aasssssssssssssssaaw PCtsT. TEXAS iM'Hii - Ball Games. Enwmpmeiitleli Sgt. Dan Altaian On Wednesday For 4fl Furlough After 29 Girls Of Counhj Months Overseas Before Fine Iris Sundag . DMWVH 4o4aioa asmawaojop Fifty or more club girls met Wednesday at Two Draw encampment. lake for an' The afternoon session following the atentc lunch at the noon hour waa held in the Amican Legion hall. Interesting events were scheduled fur the day's program, Mrs. Wilms Keeney, home demonstration agent presided. An event that probably created the most Interest was the making of tied --a head scarfs. The proce dure is intriguing and personal who learn the art can use the method of hand decoration to many uses. Originality of design! guarantees novel and fascinating patterns for scarfs, bags, dresses, wall hanging, etc. Kaeh girl was instructed to take a piece of oat-tmaterial approximately 34 Inches square and a large tewtog needle, Mkw Katie Dell MIL extension agent from A. & M. College, ami Helen Edward, director of H club work In Lubbock, were the 4-- 'V, , ICR H following editorial was clipped ssrwianr- - The bock Morning Avalanche. The thoughts a responsive cord. Perhaps now that this cousalsTriH inning to fosl the effect of more short-Ikver before, we will appreciate our aaar- tiner regree. On the special list of "flowers we aiao warft to Include the drugfkd, the hardware and furniture merchants, Titer MaVWi their share of trouMea too. S-S-gt. SO-d- ay ip 4-- out-of-to- I seeks. It is not tta dealer's fault if there is no meat, a shortage of some favor fsed. or a dearth of what the average housewife conet dors sat essential. He did not make the rules he simply obeys tkgsgb tr else And for his patience, bis courtesy and his tireless efffft to serve, he asservss well at the hands of the ay Calvary Church Begin Revival On Friday, July 27th American glials. Amariaawg, being of the nature to try to find a chuckle in every), pave made lota of joins about the rauoning. the shortages Bjag the tervices connected with food handling. It's probably sOO Jor the naUonal tompor that they have. But there is nothMf sry funny to the man with the responsibility of handling fapj products those days when he finds himself besot by aner logos of tabor and products on tha one hand, and uod into kooss i.r Hovejaament red tape on thg other. But daonata his (ttganaHowi those that OBuldo't be bespsd nthoot aiBwmd-pi- t mi By the forces of buroaucraey, aiike . he baa aarried on Pod Is stfll carryina: on. He deserves cratrft ond approbation for his services. ' 47 . . 1 je Part In Naval Be Funniest Of Forces Of War II WiaiWomanlBssCgwt umiir jonn, all-ma- letady ( v Attract Interest At cxDcct- - agairi v rry county M'ltiUT erheas tiara vc.ns three (kI ei told when he .a tne urt Sam nt when return-- i slati- - Hi.it he Would not cut liK.iin After enjoying anH't he rcuorted ylind where he wan tu ' to a truirung Khool for He w.u. there only one ifheti h.v tirdera foi a nd wiif Hutn - uuianntent were now will wuiUniton wis ovfrseas He Hnd his wife are pton Rn.d.s, va. They me in W. 1. rs, pro-ituc-cd IIal(IMon.f 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 member of D.i ision. waa Cano Kgypt His new Rt m the Pacific' area ,i fcTAHDUtOS W) JITLT II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 well-kno- Cafe Cotton Mill vtaM in 10-d- Vart Antonio. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIU LEN DAR It No through mm Fiat a Ik valid J"l I "I "i th mmJ a. Augaoftl. -- g. M Jul Uy 31 ' l T- -l i a one. airtuaae air. ior itfva pair Avifust 1 S.v.ry twund l Is 4, wata. Of j -- aj Lt fapWaai Taaamasal MamSaagioBBBT aviation A ground school for was opened enthusiasm mint by Oacar Gamer, ll pnot and accredited aviation Ftiuiioi Gamer has had It of ueii.il vsork with 1000 hours fi .n time, a part of this time v ah spent with the U 8. Army as nistrut tor in Primary flight training t Brooks Field. San Antonio, n0 Prt on patrol duty along the fcest texas coastline, ne was solicited by the aerial eothuaUOts course in Post Ha to begin graciously consented to conduct the ttliool. one oujhi a wok, free of rharge for all who are interested The course will cover a period ot nine months and wilt bo the equivalent of a two course It will consist of and Keg u la turns. Theory of flight. Operation and Maintenance of Ar craft. Meterotofy end j i . I pub-ush- er I Airport Aid Flower girls were: Mrs. Alfred Mrs. Ardie Long. Mrs Temple Lee, Mrs Donald Peruse Mrs. Tom Sims, Mrs. Bus Penneil. Mrs- Tom Henderson and Mrs Carl Raina. lots i meat was made in Terrace cssaitery by Mason and Company tin. etc The only be text hooks which funeral directors. will want to purchase if thoy ara seitouslv interested in sviatkaa. Pevt If interest merita it arroPga merits can be made ta COab aerial work. Brioe Baa-ti- c Meeting Leutt Week planeownsfor throe planes whieii oooM be uaod by those who wont fea- J Lao Bawen. prosidsat, and strurtion Tad HibhB, secretary, of gat Post Plan are now underway far dub attended the District tensing a suiUb'e strip of from the Double U clubs of the ansa m an airport The location July ll. llaPVaparflllltiVM Vfry have already naasnber club m the dsstrtot rogist-ere- d the Civil Aeronautic This aviation project at the meat bag whieii agonsd at foil a. m. and saggpsxsoghrough double Intorost Monday Who it was announced from WeaweaYgte) the day until trftJa nV In Dsstru--t that Texar would got a bag share of airport funds Ijapour, past Durtrtrt Oovvrnor mg in Congress. alone with noighbostng among one of the towns which Club service benefit If the airport bill miht Rotary attoamsPga, vocation vie. al oorvico, lntematienal service w..t passed. Several Oarsa and other phases of Rotary wore ty business men have they would like to own a dlscusead A wag boM at abo Keen Intorost in avkebon is hp. top ahowp by tssn ggs hays and) Oarnor hoUavea that appap wtB ed etftcora. hastily baooaas mterapaaf ajgap it at iol laMtflMef gjlMnt A mfS&m) mmW t at Rotarianx Attend District ifth S3 throuflk stsmpa f Gov. - un M San Towns May Receive 11 1 if. Post; Neighboring Thomas, -- L It is our opinion that you thoroughly enjoy the show, to see it tonight. The curtain up at 6 20 p m. country Fall bearers wore Vam Sum Rajraaond Blue. Alfred Thome Carl Hams. Bus FemsM. Marion ! fun-rill- ed W Lady" ley, New Mexico. He was a member of the Methodist church with membership in the Bottag, Texas church. He m survived by hu father. Avery Moure, Rr , of C rpu Christi , and four brothers: J. D. of Beaumont, Avery, Jr. of Pent. Thurmon af Covington, and Mel- where vin of Post who is overseas in the service of hit I Jones flowing even tag graceful as the music is when they perform ta Fuaeral services for Horbort R Moors wore conducted at S.'gO p. nv, Monday, July 10. fetfJft 7 X. Methodist church. Nov Stophena conducted ep aanrtcos. Horbort passed sway at Hines. IU., in the Veteran's hospital where he had gone lor treatment after he had received his medical discharge He had served two years and four months in the Army Air Corps whore he had attained the rank of Sergeant. Mst of his training was received st Oulfport, Muauasippi. Horbort was born on October 21, 1011 at Stan- ARRIVALS 1 1 S, Funeral For Herbert NEW 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 V-1- en-lilt- ed Infantryman's i V-- Y. V-- Pvt. LeoHarrison Is Awarded by his wife ggg son. re turned to San DtOgaV Saturday Lions Club Plaq after ssendin his "boot leave Combat hare in the home of her parents. jaBaSllMHiBPifaBBBv A Baby Contest will be hekt in Mr. and Mrs. W A injunction with the production. Badge Pep Parade," which is being lilllllHtlllllllllHHMIIIIilfWIHIMIIIHHI under tha auspices of the on With the SJrd Division ) .i n club and will be presented Luxon son Pvt. Leo Harrison, a Thursday and Friday nights at of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Hanieon of the High School Auditorium at Post, has Just beon awarded the h 3d o'clock. Infantryman's Badge for Combat iu it ii ta ii its one cent a vote and who'll exemplary conduct I n action tie the winner in this aewest of against the Jape in the Philipi on torts that has the whole town pines Liberation Campaign. tulkinp fcLsaJBjHLe Pvt Harrison, who previously The (ontrttants in this clever was awarded the Expert Infanatv tniuriN phlvac contnt ire between the ages of tryman's Badge for service m His meaMtges Hie very inspiring 2 and 6 Dutch New Guinea, is a veteran of prises honors nrr and There uor is too, church that We fee, three campaigns. He served with with connected this fun of plenty especially blessed to have Mrs. in the recent drive unit his enEveryone is Ray N. Smith as puutist during unusual contest. through the rugged mountains of part. ean Everyone take thusiastic. i our meeting. Mr Smith Central Lufcnn which waa climaxin Poet and the surround- - The winners will be presented toWheatley ed by the capture of Baguto, the Mrs nienn Mr. and special of a feature the ins? torritonr and her musical night as the ar Summer Capital of the Philippin- program being staged are DTOUdly aJuiuMnchM ability is doeplr appreciated by lliK nil mm will ha rival of a new diiughtsf on TuesIk h all who bear aer. day. July 3. at V 00 p. m at the Infantryman's The Expert mgnt. The pastor will have iharg of awarded Friday Generul hoaptisl. The Badce is awarded only to man Lubbock youngaters who will of Names young the song service and he declared Ud, will bt kpown as who meet the highest standards of part in the contest are: that It woo his purpose to make take Elaine. Frances the American Infantryman. To reCaffay, Johnson, Linda Thomas this part of the service one of the ceive the award a suMber must be Judy Altman, Kay Sutton, Donna Cpl. and Mrs. uggiej Whitt are s crash saarhsojan, must be rUI-e-d af 9 Mmng He Kemp, Johnny ICoaip, snrtopneing the siitvfA of a f cordial mvatettan to aU Both EUen to aba uot af the bayonet and Mprtaa. CafOsy. Val J. James US pound, I ounce baby jgff on July to )ain la the afcoir. schooled In hand to hood fighting. Bowen, Jr.. Rickey Clary, Wtt-IknoaII in the Lubbock general He smsA be able to hlho long dis-Uncaetar, KaUMriac Xahlar, pftal. Mrs. Whitt wS 'Cm wmmm mam uncoj at a cagM pao' Cockngji, Danny Davis, ghallay (nVIn Alf IRIfijro(rT berod by her many Joy rjeviea. Sue Elaine Bowlm, as Mias Mary Anice White, daugh- be a voraaUle cotnbai tot Bouquets are in order tor Mayor John Allan Coarley, Laany Mar ter of Mr. ad Mrs Oaty White of to fight ssaotlry we J. A. aHalllnab aajl Ctty Commis-siooe- rs tin. Jetftjm Davies, svorty Kay Mow Koine but foriiujfir of Post. mounaalno ar crabs. for work they are having Ottmore and Marcandan Wallgtiw Cpl. Whitt is in the Ibjropean Bodge is awevded to a sahlloT an the atop Theatre of War and wHh the 10th after he has proven bis mettle hi SjeHEPCMt MgJATCM Or adore hove been Tank Destroyer Ofgaap. Oovortly PACK IK ClVVWg aaos Iba raiap styled announi siwajHi Pvt. Harrison who is s f our saalp jgapota of trtende of the couggl this . A. Warren, edstor and L of the of bar Dtsiirtoh, has Post The af Army infantry mWfifA ltd 1m t Mdty Itaoop are Rtakor eHggaarge Mrs. Sgt and beon given an tonorohls 1041 si, an Jan. a of artiiai t pfiiwrhg the from the U. S-- Navy MMt eaPrs m the HniPfilan bdaauis W Mat saroat from the eourt bopae tJMr. serving home boto 'WsaWiJapJf pggV4 aunce baby to hit 4 Mow Ouinea. he bus beep am west to the city Uaaits. This wfifo morning to hat work wnn oay, Juay 14. at tha kfgM of Mr. aod PhlllBptaas since Fobroary. street hag been graded from curb the paper and MM. Ray RickdsV the baby, abe Devies to curb tUmlnstaag Use eontor secnewspaper man serv whose father h in laifBjM Widskwt. His ssjtore. Mrs. "Lefty" Post The tion of woods, ear. Drainage ditch-a- s d with the Navy tor thrty-tw- o Rhamad. was named ABpn David. and Mrs. Harold Daviee, have boon t loaned and the month 22 of which wore The mother ia an Biilgam gart and ia much im- - in the Pacific He arrived in the ssataa several Clyde Hundley and throe ago to make bar home ssction months photographic to the aenal Helen Jo, Wayno, and Mary during hia tour of duty w the Ann. who have boon vacationing MKT Pacific and held the rating of TO IgL PMPt JTPLY U Mr. mm! Mrs. Robert Mock are la Creed. Catorado, returned to chief ijhotographer mate. aasiMiBMlaaT the arrival of a 7 Post Tuesday The Oarsa County aWarrtlve MBMaM NT Mr and Mrs. N. C. Potter of pbMhx, II out M9 jtohert Las, en ftetutdoy, Jury 7. Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Kbdrlrk, ar-and woak goat last worth - ap. mmw was sent toll Fort OTspmaRaHspv WWmt Mmmwmmm WW Wort Tsxaa skakwa. at ibJa the of aosass aoPlag Pago fsosa fpjp hasmt a oy . vMliag as tha ra m abm a. JJjyjVaTBjMg BOjiiad le fun-fanat- Baby Contest To oi mr. won June, is V Yinr Tuneful choruses, gay The gigantic part which Tcxane are playing in World War II waa and drills and dances will strsasad this week in an official featured when the curtain statement Issued by the Navy. It on "Pep Parade." tha bllaissag comedy show that is being "Navy records tend to boar out sored by the Lions Club of Sot Texas' claim that the state has on Thursday and Friday nights. July 19 and 20, at the High glial el out, on s porsontage thm basis, more 'men and women Auditorium st S:S0 p. m. to the naval farces Cms navy cast is The marine corps and coast auerd of s novelty and the play is than any other state m the union ed with as the This attributable largely ta tha try to mimic women in fact that so many thousands of characterizations. Rehearsals ha Texons volunteered prior to and been quite entertaining to raaao-be- rs early in the war. of the cast as Miss Roark hag "ftmce Dec. 7. 141. a total of directed them each night. Ossrgg. 14 JM Texans have gone Into the Barker, president of the crab, asnavy as enlist d personnel. This sures the public plenty of lainjhs. figure does not Include 11,4 "Come out and laugh with us as Um groups enlisted through we laugh at ourselves, he ssaf. 4. the and naval The show opens with ROTC units and more than 3,000 Girls to the stirring the It Of WAVES, SPARS, and women "Let's Sing s Song Ahont Watfo." They are alttsod ta -- Texans in the United States swing skirtsattractively and blows as ejgjfc marine corps number 1M?6 en- perky crisp ribbons in their hpJr. listed men and SSS wmMsW wocompriapi of is Chorus The men, and a total of Ijm male youths of Post, all of and 27 women rtsJIaeors. "In the coast guard, Texas has well versed in specialty dance numbers. They sent 1.S4S enlisted men, SM women, SsH mala officers eral numbers during the sre the following: Don and SO women officer. "A roster of the marine corps Anita Kennedy, Jaek shows that nearly IS per cent of Elwanda Davles, Larue the entire corps sre from Texas. Sue Bell BrUter. Don Ferris. "Of the marine garrison captur- Miller. Patsy Boetic, ed at Pogin. China. Dec. t, 1041. Brooks and Leslie Nichols. Specialities, singing and danc10 wore Texans. Of the its marmot OB Ouam at the bane the ing, all add color to the sntsiwln Japan an invasion of that Island, ing Pep Parade" and make It a 19 were Texans. Of the SI7 de- truly great show and an eve fenders of Wake Island, M wore of entertainment deluxe. Texans. Of aU the raoa who partiMost audiences agree mat cipated in the bloody Wattle of high spot of the show is Tarawa, seven per cent f George Barker) rendition of "If Texans." You Is or Is You Aint My Batg done in true "negro masaapp style and encore after enoora If Service$ usually requested mr this nsaMbO. Moore The --Mm Orftir-e- rwa so' Bird. in i n Lions Club PTag To ula 'RXFOftil at at the awards for wartime service are dtstributed, it It fl0PMl that Mtshody In authority propose a nodoL m pl)Bl. or a pat on the back for the men and women who have Wiggled ui diligently to keep the nation fed. High on this Usi iftjigftfre the butcher, the baker, the grocer and the milkman The flinjsjaW individuals that deal tot foods are between two fires. They mM become instantly familiar with thousands of changes In fwral regulations and obey them. Than, having faced 0Hf1t4(ftf orders from various agondes, they must turn around andie customers who are not always willing to accept the expiration. The rotas WWer which these food meroliants work are enough ta drive tilem to distraction. But coupled with these conditions If thtjlt Inability to stock the items their customers so urge! try ami jhatstently demand. Tin wMSjhsjtlt era of rationing, the food nandlars hae tried in every HastUsjiate way to meet the public's needs. They are still trying, aoi they will continue making this effort until the situation beagshes normal and anybody can buy whatever he on Ckirlle Jones Receives Fw Overseas Duty NUMBER SI GATEWAY TO THE PLAJBW is To The Living" mi-dy- ed r Hi nfexag Playing Big Dan Altman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Altman of Pleasant ' he n,nUl lnnl1: run ay all-dValley, arrived in Post last Thurs1 I day for a furlough with jntriP ball Mjmw ,t ,7. ... his wife and daughter and other K " LllTW . oi I to a. members of his family. " noire . iirsi Dan left Ptea, Italy, June IS, AHmw". niuKina; n .... it... mntatA since then flew to Africa. From Casa- bianca he was flown by the Air) released , beautiful same Ior l,vm Transport Command via Brastl before turning the mound and British New Guinea to Miami, n Florida. He was cleared from there to hi mK ieu-M""T to Camp Blanding, then sent by rail to Fort Sam Houston at San Ut oi the ime. it wn awo tne vmu ciear oi Antonio. The flying time for their ' 7300-mi- le niy noma run lc trip was SjjUeM forty hours but due to long waits K lor the actual trip was much longer. '"' Id o(i t r sucn ipww A veteran of Si months over imK8riin , - I -- .l U... itlM seas, he wears five battle stars on Jllp s was atavriBu uf i his KTO ribbon, representing the ..afternoon Post people p- fine campaigns of Africa, Sicily, Rome K that spirit. It WM area, North of the Arno River, ed pitcher, Davis, ami team and the Po Valley. who carried the lewd Up Dan went to Casablanca, Afri.ninth inning before bowing Whitie's Cn'e team. ca in February, 1943, after a trip . trowd wos one of the Jarg- by boat which was a wonderful arm thid season a game experience to a boy raised on the um wm expressea uy Texas plains. For six months he guests. Both women worked there assembling English tore Youth Canteen boys are fine directors of club work Spitfires and s. a fine gum with the and brought some interesting inWhen he moved up to Tunis, he Junior Buys before the formation to the all-dmeeting. went by the new famous train Cafe and O. K. Oarage A picnic lunch was served at known as 'The 40 and ft' and It went to bat lost oy a etose the noon hour. took 8 days to go 100 miles. When I of 6 to 8 his unit was advanced to Sicily fur w hide's team was as Dan spent 15 days in fox holes To Tra is Gilmore, c; James waiting for a boat M Kelly Sims, fb; In Sicily about a year, Dan was i Annum. ; t. Ed Altman, as; at Palermo most of that tone. b. Durwood Bartlott, 1 f; From there the group moved on Riddle, c f; and Paul Rev. Moron Polnac. pastor of to Italy, being stationed at Naples. , Sr. i r c.mson substituted the rirst Baptist church, will Pomtgliitano, and Pisa, where his Altman .it third base and open a revival meeting at the assignment waa terminated. i,k mer part time as Calvary Baptist church Friday His work In Italy consisted for tu- - toother James. planes Jn- - mainly of work on C-Lnight, aMordfbg July t 97. for the Youth Qujuaen but he also worked in the irutch pasvor, me iwv. Tormsuon irom oil. a Piille Mac Sbep- - H. C. Brtotow. ine shop. bie Cash, p; Ray Lv While over Dan saw Wayne In dteetMafog plans for the Vearh, ( b; Louis MTIW, S r. Margaret Anderson, Cap Bristov.said, "We matting. Rev. r Hotci s; Hugh Ingram, Jtnktns. W, B. Jonas aet hat Aun4 find in be Bro. to Polnac cf Mniiaif. f; Paul Dur- brother, Jisjes Altman. his interpretation of the Scriptur: 1, Frunk stokes, r . Od August IS, Sffi. Altman wttl who twk part In the es end spiritual in his delivery. report to Fort Sam Houston for Sonny McCrary, Bdgar reassignment. bymond DaugWry and .,vt.iMfl THE JllURSDAY, JULY If, 144 'OUT WKWU THE WEST IS THE WEST" IS? I THtmSDAT, JULY THE POST DISPATCH IMS COMMON SCITSt TUXS OTOBT COAL IMBU8THT 19. Sidelights ir th ntixt Mnalble outlini The twopie are learning mow' policy to protect the pontwar (or today induatry about American round In lMe United States front the menace of In the newsadvertising through Wished Every Thursday By papers and magazmee. than ever miUlion him been presented by TM WWFATCH PUBLISHING More. The owl induatry, Inatead Harley L Lull, Hroressor of Pub-1-k COMPAMY rtnanc of Princeton Univer ot advertising coal merely aa a HT CtROKOK MA HOW fuel, show by illustrations and sity. He aays that a program that B. A. Warren. Mltor and the printed word, the o mart tent- would do most to msinuun ctm liPubUstMr In the atrty days of the war ed processes required to furnish cence in the fUbillty cf purchasU. S. Ntval Beeerve nearly all eambet airplanes were folthe consumer with finished pro- ing power should embrace the Wman, mm. r. wtlk camouflage paint. cevered ducts derived from coal. Aa a re- iowing: prnettee has now been aben-dehThe -coma to know sult she neoote have I. A moderate budget financen esaeX planes. The lafrsrUethg Bates On Application scipaahtait nf the importune of ed on a cash basis. This would which i in bmhtng Japan that industry from many angles stop credit inflation at its source. -VaiueVb) as coal" for rwarhf 1 Tnwallott at a nwet aufstcisal nag Vould ggM weight gnd wthdj County SOJM - Ootektc think nf its inestimable vaunt Ml to cover the budget and to provide resistance and reduce the apeea ot the sOurca of tUeeaving sulfa for some debt retirement. Ho the plana sy sight miles per hour. Oatsa County $&M drugs, aspirin, autianprtri, gSisaa-Li- d, country ever had a wild conuno-4t- y Pilots prefer the extra speed. pttce mffaattaa while Its' synthetic vitasmim, auintne. harel te devise a casnou-flag- e It igty gwiiiim reflection is and howdrsds of medicines that! budget vsaa in snlaare and ita guhable for all types that pewon any of are dojFtvon troth it. debt was being reduced. of weaiher eouditiona; the naturThug does an industry, by tel"3. leasee! of all legislation al alueaJsBMk at about as good as witt be gladly and ling Hi story, show the totereet under which there can be any! any, especially for daytime flying. In the attention of the of fee rcsanrmsr in the continual tinkering with the currency, such and expansion ot the as further devaluation of the dol James Byrnes, the new Secreit Never before did labor lar, the issue of greenbacks, thei tary of Main, and Fred Vinson, and capital have so much In com- dilution ot bank reserves, and soon to eeeaaae Secretary of the at the Poai Office at mon Us- striving for pot Ic lea that other inflationary devices. Treeeuery, are former rosins: era of ftasj, Texas, as second cum mail will encourmge continued and sus"4. A green light to private en- Congress asat- - re sure to underInissuing to an Act at tained prograaa In producing terprise to proceed with civilian stand the OMpresatonal viewpoint dustries': Coal production is large- production as promptly after the and know apw to get along with March . lrtl. ly labor, hence scientific devetop-roan- ta termination of war contracts as Congress natters of foreign that anlarga the market for, reconversion will permit The pciicy ami ht tax matters probcoal, are essential to the future of early proafteet ot a reasonably lems witk which they will deal both the worker and the Investor. adequate supply ot goods will go as nunnbers at the Cabinet. The eon! industry Is building a far to prevent crowding and g of oUd future on a diversity of pubThe Fair ajnployment Precttoes to get them. lic services. called FXPC. Is "A definite assurance that their ComnUtiea, the evapor- rapidly beaoaning the number one liquid aavtosH not Be. . L. M. LAMMKRT will be 11 KK RABBIT? ated by foolish nubile pending, source ot dtsaord. bitternesa, and elesaew'srvmfcsle'rj swhlw'eeJf Tins year's severe shortage of borrowing, and further credit In- disunity in Oengress. Certain UmI ntaaXnwmaanJ antknaaak sneak) is expected to give a big flation will make the people much ments in CottgrriH are trying to tmastus to one of the country's more disposed to walk than run force paaaage of a bill which Overbad, MUmmkI would make the FEPC permanent, to the exit" jQMfttuil aVd continuing H after the war and rabbit production. giving it earlraordinary power to "Branding From Iron" the of as aw lay The Department of Commorca V t eanpieyment without re compel . un. city, nearby lady A in I HoSa a r awttttMl beset Nx bartons says the conwri ial production of gard to race) or color and without cigar a m wittingly line at counter Vff A whs soger. stepped domostk bunnies has been adMMtoMt of the wishes of emte ax Inim w mar lea n up snore than MO per cent ainoe where baseball tickets were on