D R A F T 10/22/2015 1909.13_30 Page 1 of 22 FOREST SERVICE HANDBOOK NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS (WO) WASHINGTON, DC FSH 1909.13 – PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT AND BUDGETING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 30 – BUDGET EXECUTION Amendment No.: The Directive Manager completes this field. Effective Date: The Directive Manager completes this field. Duration: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. Approved: NAME OF APPROVING OFFICIAL Title of Approving Official Date Approved: mm/dd/yyyy Posting Instructions: Amendments are numbered consecutively by Handbook number and calendar year. Post by document; remove the entire document and replace it with this amendment. Retain this transmittal as the first page(s) of this document. The last amendment to this Handbook was xx09.xx-xx-x to xxxxx. New Document 1909.13_30 Pages Superseded Document(s) by Issuance Number and Effective Date 1909.13_30 1909.13_34 21 Pages 21 Pages Digest: 30 – Updated the terminology and revised chapter in its entirety. WO AMENDMENT EFFECTIVE DATE: DRAFT 10/22/2015 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 1909.13_30 Page 2 of 22 FSH 1909.13 – SERVICE-WIDE FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 30 – BUDGET EXECUTION Table of Contents 30 – BUDGET EXECUTION ........................................................................................... 4 30.1 – Authority .......................................................................................................................... 4 30.2 – Purpose............................................................................................................................. 4 30.3 – Objective .......................................................................................................................... 4 30.4 – Policy ............................................................................................................................... 4 30.5 – Responsibility (Sec. 04; FSM 1904 and 1930.4) ............................................................. 5 30.51 – Chief Financial Officer .............................................................................................. 5 30.52 – Deputy Chief, Business Operations ............................................................................... 5 30.52a – Washington Office, Director of Strategic, Planning, Budget and Accountability ... 5 30.53 - Regional Foresters, Station Directors, Northeastern Area State and Private Forestry Director, International Institute of Tropical Forestry (IITF) Director, Forest Products Laboratory Director, and Washington Office Staff Directors..................................... 6 30.53a – Deputy Area Budget Coordinator ............................................................................ 6 30.54 – Regional Budget Officer ............................................................................................ 6 30.55 – Station, Area, and Institute Budget Officer................................................................ 6 30.6 – Definitions ....................................................................................................................... 6 30.7 – Financial Management Principles .................................................................................. 12 31 – FUNDING SOURCES ........................................................................................... 13 31.1 – Appropriations ............................................................................................................... 13 31.2 – Continuing Resolutions.................................................................................................. 17 31.3 – Supplemental Appropriations ........................................................................................ 17 31.4 – Reimbursements............................................................................................................. 17 31.5 – Recoveries ...................................................................................................................... 18 31.6 – Allocation Accounts ...................................................................................................... 18 31.7 – Appropriation Transfers ................................................................................................. 18 31.8 – Refunds .......................................................................................................................... 18 31.9 – Prior Year Unobligated Balances .................................................................................. 18 32 – ALLOCATION PROCESS .................................................................................... 18 32.1 – Process Schedule [Reserved] ......................................................................................... 18 32.2 – Program Direction.......................................................................................................... 18 32.3 – Annual Program Direction ............................................................................................. 19 32.4 – Allocations ..................................................................................................................... 20 32.5 – Allocation Documentation [Reserved] .......................................................................... 20 33 – ANNUAL WORK AND FINANCIAL PLANNING. ................................................. 20 33.1 – Annual Work Planning Sequence .................................................................................. 20 33.2 – Planning Units and Rates [Reserved] ............................................................................ 20 33.3 – Annual Work Plans [Reserved] ..................................................................................... 