CO M MO N CO RE Arg um e nt at iv e Writ ing 6- Tra its Rub r ics & Ch eck lis t GRAD Es 6 , 7, 8 Th is pa cke t in c lu d es Ar gu m enta ti ve Wri tin g 6 - Tr a its rub ric s f or g rad es 6, 7, 8. A ll ru b ri cs ali g n to Co mmo n Co re S ta n da r ds . Graphics by Graphicmarket 8 th Gr a d e A r g u m e n t a t i v e 6 Tr a i t W riting Ru bric N a m e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ Dat e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ar g um ent a t i v e W r i t i ng S t a nd a r d 8 . 1 : Write arguments to support claims with clear reasons and relevant evidence. CCS S 4 - Ex em p l a r y 3 – Me e t i n g 2 - Ap p r o a chi ng 1 - In s u ffic ie n t Sc o r e R e sear ch W 8.8 - Assess the credibility and accuracy of each source; quote or paraphrase the data and conclusions of others while avoiding plagiarism and following a standard format for citation. Org a n i z a t i o n / Id e a D e v e l op m e n t W 8.1a- Introduce claim(s), acknowledge and distinguish the claim(s) from alternate or opposing claims, and organize the reasons and evidence logically. W 8.1b- Support claim(s) with logical reasoning and relevant evidence, using accurate, credible sources and demonstrating an understanding of the topic or text. W 8. 1e- Provide a concluding statement or section that follows from and supports the argument presented. The wr i t e r - The wr i t e r - The wr i t e r - The wr i t e r - • makes effective use of available resources • three or more pieces of • makes adequate use of available resources • two or more pieces of • makes limited use of available resources • one or two pieces of • makes inadequate use of available resources • no text evidence or evidence with correct citation information text evidence with incorrect citation information text evidence integrated in a variety of ways (paraphrased/quoted) with correct citation information The write r – • has at least three sentences that effectively address all aspects of the prompt and offer a The write r – • has at least three sentences that address the prompt and offer a thesis that states the writer’s claim compellingly thesis that clearly states the writer’s claim • includes three or more convincing reasons and text evidence • includes two counterclaims and responses with strong evidence • has a well thought-out concluding section with • includes at least two convincing reasons and text evidence • includes at least one counterclaim and response with strong evidence • has a concluding section with at least W 8.1c- Use words, phrases, and clauses to create cohesion and clarify the relationships among claim(s), reasons, and evidence. minimally address the prompt and/or doesn’t offer a thesis that states writer’s claim the writer’s claim • includes reason(s) or evidence that is not convincing or relevant • includes one counterclaim, but there • needs supporting reasons and evidence • needs a counterclaim and response is no response or the response is unrelated • has a concluding section with at least three sentences that is related to and supports two sentences, but it is not meaningful or and offers a clear the thesis doesn’t restate the The write r – • has a variety of The write r – • has fewer than three sentences that address the prompt and offer an unclear thesis that states the at least three sentences that restate the thesis • needs a concluding section or concluding section is off topic thesis well recommendation S en t e n c e Fl uency The write r – • has fewer than three sentences that partially citation information The write r • has three or more The write r • has one or two The write r • needs transition words transition words or transition words or transition words or phrases effectively phrases introduce phrases introduce introduce reasons and reasons and evidence reasons and evidence severe sentence evidence within and between paragraphs within and between paragraphs within and between paragraphs formation errors and/or a lack of sentence • has sentences that are generally complete • has some sentence formation errors and/or • has sentences that are skillfully constructed with appropriate variety in length and structure with sufficient variety in length and structure variety a lack of sentence variety • has at least ten examples of examples of examples of vocabulary or appropriate academic vocabulary and appropriate academic vocabulary and appropriate academic vocabulary and/or descriptive language includes unique includes unique rarely uses descriptive adjectives, precise adjectives, precise language nouns, and strong verbs nouns, and strong verbs Con v e n t i o n s The write r • has few if