consideraUon ill ployers and employees. sale, "grandwas told enly that war. Jaegfl as. Pearl Harbor. Mora progress has eUr. an roe loin wtth tnoae who take the made in the industry In the stands'' were left "Never heard of position ftt Mrtt nanaa m ftmew ail bom that the present VSPC aays gimme a "em." she. pack "but oast two years, owing largely to nastiiis aae at (ran g should abolished and the per be get I smoking I'm can whatever the demand for meat, than in the eaons at seaetr rhrsem. atef aw manent bill defeated, feeling that days." these 20 preceding IMS. rears at g scttuaw ef cmerrsal ssaeejtll such a committer endanger our tNjHMwaa mi ttaeteurgtrav freedom, creates unnecessary fric yon wish to JOB tions, and Men fair to produce an h ate la ft jUnu at a tram n Itsocsetv, you must cctuemt to a at ttcf Intolerable racial situation. Decar short he taught many things which you age, Navy has no Intention at spite our affnrts to the contrary, the know already. Lava tar adopting the Army's plan of "two however, oantfauatinn of the PCPC men to a lower berth" in troop for arjcther year was provided movements. The sailors will solo. for by &mfress last week. The bill to eat up the permanent FXPC Lightning striking earl hiOs is temporarily blocked, but the mar Odessa. Texas, shape the end of the controversy is not in send into long, lagged chains and sight r transforms It into glees. The House of Representatives Einstein thinks he has solved the has agreed to recess for several mystery cf gravity a strong force weeks, and I plan to be back In Am To Do ... that seems to affect almost every- the District wKhtn a few days. My office In Ute Federal Buildthing except Kinetein's hair. ing in Lubbock will be open, but Texas annual Milton dottar out-o- I hone to spend nhfe greater porof minerals is the highest in tion of my time visiting among the nation. the people of the District informing myself of local conditions snd In 1944 aaorc babies were de- seekwe; to be of service wherever livered at Keytar hospital. Dal- possible. las, than In the giant Bel I view hospital. Hew York. The Post Dispatch .if i J -- Washington l saeeiW FABM SUNDAY LESSON - M VrwrwaprJ fe Wff Wm ejf sj rewvaFwayw Ilew's your muaieal hnawlsdsje litre are Rve C;MeetHHM that erteJWhjJfdJJ IIMt44aHM IMI OerS) W)c -- : PM t are-nsw- - i' draper idltfmitc lost-lin- -- faatoat-growt- ng a, . 1 h. ONB-MA- N sVi-e- NOTICE Prepared Your Acetylene & Electric ut WELDING Cellophane was invented by J. K. Brandenoerger, Swiss And Will Appreciate Your Or. Business. On top of H.. on April Mt Washington (X IS. MM. at 1:11 p. m there was a wind gust at the rate of SI gejles an hour. Willie Salinas QUICKIE QUIZ If ye didn't knew U before, lUr Oransjaa are grown in seven lone! ftghl u ruerd was between states In the UJLA.. In Alabama. Andy Bewen and Jaek hWrkc who 19 reMnda (7 California, yierida. Louisiana, feweat hi New Orleaiw Ih 195. nMMe) Oeorgta. Miesissippi and Texas. TpM be) oft XM1 JrSWJ reH W VleM nahnar nMtUI rontlMMe ft kmaer Carmen Svlvs was the pen name On iki ihrnir. HIM Jnatre, prem if Elltabeth. former Queen of iftent MBS r.iwee awi het "OpiidoM Kr .eeteUM rUUea Rumania. tme and all h name (1) the Nr ! r: ghet al a fc A: anlsnl tiile. (S) Uir trat Psen 'haaan mi. (S) theftix ilk iuw. 41 ) CRIME CLUES en he reef terraee of the eW Madteea leeare Oardan. As the anal sees sealer aaaiksr drew te-- a el ess. a lag ysaag saaa itaapaJ frea the vMeef the keer. aaereashad a ateek-h- euHt geatleiwaa wHh a klsh anaaaidesr e( red hair and detiker-Oat- y abet assa tares neaea hi the AsMila JEWELRY ITEMS TUNS IN KXKI FOR Bxpsrr nm pai Wt sjMer fas r. , lasnkel saassVeaf IDWmPICATION 4sVsst " BassksattsSba eaaysvejev There renewed WsVTCai - 1AITD6 lar eases ran air eV AJfKXsl av gasseBas oheek Wtbeter AakeM" geaaWsi 4fteaaegw4lesl fr M la watek he itttea. was aeeeaed by the r ef reJaiag ale wife, a asse and aaowssrt jaaaty Ureeshaot Hew rerk. The kOtor. a Pmskergh tsrhar. MACUm L4M3LVTS rVe Reeelvee! Now ShrnmehU Several From . . Very Nice QUALITY MODERN fTYUH DARK AND XQm WOOD IbMMy SAJt aaeed aad JKIIf flf resetted la aai hetag aha well hf adUleae ef seeese. bat even ailat PXAJtL K1CKLAC1S OTHBB ITIMB I. em WmWm mm mm Haf WMWm md WATt'M mm mm WP mm ay wWSSWwMf Beuw i KMPAIM mm eaU mm mm Ms Ufa saallaasg to eareaaaer beadlfbee tar the years. as) Tfc ease arnardtag te Cheet -ee Mu teal's "Ah mt Mysteries." was haewe aa' t. re mn mm case teatyae vMir. Pr B. B0BS01 MAMO ilssid la aa t. I. yesv fhe mm htetevfl Mmm Kxtxn Migej ,,, Jf. J. LAHQTTE WjMt fa the MHeeial As w ' ttuty the ootttiaruajfc self, Let we sec the true ishaess ot wM Where epwwT area, ,r T ea muri. fa he tar cheeper macHmery than t, Blorltlcd type ,.hrfjJ fact under .:' -:. Burooean ItmmH - Hw W s"?rrnn i at w none m., " ... w -- Jan. atut as mav h Wort must be OrODS 'rt--'-- Trr '" ,.r..j I. .Meetiae fru.perHr JiNiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim,iiimi LOWBR rOIHTB their frlendahtps aa something watch must yield some Bnanclal return. It Is good te stress the fact that kindness and laerMee are leeegnissd and rewarded by Oed. Abram. after dwelling tor a Mme Into In Canaan, had gone down Cxypt because ef a famine la bis own land After many trying experiences, be returned to bis prem-lar- d land and there he preaperrd mightily tinevr the good band et (led. UnUhe many who 4orget Ood when ihey become rich, we find Abram It G The Army expects to a new point system for the charge of troops lata this month and UuhcaUons arc that the total Y'S A FURNITURE required will be lowered. uuv, Bar examinations are so difficult that only 4W out of every 1.000 law students peat the Repair" FHON'E otMi and 201 J llllllllllllllllllH lwAaSie'taeMSArViaaSiMW Wild Omlll- - Abram "wm very rich." That would be nlmof t anough to eonati-iu- t a spiritual obituary notice for many a man'i spiritual life. Bui Abram did not let his riches rome between him' and Oed. He Surgeons, doctors and dentists have accomplished wonders in restoring worn out parts of the body but ttey have never been able to give a person a new pair of eyes. Glasses correct vision and lessen strain ought net ihr altar which he had Aral built at Bewel. and there he called Upon the name of Ute tard once again. Note then, that riehea In themselves need not destroy a man's character or spirituality if they are neM aa a gift from Ood, and for Ilia glory. Meet growing prosperity with increased godliness and all will be welt. II. MnaUwc t'reMems YYMh Kind (vv. yon ga to see a y'i . liberated eea-srosi- ty of Abram and the bratherty kwe which prompt ad it In behi rehet In a world where men reckon even IM-- W Itfmn f What h IW wnlf hiiifiiiwisiil rep. rented en a asslsejal Bag.' Ua,aaiw -- EYEMASTER DROPS refresh the eyes, relieve fatigue due to Ml. A brum's riches, and theae of Lot were largely in Aorks and herds. For them there had te be great areas of grasmg land, and la the roeky ee-li-oa where they found ihemeeivet, araea was scarce. Result? A fight between the berdamen. the younger, should nave taken the lead la meeting that situation, bnt his selAsh heart was loo small far that But Abram. eager for peace and brotherly love. Indicated al oeee hi willingness la do anything necessary te preserve peace. One could net ask a finer Indication nf true bigness In a man. "It If. men ur ther prestige to serve great ideals Abram used his tremendous advantage to do a beautifully thing to etimmala atrlfe. Not ivany mew are big eneegti te fellow this course" (W R. White). Only Oed can make a man that lug. but Oed can do K far any one of us If ChrisUan people would lis ten to the werda ef Abram. "we are brethren" (v. I). and pet them bite practice, there would be an inunedl ate end te all the foolish strife which divides Oed'a people. Titer la no call for eampromlse with untruth, nor say occasion for softhearted generosity which win only spoil Its recipients. We are talking about the hooeet and Mtletll-gen- t use of kindness snd tact between brethren. When kindness meets problems, the problems dis appear. Why nut try lit wind, or water glare. sun sanitary dropper bottle In special one-dro- p 49( YUR NVAt HLY AT BRVV STSgl lt, gen-rro- MWTT Iff! Ml gsBWBwBBBsrssy sthit I I II IMMamaaeW III BOB WARREN, OWNER aeWwaarfMaasawi 11 ut STARTING SBBBaBJSBBaBsflsajBTiSn TIME BJVJgBWvKLsBBvZiirOuhv for SEE US In tUu 7fy QUALITY SUPPLIES V.VW.VJVAI'.'.WiV III. MeetltHC SeMMuMNM With Love tvv. 10 111. Let mode the typical choice of the werdly-miade- d man, the one which would give him the best returns tot dollars and wnu. II sesnwd Mae a shrewd thing to da. but It resulted ta disaster, lor It meant pltohtng his tents ever toward the wickedness et Abeam bad la reseat Let a gala and again from the results at ate derision; but thus ta have he met the atregeai semshasss f hit eael n PUlINA 010WIMC CHOW ttitlWa la feu - ual trftk thU (oi sMdeeepeotouytowfiprywaatyoarQwa oroia looks tor eaiiy, prcatpbie lar Hanr. Mmkm VVy Oed uadcrsUaie and vai use the kind sad thsgghtlsl act evoa theugk the werW may Isners t or sneer st K. Let rxrekelny aid apt ketoat te ge sB the way urte wicked tcdasa te Uvt. but bavinc aaee stortCst But ey, B was secy to ge ea agd ee, Bvea so Christians In cur day may act Witand te sBp off Into werbltt-seebut if they ssotlaue to pitch their teats lewsrd to asm, Ibey will ad tksasislvsc there eae sea day. This may be daac by locking wetBh or wertdty advanUaa si the sapsasr ef aaiartauea with cab stlsv an. ar by seme anaatoulattjoas er ananeuvert wtdch wfll Involve It may seme about by reason at imlatgiass la weth aaausetnoou whlck dug eatrMeai oerriatlsas and kttl sn appetite ier ins Weed cf Oed scat prayer. Abram is s character "wears" well We tee sum oaa sttaatrsa after ssekiag Bat right ehotos. Oh, he was s, Corn Go tier tascie? sr f FUKINA RAIIIT CHOW Hlpo's leroect sciBsvg rabbM feed Tope for rapid erowtk eey eedin?, Try Babbit Chow. am IT mm uIUU HAVE LOT) Ur m as 111 LC0W CHOW C0NCENTRAT sjDWI BMawieg mmwmf Ultat saaker Wa kasta el OW Qhew Co r- -tea el Cow Ciwa' us torn Bhoe teeennaJ hesc at I -. sett-srensts- c. la Bertptura, aad be iasTsisl'fj Bwsa. tea But because Ms heart a1 Oat, he haajg big IffaM fa ehaw"c osay fhassjeh. sad aBgW Baaah slag nave Snstod et wear in Cx. To Many Wooing ho? e get 100 lbs. oj pork with 3'2 bu. oom and only SO lbs e Hog Chow on the Pttxisa Fosdfasgrlo. Ea- - imSI Frthr . . . PURINA HOG CHOW lt.g rTiirii rWtMmfa Lie Ajraltarf Mr 13: Jtwt U ish nephew Oed rewarded Abram by a' ssaew-- l ef His covenant wtlk hem tOea. SUITES Fgrtory ef the hieet spectece- el BED ROOM BBBBBBBBBlBmg weiee. IfAt ft 1UC3CLI 9B&t40 PFfteaBBBBBsnW betla ee the WtACKLSTS t"" '. Laa ;3SSJSSBBSBJ tm eeaae be broke Your radio is more inv today ever before. No to gftiaa out on leapt. Unt news becauae) f trouble ker, lit Shop Located East of The Northsidc Grocery Poet, Texas I, ft BROtHBBf AIMtAHAtH'S MraWT aray eTtMHirta Song over MHtuel. See If yon ana arviwer five and Ite preud et your muateal I. Q. 1. Jflaam what UsvsMase d we get meat t our HWleal trtm? How many w Inge Ims a banjo? ed 0F ef That i fear net ef Loston for July 22 1 WC Heetrtf "wkat's the Ramc liwasep B-- . win ns( ,,,, for the remamdi. mi macninerv. i,(. vauy nave ..... . port at toast iim, ,"' u .'r,n lr - . As Oeneral v, d out some time "J SCHOOL j- M CT4ti Buyers of Cliff AMt BOGS md POULTRY FRYtop njL?cwn -- .'.r; ;IMj 1 nKmhih ii J TMUBSDAY, JULY POST, TEXAS II llWM0O1lfcOwMSn im 18, CL',,el Ordered last lis they axe qu"i' in hrir nro- - f ,"n" I The Army order-th- at all personnel than mx munins -A ran w t npks in- - m itf1' t " (i,r iniii - - The order (Mil . . thnr replacement oy 1U4fl !T"" UlU iunt Mid thai male nuelifted .......ii. v . . ll)"-'- . T" nl.. 111""' anaCMHl mrm k r-nlspMl - nlUini-"- ...1 iinHrr 35. n't im roups Men -t- .w4 hV r. ,... ' l nun. soecnicaiiy tii War department oser so w .- -i ... ..tiiMi ... VI M"v m ,ii Jl mm. PIC. JihH Seele i and I & ini in' i - - - f famllidM fmtfl st. Albsn, 111 ft- t - .'n - ro. i.moners or iooi. Lt. and Mrs. 8heUey Camp returned to Post last Thursday from Paso. Lt Camp who haa ben iKirmm.