OCt 18 Lesson Plan

University of Idaho Lesson Plan
Name: Thom Sargent
Date: 10/18/18
Subject: 7th Grade Life Science
Topic: Cell Structure & Function
The big idea(s) or essential question(s):
How does the structure of cells determine their function?
State of Idaho and/or common core standards addressed:
MS-LS1-A-2: Within cells, special structures are responsible for particular
functions, and the cell membrane forms the boundary that controls what enters
and leaves the cell. (MS-LS1-2)
Objectives (what the students will be able to do as a result of the lesson)
Use the metric system to make size comparisons.
Identify organelles inside of plant and animal cells.
Materials and/or technology
Document Cam/Projector
Classroom set of Chromebooks (with mice if possible)
Meter sticks (6 or more is preferred)
Science Notebooks (1 per student)
Youtube video for entry task (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dngsFl2X3nc)
Activities/procedures (include anticipated time for each)
Students enter class, follow the procedure of gathering science notebook and
textbook. They prepare to start the entry task. Entry Task is discussed as a
class at the end. (7-10 minutes)
Class activities (what you/students
will do)
 Complete the activity that was
started Tuesday – How Large
are Cells Lab from Pearson.
 Complete Pearson interactive via
Chromebooks (Structure
Function Junction)
 Early Finishers are starting Cell
City Assignment.
Class activities (why you will do them)
This Inquiry Warm-Up Lab starts the lesson
by giving students the opportunity to use a
ruler and a calculator to determine how
many amoebas it would take to equal their
heights. The purpose of this lab is to
introduce the concept of cells and cell size.
(Pearson Elevate Science 2018)
Exit Task – Use a glue stick to attach your entry task into your notebook, pass
the glue stick back and put your note/workbooks away.
Assessment (how you will know students met the objectives - include rubrics)
Entry Task is graded for completion at the end of the unit as part of the science
Activity lab is graded as work in the science notebook at the end of the unit.
Pearson activity is auto graded via Pearson. That rubric is not available to see,
but a key is provided, and grades may be changed if I disagree with the
assigned percentage.
Accommodations/differentiation – Students with difficulty using Pearson
interactives may be assigned a partner and alternate seating if needed.
Reflection/evaluation (after lesson is taught)