any errors in capitalization, usage, punctuation, spelling or grammar • errors do not interfere with readability The write r • has some errors in capitalization, usage, punctuation, spelling or grammar • errors do not interfere with readability • has at least five • fails to use academic Wor d C h o i c e L 8 .6- Acquire and use accurately gradeappropriate general academic and domainspecific words and phrases. L 8 .1- Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking. L 8 .2- Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing. • has at least seven or phrases • has frequent and The write r • has many errors in capitalization, usage, punctuation, spelling or grammar • errors interfere somewhat with readability The write r • has significant errors in capitalization, usage, punctuation, spelling or grammar • errors interfere significantly with readability Ov e r a l l S c o r e 7 th Gr a d e A r g u m e n t a t i v e 6 Tr a i t W riting Ru bric Na m e __________________________ ___ Dat e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ar g um ent a t i v e W r i t i ng S t a nd a r d 7 .1 : Write arguments to support claims with clear reasons and relevant evidence. CCS S 4 - Ex em p l a r y 3 – Me e t i n g 2 - Ap p r o a chi ng 1 - In s u ffic ie n t Sc o r e R e sear ch W 7.8- Assess the credibility and accuracy of each source; and quote or paraphrase the data and conclusions of others while avoiding plagiarism and following a standard format for citation. Org a n i z a t i o n / Id e a D e v e l op m e n t W 7.1 a- Introduce claim(s), acknowledge and address alternate or opposing claims, and organize the reasons and evidence logically. W 7.1 b- Support claim(s) or counterarguments with logical reasoning and relevant evidence, using accurate, credible sources and demonstrating an understanding of the topic or text. W 7.1 e- Provide a concluding statement or section that follows from and supports the argument presented. S en t e n c e Fl uency W 7.1 c- Use words, phrases, and clauses to create cohesion and clarify the relationships among claim(s), reasons, and evidence. Wor d C h o i c e L 7.6- Acquire and use accurately gradeappropriate general academic and domainspecific words and phrases. Con v e n t i o n s L 7.1- Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking. L 7.2- Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing. The w r i t er - The w r i t er - The w r i t er - The w r i t er - • makes effective use of available resources • three or more pieces of • makes adequate use of available resources • two or more pieces of • makes limited use of available resources • one or two pieces of • makes inadequate use of available resources • no text evidence or evidence with correct citation information text evidence with incorrect citation information text evidence integrated in a variety of ways (paraphrased/quoted) with correct citation information The w rit er – • has at least three sentences that effectively address all aspects of the prompt and offer a The w rit er – • has at least three sentences that address the prompt and offer a thesis that states the writer’s claim compellingly thesis that clearly states the writer’s claim • includes three or more convincing reasons and text evidence • includes two counterclaims and responses with strong evidence • has a well thought-out • includes at least two convincing reasons and text evidence • includes at least one counterclaim and response with strong evidence • has a concluding The w rit er – • has fewer than three sentences that partially citation information The w rit er – • has fewer than three sentences that address the prompt and offer an unclear thesis that states the minimally address the prompt and/or doesn’t offer a thesis that states writer’s claim the writer’s claim • includes reason(s) or evidence that is not convincing or relevant • includes one counterclaim, but there • needs supporting reasons and evidence • needs a counterclaim and response is no response or the response is unrelated • has a concluding • needs a concluding concluding section with section with at least section with at least section or concluding at least three sentences three sentences that is two sentences, but it is section is off topic that restate the thesis related to and supports not meaningful or and offers a clear recommendation The w rit er – • has a variety of the thesis The w riter • has three or more doesn’t restate the thesis well The w riter • has one or two The w riter • needs transition words or phrases transition words or transition words or transition words or phrases effectively introduce reasons and phrases introduce