(i.,n crews oi 40toW M'URht to Houston, aaifed to the Army hospital 1, tne onin pwn- - there for several months was Effective October 1, the use of C given a 30-dtick leave. gasoline coupons will be disconten; tinued, and all supplemental r anjif "rvf" mileage rations thereafter will be Issued in the form of B coupons, Washington officials of the OPA m ealed In news roleaees to news papers Saturday. The change will have no effect or on the mileage granted to anpll canta, but only on the type of coupons received by drivers In food higher or preferred mileage class. Q. Canning of Holders of the C ration coupons now will be warned I) coupons for was discovered in Ainarica? any amount of supplemental mile age granted to the applicant. first It w A. Fiction, It waa announced also that a nationwide survey of C coupon candy done in a Frtnch issuance by local ration boards will start Monday. To determine whether gasoline issuances curphp. rently are exceeding the galton- age allocated by the Petroleum Administration for war to Ute OPA for rationing. As the result of the projected survey reports were circulated that a cut In the value of A coupons may be ordered. An official said that the A coupon value, re-- ) That cently increased to six gallons. would be reduced only aa a last Foorfs resort. (n kiilt-d- Fad J ffh But It's A Known Fact Pure Food Market Always Features Highest Quality At Reasonable Prices! our store you're sure Visit . . warm this waek for the foods you will need to find a nice selection of foods for weather menus. See Us For Your . . . Buy A War Bond Tedayl 1 i Canning Supplies CO) Bring Us Your . . . CRE AM and EGGS "I mwlwunil he iiiiiiminiiiiiiiiii lilUimuiliiLMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii nWJ WhiM.H t and xurvivors insurance provisions of the Social Security Act said Sam Leifostei manager of the Lubbock office of the Social Security Board who visited in Post Monday. Workers in Jobs in hotels, cafes. service stations, or in other com mercial or industrial establish ments, are included by the system. He pointed out, however, that cooks, maids, butters, chauffeurs. and gardeners, who are employed by private families, are not Included under the law. Employment not covered by the old-- a; e and survivors instnan system of the Social Security Act in general consists of farm labor: domestic service, government city and state employment; work for an educational, charitable, or nonprofit organisation; certain types of professional work and services performed for a son, daughter, spouse, or parent. Generally speaking, covered employment ia a job la a factory, shop, mine, mill, store, office, erase, or bank s y "PIHK EYE" feur Bullion MTHuMTIU Tractor Repairs See Us Now About Your TRACTOR NEEDS! COMPANY i . tfBafbaf ewarPew TOT We st boux itedc MAY . - eaMweeves yl Oruinly site Slu k4 m wojl jugx otinmxl plotul enouglt w!t tixuM. Why Yttaai dmWt tU itk hi from Iter .Vtotry Gardatt to e (ba) ii rtees uL. lw . . . aveeerwwv wTSffw , gv ft. BwiA and Ha-a- Mr Bfl BasleTwwSjeTT H -- . WbST T EX AS, wA& eatai IN I ISO M A m m r i 1 .. . mm tkm mon f aw BBKBasatatfsHBnsnw M wowb SBewVeeTew ia At tbt wr. We suecerel v ekdicne & ot am Gompny'$ tqatp ftMtnt, man power snx experiice to beip laKruaxrle !n tk our wBsnfatTaV BsJsJw w a liriakj uSoK cJm gtf f ttwrltocy we im ibbjC k) Be QwJaPwJlPiyt Cosppftgy. Pwt, Waaiaf tfte WAR cawes UrM erS aww ewnrww wwww lOOTMWEITElM PUBLIC SERVICE a - Is - J lWaa iSan fl 1 wsry p awai awieww e fAJBk ask sSlQ-f- j we sjk swjgew ser wwwwpjep . fadBgkaSfaieajse jy ic&rkf to bdp win J""! S. SXVDKR. TJEKAS .M co rttfffHlt i Upr t hf 8TIN80N DRUG CO. aaaaam: rt 1st rrs, '''"'TgeTllff'T "jerSSa ojsf oeeevwy f Pw 4vJ aj, 0tff fnnsirJatal aii 1. wi epsjga $ki9t$& wywweSbSMff Om owJgf 3j s4 Mf abSMwwrfHS wMiewkJ aaSBjsVoji wbS) ewSdl , pf mmij eWeePswS wb bo mttt, asKi tbdy ar being Riot, $ui$lciy J.. a we aiseeeww ft&sl L Swim, (miMaSSjSa 0ft itttl U. S. Servke oor ungtbtaid 9id war prodocdon 1 Ifl MSMrf WM. v swwnTj ssslaV- - .S - r at esaA I W tpuAxttln tftuckest Vlaxxy poawtble, TW wWarfc power dvUi I Tj mm Ml 'Ahbm$k thry m mwjh-th-ty mid taw lw ffimmi It m, ftmt u4H aw . . . Hodges Tractor Amtrkift rmd 'Urt4wMKMeWf Crt- tot Cn ?V whI rfwm $m ft, jtUmw-empfaj- SAY SS -- KM Peed. $9$ wk Mti fWi (rMM Arr4sTeie)d4 U4tMbf44eBMt tnsjdj fMt ajSfeja fir 'S 113 We have plenty of Field Seed. Also a complete line of all kind of Onr entire LEAD TO CANCER EYE U ! -- valoh NEGLECTED h COIXIRR IRUQ QQ K. M. FIELD SEED are 4t4 tads including hospital, in ParUsatf Sevrnty-ft- vt percent are accupJed at ail tlsass. with sleae refreshed fee eafaos-JT rekindles selrits proves appetite. Buyk f tatttsWV novel so wiuwut am Caution, use eafar aa mm If the earth dsi net rotate on its axis the sun wouM rise sad set but during the year. Wl ntti Otfrtmtn A cut of 8 points a pound was ordered in the nKbSn value of butter waa annoUJiasd to become effective last Sunday night The reduction frcen the current 34 red points a pound to IS applies to creamery butter; farm or country butter roensliai the same, It points. This news was welrom-e- d by housewives ft Post, especially since lard is iacrsasingiy hard to find on grocery shelves. en J old-a-ge has wen four furloughs by captur ing five live Japanese in me rnuip-pineand Mew Uumva. . 'Urown Is an Infantryman with the lMad Regiment of the 31nd Division, lie .had never eapturod h live Japanese until he saw a notice on his Company's bulletin board, annenneinc that a furlough would bo given to the Brat man te brinK In an ambulating enemy. Drown enptered one. went te Australia, got married to an Australian girl, honeymooned, then moved ea to Luson with bis divlnlon. Brown spied another bulletin beard with a similar offer. The Senennt get busy stain, captured a Japanese tank nan, and wont oa te Manila with Ms reward a three-dapaaa and a care o( beer. When he rejoined bis outfit, he found the odor kiilt reed. Bo Brown went bunting again, and found a Japanese lieutenant The Texas produced lieu tenant proved a tough customer He wanted te I tit. but Brown turkeys In 144. talked Mat mte Uing down hla hart Karl grenade and eonting along. Again, Brown headed lute Manila with aaethei tbreeday paaa On the fourth try. Brawn Ml lh achpot. He get two live prisoners. Tne with a root Mil tackle Ibe swart he got with i cigarette, when, fee offered the apantse a moke and grabbed hint f guard. lit- - on a paaa, a case ol eer nJ .ff to Manila j.n Brew u s mtb jam 4s ireau aade out - uUsjt. Ms aeat niiu tory. RUTTHR RATIO, COT HI OUT P II, A. Karpe, Mkt. Mgr. Robinson, Gro. Mgr. AULt-K-l-K- softs, asat to oulckty otpol ga assist lood wastes tare a Ms bowel moveaaeat Baue vBsS Bill Stotta, wife and son of Mansfield, La., left Wednesday for their home after spending several daya here with I s 'tther, J. W types of employment are Stotto. tovtred under the TECHNICAL BeSeremnt William Witt, Arkansas, PURE FOOD M. M' af DON BELL, Mutual War CerreepetHient II I. lt m General Review Of ne for ike (Book Social Security Favorite Given For Area War Story ay Fiction? U. S. I r OAS IS8U11 dtsei eat. Instead at mnm't mg nervous blue or ksiiUJamaL take a seek of Pvt. Patrick A. O'Connor. Cleveland. 0., rsceverinjc In HawUr haanltal from wmmmIi auSTerrd la avtlaa wltb It lb seme DivlaieM, says die deep for War Heads became the men over there will need e rfve-itike HcMers who are beme atmeii the beat eare deeiers can by Nip ammanMlen every day. More meney Is needed ior At oMpt support awppltea te mllHera whe wttl be Masting at lapai the and for months. O'Connor will tell yon how tough It Is. Japan. Change In Gasoline Rationing Is Set For October 1st a t' Dean Blatehley. 78. Lehaitan, Ore., dropped fdr behind enemy lines in Europe but an "SB" bewte! him erer. He eame baefc le tell Amarieans everywhere te bay War Bands to rebuild shattered bedlee ot the lads still l(ht-m- s War HHMif da Rreat thlnjcs fer our Athters. They fiiririahed Dili ap paralM far Army MJitar in Italy U aaapert hl Read hhUI Mi aaek was ttrangthaaed. He thews he's pieaaed. Name of the herafc tad was mlsemg fram pkwia. tell Ton in huv all (he pnvslble if only lo re !e rTlral rinmave ttt war. IhrnMth touch day an ... .! traftnic by a Nail ' v . Wat liaUAjt r Ym dent be9 te fret because COMSTIP-o- nwsHen COMFANY m TBABI r sB mBHIaUt JLNw lPwLK I i SOAVMR IL Kf fOgT, T1X AS ATCH NwtimtU Farm Safety Week Calvttry Baptist Church News WHAT MX ABMNCI CWMI FROM WO: Attention is being called to the Farm Safety Week, ..,kk Waa Imi wl from Julv 22 through July 28 With farmer called upon this year to produce more food and feed stuff In con- -: ft, It rnhatj me of a blessing nection with the war effort than pasttod III to have. ths ever before, the problem is of In' paator and my eaegeagflegjad C It creasing Importance. his best. MM MM During last year, 3400 farm U anMWSgMl others to stay people tost their lives and more 10,000.000 In property was ;tv It IktosJared my personal tn- - than - destroyed by fire. Our national It made tome doubt the sincerity ( mv religion. pngress of S. It retarded th te entire enurch life. National 1. ' Extension News Ready for the Japs July 22 - July 28 The County Agricultural ( Uat of the fom- farm economy Is seriously rk-n- 'laega-mou- - sw )tr-vante- d. at-ga- I rigad me want to sea others aatilggggggm. Tjga, . as. me inaaa a stronger OKtiMl V. S Stti'l Cift riolo Mind arc en the "Hill" ggMer strip near San Jaw, Moadren ef r-- 3' tarsntry. You Island. These Nip bastrrs are always ready to back op the War Beads, ea with heaty rHrehasea ef up ear Scatter We warn to take tins means of tee eaa appredaour seeing aw sincere CARD OF THANKS K ek tar the many kind services in evenr way to us In the passing of the? rendered at art always welcome our son and brother. y Bsgatiet Church, . lav. R. C. Brtatow, pastor Avery Moore, St D. Moore Mr. and Mrs. J. Mr. and Mrs. Avery Moore, Jr. Robertson and daugh BRgW, spent the week end in Mr. and Mrs. Thurman Moor Metvin X. Moore with Mr. Robertson. bbb Rationing Of 1942 Cars Is Lifted By i OPA Wednesday fVeasJjMSAArWa Have Us Keep A Close CHECK Qii Your Automobile tyskr tiros, battery, and cooling system should be chocked regularly. f ( fel that you'll profit by taking advantage of this service. hd Kennedy and , i A news release from Washing ton states that all remaining new IMS passenger automobiles around 0.000 will b removed from rattening to clear the way for new modess. The OPA, it was learned, plans to eliminate in a tew day rationing restrictions In effect for these Ray Redman Given Discharge After 33 Months Overseas Ray Redman has been a visitor recently with his uncle and fam ily, Mr. and Mr. Raymond Redman. Ray k the. son of Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Redman of Parana and lived in Pott with hi family sev eral years ago. The young man was discharged in May front get Army Air Corps with a total t 111 points. He is only S3 years eld but had servod SS months in Hie Pacific area. He was a sergeant in the ground crew and had charge of refueling planes. The tour of duty completed by this young Air Force sergeant included service in Australia. New Guinea, and Leyte in the Philippine. He wm awarded the Silver Star and was entitled to wear the Presidential Citation ribbon along iwiUi hie Theatre ribbon I . 