20 33.4 – Financing Principles and Guidelines ............................................................................. 20 33.41 – Work Financing Principle ........................................................................................ 20 33.42 – Special Requirements [Reserved] ............................................................................ 20 33.43 – Support Costs for Shared Services ........................................................................... 20 33.5 – Work Plans [Reserved] .................................................................................................. 21 WO AMENDMENT EFFECTIVE DATE: DRAFT 10/22/2015 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 1909.13_30 Page 3 of 22 FSH 1909.13 – SERVICE-WIDE FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 30 – BUDGET EXECUTION 33.51 – Regional Office Work Plan [Reserved] ................................................................... 21 33.52 – Stations, Area, and Institute Work Plans [Reserved] ............................................... 21 33.53 – Work Plan Summaries and Reports ......................................................................... 21 33.6 – Special Financing Requirements [Reserved] ................................................................. 21 33.61 – Gifts, Donations, and Bequests for Forest and Rangeland Research [Reserved] .... 21 33.62 – Other Activities with Special Financing Requirements [Reserved] ........................ 21 33.7 – Cost Pools [Reserved] .................................................................................................... 21 33.8 – Other Controls [Reserved] ............................................................................................. 21 33.81 – Administrative Limitations [Reserved] .................................................................... 21 33.82 – Special Limitations [Reserved] ................................................................................ 21 33.83 – Project Controls ....................................................................................................... 21 34 – FINANCIAL CONTROLS ...................................................................................... 21 34.1 – Systems of Fund Control ............................................................................................... 21 35 – MID-YEAR REVIEW [RESERVED] ...................................................................... 22 36 – REPROGRAMMING [RESERVED] ...................................................................... 22 37 – YEAREND CONTROLS [RESERVED]................................................................. 22 38 – FINANCIAL REPORTS [RESERVED].................................................................. 22 39 – PRIOR YEAR UNOBLIGATED BALANCES [RESERVED] ................................. 22 WO AMENDMENT EFFECTIVE DATE: DRAFT 10/22/2015 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 1909.13_30 Page 4 of 22 FSH 1909.13 – SERVICE-WIDE FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 30 – BUDGET EXECUTION 30 – BUDGET EXECUTION 30.1 – Authority FSM 1930. 30.2 – Purpose The purpose of this directive is to provide general budgetary information to Budget Officers and other users. 30.3 – Objective The objective of this chapter is to present budget execution directions. 1. Allot funds for apportionment control purposes to the highest practicable level. 2. Allocate funds, performance goals, and personnel ceilings to units in a timely manner based on program budgets, Appropriations Act, Congressional direction, and Agency objectives. 3. Provide a basis for integrating each operating unit's plan of work with financial resources. 4. Establish procedures for planning and financing work that are consistent with legal requirements, charged-as-worked principles, Congressional direction, and agency policy. 5. Execute, within legal requirements, the financial plan for the operations of the organization in an effective and efficient manner. 6. Monitor appropriation accounts to prevent Antideficiency Act violations. 30.4 – Policy 1. Maintain quality practices for preparing and executing sound financial plans, supported by work plans, at all organizational levels. 2. Delegate the maximum authority and responsibility to line officers for effective and efficient budget execution. 3. Allocate funds, targets, and objectives to the lowest operating units responsible for planning and managing the programs. WO AMENDMENT EFFECTIVE DATE: DRAFT 10/22/2015 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 1909.13_30 Page 5 of 22 FSH 1909.13 – SERVICE-WIDE FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 30 – BUDGET EXECUTION 4. Identify the explicit purpose of all funds maintained at each organizational level, including reserves. 5. Enter obligations into the Agency designated system within 2 business days. 6. Monitor obligations monthly in regard to obligational and apportionment authorities. Financial Managers monitor obligations at the level appropriate for their area of responsibility, for example, Project Managers monitor by short-hand code (formerly “job code”) and project, but Budget Officers monitor by Fund and Treasury Account. 7. Include standards for budget execution in performance standards for Senior Executive Service employees, line officers, and budget and finance personnel. 8. Request adjustment in annual performance goals or objectives during the midyear financial review. 9. Establish work plans within 30 calendar days after receiving allocations from the next higher organizational level. 10. Execute reimbursable agreements with a billing frequency set at monthly or quarterly. 11. Follow Congressional direction, making adjustments to the levels of plan implementation or in actions that are contrary to the plan. 30.5 – Responsibility (Sec. 04; FSM 1904 and 1930.4) 30.51 – Chief Financial Officer It is the responsibility of the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) to ensure the quality and integrity of the financial data in the Agency core financial accounting system and its subsidiary systems. 