reasons and evidence phrases introduce reasons and evidence evidence within and within and between within and between formation errors and/or between paragraphs paragraphs paragraphs a lack of sentence • has some sentence • has sentences that are • has sentences that are skillfully constructed generally complete formation errors and/or with appropriate variety with sufficient variety in a lack of sentence in length and structure length and structure variety • has at least eight examples of appropriate academic • has at least six examples of appropriate academic • has at least four examples of appropriate academic vocabulary and vocabulary and vocabulary and/or includes unique adjectives, precise includes unique adjectives, precise rarely uses descriptive language nouns, and strong verbs nouns, and strong verbs • has frequent and severe sentence variety • fails to use academic vocabulary or descriptive language The w r i t er - The w r i t er - The w r i t er - The w r i t er - • has few if any errors in capitalization, usage, punctuation, spelling or grammar • errors do not interfere • has some errors in capitalization, usage, punctuation, spelling or grammar • errors do not interfere • has many errors in capitalization, usage, punctuation, spelling or grammar • errors interfere • has significant errors in capitalization, usage, punctuation, spelling or grammar • errors interfere with readability with readability somewhat with significantly with readability readability Ov e r a l l S c o r e 6 th Gr a d e A r g u m e n t a t i v e 6 Tr a i t W riting Ru bric Na m e __________________________ ___ Dat e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ar g um ent a t i v e W r i t i ng S t a nd a r d 6 .1 : Write arguments to support claims with clear reasons and relevant evidence. CCS S 4 - Ex em p l a r y 3 – Me e t i n g 2 - Ap p r o a chi ng 1 - In s u ffic ie n t Sc o r e R e sear ch W 6.8- Assess the credibility of each source; and quote or paraphrase the data and conclusions of others while avoiding plagiarism and providing basic bibliographic information for sources. Org a n i z a t i o n / Id e a D e v e l op m e n t W 6.1 a- Introduce claim(s) and organizes the reasons and evidence clearly. The w r i t er - The w r i t er - The w r i t er - The w r i t er - • makes effective use of available resources • three or more pieces of • makes adequate use of available resources • two or more pieces of • makes limited use of available resources • one or two pieces of • makes inadequate use of available resources • no text evidence or text evidence integrated in a variety of ways (paraphrased/quoted) with correct bibliographic information The w rit er – • has at least three evidence with correct bibliographic information The w rit er – • has at least three text evidence with incorrect bibliographic information The w rit er – • has fewer than three bibliographic information The w rit er – • has fewer than three sentences that effectively address all aspects of the prompt sentences that address the prompt and offer a thesis that states the sentences that partially address the prompt and offer an unclear sentences that minimally address the prompt and/or doesn’t and offer a compellingly thesis that clearly states the writer’s claim thesis that states the writer’s claim offer a thesis that states the writer’s claim writer’s claim W 6.1 b- Support claim(s) with clear reasons and relevant evidence, using credible sources and demonstrating an understanding of the topic or text. W 6.1 e- Provide a concluding statement or section that follows from the argument presented. • includes three or more convincing reasons and text evidence • has a well thought-out • includes at least two convincing reasons and text evidence • has a concluding • includes reason(s) or evidence that is not • needs supporting reasons and evidence convincing or relevant • has a concluding • needs a concluding concluding section with section with at least section with at least section or concluding at least three sentences that restate the thesis three sentences that is related to the thesis two sentences, but it is not restate the thesis section is off topic well S en t e n c e Fl uency W 6.1 c- Use words, phrases, and clauses to clarify the relationships among claim(s) and reasons. The w rit er – • has a variety of transition words or phrases effectively The w riter • has three or more transition words or phrases introduce The w riter • has one or two transition words or phrases introduce introduce reasons reasons within and reasons within and severe sentence within and between between paragraphs between paragraphs paragraphs • has