1 I M tit f.ssrp. eanr ALEX WEBB AT SHEPrARD FIELD ELIGIBLE u Hi FOR NEW TIRES? ur th mm Connell Chevrolet Co. Annual Uveateek Feodlng Shnrt Ceure: The Fifth Annual Livestock Feeding Short Court given by the Department of Animal Husbandry of Texas Technological college begins at 8:90 a. m. July S3, and ends at 12:00 noon July 20. This short course offers a wonderful onnortunlly to livestock feeders to obtain practical Information on livestock production ami feeding, as most all men on the program are livestock feeders and producers. The only charge for attending Is the personal expense such as lodaing and meals. Lodging and meats can be had in one of the-- J college dormitories for 2.50 per day. The County Agricultural Agent plant to attend Monday. and Titearliv. ad WeHneartav would be glad to take four men .fj. A 4 COOKING IS AN ART IN OUR CAFE each day. Included on the program are livestock authorities. well-kno- cars since early in the war. Fall Gardens: Similar restrictions are now being drawn up. however, for new lt Us right now tune to be put models manufacturers are Just beting Into practice any plans you ginning to produce. Rationing of have In mind fcr the production of these is expected to last from the fall garden. It I time to plant time they first appear on the beans, pea, cucumbers, squashes, market probably late this summer col lards, and many other varieties until at least early in 1910. for a fnlt supply of fresh vegeDUtrtet OPA Office Announced table. For some varieties It Is still tee. easby bir planting, hut not Release On Wednesday tx early for seed bed preparation. New 1941 automobiles were reTt ta ft Wo time to be making plant Wednesday leased from rationing for a winter frame garden. and rationing controls went into For summer gardens now in Alex Webb, son of Mr. effect on all new cars produced en production watch for Insect Infeswas trans Webb, or after July 1. the OPA district and Mrs. Jake llco. ferred week before lest to Shan- - tations, especially for plant otflce was notified. bugs. It No certificates will be issued for! pard Field at WIchtte Falls. Tex- - blister, squash and stink newly - produced automobiles, as. from the Air Base at Let any control of the above Insects U to be effective It must be put however, until output is sufficient Vegas, Nevada. to permit a quota to be establish Mr. and Mr. Jake Webb and into use early In the Infestation wife on oeriod at a heavy infestation of ed for each OPA district. The pro Sonny met Alex an1 insects are very diffi cedure for handling applications Saturday. July 7, at soon as he the adult and issuing rationing certificates was released cn a peas and they cult to bring under control. All of through district offices will re all went out to the ranch home the above insects are classified at el cars of Mrs. Jske Webb's mother for sucking Insects and any control main the same for mutt be by a contact poison, some as previously in effect for 1M2 a wonderful week-en- d visit. automobiles. Alex volunteered for service of which are as follows: 75 per cent rotonone dust, and from Garza county four and a half Oeri4fteaiK Tw He VM sulphate. The rotenooe nicotine ago years of and for lour Outstanding certificates for purhad been station sd at Las dust Is prepared by using 1 lb. of chase of 1IHS automobiles became rears Vegas in the base Operations of- S per cent derris root powder and void Wednesday. pouiMs or commercui tew, or fice. the time of Hit transfer. The eligibility requirements tor Alex At other inert volcanic ash. If a ranking was officer second obtaining a new --model automobile seventy-fiv- e employed rotenrn spray is desired It may souUert of previoussame as those will be the be prepared by putting 2 tablely applying to ItHl models. These in the office. spoons of 5 per cent derris powder equipped new hi Sheppard Field recrements I unit eligibility to per gallon of Wet the der eight ckaases of appheanta, such at for the cere and inoinlenanna of ris powder In water. very small Mian a re Webb 50.000 soldiers and Mrs. police, firemen, public health of Falls Is tlty of water then add the remain and public ported that Wichita ficers, physlnlasis, mating panels, It ing water for the spray. To make with Towied health the nicotine sulphate spray, nee one of Texas' busiest ettles. iiI according to dl Lt BHMaes Baek In SUtea Friend of Merlon Morgan will reetlons on the package. R. K. McCoy and Wllma R Mrs. Derwood Btllsnge went to be pleas sd to know that he It In Xeeney El Paso Wedneestay te meet her the states for a 0t day leave. Mer husband on his return from Euro- lon, nephew of Mrs. Tern Morgan, T. M. Newbury of Orandbury formerly lived In Poet ITe Is the pean service. They will return to Poet as anon son of Bob Morgan now ef Anton and hit granddaughter. Mist Ella as Lt. Billings reeefves hit orders. He spent 20 days in lie Spring. White ef Levelland, visited In the Cheryl Anne awaits her daddy's Arkansas recently. This ferasei home ef hit brother. W. H. New Post soldier Is a veteran ef many bury, end wife, Tuesday of thitl return here with hei months overseas duty. enta. Mr and Mrs. B. L When guests call by to see you these hot days always bring them here to dine. They will love it, and you will enjoy their visit more. b hitie s , B. L. gt. We do this or.you with pleasure and .,.", ly she attendee! tt. t,n 7 Rodeo each v,.lr " Angeles. Miss Km,,,. " dauanter of Mr .. Ajaats eries for farmers and ranchmen who want them. The applications must be sent In before August 1, if the fish are to be delivered this fn The following Information is necessary in order to nuke the application: Pond owner's mime; is pond to be fertilized; species of fish desired. The species most commonly for Texas are Bream (Bluegill and red eared), Black Bass, Grapple and Catfish. A combination of the ibove species is usually recom- mended. More pounds oi run meat can be grown in an acre than can be produced of any other kinds of meat on an acie or land enjoining the oond. Three hundred to five hundred pounds of fish have been produced per acre of water annually in well managed ponds. affect- by these thousands of accl- spiritual lite ed It deaths. tht tMnptations through iris Serious, too, Is the toll of manpower taken each rear by the also weakened ttte bv million and ahalf farm people at my church who are victims of accidental mglany AT seiarwuoiy in .nlMJclaAS , aft PfaUWNCI jured that tney never again win be able to do useful work, hut t. H made others resiHHrt ray re- - even if they are disabled only iuht have (or several days, they cui hae .m H4en more than they ll 1 lass not been there immense effect on the tarmU s t. It atrengenthed the who) annual income. otnsreh' program. Most farm accidents can Iw una" every farm family It I received a bleMng 1 could Should help In the observation of lam gotten no othermyway. patter etaf this special week by a personal 4v It encouraged let gsahl deliver a much better check-u- p around the place to eliminate fire and accident hatards f. It encouraged others to Farmer are urged to Join with fie fcouee of God the rest of the nation in this spin tun lifts for H gin Haaard Hunt" temptations that art tta WW fcghod my Billv office Is ready to make applications for fish from Federal Hatch- f KM Mia the summer m ( Buy a War Bond Today1 Fton Per Farm Fenda: ! 04 Wlth Mia Mary eUmmt, who hag been employed at the Lubbook National bank for the past two years, left Wednesday morning to vacation in New Mexico, after having spent a few days visiting her aunt, Miss Kate Lowrle. (Whitie) GRAHAM new-mod- GOLF SERVICE STATION F. C. MeAnally -- "Black-Leaf-t- tim I I I TO . w Taste Tomptiiig BE SWEET AND COOL IN Suit; eUmmd Jt pre gr Mf Jm-- j -pilUIHIJa pffeHftf k afj!tfl( letter pfcffce, It eg art Wetted by BAKERY ftott ef medffit Mfe eeeipj m' pareprlate tye ( ffc profer tilisrisH ef Rao HP tetfer prtetme k etaAlaihew ef a mK fseien reteMgf kt g tMUaf dkM hW ttyereMe keermtewt iy al wke red wffli Hi ineet. new sad t-a-iei FRESHLY CLEANED CLOTHES SPECIAL PR f CBS... Dreee, efostnsd ft premed lETEljfliNTIal Oil VIS ll CWh and Carry TREATS Frmh Daily At Your Grocer Hundley's CleaiierB mMmmfAuid "Where Cleaning It An Art" IWaaKSBBSSSSBBl aanB&aaeaeafa.vaaafaBaflas MwttH lHrtg VfV4 WavvTrrWf Mtrt$t4al flrvHf flrVepmH jar UWk prlaHHf k ew teeeUMy. Or... arker s Hat Blocking A Specialty gWy ellJ Brmd" L ' . pl'rC 1 THE ""TfiTyu who hM spent W.f vcar with her daughter, wwk tirrn un inn m ' 1 tnt . . "'. .tonded visit.. " H I Mrs Dette Justice left Tuesday tor II Paae where she will vWt wiui ner eon. i nt rww t,wi.. .usiic ana jan for several OtlFATCH POST, TKXAB 4H Cooks To Use Home Grown Foods days. To Limit BEAT YOUR CAKE AND EAT IT Laglona In Meals girl cooks throughout the nation will have the 1W obhacUva of making the greatest possible uh of foods In preparing and aervlng wholesome, balanced meala to their families. Thla ia rerlectad in the enroll, men! of roundly lTfl.OOfl club members in the current Serve! rood Preparation Activity. In which they may also acquire knowledge of nutritional needs of of 4-- ed H jrioua asje groups, as wall aa in "'at aalaatton of nurcheaad fxda through a study of casta md rationing. Outstanding racords of achieve' mont in this activity are raward cd with silver medals to oounty wiiinera, an trip to the 24 th National H Club Congrasa in uncago next Decembar to each state's champion, and a $300 col- log scholarship to the highest rating participant from each of the four extension sections, and two at large. Seme idea of the participants' ichlevement may be gained from 4-- Inr n,M"1' delirious ohoeo-'- . ndinr to this wonder- il.newfb '":' way method. You will NDulM 'hat will surprise you though you are one oi me cooks ana eani ..ii. rn. K.jiget Hi Inaredlenta you it to bake a good cake. method has been thor- ITM n j,l,iy t, str.J in leading roou ia&oby arientiais anu some tvJ then proven In the iiomist Itrtftu of thousands oi noma reuithoiit Hi" country, toh can minutes) niy an l iuickly (4 together Into a thu i.ik th thin batter, pop It Into the rvl bn out of the kitchen be- i jou hue time to get warm. ffflurif. you will need the high- Improved, vegetable rnlng (llkn Crieeo) so that you lira a fake taai mm a noser, texture ami one ir. t ilto k"P longer (If there Is thu ..v . n , t. i llrJ. I tnlrr :ur lrt') )ur Ised the that during the war Try the following New Method yearsestimata of 1943-4- 5 the cooks cake recipe for this driertable prepared 40 million family meals. chocolate cake In your own home n addition to Innumerable special today (or your own family. dishes and school lunches. The activity Is being conduct CHOCOLATE CAKE ed ft the 11th consecutive year RoJhi In ttse Hup), in. teytrni w ai tmp by the Sxtenaion Service and the Wey Mn (I in. It State Agricultural Collage and r. tmprahirt. USDA cooperating. County exten Hairing TWw: win., skin agents will furnish full tie- mini! efcti)M tails. Measure late mixta feewl 1V4 wa aake tUmr 4-- - H il' itt bafwa MMMNiriaa Mil 2 wftMrte maltwl bfttar eSorolaU U cup mttk Milr vigorously Wy mm4 or with mliar ( nwlhmi wi ml) I mlnut. Now atlr In all by ItealO : taaapoon Uakimc powir Atld: M wa milk . (y. (imlaataav mks teaaposn vanilla Mend by hand tw In mUer (mwtiem will uptui) for I mfcwtyaa. ftm bo smooth and. tWn. Pur toto wIUi rafeWl wilM X 1 stlr CrbH fTXT) fr$ei? ttwS rettr faveme wJHmIi a4 VUSt ttMBf. wUh Country Needs Still More Fats...And We're the Folks to Save them! Meg. Bonnie Caarity, Society Wedding of Bud Speck, Dallas Girl Of Interest Here The asddaM af Miss Ina Wayne Shepami. dempHsi of Mrs. H. K. ahepard of DOBas, and Mr. Don ald (Bud) qpeaft. an of Mr. and Mrs. Ouy tpeCtt f Carlabad. N. was so4aiwajlBad Saturday, June the reabyta7an M., SOatf oja. 4 Dr. WUMoern g. Dando oftieialad and Mrs. S. B. Morna provided the musical aacttna; ft the organ. Only irruaeaiate maaaoerN of the family attandad. Shasta used for vioa a wadding party. Mr. and Xtt Arthur Thomas of the attendants. Carlsbad war Mrs. Timid is the former Doro thy Lea Speck. Bud twin sister. After the oaasinony, Mr. and Mrs. Ouy Spaflt were hosts for a recaption at tnetr new home at S18 Canal Street. On their return from a tew weeks honeymoon trip the couple will be at home ut the Canal Street addreas. Bud will be em ployed at the American Potash , Mines. The bride ia a graduate of East Texas State Callage at Commerce ami was a leather in the Dallas schools. The groom lived moat of his life in Pest as his father was manager Co. store har for th Bryant-Lin-k for many vaara. After hl awlua tlon from rOsisahools Bud attend-- 1 ed Hardin aVtmona University. Mrs. Wilms Keeney, county He returned to Poat where he Home Demonstration Agent, ac worked for Bryant-Lincompanied by threa Oaraa counAbout five years ago the fam ty woman. Mmes. Jaasia Vows, W ily movad to Carlsbad and Bud C. W. Morris, and Wllburn Wal- - want to Lamasa where he was lace, attended a three-da- y short employed until he entered the course which was held In Lub- Army. Just recently he returned bock Monday through Wednas from 27 months of overseas serday of last weak. vice in Africa and Italy, which The Adequate Rural Home was was terminated at Fgia, Italy. He the theme of the course and sub now is honorably discharged. J cU taught were Your Home ot Bud was in the Quartermaster Today, Landscaping the Rural Corps of the, Uth Air Force. Mth Home, Handicrafts, Food for Bombardment Group. 