30.52 – Deputy Chief, Business Operations The Deputy Chief, Business Operations, has the responsibility to ensure business operations areas function efficiently and productively in order to meet the Agency’s mission. 30.52a – Washington Office, Director of Strategic, Planning, Budget and Accountability The Director of Strategic, Planning, Budget and Accountability (SPBA), through the Deputy Chief for Business Operations, is responsible for limiting obligations to the amounts allotted or otherwise available in each appropriation for the Forest Service and for staying within apportionment totals by period. WO AMENDMENT EFFECTIVE DATE: DRAFT 10/22/2015 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 1909.13_30 Page 6 of 22 FSH 1909.13 – SERVICE-WIDE FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 30 – BUDGET EXECUTION 30.53 - Regional Foresters, Station Directors, Northeastern Area State and Private Forestry Director, International Institute of Tropical Forestry (IITF) Director, Forest Products Laboratory Director, and Washington Office Staff Directors It is the responsibility of the Regional Foresters, Station Directors, Northeastern Area State and Private Forestry Director, IITF Director, Forest Products Laboratory Director, and Washington Office Staff Directors to: 1. Negotiate requested adjustments to Funds and performance goals with the Chief and Deputy Chiefs. 2. Submit, in writing, reports of violations of the Antideficiency Act to the Director of SPBA. 3. Meet specific earmarks, as assigned. 4. Implement pertinent congressional guidance. 30.53a – Deputy Area Budget Coordinator It is the responsibility of the Deputy Area Budget Coordinators (DABC) to review funding requests from Agency units (i.e., Regions, Stations, and Areas). When approved, DABCs submit the request to the Director of SPBA for review and approval. 30.54 – Regional Budget Officer The Regional Budget Officers, through the Regional Foresters, are responsible for limiting obligations to the amounts allotted or otherwise available in each appropriation for their respective units and for staying within their share of Agency apportionment limitations by period. 30.55 – Station, Area, and Institute Budget Officer Station, Area, and Institute Budget Officers, or their equivalents, through the Station, Area, and Institute Directors, have the authority and are responsible for limiting obligations to the amounts allotted or otherwise available in each appropriation for their respective units and subunits and staying within their share of agency apportionment limitations by period. 30.6 – Definitions Account Symbols. Each appropriation or fund account established in the Treasury is identified by Treasury Account Symbols (TAS). Appropriation or fund accounts are given symbols that consist of 7 or more alphanumeric characters (e.g. 12X1103). The account symbols provide the following information: WO AMENDMENT EFFECTIVE DATE: DRAFT 10/22/2015 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 1909.13_30 Page 7 of 22 FSH 1909.13 – SERVICE-WIDE FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 30 – BUDGET EXECUTION a. Department or Agency Codes. The first 2 digits identify the Department responsible for the account. It is assigned by the Department of the Treasury. (Note: The number 12 is assigned to USDA.) b. Period of Availability. The next character represents the period of availability of the account for obligation. c. Annual Accounts. A single digit (0 through 9) represents the last digit of the fiscal year in which the appropriation is available for obligation. Annual Authority. Apportionment authority is limited to one year. If an obligation or expenditure has not been correctly posted prior to the end of the fiscal year, it must be determined whether the missed obligation or upward adjustment can be appropriately charged to the new fiscal year or shall be charged to the prior fiscal year. An upward adjustment may only be recorded in a prior year reimbursable fund if the cost was a legitimate cost to a valid agreement at the time the cost was incurred and if sufficient budget authority was in place during the applicable BFY had the cost been recorded at the appropriate time. ASC-B&F/RACA and/or ASC-B&F/ National Funds Control will work together to resolve issues related to upward adjustments. Multiple-year Accounts. Two digits separated by a slash (/) indicate a multiple-year appropriation. The digit preceding the slash represents the first fiscal year of availability and the digit following the slash represents the last digit of the final fiscal year of availability. No-year Accounts. An "X" is used to designate a no-year appropriation which is available for an indefinite period of time. Allocation. a. It is used restrictively to mean the amount of obligational authority delegated from one agency, bureau, or account to another that is set aside in a transfer appropriation account (also known as an allocation account) to carry out the purposes of the parent appropriation or fund. Allocation accounts carry the same Treasury symbol and title as the parent account with a 2-digit prefix for the organizational code of the receiving agency. b. It is used broadly to include any subdivision below the sub-allotment level, such as subdivisions made by the agency financial plans or program work plans, or other agency restrictions. c. Allocations are determined by balancing the priorities of Congress, the Administration, Agency leadership, and unit capabilities. We cannot allocate more authority than the lower of the appropriated plus carryover or apportionment WO AMENDMENT EFFECTIVE DATE: DRAFT 10/22/2015 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 1909.13_30 Page 8 of 22 FSH 1909.13 – SERVICE-WIDE FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 