sentences that are • has sentences that are formation errors and/or a lack of sentence generally complete formation errors and/or skillfully constructed with sufficient variety in a lack of sentence with appropriate variety length and structure variety in length and structure • has at least seven Wor d C h o i c e L 6.6- Acquire and use accurately gradeappropriate general academic and domainspecific words and phrases. Con v e n t i o n s L 6.1- Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking. L 6.2- Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing. • has some sentence • has at least five • has at least three The w riter • needs transition words or phrases • has frequent and variety • fails to use academic examples of examples of examples of vocabulary or appropriate academic appropriate academic appropriate academic descriptive language vocabulary and includes unique vocabulary and includes unique vocabulary and/or rarely uses descriptive adjectives, precise adjectives, precise language nouns, and strong verbs nouns, and strong verbs The w riter • has few if any errors in capitalization, usage, punctuation, spelling or grammar • errors do not interfere with readability The w riter • has some errors in capitalization, usage, punctuation, spelling or grammar • errors do not interfere with readability The w riter • has many errors in capitalization, usage, punctuation, spelling or grammar • errors interfere somewhat with readability The w riter • has significant errors in capitalization, usage, punctuation, spelling or grammar • errors interfere significantly with readability Ov e r a l l S c o r e Name: Date: Argumentative Essay Checklist S ELF C H EC K P EER REV I EW T IT L E : I have effectively used available resources. I have three or more pieces of text evidence that are cited correctly. I have an opening paragraph that is at least three sentences long with a hook, summary, and thesis statement. I have three or more body paragraphs that support my thesis. I have included two counterclaims with supporting responses. I have a concluding section that is at least three sentences long, restates the thesis, and offers a clear recommendation. I use a variety of transitional words and phrases in and between my paragraphs. I have sentences that vary in length and structure. I have at least seven examples of appropriate academic vocabulary, unique adjectives, strong verbs, and precise nouns. I have few if any errors in spelling, punctuation, usage, capitalization, or grammar. (S ELF ) In this piece I am most proud of: (P EER ) In this piece three areas that were done well are: (S ELF ) In this piece I need to improve: (P EER ) In this piece three areas to improve are: Ar g u m e n t W r i t i n g Che c k l is t Score these five areas from 4 (highest) to 1 (lowest): : Ar g u m e n t W r i t i n g Che c k l is t Score these five areas from 4 (highest) to 1 (lowest): My intro and conclusion “hook” my reader and sum up my argument. (org) My intro and conclusion “hook” my reader and sum up my argument. (org) My choice of specific reasons strengthens my argument. (ideas) My choice of specific reasons strengthens my argument. (ideas) My transitions help my reader know where new ideas begin and end. (org) My transitions help my reader know where new ideas begin and end. (org) My sentences vary in length and begin My sentences vary in length and begin with a variety of words / phrases. (sent. fluency) with a variety of words / phrases. (sent. fluency) I skillfully acknowledge counterclaims with appropriate and precise academic I skillfully acknowledge counterclaims with appropriate and precise academic language. (ideas and language) language. (ideas and language) Ar g u m e n t W r i t i n g Che c k l is t Score these five areas from 4 (highest) to 1 (lowest): : Ar g u m e n t W r i t i n g Che c k l is t Score these five areas from 4 (highest) to 1 (lowest): My intro and conclusion “hook” my reader and sum up my argument. (org) My intro and conclusion “hook” my reader and sum up my argument. (org) My choice of specific reasons strengthens my argument. (ideas) My choice of specific reasons strengthens my argument. (ideas) My transitions help my reader know where new ideas begin and end. (org) My transitions help my reader know where new ideas begin and end. (org) My sentences vary in length and begin My sentences vary in length and begin with a variety of words / phrases. (sent. fluency) with a variety of words / phrases. (sent. fluency) I skillfully acknowledge counterclaims with I skillfully acknowledge counterclaims with appropriate and precise academic language. (ideas and language) appropriate