UNIVERSITI TUNKU ABDUL RAHMAN UJMM2113 GAME AND SOCIETY RESEARCH TOPIC: STUDY OF RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN PLAYER’S PERSONALITY AND MORAL CHOICES IN GAME. Name Student ID Part Course Ng Cheng Bin 1503285 A 1503285 Ng Kai Chen 1506598 B Game Design Table of Content No Title Part A (Ng Cheng Bin 1503285) 1 Abstract 2 Introduction 3 Problem Statement 4 Research Objectives 5 Scope of Study 6 Significance of Study 7 Literature Review 8 Revelant Topic Page Study of Relationship between Player’s Personality and Moral Choices in Game. Ng Cheng Bin and Ng Kai Chen Departmen of Game Studies, University Tunku Abdul Rahman, Malaysia SilverSoul320@1utar.com.my, kaichentom@gmail.com 1.0 Abstract Most game nowadays especially triple-A titles and the role-playing game had implemented the morality system to enhance the gameplay experience. We would like to undergo a study to see if does the personality of the player able to impacted their moral choices made throughout a game. Furthermore, we would like to see if there’s a potential in designing a game that implemented a morality system that’s able to benefit from the understanding of the player’s personality in the future. In this study, we had selected few games that features moral choices and decision making to be tested by 100 university student from University Tunku Abdul Rahman that was interviewed and had their personality identified using the Big Five personality traits moral outcome determined using the Nine alignment model. Keywords: Personality traits, 9 alignment, moral choice, video games, entertainment, qualitaive research. 2.0 Introduction Many games had implemented the morality system to deliver impactful gameplay experience to the player. We wish to approach the designing of moral system in order to further understanding on designing a better morality system that can be applied in future game design and also wishes to seek breakthrough of understanding of morality system that not from the aspect of game mechanic, but from the individual's virtue and perspective. We selected 20 university students from University Tunku Abdul Rahman, Sungai Long and use the Big Five Personality Traits model to identify and define their personality traits. In order to determine the outcome for this study, we choose games like Undertale and Paper,Please as our experiment medium for this study because these game features indepth moral system such as ambiguous moral choices and moral dilemma to be tested by the candidates to see that relationship between personality traits and the moral choice could be established through this study. 3.0 Problem Statement The current issue facing by most game that features morality system is that the moral choices provided in these games are shallow and leans too much toward mechanistic. Popular game titles such as Mass Effect and Infamous only features morality system about letting the player choose to either becoming a good guy or a bad guy, making the player’s gaming experience less impactful and limits their insight toward the externalization of morality. These game tied choice to the progress bar, karma meter or righteous meter, kills any possibility for a moral choice to be ambiguous. It forces every moral choice and all of their answers to share a single plane and then quantizes them (Daniel Floyd, 2010). It’s unfortunate that most of the game uses this type of mechanic and didn’t dive deeply into exploring the externalization of morality in the game media. One of the reasons that the game developers didn’t strive to expand their range of the questioning of the morality in their game title is how much budget that it could cost to deliver in-game scenarios that comes with a broad set of options. A broad set of option for a storyline decision usually means a very divergent story, and a divergent story means more content and more content is going to cost more development dollars (Daniel Floyd, 2010). Thus, such decision to creating branching, a divergent story comes with option and choices were not considered to be implemented into games that feature linearistic playthrough. However, such a problem could be solved by limiting the game into asking a single question of morality. A game that centered around the question with moral dilemma could contain much more depth in the decision-making and lend to lot more consequence and weight to the player’s actions (Daniel Floyd, 2010). Besides designing an in-depth moral system, we believe that games nowadays didn’t tackle much on the aspect of how player’s personality traits would influence their moral choices in the game. For example, what moral outcome will we receive if a different moral schema with different consequences is presented to a player and does that affects his moral decision. This is because that through the observation, we realized that players with different personality traits has the tendencies of approach towards different type of moral choices given by the game. What We have to do is to stop thinking of moral choices as a game system and start considering individual moral choices on their own terms (Daniel Floyd, 2010). So, we would like take this opportunity to study and clarify that a player’s personality traits play an important role in defining their moral choices made in the game. We believed that throughout the study of the understanding of the relationship between personality traits and moral choices. The game designer will have better insight towards creating a game that features in-depth moral system and externalization of moral question that the society will be facing in the upcoming future. 