rosse Pointe AI the News of AI the Point.. Every .' { Thul'ld.y'Morning Complete .Netv. Coverage of A.U the Pointe. .'. Vol. 34-No. 33 ews SRO:-'S-S-E-P-O-I-N-T-E,-M-IC-H-I-S-A-N-.T-H-U-RS-D-A-Y-,-A-U-S-U-S-T-16-,-I.-9-73----~-~80-Pp-e:r-~-:I-ft---2-6-P-.-g-es---Tw-o-S-e-ct-io-n-s---=S=-e-c-:tio-n--=O=-n-e- G_P_ ,Woods : I Congressional HEADLINES Summer Figure Skating Program At G.P. Community Rink ReViewed Record Cites Approves .. die WEEK Eigllt Items You'th Bureau By Len Singer Mr. Rivard noted 8. school When the grass turns of this t)'PC is not designed green, flowers bloom and for people who have nev\!r temperatures soar into the skated before, but rather {or 80's and 90's, it's time to people who know how to hang up the ice skates and skate and are interested in pull out the summer sports learning figure skating tech. gear. Rigbt? niques. Not neceuarily. A- number "We tea~h all the basic of skating enthusiasts kept figure skating techniques," the blades sharp during the he said, "but we don't tellch warm weatber and Jttended people how to skate." l! figure skating scbool at "First. students start out the Grosse Poinu: Commu. on the patch, which is a 16nlty Rink. by-42 square of ice. Here Ray Rivard, manager of they practice the basic fig. the rink, said abCiut 2SO stu- ures, then progress to the dents between the ages of dance and the free style. "We obtal'ned most of our seven and 19 took part. In th e . h f M students from the fl'gure ~hoo 1, W h Ie ran rom on. day, June 18, to Friday, skating clubs at local arenas. 3. Since this was the When the program was fir~~year of the program, it thought up back in January, did not gain immediate we promoted it through the recognition. local clubs." Teach TeehDiques . Jadge SIdJLi "During' the first two The school was the 'brain. weeks of the school, people child of Clementine Rice, t 1'''' M stood arouneS the ice watch. who began a ,;:mg to r. ing the instructions, but most Rivard at the beginning of of them didn't really know the year. In January, she wbat was going on," Mr. had instruct?rs lined up, but Rivard said. they backed out. New in. "Then later, word got structors were found and around and we bad more Mrs. Pat Abela was obtained people signing 'up. Next year as the school's secretary. we hope to have them Mrs. Abela has been In. through the first week." volved in figure skating {or ------------------------------------------ many years as a judge. Her teaches at the 51. Clair children also are involved in Shores Skating Club during As Compile« 21)' &be Voters to Consider Eac:h the sporl. the winter. Grolle Poll1te Ne•• on November b Election "Besides the professional Jack Turney, of Windsor, instructors at the school, has received a gold medal in Ballot Mary Kay Baben and my dances. He belr-ugs to the ", 'I1l\lflda)', August t daughter Cathi volunteered Windsor Skating Club. Speech on What Schools Can Do about Drug By Roger A. Waha :.; VICE PRESIDENT Spiro to help teach basic skills," Terry Viviani, of Dearborn Problem Mentions Division's 'Counseling At 'this time, eight T. Agnew denied accusations Mrs. Abela said. Heights, is a member of the a men d men t s to The at a press conference Wed. "They are's, but Detroit Skating Club. He Oriented Approach to Dealing with Woods' City Charter will np.sday he had received are taught to teach and teaches both in Windsor, and Juvenile Offenders' be on the ballot Novem. We,al payments from Mary. judge basic skills. There in St. Clair Shores. -----ber 6 for voters to con. :tand contractors. Agnew had were about 10 beginners and Need Audience R Wah d been notified on ,Monday by Cathi and Mary Kay helped Other guest skaters came By oger A. a si er. U; S. Attorney George Bean them." _ in for the "pop concerts," The Youth Service Division, (YSD), had no idea Five were approved by the in Baltimore be was under There were five profes: where the students were it was mentioned ill the Congressional Record of the Pension Board and foelll investigation for possible slenal instructors teaching:lt given the chance to perform U.S. Senate. Not until last week when an ombuds. upon voluntary retirement for :Violations of criminal stathe school, all at varying in front of an audience. man from the New Rochelle, N.Y., school district non. covered members, (pubhites, covering bribery, tax degrees of profl'ciency. "We charged a SO.cent ad. sent a letter to t h e YD" lieI safetyh department S inqUlrmg a b out a re f erence t I' em. "ble 'fraud, extortion and con. Fine Credentials ml'ssl'on ~or the two concerts, R d p oyes w a are nc. e Igl • to. the division in the June 15 ecor. f' 1 'ty) tire Bebbie Bartolotto, of Wal. which were July 7 and July I . --,-_1 or socIa securl ,re d'sPirac)'. Agnew called the laeeburg, Ont., has received 28," Mrs. Abela said. . The o~budsman req~este,d ment allowances for covere 'contract allegations "damned a gold medal in figures and "It's really.important for ~nformahon o~ the. .SD sFmembers, (general employes lies." No indictments have in free styles, and is working the children to have someone i approach. to J~vemle drug who a're eligible for s~lal been issued. on her gold in dances. She to perform in front of. They users wh~ch" diverts t~em SEcurity). retirement allow. trained in Canada and at really enjoyed it." (rom t~e Justice system mto ance for a non.covered memo Frlelay, Aqlllt II the Detroit Skating Club, and The students learned their counseling." berand a a~~ ...'HOUSTON, TEXAS police has been a pro for five lessons well and showed it [n his leiter, the ombuds. justment for both general and '(ound 19 bodies of murdered years. on the test dates, June 30 man was referring to a 0 public safety employes. lieys on a tip from two teen. The other three amenddied Car 0 I Ann Farrell is a and August 3. speech by Paula D. Gordon, ments are {or compensation .age boys. The boys am: triple gold medalist, receiv. "On the last test day," co.ordinator at the Washing. d f of the mayor and councll,they had been bivalved 2S ing medals In figures, free Mrs. At-ela said, "we only ton, D.C., Police Foundation, Boar 0 Directors Passes men, compensation of the ~ 30 murders over the last style and, dance. She lives had five failures out of 50 on what schools can do about Resolution Establishing municipal judge and ellgibil • .ree years along wi af and teaches in Windsor. being tested." the drug problem. This Fund in His Memory ity for office in tbe city. homosexual friend. Most 0 Jackie Locknescar, of De. The scbool may expand speech was entered in the Special Muting the victims had been dsh~ in troit, is in her fifth test fig. next year if possible. Mrs. Record. In her address to the At a special council meet. tbe head; two haled en ures. She is a member of Abela said she would like to Delaware drug educators' The Board of Directors ing Friday evening, August strangled. Those invo VEl are the Detroit Skating Club, and (Continued on Page 2) retreat on j'une 4, she made of the Friends of the 10, (wbl'ch ran ~our and a David. Brooks, 18; mer f t th YSD G P omte . bI' L,i half hours), the .' solons ap. Henley, 17, and Dean Corn, a .re erence 0 e .' Pu lC .• 34. 'Henley police which .has had an. actlye branes held a speCIal proved the eight items. How'dlat he bad abot Corn to 0 counseling program smce Its 1 meeting on Thursday ever, the wording of tbree death at a Wednesday paintorganization in July 1970. August 9, in honor amendments, approved by sniffing Qrgy':and claimed Personal Wortb I Robe'rt M. Orr. ~e Pe!1sion Board for c~un. CorU was responsible for ~ ~. In discuSliing the general The board passed a resolu. cil actIOn, w!,s substantia~y the murderi '!be pollee are need for a reorientation of tlon establishing a fund at changed mamly ~or dUlty looking for other ,bodies of the education experience, she the library, The Grosse pudrpOAsesN' (coluncliidma~IfCtohnvictims, . cites "the single most im. Point!: L i 'b r a r 'I Memorial ra " a~ge sa , e - • .' ------E I " po-tant thing" as helping F nil . - M f R be t people don t understand it, Virginia Bruce, 10, Helps Resurfacing of Thoroughfare to Start in ar y Fa : Woods, Farms Officers "n~rture in youth a concern M~Da~fel oer~orzs °an ~iti~l they will vote 'no' "). . .' Satartla1, AGIut 11 Fox Chase Dusters to Fire Deparlment to Get Apparatus in 14 Months Arrest Impersonator for the welfare of others. and contribution, .the F r i end s As a result, the Pension AN ARAB OWNED JET. -----. Wh 'S b I to provide them' every op. ga,ve $5,000 to the fund. Board met Monday evening, '"' LINEll. w~~aa to land Second Place with By James J. Njaim 0 u sequent Y Dortunity possible to express. Th B rd.. b h 1f. • August 13, t\)gGover the . ~briI":" . .. .~. .323' Avera,.At its regular m~eting _~9nday, August 13, EsCllIpes-And 'S .,t;. . .. e - oa ,on e a o. wording",oa;~ itemsand ..:.:O'"~ wllrplaiM!1 ill an attempt' to "'The Park' Council" approved expenditures totalling R d such colt~ern and thereby Friends, urges Pointers to then okayed thP. revislona. ' ~ipture Palestinian guerilla $148,734, of which $55,334 will be used for the ecapture develop a sense of person~l also pay tribute to one who Now, the admentments will be 1eItden. The Iraqui Airlines By H.oUy' Angell worth and a feel for ~hat It had served .the community sent this weelr to Governor plalle was beld fodwo hours . complete resurfacing' of St.Paul avenue, from A 26-;rear-old Detro:! means to be meanmgful~y so well. Ch'ecks may be pay. William G. Milliken's office while It was searclae<lby Is. . Rem~~b~r that little Maryland to the city limits at Cadieux road. f ~nd ..purposefully involved 10 able to The Grosse Pointe for his approval., raeli troops. The plane was girl, Vtrguua Bruce, who The balance of the appro. "emale" was arrested life. Lib r a r y Memorial Fund, (The Pension Board .Indetained for two bours ancl wanted to play baseball priation will be fo.a: a brand height before the setting of for shoplifting at J. C. "This s~e relate~ to" the (Robert McDaniel Orr). cludes five representatives: tben allowed to return to but wasn't a]]owed on new aerial ladder truck for the asphalt. The program Penny's, 19251 Mack avedrug takmg behav~or, and The resolution reads as from the general employes, Beirut with all 74 passengers The Park's Little League the Fire Department, which does Dot include curb repair, une. "She' was taken to the need of. various ap. follows: C it Y Comptroller _Assessor and crew members abOard. team . will be purchased from Sea. he added. The Woods ,station and proaches to thiS proble?l on In recognition of his un- Frederick G. Hornfisher; The Israelis apparel'.tJy mis. 1!member how she I graves Apparatus, Incor. Resolutlob~ of Praise ultimately to St. John the part of. schoo,,~s.This. in. selfish, dedicated and vigor- public safety de""rtmen!, '. pOrated at a cost {){ $93 400. In other actions, the coun- I H 't I I' eludes va took .tb ~ jet for ano th er was one of the f~st to c~al. Delivery will be in 14 mo~ths, ell approved two resolutions, . asPl a upon c~mp. am~?US I nnova tIons aus pursuit of excellence in Traffic Safety Officer,..-Stephen night which was due to leave I lenge the ~ague s no girls City Manager iRobert Slor.e one commending the civic mg of heart palpltatl~ns, or"r",forms... . . ~1l that he attempted; and, Petrik; the mayor, In this Beirut. for Bagbdad at a allowed ruling. informed the solons. program of the G r 0 sse escaped from the hospItal Non.punahve pohcles and m particular, his sacrificial Instance. Mayor Pro Tern later time.. And then ~emember bo.w Slone and Director of Pub. Pointe Shores Chapter of the and was then re-arrested appr~aches need to be adopt. perserverance, wisdom and Marvin R. Boutin; a council .. • • • • I team in Clmton TownshIp lic Service Herbert Heger National Farm and Garden at which time police dis- ed 10 sch~l~ t~" supplant le~dership as .Director of the man, George S. Freeman, • 8aaclaJ, Augut lZ I asked. her to Vlay for them. toldtbe council that a sur. Cl.ub, (Mr.s. William .Cham. covered the "she" was ac. purely leg~l1stic achons such Grosse Pointe Libraries for and a, Ray DitmOllC1 Sammer d t) f ts f a~ ~xpuJslon and suspen. 24 years, we, the Board of MaCArthur, director of bu~l::LYNNE COX, a 16.year. W U . ha b b vey of 51. PauJ, a major city pion, presl en , or 1 e. tuallya "he" impersonatSian, she feels, while noting Directors of the Friends of ness and finance, Grosse old CaUfornia girl, set the e ,It seen. a ase. thoroughfare, was badly in forts in helping to beautify in" a "she." , It r h "orld's record for swimming ba~ summer .for ten.year.old need of repair of craeks and the city for the past five thi _ ti't h" h '. a erna Ives to ~uc action the Grosse Pointe Public Li- Pointe Board of Education). the English Channel. MIss Gin n Y.' f th:rd baseperson chuck holes. years. The organization has \'olved Wo~~ vlp~btlc Iscafeltnyneed to be provided. brary, on be h a I! of all TIle QuestioD , and relae pitl'her for the b 1 rd' t . a " Sl~esses Counsellnr . Friends of our Library, do "Do you favor the adoption ~x sw~m from Dover ~ F Cha DTh. Based on TODDtge . een pan mg an m~lD a~n. officers and Farms patrol. In heu of prosecution, m hereby publicly proclaim our o( the above Charter Amend. Cap Gns Nex France In ox se usters. e. 109 flower gardens WIth city men d W d d liine hours 36' minute" 'Frl Dusters, who completed their The city manager recom- permission on :Jefferson ave'. oc~urrest 8 e dnes a y lieu of being re~anded to sorrow at the loss of our be- ment?" That Is the question . ht' Th E ~h ~ season two weeks ago, fin. mended, and the co~ncil .:.~. nue at the intersections of evemng. ugu. ,an ear ly the juvenile authonty, In lieu loved friend, Robert Mc. voters will have to answer. d e,y nlg. e ng isbed second in their league proved, the resurfacmg pro- P 'b t B k hi B I Thursday mornmg, August 9. of suspension or expulsion, Daniel Orr who we will al. The five amendments ap. France route Is the most.. ' . t b g' n to th D tr it em er on, er s re, a. John R e 'I n a Ids who's the young person can be re wa s r b' P' . d b tb P . Board difficult; usually swimmers With U wms a~d fo?r losses, Jec e Ive. e e 0 four and Devonshire, aU charJted with larceny' from :I 'y emem er as rlmus prove Y e enslon s'art on the French side to Aoned' game bebmd farst place AthsPhalt Pf~Vmlngh~hm~a~y, without cost to the com. bUI'ldm'g stood mute at his manded to counseling," to Amicus Bibliothecae. are as foUows: '. u wland Tige C 1$ e "ame Ir w lC IS 10 ,other Corms of care or guid. He was a man of wit and Voluntary Retirement. That take advantage of the cur. r.a " stallin' ne'.' tw~foot ~u- ...' munity, arraignment before Woods d rents Miss Cox bettered the JdUdhgmgJtjfruomGinny s rec. . g gJ U ~ fV Mayor l\fatthew Patterson Munici""l Judge J Patrick ance an to special progr8ms Intelligence; of sensitive and Chapter 16, Section 16.16 of . . or er s' was not just a m on euerson rom mer. " d h . . ....~ . ~md activities designed to catholic aesthetic taste and the eharter "be amended to record :set by Davis Hart, '. . " t t F' h d d eXj,lresse t e appreciation Denas Thursday afternoon help redirect a youth's ener. hi g h personal standards provide a sub.section 16.18(a) .lso an American, by eight ~~~ti~e~ thJ:J: ~ an her :~rfa~ingIS ~ef~~:s~n an fr~~ of the council and the ci~. and is beinll' held in lieu 0' gies "along more construc. Grosse Pointe will find it dif: for covered members without r minutes and her own former GI he d 1C8 w: , Waybur t F' h J f( zens of The Park to thiS $2,500 bond, cash or surety. live lines." fieult to replace him. change in current provisions record by 21 minutes. The h nnYif a:hmare.ah n:~e ~~ son 'is :nde~ th~ j~~isd~ti~~ group f?r their efforts. Their Reynolds' eumination was In this respect, she cites Ubrary Facllitietl and a sub-seC'tion 16.16 (b) shortest distance across the . er~ . 18 e ml~e t our, of Wayne County which' work Will ~e long remember. sch ...-duled for yesterday, "examples of approaches Be is resolved that in rec. for n?n-coyer~ memJ,~rs to Channel Is about 22 miles. ID. e . mem r earn ~ . f th '. . IS ed, he said. Wednesday, August 15. A h" h k t d' . '1 permit theIr retirement when , batting WIth an average of paYing or e rejuvenation He specifically thanked companion who's also from w IC see 0 lvert ]UVenl e ognition of his deep dedica. • • • • 323 She was p t b t 31 of the avenue 'users (and in some cases tion and conviction that "a ever. 25 or .more years of " . u 0 a .' , Mmes. Adam Cook. chair. Detroit, was not charged by d t dad the age , Monday, August 13 ~mes, had mne ~ns ba.tted Slone on St. Paul man, M. W hit tin g ham, police. dealers) from the justice library t hat doesn't grow c~e I e service n . In struck 0 t ght t wiD be I f II d system and mentions "the withers away ... " 8nd to 0' 50 years has been attaaned '.A GASOLINE EXPLOSION, u el Imes iJl1 m ear 'I a ~n Joseph Smith, John Keyes I Make Arrest youth services division of the demonstrate our affectl'on and (Conllnued on Page 4) set off an extensive fire Sun. and was on b~se over 57 Will consist of. a bondmg (Continued on Page 2) Wooos Officer Rob e r t _ day at Miller Marina in St. percent..o~ .the time. course and topp~ng. The cost Kwiatkowski and Farms justice system in Grosse respect for his wife, Edith. Clair Shores. causing at least In a~dltl~n, ~e Dusters of the resurfacmg is bilsed Patrolmen Samuel Cardella Pointe Woods, and several and family, we do hereby es. '" $2 million in damages. The were vlctono~s 10 .the one on. a tonnage process, he and Johannes Winter reo adjacent sub.urban cammu. tablish the Grosse Pointe Pub. marina boathouse and 13 game tbat GIDny pitched. said.. sponded to Penny's where nities which have adopted a lic Library Memorial Fund in II yachts were destroyed in the Serious Oft Fielcl He also disclosed t~e cost security personnel were pur. counseling oriented approach Memory of Robert McDaniel blaze. The fire began when Team Manager Thomas includes the resettang of suing two males one of to dealing with juvenile oC. Orr lor the PU1'pose of im. Henry Reed Jr., 27, of De. The Grosse POI'nte Educa. whom was d res '" sed Ilroving existing library fa. troit. waJ found Ruilly of a boater was attempting to McFarland .cited Ginny as calch basins and manholes an fenders." start his racing craft. The (Coatiaaed on Pale .) in the avenue to the proper tion Association. (GPEA), women's clothing. I (C.ontlnued on Page 2) (Continued on Page 8) first degree murder in the boat exploded, hurling gas and the Grosse Pointe Board Patrolmen CardelJ.~' and' beating death of Alfr.ed R. and fire throughout the dock, of Education re.convened Winter pursued ard appre. Glancy, Jr .. Shores polt~e ~e. ihg area. The boater, Mark negotiations on Tuesday, hended Reynolds on the side., po~led. A Wa.yne C.ount~ C!r. McCarthy. y'IS treated for Au~st 14. walk near the Goldcn Lion . I CUlt Court Jury Issued lIs IlIceraUons .of the .fac~ at St. Rita Cary, chief negotiator Restaurant 22380 Moross ve~~~~:eT~~~~aYR:e~g,u~h~e John Hospital. Despite the .. • ' .. of the G.PEA. stated she is road. During the arrest, .. • confident th a t se ttl elnen t un pOIce trial began Monday. August extensive damages, there . said .Reynolds tried -. _ I were no deaths reported. By James J. Njalm I chief s~ld., The bur~t o{ be reached prior to the to discard some articles ny Roger A. Waha Board of Appeals. ~~te~i~~t~~ H~e~~~c:~ei~~ : * • Regardless of how long I flames Igmted the kitchen opening day of school which which were tucked in his The now vacant building ,lt At the reg u I a r meeting • you })4)i1 water, the highest II cabinet and charred the the board unilaterally ~et for clothing. 19391 Mack a v en u e , near Monday, August 6, the solons maximum of life imprison. 