Miami-Dade College Social Sciences Department SYG2000, Introduction to Sociology Reference #834987, Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 8:00-8:50am, Rm #4201 Spring 2014-2 Instructor: Pauline D. Nogueira Office: Social Science Department Rm #6206 Telephone: 305-237-2215 Email is the best way to reach me E-Mail: Office Hours: Please email me if you need to make an appointment Course Description: This course engages in a scientific study of society providing an overview of sociology as a social science. It includes its development as a discipline and methodology. It examines culture as a basis for human behavior, how it is acquired and its norms obeyed. It explores the issues of social inequality within society, including the issues of ethnicity and gender. The issues of social change and social institutions are examined, along with those of demography and urbanization, together with the great challenges these currently pose to the modern world. Pre-Requisites: There are no pre requisites for this class. Course Competencies: Competency 1: The student will demonstrate their knowledge of sociology as a social science by: a. Describing the historical development of sociology. b. Comparing the contributions of major figures in the field. c. Describing the main theoretical approaches prevalent in this discipline. d. Contrasting different research methods used in sociology. Competency 2: The student will examine the importance of culture and socialization in the structuring and functioning of society by: a. Analyzing the various characteristics of culture. b. Contrasting the concepts of ethnocentrism and cultural relativism as opposite ways of evaluating cultural variation. c. Explaining the process of socialization, including the role played in this process by the family, peers, schools, the church, and the media. d. Discussing the notion of deviance as an aspect of organized social life. Competency 3: The student will investigate the issue of social stratification and inequality by: a. Discussing the various bases for social inequality. b. Describing the conflict and structural-functional interpretations of the issue. c. Explaining the importance of social stratification to the individual and to society. d. Identifying key terms applicable to the concepts of race, ethnicity and gender, and distinguishing the major racial and ethnic groups and how they have fared in the United States. Competency 4: The student will explore the subjects of social change and social institutions by: a. Distinguishing the different theoretical approaches and the major factors promoting social change. b. Identifying the concept of a social institution and analyzing specific forms an institution may take, such as family, religion, education. c. Examining the impact of social change on social institutions. d. Distinguishing between various forms of collective behavior. Competency 5: The student will show an understanding of other sociological dimensions of social change by: 1 a. Identifying theories, concepts and trends affecting world population growth. b. Exploring the major demographic trends affecting the United States. c. Identifying the evolution of urbanization patterns on a national as well as on a global basis. d. Examining the unprecedented challenges of the "urban population explosion" in the United States and world-wide. MDC Learning Outcomes: 1. Communication Skills The 10 MDC Learning Outcomes * 2. Quantitative 3. Critical 4. Information Analysis Thinking Literacy 5. Global Perspectives 6. Personal Responsibility 7. Ethical Thinking 10. The Environment 8. Technology Use 9. Aesthetic Appreciation * See the College’s Learning Outcomes Web Site: outcomes.asp Required Textbook: Sociology – The Essentials, Andersen & Taylor, 8th Ed, Wadsworth/Cengage Learning Publishing. ISBN: 9781285431321 Grading Scale: A B C D F 90 – 100 80 - 89 70 – 79 60 – 69 59 and below Grading Criteria: Assignment Total Points Midterm 30 Final 40 Research Paper Total Points 30 100 Instructional Strategies: Class will primarily consist of lectures supplemented by film and discussion. Course Policies: 1. Exams: There will be two exams. I will give you an idea of the types of questions to expect on the exams. Most of the questions on the exams will require that you apply knowledge rather than repeat information memorized from the textbook. There will be no make-up exams in this course. 2. Attendance: Miami-Dade requires that faculty take attendance at the beginning of every class period. If you are late, it is your responsibility to ensure I know you were present. Do not interrupt a lecture to let me know you are present. If you have two absences, you may be dropped from the course. If you are dropped from the class, either by me or by the College for non-payment, you will not be allowed to attend class. You will not receive a grade nor will I accept assignments, papers, or exams from you. Students are expected to arrive on time and remain in class until the completion of the class period. You are responsible for information provided in class, even if you are not in attendance. Class attendance will not count towards your grade. 