30 – BUDGET EXECUTION amount. Full year allocations are loaded in WorkPlan for planning purposes. Units shall request changes in authority through WorkPlan. SPBA will review requests based on whether it violates apportionment limitations, meets Agency priorities, and enhances the ability of the units to manage their budgets. If challenges arise, SPBA staff will work with units to allocate available authority and request additional apportionment from OMB. d. Funds for Perms and Trusts will be allocated to the field based on collections recorded in the agency accounting system less any legislative requirements such as sequestration. SPBA will post amounts in WorkPlan at the beginning of the fiscal year and throughout the year as collections are received. At the unit level, we cannot allocate more authority than the unit has in collections. e. Based on signed agreements with federal or non-federal partners, the Forest Service allocates and sub-allocates authority in order to make the resources available for obligation at the appropriate organizational level of the agency. When ASC B&F Reimbursable and Advance Collection Agreements (RACA) receives signed agreements and determines the accounting methodology to be used, they will coordinate with ASC Budget Operations to allocate budget authority. ASC RACA will make short-hand code (formerly “job code”) assignments for units as a means of authorizing spending on the project. Refer to ASC RACA Field Instructions at the following website for further details: http://fsweb.asc.fs.fed.us/bfm/programs/financialoperations/reimbursables/training.php. ASC will hold budget authority for reimbursable funds at a national level budget organization in the agency financial accounting system; however, short-hand codes will be established at the unit level and spending and other accounting will be recorded at the unit level. ASC-B&F will use short-hand code spending controls and monitoring of plan amounts and balances to ensure funds control, aided by Field Budget Staff/Program Managers/Project Managers monitoring of WorkPlan and/or RACA funds control reports. Allotment. Authority delegated by the head or other authorized employee of an agency to agency employees to incur obligations within a specified amount, pursuant to OMB apportionment or reapportionment action or other statutory authority making funds available for obligation. Apportionment. A distribution made by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) of amounts available for obligation in an appropriation, or fund account, into amounts available for specified time periods, activities, projects, objects, or combinations thereof. The amounts so apportioned limit the obligations that may be incurred. Appropriation acts provide the amount of budget authority available to the FS. Using an apportionment document, Washington Office Budget requests spending authority for appropriated WO AMENDMENT EFFECTIVE DATE: DRAFT 10/22/2015 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 1909.13_30 Page 9 of 22 FSH 1909.13 – SERVICE-WIDE FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 30 – BUDGET EXECUTION amounts including enacted rescissions and unobligated prior year balances. Units provide the next year’s estimate for anticipated collections prior to the end of the fiscal year, and the agency requests apportionment based on this estimate and available balances. SPBA requests apportionment for reimbursable authority for the upcoming fiscal year based on an estimate for agreements expected to be in place for that fiscal year. Appropriation Availability. Appropriation or fund accounts can be classified in terms of whether or not the amounts are available for new obligations, as follows: a. Unexpired Account. An unexpired account is one in which authority to incur obligations has not ceased to be available. b. Expired Account. An expired account is one in which authority to incur obligations has ceased to be available but from which outlays may be made to pay obligations previously incurred, as well as valid adjustments thereto. Appropriation Types. Appropriation or fund accounts can be classified by the length of time the amounts are available for obligation, as follows: a. Annual Account. An annual account is available for incurring obligations only during a specified fiscal year or less. b. Multiple-Year Account. A multiple-year account is available for incurring obligations for a definite period in excess of one fiscal year. c. No-Year Account. A no-year account is available for incurring obligations for an indefinite period, usually until the objectives of the account have been accomplished (S&PF, KV, SSF, and so forth). Billings. 1. Until billings for project expenditures have been posted in the agency financial accounting system, authority for any reimbursable obligations is supported by the designated appropriation. For instance, if the reimbursable agreement is within the NFEX fund, the agency must have sufficient authority within the NFNF appropriation to support obligations and expenditures until billings/receivables have been posted in the accounting system. If billings are not posted to support all “EX” obligations and expenditures, the end of year unobligated balance in the designated appropriation is reduced by the amount of unbilled obligations. These unfilled customer orders encumbered with unbilled obligations WILL affect the amount of carryover available for allocation in the succeeding fiscal year. Units must keep this in mind when deciding to sign large agreements toward the end of the fiscal year and when deciding to sign multi-year agreements. WO AMENDMENT EFFECTIVE DATE: DRAFT 10/22/2015 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 1909.13_30 Page 10 of 22 FSH 1909.13 – SERVICE-WIDE FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 30 – BUDGET EXECUTION 2. Reimbursable funds are specifically designated within a treasury