4.0 Research Objectives We believed that by understanding the importance of player’s personality trait in deciding the moral choices in game. We could carve out a wider path in designing a game consist of indepth moral choices and decision making. In order to define the tester’s personality traits for this experiment, we would like to use the Big Five personality traits model to determine the tester’s personality traits. Then we’ll using multiple game titles that features in-game moral schemas that provide ambiguous moral choices and determine player’s moral outcome based on the D&D’s (Dungeon & Dragons) Nine Alignment. D&D’s Nine Alignment will be used to determine and define the type of moral choices made by the tester in order to observe possible relevance between the player’s personality traits and the moral choices made in the game. Tester’s personality traits will act as the independent variable for this experiment as the moral choices as the personality traits cannot be influences and will determine the outcome for this study. Tester’s affiliation in the D&D’s Nine Alignment model will be served as the dependent variable and outcome for this experiment as it depends on tester’s personality traits to receive the moral outcome. 4.1 Hypothesis We speculate that: In the relevancy between B5 personality traits and Law versus Chaos axis in D&D’s Nine alignment: 1. People that are high in openness in the B5 personality traits tends to leans toward Chaotic affiliation while people that are low in openness in the B5 personality traits tends to leans toward Lawful affiliation. 2. People that are high in conscientiousness in the B5 personality traits tends to leans toward Lawful affiliation while people that are low in conscientiousness in the B5 personality traits tends to leans toward Chaotic affiliation. 3. People that are either high or low in extraversion in the B5 personality traits has the tendencies to leans toward either Lawful affiliation or Chaotic affiliation. 4. People that are either high or low in agreeableness in the B5 personality traits has the tendencies to leans toward either Lawful affiliation or Chaotic affiliation. 5. People that are high or low in neuroticism in the B5 personality traits tends has the tendencies to leans toward either Lawful affiliation or Chaotic affiliation. In the relevancy between B5 personality traits and Good versus Evil axis in D&D’s Nine alignment: 6. People that are high or low in openness in the B5 personality traits tends has the tendencies to leans toward either Good affiliation or Evil affiliation. 7. People that are high or low in conscientiousness in the B5 personality traits tends has the tendencies to leans toward either Good affiliation or Evil affiliation. 8. People that are high or low in extraversion in the B5 personality traits tends has the tendencies to leans toward either Good affiliation or Evil affiliation. 9. People that are high in agreeableness in the B5 personality traits tends to leans toward Good affiliation while people that are low in agreeableness in the B5 personality traits tends to leans toward Evil affiliation. 10. People that are high in neuroticism in the B5 personality traits tends to leans toward Good affiliation while people that are low in neuroticism in the B5 personality traits tends to leans toward Evil affiliation. According to the hypothesis, we can stated that personality traits can’t be applied in both the two axis represented in the D&D’s Nine Alignment: 1. Openness and Conscientiousness in the B5 personality trait has the tendencies to influences the moral outcome that related about the Law versus Chaotic affiliation in the D&D’s Nine Alignment. 2. Agreeableness and Neuroticism in the B5 personality trait has the tendencies to influences the moral outcome that related about the Good versus Evil affiliation in the D&D’s Nine Alignment. 3. It is impossible to categorize Extraversion trait in the B5 personality trait into both axis presented in the D&D’s Nine Alignments. Any attempt made to categorize Extraversion had been found to becoming stereotyping for all people having either high or low in this trait. 4. Moral schema might influence Neutral This is why we pick Undertale and Paper, Please In this study, we speculate that the player’s personality traits will be playing a major role in deciding the moral outcome in a moral schema that provided vast moral choices and decision making designed in the game. 5.0 Scope of Study In this study, we need to clarify that the labeling a player as a good or a bad person base on their personality traits and moral choices is not the purpose of this study and are not encouraged as a research because that would be considered as an act of stereotyping towards certain cohort of people with similar personality traits and characteristics. And this is why we use the Nine Alignment as it leans toward approach the personality traits of the player. So that moral game that features simple morality meter such as