Instructor: Greg O’Heron Spring Term, MAT156: Precalculus with Limits M, W, F 9:00-10:00 A.M. Room C-15 Office: B-123 Office Hours: T, Th 10:00-11:50 A.M. Phone: 607-778-5150 E-mail: Course Prerequisites: MAT 136 College Algebra and Trigonometry, or equivalent Course Materials: Adam Author, Precalculus: A Graphical Approach, Sixth Edition Course Objectives: 1. Solve elementary algebraic and transcendental equations using analytical, numerical, and graphical methods. 2. Use algebraic and transcendental equations to model and solve applications. 3. Draw and interpret graphs of elementary functions; i.e., linear, quadratic, polynomial, exponential, logarithmic and trigonometric functions. 4. Use various methods to solve systems of linear equations in two or three variables. SCHEDULE: MAT 136 Date In Class Assignment for Next Class 9/21 9/23 Review 1 Review 2 9/26 9/28 Review 3 Review 4--5 p.3 [1-12] [13-21] [22-27] [28-36] [39-50] [51-64] p.5 [3-12] [13-18] [20-31] [32-40] [41-48] [51-60] [62-67] [68-88] [1,2,19,49,50,61] p.9 [1-8] [9-20] [21-38] [41-62] [63-70] p.14 [1-8] [9-24] [25-52] [53-58] [61-68] p.17 [1-8] [9-12] [13-16] [41,42,43,47,48,53,56,59,60] 9/30 Clinic Review 10/3 Test 1 Sections Review 1 – Review 5 10/5 1.2,1.3 10/7 1.3,1.4 10/10 1.5,1.6 10/12 10/14 1.6 Clinic Review p.20 [17-26] [27-34] [43-54] [73-78] p.33 [1-12] [13-20] [39-44] p.34 [55-60] [69-77] [79-84] p.45 [1-9] [15-22] [23-24] [25-30] [35-40] [41-50] [63-70] p.62 [1-9] [21-40] [51-60] [75-82] [83-91] p.73 [7-18] [19-28] p.74 [33-36] [37-52] [53-60] [61-74] [75-80] 10/16 Test 2 Sections 1.2 – 1.6 10/19 2.1, 2.6 10/21 3.2, 3.3 p.101 [17-22] [23-34] p.156 [7-10] [17-20] [21-28d,e only] [45-48] [49-50] [57-64] [65-68] [77-82] [87-92] p.190 [19-24][25-32] [33-38] [54-60] 1 p.206 [13-16] [21-23] [25-36] p.206 [37,38,41-44] [47-52] [55-58] [91-100] [116-118] p. 213 [1-8] p.214 [9-16] [17-18] [21-26] p.256 [1-6 real only] [7-24 real only] [25-30] [29-50] [53-54] [56-57] p.300 [1-12] [15-26] [27-35] [37-54] [55-66] [69-72] [73-74] [83-84] [85-88] [91-94] p.325 [11-28] [41-52] [71-76] 10/23 3.3, 3.4 10/26 10/28 10/31 3.4 3.8 4.3 11/2 11/4 4.5 Clinic Review 11/7 Test 3 Sections 3.2 – 3.4, 3.8, 4.3, 4.5 11/9 11/11 5.2 5.2, 5.1 11/14 11/16 11/18 11/21 5.3 5.4 5.5 Clinic Review p.359 [1-8] [25-38] [49-64] [65-70] p.359 [77-80] [86-88] p.346 [1-24] [37-42] [55-66] [73-78] [79-90] [99-100] p.371 [1-2] [3-10] [11-18] [19-30] [45-56] [69-80] [81-86] p.381 [9-24] [31-38] [39-44] p.391 [5-28] [29-52] [53-54] [59-70] Evening, Room 209E 11/23 Test 4 Sections 5.1 – 5.5 11/23 11/28 11/30 12/3 12/5 Thanksgiving Break 5.6 5.6 Clinic Review Course Evaluation 12/7 Final Exam p.404 [21-26] [27-32] p.402 [1-7] p.403 [8-10] [14-16] [39-40] [41-44] 1 – 3 pm REQUIREMENTS Attendance: Make attending class a priority. Experience has shown that mediocre or poor attendance often leads to a lower grade than a student wishes. You are responsible for all announcements made in class, including those made on days you are absent. Snow Days: Occasionally the campus will close because of weather conditions or other unforeseen events. In those cases the next class day will have the same content as what was scheduled for the snow day. Cell Phones: Turn off your cell phone prior to class. If you have an emergency where you must have your cell phone turned on, please notify me and set the phone to silent mode. Calculators: I will be using a TI-89 as much as possible in class. You are required to have a calculator that has the same functionality and you must know how to use it. I will demonstrate some calculations, but we do not have time for calculator instruction. Parts of tests and quizzes will be written with the calculator in mind. Calculators may not be shared during individually taken quizzes or exams. Cell phone calculators are not permitted. Homework: Homework will be assigned prior to the end of each class. I expect you to do the assigned problems before the subsequent class meeting so you are prepared to ask and answer questions at the start of class. I often use homework problems as a springboard for the day’s lecture and/or group discussion, so you will not be able to participate fully unless the homework is completed. I have the option of collecting homework as a quiz grade. Quizzes: Quizzes are worth 15 points each. I expect to collect quizzes on a regular basis. You can expect to be quizzed often in a variety of formats: 2 closed book, work alone closed book, work in small groups open notes, no book open book, no notes take-home There are no make-ups (for any reason) for missed quizzes; instead you will be allowed to drop two quizzes of your choice. If I am notified of a situation prior to a quiz, you may be allowed to take the quiz early. Tests: There will be four tests worth 100 points each given at appropriate times. You will be given at least one week’s notice before each exam. All tests will count. Make-up exams will be discussed with students who promptly notify me of why they cannot make the exam. You must be able to provide evidence of a valid reason for missing the exam. Please note that these dates may change depending on class progress and unforeseen circumstances. ALL EXAMS COUNT! -- NO SCORES WILL BE DISCARDED. Ordinarily, there are no make-up tests; exceptions to this policy will be considered on a case-by-case basis. You must determine BEFORE the exam date whether your excuse will be acceptable. Final Exam: There will be a required comprehensive final exam given during the final exam period December 7–9. The final will be comprehensive and will count for 200 points. Grades: Grades are determined by the formula: Final Average = Points Earned, Points Offered. Letter grades will be assigned on the basis of your final average according to the following grading scale: 3