symbol to accommodate reimbursable activity (fund category “R”). Use of appropriate posting models facilitates proper recognition of reimbursable activity in the general ledger and on financial statements. Selection of the correct reimbursable fund must correspond with the appropriated funds based on the intent of mutually beneficial work being accomplished, or based on the funding source for the performing unit if work is done on behalf of the cooperator. Budgetary Resources. For purposes of budget execution, budgetary resources include the following: a. New budget authority and anticipated receipts. b. Unobligated balances available at beginning of year. c. Reimbursements, including anticipated and other income (such as offsetting collections). d. Recoveries of prior year obligations. e. Restorations. f. Transfers from other accounts (appropriations). g. Allocations from other Agencies (transfer appropriation or allocation accounts). Expenditure. See Outlay. Net Disbursement. See Outlay. Non-Federal Partners. For agreements with non-Federal partners, units must collect funds in advance before any obligations can occur or work performed. The exception is where specific authority allows the agency to work in advance of collections (e.g., agreements that support emergency fire suppression requirements, agreements executed under the authority of Cooperative Funds Act of June 30, 1914 or Granger-Thye or other authorities authorizing reimbursement of appropriated funds). Obligation Authority. This term is often used synonymously with apportionment authority and includes authority to obligate funds from all sources, including new budget authority, unobligated balances from prior years, reimbursements and other income, recoveries of prior year obligations, restorations, and transfers from other accounts. WO AMENDMENT EFFECTIVE DATE: DRAFT 10/22/2015 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 1909.13_30 Page 11 of 22 FSH 1909.13 – SERVICE-WIDE FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 30 – BUDGET EXECUTION Obligations. a. Incurred. Dollar amounts of orders placed, contracts awarded, services received, and similar transactions during a given period that require payments during the same or a future period. Such amounts include outlays for obligations which had not been previously recorded and reflect adjustments for differences between obligations previously recorded and actual outlays to liquidate those obligations (recoveries). b. Unpaid. Dollar amounts of orders placed, contracts awarded, services received, and similar transactions for which payment has not been made. c. Paid. Dollar amounts of orders placed, contracts awarded services received, and similar transactions for which payment has been made. This is synonymous with the term outlays. d. Obligations may only occur after OMB has apportioned and the Albuquerque Service Center, Budget and Finance, has allocated funds. Obligations shall not exceed the amount allocated to each unit. e. Units must not create any obligations until agreements are in place, ASC-B&F has allocated spending authority, and a short-hand code (formerly “job code”) is issued to the unit. Units are responsible for ensuring that signed agreements are in place and ASC-B&F/RACA has issued short-hand codes prior to incurring obligations. Outlays. The amount of checks issued, or other payments made (including advances to others), net of refunds and reimbursements, on obligations. Outlays are the net of amounts that are adjustments to obligational authority. (The terms "expenditure" and "net disbursement" are frequently used interchangeably with the term "outlay.") Recoveries. Amounts made available for obligation in no-year and unexpired multipleyear accounts through: (a) downward adjustments of prior year obligations, including the amount returned from prior year advances to consolidated working funds; (b) cancellation of prior year obligations; and (c) downward adjustments for the difference between obligations previously recorded and outlays made in payment thereof. Refunds. Recoveries of erroneous or excess payments that are credited to an appropriation or fund account. Treat recoveries as reductions of obligations and outlays in budget execution reports. Refunds also include credits to an appropriation or fund account that result from accounting adjustments relating to obligations or outlays where such a procedure is permitted by law or regulations. WO AMENDMENT EFFECTIVE DATE: DRAFT 10/22/2015 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 1909.13_30 Page 12 of 22 FSH 1909.13 – SERVICE-WIDE FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 30 – BUDGET EXECUTION Reimbursements. Sums received as a repayment for commodities sold or services furnished, as authorized by law and/or agreements, to be credited directly to specific appropriation or fund accounts. Earned reimbursements are the amounts representing orders filled. Unfilled customer orders represent amounts received for commodities or services not yet furnished. It also includes amounts received due to court orders and judgments. Unexpended balance. The amount of appropriations or other funds, or authority, remaining after deducting outlays from the total available budgetary resources. The unexpended balance of an account is the sum of the obligated (unpaid) balance and the unobligated balances. a. Unobligated Balance. The difference between the obligated balance of an account and the total available unexpended balance. It is the same as the amount remaining after deducting the cumulative obligations from the amount available for obligation; or, amount remaining after deducting outlays and unpaid obligations from the amount available for obligation. b. Obligated Balance. The amount of unpaid obligations applicable to an account less the amount collectible as repayments to the account or fund. 30.7 – Financial Management Principles Consider the objectives and policies set forth in sections 30.2 and 30.3 and the following financial management principles as guides to achieving sound budget execution results: 1. Do not over allocate or over plan (deficit finance). Spending against a promise of a future allocation without some formal, approved, advance allocation notice places the manager at risk. Do not take risks which lead to yearend deficits. 