1'lIesday, AII,.1t 14 temperature it will reach is kitchen walls. Fortunately Tuesday, September 4. School The suspect was then Newcastle road, has been in unanimously approved Coun. men!. HOUSTON POLlbodCE,di.S'I220 deghrees I Farenheit , no tfirekflghterdsarrived in ti.m.e 0dpensS{or stubdents on Thurs. whisked to The Woods sta. the NEWS for many weeks. cilman George S. Freeman's w:;'dwaal~~ rsill~ah~:ge~r,.w~~ t er 6. covered (our more les In mat ter ow ong you l eave 0 cep all/age to a mllllay, ep em tion, while his comnanion Once occupied by Poi n t e motion to delay the hearing f. "Th e GPE A IS ." ready to was transported first degree murder the the Texas murder scan d a.I t h e water over th eire, sal'd mum. by Officer Dodge, who has since moved until the 20th so a Depart. same incident. will instand bringing the total up to 21- Park Fire Chief Phillip The woman suffered burns negotiate any time with the Kwiatkowski. During this its dealership, the structure mem of Public Safety report trial in Circuit Court Mon. the worst mass murder in Costa. about the face, neck and board," Ms. Cary stated. time, Reynolds told poli~e awaits the occupancy of a on the egress and ingress to U. S. history. The two teen. However, the melting of both arms, and her blouse "We have set times to bar. his name was "Karen Goodyear Tire and ,Rubber the building can be prepared, da~~t:ut~td 27~nd Williams agers, Elmer Wayne Henley. paraffin wax, Is what he was caught fire. She was taken gain Tuesday through Thurs HughE'l." Company service store. But and also that a leiter be senl have already been sentenced 11, and David Owen Brooks, trying to illustrate and this to Bon Secours Hospital lor day this week and if the A station search revealed when it will be occupied is by Goodyear stating the oil to from 10 to 15 years in 18, who had confessed to Is where the danger comes treatment and released. The board is serious about a tan dress with brown belt the question. drainage situation would be Jackson Prison for the break. police that they had been in, unless you accidentally bums were not t(to severe. settling before the school and trim Inside his outfit. A Woods Board o{ Appcals corrected. M the same time, ing and entcring 1)( an' occu. involved in the slayings with scald yourself by touchit;ll or but they could have been. year begins, the teachers are Meanwhile, articles discard. hearing on Goodyear's peli. II review of the possibility of pied dwelling, s tern m i n g a friend, Dean ':orll , 34, spilling the hot water. Chief Costa said, ready to accommodate them.' ed prior to his apprenhension tion. based upon the request changing the building's arch. from th~ burglary of Mr. have been charged with Recently, a Park woman The incident, which took Grosse Pointe educators which Patrolman Winter reo of R. J. Murphy, real estate Itectural standards w 0 U I d Glancy's Lake Shore road murder. Henley is being held was melting paraffin in a place only a few wecks ago, are encouraged to call the covered, Included a brown department, for a variance take place. home last November 12. They on a $500.000bond. Seventeen pan directly over the kitchen heean when the woman wall GPEA office at 772.7632, be" blouse, brown pants and a in the off.street 'Puking reo Some oil spills have oc. were sentenced in Circuit o{ the bodies were discovered stove fire. The result was cannin~ jelly preserves. the ginning today, Thursday, brown leather handbllg. The quirements at the site has curred in the past during Court Tuesday, April 17, on in a boat shed near Haus. the accumulation of wax chicf stated. Paraffin makes August 16, and each Tuesday value of these 'items was been postponed to the regular b e a v 'I rainstorms causing this charge. ton; the rest were found fume, which when ignited by an excellent se:tler. The and Thursday thereafter around $56. council meelingM 0 n d ay, damage to the lawns of vari. Mr. Glancy. 65, died Frialong a beach and in a the burner, caused an ex. melting point of this wax is from 5 p.m. to 8 a.m. for Two hours arter his arrest, August 20. At that time, the ous Newcastle road residents. day. April 6, in Harper Hos. forest. I ploslon and a flash fire, the (Continued on Page 6) Mgotiatlon updates. (Contlnaed on Pale 4) council wl\l reconvene as the (Continued on Page 6) pita I. .. - r"end s pay Tr,,-bute to R bert 0 rr Park's Loss Par k t Expen d $148734 I , •. 'Fenla 1e' ,s Is CI,,-nton For PaVI-IlO' of St Paul Nabbed for LaOpS ' Gatn - New Aerla - I Ladd'er Truek Sh opI-hI lug of I - • And I All So........ I. I Found Glll.ltv GPEA R I eat Y T N« t. 0 I e~o late F-"re Ch-te f G-IVeS W arnr,ng 0 M I_ _ n DIG e ay Gl aney C ase d year A,ppea Is Hear:ng ,,-nG P Woods e t-ng of Pa.a/f-n 00 I I I I '• .I{. .' I " " ~. :",~ ~. ~. ., ,,' ~.' /1 G R 0 SSE Pat. Two Optimilts tum tout' &,1;\drefitet oaw • de., roughly the distance between two points. 1% 2 NOW AT COLONIAL Your Savings Can Earn 6%0/0 Inlerest compoundod every 3 months brings you 6.65% eflecllve annual Interest One year 6',>~. Col(.nlal Savings Cerlll,catcs are available lor deposils 01 S5OO0 or more Tllere 's an "'terest penalty when certificate sailings are withdrawn before m9;luroly. Other Colonial SaVIngs pro~rams prov,de excellent benelits of earnings and flex, b,hly SAVINGS ARE INSURED TO S20,OOOOO :COLONIAL FEDERAL SAVINGS DETROIT 18901 Kelly at Moross-DR 2-887.7 EAST DETROIT 15751 Nine Mile at Gratiot-PR 1-8820 GROSSE PTE. WOODS 20247 Mack at Hunt Club- TU 6-1080 GROSSE PTE. FARMS 63 Kercheval "On the HJlI"- TU 6.6661 HOURS: 930 a.m. /0 430 p.m frIday 'liI B p.m The snap-tab NEW SHIRT collar by GANT pal Building, keep "in touch" with a youth's family when the program is terminated. "We keep track of the termination dates of. each program and are in touch with the parents a year from that date. Meanwhile, the youngsters are free to con. tact their counselors even though their program is completed. It gives them a place to go when they have a prob. lem," the agent said, And there are some in. stances wb~n a youth under counseling would even bring in a friend with problems! From July 1970 through July 1973, Agent Ferrence estimates that around 12 per. cent of counseled youths still get into trouble. When you consider that 53 of 85 coun. selin~ cases in \972 were terminated, (the others ear. ried over to this year), plus the overall heavy load of the counselors, this percentage of success is remarkable. Police Contacts Anyone of the four officers Including Detective Thomas Podeswick, North District, A~ent John Kendall, liaison ofticer to South High School. and De t e c t i v e Donald Schmaltz, South District, could place a youth on the c~nse1ing program. Most youUis are placed on the program because of police contacts rather than a parent's voluntary actions. "It's better for pare"ts to go through professi"na! serv. Ices," noted Agent Ferrence. "We don't want to overload our program." He also said of the coun. seling program, "We tleal 'not only with the nature of an offense but with attending circumstances." The YSD, .for example. works closely with professional workers with "give and take" ses. sions on various thoughts and suggestions. Maln Cba ges • Of tb~ 85 YOu~ counseled last year 61 were males and 24. were' females. The pro. grams of 37 males and 16 females were terminated. Thirty.two cases, (involying 25 males and seven females) were carried over to 1973. ' The most prominent charge last year against males invalved in the program was nafcotics arrests, (23), while the top charge against fro males was shoplifting, (12), Counseling periods varied in length. Twenty. eight youths participated for SiK months whUe 10 youngsters were counseled for four and two month periods. Six pal'ticipated for one year. In her speech, Paula Gordon said counselors will need (CoDtlDued from Pace 1) and circumvent the profes. She also cites the Clark sional people. such as the County High School District, school social worker, FLEC, Las Vegas, Nev., and the (F a m 11y Life Education probation department span. Council) or Northeast Guld. sored program in San Diego ance Center personnel," said County. Calif. Agent Ferrence. Priceless Tralnlng The counseling program-Is Agent Michael Ferrence, mainly voluntary on the liaison officer to North High youth's part, "The youth has School, is res'ponsible for the a schedule when he meets overall operation of the with a counselor. The burden YSD's counseling program. of responsibility is placed on However, each of the divi. the youngster hlmseU. He sian's three counselors are will either make a positiv~, responsible for the young or negative impression on people tbey advise. The pro. the officers," he explained. gram is primarily operated "We also work closely with by the counselors, who are tbe parents and do not super. undel' the supervision of the cede their responsibilities." division's four officers. Minor Offenses "The counselors are an in. A counselor determines termediate step on a local when and how long he meets level between a youth when with a youth. Usually, it's he's arrested 81.ld the juve. once a week until an under. nile court system," he said. standing and relationship de. The counsel"rs, who are velops between counselor working towards, or have and youngster. The coun. their degrees, in police ad. selor of course has some ministration or so~ial sci. flexibility and, for instance, ence, not only relieve the can have anywhere from six ~ork1oad of the YSD's .of- to 12 meetings with a young. flcers, but ~lso recelye prlce- ster during a three.month le~~ ~~.the'Job trainmg.. period. IruhaUy, the four offlcers The cases which come un. a~t~~ as coun~elors wh~n th~ der a counselor's care vary dl~lslon was first orgaruzed. but are usually classified as said ~gent Ferrence. But by. "minor" ones, e.g., simple t~e time summer 1971 ar. larceny, minor drug related rived, thr~ counselors,. all offenses, family problems. of them POlllterr. were hired. They work generally with All ha~e since went to 'York first offenders and in the in. their ch?sen p~ofessl?ns, area of minor, miscellaneous ~Jlm Colby IS a t:ohce officer offenses with each case bem Romeo, !,hch.,. Ste~e ing evaluated on its own Triner, a polIce officer m merits, But when an incident New Hamp~hire, and ~aula is in the area of a felony Bat:t', a SOCial worker m 51. crime, "we take a bard look Clalt County). at it," said Agent l"errence .. CloJJe BelaUonsbip While the counseling period Today, the YSD,'s coun. may be only three months selors include Fred Coonce, for a "simple offense," it who has a B.A. in Psych!)l. could 110 as long as six ogy, Mike Tormey, a pOlice months or one year. "We administration stUdent at taUor make the program to Wayne State University, and the individual and his needs. Pointer Deborah Beaulait, A youth can have some flexwho's a social science major. ibility with the counselors Each counselor works eight approach depending on his hourJ; per week at $2 an progression." hour. And when tbe.y de~ide Pomt;s Conside~ to leave ~, part.hme JOb'1 Many pomts are conSIdered the diviSIon guar:mt~es a when a youngster is I?ut on letter ~f rec~mmendatlon for the program, accordmg. to them m their future employ. the. agent. The YSD first ment. conSIders the offen~, how In this supervisory pro. it occurred and If the youth gram,. the counselors don:t was definitely i~v?l.v~d. get 1Oto the therapeutic Secondly, the diVISion looks aspects of. counse~g. "They at the. parents ~nd how. co. get to knuw the kids better operahve they WIll be. Third. and empbaslz~ with them ly, the officers will talk with and commumty problems. the youngster and see what We don't aHempt to overlap his ~ea~tion. is, (here, commumcatlon IS the key). And Get Away Over L-. hy fourth, "gross" family prob. Beautiful lem cases are ruled out where, fOf example. the parents and child are .at eacb others throats. If the situation is bad, a petition will be filed wi.tb S days - 7 nites the Wayne County Juvenile Court. "However, If there's 15 meals, etc. deep communication, we will Dt,Irts Sa, Se,I. W act as a catalyst for change," stated Agent Ferrence. _____ Stay In Contact I I • Newest addition to the Gant family. Ribbon stripe in blue, red an~brown ... 65% DACRON Polyesterl 35% cotton. Harmoniying TIES •.. 7.50 NOV A CALLTODAY 520 WOODWARD and FISHER BUILDING DAY TRAVEL in Augusl ........ 203 PIERCE••• BIRMINGHAM Mondoys in AUf/usl, Open rUk ''f 5 Le. '!paces men's wea, Closed ........... -«.... ~e.Jlaving SO CAN YOU!! Rigkl 'now We ~e WinJlng Up :Jke (},.ealeJI Yea,.!Jn CaJ;llae j.J;Jio,." WLick meanJ We Can now AilorJ :70 maLe CaJ;llae Owne,.~kip r;Jpeclalf'J AII,.aciille :10 You, .. OVER SIXTY 1973 CAOILlACS TO CHOOSE FROM ROGER RINKE CADILLAC CO. VAl D'II In. 10..1' MILE IDS. !lUPilM 536-6260... 757-07.7 SAUS AI' SIIVI(III'A""'S ... MOl. 1.'IIIUIS. I basic sltills and be able to understand the symptoms and motivallon involved with drug taking. They must be mature and establish rap. port with thDse whom they counsel. They need to be a friend and a confidante who is truly concerned for the welfare and future of thl' person counseled, and one who can motivate a youth aiong beneficial and can. structive lines. The counselor, she em).'ha. sizes, must provide "a posi. tlve model by his or her own behavior." The "people who cart'" at the YSD are obviously aware of this. For through their time, talent and energy, they help make the world better for young people in The Pointe. -----I LICENSE LOTS I The Woods Council at the regular meeting Monday, August 6, unanimously ap. proved the issuance of Ii. censes to 44 parking lots in the city. Applications and license fees had been received and Building 1nspec. tor Earl Walkely had in. spected and approved the various locations, ----Today's biggest problem in getting an education seems to be in finding a place to park. I Eavestroughs" 5" ALUMINUM - 5 COLORS SEAMLESS POINTE SCREEN & SASH, 20497 \MACK Ie. TU 1.6130 ARE YOU A MA'- WITHOUT A STORE? I Rea .. MAft. sp.doliz.s in high fashion m.n's weor and ac. ~ c"lOries. You'll find many and varied .lyles of suits, jockels and slack. cl modesl prices. The slore clso has shirts, ties, lOck" shoes, belts and olher men's accessories. AI Rea .. MAft. Ihe customer is important. Our stGH,: including Chuck Teek, Tom Teck, Gene Clemon., Ron lo Planle ond Tim- 8rulon, has a lotol .of 82 years experience in making Ihe cuslamer feel 01 home a,ld important. u.a. lICK" originated in MI. Clemens in 1929 and has kept pace with man's fashions ever since. We ho.e our own lailor shop, with excellenl toilors, on the premises ond or. oble to give superior service to guarantee a per/eel fil. See You at TECK A MARKS lUO s. CRATlOr. MOUlT CUMEIS ,.,.k.o, h, . ~ Mil. North 01 Mo' .. a-h ,Ampl. i,. 0'I' hVH 'O','j"" HO 8-5461 Back-to-School SPORT COATS Sampeck makes sport jackets that make it easy /0 drell ap yoar Joung man. \ .lMalt~4~ The' counselors, all of wh~m . work at the YS~'.s oUlce In The Woods MunlCI' . Figure Skating TU 6-0111 Tllut$. & Fri. til 9 Ou,. (j,.eaie&iYea,. Yet! ' I SCOTIA A few Closed Soturd0Y' Thursday, August" 16, 1973 _ EW S YSD Receives Mention in Congressional Record il'. 1hat POI N TEN , UlnL • , ... (Continued from Page 1) see longer hours for the school. This year it ran from 8 a.m. to 5 p,m .• five days a week. Next year she would like to see it run from 8 a.m, to 8 p.m. An "" program also may begin, such as ballet classes which help in developing figure skating skills. Skaters interested in learn. ing to figure skate may sign up for the winter figure skaUnf,. program at the Grosse Pointe Community Rink. The school will run in three - 10 week sessions on Saturday afternoons. Anllonc interested in next summer's figure skating school should contact Mr. Rivard at the rink, 885-4100. OUTOFOUR or poles, or bindings, or clothes ••• or even skis Park Paving .~ It Kerdleval Avealle Grone Pollde, MIdI. ,we Phone TU 2-6900 I secon d Chu I'Oltl', paid at ,lr~'~b,::l~~::~"ft,ttl '1.00 Per Ye by Mln (.7.00 outalde at WIY . n.w, t\!:ueldlY Mon $149. 215. 99. KNEISSl REO STAR 180. 99, ASCHER SUPERGLASS 185. 99. HEAD TGM 175. 99. K2 COMPETITION 185. 149. VOlKl 175. 129. KASTLE LAF£MME 150. 99. KNfISSl EXPlOSIV 1400 140. 89. KNEISSl l200 110. 79. HEAD GKO" 130, 89. SALE RETAIL 'RICI rorm. asft> 19 Idoerlllni eolPy Ne"" OWe. , 10 In.urel!,,ert~ HEAD SHORT SKIS (GlM WITH BINDINGS (USED) NORDICA PRO lFew odd ,iIe" 10" year's mod.1) $150. $119. 140. 99, HANSON PRIMA tom LANGf.FlO KOOIIflll 49. 120. SWINGER STOll 59, 150. PRO OlIl' $4900 rite /tie" ',tIItiOfl ~. hod"uarfen 'M 011~ .--spotfl. ., Misctlh'lIIOn ski cloth '., women's and d111drtft'. accessories 1/3 to 1/2 off. ISu~rIPtiOnI, "Kercheoal. GrOIN Polnl. rum., AU Ind utt 1M In the 'RICI KNElSSL WHITE STAR lOOTS Point~ N~ws Aateebohbltlhen, I.c .. RETAIL VOLKL ZEBRA EXCLUSIVE $235. Cirosse County). , Addre'l IU Mill Chln,e or J\ddreu SALE SKIS (Continued from Page 1) and Robert Russell, all memo bers of the Grosse Pointe Garden Club. but non.PoInte residents, He also thanked the Jefferson Avenue Civic Center, which is affiliated with the GPGC. The second resolution ap. prov<!d by the solons can. cerned The -Grosse Pointe Park Swim Team for win. ning the Inter.City League Championship for the fourth consecutive year. This year's meet was held at The Woods pool Friday, August 3, and the team finished first with 253 points. PlIbU.w. Every TII.nI., ~ OPEN 'TIL 9 PM THURS. & FRI. SttMnlt N. Trey'li ."'''' & e",Wet RMlh 64M4OO 1fMton ..... PCm r...... It ..... R_ ' ' 9S00 Y(J<J'r. inoiled 10 ute your 80,,~ Am.,;(ord , Of Mo,'er Chorge . a. a b. 5S5S.s5 55 sa.c .. :.;asesss. e ..• au ~. x ,c ..s 4 Thursd.y, August' 16, 1973 "" I WE DELIVER h 07dI" If Sf .. Mea ROSL YN M'ARKET Ol....t I. the . I~04 ICEiCHEV....l .• w... 1020 MACte If IMlfII • .14-3600 v.... 2,9070 ~, ~~ticss AWNINGS 20% COOLER ~UMMER ~ ORDER NOW FOR 'HAlED/ArE DELIVERY rrrz ~_. .: ? ~'-rn, ~ ~~ " ,,', . ~'>EJ,'.r:~'!""I"!' '1'1' ", -.,.:GJL L~_-Ji: '. .",~>, e t .. .. - ••• :.:......-- ~ MADE RIGHT 0 I, '~Ir"'~'-' .~~ ....... ' ... ,,'I ~, ... ;'1' ~---- .I~_ PRICED RIGHT A q +.m4,.,"¥f'F .... NEWS For Size of Net~Curbs Richard L. Carson, 17, 01 8622 Carrier, and a juvenile, both of Detroit, were arrest. ed by Farms police shorUy after midnight Monday, August 13. and released to Detroit authorities for f::rther questioning and investi. gation of tampering with cars. Farms Patrolman Thomas Kelly was on routine patrol on Mack avenue, when he was stopped by two citizens who informed him there was There is always an answer 'It- Thr.. \ CAN'T PRODUCE TIP TO MOTORISTS Make too many glib prom. Accidents don't jult hap. pen-they are the results of ises to otbers and you'll mistakes we- all ~ake every spend lots of time makiD, excuses. day. I Ways, ~'lheSRftdosiat .speeCI control* ::'; ... the speed 'control that lets Cl driver :::cruise at a constant, predetermined !peed with ? his foot relaxed and off the gas pedal. ? It watches the speedometer while he wotches :': the road-where his attention belongs. ::- \ ,r NOW _ .~..Clark Brothers Instrument Co. oT 10300 WHITTIER, DElR I ! 884-5130 ,;. ;.! "Man,,!factl/red by Perfect Circle TN' '~": Open Thursday :;:: L;O)t Offl'c':""l ..., Iou, . I The oUi~ly Monday. August 6, and 7 • a.m. ~n the 7th, police said, I The c()mplainant was Dough- • erty Paving Company of. Detroit, . :~:::.::::.c;~:MI rxCI.USIYnf and Friday evenings •••••• ...... :::::: ••• :::::: • .. :.:':. ::~J :::::: :::::: ::*= :::::: Specr'al lam'brite Savinfts • :~~: :;::~ r:~:, 250/0 Discount on :::::: Drapes, Upholstery, Bedspreads •f I h I you a so ave your Carpets Steamatically Cleaned at our Regular Low Price Offer runs f rom JuIy 1 to Aut'lust 30 ~1.~.. :~::: .:.',: ~:::: .... , ~.,.:-.: ~l~~~ "'~ ~~~~ •..... ...", :':'.' ':'.~: .~:::: ...... 0::.0; ::::~ • . :.; . .'.X ':':0. ~~: :::~1 :::::: ~c.rpet '.•--'. i ~ __ .' .".. ; ~ :::;:; CALL F9R FREE ESTIMATE ::~~ 776.6900 STEAMATIC CLEAIIS CII ----:•::'~.: .•.• i.:.:.:.:" OKAY PAYMENT ';l'he Woods Council at the ;:;:::: regular meeting Monday, ;:::;:: August 6, unanimously ap. ::::::: prove<l the 1972-73 audit par. .••••.. PETS, • ~1'.;: ... ~~~ :::::: • 19797 E. 9 Mil. Rd., St. Clair Shorn ------------------ t~.:.. k.~.;... ••. :::::: ::~:~ *~~ ••••0: -- I ••• WITH : CHRYSLER: AIRTEMp. ROOM • ~ speeial DOdd CadiIIae '73 OF I • I AIR CONOITIONfI • :. (t .], WE HAVI AN UNUSUALLY rL'fE SELECTION OF ALL BODY SInES WITH COLOIS AID INTERIORS OF YOUR CIIOICE BUT BEFORE YOU BUY ••• J. $139OOIi• BE SURE TO VISIT- • IModel No, .L05IA • I,,,. Sloopo,-mrHlo .,,-;,,IIy' lfor bedrooms, £""0 If"ie' po"I ,forman,. '-orur. - 2.SpeHl wi'" .Ion specio' slumbel poIi •• 'ion; (lIt"ion mo,m,ed Ion onr o,,'ro insula'ionl ::~ 1'0 redwo opora'/nll sound! :::: 5,000 '.000 .rUH,. :::: IMony models ovailable. 