Response Bias Project

Response Bias Project
In this Activity, you will design and conduct an experiment to investigate
the effects of response bias in surveys. You may choose the topic of your
surveys, but you must design your experiment so that it can answer at least
one of the following questions:
Can the wording of a question create response bias?
Do the characteristics of the interviewer create response bias?
Does anonymity change the responses to sensitive questions?
Does manipulating the answer choices change the response?
Response Bias Project
10 points – Write a proposal describing your
experiment. Be sure to include:
(1) your chosen topic and which of the above questions you are going to answer.
(2) A detailed description of how you will obtain your subjects (minimum of 50)!
(3) What your survey questions will be and how they will be asked
(4) A clear explanation of how you will implement your experimental design.
(5) Precautions you will take to collect data ethically
Take your surveys next week during your
classes – make sure you get permission ahead
of time from your teachers!
Response Bias Project - Surveys
Please make sure you are using one of
our sampling techniques – SRS,
stratified, or cluster (don’t make up
your own).
You need to randomize your process
of selecting students in your classes.
Response Bias Project - Powerpoint
Introduction – 20 points
Describes the context of the research (discuss response
bias and what we are trying to see in our survey)
Has a clearly stated question of interest (this is one of the
four questions)
Provides a hypothesis about the answer to the question
of interest (What do you believe will occur as a result of
your survey?)
Picture of your survey and your different questions.
Response Bias Project - Powerpoint
Data Collection – 20 points
Method of data collection is clearly described
Includes appropriate randomization
Describes efforts to reduce bias, variability,
confounding (what could possibly affect what we
are trying to see and how could you eliminate
Quantity of data collected is appropriate
(minimum: 50 students)
Response Bias Project - Powerpoint
Graphs and Summary Statistics – 10 points
What were the results of your survey?
Appropriate graphs are included (to help answer the
question of interest) – Bar Graph (Frequency) or Table
Graphs are neat, clearly labeled, and easy to compare
Appropriate summary statistics are included
Summary statistics are discussed and correctly interpreted
(What conclusion can you draw? Provide appropriate
graphical and numerical evidence to support your answer.)
Response Bias Project - Powerpoint
Conclusions – 20 points
Uses the results of the study to correctly answer
question of interest
Discusses what inferences are appropriate based
on study design
Discuss any problems you encountered and how
you dealt with them.
Shows good evidence of critical reflection
(discusses possible errors, shortcomings, limitations,
alternate explanations, etc.)
Response Bias Project - Powerpoint
Poster Presentation – 20 points
Clear, holistic understanding of the project
Poster is well organized
Poster is visually appealing (design, pictures)
Link for examples