5) random stars exhibit the parallax shown below .
The stars’ parallaxes can be represented either as a decimal or as a fraction .
Using only this information , the stars’ distances
can be derived . (below, left)
Notice the relationship which exists between a star’s fractional parallax and its distance .
They are all reciprocals of each other . (below right)
Just like a teeter-totter , when one is up , the other is down .
But as long as only one of the two numbers is known , then the other number can be instantly found .
The Alpha Centauri star system is the closest star system to the Earth .
When looking at it from a distance , then Alpha Centauri looks like one single star . (below, left)
Upon closer examination , however, we see that there are really 3 stars there.
(below, right)
The largest star within the system is also called “ Alpha Centauri ”.
It is the brightest star within the constellation of “ Centaurus ”.
The second largest star within the system is called “ Beta Centauri ”, and it is the second brightest star in the constellation of “ Centaurus ”.
The last star, “ Proxima Centauri ”, is the smallest star within the system .
Proxima Centauri is the star which actually comes the closest to the Earth .
Sometimes, Alpha Centauri is closer to the Earth than is Proxima Centauri .
But when traveling past the Earth , then Proxima Centauri is the star which actually comes the closest to Earth of them all . (below, middle)
Since Alpha Centauri is 1.3 pc away from the Sun , then its parallactic shift is only
. (below, left)
Beyond the Alpha Centauri system lies Barnard’s Star , the second closest star to the Sun . (below, left)
At a distance of 6 LY , Barnard’s Star is 1.8 pc away and shows only 0.55” of parallactic shift . (below, right)
The farther we look into space , the greater the volume of space we observe .
Imagine a cube of space which is 8 pc on each of its 3 sides . (below, left)
If the Earth were positioned at the exact center of this cube , then we would only be looking 4 pc (13 LY) in any one direction . (below, middle)
Within 4 pc of Earth , we would find about 30 stars in each of 6 different directions ( up, down, left, right, front, back ) from Earth . (below, center)
As the Earth orbits the Sun, some stars show parallactic shift .
But even for Alpha Centauri , this shift is less than 1 arcsecond (0.76”).
(below, left)
Since Alpha Centauri is the closest star , then it shows the greatest amount of parallactic shift .
But the parallactic shift for every other star in the Universe will be less .
(below, right)
The light from any star should appear only as a pinpoint of light when viewed from Earth , however, it never does . (below, left)
The main hindrance to viewing stars from a ground-based telescope is that the turbulence in the atmosphere will blur and smear the star’s light
Instead of appearing merely as a pinpoint of light , the star’s light is instead spread and smeared over a much wider circle . (below, middle)
This circle over which a star’s light is spread is referred to as its “ seeing disk ”.
(below, right)
The smaller the seeing disk is, the more highly resolved the star will be.
(below, left)
But the larger the seeing disk is, then the blurrier the star will appear to be.
(below, right)
Due entirely to turbulence in the atmosphere , even the best ground-based telescopes cannot resolve the star’s seeing disk to less than the 1” smear .
(below, left)
Since the greatest amount of parallactic shift is always 0.76” or less , then telescopes cannot detect the star’s parallax
. (below, right)
The star’s parallax would always occur entirely within the (1) arcsecond smear and therefore be undetectable motion . (below)
When astronomers use special equipment , however, then the seeing disk can be reduced to only 0.03
” or less . (below, left)
Since the seeing disk is now smaller than the parallactic shift , then the parallactic shift can be detected from Earth . (below, right)
These 0.03
” of parallactic shift corresponds to about 30 pc of distance , and
30 pc = 100 LY .
Imagine a cubic volume of space which is 60 pc on each of (3) sides .
(below, left)
If the Earth were positioned at the exact center of this cube , then we would be looking 30 pc (100 LY) in any direction . (below, middle)
Within 30 pc of Earth , we would find about thousands of stars in each of
6 different directions ( up, down, left, right, front, back ) from Earth .
(below, right)
Thanks to technology , we can now overcome the atmospheric limitations , and the parallax of thousands of stars can be seen within 100 LY of the Earth .
When stellar parallax is observed , it is not because the star is really moving .
Instead, this apparent motion is caused by the Earth’s orbit around the Sun .
While stars do not orbit the Sun , they do however move through space as they orbit the galactic center .
This real motion is called “proper motion” , and is totally independent of the motion of the Earth as it orbits the Sun .
When a star’s motion is observed , the parallactic component of the total motion must be subtracted , and what is left is the star’s true motion , or its proper motion .
For example , a star is seen to move from one side of the sky to the other .
(below, left).
But in which direction was the star really moving ? Did it move as shown below ?
Not necessarily!
All stars will appear to be projected onto the celestial sphere . This can make them appear to be closer to the Earth than they actually are .
The true location of the star may be much farther away . (below, right)
So while the star may appear from Earth that it traveled as shown in the photo (below left), its true motion was as shown in the photo (below middle).
This motion is the star’s actual motion , also called its “ proper motion ”.
(below, right)
Some of the star’s proper motion can be resolved into its lateral motion .
The star’s lateral motion is always at a right angle to our line of sight .
This motion is called the star’s “ transverse motion
” and is the motion as seen from Earth across the celestial sphere . (below, left)
But some of the star’s proper motion was also towards the Earth .
This motion is known as the star’s “ radial motion ” and is the component of the star’s proper motion either towards or away from Earth . (below, right)
Radial motion can be determined by the Doppler Effect .
So in trying to determine a star’s true actual motion , we must first establish both its transverse and radial motions .
While many stars exhibit proper motion , it is
Barnard’s Star
which exhibits the most .
Watch the motion of
Barnard’s Star
in the blink comparator with 2 photos taken 22 years apart. (below, left & middle)
During those 22 years between when the two photos were taken,
Barnard’s Star moved a total of 227” . (below, right)
This translates to 10.3”/year of proper motion.
The motion of Alpha Centauri can be seen in the photos below.
Its proper motion is shown at 31 km/sec (below, left).
Its radial motion is shown as 20 km/sec (below, middle).
And finally , its transverse motion is shown as 24 km/sec in a direction perpendicular to our line of sight (below, right).