0' similar ,0"inllS. :::: lcompr.,IO'; r""ol. :::: I 0''''' '0 ~jf:: FLAME • : liFul.AcE co.: ill I 11621 VAl .'11 I 1:;. ~u@)~ 'If@)(? UDu@Qu@) J; 1. I 571.4610 • 3180 E. JEFFERSON ,.,~~:.~.:~:.:~:":~:.:,:~~~~~:;:~:~:~:;~~~;:;:;:;:;:~:;:;:~:;~~:~:.:.:;;~~;:;:;:;:;:;:~:;:~:;:~:;:;:;:;:;:;:;~;:;:;:;~;:~:;:':':":':':':':;:':':':':':':':':':':':.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.~,;. ••••••••• 1 ......_a. :::.;:; ::i::: :DON'T SWEA": ;i~ I IT OUT! • l~~.!.'--I! Jacob SonS :~'* *~ • ::::~ :~~ ij1 !• ' ~ Texas Instruments electronic slide rule calculator with split.second aceuracy, clearly visible 12.character read-out with 200 decade range number display, 10.digit keys plus decimal point alld 12 function keys. Performance: llddjt~on, subtraction, multiplication. d' . . . I h . . 'f' IVISlon, 'eclproca s, squares, square root,. c ange sign, SClentl Ie notation, automatic conversion to scientific notation mixed calculations. ':::: Included are talculator, AC power converter/charger. carry case, owner's manual. Weighs less than 8 ounces. 6%"x3"x1%" size. Complete, 119.95, cJ-..-un ::::;: ~::~ :::::: for The -----------------------, • r...•. r -.. 11..\!. rHIOUOH .fJAMAfJC I : ~_"_ •••••• - - • - - • - -. CLOSE OUT • PRices!'.' .1 .. I ________ ::~:: ~ Park's Tuesd.ay. August. 7, primary election for Muntcipal Judge was al~ost the same as the unofflci •.l. In. cumbent J u d g e William Speer received 500 votes, John Urso received 392 and Beverly C. Grobbel, 301. The difference is that aIthough the above figures total 1,193 as previously cited, the total votes register. '3d reached 1,197. For some reason, four votes did not come out in the voting booth. The general election for P k 'd t 'N b resl en s IS ovem er I I :::::: =::::: ~ I Some vandals couldn't let a sleeping caterpillar lie so they declded to work it ~ver in true vanda. lis tic form. . Woods Publtc Safety Of, f~cer Ronald Hayd~n 'Yas d';Spatched to the UnlverSltyLIggett t~nis courts Tuesd~y mommg, August 7. He dl~co~ered. a .1971 grader With Its wmdsh.leld ~hat~er~d from thrown dirt. dirt 10 Its fu~1 tank and three gear shift knobs re!l!'0voo. The~e ~as no loss estimate at this time. so~h: t~~tr~t~~en ~cu;~~~ Again Open All Day Saturday 1ij ::::=: :l:.=,::'.::l:•• ~~1~:.i::; ~'':;'<::*~*~$*@\'<:*@~ii'.,}.~~'l(~~*,,*$W$*,~ \Primary Tally I m :::::: :::::: I:::::: i~i i 'ja? ! ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: •..... :*:: '••'. • 100 OJo SAn POI ALL 'AIRICI II • NO SHIINKING, NO 'ADING AVA'tABU iilii1 ::;:;:;:;:;:;:.:;:;:;:;:::;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:::;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:::;:;:;:::;:;:::;:;:::;:;:;:;:;:::;:::;:;:;:;:;:;:::;:;:;:;:::::;:;:::::;:;:;:::;:;:;:::11 ~;~ ~a'~ ..... . and locker cards, and pur. chasing an athletic pass and parking stickers. let used to it. Lambrl.t~;~.. ; l.! Cat~rpmar installed without YOUR DRAPES AND UPHOLSTERY : and would' cost $5.50 pe; are lower to provide ramp lineal foot to remove and $5 ways for wheel chairs as Kelly stated, In his report, part of a new State Jaw::::::: upon arriving at the agency to replace. The stone curbs ... put into effect :::::~ are too low for the new regulation building, he noticed a 1970 f th ... . asphalt and removal would during the first part 0 e ::::::: rt~o~~~~e~id,p~~o~~d r~~ht necessitate digging below the year. door open. Whlle checking road level. The flew curbs, under the ::::::: over the vehicle, the officer The new curbr. Intregaldirection of the WaYlw :::::~ said, Carson and the juvenile Concrete Curb and Walk County Road Commission, I =:::;~ emerged from the Pointe 1--------will extend from Way bum to ::::::: Dodge lot at the rear of the Fisher on Jefferson .avenue :::;::: edifice. and from Mack to Ridge on ::::::: The patrolman said he Moross road, In areas whe~e :;:::: asked the pair what they the old stoue curbs are 111 :::::: were doing in the area, ana good condition, they will not :::::~ Carsoll told him he was Nort h HIgh . :.:.:. School has is. be removed. :::::: forced to stop because his sued registration and sign. ----••••.• motor had overheated. The up procedure schedules for :.:j:•• officer turned the ignition the school year which begins key a\1d the temperature Thursday, September 6. /1111i1' gauge registered cool. He Seniors should report to •••.•• twoau;hneodt htohte.motor, which the school Monday, August In spite of storm and tor. " 27: juniors should report t' I I 110 P 'nt ••..•• "alled fnr a3Sistance ren la ra n, 01 ers ;.:.:. Kelly .." Tuesday, August 28,' sopho. d t k th . ..•••• and Patrolmen Gerald De- mores Wednesday, August manage 0 eep elr ap .• :.:.: burgh"raeve and Kenneth Pointments with the Amerl. ::;::: 29, and freshmen Thursday, can Red Cross Bl 0 od m cbile •••••• Pine ..arrived. .:.:.: The officers radioed tbelr August 30, There will be a in its 2.8 p.m...... isit tlo The make.up day on Friday, W M I r om ... station to inform Detroit ar emorla s ba l0 .;.:.: August 31, from 8:30 a,m. to Th d A t 9 ••..•• authoritles ot tbe apprehen. 12 noon. urs ay. ugus. :.:.:. sian of the young men, and For a period of nearly two :;:::: two Detroit patrolmen were All students should register hours, donors were held up :::;:: dlspatche<l to the scene. on their designated day ac- from coming to the Center. ":::::: k d cording to the following al. Nonetheless, 68 pints were :.::::.:: th~:gen~ill~r~~d :::~/ a phabetical schedule: last accepted by the Re<l Cross ::::::: new car with two lugs miss. names beginning with A - 12 of which were marked :~:::: ing from one of its wheels. through D, 8:30 a.m. to 9:30 for the War Memorial's ::::::: A look into the trunk of the a.m.; E through H, 9:30 a.m. Community BJood Bank ::::;:: boys' car, which was regis. to 10: 30 a.m.; I through L, avaUable to aU on free loan ::::::: to Carson, uncovered a 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m,; 111 in case of emergency. :::;::: carburetor with gasoline still through P, 11:30 lI.m, to 12:30 Mrs. Shirley Goolsby, who ::::::: leaking from it, . p,m.; Q through S,' 12:30 was in charge of the collec. ::::::; A second look through the Phm. to 1:30 p,m., and T tion, "nd the Center itself storage lot revealed that one trough Z, 1:30 p.m. to 2:30 are very grateful to every- :.:.::; of the eus was missing such p.m. Registration procedures in. one for the representative h t ::::::: .....' a gadget. " elude picking up books, turnout unuer suc nas y ::::::: Th!! Detroit policemen took identification, class schedule weather conditions. :::::::" Vandals Sting .' live CAN BE DRY CLEANED IN YOuR HOME OR OFFICE BY "-"0(.. Detroit. ----- 85 income worry aDd sometime. :::f.: ~if~i~~~¥~~~ ~~:~~:~1~f~J:J :~~ t~~:~:: i:::~\)... ~Uo:ntop:~in~:;::s~~ovaendth~~ .." to the Fifteenth Precinct, Conner Station for further disposiUon in the matter. AS LOW AS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • theil' :::::: :i:~:::" l Ava; Ia b e for; Ford, Chrysl.T,G.M., American Motors, Mercedes-Benz, Audi and Volvo , " most motor homes, campers, pick-up trucks, Can be transferred from car to car. $ 00. .(NORm UPO&T People wtlo live within i:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:~;:;:;:;:j:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:~:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:~:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:j:j:j:;:j:j:;:;:;:;:j:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:j:j:;:;:~;:j:;~:;*;*ffi:;~~r;g.~~~ .:.:.: cost $5.40 per lineal .:.:': foot to instaU. Because of ::::::: their size, the old curbs only::::::: have to be removed level to ...... the pavement and the can- :::::: ...... crete ones placed over them. :::::: If you are interested in :::::~ specifics, the new curbs are :::::: 24 inches wide and about 10 :•~: •• •.•• :i..~,. to 12 inches deep. rising six to seven inches above the ::::::: asphalt :::::: The ~ld stone curbs were ::::::: about six inches wide, and •••.•.. for everything. A few incom. ing and outgoing calls gave us the REAL reason for those huge curbs being poured into permanence on Jefferson avenue and Moross road. t' Thethre hthad beebn specubla,IOn ~ t e cur ,s were emg bUilt to prOVide narrow bike paths or a resting place for hitchhikers or to ~rotect th.e grass frail' salt m the Center Blood Drive A Success ~1hisis ''''. t Real Rea801l Discovered NH Schedules R e gistration ('nYI Coated l?acron Fabrics ;: CONVENIENT TERMS . g,".,-,;'. I:;:::;: •• roet Year 'Round Protection -: with New Beautiful .',' Police Capture Car Strippers .OJ POINTE GROSSE Su"day. 10:00 to 4:00 ,*....;, .5 .0.$ a. ........... a ..a..s .. '............ '__ .... d ..... "'. -.. 964 ..6811 . ._.._.__.._~>.~~~ _ .............. t~ ~_:__ \ ~ ....'~~ ......... ".~..,..~.. ...... __.... __•• _--. ..... + .... , ... +..... ~,~. l~' J 'J'" .._. _.._, .] 'd ments I 8 Char t er W 00 dsays Ok GROSSE POINTE EDWARDS APPOINTED Pointer Robert F. Edwards " I has recently been appointed (c.t1Jlued from Pale 1) ler Pme rnd.ex, sU?Ject to an, mum of $600 per year to $900 vice.president of Business without any further addition. annual maXlmum Increase or annual salary." Development of tlle Burton • 1 change in current provis- decr~ase of 2.5.percent of the CompeDsation of MUDidpal Abstract and Title Company. iOlll, and to require an addi. unadjusted rehrement allow. J.udge. That Chapter 15, Sectional one percent contribu, ance after December 31, hon 15.4, of the charter "be tion by non.covered members 1973," amended so as to increase to the retirement system. Salary Increase the maximum allowable sal. Such provisions shall take e[. Continuing. the "compensa. ary o[ the Municip:-.l Judge feet July 1 1974." lion" amendments show the of the Court from $$,000 an . • etlreme~t Allowance _ following: . nu~Jly to. $6,000 annually. I Covered Member. That ChapCompens~hon of .)1 a yo r whlc.h maxlmu~ salar~. shall ter 16, Section 16.18, oC the. and Coun~dmen. That Chap- be fIxed. by ordmance. . charter "be amended so as Iter 4:, SecMn 4.2, oC the char. ,!,h.e .fmal am~nd~ent. IS to eliminate the provision re.1 ter . be amende~ so as !a EhglbiUty for Offll~e ~n City. ducing the covered m~mber's I provide f~r an Increase. 10 That Chapter 5:, Section 5.1, retirement allowance one-] compens~tlOn [or the OCCIC~ oC the chartez: be amended hall of one percent for each, of Councilman from a maxI" so as to provl~e that an en. montb's retiNment preceding mum of $400 p~r year to $720 cum~ent councdman m~y be I age 60 years. Such provision an~~al salary. and for th.e 1 ap~mted to a v~,cancy m the: will take effect July I, 1974." offIce of Mayor from maxI. offIce of Mayor. ; NEWS Thursday, August '6, 1973. Mr. Edwards will be re'l sponsible for corporate ac. counts, national builders and interstate lending institutions in Michigan. He is a member of the Mortgage Bankers As. 'I sociation of America, as well as the Michigan Mortgage Bankers, the Detroit Real Estate Board, the Michigan Real Estate Association, the Detroit Metropolitan Build. ers Association and the De. troit Cha'mber of Commerce. Au g u s t 6, unanimously awarded an aluminum siding contract to Eastview Alumi. OKAY SIDING I num Inc. to fix up the side The Woods Council at the' porch of the Municipal Build • regular meeting Monday,' ing. The amount was $1,397. 1-----------------.------------------------.----.------- I Betlrement Allowance Covered Member. That Chap. ter 16, Section 16.18, of the 1 charter "be amended so as , _ to provide that a covered (Continued from Page I) While checking a rear yard' member shall ha~e his relire. (around 7:49 p.m.), Rey- at a corner of Hillcrest and; ment allowance Increased to 1 nolds. stilI playing Miss Frankfort, OUicer Fagan two percent of such memo Hughes said he was suffer- spotted Reynolds laying face ber's final average compen.! ing fro'm he'art pal~itations down in the bushes along II sation, times the first 25 and was taken to 5t John backyard fence. After a years of credited ~rvice, While personnel were 'getting brief struggle, Reynolds was plus one percent o~ his ~nal his hospitaI history, Rey. arrested and transported to. average .:ompensation, times nolds refused further servo the station. ' . his credited service in excess ice put on his outer clothing Reynolds told police he' of 25 years. Such provision and bolted through the rear had given false information. win take effect July 1, 1974." I emergency entrance, police about his name and sex JletJrement Allowance -I said. earlier, and then identified NOIl.Covered M~mber. That He ran across the parking himseH. A dark Wig which Chapter 16, Section 16.19 (a) lot to Morass across Moross he wore upon his arrest was of the chart~~ "be amended to the second house north of confiscated. so as to provide that a non. Hillcrest and then between ----c~vere~ member shall some houses east towards hiS retirement allowance!DMack ' creased to " "(a) 2.5 percent of such Fora ti!lle Reynolds di~. ICYCe Ie member's average compensa- appeared IOta the darkness. tion, times the first 25 years But not for long. A bicycle thief, startled by of credited service, plus .When the clock tolled 12, a Briarcliff road resident, "(b) 1.0 percent of his final hiS momentary f r e e d ~ m was thwarted in his attempt average compensation, times came to an end as sear.~.hmg to "bag a bike" Friday eve. his credited service in excess Woods and. Farms officers ning, August 10. of 25 years converged m the area of The resident stopped pa. "and to 'require an addi- Fran~fort and. Hil1cr~st. troiling Woods Public Safety tional one percent contribuPolice re<:elved mforma. Officer Jac!: Treppa and said tionto the retirement system tion that a citizen had last after returning home, he by the non,covered members. seen Heynolds run n in g noticed a vehicle parked in Such provisions will take ef. north between houses Crom Cront of his house. fect July 1, 1974." Hillcrest, east of Frankfort. As he pulled into the Cost-of.Uving Adjustment. A ch~ck of the area proved driveway, be spotted a white That' Chapter 16 of the char- negatlve. male with blond shoulder ter "be amended by adding a Search on Foot . l~ngth bair driving his son's new section to provide for However, Woods OffIcers bike out of the open gara~e annual post.retirement ad- Patrick DeVine and Patrick door. H~ chased the culprIt justments to the retirement Fagan began a yard.ta-yard north On Morningside drive allowance of members and search on foot, covering the I to North Rosedale where the their beneficiaries, bas e d area in which the suspect youth dumped the bicycle upon changes in the Consum. was last seen. and ran through some yards. Police checked the area but were unable to find the youth. Nab 'FemuIe' f or La Teen.y Citizen. Stops BO I ThO f I nautical (jifts and Woat 8upplies • DockleY'1 Sp,ed,... I Course pia".') • Sp.rry T0IKide r Safety 800/ Shoes "I' if .•• It's N.IIt;clll • &inoculars • Nau/ical (aut Nice) lamps •. 800/ Hea.ors Jut "ice W.'~. Got Itf • Marine Publications • Navililotionollnlltumenh • Seth Thomal Maritlo Clocks and Bo,o me'. rs SHIP'S WIlES. FAMOUS HORPOU 5.lIInl Swits wi" tfI. hidden hood $39.50 VALUE Jocke', Only $11.95 19605 Mack $29.50 .... Value $24.50 TU 2-1340 Ope" Daily '.6. Sat., 5 p.m. Browse the ship's wheel RICHARD PROMOTED Ray L. Richard, of Bar. rington road, was recently promoted to regional mana. ger of City National Bank. Mr. Richard, who was pre. viously assistant vice.president, will be responsible for seven of the bank's braneh offices. He 'joined CNB in 1955 as ta bula ting super . visor and became an assist. ant branch manager in 1964. He was promoted to branch manager in 1965. member of management in ,1966, and an officer in 1967. He became assistant vice.president in 1970, Mr. Rkhard is a member o[ the American .Institute of Banking, the Rotary Club and the Lion Club. Detroit & Northern Savings announces it PASSBOOK SAVINGS per year Daily interest WRONG WAY You may have the right. of-way in trame, but there's Uttle satisfaction dying to prove it. 1 YEAR CERTIFICATES per $1,000 minimum year 30 MONTHS CERTIFICATES per year $5,000 minimum 48 MONTHS CERTIFICATES $1,000 minimum per year • • • • effective annual yield effective annual yield • • • • effective annual yield effective annual yield ALL ACCOUNTS COMPOUNDED QUARTERLY. ., New Passbook savings rate retroactive to July 1,1973.Though we can't automatically increase existing certificate rates, you may present your certificate at maturity for re-issue at a new, higher rate, without loss of earnings. DETROIT & NORTHERN SAVINGS Home Office: Hancock, Michigan , 19307 Mack Ave. Grosse Pointe Woods ThursdlY, August 16, 1973 GROSSE Engineers Set Flood Control Goal By this fall the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers and Great Lakes communities workIn, together on Opera. tion Foresight will have completed emergency protec. lion against a pOtential $100 milUon in flood damages to lakeshore property. Major G en era I Ernest Graves, Division Engineer of the Corps, North Central Division, announced from his Chicago headquarters the construction of tempOrary dikes, costing $25 million, was 7/J percent complete and that all work was scheduled for completion by the end of September. ------------ICOl"Ps Moon Sh:nes .. Frid'ay N."g h t City Police Omcers Donald Boyer and Jerome Petz arrested two Detroit boys for indecent eXpOsure on Frida)' night, August 10, The officers were on rou. tine patrol at 11:30 on Friday wt.en they saw the two boys standing on the flood control dike at the foot of Lakeland without their clothes. The boys, it appears, bad been swimming in the lake and were drying oll with towels. The police otficersyelled to the boys to get dressed and put them under arrest for indecent eXpOsure. Of. ficer Boyer handcuffed both of the boys and took them to the station, where they were giveD their rights. Each posted a $2Z bond. Their court date was set for Tuesday, August 28. GA.BAGE GR.NDER? c.n ~M PLUMBING8H~ATn"j 1530 .. KERCHEVAL ' "Our goal is U> get all the dikes in place before the period of heaviest fall storms so as to prevent the flooding of low.lying areas which oc. curs when strong winds are combined with higb lake levels," General Graves ex. plained. Operation Foresight is aim. ed at protecting 140 sbore areas, totalling 100 miles of shoreline. These are the areas where local interests requested Federal assistance and were able to provide the right.of.way and other local guarantees required by law. Since the program was an. nOI'!1ced last December the hos been providing engineering advice to af. fected communities and has supplied them with $6 mil. lion in materials for dike construction, including 11 million sandbags. W he r e local governments lack the capability to instan the dikes themselves, the Corps has let contracts for dike construction. Seventy-live miles of protective structures have a1. ~ady been completed at a cost of $16 million. These are protecting against a potential $60 million in flood damages. Forty miles of additional dikes to be eompleted by the end of September at a cost of $9 million will protect against another $40 million in potential damages. Operation Foresight initial. ly extended to all of the Gr<:at Lakes and Lake St. Clair. However, in consulta. tion with local authorities it was agreed not to undertake any emergency protection projects on Lake Superior. Some of the larger pro. jects already completed are: (lve and a half miles of diking for St. Clair Shores, costing $970,000; 10.3 miles of dikes at Reno Beach. Howard Farms, 0., costing $3.6 million; three miles of diking at Green Bay, Wis., costing $927,000, and a $563" 000 flood protection project for Eastlake, O. Live and let live is merely recognition of others' rights. VA 2.9070 POINTE WSU's Holden Dies on Aug. 8 Pige Five NEWS ACTION PROVES THEORY COUJ'\j'TS REMODEL NOW! Riches are acquired -not Face the future realistic. Professor of English in 1946, ally always-it takes just as by what the world giveshas been the only chairman much energy to ~ish as to but by what it cannot take of the journal\1m depart. plan. away. ment since its formation in 1949. He was the third Ameri. can chosen in 30 years :0 present the Arthur Norman Smith Memorial Lecture in Journalism at The Univer. sity of Melbourne, (Austra. lia). He was editor of "Detroit in Perspective," a new quarterly publication of the Detroit Historical Society. His professional member. ships included Sigma Delta Chi, the Association for Edu. cation in Journalism, Detroit Press Club, Torch Club of Detroit and the WSU Pr"ss Club. Memorial contributions can be made to the W. Sprague Holden Journalism SCholar-! Woods Mayor Pro Tem ship Fund at WSU in care of '760 ~ E, J.ffenon I Marvin R. Boutin was reo the Wayne state Fund. cently appointed to thll Corn. m it tee on International Municipal Cooperation of the National League of Cities by Detroit Mayor, and League president, Roman S. Gribbs. The council at the regular meeting Monday, August 6, unanimou,!y approved a mo. tion that Mr. Boutin send a letter to Mayor Gribbs ac. cepting the appOintment. (Mr. Boutin was excused from voting). His term expires Decem. ber 6 upon adjournm~nt of the 1973 Congress of Cities, (December 2-6) in San Juan, Puerto Rico. Mayor Gribbs said, "You will be a member from your state to represent its munici. pal i!1terests on this impOrtant committee." He also noted NLC committees have three major tasks including a constant search for new concepts which will aid in "providing a good life for all urban Americans," a car e f u I weighing of national and urban program priorities and a determination of the "na. tional policies, programs and strategies nee e s s a r y to achieve our goals." W. Sprague Holden, pro. fessor and chairman of the department of Journalism at Wayne State University, died Wednesday, August 8, of a heart attack at Providence Hospital. He was 64 years old. . For many years, he helped students find jobs on dozens of newspapers, both dailies and weeklies, including the Grosse Pointe News. He was not only an excellent in. structor but also took a strong, personal interest in all his students. Professor H 0 Ide n, who joined the WSU faculty as a Name Boutin "W-alNZEir BELLE ISLE AWNING CO. -B~~\)~ REMODELING 777.6840 ',I:.