and precise academic language. (ideas and language) Ar g u m e n t W r i t i n g Che c k l is t Score these five areas from 4 (highest) to 1 (lowest): : Ar g u m e n t W r i t i n g Che c k l is t Score these five areas from 4 (highest) to 1 (lowest): My intro and conclusion “hook” my reader and sum up my argument. (org) My intro and conclusion “hook” my reader and sum up my argument. (org) My choice of specific reasons strengthens my argument. (ideas) My choice of specific reasons strengthens my argument. (ideas) : : : My transitions help my reader know where new ideas begin and end. (org) My transitions help my reader know where new ideas begin and end. (org) My sentences vary in length and begin My sentences vary in length and begin with a variety of words / phrases. (sent. fluency) with a variety of words / phrases. (sent. fluency) I skillfully acknowledge counterclaims with I skillfully acknowledge counterclaims with appropriate and precise academic language. (ideas and language) appropriate and precise academic language. (ideas and language) Co n v e n tio n s Che c k l is t Have your five editors initial next to what they edited your draft for. : I checked this draft for periods and end punctuation. I checked this draft for verb tense and grammar problems. I checked this draft for apostrophes and capital letters. I checked this draft for commas and dialogue punctuation. : I checked this draft for periods and end punctuation. I checked this draft for verb tense and grammar problems. I checked this draft for apostrophes and capital letters. I checked this draft for commas and dialogue punctuation. Co n v e n tio n s Che c k l is t Have your five editors initial next to what they edited your draft for. : I checked this draft for spelling mistakes. I checked this draft for periods and end punctuation. I checked this draft for verb tense and grammar problems. I checked this draft for apostrophes and capital letters. I checked this draft for commas and dialogue punctuation. I checked this draft for spelling mistakes. I checked this draft for periods and end punctuation. I checked this draft for verb tense and grammar problems. I checked this draft for apostrophes and capital letters. I checked this draft for commas and dialogue punctuation. Co n v e n tio n s Che c k l is t Have your five editors initial next to what they edited your draft for. : I checked this draft for spelling mistakes. I checked this draft for spelling mistakes. Co n v e n tio n s Che c k l is t Have your five editors initial next to what they edited your draft for. Co n v e n tio n s Che c k l is t Have your five editors initial next to what they edited your draft for. : Co n v e n tio n s Che c k l is t Have your five editors initial next to what they edited your draft for. : I checked this draft for spelling mistakes. I checked this draft for spelling mistakes. I checked this draft for periods and end punctuation. I checked this draft for verb tense 4 (highest) to 1 (lowest): andfrom grammar problems. I checked this draft for apostrophes and capital letters. I checked this draft for commas I checked this draft for periods and end punctuation. I checked this draft for verb tense and grammar problems. I checked this draft for apostrophes and capital letters. I checked this draft for commas and dialogue punctuation. and dialogue punctuation. Id e a De v e l o p m e n t Che c k l is t Score these five areas from 4 (highest) to 1 (lowest): Id e a D e v e l o p m e n t Che c k l is t Score these five areas from 4 (highest) to 1 (lowest): : I use a balance of showing and telling. My details, instead of being general, are specific. I use a balance of showing and telling. My details, instead of being general, are specific. I describe things in unique and memorable ways. My writing is focused and doesn’t stray off topic. It is clear from my writing that I I describe things in unique and memorable ways. My writing is focused and doesn’t stray off topic. It is clear from my writing that I like my topic or idea. like my topic or idea. Id e a D e v e l o p m e n t Che c k l is t Score these five areas from 4 (highest) to 1 (lowest): : Id e a D e v e l o p m e n t Che c k l is t Score these five areas from 4 (highest) to 1 (lowest): I use a balance of showing and telling. I use a balance of showing and telling. My details, instead of being general, are specific. My details, instead of being general, are specific. I describe things in unique and memorable ways. My writing is focused and I describe things in unique and memorable ways. My writing is focused and doesn’t stray off topic. It is clear from my writing that I like my topic or