34ftth Health, and Clothing the Family His division record shows Sod. nine The ladles attending were quite battle stars and two Presidential agreed that the entire oourae was Citation. wonderful and that thy received Bud has many friends here wiio many neipiui laeas wnicn mey in wish much happiness for hhn and turn can pass on to their sister his bride. club women In the county. The inspection tours of the dlf REMOVING FRUIT STAINS i for ant working departments ot removing fruit for Directions buildTech, such as Press Texas ing, Library, Museum, Home stains, as givn in a laundering Management, Home Wood Work booklet itwHMd by Westlnghouse ing Shop, Agriculture building, Home Economics Institute, are building broken down, fabric by fabric, as and Home Economic proved to be most Interesting and follows: For wool, silk and rayon Fill Informative. add Two hundred women registered bowl with steaming hot water; spread ammonia: of drops a few repreaantad for this meeting and twenty counties in this area. The stained portion of fabric over general chairmen ware Kate Adala bowl; apply hydrogen peroxide inter-val- a Hill, district agent of Bxtonakm from a medicine Iroppsr at (Teat ntsttUtea. five of about Servica and Margaret W. Weeks, for Dean of Home Bconcmica Divis- an unexposed part of fabric course). first, of fastness color taught aa ware ion at Tech. Class Pour For cotton and Mai en by jwufasaoii of various sciancaa at Texas Tech and Texas A tc M boiling water from a height through stein: dont use soap. It Collage. stain is old, tirat rub well with Don and Janet Cox of Lubbock glycerine, then use betting water are spending the week with their aa above. All a tains, Ngardless of grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. cause, should be treated before laundering. Cox. Local Women Attend Short Course Held In Lubbock July 9-10- -11 k. -- ad KMuIet. ut KEEP YODR OLD CAR FIT mydn Reconversion is aiow BmsM . . maUdalg for now cart ara still scores . . Mad the first mm? wilt bo rtttotttd to Mgmtlal itsors. So, don't touat yoox how cpr for Mostka, ovon on totting; aMuuiUme. ctet lot or mors, to com. Awi. J n country Jhdc ter job avan. aeapla leava baan dnins of savin lata tna tka dty fottaa. w nsaatt 'onmurr that, baajMsa of the meat atttutfe w "m better paritiajt t aava. That's why we OMtt aord to mka tiaa to let't Mv not aaOv the bier aanaaaaaa Amaa Mac raeetinf, but nk mast ttrlrowlim, niaU arapi j tcraptnci. Mak tham down once a weak and add quKi fat to the anhwaje ena. tkim otn ajhd r Scrape ovary pan. Every drop ia toeportiattt. When VBur t u. l. a.M m (watt a.U. hw v aw J mml wi !i wd iet a red pointa nnd up m Ai he aaah iVT"-1hai nay alnWaaty, OjaM yaay Qnpnty . m lubNswIloo, vour old wr ladjuslmont, tuno-u-p usl hatoeieott will bo If K Is to Inst out the roasaindor of "tho dttftJee." go to pafoos. mii Ir l . . EXPERT CAJt CONSERVATION Sot Of Connell Chevrolet Co, fciaaaaailat jaaliaaaW aaaaanm J 104. Tesoo With present sugar shortages, canning without sugar will help homemakers to conserve the large surpluses of p oath at this summer, it wilt alio add many jars of fruit to the pantry shelves and to next winter's menus. The following methods have been tried and tested by the experimental kitchen at the Texas Beth Ellen, daughter of tfr. fgftl Mrs. Keith Kemp, waa two yeape old Saturday, July 14. MoT JaWoV er entertained for ear wags party irons tut f:M noon. - well-fill- ed er, similar picnk again next year. Former Post folks who attended were: Mr. and Mrs. Jess Cearley and Heeta Sue; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Spain; Mr. and Mm. J. B. Sud- bury, Kenneth, Jobny and Marilyn; Mr. and Mrs. Arch Turner, Mary Flo and La Nora; Mr. and Mrs. Tom Benton and Billy; Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Glass and little son; Mrs. Kate Davis and Vera Nell; Lois Nance; Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Henderson, Frances and Joe; Price Manly; Mrs. Mahota Allen; Mr. and Mrs. Katell llendrlx and baby daughter; Mr. and Mrs. Carl Cedarholm and son. Sterling; Mr. and Mrs. Carter Thompson and Adele; Charlie Quail; Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Dal by; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Evans and children; Mr. and Mrs. Orris Huff, Billy and Joy; Mr. and Mrs. Charles O. Reed and son: Mrs. Minnie M. Biawjip; Mrs. Dora Davis Redman; Croldsmith Davis; Mrs. John Draper and grandson; Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Moslcy, Arthur and Charlie; Mr. and Mrs. Weidon Voas and children; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Holland and Gwendolyn; Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Brant and Family: Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wolf; Mrs. Boots Waln- scott; and Mrs. Atha Ezell. Surprise Party On Birthday Honors Mrs. Terry July 12 On . To can without sugar, use boiling water or strained fruit juice made from the softer peaches. Wash, peat and remove seed from firm peaches. Complete the canning operation by packing the raw sash, into a clean jar of can. Bring fruit juice or water to a boil and pour over the packed fruit. Leave inch headapai-e- . Steam before sealing: pints, 10 minutes; quarts IS minutes; half gallons, 80 minutes. Press down, and refill if necessary. Wipe off rim of jar and seal according to type of container being used. Process in s water bath after water starts boiling: pints and quarts, is minutes; half gallons, 38 minutes Another method to can without sugar Is to drop the firm fruit into the fruit juice. Bring to a boll. Pack into bailing hot dean jars. Leave met, handsaw according to type of container used. Freeeas In a boiling water bath, IS minutes for phHa and quarto, and 3S minutes tor half! 1- aha w4r-siandl- ng eenvereatieaT Alger ita Hotel Peet, Texas i FRIDAY. JULY 37TK from 11 a. m. te 4 p, m, he' will ptadly make an aias. gram of your hearing. In Sii minutes you can see how aepa&i' of your bearing has stapes! and whether or not you need a hearing aid. There is no obligation. It's free, i in 1 t E. W. CARR Certified gonwiene ConsaMsat i I BSSSb 1 I 1 Bv. a I Oy Meet In Home Of Mrs. Smith PVtday '3 II, I. . dBsBT, Mrs. II. G. Smith was hostess to the Priscilla sewing club last Friday afternoon at her home. Because of varied duties of the members, attendance was small. Some members had house guest, others were away from home, while others were canning peaches. After a time of sewing and visiting the harts served a most refreshing ginger punch with open wafer sandwiches and cookies to Mmes. Collier, Hibbs. Hundley. Barrow, Ben William and Ceartey. ice-b- rassBssBB CnH a BsBsa BBSSSsV&riBSBSFtekh-BSBaaAsT aSjpi t OaSSBSBSSBBnk. ZBvJBjjiajBw sssassW. tSBOsBv ox JARS, CAPS, TJt rfjr 1 AMl sVaaV sBsO ftsMteJ )4e Safc44 aS) svelte yoSssf1 arwwTWWtl lwOagW T) (sM ltsg)d) CaWBaVH Samel RUBBERS MaOWej0jBpMtS) 401 too y)JaT BBSSjs' SOks) aave)faSS) w4B4)Jef gpa tevase 'and nerved delicious reOeahweiiia of homemade ice cream and cake to Maaes. the following members: Boone Evans. Noah Stone. V. J. CnpbU. T. R. Oreenfiotd, Carln, Clark. I. A. Smith. R. P. Totnlte-aoE. J. Robinson. Boots Pteree, M. J. Maluuf. Watch, To! Thcenaa, Suite, J. R. Durrett. Terry, and R. E. Cox. 0r Latos It Chuj?dlil sPaf Par the mar the "Baoarhavan " praaontsd the Dispatch office with a beautiful bouquet of Qledtou Tuesday morning . The tovety blooms are a delicate pink and the spires bait eight to ten blooms each. colors were exhibited ia the quet he presented the firm week. He grows many varieties of these tovety flowers each a your t A fg odd we oas ear WoSka. JgtfttislaB! eTAssaW We are hearing ohs' and 'aha saBBBBS the dahlias that the Scotch- - haa growing la this genial, good with hie of the beautiful homes, church as firms during the j ? ,a, JaOy.13 gWMMMay. 1 1 -4 a F. C. De yeu have treuWe available, the general wartime rule ia to add one cup of sugar to two quarts of fruit. One cup of sugar syrup usually covers one quart of fruit when It ia wett packed. A thin syrup, one cup su gar to utree cups juice or water, ta also deatrable from a mttritian atandpolnt. Corn syrup or corn sugar may he substituted for part or ail of the sugar. One cup sugar and two cups corn syrup to I cups water makes a desirable syrup. If corn syrun is to leotece all at th su gar, use to 3- cup syrup and one cup water. Honey may be substituted for a small part of the sugar, but it affects the flavor of the fruit more than corn smio. It is good with canned figs and with fruit pickles. Never use saccharin to canning, as H becomes bitter when heated. sembled guests. Several games of 43 were enjoyed with Mrs. Haws winning Visitors ot Mr. and Mrs. H. M high score. A contest of Mixed-U- p Snowden recently were Li. and Mottos waa solved. Mrs. James Snowden of Lincoln. The beautifully decorated birth- Neb. and U. H. SnowOen of day cake waa served with the Scoring, Fla. The Snowdons then cream to the honoree and her hus- visited in Ltfaboek wrth their band, Messrs. and Mmes. A. B. daughter. Mrs. C. L. Howard, beHaws. A. A. Suite. Ted Hibfaa, F. fore she was transferred to DenC McAnally and Mrs. Leila ver where she is to be connected with the OPA. Mr, ft' HARD of HEARING gallons. If a small amount of sugar is 1- -3 e Priscilla Members Miss Prances Terry and Mm. Ahlene Blvens were hostesses last Thursday night honoring their mother, Mrs. C. W. Terry, en her birthday. That afternoon after all plana had been made for the party Mrs. Terry decided to have guests in that evaning and all unknowingly made the ice eream for her own party. Coming home after a short ride with Mr. and Mrs. Suits, Mrs. Terry rushed in the house thinking her grandson had been hurt, only to be greeted by cries of "Happy Birthday" from the as- NKKDI.KCLUH The little guests enjoy a play period and then Bet opened her presents. age brought forth an exerted from the little honor gueai. $tt make her happiness Beth received her first real eyed doll, a gift from her She carried It the rest of aha ing and alept with it that The birthday cake waa an aaod cake topfBgf OR icing and had two pink It. Beth received a great deal of help in blowing out the candles, Punch was served wish also cukr to the honoree and hot er, Johnny, Darlono and Carpenter, Sherry CuoM Davies, Linda Caret Judy Altaian, Joy Davies, Joe ' Bouchter, Ricky Clary, Minor and John Allan Ceariey. tal -3 Birthday July 14 i 1- -3 Thank, laotahaaaad TILL NEW CARS ARE HERE U. 1 -- Beth Ellen Kemp Is Honored With PartF A at M College Former Post and Oarga oue ty folks who are living In the Amarillo area mot recently for a pic. nic lit the KUwood Park of that city, according to Information sent the Dispatch by Mrs. Jack Spain, the focjgtfr Obja nasi tel. Everyone who attended took a basket of picnic food and really-- enjoyed the We aU had happy thoughts when old times wore mentioned down Post way," Mrs. li After ear visiting was enjoyed, the aivMlan pcodaactton ur donMHk aufitiUaa f fats and oAs wW b NPfoimaUly n and nnalf bttliem pauncU laaa year. Yat theraaanda of ts3na af fntai am needed to Kalp make eaiantiaW for tn bwtl- nd home-fron- Amarillo Enjoy Picnic Recently The Moesfte NOT YET- - - NOT SOON!- - bt 1S7J Former Postites In Wlfh NttW CARS? tbc war tlttM papar wiH m grava shortage that haa a IIm and palms ware Spain said. ona and to pro- When it was time for the group gelckground for the to disband it waa voted la hold a aTSPgTMTl th food news IN betwwm ys. eareAd raadars T Um "wdt about a aacioua natioaal bearing am mHifeary KaMlOr, H home-produc- ,y t ma on l run by disk- Society - Glubb Peache May Be Canned Wlthaut Using Sugar j very flowers are In Thanks. yaBCsrasai ia mmJTmn7jM AB Vagi awasJg. eB yOasT sosv Sags wMh g SMattCi . Panama Hat W.4 i X J i tki foot dispatch Texms Exceed All Jitnmie Sainton, J. M. fwanc 4. K. Schornick and Vida Brant of Lubbock pent Sunday Jtsraoon visiting Pot friends. l, IMS THUBSDAY. JULY POST, TEXAS Disabled Veteran Drives 7th Bemd Quotas Texan have exceeded all quo-t- a in the Sevenlh Wni Iamti and Mt. and Mr. Jkv Webb pent nattered all previous bund buyfew day in Wichita Pall reran Uy visiting their son, Alex ing record. Nathan Adum. chair(i nance man of the xtatp v..u tad wilt. ll week bond alas totaled $170,329.96? 