~E Ite t. or re-re.till,. JOIU ,rolltf1J UP'lted prior se., Enjoy tllis .". .... ment while JOII ~vin, in YOln lM.e". If' IVENINGSG' TU1."44 .A" $11>1AND GROnl PQINliS Canvas • Vinyl • Acrilan • Dacron UPDATE YOUR BATHROOM, KITCB, PLUUIIG and ELECTRIC FREE ES r'MATES IMMEDIATE DEUVERY This will IN ,~ui,ec1 befo,e selling 0' r.,.nting. Y4Hll1y ClKI, fo, Y'"'" aulo induding depreciation or... , ~.. $1,500.00. If you in.... ' half of this in you. home per Y4HI',t ....ill be w.1I maintained prolec'ing YOll' home in... ,',. Mak. ,h. impro, now 'hal you may enjoy them and a n..... ,"....ner will appreciate a ....ell maintained home. To COlnlnittee • LO 7-2293 ~foJ,. ADDITIONS New loul kiI4il, codes r..... e tUt { ," , , Limit your speed, motorists -not your chances to live. Market 18328 MACK AVENUE '82-2530 This Week's Bell Ringers 18001 MACK AT RADNOR Prices EHec:liveAugulI 16, 17 and 18 Closed All Day Sunday al Ulual Closed Wednesdays 1 P.M. • FlESH. ~EAN, MEATY COUNTRY STYLE PORK RIBS Fine for Barbecuing .~ LB$1.29 "THE ORIGINAL" Oea, ells,orner We a r e • • • ITery Want" PrOUd Of .r0U SEMI-BONELESS PORK LOIN ROAST oUr to STUFFED !I'ednesd LB. ay, jOin Us ~, "'or , 'I!Jg USt 1St'. 0 b rand new f Ur G aCl'l It}, . rand 0 P " ening a nd On "THE ORIGINAL" '>1 STUFFED PORK ROLLS !1.19 FRESH HOME GROWN CUCUMBERS or PEPPERS 3for 29< all t o serif 0 ur Sa'-es e You FRESH CARROTS DEE OUR POLICY ON.........F SIAIEMENIOF WI HAVI NOI AND WI WILL NOI BUY ANY 811F ABOVI CIILING ".IC!S! Wh.n •• ha ... B•• f ••• 1.... 1., It .1..... h'd t. O.r C.s'om.n .. Our C.llin. Jtrlc•• ! W. Ur•• You 10 Writ. or Wlr. Your S.nalor. and Con.r ha •• C.lling "rlc•• LHt.cll", clla'.',. on ••••• '0 w. c.rry It '-.fet. SetectieR "'INS.. I....... ('.'11I'''' htry .., Qualify and Service as always . • . If Fillt - I~ We're gelling bigg 10 serve IOU beller - $ C;;ROSSE Slate Classes for Han.dicapped PO~NTE NEWS I hurSd ay I 19, August 1'1' j Father, Son Net Holes-in-One Delay Appeals Hearing in Woods now a senior at Acqllinas i in-onc . . . on the same (Coatinuecl from Page 1)' the structure at present, the Towards the end of the disCollege in Grand RapillS,' {'ourse .. , at the same hole. At the July 2 meetirlg, some corporal said he issued a vio. cusslon between the council, popped a at the Never was then~ a truer 30 Newcastle citizens com. lation for "Injurious material Mr.' 'Murphy and the resininth green, (185 yards), on saying, "Like Fath~r. Like plained about oil waste which found on thoroughfares," (oil dents, who didn't want an the Cr)'"lal Dllwns Country Son" .. , or should It be the washed from the service ga. in street), to Chrysler Cor. "instant replay" of p r i 0 r Club course, Crystal Lake. other way around? rage area onto the street and poration, Highland Park. problems, Mr. Michel, nol This ace was scored on July -----alley during a s tor m on Meanwhile at the hearing: without a touch 'll frustration, 4. Dreamers starve today Th~rsday, June 29. Waste 01,1. City Administrator Chester said, "The building is ava~l. Now, on Wednesday, Au. while feeding on tomorrow's which floated on the street s E. ,Petersen made it dear no $ble for a car dealership gust 8, his father sunk a hole. hope. fioodedportion, swallowed up certificate of occupancy can without a change in the ordi. a~ut 14 lawns between the be granh'd until the oil spill. nance. If 1 ~an.t rent the Sidewalk a~~ the curb. age situation is fixed. He building, what can. I do with The conditIOn of the lot at urged that this mattel be it? Goodyear would be a first the southwest corner of Mack taken care of with dispatch. rate lenant." and Newcastle was described Th' 0'1 was apparas "filthy' and "a nuisance" IS I mess by e idcnts in a communi. enlly caused when the. sew~r CORREel' LOGIC .r s c' backed up out of a hOist Pit, cation to the. c;,0un II at the (which contain:: a grease and Don't expect too much well. oil interceptor), came up to from others remember, The pre-school develop- May 17 meetm",. 'Developments on th.e p~r. floor level and ultimalely 'you've never sel the world menr-progratn is scheduled Chris Wilson, captain of to begin operaUon Monday, chase of the lot and liability washed the oil with it down on fire. .. -----,.!r~"'''''''@ii~ North High's goll team, bas August 20, and will continue for lawn damage are still Newcastle "The st;eets mllst hold parI FPORTS FANS!~V ',h!' signed a NatioDal Letter of throughout the year witb pending .. The Chrysler Intent to atteM We&terft short breaks in _December ~:~f;t:fsn re~~~ o~o~n g~~f~~ of the rain~all so the bas~; I i~ ~ lIic:hifan University. and during the summer to purchase the 1 I m~nts won t be flooded, During his career at North, months. The sessions will . 0 • said Mr. Petersen. He added 81' '" T~e city also has not been the city has not experienced YOU W"llaoo fmiabed third in the meet on Monday, Tuesday, 1972 MIchigan Class A tl)m. Thursday and Friday from a~vlsed on the lawn damag~. this t~pe of trouble, (i.e., the DIDII'" City Attorney George Catlm oil interceptor problem) be. petition, Lilt summer, be 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. so "I have to as~ume.IIOW L nftked as the number one U interested ill enrolling had earlier told the NEWS ufore I quaUfied from MIcbl.gan for your child, contact Metro. Pointe Dodge won't assume the lea see or pwnerbas not • tte U.S. Junior' Amateur poUlan Society at (313) 341. liabill.ty fo~ the destruction. maintained the interceptor." Brought to you I Tournament. Recently, be 4900. AU classes will be held the city Will pay to replace. the sod and lawns. However, He felt It shoul~ b~ cleane~ By TED EWALD I WOll the Western Junior at tbe Metropolitan Society until the oil spill situation is ou! Of plugged if It wasn! I Amateur Tournament at MiI. Therapy Center, 17330 Schae. corrected, the city will not g010g to 'be used. , fON. fer, Detrdt. go ahead with lawn repair Mr .. Petersen also s a I d Dco you know why the' . . s. everyllme the fire t r u c k "bullpen" in a ba.. ball parkl In related mCldents, two leaves on a call it costs $150 is called a bullpen? ... Inl Super Service Is Stressed in Tune With Times f~er complain~s .on coodi. and the truck has made thre~ the oIcI clap, .the lull Dur.• hons at the buildmg were trips down Newcastle road. ham Tobacco Co., !Wt 'ho"1 Pointe Dodge, 20'year.old east- new quarters, demanded by outstand. reported to The Woods De,Mr. Murphy said although acI",niaing signs on the side new and used auto and truck ing growth over the past two and a partment of Public Safety Goodyear was caught up in fOlK" In mcony, many ball' agency have moved to giant and novel half years. !ast week parks around tho Cfilntry. . a situation not of its making, and a lot of .holr sitns w_ On Tuesday, August 7, Mr. he would do everything nec- Iocaled in .he a,.. of the Kenneth G. Meade, Grosse quarters, bump - and body. Meade. Currently there are 1 Catlin was told that the in- essary to correct the prob. park w"-re rollef p1tcltolSl Pointe resident and president shop at Gratiot and Gunston, eight salesmen, 15 m'echanics, terior 0: the building was lem. He told some Newcastle warmllCl up ... Tt.ot area I of ,the firm, is the nation's and the used car lot at Fisher and' 10 oUice and clerical covered -with debris. Building residents In the audience he began to be called the "bult-. youngest and one of the car and Mack. personnel. A twofold increase Inspector Earl Wakely went wants to work com pat ably P;l"''', and It', boon that OVIr division's most promising Service will be the top pri. in virtually all departments to the site and found three with the neighbors so they line.. * * * II dealers. ority of the relocated firm, is anticipated. young men cleaning the in. could be potential customers Boliov. 't or not, a como. Aided by well known, large. supported by 23 work stalls The dealership also expects terior and dumping debri::; at the service slore. plot, 9-inning big ,"gu. ly eastslder personnel and a in a greatly-expanded and to' at least double its sales into a dumpster. As for the parking deficibaseball game was oncol managerial staff of experi- fully-equipped department, from the current rate of 125 A rainstorm on Thursday, ency, 'Mr. Murphy said the • p1ayllClin 51 minut .. ! . . '1 enced thouah also young men "A uniitue canopied drive. new and 100 u~ed cars month. August 9, once again brought ordinance requires 18 spaces :n~am~,I:'':''~9~':' Meade said, they hope to g~ in area will expedite service ly. Meade had already previoil spillage from the building. and "I can come up with 12 I * * * I on growing with the whole write-ups 0 u t d 00 r S. 0 u r ously increased volume 400 Corporal Robert Setchell reo outside and 11 inside." Of • a ba .. ball _ord I community, "contributing per- planned 'superm~rkel' effici- percent over predecessors In were up to $35.00........... ported oil had run down the the 11, eight spaces would be It!'at jUlt ~~n't ... m polsonally and professionalliy as ency ap,?roach m~~udes an I two and a half years at the walk and drive into the street used for servicing aut 0 " Ilb/~, bu. ~t, 'ruo .. ' , T"" good neighbors and business- e~prcss Ime, a waiting room old locale. He also has added ,.. were up to $50.00 0. and westerly along the curb while three would be left 'onhr. Chicago Whit. SOIl I men " wUh free coffee, and other ac- car and truck leasina team of 190. hit only th,", . commodat'ons W'lI 1 ),1 d h l' . "'G towar d s the catch. basin. The over, he added_ He empha. • hotnl runs AU SEASONl . . . "This million dollar investI. e a sOl.' ea e, wOlves 10 rosse ,.. were over $50.00 .......• 0. fire truck W8S qUIckly called s i zed Goodye;'(f's business I Just Ihlnk, tlto,. have boon I ment is ~lDother positive in. have a ~eady fleet of 10 cars Pomte Park, heads a youlhto washdown the waste. would not be as "intense" Itim.. in ba .. ball. history I dex of this area's continuing ~or service customers re~ulr- Iul management team. GenIn his report, Corporal Set- as the dealership's. "The 1wh.n OM ployer hit three th tv b li this I mg temporary substllule eral sales manager Charles hOmo run, in on, gam.grow.. e e ~ve. transp<lrtation" .. Meade said. ("Chuck") Riley, 28, started NOW IN STOCK ,.. ch en sal'd Gilbe r t M'IC h el, tra f!ic turnover wou Id not b e I but imagine, hore's a whole s.hows pnde and faith ~n our The building's en~ircling working with IIIeadc at the owner of tl.e building, was at that great." I team Ihal totalllCl only thr.. lifelong home commumty as exlerior lots wm contal'n an the scene. Mr, Michel said He noted around 10-75 per. I homors all year!. It', a good place to work and former Riverview Dodge :lev. the structure is still leased cent of the business would be Ihard to boli... e, but estimated regularly stocked en years ago, beginning his to the Chrysler Corporation. automotive as against 25-30 happened. it liv.e," the 29-year-old Meade 250 new cars and 80 light career on the wash rack. A Due to the fact that Pointe percent for mercantile. Good. I * * * saId. and medium size trucks on former Park native, he now bring in trades D~g~ no longer occupies the year p I a n s to sell TV's, " WEEKLY SPKtALS The. consi~era~ly lar~er the west side, and 150 used resides in Bloomfield Hills. building and -Mr. Michel says stoves, refrigerators, et. aI., 1197\ Mont. Carlo and all.mcluslvc site occupies cars on the east side of the His mother, Florcnce, still he has no authority to enter in this area. ,1970 Monl. Carlo. almost a squa~e block, some struclure. The sides and rear lives in the park. 1'969 Ford Country Squire 5"; acres, wlt.h a 464-foot of the lut will be fenced and James Stevenson. 28, of 1972 2 Dr. Nova frontage extendlDg from R~d- the entire front open. PorI Huron, is p!,rts manag(11970 Chovrolet Sport Sodan nor to Neff on the we~t Side An unusual, sur. , er. Philip Seslar. 37, service 0 \'~I":h= c:':d:'~n:n:n~wna.':; of Mack Av~n~e, Prevlou~ly, rounded by sales and execu-I director, lives in St. Clair ------.1well equipped. two old bUI~dings occupIed I tive offices, will feature only Shores, , (CoDtbmed from Page 1) more than sufficient to melt the property s front. two DCW cars on display in I' In keeping ..yith Pointe's I .. . I A one-story. structure of 7,500 square feet of space. youlhful tone. Detrpiter Gil$15 Windshirt with ,.. between 160.167 degrees the wall:. he pointed out. "If you will notice when I I 16,188 square feet ~ ho~s~ The present number of bel't A. Pl'alt, 32, has been Each Purchase over $10 ,.. Farenhei~, "The point I am trying to you light a candle, the flame I I ~1l of the company s faclh- employcs will be increased top new car Isalesman at make," said Chief Costa, "is burns evenly," the chief I VA 1.2000, I ties under one roof. Included {rom 33 to 60 and the pay-I Pointe Dodge ,c,ince joining that when the temperature stressed. "11 is not the wax .. are management and sales roll doubled accordingly to I nine months ago. over the stove reaches 473 that is retaining the flame degrees Farenheit, the fumcs on the wick. but the minute tend to center in that one fumes exuding from the wax. area and the result is an ex. Wax itself does not burn, plomon or flash fire. but the gaseous element it "Regardless of how long contains does, and,.this is water is boiling, the maxi- what keeps the candle alit." mum heat will never go be. Another extremely dan. yond 220 degrees. Whereas. gerous practicl!, Chief Costa when the fumes from the said, is to keep a lighted TU 4.551.!V'i1Y 207~ MACK AVE.' ,.. paraffin burs Is into a flash cigaret in your mouth when ~ .GROSS~~~~~~W9.9.B~~~~:~ ~ flame, the danger not only using hair spray from an )III('" lies in the fact something aerosol can. combustible might catch fire, "Aerosol cans, of whatever but also in the fact that the nature, contain a gaseous person standing over the substance, and when you puff melting wax will be breath. on a cigaret and spray at ing the escaping fumes. If the same time, the red glow there Is a sudden flash, that of the dgaret, on coming in person is liable to breathe contact with the gas, can in some of the flame thereby cause an explosion, causing searing the lungs." an injury," the chief said. A flash fire may last just In this day and age, men, a second or more. 'the chief too, use hair spray, and the added, but it could ignite a same warning applies to person's clothing, or if there thpm, the chief added. Do is somelhing close by that is not keep any lighted ciraget ft ' flammable, a fire could re- or cigar, or use any aerosol ........II....... , ...,... suit. Worse still, one could can near an open flame or be severely or fatally burned, there could be serious he added. trouble. The best method of melt. Above all, the chief said, ing paraffin is in a double do not toss empty aerosol boiler, with the bottom pan cans into an incinerator or containing the water and the open fire. pan above holding the wax. Think and be safe, and This methlXl will create a you will be safe, the chicf heat of 390 degrees, which is \ cmphllsizcd. 'Every loyal golfer's dream is a Many never fulfill this dream, or even come close to it, ,But this isn't the case of the John McClain family, of Severn road. Eat your. hearts out. 0 golfer;' of toil. John McClain, an Austin High grad who's A eb1lcS need DOt be pbyli. aDd Adults haa developed a cally impaired ill order to pre-school program for the be developmentally bandi. developmentally handicapped c:apped. Theae c:hildren ar~ children of the tri-eounty of tell .low to leam eertaiD !lrea, agel three to six years. The program is operated developmental skWJ but with the proper instruction aDd by occupaUonal therapists guidance, mlny ean assume with the involvement of a their position In a school physical therapist, psychologist and parents. UlUmately. system. In order to meet the ever the program Is aimed so that ,rowin, need to supply this each child may function at a 1natruction, Mp.Uopolltan So. maximum level within his c1ety for Crippled Chlldren degree of handicap. All children receive individual at. tention and are involved in group iIlerapy sessions as I Pointe Dodge's' Grand Opening of New Facilities, August 15 Wilson Sets Sights on WMU ************** ,.. * : SKI CLOTHING : :,.. SALE:* : *" JACKETS AND PANTS .~c:: **' -15.*, '20. * ',.. * H.r.', -10. ,.. *' ** Ro•• 1Roc 550 ** NORDICAS-I972.73 '206** IIOW I: 1/3 OFF * EE *,.. OPEN 10 A.M.-8 P.M. * ,.. *,.. *,.. * -** ,.. , * ,e't ..~* PI~NC.'-.. * .'610 ,.. ,.,..dC' ~ ** 'SKI"." ~ I ,.. I MeIt-"Lng 'f I Para"Ln ff - \1 TED EWALD i I CHEVROLET _~~.l~2,E!!2!__ .. --::.;z ._, • _...,.-.w.t t *** * *'~ ** * * * * **" MID S.ASOII GOLF SALE LADIIS' SHO.S M.II'•• '12" '14 HO.S Slack. ... Shirl. I I -I H.b ••• - D IngU.h C.rts 'UN PuH ... s - ...... GI .: '. lr I. 30~ OFF •• G.A. - H H.-I Co ...... '6 S., S - Chlppe .. • '2"• • '''011I 'S" 'I ••' RIllS ••••••.. '••.•• , r••oa. mum, "1 ••do•• fA. 'US•..•...... froftl ..... 40a. ,.. IIAM ••••••••••••••••••• '9'. II••• ==~~~ ~~~~: PRO.LIIiI GOLF 1.1. .. cG 139 Flnt FHI•• LID A W . Wholesale Pro Golf Shop 10620 I I" , htr.1t - S21.230S rI., •• -4:30ht. Association REGISTRATION GOLF BALLS .................... Grosse Pointe I I Gross. Pointe Community Rink at Austin High I The light 'n lively little vehicle that runs on Pedal- Power! let you pedaltn com!nr!. Its sl~hl~ \hrrrpl1:111 sl.J~cr. a', ",,"II as its low center of gravIty, provldrs satr ,w!! ('X(I\Hlg rnallf:IIVera bihty tor any (Iriver, This new and exciting all purpose ppv. ("People. Powered Vehicle") is the latest innovation in reliable short. range trans portation It's noiseless and non-polluting because it runs on Pedal. PoweL You can pedal it practically anywhere for any purpose at your own leisurely pace, The lower hod/es wm" /n your chniu, nf IJCt~r lort's! Grpen, Royal Space BhlP ann Polar Sun YI~llow Tlw bllily tn[l.lllrl shifter cover a re Blight Snow Wh II>: PPV's "shill.anytime" Mark 111 transmission eases your pedaling effort, while the adjustable custom.contoured bucket seats So come on in and see Ihe ail (lur,JOsc PPV. I Boys, Ages 6-111 Take a People-Powered ride today, .. for the fun of it! Saturday, August 25th & "R~.O! 'f.,IRK Of rVI Grosse Point. PPV SALES;' ..... r 8th 9 a.m. to 12 noon 886-1300 18519 Mack Ave. 1 t .; Thursd August 16. 