GPON STICK Introduction & Application Introduction of GPON STICK GPON STICK 光模块,即中国电信企业标准中的“SFP 封装的 PON ONU 模块”,主要用于替代 SFU 光猫,完成 PON 网络的千兆单口光电转 换。GPON STICK 已经将 ONU 的 PON MAC 功能集成在 SFP 的光模块 中。 GPON STICK, with one MAC chipset inside, so it can be called the GPON ONU in SFP module package. GPON STICK can convert the PON networks into normal Gigabit networks easily to replace the SFU CPE. GPON STICK 光模块可以充分满足电信级 FTTB\ FTTH\ FTTO 设备的 要求,可以热插拔到二层以太网交换机 SFP 插槽中工作,整机就可作为 ONT 甚至 MDU,从而使整机设备可直接联入 GPON 光网络,局端 OLT 只需要像配置普通光猫那样注册 GPON STICK 光模块,该通信设备就可以 1/6 GPON STICK Introduction & Application 完成从原 P2P 网络到 PON 网络的接入切换。GPON STICK 光模块支持 OMCI 标准,可以提供高达 1.25Gbps 的上行链路和下行链路 2.5Gbps 的 高速传输速率,还可配合该通信设备支持逻辑标识(LOID)认证、Dying Gasp、PON 链路状态指示、光模块异常发光关断等功能。 GPON STICK can totally meet the equipment requirements of FTTB / FTTH / FTTO. After hot-swapped inserting into the 2-layer Ethernet Switch’s SFP slot, the Ethernet Switch can be used as ONT or even MDU, because it can be connected into the GPON optical networks directly. Then the OLT will operate the remote device just like the normal GPON ONU terminal. Therefore, the original P2P networks, plus one GPON STICK, can be used in the GPON networks. GPON STICK also supports OMCI management interface (e.g. updating the GPON STICK module firmware at the OLT side), can meet the high-speed transmission rate in uplink 1.25Gbps and downlink 2.5Gbps, can co-operate with the communication equipment to support logical identity (LOID) authentication, Dying Gasp, PON link status indication, optical module abnormal light off functions, etc. 下图是典型应用场景 1,混合应用网络升级。 GPON STICK 光模块可以插在数字摄像头上,成为 PON 上行的数字 摄像头设备;可以插在无线路由器 AP 上,形成 PON 上行 AP 设备;可以 用于 DSLAM、以太网交换机设备的改造,使其具备 PON 的上联接口,应 2/6 GPON STICK Introduction & Application 用于 FTTB/N 场景。 Here’s the typical application field 1, mixed application networks upgrading. GPON STICK can be inserted into one digital camera device, into one AP device, into one DSLAM device or Ethernet Switch device to make the target device be with PON uplink interface. 下图是典型应用场景 2,老小区网路改造。 原网络是 P2P 网络,每个单元楼道口都需要配一个千兆光交换机,然 后分成多路铜线入户。当该小区需要扩容提速,如果沿用 P2P 网络,就意 味着需要铺设更多的千兆光交换机和更多的光纤。但是,引入 GPON STICK 去替代千兆光交换机上联口的千兆 SFP 光模块之后,该千兆光交换 机就具备了 PON 网络接入能力,通过 Splitter 分光器的光路聚合,即可实 现更多户数的接入但无需重新敷设光纤。 Here’s the typical application field 2, old residential P2P networks upgrading. The original networks is a P2P networks with the cable accessed to each home already. Normally if the resident wants to accelerate the 3/6 GPON STICK Introduction & Application speed or capacity, it means more P2P Switches and more fiber will be used. However, if deploy the GPON STICK with Optical Splitter, only one piece of fiber can be OK when accessed into the GPON networks. That means it can achieve more households access through the splitter optical path aggregation without adding one fiber. 下图是典型应用场景 3,语音网关 VOIP 升级。 当前语音网关 VOIP 设备,如果要联入 PON 网络,需要外置一个 ONU 光猫并对 ONU 光猫独立供电,不利于系统集成。如果改用 GPON STICK, 插入到语音网关 VOIP 设备的 SFP 插槽,即可取代外置 ONU 光猫,降低 运营及维护成本,提高了系统集成度。 Here’s the typical application field 3, VOIP gateway upgrading. The current VOIP networks in PON ODN must use one external PON ONU CPE, with the external power supply, which is not easy for system integration. Here if the hot-swappable GPON STICK is used, the connection will become very simple. It will finally help the end user simplify the networks and increase the system integration. 4/6 GPON STICK Introduction & Application 下图是典型应用场景 4,无线基站拉远网络扩容。 基站 BBU 和三个扇区天线 RRU 之间, 基于现有 P2P 方式的光纤网络, 需要 6 支光模块,BBU 和 RRU 各 3 支光模块,至少需要 3 条或 3 对光纤。 PON 的点到多点 P2MP 技术,尤其适用于这样的微蜂巢基站部署特性,在 RRU 测引入分光器和 GPON STICK 光模块,即可省下另外 2 条或 2 对光 纤,而省下的光纤正好可用于扩容。 Here’s the typical application field4, wireless backhaul capacity expansion. Based on the existing BBU and RRU networks, it needs 6pcs optical modules, 3pcs are for BBU and 3pcs are for RRU separately, and 3pcs or 6pcs optical fibers between the BBU and RRU must be employed together. As seen, the P2MP technology of PON networks, is very suitable for replacing the short distance P2P networks can saving fibers, and the rest of the fibers can be used for new employed BBU and RRU. 5/6 GPON STICK Introduction & Application 6/6