2. Conduct financial reviews as necessary to ensure compliance with legal requirements and Forest Service policy. Identify needs and surpluses, and approve needs up to the extent surpluses exist. Ensure the financial review decisions are approved by the appropriate line officer. 3. Immediately submit emergency financial needs to the next higher organizational level. Consider emergency needs as those that risk loss of life or property if not corrected immediately. Do not assume that any of the needs can be funded. Establish a plan to follow if funds are not available. 4. Follow reprogramming guidelines and request reprogramming as outlined in section 34.6 below. 5. Minimize uncommitted reserves. WO AMENDMENT EFFECTIVE DATE: DRAFT 10/22/2015 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 1909.13_30 Page 13 of 22 FSH 1909.13 – SERVICE-WIDE FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 30 – BUDGET EXECUTION 6. Complete financial transactions early to ensure proper close out of the fiscal year. Reduce the volume of purchases during the last days prior to the end of the fiscal year to reduce mistakes and allow enough time for concentrating on the yearend processes and fund management. 7. Make key people available during yearend closing procedures. (Consider August 15 to October 15 as the critical time for yearend financial management.) 8. Ensure that new initiatives address and resolve funding implications prior to implementation. 9. Maintain a goal of providing accurate, timely, easily understood, and user friendly financial information against which financial management decisions can be made. 31 – FUNDING SOURCES 31.1 – Appropriations The Forest Service receives its regular appropriations through the Department of the Interior and Related Agencies annual appropriation act. Other sources of funding include receipts and unobligated balances brought forward in: 1. Discretionary Appropriations. The agency receives direct appropriations by Congress in the annual appropriations acts. The following funds are classified as discretionary appropriations. Appropriation Fund Code(s) Treasury Symbol Forest and Rangeland Research FRFR 12X1104 State and Private Forestry SPSP 12X1105 Forest Legacy Program LGCY 12X5367 National Forest System NFNF 12X1106 Collaborative Forest Landscape Restoration Fund CFLN 12X1106/ Valles Caldera Preserve VCVC 12X1106 Wildland Fire Management (Preparedness, Fuels, and other programs) WFWF 12X1115 WO AMENDMENT EFFECTIVE DATE: DRAFT 10/22/2015 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 1909.13_30 Page 14 of 22 FSH 1909.13 – SERVICE-WIDE FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 30 – BUDGET EXECUTION Appropriation Fund Code(s) Treasury Symbol Wildland Fire Management (Suppression and Emergency Rehabilitation - BAER) WFSU 12X1115 Capital Improvement and Maintenance CMCM 12X1103 Land Acquisitions LALW 12X5004 Land Acquisitions – Special Acts ACAC 12Y5208 Land Acquisitions – Land Exchanges EXEX 12X5216 Range Betterment Fund RBRB 12X5207 Gifts, Donations, and Bequests for Forest and Rangeland Research GDGD 12X8034 Management of National Forest System Land for Subsistence Uses SMSM 12X1119 Working Capital Fund WCWC 12X4605 2. Permanent Appropriations. These funds include the salvage sale fund and brush disposal fund. The FS has a variety of permanent appropriations whereby Congress has appropriated funds in various legislative acts based on collections, etc. The following list identifies permanent appropriations most used by the Agency: Appropriation Fund Code Treasury Symbol Administration of Rights-of-Way/Cost Recovery Minor Projects URRF, URMN 12X5361 Botanical Products TPBP 12X5264 Brush Disposal BDBD 12X5206 EXSC/EXSL 12X5216 Conveyance of Administrative Sites/ Site Specific Lands Act WO AMENDMENT EFFECTIVE DATE: DRAFT 10/22/2015 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 1909.13_30 Page 15 of 22 FSH 1909.13 – SERVICE-WIDE FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 30 – BUDGET EXECUTION Appropriation Fund Code Treasury Symbol Payments to States, Secure Rural Schools (SRS) and Community Self Determination Act PSSP 12Y1117 Hardwood Technology Transfer HDWD 12X5462 Land Between the Lakes Mgmt Fund LBLB 12X5360 Licensee Programs LPFL, LPSB 12X5214 Marina Permit Fees FDMF 12X5268 Midewin Tallgrass Prairie – Rental Fees PIPI 12X5277 Operation & Maintenance of Quarters QMQM 12X5219 Payment to Minnesota MNMN 12X5213 Payments to Counties-National Grasslands NGNG 12X5896 PSPS Payments to States, National Forest Fund SRS Title I and III, Special Acts, and 25%Payments to States, National Forest Fund - SRS Title II 12X5201 SRS2 Quinault Special Mgmt Area QAQA 12X5223 Recreation Fees FDFD 12X5268 Restoration of Forestlands & Improvements RIRI 12X5215 Stewardship Contracting SSCC 12X5540 Sustainable Operations Program GRGG 12X5214 Timber Roads – Purchaser Elect PEPE 12X5202 Timber Sales Pipeline Restoration Fund TPTP 12X5264 WO AMENDMENT EFFECTIVE DATE: DRAFT 10/22/2015 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 1909.13_30 Page 16 of 22 FSH 1909.13 – SERVICE-WIDE FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 30 – BUDGET EXECUTION Appropriation Fund Code Treasury Symbol Timber Salvage Sales SFSF 12X5204 Valles Caldera Preserve Fund VCNP 12X5363 *Other Mandatory funds managed similar to Permanent Appropriations: Appropriation Fund Code Treasury Symbol Map Sales MAPS 12X1106 NFS Sale of Personal Property SALN 12X1106 Research Sale of Personal Property SALR 12X1104 State & Private Sale of Personal