1973 I Page Seven GROSSE POINTE NEWS -_._---------------------------, I SUi eel Trio of CCD Theft Three y ng men, two of whom had een wortdng for the Countr Club of Detroit, 120 Countr Club lane, were i1rrested b I Farms police aL 12:06 a.m. Monday, August 13, as the~Ylwere leaving tbe club Pr? rty. They were ar~ ':!sted I a car that had defective ~rake lights, and were foun to be in posses. sion of st ,en property. The triojwere taken to the station anJ released to Det. Earl Fiel~ for further ques. tioning ~d investigation. They had;a $200 toaster appliance inithe vehicle, which it was sail had been takeD from the ~lub kitchen. Chargee! with larceny Crom a bUildint.' according to the detective, are Jeffrey P. Marl, 19, f 21905 Alger, and Randy L;Major, 17, of 21522 Shady la~, both of 51. Clair Shores, ~nd Richard Lee Barton, 1/. of 15031 Manning, Detroit. i Patrol?an Gerald De. burghgr~ve, the arresting officer, Slid he was on rou. , Elect Pointers Trustees ~:wc:u;:~ Of Historical Society property and ~~ ~~~~i~Dd Club of Detroit head west on Country ClIrb Three Pointers were re'l Jane. The cal' was occupied centI)' elected to the board by the trio. of trustees of the Detroit Tbe policeman said the Historical Society. ~Et:KOAY t:tOURS: OPEN SUNDAY Mon., Tues., Wed. the bo~rd of trustees of Merrill.Palmer Institute and a trustee of Elmwood Ce~e. tery, the G~osse POtnt~ Human Relahons Council and the Metropolitan Society for the Blind. In addition, he . is a member of both the American and Detroit Bar Associations. He was graduated from Yale University and received his LLB from the Harvard Law School. He has served two terms on the board of trustees previously. M .. t" .d . Th r. mllr 10 resl es 10 e Park He is first vice-presi. dent. and a member of the board of trustees of the Children's Aid Society. an hon. orary life member of the Industrial Editors Associa. tion of Detroit and a mem.' ber of the finance and steer. ing committees of the Detroit -Windsor International Freedom Festival. He also Is a member and former chairman of the pub. lic relations committee of the Michigan Bankers As. sociation, an accredited I member of the Public Rela. tions Society of America and a member of the. alumni board. A graduate of Wayne State University, he serves on the WSU Press advisory board, an~ is an adj~nct. in-I struetor In commu~lcal1?ns at Wayne State. UOlve.rslty. Mr. Mead, a City reSident. is. pre~ident of t~e .Michigan HIstorIcal CommISSIOn and a member of the Michigan Bicentennial Commission. He serves on the board of trustees of the Detroit Artists Market and is a member of the Planned 'parenthood League and Semor Center, Inc. He received his bacca. laureate degree from WHIiams College t\nd his law degree from the University of Michigan __ ' _ 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Thurs. & Fri. 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Saturday 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. 10 A.M. driver. Major, made a turn :r~ey are Farms Mayor north on Moross toward William G. Butler, ~n at. Maclr. On coming to a stop torne-r and p~rtner tn. the Pric •• Goad thru Aug. 2 lot at the traffic signal at the law firm of MlIler, Canflel?, W. r... th. ,is!!t to intersection, the officer no- Paddock and Ston.e; Dar~1O limit quantiti.,. ticed that ,the brake light on D. ~artln, Jr .• ass~stant vice. Marl's car was not operating. preSident a.nd director ~f Deburghgraeve said he public relahons for DetrOit stopped the car on Moross, Bank and Trust, and Hudson north of Mack. Marl was Mead, als~ an attorne.y and sitting on the passenger side a partner m the law firm of of dIe front seat and at. Tolleson, Burgess and Mead. . t emp ti ng t0 hid e a Iarge Harold DeOrlow, of Buplastic bag between his leet. mingham, also w~s elec.ted The patrolman asked what to t~e board. He IS a vice. was in the sack, and Marl pre~ldent at Manuracture~s produced a large, chrome NatIOnal Bank of DetrOit. toaster, which he claimed and a member of the board belonged to his mother. of directors and ~reasurer of When asked by the officer the Grosse Pomte Yacht what they were doing at the Club. Country Club of Detroit, both Mr. Butler is chairman of Major and Marl stated they ---------were employes of the club. Deblirghgraeve radioed the station to phone the club manager, Joseph Gunther, to inquire it a toaster was miss. ing from the property. Theodore H. Mecke, Jr., Deburghgraeve then radio- Ford Motor Company vice. , -ed for assistance and Patrol. president _ public affairs, A WooJs Board of Appeals man Kenneth Pine was dis- bas been appointed to the hearing ~n the request of S. patched to the sc~ne. Whlle Bon Secours Hospital board D. Pal~zolo, owner of the Pine kept an eye on the trio, of trustus. land at Mack avenue and Deburghgraeve went to the A resident of The Farms, Fleetwoid, for a variance in CCD, and spoke to a security Mr. Mecke is serving the STEHOUWER'S CORN BEEF OR off.stre~ Pdarking re~tuireth - wguhaOrds'al'dHtanheS "luvbanhKaedhrse~vg: greater Detroit area as a ments i~ Of er to perml e ." member of the board of diconstruction of an office era I such toasters. rectors of the Traffic Safety building; has been delayed G~Dther was conta~ted and Association, the Zoological \Jnce verified that MalOr and Society and the United MADEL YNE'S FROZEN The ~ouncil unanimously Marl were employes of the Foundation where he also is approv~ a motion to post. club. He also disclosed the I a vice-president and mempone ttle hearing UDtil the toaster. was taken from the ber of the executive com. Monda)'; August 20, meeting. property. . mittee . Mr. Palazzolo requested the Field said MajOl', Marl and Mr .. Mecke attended La. MRS. PAULS postponement because archi. Robertson were releas~ on S 11 C 'I . h.s home. teetural plaDs were Dot $25 bond each, and will apa e o~ege 18.3, I n now finalized. pear .in COt!rt Wednesday, town, Pbiladelphl , ~ d rd This marked the third September 12, on charges of sefr~~s ~n the school s boa postponement or the lIgaring. laro:-eny from a building. 0 lreC ors. " d At the regular meeting Mon. _____. Mr. Mecke JOI~ed F?r STOUFFERS day. July 2, the council Men who accept free ad. Motor Company In Phlla. okayed a. motion to adjourn ,vice must take their own delphia as assistant manager the matter. tu the July 16 niedicine. (If the Southeastern Regional COmmOlmeeting. Then. at the July ._____ Public Relations office and .. 16 meeting, the solons ap. Some have no time to take soon transferred to the DearSARA LEE pro\'ed a motioo to adjourn adviee-they're busy selling born otfices where he rose it to AdgUSt 6. it. to his present position. He C\lrrently is responsible for Common Cause-Michigan, the public relations staff, the the local branch of the oa. Washington staff and the tionlll citizens lobby, an. FROZEN BANK governmental affairs and nounced, beginning immcdi. ~\d' ,. ~ planning staH at Ford. ate1y, it will furnish without \ \lII Mr. Mecke has served Bon charge literature, speakers Secours Hospibl for the past and a film on state reform i 10 years as a member of the legislation for meetings or ~ advison' board. discussion sessions of civic. political and social action groups in the Detroit area. "We feel citizens in our 4131 CANYON~ .. ' area are concerned about the need for reform action by I.. lour State Legislature jn the A thief had a quick case areas of lobby regulation, of "dropsy" when sta!tied conflict of interest, campaign OR CASTLE by a Kercheval road reSIdent financing and open meet. WINS li • who spotted him carrying a ings," said Al Swerdow, state SCOTLAND ".'1 portable saber saw from her issues coordinator, "but they C .. property. need the facts about the ,2,.01. JAR THWollc;H AUGUST 25 eel STICKS TJie citizen told Farms Of- existing laws and how they or } SHill PADS WIOWELL SKATES ficer Vincent Peters Tues- should be changed." 7!' ELaOW PADS W.. WELL STICIS day, August 7, the culprit "Rt)al reform will not . EQUIPIIEMTBAGS IISPEUI STICKS was walking away from the come easily. And it will not . Shoul4er Palls VICTOIIAVILt STICKS garage as she was returning come at all unless ordinary VERNOR'S REGULAR I from the store. The woman citizens get the message to [QUftDT shouted at the alarmed thief their legislators that they SAVE OFF who released the article with wal\.t a new standard of 20< G)OPER .ee •• WIIIWELL dispatch. He was last seen ethical conduct established going south on MiApleton on now, not next year." RED HAWAIIAN foot. "Members of civic, social BAUERBUC~ PAIITMUS : Iec. $42.15". $35.15. The culprit was described and political action groups SAVE CeMPROUT, Re'. SU5". 54.15 as black about 27-years-old of aU types must become m. 12< CCMPROFE$SIOIIAL Iec. 7US •• 5U5 around '5-10 taU and 100 volved if meaningful reform CCIUUSUIG Iec. 3U5 •• 2U5 pounds, and of a thinnish is to. be achi~ved. The fir~t GREEN GIANT W. Used Siate. as rrade in'. build. He was wearing blue step 1D such mvo~vement IS jeans with a blue jean type a real under.standmg of. th~ SAVE RIft jacket. Police said nothing problems which now eXist, 15c ST IROLa. R $5 25 ... $5.25 anparenUy is missing at this he concluded. .. MORTKLAM D \,I • "............. ~e Interested citizens and STOUFFERS BROCCOLI 1I0RTMLAlfD USTPRO ec. 5.3'''. community organizations can * * * SPEtllAL TEAM DISCOUNT AVAILABLE LE-A-D ••TH-E-W-A-Y obtain the fr('e information ..•. SAVE Set a good example-what and speakers by wr.iti~g to ; . 30< .~~ i nn t1:. Common Cause - Michigan, you are i uences 0 ,ers lD P.o. Box 3700, Detroit, Mich. O I making them what they are. MEL.O-CRUST SLICED 48237. d Named to Boar 0 f Bon Secours Delar Ilearing For Third Time "" ~DSS In e OFFeel COlli MEADOWDALE * ST l ' Sllllll)D~DOil M1llMltAD~ 15% *....U.. "'--~--C:--ICI--&:--c:---= ... ,... .. . ., ' n nn n i I , .:' . , ~ .., ~ . ~. an d'bmey e ellen your tAd empcr. n J IUS • t~ mIght lose a cu,tomer. . . Thot's why I send my mechanics to a GM Trammg Center. ~hey study the most up-to-date automotive repair techniqu~s ~~d work .wlth the IQte~~ equipmem. What's more, as port of Oldsmoblles Total ~rlll~e. ~nvolvement Program, they also attend classes given by the Oldsmobile dIVISion to learn what's new. The way I see it, the more they know about your cor the better they'll fix ,t. .,. . Another t~ing we're doing to improve service IS checking .~nd double.~heck,"g. every job 90in9 out of the shop to make sure that It s done right the first time. That way, you come back because you wont '0. Not because you ~ave to. ',', ;:Wrong. e~;~~:y ';:~tYou Bade Because ,he Job Was Done We Want You Bade Because ,he Job Was Done Right' " , .. . You lose time the use of your. car 6 PUNCH SWEET PEAS AUGRATIN .. ShOW CO II.ectlon WHITE BREAD Ii ~~~,a:'~~~~,~,m, I HOMO MILK PRACTlf[ JERSEYSReg. $1.95 110. $6.95 lots f 15 or more $5.95 fIT' 9 KG! GINGER ALE ec. . $1.89 93c 10% -OZ. PKG. 10-0Z. PKG. PKG. 8-0Z. PKG. SAVE 10c VANILLA •• SPECIAL! 6 TO A PKG. PKG. OR CHOCOLATE ICE CREAM I i LB. 99c BUTTERED FISH FILLETS SWEET " SOUR PORK 7.0Z. 79c ,49c MACARONI " CHEES.E 7-0Z.49c CHINESE PEA PODS * EXT SPECIALSKATE SALE! aI'lI. 99 BEEF PASTY',S "'.,".$eason... Eq 'pmen t Sa Ie 20 U {i +, BEEF SIZZLE STEAKS Makes Tracks ~,:4:,~.'i' , I ----Startled Thief communi ' (Ink P re Phone 885.9839 LIVE LOBSTERS $ CaltSe. To G,.ve Facts "~ 5 P.M. rY. I II. to : I SAVE 28c LIMIT 1 WITH $5.00 ADDITIONAL PURCHASE LIMIT 2 PLEASE LIMIT 2 PLEASE LIMiT 3 PLEASE LIMIT 3 PlEASE SAVE ON OU R LOW PRICE CAMELOT collection of 35 salon prints' by Lawrence Marin is now on display nt the Dossin Great Lakes Museum on Belle Isle. The prints depict lesser: ~known activities along the Detroit River including ship' repair, harbor master, fire boat, railroad ferrys and un. limited racers. plus other scenes not ordinarily seen ,by the layman. The exhibit is .' the result! I ,of a term requirement lD 1 photography for Mr Marin, : at Montieth College' Wayne ! Stllte University. ' I It wiJI continue througli November, 1973. The Dossin Great Lakes Museum ~s open Wednesday through Sunday from 10 a.m, to 5:45 p.m. HOME GROWN MICHIGAN PEACHES I II I ------------ MICHIGAI i. I $ I I I MEA' STAIDAIDS Exclusively at SAVE ON OUR lOW PRICE if (ONE" ISLAND MACK AT ANITA • ! 00 • .. 4.~ Q .. $~, • .5.2, ( ',• ... 'ag' Eight GROSSE NEW S SCh00 I F u.nd s A. re .4 val.,a hi e Name NH Juniors to Honor Roll MICHIGAI WATER POINTE 16, 1973 am the gf' shepher~: good 6hep rd giveth hiS Thursday, August I' i Using compliments as a I handle, there are mighty feV( the d doors that can't be pried life for the sh p. 1958 and the Higher E uca'l open. (S John 10:11) lion Act of 1965. Application forms may be obtained at financial aid or. fices of post.secondary insH. 1.. I!t tutions, high school guidance offices, post offices, State employment offices, Studenl Please Maire Re:;ervatiotif Special Services projects or . by writing Box G, Iowa City, Thursday, Friday and Stlfurdtll Iowa, 52240. HOlmemodeNow Englond Clom Chowder, Sl:t:ed ClGm. To apply for a Basic Grant, or Shrimp Cocktail, whole live Moin. Lobtte .or Lobster 'll t Toil.. Corn on Cob or Ioked polol.. ComPete dinHr a s t ud ent mus t f I ou ali Including 5Olod, reli,h•• and bev.ragel. "Application for Determina. tion of Expected Family Con. tribution." Within a month'l he wilt be notified of the amounl of his family's ex. Sundays from pected contribution. This no 1 ~00 p.m. till 9:00 p.m. lification is submitted to the school of his choice, wbkh Dandng Fricla, &. ~dIy then calculates the size of the grant to which he is en. Delfoi,'. lined 17 p-. bond. titled. Thursday e.~ning 9 p.m. -----G, Bruce Feighner, princi., Dougall, Laura McMahon, In a reminder from Wash. pal of North High, recently Mary J. McQueen, Mary K. ington, Congressman Lucien announced the complete McQueen, John Meier, Carol N. Nedzl, (D.Mich.), pointed honor roll for the school's Michaelson, Cynthia Mickas. out the availability of limited Exclusively eleventh graders. Mary Jo Mlserendino, Mau. funds for ~tudents who wish at They are Eric Adrian, reen Monaghan, Lisa Moran, to continue their education Carol1ne Allen, Judith Allen, Kathryn Moyer, Robert Mul. after high school, according Elitobeth Anderson, Randy linger, Frank Munaco, Joy to a news release from his Arickx, Kristine Aro, Cyn. M una C 0, Patricia Nacey, office. thia Ashton, Ted Azar, Lucy James Nellis and Louis "Tbe Basic EducationalOp. 15304 ICUCH£VAl • VA 2.1/0'0 Babcock, D i a n e Badala. Neuder. portunity Grant program au. mente, Karen Bagwell, W.en. Continuing, Mark Nichol. thorized by Congress will pro. 1 dy Barr, Sandra Battamo, son Ann Oberski, Nancy Olis, vide more than $122 million Mary Beauvais, Mary Beech. Eri~ Olsen. Daniel Ottoni, to nearly one.half million er, Mary Bentson, Cathy Kimberly Paine, Denise Pa. students," he said. Rerchem, Robert Beyer, quette, Lynn Parenl, Chris. The funds are for grants, AI THE HfW MichaeL Bod n e r, Barbara topher Paton, Christine Pde. not loans. and are based GROSSE POINTE COMMUNITY RINK Bokram, Rebecca Bowles, man, Jonalhan Pepper, Lisa upon a showing of financial tHU.SOA~ l' AM. I. I '.M. fllOl\~ EVlNlNGS • ,.. '0 r.M. Lisa Brey, Mary Ann Broni. Pinkos, ~ebQrah Pittel, John need. This year the program SAT ... SUNDAY AfTllNOOHS 2 '.M, to 4 '.M. kowski, Timothy Brooks, Puleo Nancy Puttcomer, is limited to first.year full. $UHOA~ EVINIHG • to 10 '.M. (Aduh, only) hi .. _ ........ IU..clOO Susan Brown. Daniel Brown. Elain~ Queller, Michael Ra- time students who are begin. ing, Doris Bruno, Debra doiu, Anthony Randazzo, Les. ning their education after Brush, Lori Burns, Jeffrey lie Rauen, Timothy Reilly, July I, 1973, at any approved Ca1catera, Joann cardani'l Susan Rei n h a r d, Marlin college, university, vocalion. Brian Carnaghi, Clayton Car. Richards, Paul Rinke, Renee' al sCho?l, technical institute. Admi"ion included wi;. dinner. son, Joyce Carson, Nancy Rivard. Vivian Rob e r t s, or hospItal school of nursing'l I Highwav 21, In Forest Onto Cavanagh, Elizabeth. Ch~se, Jam!'s Rohrkemper, Thomas An estimated.1:75 miltion stu. . Your Host MIKE BRUNTON Tel. 873.239.5 Canada Stephen Chorny, Benlla Clar. Rollins, Martin Roy, Robin dents are ehglble to apply. (Form.. l)' Owner of Captain Shumwav.) avino and Kevin Clark. Ruosell, Christine Salvaggio, These grantS' do not reo (With Purchase of Kit) • Partie. • 8anquet Fociliti~s and Maeling Room Others are Thomas Clinton. Lillda Sandercott, Marion place other federal programs Dining Daily • Accommodation, 10' Business lu'P'eons Susan Clogg, Joanne Clos, Sandmair. Barbara Savage, providing funds to ~ludenls, at • Pool Side Po,ties. Patio Borbetue. Boot Dockage, Weekend in Canada James Connolly, M i c he I e Matthew Savage, Mark Sca. but rather are supplemenls and Show .. , Facilitie, We offer you a Golfing weekend in CANADA Cook, Ka:.-en Costakis, Pam. pini, David Schadler and to them. ., '/ fl e Inqui,e About Boot Club Rende.ous Only 90 miles from Detroit ela Counen, Mark Craig, Ann Marlene Schmid. The program, made possi.' b C. • (Othe, Excellent Suggestions-Sleaks & Seatoodl. four excellenl courses wi'hin minutes Curtis, Margaret Curtiss, Concluding the list are ble under the Education 01 ou' Motel. Plu, miles and mil.. 01 ,Andrea Danas, Wendy Dan. Mark Schmidt. Lynn Schu. Amend~ent of 19?2, is the Enroll now, begins in Public beach on Loh Hu'on. forth, Do'.'na Dangelo, Ron. bert, Mary Seski, Lieda newest!~ a I~ng lme of stu. mid-Sepfember aid DaVid, Cathy Dean, Shamie Michael Shook Lisa den t fmanclal programs. _ Supplies • Prints Gregg Decesare, Gerardina Simon 'Carolyn Sla;inski Others include the National _ Barnw_d Frames Deperro, ~avid DiLoreto, Amy Slaven, Michael Smith: Defense Edu<'ation Act of Mary !>?garl~, Douglas Dol. Stephen Smith, Renay Sta. ---------• Multi.Croft Classes also tOO N. RIVER ROAD en.g~wskl, Mlchaer Donahue, nard, Richard Steiger, Paula 821-8166 ;'U. Clemens, Mich. 48043 Wilham Duncan, Du~ Dutch. Stemczynski, Jane Stevens, 1205 Wayitum in the Pm er, Ahmet Erozencl, Cath. Catherine Straetmans Heidi A.erican & Cantonese Food erine F:urs" !ane~ Evansk,i, Strek, Myla Study,' Mary Eastern Michigan Univer. -----------_._----------CARRY OUT SERVICE Bulln ... _ Nane~te Flhppelh, Chene Swan, j) ani e I Szewczyk, sity track coach Bob Parks A" foods in Special men'~ Flemmg, Sally Forrester, Diane Szewczyk Amy Tay. recently announced the sign. • Keep Hot ContainelS l.unt:h! M~ry Ann Fricko, Daniel lor, Lynn Taytor, Roberl ing of nine trackmen to na . ,..... -"N t~,. .. 1\ •. m ...l0 ,_11ft: .... , 11 •. "' .•11,10 ., ..... Sot. '2 ~11:20 ...... FrIend, Charles Frohman, Thomsen William Touscany tional letters of intent. One . s4.n. 12 .• 10 .• m. CleMd MottcI;oy Michael Fuller, Janette Ga- Sandra Trandell John Trask' Pointer, Tom Przeslawski of ".7.9196 . bel, Libby Gemuend, The<)' Tracey Tuck E~ic Van Hee' North High was among the 24851 _ Harper, St. Clair Shor•• dore Georgeson, Jack Gibson Karen VanHoet Peter Van: nine. . , Mile ..... 10 _ and Robin Glasser. Home Mary V~nker Sherry Przeslawski was a member Still others are RolSert VanL~ven Susan V~nVleck of North High's Class A State 1 Gould, David Graham, Philip John Ve~meulen, Claudi~ Championship m 4 1e relay The paddle-wheel Suwanee round the lagoon. Hire a Model T or carriage [0 G u 1St ella, John Haas, Vovak, Nancy Vroom, Susan team. Although he was ill poke down quiet village streets. Or, stop and browse in historic Thomu Ham mer, John Wall strom Jonathan Web. most of the outdoor season, shops, stores and homes of famlJus Americans. Everything you'll Hampton, Katherine Henry, ster Rob~rt Wheeler Linda he came back to run the AND see is the real thing ... saved from yesterday for YOUT enjoyment Sarah Hibbard, Shelly Hill, WhltUngham D a vi 'd Wi!. third leg in the mile relay wday . Sherry Hill, Krista Hoeper, Iiams, Neil' Williams Carol victory. Randell Hol1enstine, Ronna Wright, Deb 0 r a h 'Young, Coach Parks is trying to And, you needn't drive hours to do DISHES Jacobs, Marie Ja:'a, John Linda ZaccardelIi, Karen Za. fill what he considered a it. Just a quick trip out to \l'orld...-" Jerome, Paul Johns, Andrea leski, Stephen Zaranek and weak area for the Hurons famous Greenfield ~ Featuring the very finest in Cantonese disnes for Johnson, Julie Juenemann, Barbara Zech. last season, the 88O.yard Village ... where ..r:::::;;;; J L i n d 8 Kasiborski, S usa n range, and he is confident Lundleons and 'Dinners, plus exotic Cocktails .. ' Amcr{can history «. , " Kelly, Theresa Kelly, Robert that Przes13wski will be able comes to life. i. ." Fri. & Sat., II '=I.m. to I Keppler, Kadra Killebrew, Y"I ~ , to help. Mon.