Bioshock, Infamous and Fallout New Vegas will not be included in our field of study. These type of moral system flatten out the complex maze of human morality into a single good and evil bar (Mark Brown, 2016). Instead, we would be using existing game title such as Undertale, Paper Please This War of Mine as the medium to study, test, observe, and determine our player’s moral choices and decision making because these game features ambiguous moral choices and limit into a single question of morality throughout the moral scheme in the game, which able to externalizes the morality of the game. Besides the player’s personality traits, we would like to see if does the player’s own moral concept will differs its moral outcome in different moral schema throughout different game. This is because Undertale features decision and choice making to players without knowing about the consequences. While Paper, Please constantly reminds the players about the consequences throughout their moral and decision making. If the hypothesis is true, then the tester’s moral will be served as the unstable factor for this study. limit 6.0 Significance of Study Through the finding of this study, we would like to seek potential in designing a game that implemented morality system what is able to benefits through the understanding of player’s personality trait in the future. Furthermore, we hope that this study could served as a stepping stone to those game designer who want to deliver a far more compelling game experiences by designing a game that features in-depth moral system based on the understanding the influence of player’s personality trait towards game design. 7.0 Literature Review These research are based on few paper that discuss about the topic surrounding the aspect of Big Five personality traits, Nine alignments and moral game design. 7.1 Sven J, Nicholas D. B & Leyla D. “Gut or Game? The Influence of MoralIntuitions on Decisions in Video Games” According to the research paper discuss about the influence of moral intuitions on decisions in video games written by Sven Joeckel, Nicholas David Bowman and Leyla Dogruel, stated that morality serves as a guiding force in audience reactions of content. Traditionally, morality has been considered to be an internal set of rules used to govern one’s behaviour. 7.2 Stephanie d. S, Martijn J. L.K, & Alyea M.S. “The Case of This War of Mine : A Production Studies Perspective on Moral Game Design” Another paper that was written by Stephanie de Smale, Martijn J. L. Kors, and Alyea M.Sandovar, discuss about the case of a production studies perspective on moral game design which was use the case of the survival anti-war game - This War of Mine which was developed by 11 bit studios and was released on year 2014. In order to achieve a realistic moral experience of war, the designer incorporated certain game mechanics not often found together in conventional military war games. First, the gameplay provides ambiguous moral choices and does not have an onboarding process, which the player has to learn to survive without instructions, no respawning and non-playable children and infants. These elements were used by the studio to design a moral system that’s able to support a deeper exploration of the moral gameplay. 7.3 Frederic S “The Rhetoric of Undertale-Ludonarrative Dissonance and Symbolism” A paper based on studying the ludonarrative dissonance and symbolism of Undertale which was written by Frederic Seraphine argues that Undertale, the role-playing indie game which was developed by Toby Fox uses negative emotions like guilt or regret to create an uncanny aesthetic that makes the players ripe for thinking critically about the game, its genre, society, and more importantly themselves. He concludes that the game is about self-representation, and the mechanics is touching to moral values that many of us use to define who we are, empower the player to think of the moral implications of its genre. 8.0 Revelent Topic In the previous study, we used Bartle’s Player Type as a taxonomy of MUD(Multi-User Dungeon) to create a adaptive educational program for the student. We realize that the model created by Richard Bartle tended to categorize players to a primary category, but drifted between several others depending on their mood, situation and preferred goal in the game (Kyatric, 2013). Besides that, the model doesn’t consider the relevance of the player’s secondary styles, which may lead to imbalance and mismatch of the game (Renny S. N. Lindberg, n.d). So, we use Big Five personality traits as the model to determine the player’s personality in this study. 