Property SALS 12X1105 3. Trust Funds. These funds include Cooperative Work, Forest Service; the Reforestation Trust Fund; and Gifts, Donations, and Bequests for Forest and Rangeland Research. See FSH 6509.11k, Chapter 70 for further direction on appropriations and funds. Trust funds include receipt and expenditure accounts that are designated by law as a trust fund. Receipts for specific purposes are recorded in receipt accounts. The Forest Service has four Treasury accounts designated as Trust Funds. a. The Washington Office determines Knutson-Vandenberg Trust Fund (CWKV) allocations based on program level requests and cash balances. Unit allocations are managed through the Deputy Chief, National Forest System. b. The Cooperative Funds Act authorized the Agency to collect deposits from cooperators to perform work to protect and improve national forests. These deposits are made to the Cooperative Work Forest Service Trust Fund (CWFS). The Agency collects these deposits in advance of performance of work. c. The Recreational Boating Safety and Facilities Act of 1980 established the Reforestation Trust Fund (RTRT) to accomplish reforestation and timber stand improvement activities. Treasury transfers a maximum of $30 million to RTRT each fiscal year and incrementally as tariffs are collected. Unit allocations are managed through the Deputy Chief, National Forest System. The following are treated as Forest Service Trust Funds: WO AMENDMENT EFFECTIVE DATE: DRAFT 10/22/2015 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 1909.13_30 Page 17 of 22 FSH 1909.13 – SERVICE-WIDE FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 30 – BUDGET EXECUTION Treasury Symbol Appropriation Fund Code Cooperative Work Forest Service Trust Fund CWFS, CWF2, CWKV, 12X8028 Land Between the Lakes Trust Fund LBTV 12X8039 Reforestation Trust Fund RTRT 12X8046 Cost Recovery Major Projects URMJ 12X5361 31.2 – Continuing Resolutions Annually, if there is no appropriation bill signed prior to October 1, Congress may pass a spending bill, known as a continuing resolution. A continuing resolution places constraints on spending until passage of an appropriations act. 31.3 – Supplemental Appropriations Supplemental appropriations are special, non-recurring appropriation acts authorized for specific purposes, and which becomes part of the Agency's available budgetary resources for the period covered by the act and are subject to the prescribed funding and targeting limitations. The regular planning and budgeting process integrates these supplements for the year(s) in which the Forest Service has the authority to use these funds. 31.4 – Reimbursements Reimbursements are sums received as a repayment for commodities sold or services furnished, as authorized by law and agreements, to be credited directly to specific appropriation or fund accounts. In accordance with appropriations law, the Forest Service has special authorities to bill Federal or non-Federal sources for work performed in accordance with signed agreements. The Agency must have a valid agreement and apportionment authority from the Office of Management and Budget before creating any obligations. The following are Forest Service reimbursable funds: Appropriation Fund Code Treasury Symbol Capital Improvements & Maintenance (Construction) CMEX 12X1103 WO AMENDMENT EFFECTIVE DATE: DRAFT 10/22/2015 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 1909.13_30 Page 18 of 22 FSH 1909.13 – SERVICE-WIDE FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 30 – BUDGET EXECUTION Forest Research & Development FREX 12X1104 State & Private Forestry SPEX 12X1105 National Forest System (NFS) NFEX 12X1106 Wildland Fire Management WFEX 12X1115 31.5 – Recoveries These amounts are made available for obligation in no-year and unexpired multiple-year accounts through the downward adjustments of prior year obligations; and/or through the downward adjustments for the difference between obligations previously recorded and outlays made in payment thereof. 31.6 – Allocation Accounts The amount of obligational authority delegated from one agency, bureau, or account to another and set aside in a transfer appropriation account (also known as an allocation account) to carry out the purposes of the parent appropriation or fund account. 31.7 – Appropriation Transfers These funds are made available under specific statutory authority that actually results in the transfer of obligation authority and cash from one appropriation account to another for the benefit of the receiving appropriation. 31.8 – Refunds Refunds are recoveries of erroneous or excess payments or amounts received from the return of unneeded goods that are credited to an appropriation or fund account. 31.9 – Prior Year Unobligated Balances These are unobligated balances from prior budget fiscal years (BFY) which retain their original BFY designation. 32 – ALLOCATION PROCESS 32.1 – Process Schedule [Reserved] 32.2 – Program Direction The Director of SPBA issues minimum process requirements in the annual Program Direction to: WO AMENDMENT EFFECTIVE DATE: DRAFT 10/22/2015 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 1909.13_30 Page 19 of 22 FSH 1909.13 – SERVICE-WIDE FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 30 – BUDGET EXECUTION 1. Document the use of the program budget information. 2. Provide Net Available and allocations after the final appropriation is received. 3. Identify Congressional earmarks, reports, and direction. 4. Establish a framework to provide all units with prompt notification of budget adjustments. 32.3 – Annual Program Direction The Director of SPBA ensures that the annual Program Direction includes the following specific direction: 1. Congressional Intent. Congressional intent in the form of earmarks, special direction and guidance, and reports required by Congress. 2. Chief's National Emphasis. The Program Direction includes the Chief's direction and guidance in each program area for carrying out National objectives. 