[COMPUTER SCEINCE 1ST YEAR ELECTRONICS ASS. ONE @RVU Lec.jemal N SHSHMNE CAMPUS ] 1st year’s Work sheet electricity and electronic 29-Nov-18s 1. A lightning bolt with 8 kA strikes an object for 15 s. How much charge is deposited on the object? 2. A rechargeable flashlight battery is capable of delivering 85 mA for about 12 h. How much charge can it release at that rate? If its terminal voltage is1.2 V, how much energy can the battery deliver? 3. If the current flowing through an element is given by Plot the charge current relate graphs at a given interval. 4. Determine the current flowing through an element if the charge flow is given by function below @ t=0.5sec. a/ Q(t)=(4t+3)mc b/ Q(t) =(4t7+4t6+3)mc c/ Q(t)=(3tsin(4t))mc d/ Q(t) =23e2tmc 5.Calculate the power supplied or absorbed by each element and apply passive sign convection and check condition of Psupplied=Pabsorbed 6.Compute the power absorbed or supplied by each component of the circuit given below. SELF ASSIGMENT (1-10) ,SUBMISSION DATE AFTER ONE WEAK NB submit your ass. By your self and no need of third person, late comer is not recognized Page 1 [COMPUTER SCEINCE 1ST YEAR ELECTRONICS ASS. ONE @RVU Lec.jemal N SHSHMNE CAMPUS ] 7.Find power absorbed or supplied through given element below. 8.A telephone wire has a current of1015 A flowing through it. How long does it take for a charge of 15 C to pass through the wire? 9. fig.below shows a circuit with five elements. If p1=205w,p2=60w,p4=45w and p5=30w calculate the power received or delivered by element 3. 10. Calculate the power supplied or absorbed by each element in fig below and also check for passive sign convection that is Psupplied=Pabsorbed SELF ASSIGMENT (1-10) ,SUBMISSION DATE AFTER ONE WEAK NB submit your ass. By your self and no need of third person, late comer is not recognized Page 2