idea. doesn’t stray off topic. It is clear from my writing that I like my topic or idea. Id e a De v e l o p m e n t Ch e c k l i s t Score these five areas from 4 (highest) to 1 (lowest): I use a balance of showing and telling. My details, instead of being general, are specific. I describe things in unique and memorable ways. My writing is focused and doesn’t stray off topic. It is clear from my writing that I like my topic or idea. : Id e a D e v e l o p m e n t C h e c k l is t Score these five areas from 4 (highest) to 1 (lowest): I use a balance of showing and telling. My details, instead of being general, are specific. I describe things in unique and memorable ways. My writing is focused and doesn’t stray off topic. It is clear from my writing that I like my topic or idea. : : : Or g a n i z a t i o n Che c k l is t Score these five areas from 4 (highest) to 1 (lowest): : Or g a n i z a t i o n Che c k l is t Score these five areas from 4 (highest) to 1 (lowest): My introduction “hooks” the reader in an interesting way. All my ideas are presented in a logical sequence. The transitions show where my idea/story moves forward. My introduction “hooks” the reader in an interesting way. All my ideas are presented in a logical sequence. The transitions show where my idea/story moves forward. The organization of the whole piece feels natural, not forced. My conclusion leaves the reader satisfied. The organization of the whole piece feels natural, not forced. My conclusion leaves the reader satisfied. Or g a n i z a t i o n Che c k l is t Score these five areas from 4 (highest) to 1 (lowest): : My introduction “hooks” the reader in an interesting way. Or g a n i z a t i o n Che c k l is t Score these five areas from 4 (highest) to 1 (lowest): All my ideas are presented in a logical sequence. The transitions show where my idea/story moves forward. The organization of the whole piece feels natural, not forced. My conclusion leaves the reader satisfied. satisfied. My introduction “hooks” the reader in an interesting way. All my ideas are presented in a logical sequence. The transitions show where my idea/story moves forward. The organization of the whole piece feels natural, not forced. My conclusion leaves the reader satisfied. : My introduction “hooks” the reader in an interesting way. All my ideas are presented in a logical sequence. The transitions show where my idea/story moves forward. The organization of the whole piece feels natural, not forced. My conclusion leaves the reader Or g a n i z a t i o n Che c k l is t Score these five areas from 4 (highest) to 1 (lowest): : : Or g a n i z a t i o n Che c k l is t Score these five areas from 4 (highest) to 1 (lowest): My introduction “hooks” the reader in an interesting way. All my ideas are presented in a logical sequence. The transitions show where my idea/story moves forward. The organization of the whole piece feels natural, not forced. My conclusion leaves the reader satisfied. : Vo i c e Che c k l is t : Score these five areas from 4 (highest) to 1 (lowest): Vo i c e Che c k l is t: Score these five areas from 4 (highest) to 1 (lowest): My writing style reveals a lot about my personality. My word choice skills sound natural, not forced. My writing comes across as honest and convincing. My writing style reveals a lot about my personality. My word choice skills sound natural, not forced. My writing comes across as honest and convincing. My writing attempts to connect with my audience. My writing attempts to connect with my audience. My attitude about my topic is obvious. My attitude about my topic is obvious. Vo i c e Che c k l is t : Score these five areas from 4 (highest) to 1 (lowest): Vo i c e Che c k l is t : Score these five areas from 4 (highest) to 1 (lowest): My writing style reveals a lot about my personality. My writing style reveals a lot about my personality. My word choice skills sound natural, not forced. My writing comes across as honest and convincing. My writing attempts to connect with my audience. My attitude about my topic is obvious. My word choice skills sound natural, not forced. My writing comes across as honest and convincing. My writing attempts to connect with my audience. My attitude about my topic is obvious. Vo i c e Che c k l is t : Score these five areas from 4 (highest) to 1 (lowest): My writing style reveals a lot about my personality. My word choice skills sound natural, not forced. My writing comes across as honest and convincing. My writing attempts to connect with my audience. My attitude about my topic is Vo i c e Che c k l is t : Score these five areas from 4 (highest) to 1 (lowest): obvious. My writing