8.1 Big Five Personality Trait The Big Five personality traits, also known as the five-factor model (FFM), and the OCEAN model, is a taxonomy for personality traits and used for describe aspects of personality that are often applied to the same person. The five factor of the Big Five personality had been defined as openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness and neuroticism. The Big Five Traits found to be universal and believed to have biological origins (Kendra Cherry, 2018). The following information about the Big Five Personality are based on an article written by Kendra Cherry on 2018. Table 1: Big Five Personality Traits Personality Traits Description Openess Features characteristic such as imagination and insight. People who are high in this trait tend to have a broad range of interest. They are curious and eager to learn new thing and enjoy new experience. People low on this traits are much more traditional and may struggle with abstract thinking. Conscientiousness High levels of thoughtfulness, good impulse control and goaldirected behaviour. People that are highly conscientious tend to be organized and mindful of details. While people that are lowly conscientious dislikes structure and schedules, and could easily fail at complete necessary or assigned task. Extraversion Excitability, sociability and emotional expressiveness. People who are high in extraversion tends to be energized and excited when outgoing with other people. While the opposite tends toward introversion. Agreebleness Include attributes such as trust, kindness and affection. People that feels empathy and enjoys helping tends to have high agreeableness while people whom has little interest in others and manipulative tends to have low agreeableness. Neuroticism Characterized by sadness, moodiness and emotional instability. People that are high in this trait tend to experience stress, worriness, mood swing, anxiety and sadness. While people that low in this trait usually emotionally stable and relaxed. 8.2 Nine Alignment (Advanced D&D 2nd Edition) We decided to use the Nine Alignment created by the Dungeon & Dragon (D&D) co-creator Gary Gygax to determine the moral outcome of the player’s personality for this experiment. This is because the Nine Alignment has a complex and in-depth moral system, which is also suitable to determine the player’s moral outcome in the study. This edition of Nine Alignment is used for our study because it had gone from being the character's allegiance or team to approach towards personality test. The Nine Alignment is a categorization of the ethical and moral perspective of player characters, non-player characters, and creatures in the D&D series. The nine alignment consist of 2 axis: Good versus Evil and Law versus Chaos. In Good versus Evil, Good implies altruism, respect for life, and even willing to sacrifice himself to protect innocent life, while Evil implies hurting, oppressing and tends to destroy other, whether it's for fun or profit. Neutral character have compunctions against killing the innocent but lack the commitment to make sacrifice to protect or help other. In Law versus Chaos, “Law” implies honor, trustworthiness, obedience to authority and reliability. But in the downside, lawfulness could also include close-mindedness, adherence to tradition and lack of adaptability.While on the other hand, “Chaos” implies freedom, adaptability and flexibility. On the downside, chaos can also include recklessness, irresponsibility, and resentment toward legitimate authority. Someone who is neutral respect authority but feels neither compulsion to obey or rebel, he could be honest but can be tempted to deceiving others. Table 2: 9 Alignment Chart Table 3: Nine Alignment Affiliation Lawful Good Neutral Good Chaotic Good Positive outcome: Positive outcome: Positive outcome: - Honor and compassion - Doing what is good without -Good heart with a free spirit Negative outcome: bias Negative outcome: - Restriction & criminalize Negative outcome: - Distrupt order, punishes self- interest - Limit actions of truly those who do well for capable themselves. Lawful Neutral True Neutral Chaotic Neutral Positive outcome: Positive outcome: Positive outcome: - Reliable and Honorable -Act Negative outcome: prejudice or compulsion Negative outcome: - Eliminate freedom, choice, Negative outcome: - Eliminate all authority, and diversity - Apathy harmony, and order in naturally without - True freedom society. Lawful Evil Neutral Evil Chaotic Evil Positive outcome: Positive outcome: Positive outcome: -Honor with a dedicated self- -Advance withoud regard for -Self interest and pure interest others freedom Negative outcome: Negative outcome: Negative outcome: - Methodical & intentional - Pure evil without honor and - Destruction of beauty, life without variation & order which beauty and life depend Conceptual Framework GuidoBenny Framework We refer to GuidoBenny and we apply it to our experiment. We refer to GuidoBenny suggest theory, we will determine the player's personality first There are five types of personality,which is openess,conscientiousness,extraversion, agreebleness,and neuroticism. After that, we will observe the moral choice made by the player in the game. We will let the player play two games which is undertale and paper please separately in order to find out the outcome based on 9 alignments.In order to analyze whether the player's 9 alignment theory will be affected by the player's personality. Guido Benny suggest this theory to find out the outcome(professional approach) from competence and general attitude, We apply this framework to find out the outcome (9 alignment) from Big 5 personality in our experiment. Methodology We prepare the questionnaire to the player and determine player personality using The big five personalities. After the player fills up the questionnaire, we will know the personality of the player, and there may be two or three personalities that stand out. After that, we prepare two game which