2 3. Project: Research Paper: Your topics for the assigned research paper are due January 26th as stated on your syllabus under Schedule. The paper must be a minimum of 5 pages with a minimum of 6 bibliographic sources using the ASA citation format for the in-text citations and the References page. If you are using interviews as part of your methodology your respondents must be cited in-text and on your References page but you will still need 6 additional sources to meet the requirement. Please follow the rubric below for your paper: Introduction 4 points Locate your reader Brief historical background 4 points Methods 5 points Discussion 7 points References 6 points Write clear and concise introduction stating your research question or hypothesis and methods Link research to past studies including scholarly sources Student checklist Interviews and participant/observation; Library and internet sources including personal experience; Cross-cultural study Clearly and concisely discuss the results in light of the research question or hypothesis with logical conclusions Books, scholarly journals (websites), other internet sources cited correctly in-text and on Works Cited page Spelling and Grammar 2 points Organization 2 points 4. Readings/Assignments: Success in this course requires familiarity with the textbook. I will not cover all material in the text; however, you are responsible for all reading materials assigned. You will be responsible for extraneous materials I will cover in class. You should read all assigned chapters BEFORE the class period. Assignments must be turned in at the beginning of the class period. Late assignments will not be accepted. 5. Conduct in the Classroom: You must turn off cell phones. If you want to listen to music, surf the web, or text, then do so outside of the classroom. If you disrupt the teaching/learning process or act in a disrespectful, threatening, or intimidating way toward me or other students, you will be asked to leave the class. Academic Integrity: All students are expected to meet the College’s academic conduct standards. Acts of academic misconduct, including cheating, plagiarism, misrepresentation, and facilitating academic dishonesty will be referred to the Academic Dean. Students who break the College’s academic conduct standards will be charged with misconduct charges. For more information on these standards, refer to the Students Rights and Responsibilities Handbook at: 3 Access Disability Services: Students with documented disabilities should contact ACCESS Disability Services in advance for information and for obtaining assistance. No retroactive accommodations can be provided. The ACCESS department is located in Room 2121 at the Kendall Campus. They may be reached at (305) 237-2767. Hours of operation: M-R 8:00am-7:00pm & F 8:00am-4:30pm. College Writing Center: If you need assistance with papers or other writing assignments, the writing center can assist in tutoring or general questions regarding written work. They are located in Building 2000, room 2207. They can be reached at (305)-237-0677. Hours of operation: M-R 8:00am-9:00pm & F 8:00am-3:00pm. Course Schedule and Outline: January 7 Introduction, Review Syllabus, ASA Format, Discuss Research Paper and Topics Chapter 1 The Sociological Perspective Reading Assignment: Chapter 1 January 9 Chapter 1 The Sociological Perspective January 12 Chapter 1 Reading Assignment: Chapter 2 Culture and the Media January 14 Chapter 2 Culture and the Media January 16 Chapter 2 Reading Assignment: Chapter 3 Doing Sociological Research January 19 Holiday January 21 Chapter 3 Doing Sociological Research January 23 Chapter 3 January 26 Chapter 3 Reading Assignment: Chapter 4 Socialization and the Life Course Research Paper Topics Due January 28 Chapter 4 Socialization and the Life Course 4 January 30 Chapter 4 February 2 Chapter 4 Reading Assignment: Chapter 5 Social Structure and Social Interaction February 4 Chapter 5 Social Structure and Social Interaction February 6 Chapter 5 Reading Assignment: Chapter 6 Groups and Organizations February 9 Chapter 6 Groups and Organizations February 11 Chapter 6 February 13 Chapter 6 Reading Assignment: Chapter 7 Deviance and Crime February 16 Holiday February 18 Review for Midterm Exam: Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 February 20 Midterm Exam Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 February 23 Chapter 7 Deviance and Crime February 25 Chapter 7 February 27 Chapter 7 Reading Assignment: Chapter 8 Social Class and Social Stratification March 2 Chapter 8 Social Class and Social Stratification March 4 Chapter 8 5 March 6 Chapter 8 March 9 Chapter 8 Reading Assignment: Chapter 9 Global Stratification March 11 Chapter 9 Global Stratification March 13 Chapter 9 March 16 Chapter 9 Research Paper Due March 18 Chapter 9 Reading Assignment: Chapter 10 Race and Ethnicity March 20 Chapter 10 Race and Ethnicity March 23 Chapter 10 March 25 Chapter 10 March 27 Chapter 10 Reading Assignment: Chapter 15 Politics and the Economy March 30 Chapter 15 Politics and the Economy April 1 Chapter 15 April 3 Holiday April 6 Chapter 15 April 8 Chapter 15 Reading Assignment: Chapter 16 Population, the Environment, and Social Change April 10 Chapter 16 Population, the Environment, and Social Change 6 April 13 Chapter 16 April 15 Chapter 16 April 17 Review for Final Exam: Chapters 7, 8, 9, 10, 15 and 16 April 20 Final Exam: Chapters 7, 8. 9, 10, 15, and 16 Web Resources: ASA citation and references format ASA Style Guide 7