50, oi 101.0 par cent of the $198,000,000 committee, announced Final official figure on Buy A War Bend today! CREAM - N tMhm - H - Mm h. ,yilolmwcIimI wfcli - No - M mifn m oN 114 Ml ' Wm m-- L0QD0JlD6RRy j t STlTBlLIZeR u immm I V mmmtmei er Tom CJates anrt Mr. and Mm daughter, Ann, of Lubbock, cpent the weak end in Pout with Mr and Mr. Bob Warren Mm. Gates i feeling much bettor. She ha recently been in the Plains hospital and recutwtitltd at the home twe weekal I of haaeparents he is before returning teat week to her Inline in l.uhbork I J m r Lt Kdwln V. Rawley, Army Air Corn, taking delivery of a 94t ChevroM with driving aid that were deviaed by Chevrolet ensineer to CO effort conducted tmdar the auarnce of tw with an ndufry-w-J V Amumimmi. iMinmi Lieutenant Kawter. wito laat boi ' tovWtaB a bomUr oraatt, bought the car a hia own account and h L.aiann Dirtaton, Air Force beapitak, under the auapice of the Haass Army Air Force. Other driving aida have been rtsvisapnl for aaairtance to veteran who have loat one or born lea, and Um Aaaerlcan A conation of Motor Vehicle AdwhaWtratora. which ia reaponaibte fcr hoahit dnvrr bcamet, la aM the ileyelopmcnu. m tiridac an active and cooperative inter quipped wt Years ago deserters from the army were branded with the letter "D" in Irremovable Ink or Mrs. Fley iflng. Correspondent gtmpowder two Inches below the The Chwrek of Chrut meeting is left armpit. being well attended with Rev. Dial dorng the preaching. Following the dose of this meet ing the MetttaeUtt revival begins on July BSHt saw will close August 5th with Hew. Marvin McBayer of Earn doing tfee preaching. Every body is mvtted to attend Southland News 1620 Broadway - Lubbock - Phone 7155 Tit RIGUTTJaW Can Alumys Be Found At BMeHtajpL On August Kfa the Baptist re vival begins wtth Rev. Caufman doing the preaching Everybody is invited to come out to all three meetings. The Baptist people have bought some new curtains for their church and plan to meet next week to wax td oil the floors and put the curtains up. Those vtstttttf Rev. and Mrs. E. C. Arrnatrotw Sunday were their son. Vernon, sad family of Lubbock, and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Pott of Wilaon and M. and Mrs. Tanner in' tHe'ltttttiftMH: ' Mr. and Mrs. Was Dommoo and on, Lewis, and Lewis' infant son accompanied the Wilbur Donohoo family back to llMtlng. Neb.. where the Wrs Dawoooo will spend aeveral waas visiting. Lewis plans to go M work there and his wife and children will join him later. Rodrtck Duff of Ota Coast Guard and stationed in Mary land, is home for a few days with his ... Mason And Company yjjjl studio, coucn suites ,,.. - lisEaW2S Yon must see t&ese to- understand -- .u.. i t?i eviiaiw ...i... veviuc roavuj ia. rmui iza arc - V-t- . I mm I durable and decorative. K UNPAINTEU parents the sWaWaWC 9b!b99bbbHbB 'AlfawWJ he had PLATFORM ROCKERS CHAIRS aL 4a aWJmfce Hsf vMMM taTKl VWwi NTAafaaMslal eft a Thin tv dutir yiraat -- mi" to ramfwri m Uir iff tmM. . VMWVmtitto wttl WASTE BASKETS faaaN4MB with wj cwverav MMkk Mirror Picture BaUwmt , w 1 1 vmpt tixntjkans$ Piece Modern 3 )ut jassWWi"iH IP agK -- Ta&JaBla that discriminating homamak-er- g ContTastfng yeneers have been beautifully "worked", and each piece shows Hs fine see. qtwtlHy. Ham Many 9ult70 rrt eet Bedf ITAioA Ckt! MUOH& GoHfiaLif, M , " Ford said that the equipment may be Hiatal! ill m any Ford ear, D0NT FLUSH KIDNjJ Including MOfrurya and Uncotna, In new or prewar model, adding 1 that variations have been develop- enminauen aas ('IT :(ik Th ed to compensate for every known mai pn. at the bmiv combination of amputations. caase ia eliminated. ti efllUDHe emnhasiaad that the mmIm . . ment will not Interfere with nor hrlnn Wl you eomfnrt,.. . . K0l mal operation of the car. at year t,l , druggy, JM Jesse James' wife was his first cousin, Zefelda Mimms. eSSL R. H. COLLIER A- - I)rG(0 Special 1 50c Includes: Meat, Vegetables, D assert and Drink 7te American QaJ Wilt Scarborough Cream Separators landed tat Sturdy - Close Skimming EASY TO CLEAN the states SKIMS CLEAN... Light or Heavy Cream! CREAM! .. . S c fl ft A Profitable Farm InvMitmdnL Jimt received a shipment of thee Separators . ..( &l furnish you one either Motor Driven or Hand Driven. The motor i fully enclosed and is buM the right size and rune the proper speed to pull the maajdm. Weefe prepared to give . . , EASY TERMS aSwa v. i Makes ... DAIRY SPREAD OR PLASTIQ Tom Kaysinasr of St the week and haee wsaa ha Mtlle rtaiaghtar. Cwlya Sue, and tae MaaMa fMaW Lena Mae tigwlwr )gct for AjMrnta ia vndt the Ovie tasBMansy otttC lJwassall t9 flO Sana to vtstt ratatrvas be- Ben Barker, , . , EASY TO TURN! the latter part of har vacation wtth her parents, gat O. X. tsnail- before retoraaiag to Come In And Let Us Figure With You. Sc. is hoase tar a few nays aster waking a sea voyage in the Fwnfls. Mrs. Helen Angst and baby arrived st the tuna of har parent aaw aigtit 4l MoCormick-Deerin- g by plane from Germany and would be home in about a week. Henry Martin is real sick. His ana, Mvrt, has arrived to be with his father and psaaa to take him back with him as coon aa he ia able to make the trip. Mrs. H. D H Blge.ii and sister spent Tueadav ivsnaag with Mrs. Everett Samples. The people of the Lutheran church had a picnic at the Mao- kanne park in Usabock Friday night despite the rahv Their spon sors were Mr. and Mis. A. Krauae and Rev. and Mas. B. Harbor. Those visiting. flat O. W. Ba- stnger Sunday war Mr. and Mrs. O. E Boyd and faanily of Ball and Mr. as Ms. Ban El-- us Arvttte the I J Duff. aVlsWataf We v car. Ar-vl- lle to Mr. and Mrs. L. B. MaOua sal the birth of a daughter bom Taawsday at Mercy hospital la attaton. Dorothy Sue tsaaljwnsil spent This is the kind of furniture i tauoned and to be at the launching or a snip. He is to be com missioned on the ITth. Marvin TrueJoek and daughter, O lends and relatives from Post have gone fishing. Eva Fay True lock spent the week end here with her pa renia. Mrs. John Leake is in the hospital at Lubbock and Mrs. Ferguson has charge of the Leake Drug store until Mrs. Leake ia able to return to work. Mlas Brunson and her girl friend of Lubbock visited her parents, the G. A. Brunsons, Thursday. Several friends played Walter Voigt a visit Sunday night as it was his birthday. CoaratulaUett Bedroom Ml Hanry Ford, Detroit, July It Co., Motor Ford president of the mi Miinryn St, iu ,, had announced today that his is In fat vlaitin . free of c mpany will provide equipdriving apecial auto charge ment to veteran who have lost Blondln N,, arms or leg in the war and who on a tight irossed rope .n my," prewar Ford new of have either for Jhe first tKic in Texas this year. II and child rwa. HbbW4Ib1bIIKJbI mn. Bin wtwui Ban of TalMha we,,' and Mrs. Wllr Rcii, "'" J friend here last Wei Seeding by atrp!.jte, a new metlHxl of rice planting, was used Pfc. Lcroy Voigt write his folk he Is now working two hours each day making casts at the hos pital where he ia patient Paul Edwin Wintarrowd is home from Germany on a furlough. Cpl. Henry M. (Babe) King called his parents about fJO a. m. Monday from Maine saying 'W!sBfcBw CHESTS OCCASIONAL I An announcement of interest to servicemen's wives was made this week by the State Department of Health it state that a service-man- 's wife may apply for maternity cars and care (or her baby, uaMOIIiity under the emergency and infant care prograim, geen after her husband hat bean Mon. orably discharged, promoted or demoted, provided she was during the period when he waa la one of the four lowest pay grades of the services or waa serving as an aviation radet. On the am basis, she may apply If the husband and father Is a prisoner of war, missing in action, or dead. This clarification as to who Is entitled to care under the Government's emergency maternity and infant an re program was made by Dr. Geo. W. Cox. State Health Officer. The State Department of Health administers the program in Texas. Heretofore the application for care had to be made while the ser-- v iceman waa In one of the eligible grades. Now all that is required to establish eligibility is proof that the wife was pregnant whue he was in one of the eligible grades. The infant in these cases is also eligibile for full care dur-h- is first year of life. Similarly, if the father of an infant whose mother did not receive care under the program was in one of those grades at any time during the infant's first year of life, the Infant's eligibility for care under the program is established. pre-ga- nt said in Dallas Adam - DtlktMt - SmMifc -A All-ov- aav !ai KttlBHKEHSBHBSu. HBHBHnBHinaBBaBB al bond quota amounted to $75.90l.R30. or 178 per cant of the $430,000 000 quota V MAKE At limn K an Ferd To Fit Curs For DimHei Vet New Ruling Set Oit Maternity Care For Service Wive Greenfield Hardware family of anf gaajstay oajat ar Buastan saS Thara Fmm m tar ! rftlf U'" r Co ai. Texes 0 - isW, JULY Pari Bw Is Recent TAKW It. IMS Among recent arrivals at Brook Convalescent hospital. Port Sam Houston, waa Sgt. Wlnl-frL. lUUman, husband of Mra. Oct ram llallmen of Lubbock, ml ton of Mr. ami Mrs. II. D. Halhnan of Rout 1, Post. Set. Halmn entered th Army Feb. 19. IMS and served at communi cations sergeant with Company C, a 13 in Parachute Infantry, 17th AMiocm dlvugM, In the European theatre of openrttone. Ht suffered gnrepnel wound m Ht back and am. at InImm, Belgium, and Mr. and Mrs. W. . ss.. tamMi MamI ww j etesiarwaf -- 'Vint. Ma " Correctly cniiwm Un Horn ana w. u , W91 " railed tumi m l, Wfll. caugn.r w- vnungot (nctomv Wmmn- ifJL H,.l family thM vkdi- last TV bn Big Spring Choven A$ Some terrac ayatan which wara instaUod two yours ago and sovaral systems PMt wort lnatall-- d last wintor had thatr first raat tost daring rsoont rains. J. W. MC)uiit osjjaorii4c in star Vac no CaasacvsUan Qroup, llLApy wRdht ioumn in TV nUwV- - ioy flw,w. iabv op lpvii smo Mvcft waiora hiWiniss on I(8tiJVBpgPKg'Rgt The teeToaai m lag to W. C. Qutoaobwrry ftiiiUB Shrwert, and M. K. ham's farsa which wm formerly owned by Cheater Hunt, took a 4Vfc Inch rain on the ntajht of July tut. All three farm are in Conservation Group gg. Some water ran out the ends of particularly th diversion racM on Mr. Quismbarry's farm, but most of It stayed in the fields. Ml sweet-clov- SNYBMt, TEXAA Insurance Can Be ! MODERNIZED - WINDSTORM HAIL - RIOT - SMOKB FALLING AIRCRAFT VEHICLES ay Make Inquiries At . Post Insurance Agenqj Office In The First National Bank OST PRODUCE LUCK, Manager several davs last wek. Clvde WM recently given a medical discharg from the army. His plans for the future are not definite, he said. SPECIALISTS IN. 1711 A venae Q. VWfi VICTORY Lubbock, Texas WELDING Electric and Acetylene Genuine Ford Parts . . . Have Just Installed '..7, . . . I New Portable Ford Authorized and Recommended 4 . . ' Searving Yon Electric Welder Don't Throw Away Broken Parts Now If They Can Be Repaired Brim? them to ut and WE will make thaun us rood as NEW. )YB DO ALL KINDS OF GBNBRAt, B&PAIRSt Satisfaction Guaranteed- 'I - Hit OUTLAW MOTOR GO. Authodati Fend Smnim B. C. MANIS BlacJumiik Shop. "INSURANCE" for your family's needs . . . U&t foods you put up from your garden are a credit to you. Follow authorative instmctJong sieurately; use best available equipJDtnt, and work efficiently. BIG JOB - - - BVT AN IMPORTANT rS A ONE YOUR SHARE "-D- ?SaOllall Qm O IT.Bl..M.gr The Cemer - - . 1 i . . - Registered Oateaaerlet i . EXPLOSION Appreciate Your Business Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Hodges wore guests of Mr. Hodges' mother for V Up to date Insurance can be extended to cover damage cauaad by . . . V-- HILL I er USE DR. 0. I. Old Fashioned S-S- gt. STARTER MERIT MERIT OPTQUEmiSTU Eyes geieatirieaUy . ws 80-d- wjftiat Hi Your Chicks MERIT FEEDS i; DR. JOHN F. BLUM, 144. ' I n DR. H. G. TOWLK. D. n. Texas wm fltsh m th production of regular wheat flour during nnn MERIT m ofne at mi Spring m seon as spa and persona el ouM b f S X-R- Telenhene - - - Uf Dental Of flee 0Im1 aWicr ed Lee Reed, I Dentist Mi X kjcvbW ( YOUm M. kesH-tutio- Vijiw DR. B. E. Washington Big Spring hM been spprovod by PrMktent Truman m th location of a JM-be- d hospital for West Tkm. The hospital, an a 11 acre site which wm a gWt Iohh th cMy, will cost approximately $M4,-0- eooperator in the Justiceburg Conservation Oreup. reports that the Bermuda grass sod that he put in his river pas Mr. and Mrs. J. A. "Isn Jack-so- n rewmi IVrrin utlvn ture last spring has survived the and son, Wayne and Jamas, spring drought and is now spreadof Carlsbad. Nw Mexico, v 1st tad ing out. He plana to do more sodreal nam wm ISNit rttlaUvas and Klsnds for Lrrv ding wrm this fall or next spring. He 1 JO Mvaral day. NEVER RECEIVED Wc'iv. ;ilo plans to sow some M UM IfTTIOC POtTAL LLC U.ur. Bf. fruit in his pasture. Last year SYSTEM 7t3 BLAMfi ? VOPS ne gathered a few seed from CM. aaaaaaaj 11 plants growing along the highway and scattered them In his pasture. BVRI.YN DO YD tntlTBC OF Few survived the spring drought NEWS OF GRASSLAND BOYS but he plans to try some more RXrBRIENCBS IN ITALY News of two Grassland boys. early next spring. Nixon, Morgan (Button) Jr., and News of Evelyn Bttbb Boyd, daughter of Mrs. J. H. Dabb, will Jasper Nixon was sent to the Jamas Hart VMts Iterei Just be of Interest to her many friends paper by their sister, Ellon Nixon, Returned From 34 Mentha