-Thurs., II a.m. to 12 Plan a visit soonl Patricia King, Mark Klein. (Qlnlinue4 from Page 1) Sunday 12 to 12 smith, Frederick Klingbeil, cilities; creating new faciliCOMPLETE COCKTAIL LOUNGE Jeffrey Knorr, Gary Ko. ties and perpetuating his EXCAVATING c.rry Out Se"ice Near Whittier. Ample Parking. packa, M i c h a e I Kosinski, name through living memori. A non.~profi:. ~dlACational inuiturion Sewer & Water tine • Robert Krause, Douglas als, as may be determined 881.6010 16340 Hlrpe; REPAIR & REPLACEMENT • D.arb:>rn, Michi~an 48121 'Krieger, Leslie Kujawski, from time to time by the 'IIEE ESTIMATES --------------------Robert Lambrecht, Leigh Friends of the Ubrary. Line, George Lasher, Karen 771.8721 Lawlis and Jane Lightfoot. Be it further resolved that More are Nancy Lindow, this Board extends to his Kathleen Loafman, Mary family its sincerest sympathy Lynch, Joan Macri, Thomas upon their bereavement, and, Be is further resolved that Mahoney, Julian Maire, Dan this Recital and Resolution Malafouris, Susan Mallard, John Mandich, Veronica Man- be made a part of the perzaroli, David Marstiller, Cath. manen~ records of ,this Board, and that a copy thereof be FEATURING THE WORLD-RENOWNED erine Martin, Laura Martin, embossed. and present.ed to Catherine Mascarln, Perl Ma. HIGHLANDS' ROBERT TRENT JONES COURSE vian, Deborah Maxey, Robert his family as a tribute to him. M . axon, A man d a Mazer, Then. therefore, in .:lceordKeith McAslan, Tracey Mc- ance with this Resolution, we , TWO OF THE NATION'S MOST LUXURIOlJii RESORTS. have ,this ninth day of Au. \ '/ BOYNE MOUNTAIN LODGE AND BOYNE HIGHLANDS INN. gust, 1973, at a special meet. ing of the Board, held in honor of Robert McDaniel Congressman Lucien N. Orr, authorized an initial ap. THREE DAY PLAN INCLUDES DAIL Y: Unlimifed golf on any A fox isquick (0 to 50 in 10seconds). It's Nedzi, (D.Mich.), will be the propriation for the Fund, and straight in its tracks (SpeciOI ...LkingBoyne Country faurses 0' tennis on hard, guest on the Lou Gordon will enwurage all citizens of surefooted (front-wheel drive). Thissly, steering systems). And it eat much and surface courts, lodging, breakfast, dinner Show at 10 p.m. Sunday, this community to pal'ticiup - PLUS - heated oufdoor swimming pools. cunning sedan can take the sharpest tums (23 miles per gallon}. Best of 01, for pate in this most worthy August 19, on Channel so. fishing, hiking •• huffleboard. evening nimbly (sports car type steering Nedzi, a high.ranking memo cause. a reasonable p'ice you Per Person. entertainment. and 10 much more! ObI. oc£upancy in g ber of the House Armed and suspension). It can stop can catch the Fox. services Committee, has just Foursom .. ormore. C7j;/ concluded hearings on pc;s. ,I CONFERENCES? Over a 'Core of meeting room.. ~ (Continued from Page 1) sible involvement of the CIA exhibifion halls and full service. for conventions. . in the Watergate affair. "an ex~cllent player - as boltrd of directors' meeting1. or sales $Cminan As chairman of lhe Special good as any boy I've ever for 2 10 1,000 persons! Subcommittee on Intelli. bad. She had an accurate gence, Congressman Nedzi arm and was thinking all lhe WRITE.- WIRE.- PHONE for ~ OEP; NP U 6 resl!rvat,ons and mform.flOn , :. '" :J has called as witnesses John time." Ehrlichman, Richard Helms, IIfr. McFarland said rpecBOYNE MOUNTAIN LODGE. BOYNE FALLS. MICH. 49713' G. Gordon Liddy., John Dean, tators used to aslc: him if PHONE: (616) 549.2241 LIGHTED. PAVED. 4200 FOOT AIRSTRIP Dr. Jam e s Schlesinger, Ginny ever smiled. "She Charles Colson and H. R. smites befom and after the games but not during them. Haldeman, among others. When she plays ball, all she thinks about is baseball." Ginny has been asked back and will be playing with the Dusters next year. ,But as for lhis fall • • • foolball Ginny? HEAlER' MEAT STAMDARDS I ~ew EOdlan Clam Bake: I lei SKAIING SMORGASBORJ) I I FREE A TTENTION GOLFERS D.coupa •• ' Cia •••• I ..,~. ,' . .. :...~ .., ? .. "." ~, . WONG'S !:DIN 'I C-. /J THE COACIIMAN I, • ', lie 'In NH Trackman Runs for EMU I •••••••••••••••••••• • •• ••••• •••••••••• Explore the past, •• •• •• •• • • • • • ~~mnn • l~! ....... ~ •• •• • Greenfield Vtllage • • •• !~I~~.k~~b~!~~O!beL •• CHINESE GOLDEN I I\MERICANUUDDHA T °b t Pa ue I ARTTuellER 1lI • • ••• • • •••••••••• PlAN YOUR 3.f)AY HOLIDAY IN GOLf AND TENNIS COUNTRY 72 HOLES OF CHAMPIONSHIP' GOLF H Boyne COuntnJ MICHIGAN Nedzi Appears On TV, Aug. 19 l GOU (or TENNIS)'PACUGEPLAHS I does1: $95 Clinton's Gain 80 8 COuntru m.ll.n/~;,.'~ JefferSon II €olonnabt family owned Restaurant St. Clair Shores 24223 JeHenon A"eni. T doyt 0 WHir, 7 D.m.'" CHIMNEY SERVICE p.m. GERMAN SPECIALTIES AMERICAN 'AVORITES ... The id.ol, intimal. plo,olor tho ••• pocial small portie, '. BEFORE' AFTER '.-nl, c.w.n- - - •• IJK"'" II'tdI'tfffO'Of c.rr.ctM ClHItOd - I'l"""'" ~ ~nitnney ~ St,.,.",. - rue" .. '.-ii'll""" .opol...t. Advance Maintenance IU-UJt Phon. 779-4720 Ted Ewald Chevrolet '0 Is Proud Announce The Addi,ion 01 MARGARET (PEGI) BARTUSH '0 •. B' As sates representative serve you with a comptete line of new and used Chevrolet •. Atso a complete line 01 teasing. Call he, today or iust stop by to soy hello. I TED EWALD CHEVROLET . J 5 J 75 E. Jefferson Grosse Pointe Pa,,1< at Lalcepoinfe HELD OVER G.O'9~Segal 'BLUME • LOVE' (I) : filmed in Color Matinee Every Wed. at 1 p.m. Wooelllllport., Inc. 15415 Ora'lo' Ave, VA ' ..2000 Getroit O~""AJ DfUV'" AVAUIII ~ R \ Thur, y. August Use expe ~!ce of th.e past SHUNNED to masler ~e presenl, or Tb. 1._ who........ In you'll be a slave to the fu. double-dealing soon find5 ture. that hi. case .is bopeless. Hec 'Y Duty ASSOCIATED TUTORS TIAS" BAGS Professional Tutoring by tertified teat hers at reasonable rates in your home - aI/subjects - all levels. .548-2700 $5.01 per 100 D4lverecl 881 .0867 1 ,LEiSING ~ .E~SONALIZED FOR ••• DlDIVIDVAL OR FLEET 0.,£1 YOUlI'74 .ODEL lOW! " FROM '207.50. '74 PII IV '7.~.(OLI $169.50. (O."IEI'Al '74.AIOUIS 8R~t,GHA. $149.50. '74 OUGAR II( $126.50. SI19.50. $175.00. '7 •• 0ITEGO MI i '74 'HUIDERSIID PlUS OTHER MAKES AND MODELS ,All AIR CONDITIONED UNITS WITH FUll FACTORY EQUIPMENT. 2 YEAR ClOSED END. PlUS"% USE TAX FRANKADAM . LINCOLI.MERCUI' 130 KERCHEVAL ON THE HILL Al ~IN, Leasing Mgr. TU 1.5000 GROSSE " .. • GERALD M. VANRIPER. Funeral servicefl for Mr.. VanRiper, '11, of stephens road, were held Friday, Au. gust 10, at the Verheyden Funeral Home. He died Wed. nesday, August 8, in Georgian EaAst Nursing Home. EnHgin~ers. . ,_.I b his :1 e IS SUlVlV'- .... ~. wue, vanR~~~ve ~~,Ml~i~:~~~. \ --------of the senior Men's Club Ann; two sons. William and James; thr~e daughters, Mrs. Judy Collins, Mrs. Donald Bendure and Edith; his moti). cr. Mrs. Carl B. Parsons, two si&ters, a brother and two granddaughters. Intennent was in Wood. lawn Cemetery. • • • MRS. IRENE M. BAYER Funeral services for Mrs. Bayer. 80, of CadiellJt road, were held Friday. August 10, at the Verbeyden Funeral Home aDd St. Clare of Mon. tefalco Church. She died Wednesday, AugUst 8, in Bon 8eCOurll Hospital. Mrs. Bayer was involved in many Catholic organiza. tions includLlg the Bon Stcours Guild. st Mary'S Alumni aSSQCiation, the League of Catholic Women. the Jesuit seminary Aid Association and the Dominican Sister of the Sick Poor. She also was a member of the Native Detroiters. She ili survived by two sons, Walter A. Jr., and Charles M.: a daughter, Mrs. of Grosse Pointe. He is survived by his wife, Marlon; two daughters, Ju. dith and Karen and a son Debbie Mascarin of The • Richard. Shores won the 18 and under • Memorials ma)' be made to singles in the River Forest • the Michigan Cancer Founda. Junior Tennis Tournament tion or the charity of your Monday.Saturday. August 6. • choice. 11, in River Forest, Ill. ' VI1:IGIL (MO"') Interment was in White ....... Chapel Cemetery. She deteated SU:l Briggs,. • .. • of Rock Island, 111.,6'4,7.5 .••••••••••••••••••••••••••• MIL ANGUS M. KIRCHNER Debbie then teamed with --------------------------Funeral services for Mr. Kris Fulgenzi of The Farms Kirchner, 73, of Touraine to win the 16 and under road, were held Thursday, doubles. They dumped Wendy August 16, at tbe Verheyden Burkhardt, of Toledo, 0., Funeral Home. He died Mon.. and Sandy Tumas, of Sacraday. August 13. in St. John mento. Cali!., 6-4, 6.3. Hospital. Meanwhile, Anna VanWal. Bam in Detroit, Mr. Kir. lagharn of The Woods cap. chner is survived by his wife, tured the 10 and under Irene; two sons, Angus M. singles by defeating Jane Jr. and Bruce; two sisters, Killian of Milwaukee, Wise., and six grandchildren. 6-0, 6.1. Interment was in Resur. ----recfion Cemetery. Always look to the future .. .. • and progress can be doubled. MRS. MELVA:H. ABBOTI' , •••••••••• Funeral servIces for Mrs. Abbott, 80 of Oxford road, • were held Wednesday. AU-II "tHlltOUIIntAf gust 15, at the Pete!s Fun.. IllVlClIUILT" • '1beodore Burns; 10 grand. children. and one great. '::;, ~::~t ~~~ Nursing Home.. gr~~~~:~t Born in Detroit, Mrs. Ab. bott was the wife of the late O. J. Abbott. She is survived. by one daughter. ~nn and. one sister. ,I Interment was in White. Chapel Cemet~ry. • • • MRS. EDNA N. SALAS Funeral services {or Mrs. Salas, 71, of McKinley road were held Thursday, August 9, at the Verheyden Funeral Home and Sf. Paul's on the Lake Churcb. She died Tuesday, August 7, in Cottage Hospital. She is survived by one sister, Mrs. Sarah J. Bosch and (Oile brother, Edward L. VanLier. Interment was in Woodlawn 'Cemetery. was in Elmwood • • r:~ Memorial tributes :~d~:~ i:i:: l~~~• II Can- Interment was in Wood. lawn Cemetery. JULES ,. . f '. \. Open Thumm, hening' For more , ll _ ..... • : TED EWALD CHEVROLET • I. Pr••• t. Presea' • VIRGIL (MOEl WHYTE • • A. Sal... aa 1 0- TED EWALD •• CHEVROLE T • • • WHYTE VA 1.2000 15175 E. Jeffenoa iate Cmae PIe Puk At ..... , • • ...-r .. ", ••• I lIIIlIte_1lL '13 COLTSOIllSPUf _ liiiIiiiiiilliiililiiiiliiiii. • NEW 73 PllMOUlH fURl.:11 • • _ 4110: __ Gams who Just lowered his heating bill. • '3021 '402. MOV........... I • =-litiM~: • •• __ ._. :::'-941." _. ---- ~y .- AL I........ DODGE........ • leA T NAL • PLYMOUTH : I _ DWEI "OJ Chahn.r. 41211 _ I "' ,..... 526-1. , I • • Larry Hardin, that's who, by making sure his Gas furnace will be in tip top operating condition this winter. Larry Just had a licensed heating contract.or make a thorough prewinter inspeclion of, his Gas furnace. Things tike belts, motor, blower, burners,. pilot, fhermostaland filter. The man made adjustments where necessary, started and tested Larry's furnace for pruper performance, and recommended repairs if needed. Larry's really tickleq to know his furnace will be operating at peak efficiency this ileatin'g season. Equally important, he'll be saving Gas and money, 100. You can do the same. if you're one of our home-heating customers. We're sending you a card with the name of a licensed hesting c'onlractor who serves your, area, and a complete checklist he'll follow when inspecting your furnace. We strongly recommend that you contact him-or any licensed hea!ing contractor-and have your furnace checked now. ~ MICHIGAN CONSOUDATED GAS COMPANY I "'::'::M::'''' _ We care about your tomorrow. JIM r=l?~~M~~ wrihI PM,., MI. "1230 GRAND PRIZE CONCOURSE AUDITORIUM 11 a.m. & 2 p.m. mon. *THE CAINE MUTINY H, Bogart ••• • • • 1952 CHEVY GRAND COURT • no purchase SHOWS DAILY necessary • licensed drivers only • tickets available at participoting st.;,res BRANDOI BOGARD DEAHl tues. VISIT OUR SHOWROOM 6:00 & 9: 15 P.M. mom/ay *JOEY DEE & THE Sf ARUGHTERS tuesday * CHUBBY CHECKER * EAST OF EDEN J. Dean wednesday * DANNY & the JUNIORS *MARYWEUS weds. *ON THE WATERFRONT e RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL M. Brando JOEYVAN-M.C. 881-1024 11332 MACK AVE. - GROSSEPOINTE faRMS, 41236 Sponsored by. IDEAS FOR ADDED LIVABiliTY . . EASTLAND CENTER MERCHANTS ASSOCIATION-further Serving This Area Since J 956 information: ) e. S ••••• '•••••• sapN"S' •• em • _ __ ,_ ~ffirnrn[lrnrn~ ~rn£7~gg FAMILY ROOMS. RECREATION ROOMS. DORMERS KITCHENS. BATHROOMS. OFFICES. GARAGES ACOUSTIC CEILINGS. CABINETS. COUNTERTOPS BUILT.IN APPUANCES. SECURITY ENTRANCE DOORS ..... • __ BB mon. tues. weds.fJ aug.20 -22 BY PROFIIIIONALI CREATORS Of • EASTLAND SPOTLIGHTS the ... RIMODILING CONTRACTORS • e Moa'lI =.:=..~=e..= • 50's FILM FESTIVAL BUILDING & REMODEUNG .1. 936 I .. CI",fieW (Jot It Down) • • • _I I Agency Phone: 526-3210 I MIc1IIt.... ::-.::. : Detective • IIL E.~ • Exclusiyel, Licensed and Bonded -.---------.-.-.-.-.---.-.-.-.-.--. •••••••••••••• I _.- ............. _. I SIAIDAIDS UNLIMITED INVESTIGATION • flaIIWrlWKm Stlt....... .. • • • _ • Inquire by tontading NEWYOIKER WE HAVE A NEW PHONE NUMBER .15.2267 information I Who else knows your business? Is your office or home as privat. as you think? . r-or. in the Viflage ,~-... , ., ..... ~ rm I ~V~~~~¥l: COMPLETE ELECTRONIC DE-BUGGING SERVICE I. '369. 9 • • • •• • ordIr ~ to participate in the show include Delroit attorney My. zeU Sowell, Bloomfield Hills attorney Daniel C. Devine and Barbara B. MacKenzle of Pe~O$key. . , Takmg lhe viewers ~alls at the .Channel 56 SWitch. board ~ill be ,:olun!eer legal secretarIe~ a.cling ill ~eh.alf of the Michigan ASSOCiatIOn of Legal Secretaries. I • NEW'73 . CHAIGEI s.L I I I 01 a niceopo_' building neer Grosse Poinhl that pays 8'Jr, per YOII can. and n... i. how. Buy to or men. sIla.... whchlWr you wish, I'ric$ S lOOper sIlare. 20 sIla... i. 1M ~mit for anyone penon. 17114 Kercheval, I. •• • • UIETO. 0tIl OF TIlE OWNERS ,.11 HSIIICE at. HOW WOUlD YOU rH~ (~I.AERA CENTER MICHIGAI MRAT. IIHi •G. •ROFFMAN • Funeral services for :Mr. HoHman, 78, of LIncoln road, were held Tuesday, August 14, at the Verheyden Funeral Home. He died Saturday, August 11. in .Jennings Memorial Hospital. A nativ6 Detroiter, Mr. Hoffman retired in 1972 as vice-president of Capital Re. search Company. a California Your Friendly Neigbborhood HeadquartelS F« the Finest in Electronic and 'holographic Supplies and SfHVice Robert Popa, Detroit News staff writer. will moderate the shO'll, querj'ing the panel with questions phoned in by the public. Lawyer panelists scheduled 'RAYNAL may be American as they are phoned in by program viewers. Pointers Win I'" Net Action brothers. '. Slate "Ask The Lawyer" Show Parsons was product manager of international opera. tions for Sperry.Vlckers Cor. poratioo in Troy. He was a member of the Engineering Society of De. troit, the Society of Automo. tive Engineers and the Ameri. can Society of Mechanical of d~~~ is survived by his wife, Marian B., and two T1IeCIIlmCater .I HENRY C. PARSONS Funeral services for Mr. Parsons. 5'1, of Westchester road, were held SAturdey, August 11, at the Verheyden Funeral H 0 me and 1m. manuel Luhteran Church in Detroit.. He died Tuesday, August 7. A native D'!troiter. Mr. III .1 HIR•• OWIHI POLAROID 1•• 70 I The World's Most Advanced Camera Leav~, Your Order Now For Priority Delivery Later in the \#011, when available ; in Michigan Pig, Nine NEWS WTVS. Channel 56, willi present another live "Ask investment C!ompany~ the Lawyers" telecast at 9:30 He was a member of the p.m •• today, AU'lIIt 16. Grosse Pointe Club and .. rv, The half.hour public iD. ed as secretary.treasurer of formation program, second the Old Cluh. for 23 years: in a series of 13 live' shows,. .He is SurvIVed by his wif~, will feature a three.member Rulh M. and 1I nephew. Wi!. panel of attorneys which will liam J. Crou!.. give unrehearsed answers to Interment was 10 Mt. El. questions on ,the law the Iiott Cemetery. legal system and the ~ourts, 0.....""'OWEN .,..""'" Funeral services for Mr. Owen, 63, of University place, were held M(lUday, Au. gUit 13; at the William R. Hamilton Company. He died Frirl~y, August 10, in Bon secours Hospital after a short illness. Born in Utica, N.Y., Mr. Owen bad been in the Detroit area since 1930. He was a former credit manager of the Sheraton Cadillac and Whit. tier Hotels and was an abstractor for the :Burton TiUe and Abstract Company and the Lawyers TiUe and Abstract Company lit the time ., POINTE Obituaries cemetery.. I ," ! I 16. 1973 a r •.•• & M?:Htlnti( ' ad _ waee *em ... 371-1500 • ~. 'C " ... • 4: ..' " • , . ., .. ~ "".. ....'.... ......' - .. ',", .,', . • ~ • 4. Pege Ten Petitions for three regular council terms and one un. expirell term, plus those for mayor and municipal judge, were available Wednesday, August 1. All petitions, which must be signed by not less than 100 nor more than 150 registered electors, must be turned in by 5 p.m., Monday, September 10. The regular council terms run from November 1973 to November 1977, while the unexpired term is from No. vember 1973 to November • 1975.The term for mayor also is from November 1973 to The lirst place division A November 1975. tie in the Grosse Pointe Nomination petition forms Softball AssocIation has been 'are ava ila ble at the city ~hattered 8S Carissimi dump. clerk's office, The Woods ed SChavi's, 8.2, on Satur. Municipal Building, 2 0 0 2 5 day, August 11. Mack avenue. Prior to that contest. Fon. tana Brothers blasted Art . .. Residents who would like to take a Lake Shore bus to Tiger Stadium for three remaining F rid a y evening games may sUll do so. Thieves Snatch Outsid~ Items , Two Woods residents con. tacted The Department of Public Sa f e t y Monday, A1lgust 8, to report larcencles of outside arUcles. A Manchester road citizen said someone snatched a white jockey boy about three and one.half feet tall from her front lawn sometime be. tween 11 p.m. Sunday, August 5, and 7 a.m. on the 8th. It was valued at around $75. lis CarlSSlnu Ro ' p In GP SA lay on Monday, Augult 6. By doing so in thIs rescheduled game, Fontana knocked Art Van auf of a tbree.way tie lor firs!. This set the stalle for the Carls. slml.Schavi contest. In other action, Carisslmi swept two games lrom the Marauders, 4-1, 8.3. to advance to the playoff flnals. Who Carlssiml will play remain, the question as Kel.A.Brew and Schavi's 'put • twln.bllt Keg.A-Brew won the first g8me, 1.0, while Sehavl's took the night. up, 6.1. The GPSA's Al1.Star "ame .. aDd 1ealuepl'~nic is sched. &lIed for Sunday, Au,ult 19, at the Edward Hines Park. It' t to be In t 12 I.e I a noon. , ; DB, GALL PROMOTED Park, DavIs " Company recently announced the pro., motion of Dr. Edward J. Gall, of Van Antwerp road, tile new position ot dlree. tor of the ,enerallaw section of the legal division. Dr. Gall 'olned Parke.Dava, a subsidiary of belt Company, In 1982 as a patent .,ent and In 1988 was limed a patent attorney. He wa, promoted to senior attomey In the general law I ! I seetlon l~iDinI last year. Before Parke.DavlJ, he was employed for two year. II a research chemist by the 3M Company, Sf. Paul, Minn. Brownell Sets Student Sign-up the . Thursday. August 16 1973 overturned, injuring four of the occupants. Be.ide. Mias S c h 1 a r f, daughter Of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Sehlaff, of Maumee avenue, three other girls and David Kep.nedy were injured. The youths were taken to Cape Cod Hospital In Hyannis. One of the accident victims, Pamela Kelly, 19, of Centerville, Mus., was re. ported in serious condition. The other youths were treat. John C. McCaUn, of Severn ed and released. road. Is eligible to win _free Joseph Kennedy has been trip to Scotland and $1,000 In charged with "operating a cash as a re.ult of scoring a motor vehicle negligently so hole-in-one at the Crystal tb8t the lives and safety of DOWDSCountry Club. the public might have been His ace qualified bim for endangered." A court apthe Rusty Nail pearance is expected. Sweepstakes, a national comlJttition sponsored by the DILEMMA Drambuie Company of Edin. Life is not a bed of roses burp, SCotland. The winner -even those who do nothing ( will be announced early next worry about what I10t to do ~ Has Chance For Big T rip .~.:: ! '74 JIAIIIV '74 COITIDItAL '74 MAlQUIS •• OUGIWI it .. '1&5.10 ••. -tUI.~ !lI-nrOIUl C'.... $14&.... : DI foWl IAiT LIICOLN-IEIC1JIf UEC DAWIDOWICI, .. 25M •• nl-alSO 3_ 34GO L JDfIIIOI raOM DOMTOWI. .