is undertale and paper please , we will let player test out this two-game and get the outcome based on 9 alignments. These two games are meant to determine the moral choices that the player will do. We choose multiple games is because these two games have a different perspective on viewing the moral standard. The player will be thrown into multiple moral scenarios to determine the moral outcome. In the respective 9 alignment, in the nine group of players which differentiate by 9 alignment, each group has at least two player whose personalities are the same. it means that our research is working,the player personalities has the relationship with the moral choice. Design of experiment In this experiment, we use Big Five Personality Test to test out players’ personality based on Big five Personality traits. This test created by IPIP Big-Five Factor Markers and this test uses the Big-Five Factor Markers from the International Personality Item Pool, developed by Goldberg (1992). To test out the player’s moral choice, we use 9 alignment theory. First, we will use undertale to test out player’s alignment is good, neutral or evil. We asking the player to play undertale in chapter 1 to fight against first boss Toriel. When facing Toriel, what choice that player will make. Next, we use paper please to test out player is chaotic,neutral or lawful. We will be asking the player to play paper please in 7 days to see what ending will player choose.You work under a totalitarian government. you need to obey to the government or else your family will suffer, but in this game, you were given the option to run away from the country, let terrorists enter or search for freedom even though it takes the risk. Introduction of two game Undertale is a role-playing game and player can choose not to kill anyone until end game. Killing is bad, not killing is good. Every action in the game is filtered through that prism, so every conflict thus stems from a desire to kill and every resolution thus stems from a refusal to kill. Paper please is a puzzle video game. Player play as the immigrant officer, the player must review each immigrant and rejecting those without all proper forms, and at times detaining those with falsified information. For example, a couple who could only afford one proper visa will beg you to let them both through. Drug traffickers will bribe you to let them across. There is no morality meter, there is only a limited time to decide, and all of it happens right there in your inspection booth. Flow of the experiment Week 1 First, we will let the player fill up the questionnaire to test their personality. Then we start to let the player play undertale. We will inform the player that undertale is a game that can choose not to kill anyone until end game. After they clear the stage 1, the observer will record their choice. Week 2 Next, we will let the player test the paper test. We ask the player to play until the 7th day in the game. In 7th day, the observer will record their choice. Sampling Method The sampling method used for this research would be convenience sampling. We choose the convenience sampling method because it is easier to find students at school. We target 100 individual from University Tunku Abdul Rahman and this survey is made so that it is convenient for the players to answer. Data Collection Method The data collection method would consist of 4 data, which is questionnaire in player personalities, 1 data for undertale, 1 data for a paper please and 1 data for the final result. The questionnaire a form of qualitative method to collect the data of player’s personalities. Undertale is a form of the quantitative method. We set the player to get the data from the beginning to defeat the boss of the first level. The data collected by player kill a monster in the undertale plus one evil point, or player choose to spare in undertale. If player evil point is from 20, consider as evil, from 1 > 19, neutral and zero is good. For paper please, it is a form of the quantitative method. We set the player to play paper please to get the data on the seventh day. The player chooses to obey the government,is lawful, the player chooses to let a couple who could only afford one proper visa will beg you to let them both through, neutral. The player chooses to let the terrorists enter, this is chaotic. After getting all the data of the player personality and 9 alignments for the outcome, differentiate the 100 players to 9 group which represent 9 alignment,collect the data of each group at least has ten player whose personalities are the same,and this data is a quantitative method. References Research Paper Renny S. N. Lindberg, Aziz Hasanov and Teemu H. Laine (n.d) Improving Play and Learning Style Adaptation in a Programming Education Game. Retrieved from https://www.academia.edu/37612732/Improving_Play_and_Learning_Style_Adaptation_in_a _Programming_Education_Game on November 2, 2018 Frederic S (2018) The Rhetoric of Undertale-Ludonarrative Dissonance and Symbolism. Retrieved from https://www.academia.edu/36072361/The_Rhetoric_of_Undertale_Ludonarrative_Dissonanc e_and_Symbolism on November 30, 2018 Sven J, Nicholas D. B & Leyla D (2012) Gut or Game? The Influence of MoralIntuitions on Decisions in Video Games. 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