3. National Commitments. National commitments are those items that: a. Benefit more than one unit; b. Include funding from more than one Deputy Chief area; or c. Cause a significant 1-year impact on a unit's budget. 4. Fund allocations. The Program Direction provides fund allocations to carry out the approved budget and includes enough detail necessary to meet legal requirements. Allocations include specifically identified special programs. 5. Performance goals. 6. Limitations. Special limitations are established by laws which prescribe the maximum amount that may be obligated or expended for a specified object or purpose without regard to any specific appropriation. Other limitations may be established to accomplish management objectives such as quarterly limitations on obligations (also known as apportionment). 7. Other Information As Needed. WO AMENDMENT EFFECTIVE DATE: DRAFT 10/22/2015 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 1909.13_30 Page 20 of 22 FSH 1909.13 – SERVICE-WIDE FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 30 – BUDGET EXECUTION 32.4 – Allocations After the appropriations act is signed, SPBA prepares the final allocations which the Chief reviews and approves. The Net Available and Allocations are then distributed to the field. 32.5 – Allocation Documentation [Reserved] 33 – ANNUAL WORK AND FINANCIAL PLANNING. 33.1 – Annual Work Planning Sequence Station Directors, Area Director, and Institute Director shall take planning action similar to Regional Foresters and may direct their subordinate units, when appropriate, to take steps specified for Forest Supervisors and District Rangers (FSM 1930). 33.2 – Planning Units and Rates [Reserved] 33.3 – Annual Work Plans [Reserved] 33.4 – Financing Principles and Guidelines 33.41 – Work Financing Principle Take a holistic approach to all management activities, work effectively at a landscape scale, and develop cooperative partnerships so that Federal funds are used properly and efficiently to finance resource work. This work financing principle supersedes any previously written guidance in related directives. 33.42 – Special Requirements [Reserved] 33.43 – Support Costs for Shared Services These are support items that one Forest Service unit provides for another under the shared services concept, such as administrative support provided by the Stations to Area or by Forest offices to “hosted” employees (also known as detached or virtual employees). Normally, build the costs of providing these services into the servicing unit’s budget request and allocate the costs directly to that unit. If not, use annual work plans and letters of understanding agreed to by the appropriate line officers to support these items. WO AMENDMENT EFFECTIVE DATE: DRAFT 10/22/2015 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 1909.13_30 Page 21 of 22 FSH 1909.13 – SERVICE-WIDE FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 30 – BUDGET EXECUTION 33.5 – Work Plans [Reserved] 33.51 – Regional Office Work Plan [Reserved] 33.52 – Stations, Area, and Institute Work Plans [Reserved] 33.53 – Work Plan Summaries and Reports 33.6 – Special Financing Requirements [Reserved] 33.61 – Gifts, Donations, and Bequests for Forest and Rangeland Research [Reserved] 33.62 – Other Activities with Special Financing Requirements [Reserved] 33.7 – Cost Pools [Reserved] 33.8 – Other Controls [Reserved] 33.81 – Administrative Limitations [Reserved] 33.82 – Special Limitations [Reserved] 33.83 – Project Controls Exercise project controls primarily at the operating level. Develop them on the basis of analysis, generally in considerable detail, such as the staffing plans for use of seasonal fire control funds, recreation area plans, and road and trail construction programs. The annual allocation instructions shall include those special projects identified by Congress that require project controls. 34 – FINANCIAL CONTROLS Develop a system of financial controls that ensures substantive attainment of program objectives, performance goals, and expectations as planned within the limits of available funds, and in compliance with legislation and other regulatory authorities. Ensure that the controls provide for the recurring, routine, and effective analysis of actual obligations compared to allocations by appropriation and budget line items to ensure compliance with the Antideficiency Act and principles of financial management. 34.1 – Systems of Fund Control Title 31, United States Code, section 1514 (31 U.S.C. 1514) requires the head of each agency to prescribe by regulation, subject to the approval of OMB, a fund control system. Ensure that the fund control system is part of the Agency's internal control system. It may include provisions for WO AMENDMENT EFFECTIVE DATE: DRAFT 10/22/2015 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 1909.13_30 Page 22 of 22 FSH 1909.13 – SERVICE-WIDE FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 30 – BUDGET EXECUTION allotments and other administrative subdivisions of budgetary resources within the limits of apportionments, and must be designed to: 1. Restrict both obligations and expenditures from each appropriation to the lessor of: a. The amount available in the appropriation; or b. The amount of the apportionment or reapportionment for the appropriation; and 2. Enable the head of the agency to determine responsibility for an obligation or expenditure exceeding an appropriation, apportionment or reapportionment, allotment, and any other administrative division of funds. Allotment systems shall be designed so that responsibility for budget control is placed at the highest practical level consistent with effective and efficient management and control. 35 – MID-YEAR REVIEW [RESERVED] 36 – REPROGRAMMING [RESERVED] 37 – YEAREND CONTROLS [RESERVED] 38 – FINANCIAL REPORTS [RESERVED] 39 – PRIOR YEAR UNOBLIGATED BALANCES [RESERVED]