~ BILL REPPER' •. DOWNTOWN'. EXPERT GUN REPAIR • GUNS • ACCESSORIES f O.IlDD .ow I.i FOa RPI'. r IJ:LIVBIlY next. U. , 1974 .i INITA LEAI~ A Grosse Pointe itrl, Mary ScbJaft, 23, WI' iDJw'ed MOD' day afternoon, AulWlt 13, in an auto aCeldent on Nan. tueket Island, Mass. The car, driven by the son of the late Senator Robert F. Kennedy, Joseph P. Kennedy, m, ~, .'; FOF:D Invite. You,To See Dick Warn • For Your Next New or Used • "you • .hoppeel and havo 0 I car. price in mind, ~~lco us an otterl .' , ehouffeur Se~lce to Your Downtown 0Hic~! or Downtown Shopping Are.. lOST IAJOt CIlIll CAI.S ACCEPTED 1833 E. JEFFERSON ,. WO 3-4700 A Good Man To Know BUYING A SECURITY SYSTEM? TheJeffersonApartments 1t&'. nUONAIlII Clrnlll 'Dime ~ulinesl I 15318 Mack ~frbiua TU 1 Never T 00 Latel CENTRAI.L Y AIR CONDITION YOUR HOME NOW WITH CHRYSLER AIRTEMP • End of Season Sale Prices Now in Effect. Call Today! Terms to Suit Your Budget 10 Trucks to Serve You FLAME FURIACE co. . ....., 11'21 VAlDYKE FIIllSnUnS .. 571-4'IJ , Grosse Pointe's newest condominium ... you get not one; but a network of the most modern ~curity systems to guard you, your home and your possessions. .,:~" t ...... NEWS "_q .. L When you buy an apartment at ,\,' 6 I road tt : li g i •• _- Kennedy Crtuh Injure, Pointer It was revealed if the bus line receives enough reo sponse, service will be provided for the August 31 contest with Cleveland, the September 14 game a(aiMt Milwaukee and the 8eptem. ber 21 cont~st with Boston. However, no buses are scheduled to be sent it less than 20 people respond. If the buses run for those games, they will depart from The Woods Municipal Build. lng, ($2 a person round trip), and the SI. Clair Shores Municipal building, ($2.50 a person round trip), at 7 p,m. SEMTA urges all residents to call In advance and make reservations no later than Thursday noon before the Friday game. The Lake Shore Division number is 822.9518. In the event of a cancellation, the Authority will Worm those who made FURNACES & BOILERS lMMEDIATE INSTAllATION , POINTE _ .. 3 B. McDaniel Gun'Shop \\".J';~ t t t, . • .. . - •. 6 Meanwhile, a Hunting~on resIdent told pollee I someone removed a sun dial reservations. year., on a cement pedestal from her property. The dial, of S t u den t s new to the unknown value, weighed Brownell MIddle SchOOl at. about 60 pounds. t d en ancearea who will be entering grades 7 or 8 in Uve up to your ideals or September may register at the chances are they'il come the school office at 260 Chal. down. fonte avenue weekdays be. t ween 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. A copy of the student's blrth certificate and his most recent report card sbould be brought along. Orientation for new seventh •• ,1 ..... grade students from the ' Barnes and Monteith areas 0JMfI T"•• , and Friday • a.rn. t•• p.rn. and for all other new stuMan., Wed., Th,,". 9 a.rn. Ie 6 p.m. dents to Brownell this fall Sat"ntay • a.rn. Ie .. p.rn. wlll be held In the "ym. .. nasium from 10 a.m. to 11:30 I 15102 KERCHEVAL VA 1.1200 a.m. on Wedneseday, Sep. tember S. The firat day of school will beglo at 8:45 a.m. on Thuraday, September 6. Class schedules and other Information concerning opening of sehoe! will be mailed to all .tudentl cur. rently enrolled on Tburaday, Auguat 23. --' ------_ Don't just sit and criUclze -first flJld a workable remedy. I I~ f a4 Still 3 Games for Tiger Bmes Ten individuals have ta~en out nomination petitions for the office of councilman in The Woods, while two have obtained petitions for mayor and one for municipal judge through Monday, August 13. At this tUlle, no petitions bave been com pIe tel y checked for verification, it is reported. ------, 10-4, $@ GROSSE Seek Offices ,in G.P • Woods Van, '. t t t t . A CLOSED TV MONITORING SYSTEM covers the entrance, outside parking areas and inside garage. The caner can be viewed from a selected channel on the owner's TV set in each apartment. The doorman and manager's office views the same areas. , THE ENTRY COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM is Ii new system conceived and engineered by Michigan Bell Telephone Company. Using a touch tone panel telephone in the lobby, the caller dials theowner's apartment. ThiS enables each party to have a private conversation. During the time the caller is in the entrance vestibule, he is under surveillance by the concealed TV camera. AN ON-GUARD ALERT SYSTEM features a control panel in the manager's apartment and the attendant's office. This notifies of any intrusion into any apartment when the occupants areaway. The doorman or manager controls the system by activating the apartment"s security supervision at the request of the owner. THE FIRE PROTECfION ALERT SYSTEM gives added protection to all occupants of the building and will insure notification of each individual occupant of a fire in an unoccupied apartment. Further elements of security are the unifonned doonnan-attendant and resident caretakers. Besides security, you also get really gracious Uving. Here is a. typical spacious floor plan of an apartment home which features 9 foot ceilings, individual heating and cooling, top of the line G. E. kitchen with an icemaker and a washer-dryer. A wet bar is conveniently located for entertaining. Insulated walls, floors, plumbing and windows insure maximum quiet. Natural fireplaces, naturally. There are three separate elevators and approximately a thouS<\ndsquare feet of private storage. Exterior maintenance, gardening and snow removal are arranged. The Jefferson Apartments is an adult community. Residents are home owners and enjoy tax deductions and the investment security of being a property owner, and equity advantages. m l KITCHEN 14'0"d 1'9" DINING ROOM 15'0". H'g" r , -j LIVING ROOM 29'6" x 16'9" BEDROOM 2 BEDROOM 1 18'9" x 12'9" 13'0' x 16'9" The Jefferson Apartments is located 2 blocks from a beautiful park with boat slips, 3 blocks from Grosse Pointe Village shopping, 20 minutes from downtown Detroit by TheJeffersonApartments 17111 E. Jefferson Avenue, Grosse Pointe, Michigan 48230 bus. Don't worry about selling your home. Visit us and learn of our new trade-in program for your home, and our new pricing policy. The model apartment is open 12 to 5 daily except Wednmay. Enter on Neff or St. Clair Roads. 16392 Harper Grosse Pointe's Newest Condominium 882- 7708 or 886-4880 Sales and Manaaement by . .Michigan Condominium Corporation 885-8511 1 L - $ pm.' :P.:: : ; t .-.-.-.-----.--.-.-.-:---9 tr ..-.-----.-- ... --.... - Thwrsd'Y, August 16. 1973 , GROSSE Cqdieu Club See. Three Bicycle Trip. Tbe ~ (Z.IJ alden) Bleyele ~, Qob NpoN its memberillJp lJ P'OwiDt • t'tJ7 week .. riders lip here. tb.rere _ everywbere. Twenty.two members peel. •••••••••••••••••••••• • • aled" U aIleI tbroup. 'l1Mlre'. ltill time to join • • • • "featured .I I I : ~ • • • :• I ,We're in such a lather, :' ,e're shaving price. IICHAID : IUICI.OPEL : • driVe.. away !~~~;~. VA1.5* a sml ••••••••••••••••••• the club Ind putlelpate In piclon of violation of the Con. trolled Substance Act. The lwo were later reo leased. Wbile on routine patrol. City OUicers Edward MUier and Ronald Pryor observed a car, driven by David J. Kimbel 22, of Roseville, driv. ing east on Jefferson in an erratic manner. The officers followed the car which periodicaUy hit the street curbs and was weav. ing back and forth. They for every rider. They have eventually stopped it at Jef. the club's Dame on the back. ferson and Fisher road. Kimbel was ordered out of For furtber information on the car and asked to produce the trips. call Marcel Viaene his license. 'Ibe officers said at 776.1018. he was weaving back and forth and had difficulty talk. ing and gelting his license out ,'>f his wallet. However. HOW WOUlD YOU there was no evidence of al. UIETO. cobol on his breath. The offkers informed Kim. ONE Of TIlE OWIIEIS bel he was under arrest for Of a nice apa~nt buildcareless driving and would lllfl MOr Groll. Poim. ItIot be talten to the poliee stapay' 8'l(, pet' ~r. You Call, ""d llete is how. Suy 10 or tion. more sha_, whllte .. r you The two passengers in the wisil. Price SlOOper silo r•. car. one of Sterling Heights 20 shares is tfIe limit for and the olher of Roseville, ')ny one person. asked to come to the police For _e information write station with Kimbel. Officer Miller then saw a NEW YORKER red shirt on the front seat of 936 ae-dield the car with large bulges in G_ r.inhl, MI.• 1230. the pockets as well as two prescription bottles lying Oil Officer Miller found four other prescription bottles lo the pocket of the shirt. The prescriptions were made a:so p.m. Then. on Thlll'lday. August 23. I trip d 0 w n 'Windmill Pointe drive will take pllce. Riders will meet at 6:30 p.m. at The War Memorial parking lot for this excursion. A tour of The Pointes will be on Thursday, August 30, when the group meets at The Woods Municipal Build. ing pa.'king lot at 6:30 p.m. • ~.I Hidden Lane Ranch 3 bedroomt-2~ bott\....-.poneled family r~large kitchen with break. fast oreo--glollld-in terroc..-lst floar ~tifur recrection room with bar--e:entral olr conditionl~2-ear goroge with electric openers -o,;-t-Gropmes and a large nicely landscaped site. TV 1:'300 11~PLlNG ~~~R FINE HOMES Colonial witb 3 bedrooms. cliDbIa room; breakfast J'OOIIl, sc~ lIDd puelecl recnatioD room. Walt to Rietwd. BrowneD, South HIgb ucI ., Paul'.. 88UlIOO. Jm~-Brict tern~ 4 bedroom ltarter bome in the Woods for the young family. mortgage to allume anct priced to sell. You can be in for school! • ayS ~ Low ~rest 881-6200, cOtnna~,tCLUB-,thedtoow lor a~rwe .cbool; Itarts. NH freshmen Make Honor Roll Pierce Plans Police Arrest Careless 'Driver sample of each bome 'Nas held for lab investigation and were later identified as diet pills. AU three were released after Kimbel posted a ~ bond for careless driving. His court date was set for Tuesday. August 28. ----- 1* britt wJth areat expansion potential upstairs beclroom Illite. hc:e11eDt condltion aDd ready to move in before . 88f..08OO. garet McKee, Alan Meda. Stacey Meredith, Carol Miller. Mary Lou Miszeak • Bradley MUseU, Margene Mogk and Catherine Moran. Continuing, Mary Moan, Clifton Morehead. R 0g er Mourad, Ann Moyer, Richard Nacey, Pamela Nagel, Vic. toria Nassar. Gregory Ni~r. ling, Deborah Nordy. Susan NUrmi. Susan Otey, Eric Ozar, Alexander Pallenberg. Philip Pallenberg, Diane Parisi, Joseph Parise, Lisa Pascoline. Susan Paxgrat, Robert Peleman, Marla Perez, Laura Pickford, Bryan Pourcho, Gerald. Propkopo. wicz. Kristin Queen, Laura Queen. Richard Quinones. Susan Rohenburg. Katherine Reaume, Susan Reilly. Mary Rice, GaU Rick-erman, Don. aid Roberts and Malr Roberts. Others ,..are Mary Roy. Susan Runstadler. P ~te r Ruppe. Julie Russell, Susan Sabot Michael 5 and m air, Mark Schadler, Elaine S c h mid t, Kevin Schultz, Richard Seagram, Br.Jee Seeber. Robert seski. Tim • othy Shantry. Palricia Shehan. Dena Shelton, Susan Shepard, Martha Spach, Roy 5 p e z i a, Michael SWford, Kathy St. Amour, Diane Stanard. Diane Stanek, Susan Stemczynski, Anne stewart. Kevin Stewart, Steven Slopin and Gerard Stratelak. FinaUy, Taras Slratelak. Kim bedy Stricker, Richard Taylor, Kurt Tech. Xathy Theuerkorn, Robert Trom. bly. William Turrill, Sydney mvlck.. Gregg Umbarger, Kristina Uppleger. Kathy VanHoet, Paul VanHorne. Craig Va n VlI e t, David Vroom, Richard Vroom. Pete Wenzell, Monica WhItaker, Sarah Whitehouse. Elizabeth Williams, James W'OOart. Linda Wooten. Edward Woz. nlak. Debra Yervasi, Carol York. Robert Zakem. Carin Zeunen and Sharon Zydowin. Pre-Sign-U p There wlll he a pre.sehool registration for aU seventh and eighlh grade students who will be attendln, Pierce SChool this year and have not already registered. The regilitralion period will begin on Monday. August 20, and will be open from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. every morn. ing except Tuesdays. It Is hoped at least one parent will accompany hi. children to registr.Uon and bring a birth certificate and report card from previous school. For furtber information, please call S21.3883. ninth graderS'. They are Joseph Abud, Lisa Adrian. Kathleen AUen, Deborah Aniel, Heather Ar. kinson. Susan B a c c a I a, Tracey Banks, Robert Bas. hata, David Bastianelli. Ann Mar i e Bentson, Margl'ret Bertin, Beth Bertschinger, David Bllkovic, Ursula Binns. t Jan~ Balck. Sarah Bleich. 0 David Blessing. Lori Bohlin. ger. Boyd Brandon, Scott Brown, Diane Browning, Eric Bryen. EUzabel!~ Buson. Rotarians welcomed the Linda Bulka, Cynthia Bulki. governor of this Rotary dls. Jeff Cardwell, Tracey Carl. trict, Edward M. Sawusch, son. Joan Chartier, Jobn Cbarya~, Nancy Christensen, curs VISION of Plymouth, Mich., Monday. Susan Christensen. Kimberly Motorists should remem. Augusl 13. Cimini, Lynell Ciranna, Cath. ber that darkness lriplea Mr. Saw u s c h addressed leen Clelo and Robert Col. their chances for a fatal acthe Rotary Club of Grosse lett. cident. Others are Randall Cook, Pointe, one of '" in his dis. Kerry Corcoran, Lawrence trict ,and con fer red with Counen, John Coury. Judith Presidflnt Clarence Wascher, Curtis. Mar i a Cusumano, and other ~lub officials con. Marilyn Dlmm, Denise Dan. ceming the group's plans Cor ielson. Mary Dasbs. Ruth service activities. Davey, Gary Deman, Harvey Mr. Sawuseh is one of 344 Dickson, Cynthia ~Iouhy, C.I Rotary governors through. MaUt'een Donahue, Kathryn out the world who are serv- Dostie, Barbara Duncan, ing 'as representatives of RD. M i c h a e 1 EchJin. James tary International in dls. Egan, Anne Endres. Sandra E I B triels composed of member nge. arb a r a Eurs, clut.s. Each district governor Tho mas Ferguson, David is responsible for supervis. F~ryus. Susan )i'ioreUo, Jen. in! the cJubsin his area. n .er nood, James Font, Rotary, an internationalMlcha~1 Fontana, Barbara ..~::~~ ~"'~':~' ..~i'. men's service or.ganization, ~a,nclsF Tho:as Frohman. has more than 750,000 memo ano ron g.A 1 noe Fur'i"'';~~''\' .~" ..".:-. '..... 1 ..,...: beTS in some '15,000 clubs in long. Andrew ~a.ovlc. Rob. .150 countries. ert Gaston. Nicholas Gene. ,".... '\ • ,ft mltas, Mar k Gerganoff, : ~# •. tl .. CatheriDe Gouider, Sharon ".,' .(\ \ ••••~J Grider and Susan Grlssim. .::••••• ;! Still others are Kim Groesbeek. Emily Gustafson. Chris Haberski, Jill Haelewyn, Stepben Hag:. K~nneth Hal. sey, Cheryl Hamnton, Daniel Hayden, Anne Marie Heleo. tis, KevlJl Hendra. Karen H 0 1m e s. William Hosbein. Philip Howells, Tho mas Huetteman, Sandra Jacobs, Laura Jodw.y. Steven John. IOn, Dl!oor.ah Johnston; Rose. "It seems to me that we mary Jordan. Denise Joseph. are possessed by the things WeDdy Judson. Jeffrey we possess." JueDe-mann. Michele Xapp. ~Jean Paul Sartre Brian X.araslnski. Marcia Keith, Martha Kelsey. Karen Keyes, Cathleen Kilbride, IR 78.15 Whirewall w, , .. G reg 0 r y Xopacka. Kim plu. $310 Fed, Ex. To. Kinch, Steplren Knowlton, 55l0WoocfWO~ lOION.Hunt .. Margaret Kortes and Robert Kramer. UNIROYAL ZETA More are Kathy Krauss. MILEAGE GUARANTEE Cynthi!!. Lakin, M a u r e e n If you don't get the mileage stated on the sidewall (M=thousand) or Lawlis, Ronald Lee. Christa tire leils 'or any reason olher than willlul abu~e or collision. your chartered Zeta deale, will give you 1I credit against the purChal8 ot Leibold. Jeanne Lell%, Anne a new Zeta lire 01 same type or repair punctures at no cha'ge. Credit Lepley. S t eve n Lesinski • The only orgon under $8, • 11Iequal price you paid multiplied by percentage of stated mileage offering a pre-set board that I. Davi1 Lewis. David Loewen. you did no.t obtain. C,edit will be applied against the Zeta Guarantee DlrJI: Lohmann, Eric LouiS'. you create. unlimited combination Base Price (nalional adjustment base approximating actual prices). Dealer may add small charge for services he perlorms in replacing Amy Lowidlik, Carrie Mae. of voices and effects. 'nstan tir •. Tires and relate<! vehicle conditions roust be properly maintained Millan, Ralph Mann, Ann pre-set cancel stops voices and and tires brought in for Jree 5.000 mile rolations and check-:'!"s for MaozeUa. Beth Marciniak. effects created by pre-set board mileage portion of guarantee 10 apply. Guarantee 800klet rltQuired for Mileage and Road Hazard adjuSlment. • Mark Ifarshall. Bar bar a . . . exclusive touch vibrato reo Ifartin. Karen Martin, LIs• duces vibrato exactly the way 0 Ifavian. Diana Maxey, Bar. violinist does ... full five year bara Maxon. Janet Maylock. guarantee all po~s. E3R Kathleen McCarthy, Karesa Try it ... it's a new experience. $3,130 McElheny. Katbryn McEnOIlIer .... ~ ".. $6K roe. Stephen McGrath, Mar-I R Off'" I ary tela Visits Pointe ce~:;~:~a=::~a~~~;~ .. 1 .~ •.• I • • • 1 Page etevon NEWS City. Police arrested a out to the Stel'ling Heilhts G. Bruce Felgbner. princi. upeomill, excuraloua. On pal of North High, recently AUlUlt .u, after meetiD, at Monday, Auaut 20. the group Roseville man for cITt!less man. The three men were taken announced the com pie t e Tbe Wooda lll11lieipll BuDd. will meet at Bllduc1t Park driving on Friday, August 3, A honor roll of the school's IDa parkiq Jot. lor I Cb~r PirIE tour at and held two others for sus. to the police station. out tile eommWlity &mday, I .1 POINTE I I · INDUSTRIAL & COMMERCIAL PIPING? ,.,'t.. ~~"fl11"" ..1;\1;.,. ~., Brothers L ;;3'~6800 :'i"~'1;7 n""'FREE .IwI.,' " ..... ..~~RKING , :t ~Ea.y f up-keep alumlDum trim bridt Ranch. Good kitcben table bedroom., reereatioll room and centrally, air conditioned. 881-6300. 1IAt~ lided ~ry 'PoiDte Park aDd leu than $25,000. Low upkeep aluminum witb • bedroom. aDd 1~ baths. A good famUy home. 881-4200. ,pace., .lucIe.Uct nunr~Niee .c:boo1I large Jot and ,bc!autiful backyard with lots of privacy. We a~ sharp 3 bedroom bridE Buplow ready for occupancy. Grosse Pointe ODIy f30.000. 8lK-08OO. to expand in .thia Bungalow in the Farms. It already has 3 ucla _,tee! 23x20'room aU ready to fmisb. B~l1get IlADISON~ (ODe lJ 22d1!) ~ priced fOr a .crowlJJ, family. 8M-08OO. and hlDdy to South High. Richard. J'ISIID-IIl,~ the Farms Hill shops and bus. Lovely larae rooms with a spaelous feeling. Finished basement. new carpeting and .U in excellent CODditioa. 8M-08OO. BUVFAIT-Neat diniDg room. A llttle 3 bedroom brick Rancl1 with a family room, fireplace, IOOd starter home for the young famlly. Grosse Pointe schools. {.oo. 88~-6300. N','" .r'" TO S. ROSEDALE COURT-Ramblibg aaneh near Li"ett SChoo) with FOUR BED. ROOMS, 2~ baths. family room, secluded patio. kitchen built.lns, games room aDd central air. OwDed tralllferred. 881-6300• • EAUPItE-Here's a good buy in a larger 5 bedroom. 2."h bath all brick Colonial bandy to sebools and Farms pier. Rec:reation room, attached garage and quick occ:up~. Low to'.. 8M oeoo. JDLLCaatLyou can move Into these spacious ace:omodations immediately and elljoy $ be4rooma, 2~ baths. famil)' room and den. Charmingly done in English c:<Hmtr)', #iJle. 8M-OCIOO. BALLANTYNE-AttracUve Ranch in Grosse Pointfl Shores with paneled family room, 3 J»edroom •• 2 full baths. MW cupeting. games room with fireplace and rattac:bed; (arage. MinI eoodition aDd an excellent value. 884.()6()(). BALFOUa-.spaclous titc:tlea "JUt 3-car g~rage. center lIan Colonial with " large bedrooms, 21,; baths. 19' bullt.iJls, (ames room and party kitchen in basement, attached 8M-08OO. ., ... AND OVER L\KESBOIt~ ROAD-Built when cost was secondary to gracious living, this un. usual French Chateau will appeal 40 those who require the very best. A few of the luXury accomod,Uons Include a master suite with silting room. fireplace and .<Uomm, bath, an kitchen aU air conditioned. Inquire abeat 011I" iIlultrated bruehure. 884.()6()(). WARNEll ROAD-Lovely 8-)'ear-014 center hall Colonial just off Lakeshore Drive. $ ~rooms. 3"h bath •• llbrary, 1.4' family room with fireplace. air condition. ing ao4 muc1l more you wlll like, Call us-we'! arrange an inspection at your eonvellieDce. 8M-06OO. 3 Grosse Pointe Offices . WHITEWALLS E78- ~4 21.95 F78-14 G78-14 H78-14 J78.14 G78-15 H78.15 J78.15 l78.15 21.95 24.95 24.95 27.95 24.95 24.95 27.95 27.95 "UI !'