here. Th following dipping wm now of Olendals. Arizona. In BurepMn Theatre "After 11 months in the South taken from the Amarilto Globe Visiting friends In Post last week Pacific, Button was transferred and says: James F. Hurt who arEvelyn Boyd, farmer society back to th tats to go to school wm recently to visit Lubbock rived In attending a Seattle now is hi and Globe-Ne)im editor of the in the home of his parenta, Mr. conschool, which Compos Gyro written Amarillo friends from and Mrs. Frank B. Hurt. The "Somewhere in Italy" that she tinues for tour months. He wm in Hurts are formerly of Post transwm and major battles eight wm the one who wrote captions James hM been overseas S4 for the pictures of Mussolini's ferred back at the staUs from months and hM been attached to death and th Italian surrender to Okinawa. H wag at home on a a May. bomber squadron of the Eighth leave last the Americans. Her letter, dated "Jasper Is Still in the Pacific Air Force in England. He docked May 7, uid she wm gaining much experience In radio photo and and hM been for the past 14 at New York on June 29, arriving management work and while she months." she writes "Therefor on the Queen Elizabeth. Sgt. Hurt liked her work better than any I can't tU much about him other who wears a Presidential citation with Oak Leaf clusters and five she hsd experienced, "I'd like to than that n wm in the battle stars to his ETO ribbon. wUt at been Corragtder, has and be anywhere but here for E of Day. I'd enjoy the reactions of Leyte, Uagafan Gulf, and spent report to Fort Sam Houston on MERIT S, and then to Victorville. any people I can think of more several month around Guadal August Calif., realignment. for era both Button Jasper and canal. titan the Italians." she wrote. GRQW MASH elac are Navy. the in the Beth in sold She the mistress of MussoGarcia Lopex de Cardenas dls lini wm the only Italian woman trtcal division; and both were covered the Grand Canyon of EGG MASH for SepUmhar (ast on home leae allowed a eareer and 'ver career Ariarna in the Autumn of 1649. a very snout whne. Is ended now." Mr. 'and Mrs. Boyd volunteered "We Toxm hat one ranch that is for overiMS service together. He went direstly to England and larger than th entire state of Delaware friends her believe he Is sow stationed in France or England. Both are doing photographic work for the OWI. Mrs. Boyd added she believed he would be transfer--e- d Eyes Taated Frames Repaired to some Balkan state within a DuptlMted Lenses few weeks and that she would continue in her ereaent position GLASSES FITTED iY. L, "until the war with Janon Is over end six months longer." 72. 111 Hospital Site Th Veterans sdaemtstratloit Nta ON Joby Hen. Soma walor ran Mid last week K would be a genojst Mm Mais of Ms tscmsas but eral medieal and surgical of th ndn wm bold on the land. Kon ran down toe old Kartier Bp Mhoa had waahac which ftrt now hUn that the Vetera "B admta- - J. SaUerwhtte have had recent word from their son J. W. who Is now In th Philippines. It had been two months sine they have recetvad my nws from htm. J. W. Informad his par In tha hosent that h had pital and had been suffering from yellow Jaundice. Ht Is now on Lueon. it District New wm returned to th Unltd SUtaa or noeptuuuauon mm treatment April It. ' tZT7rrfrl i"eye trigs, Soil Conservation wl S3 t POST.TaWAi Addbress Overas&s Mail Arrival at Hospital In San Antonio TOB3JBrrBK - 1 On The Square" J t TMt Tree Grow In At Garza Bmmdmy - Monday mA Shoe Stamp 4 To Be Valid Aug, 1 Bse flrrt tr ever to play a Malar rate in a motion picture U tug to have a permurwnt place im me Hollywood sun. is an Ajlanthus Glan- a variety of CMneac sum- tmtMaaaaaaaaaaaaBaaal knesrn aa Tree The new shoe stamp which becomes valid Aug. 1 will be airplane stamp No. 4, in ration book No. 3, the OPA announces. Airplane stamps Nos. 1, 'SSftaTS Tfce w swaan h) the first for sheas ta simms valid No. 1, 1S44, when rat because of limited stocks of -a shoes went off a Hn It .T CLASSinSD RATES Bomb Group, First InserMen. 3e per ward; Among the ISS.000 InaarMens, lc per werd. N men and women of the Eighth Air Ml taken far leas than Mc. sash Is Force congratulated today by Lt. Oen. James H. Doollttle, who as tdvaaee. England. 452nd V-- t two-pair- my personal mm! i I Undefeated Team To Team On Pt Sunday, 2:$0 p. m, Play In case there Is tot-J-ust Jm Jmfmwwouyn. tBmy A War Bond Tadayl nine inning affair. Liberty has the leaenaw, btashnB nine on the Plains, coasting a record of only two games last ia two years. kryone Is invited to come out and give their support to the local boys and watch them rise to glory by rtsleaHHg that fast, speedy, brnejtlag Liberty nine. The same wtn be played on the local ban R. D. Travis, Jr., who has been bore on a furlough, left Wednesday far Nebraska. It D. is expecting overt sa i orders Immediately. fM who recently Moniies Laundry oectosny at the Wast Texas hos- pital in Lubbsck returned to hia job at Maeeu Co. furniture store early baa weak. Joe ferrtsh of Oklahoma City vtsltad hat fatter. J. H. Parrtah, and hat bislhai and slaters the SERVICE VKKXJF rd Mhn Loyce aHi Jwentoe HIU vaaltnd tod? parents, Xr. and Mrs. . C. KOI, the past weak. They art employed in Oklahoma City. Call 94 ... Ma nitty - TTianiaay and son, Moyt, and daughter, Delores Dean, viaited X Cs mother, Mrs. P. A. Kill at Paduoah. Texas, last week. X. IWELTTERY . . . C. Mill Uttla SnicsrNsiy "VdhrWMMjfsjp Bay A War Bond today! Weak ef Jala M96 FRIDAY mm Juty SATl RI 11-1- 1 n FOR SALE Milk Goats. Kids, one Buck, prises from $10.00 to $75.00. Co., 501 Acnaa Seed BrOddway, UmlsLk, Texas. 5tp . four-engi- ne non-flyi- ng specialist. Since August, 142, when com- g houses, 5 lots; one feet With double walls and shectrock kttonanette; another 14x21 foot newly papered; another 4 roam House just started when Completed will be 8 room modern house. AH reasonably priced. J. M, McAnally, North Post. Box 813. 4tp FOR SALS A good farm house, outbuiMtngs and windmill. T. L. JONBS. tf FOR SALE "I or 'GH08T U n bat operations began. Flying Fortresses and Liberators of the Eighth drooped more than 700,000 tons of bombs on enemy targets. Fighter pilots shot down 5,200 MISCELLANEOUS Nasi planes and destroyed 4,250 others on the ground. Bomber WANT TO RBN- T- 4 or 5 room gunners shot 8,000 German inter- house for Post Grade School Princeptors out of the air . cipal. Please notify R. H. Raneon. The Eighth dropped an average To buy lard in large of a ton of bombs every minute of WANTED or small o mounts. See Giles the last 12 months. 21c Airmen of the Eighth were the Boarding House. first Americans to attack Ger- WANTED 1 will keep children many. The early crews flew a handful of unescorted bombers for tftc an hour while parents are against the powerful Luftwaffe, at parties or show. See Mrs. W. F. 2tc and proved the feasibility of an Cam. American idea precision daylight WANTED Wgh school girl bombing over the Botch. wants plaee to work in home, part As the Eighth grew In strength, time for room and board. See Mrs. it was assign sd the task of crush- H. M. Roberta, Rt 8, Grassland. 3p ing the Oorman air force, which had to be done before the Allies REWARD Far ladies' purse left could Invade France. Bombers of to ladies rest room of Thaxton the Eighth smashed Nasi aircraft Service StotfcMt last Saturday. production canters. Its fighters Purse contained driver's license, destroy 1 thousands of enemy gasoline Stamps, check for $10.00 planes in the sir and on the and $8.00 In cash Won't finder please return all except cash? ground. After boating the Lnttwaff e Into Keep It for reward w. O Thev- relative unpotency, the Eighth lk threw its growing weight against WANTED: cheap Oeed car. Ford Germany's rail system and vital or Chevrolet. Any model. Pay (erf Oil Teeajoj' Q9fAvfc&gttg)e; 4( i aWsPC conjunction with the British Roy- cash. Ouy C. nvnlvfaTXJfl , Phone tp al Air Force and the U. S. 15th ,11. Air Force, disonpuitaed all trans- LOST Black Fox male port in Germany, restricted Oor dog in front of theterrier American man military operations m the ab- Cafe Jury 15th. Dog goes by name end on the ground, and paved the i "nags. Has white on belly and way for the inarch of Allied arm- - two white feet Return to Sheriff's aea across Office and receive $18.00 reward, p t SaVaV iuy 'A Wai Bcnd Toda. Mywtary 8 gt'NBAY MONDAY eaBtfAaaBaaataa fNrw gg saws Br Vegetable Juice Oven Baked BEANS 1 ! a ..ne .... ... mam snorunce to a hospital near Hoaiest is mat to atrlptton: "Man teaas. Oed mends A Chock r In Time IAD LOOKING Serlem TreuHeJ abases July THl KsDW that eaaat hi srovsaiaaWs aata repair. urn, me sweeK 2&-- M jsgaagagbf '"'Fwn BBdasaaslaaBVaa. ernsyeawsBjgnb ftgdO ygeB ZJZZ CAN CAUSS NEURITIS PAINS Aasmta Narvawtasts AKaaeHtai Often Prevent I n1 CaaiHaaltan tats at Slaaa f.Uioa Hatr irtiwimMULtl- - -' VITAMINS iii:i;mVfiiam;MiWiTfl 11 ft II I f 1 19j Asparagus Spears 36c Pure Honey 23c 1 POUND 5A11 SPINACH I 13c w4 jjsx HOOKBR'S e ft Apple Sauce 22c Blackberry Preserves 3Dc 12c Shredded Ralston lie breen Beans Tomato Sauce ,TZ 6t s NO. aaPaaEjaAS I CAN 17c ARICO SWBBT NO. 2 CAN MARKET SPECIALS BUTTER 4c CRE AMBRY POUND si I I asW I OR 27 WSrKllRi Beef Roast 28c BEEF LIVER 2?c Wc Have BsgrnTnTasal tm gi I XXL C&todtt gggggggMtV aaaaaaaaaaaf "Ijo -- If the person reading this ad ts the one who stole geraniums planted at Mr Tucker's grave at the cemetery, want to thank them for the one they left out of six planted there. All were pulled up by the roots. You will put one of your lewd ones away there aome-da- y so remember: o unto oth ers as you would have them do unto you." Mrs. JL ft. Tucker ggggggggjggggggg.gggggggg. WIDNKSPAY 'cSJc Vegetable Noodle Soup FRANKS jggggggglgi1 2gj NELSON'S PI.KASR NOTICE 1 July 22.23 " Blixed Vegetables Mr. and Mrs J. R, Beech have returned from a wAeatton in Rui- other Batata in New 1 IS FRIDAY and SATURDAY SPECIALS 12x24 The farmers of the Barman Springs community believe in practicing the good neighbor policy Recently they took their farm oqulpmiiit to the farm of Mrs. Dickson and put all her land up in one day's time. Their good friend an tHHm. Mr. Dickson, was kiUsd by asbtning recently. We think this was a fme neighbor- - Mack Brown 6 1- FOH SALE Y'room "house, bath, W of you Jar the uupuflcient job. and 2 tots, tsuMorth Post See A. T. McCaiaMW Kt 1. Post. Texyou have dene. "Each of you," he continued, as, SVi otttat Northwest on Lub"may be proud of your part ia bock highway. he defeat of Oormany. I am proud FOR SALE sight room modern of you. The world Is proud of home ing fores. Its personnel of 15,000 was the equivalent of 11 m fan try divisions, and It could send 11,000 bombairmen In 1,000 ers and 1,000 fighters over Germany at one time, a combat effort possible only through the support of tens of thousands of mmt SBamaasansWamaaSBtlsBB west Post Sam sfelock west, -2 block norm at Blgh school. Mrs. Jlmmtc Wltttems. tf Oaed Nefcfcber Pafcey Praetfeed By Oana Par mars mm - canstulauons sod JOH SALS Ftm SMJnU pgr home in north- A Strong Liberty, Texas, base-ba- U with four and fraction acres nine will roU into Poet Sun- you." of land. Price: $4,000 00 cash. W. The Eighth Air Force was the T. Oowan, Box day afternoon at 2 p. m. to take el. Longworth, on the Wattle's Cats team in a world's mightiest strategic bomb- Texas. Stp te-co- sequel to "A Tree Grow averyggajBMsmislijasi sab-ee.ae- Day Deelittle samV"! wish to Usm, Ted Donaldson the Ailathu Glandu- in profusion along the board, studio scouts southern California tor six finding a photogen-The- n tree experts aMtlM problem of keeping the alive on a studio aound- b Using arc lights, for lane during the St? the picture which plays at Monday at the Oarsa The lad it cbemicale am the words of one expert. things for trees that for humans." $fM the picture ia completed, K sumed command of the Eighth in ; ISM. was Major Cart 7. or Vest, station adjutaa. Oemorvsjl , former Soil ttaa executive ia Oarsa county s) In the Photo Intelligence Division. Kit wile and baby are making their home in Canyon, it la under. i "A Tree Orowa In aaceaaarUy playi an im egaOssst part in the 10th Century version alone with Doro- sfrOtttre James Dunn, Joan MMaV P 'ST, Tf.XAS It. IMS Former Poet Man, Is PraUed by Doollttle tasJgfi- - valid THURSDAY. JULY MaJ. Carl Bmlnger, Brklyn" and a remain FOeTT DISPATCH tlmly of P18H FRYKRg ami EOT ItAKJUCtl . . WE RB8ERVK THK RIGHT TO UM1T ANY ITEM IN 8T0KE aaaaaaaaaaaaal L M "Is JI II II I Tall I I II 07 ffltsIll BY MAILsMJ 2y'mwawssa