style reveals a lot about my personality. My word choice skills sound natural, not forced. My writing comes across as honest and convincing. My writing attempts to connect with my audience. My attitude about my topic is obvious. Wo r d C h o i c e Che c k l is t : Score these five areas from 4 (highest) to 1 (lowest): My adjectives are unique and fit my descriptions. I chose verbs that both show and tell my reader information. My precise use of nouns makes my details more memorable. Figurative language (similes, metaphors, etc.) feels natural. I take risks with words; I don’t just use predictable ones. Wo r d C h o i c e Che c k l is t : Score these five areas from 4 (highest) to 1 (lowest): Wo r d C h o i c e Che c k l is t : Score these five areas from 4 (highest) to 1 (lowest): My adjectives are unique and fit my descriptions. I chose verbs that both show and tell my reader information. My precise use of nouns makes my details more memorable. Figurative language (similes, metaphors, etc.) feels natural. I take risks with words; I don’t just use predictable ones. Wo r d C h o i c e Che c k l is t : Score these five areas from 4 (highest) to 1 (lowest): My adjectives are unique and fit my descriptions. I chose verbs that both show and tell my reader information. My precise use of nouns makes my details more memorable. My adjectives are unique and fit my descriptions. I chose verbs that both show and tell my reader information. My precise use of nouns makes my details more memorable. Figurative language (similes, metaphors, etc.) feels natural. Figurative language (similes, metaphors, etc.) feels natural. I take risks with words; I don’t just use predictable ones. I take risks with words; I don’t just use predictable ones. Wo r d C h o i c e Che c k l is t : Score these five areas from 4 (highest) to 1 (lowest): My adjectives are unique and fit my descriptions. I chose verbs that both show and tell my reader information. My precise use of nouns makes my details more memorable. Figurative language (similes, metaphors, etc.) feels natural. I take risks with words; I don’t just use predictable ones. Wo r d C h o i c e Che c k l is t : Score these five areas from 4 (highest) to 1 (lowest): My adjectives are unique and fit my descriptions. I chose verbs that both show and tell my reader information. My precise use of nouns makes my details more memorable. Figurative language (similes, metaphors, etc.) feels natural. I take risks with words; I don’t just use predictable ones. Se n t e n ce F l u e n cy Che c k l is t Score these five areas from 4 (highest) to 1 (lowest): : Se n t e n ce F l u e n cy Che c k l is t Score these five areas from 4 (highest) to 1 (lowest): My sentences mostly begin with different words. My sentences mostly begin with different words. I use both simple and complex sentences. I use both simple and complex sentences. I use a variety of transitional words and phrases. My sentences vary in length and structure. I use a variety of transitional words and phrases. My sentences vary in length and structure. I add rhythm to sentences with prepositional phrases and similar writing tools. I add rhythm to sentences with prepositional phrases and similar writing tools. Se n t e n ce F l u e n cy Che c k l is t Score these five areas from 4 (highest) to 1 (lowest): : Se n t e n ce F l u e n cy Che c k l is t Score these five areas from 4 (highest) to 1 (lowest): My sentences mostly begin with different words. My sentences mostly begin with different words. I use both simple and complex sentences. I use both simple and complex sentences. I use a variety of transitional words and phrases. My sentences vary in length and structure. I use a variety of transitional words and phrases. My sentences vary in length and structure. I add rhythm to sentences with prepositional phrases and similar writing tools. I add rhythm to sentences with prepositional phrases and similar writing tools. Se n t e n ce F l u e n cy Che c k l is t Score these five areas from 4 (highest) to 1 (lowest): My sentences mostly begin with different words. I use both simple and complex sentences. I use a variety of transitional words and phrases. My sentences vary in length and structure. : : Se n t e n ce F l u e n cy Che c k l is t Score these five areas from 4 (highest) to 1 (lowest): My sentences mostly begin with different words. I use both simple and complex sentences. I use a variety of transitional words and phrases. My sentences vary in length and structure. : : I add rhythm to sentences with prepositional phrases and similar writing tools. I add rhythm to sentences with prepositional phrases and similar writing tools.