.f.T. from 2,31 to WHEEL W1tIl ,... BALANCING " prueat pan'" 01' ceatnL a." r eoeditioaiq- Proper use and maintenance can keep efficiency • . . up and operating costs -, ._ ~ down. Some of the things -that help a lot are: keeping your air conditioner clean, not over. cooling and keeping it covered or indoors in the winter. WItJa die air coMItioMr JOII .., ...,. You'll get tne best air oondi. E. tioning results if you buy a unit that's the right size for your ~ room or home. It also should have a high Energy EffICiency Rating (7 or above). You may pay more, but its high efficiency will save on operating ~t and ~\ conserve valuable energy. & $I~! 3,31 Open daily • WERIHMANN a a.m. to 6 p.m, Sa•. B a.m. 102 p.m. ER t BROIHERS "Since 1946" TU TU 4.0600 MEMBERS OF THE DETROIT AND GROSSE POINTe tlEAI ESTATE 1l0ARCiS "'''ch effie" In DlTaotT - GROSSE .onul - Sf. aAllt SHOaS - 'AltMIHOTOH , ... _site tile Detroit IN",.. Factory ,.Jl_. Edison 259-2460 \.' ), I .;. 6841 EAST J£ffERSON WIdl die ~ veatiladoe, ..... tuMI '••• apiaC. The outdoor portion of '. . the unit should be shaded as much a8~ .. ~ '.' possible, at least during the warmest parts of the day. Shading your hOme with trees, awnings, or vines can help even more. Light-eolored paint and proper attic vantilation are also important. WId. _r free bookMt. - . we have lots more tips for you. ~, Pick up your copy of "How To :.. Get Your Money's Worth From :-. Your Electric Air Conditioner" at your nearest Detroit Edison dfioe. Or write us: Detroit Edison. Room 473-Ca, 2000 Second 1M Avenue, Detroit, Michigan 48226. as- ~r.r,.it ;'';':0# hOr". Ht 11H 71tr ft 'tbS' 'bbM"M''HH&+'"dH,H H'W"1.f".'1e€W:w" allt ' ,a. 'Ii' ........... .., •• w .••'.. Ie .... , •• -l.-lM", '4tH .'- J + >' ;• . • .. , ,- ~- "11:';-;-' ,,..<~-~<.".,$IIlII$II!!.,~.!Il!I ••..• , "5..tll!!~g""J&,,$ 1:.511I'.5.1 •••• GROSSE Grosse Pointe News POINTE List Juniors on SH Roll ANTEEBO PUBLISHERS, INC. OFFICES UNDER THE ELM AT 99 KERCHEVAL, GROSSE POINTE FARMS, MICHIGAN 48236 Second CIaa Poet ale PaId at Detroit, MIcl1lian 1Ii .:.1.1 •••• ",,: .•.'!; ... ~-~. \~.::"'.~, "':':"K ~''!''':'''''''~~'' .:"'P""jL.4i!!>~~~. ;:-'.7" ---:-~~o:-:-,-... ""'Ilat at Goes 0 •• "our L.-brary k i C I I l' r-----------,--------- .... One Vl'ew From The Capl'tol I ° or II . I 1--------------------- .... I S I Ut~~ I I I I lI I I I I I I Le tt ers t0 th'e Edit or ., ! .., I II I I I . I _____________________ 'al Center Schedule Memorl 1 ---------------- • Open Dally 9 a.m..9 p.m. I ing you and you'll see how leash, or he may expect bills it is. for damage and per hap s A Delroiler, other action. Not a Grosse Pointer AresMI'dceKnlt'nley avenue C' (Sundays buUding open 10 a.m ••5 p.m.) All Memorial sponsored 8ctiviths open to the G rosse P 0 inte Publ Ie. Hospital equipment available for free loan: crutches, wheelchairs, hO!lpital beds and heat. Ing lamps. Thursday. August 16 • 8:00 a,m. Rochester Hills Riding School Day Camp • 6:00 p.m. Bus Tr1'p to Pine Knob Concert-Tom Jones, featured singer • 8:00 p.m. Memorial Bridge - Carrie Kiley. In. s t ruc tor Friday, August 17 • 8:00 ~.m. Rochester Hills Riding School Day Camp • 7:00 p.m, Karate-Sang Kyu Shim, Director • 7:30 p.m. Duplicate Bridge-Mrs. Philip Gibbs D' t ' lrec or Sat~da~, August 18 7:30 p.m. Summit Lighthouse The Grosse Pointe War Memorial Offices will be dosed from Sunday, August 19. through Monday, September 3. (Editor's • WHY PAY MORE? ALL FURNITURE • Note: ABOVE COST Set Regl'strat,'on Actually, this story was for the pro. 20Cllt., ]V For GP Gridders *** Over a century of service to Detroit families I RESTYLE AND REUPHOLSTER Ou, employe., Ire e:'pe'rienc:ed. Kreini'd. 'nsured Ind bonded. Mon.-Fri .• No int.,.,;ewinl Of or chec1ll.in8 Mr'feneu. ~f pay,oll ,eco rels 10. you 10 <lo. R"illl,," Nu," lupervt,k>n m,.lmum "Me'. r Clfma I .-ipll i.. ued for Income I.. PU'pclMI. c.n or wrIIe !Dr dne,fpt"" "'/dot. "fU'" Yes ... we can give your home a new lookl Give that tired.looking furniture a new lease on life., . have it restyled to match"your new decor and reo upholstered wit" beautiful Scotchgard fabrics. We al~o custom make slipcovers (cloth ,& plastic) & Drapes. A&C UPHOLSTERY 14322 Mack Ave.• Delroil ON'r' .10.Y""rt Upnf'"ff CO. ,. . IUICAl ,P1UIIIIll PlOt .Jk_ , _".. _. Mkh (em!, 9am.3pm " ..... 290 ~. S, , ~ '1_.. INo-,_ • Picard and Norton . . . has just r~ceived a new shipment of Gant button.down oxford cloth shirts, both all cotton and durable press in white, blue and yellow just in time for school or college. For more information call 882.8251. • I'rom Haiti ... come handwoven baskets in natural and a beautiful shade of dark brown. Hanging baskets for flowers, square or oval for hot dishes or French bread, waste paper basket3, place mats and many other decorative pur. poses. See them at The Sign Of The Mermaid, 75 Kerche~ val Avenue or call 882-1610. • • The Greenhouse, 117 Kercheval . ' .. has a new collection of watches to give you that August lift. Watches for the wrist, finger watches, watches to lock on your purse, cuff link watches in an assortment of styles and sizes in gold, silver, suede and tortoise trimmed. Also children's watches. 881-6833. • Variations in driftwood ... watH colors, line drawings and colored ink. Many sizes. Original art by ANNA. Hours: Monday through Saturday 11 to 5. Muccioli Studio Gallery. 85 Kercheval. browsing ,on THE BLOCK , Looking for the unusual gift ..• try the Mole Hole. They are giving a 20% discount off all merchandise prior to moving to make things easier for you and themselves. Mack and Three Mile Drive. • Busy hands ... we have a new shipment of Bernat's hooked rugs in a variety of sizes with many interesting designs. .41so 100% wool rug yarn in all colors at Fran Kirkland's Needlepoint and Knit Shop) 16115 Mack Avenue. • glassware on sale at (0' '4.".l • The Sewing Room . . . has just received Ernest Einiger wools, plaid;;, checks, and solid. Perfect for fall fashions. 16227 Mack Avenue. In The \Vm. R.eHamilton Co. FUNERAL DIRECTORS Sinre 1855 WM. R. HAMILTON IT • ~AVJI) M. HAMILTON CLARENCE E, OTTER W. BENNETT YORT Ar. YOII Buyl". 'h. In.uranc. YOUNIID? Or 1u.1 .hal your In.uranc. .... n ha. 10 SILL? you hove in~urQ"'~ pUlCho~c1 in<uronee proleelion il p,ovidu? 00 CHAPEI,s Detroit 3975 CII8S A venue Birmingham 820 East Maple Mt. Clemen/! 226 Crocker nJvli. 4121. 112-6640, • Just arrived at The League Shop ... 98 Kercheval ... a new shipment of white barn. boo plaJlJers, magazine racks and tea carts. Come in today and make a choice as these are some of our best sellers, tion. 16237 Mack. OPPORTUNITY! For qu.rified n\.lnes. pra-ctic-al~, aides. companions, and olfiee peorsonnr' Short Ind long term. Call--Mr, Rilondale ~:,':~n~~~~..'::dlod"0re. Ind • At The Book Shelf ... 112 Kercheval beautiful new Christmas card albums now on display, Ten percent distcount until October first Q.n your personalized greeting cards, Ole' with 20% off, in white, white amber, green, green amber and co. balt blue. Glasses for Margaritas, high balls, water and wine. Lay in a supply now at this great reduc- " '1 you n etd a nu rse (,ny el"lory} or companIon, caB U$ - I Hallon,/ S.lYic' - plOlridinl VIRGINIA WILLIAMS' new showplace. A treat is in store if you haven't yet visited her at her new loca. tion. Come in and enjoy the experience of beau. tiful surroundings, tasteful gifts for everyone and truly personal attention. Beautiful hand.hlown from Mexico . • . now Call 182-6640 ~t'" • 115 KERCHEVAL • nervlces you can depend on FURNITURE! • VITABATH ... deep cleans and silkens skin after bath or shower. It is the ultimate in bathing luxury. This bath and shower gelee comes in pink and original green, on special now at Trail Apothecary, 121 Kercheval, for a limited time only, at 03.75, originally $4,75. Give your body that wonderful feeling of relaxation and glorious vitality. Save-Save--Save • . • on our complete line of suntan lotions and sunglasses now on summer clear. ance at 25% off at Devonshire Drogs, 16037 Mack Avenue, For pursing YOUR Happiness is . , , browsing at L~ Boutique . , . a new shop in the' Colomal Federal Building, 63 Kercheval. They were originally located on Mack Avenue and have recently moved to The Hill, There you have the feeling of shopping in FIRENZE, Ita~y. whe:'e Vittoria goes to select many goodies for her shop. She carriE;!s a fascinating selec. tion of sports wear, casual and evening dresses and accessories. She also has a workshop for custom.made clothes and alterations. For in. formation call 884.8663. . UNIQUE FURNITURE I .j By Pat Rousseau • tectioD of both human and We carry maior brands animal regarding hand.feed. Ing. Farms Pollee Chief Robert Ferber, in noting that "Your goodness: may result Attention Park and City 559.6334 in the death of these ani. gridders! The Grosse Pointe Lions Decorating Assistance Avai'ab,e', mals," said a squirrel who football team will hold its has bitten someone will C'lIlal registration and equip. either be incllrcerated for 10 ment issue at the Neighbor- 1~~~~~~~==~======~====i1 days or will be killecd anta h od CI b S t d A t II sent to the Wayne oun yOU a ur ~y, ugus HeaUh Department for a 18, at 9 a.m. ?ntll 12 noo~. rabies check' Fat her s rnterested In ). coaching assignments also . may sign ~!? at ~at tir.;e .. I Dear SIr: For addItional lDfor~atlon Some unleashed ~Og, . (It call Bob Chandler at 88;,8529 appears a large one), IS bemg or Ted Platt al 886.0446. allowed to run free on Mo:. , Kinley avenue between Char. FIGURES DON'T LIE I levoix and Beaupre nightly, Living on a strict budget and this dog almost is me.' is a systematic way of findIhodically carving up lawns ling oul why you're always front and back and along side, broke. I•••• Thursday, August 16, 1973 NEWS Jerry J, Gerich, principal George KoueHer. William of South High, recently an. Krieg, Mary Lisa Lakomy, Ol)unced the complete honor Claudia Landis, Paul Leslie, roll for the school's eleventh John Leverenz, n r a die y • FULLY PAID CIRCULATION graders, Ltindberg , IcatLh~rikn? Ll~Hl. By Virginia Leonard They are Krisanne Alex, s .rom, K . yelps I, Bnan . , Phone TU 2.6900~------Polly Ambill Matthew Arm. Lltch, Tlmothy Lock, Mar. llember Mhotl, Pr.," .u.oclatlon and National Edltori"l A~clallon b E'I h d gar e t L 0 0 mis, Marcia A new, very funny book, lelephone calls, letters roll in NATIONAL ADVERTISING R£I'tI.ESENTATIVE ruster, r ~ Au retsch, L . II J h 111 F 1 has just been published - thunderously. What is even W~ld.l' Nt'wspaper Representative, Inc, Gary Augustme Margaret oUlse, 0 n ac ar ane, to4 11M Avenue, New York 19, New Y()\"k BYrant 1-1300 A It M B '. E '[ ,Therese Mageau Evie lIta. SADIE SHAPIRO'S KNIT. better are all the orders thaI CHICAGO OFFICE B~r~ell a{fsa ~~~~sze;;~: I leitzke, Valerie ~tal\l1, caroll TING B~OK; a n?vel ~y come in for Sadie's book. or _US_N_o_rth_lI_l_ch_~_a_n_A_v_en_u_e p_l\o_n_e_F_In_a_n_cl_al_6-_2_1l_4 B . 'B '1 'Marinch Peter Marshall Roberl Klmmcll Smith. SID' course othcr television book. onnIe el, Joy Beltz, Scott M h ~I N 111' cere genuine humor is hard ings follow, It is suggested Y ROBERT R EDGAR EDITOR and GENERALl\IANAGER llenedict, Karen Bergeon. a~s ~ t~u~~r,c .anc~ '1 a 10 find these days' I think that it be up Cor grabs be. WILLIAM ADAMO ADVERTISING MANAGER Brian Bonner Joseph Briggs nar, co . c alg. a nc. h C' . d d JANET MUELLER FEATURE PAGE SOCIETY '.' McCarroll Ellen McCollister I(S 11'01 t Y 0 some study. tween the LIterary Guil an uES J NJA .. , Nancy Brown. Ellzabetll M 11 .. C' . k h '1' Th' b ok' t h t the Book-of.the-Month Club. JA ... . 1M NEWS Buffa Bernard Buselmeier 0 y mC. ormlC , Jo n " r: . IS. 0 I~ no w a you How far up can one go? She ROGER A. WAHA....... . SPORTS, NEWS Charl~s Buysse Stuart cam: Coy, Kevm McDonald, ~my lhlll.k It's g.omg to .be, ,fOI' KATHY DUFF . EDUCATION, NEWS mett Carolyn mpbell R. McGregor, Mary M I' I e r, SadIe, a s.pnghtly, wIse h~t1e even has' a second appearHOLLY ANGELL ............................NEWS becca Ca d a EI' \ ~ Michael Mikhail and Belh :>Id lady m her 70's, havmg ance on the Tonight Show en LI:..LJAN KARR ADVERTISING C C trh .er,C .lzaLe Miller. I exhausted all the knitting and and with more to come! Thc MARY LORIMER ADVERTISING arey, a erllle arIOn, es. " I crotcheting patterns in books book is selling at $8.95, so "SSEAU ADVERTISING lie Carlin, Christi Catani, Mor.e are. ClarICe Miller, begins making up patterns' Sadie is doing very well. PAT RO .. ,.. R Ch . d M . DavId Ml'ler Bernadette ' CHARLES DICKSON ADVERTISING :ne~ k.ampme an ana Missanl llli~ha~l Monaghan and in a rare moment of LIFE Magazine follows her KATHLEEN BRYEN ..ADVERTISING "rypms I. Thomas' Monlgomery Do' what-tlle,hell, shc bundles a!:>n one of the jogging trails; JOHN 'MacKENZIE........ BUSINESS Ot~ers are .Peler Collinson, lore Morgan Ge 1110: group of them toget?er and also the WIDE WORLD OF JOANNE HARGIS ..........,...ACCOUNTS DaVId Coohdge, Kathleen ho s. Sh' or~~ t s sends them to a thIrd rate SPORTS. JO MULHERIN CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Corbett, Terrence Corbett, ~ t~rlS, N ann?~ k' U~/1IY, publishing house. The OnlY! MOil n t Eden is soon SO! DOROTHY SCHlMANSKY CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Victoria Coughlin, Melissa O~K e;n lI~wC;:le~ : Ii< I~ne olher book they seem to have overrun a'nd harrassed that BETTY BLOSSOM CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Cox, Phyllis Crossen, Ann G ee e ar L' ebe e. published is REDECORAT.1'sadie decides temporarly 10 M. COLETTE KREINER .. CIRCULATION Crowley, Luanne Dargel, Ann L!aceO tl~e\ Isa p/ 'fofrn, ING WIT II WALLP.\PER. move in with Molly and her lsa usan I Davidson, John Davlantes, R ~. eh, L P el'l edr, Then everything brcaks leen.age daughter La u r a Kathleen Derbin, Brian Der. MenneJ IC ep' II.ana DObar h' loose! The child is over~ejght and h'I, CIaRr k D'II'k s.on: .Mary ean 0Red~ond ma I' ora . . gets her to VI~ aura Pool Richard Bar.One of IIle edltor~, a young ' ~ven.tually Sadie Dlener, enee DIIUlgl, Isa. b 'R K R '. girl named Mar I a n Wall jogl(mg too' w By Wnuam R. Bryant, Jr. belle Donnelly, Colleen Doo- kal,cauaeevesc' thar~n Remol writes gothics. (probably to Wnat mo~e could happen') 11 ey, J Oln 1 D 0 t son, K a th'erme Ch'st s, HI ry a herme . h R" d W"en? 1 '. k eep the 1\'0 If from the door). A conglomerate asks to open At the time of writing this tu!'e of some $4 million with Drexel, Deborah D u r 0 s s, ROl'l op ~r II.' a~ 'h . _~ey and has an unknown admirer a chain of knitting s hop s article, (Monday, August 13), approximately $450,000 of Anabeth Ernsberger, William d gerRs, oalnnNe 0 n , dn. who calls her every day - across the country on a fran. l R the Governor's office bas in. tb a t amoun t' gOIng t 0 th e E rwm . J 0h n E ub an,k Pt.a n. rea 'th 0bscene conversa. c h'Ise b'aSls, an d t h e fee they a n oume J 'M.'allcv RIllue e- no t WI diealed to me, contrary to Ann Arbor School System and cia Farley, Patricia Fellows, m dn an~ d afJ~ usse, lion, but rather with romantic are offering is substantial. their normal practice of approximately $80,000 of that Judith Ferrara, JosPp~ Fine, anC an t~OC j. I. trivia. She doesn't know who They want to use Sadie's maintaining seo:recy on prob. amount going to the Grosse Carol Fishback, Rebecca V' o~~ u ;g h e IS i\l are he is but. mentally, has name and call them Sadie f ary able vetoes, that the over 30- Pointe schools. Forbes and Susan Fordon. ~ I~gl~~~ ~ a e e \ I d named him Heathcliff. Shapiro's Knitting S hop s ., S mill provision o( the llr13.74 The principal reasons why Still others are Kathryn I "c ml, usan .c,ro er'l But let.s get back to our Sleps are taken for a non. Sebool Aid Act would be Senator Bursley, the prime, Fortener, James Fox, Judith Joh~ SC~Ull~J.SP~I\ltl~ Shu. Iiitie human dynamo, Sadie p"ofit, charitable foundation vetoed by the Governor at sponsor of the new Equal- Fox, Richard Frame, David m~ er, aVI ee e , ames Shapiro, who jogs and is that will derive its income tile ligning of the School Aid Yield type of school aid for. Frisby, Jane Gaitley, Bar- ~~m~. An;~ ~holck's~am~la lrying 10 set up ~ joggin!' from Sadie's outside endorseBill Tuesday, August 14. mula, and myself (elt it bara Gares, Maynard Glea. 101' er, 1m er y Imon.. s, learn where she Ji\'l~S at th~ ments and activities. There p The so-called Over 3O.MilI necessary to request this so'n, Jane Goerke; Colleen ~rarles J ~ k 0 SI~ron, PChlh Mount Eden Senior Citizens will be a corporation and a provision of tbls year's provision be vetoed by the Gough, Andrea Graham, Mar. oan, ~ y usser. ~m. hotel. board of directors, .(Sadie SebooI Aid Act provided that Governor are the incon. tha Gray, Cynthia Greene, eron. SmIth, Anne Soul~!er. Harbor Press decides to would head the board with, any distritt levying in ac. sistency between the basic Mark Grimes, Sally Gross, Susan SPecht~, Cher.~l Spll~s, publish Sadie's book, does so. ?~ssibly, two of her busines5 cess of 30 mills for school Equal.Yield formula and this Stephen Guice, Kathryn .Ha. Kathleen ~ul~",an, LI?da Ten-I and the fir:;l res\llfs in sell'l ,r;ends). operation would receive from special provision giving a lada, Cynthia Haller, Harry busch, VlrglJlla TIIl!JC'deau' ing disappoinling. This is dis . Both the Literary Guild and the State as a categorical categorical grant to districts Hardy, Jr., Julia Hell;non, Gal~ Thomas, Rogcr Tho~as, couraging, since' Sadie harl ~he Book-of.the-M()nth take school aid ¥. of the amount which happen to have high Jeanette Hebda, Julie Helin, ~aDlel Tho ~nson, Lm,da rounded up all cf her friends. he book. not to mention the locally yielded by the Over operating millage, plus the Patricia Hennessy, Thomas .u:ly, Rosalie Tocco, I 3- her ladies' grouns _ any::llIe 'rls and ~rafts Book Club. 3O-Mill yield. obvious political motivation Hennes, C h a r Ie s Hickey. tncla Tourne~', Ken n I' I h I' to get the samples done to The book IS sold in E.ngland wbich lay behind Democrat Linda Hogan, Mary Holler. Tracy, Lor;ame T ~l r n e y, meet the two week deadline (nd F~anc~, and everyone • Senator Gilbert Burse1y, sponsorship of the provision. bach, Stephen Hookanson. Bruce UnwlIl, LauT/e Van. that lay ahead of them. ,mows It 11'111 eventually ap. representing the Ann Arbor I have tried to make clear Vikki Horvath, James How. Hampler, lIIary Vogel, Jan~ 1 So, what .to do? The group >:lear in German. .rea, and I, following the in this column and to the ell, Craig Johnson, Susan Walsh, Jon a I h a n Wa.llon, concerned In the publishing Then come thoughts of a pusage of the School Aid schoo! system I did not be. Junker, Ellen Katz and Mark Webb,. Claud Well!er, house put their heads to. second knitting book to be Ad a few wee.kS ago, made lieve any special grant to F\'ian Kincaid. Su.zanne WlghtlJ.lan, Ma~y gether. One person thinks of called SADIE SHAPIRO'S a formal request to. the districts levying over 30 Continuin Sharon Kna W~nkler, Myra Wilson, ~avld dr.y goods stores, another OTHER KNITTING BOOK. Govemor that he ser1llusly mills could withstand a tesl . g, pp, Wiltst?ck, Barbara WrISton lhmks of all the knitting Where are they going - to eonalder veto ~(. this p~. of equity. My efforts this Stephame Knopf, Paul Koch, ~nd JIll Zevallos. I shops spread all over the I Ihe. moon? vlllon. ~he prOVISIonwas~. year in attempting to pro. -coun.try. The ~ e is the TV .. I've given you the main aerted mto the .School AId vide equity, or at least a m(,dla -: and fmally the top t1eme of the story. There is Act. by .Democratlc.I~H(}use greater degree of equity, in I of the plle - to appear on also. a romanceb e t wee n action In a Democratic lead. State school aid hav.e con. \ l the Johnny Carson Show! S"dle and Sam, one of the enhlp at~emp.t t~ throw the sisted of my sponsorship of _.------J. Everyb~dy is. worried about m~.n at Mount Eden. Heath. Sebool Ala .Bill mto confer. a provision by which dis. what Sadie 11'111 say on thl! ~Illf turns out to be one of ence ~mml~tee. tricts with low operating I Dear Sir. ?f dnve:vays With hIS lhrash Joh~ny. Carson. Show, At first :he editors. in. chief who has Tbe msertIon of the Over millage and high debt re.1 I must comment on your In"gfe~t, also there are othcr . SadIe IS a bIt frozen, but }cen far too shy to whisper 3D-Mill language became \ tirement millage may 1'1'. story, "Not to feed the o"noxlOus dog tracks.. . I when she gets l'CJlling,her na sl"eet nothings except over necessar? to the Democratic ceive substantial State aid \ squirrels." ("Gives Warning! l}nleashed dogs, are In VI:) i live humor and her abiding 'he p'lOne: Laura gets fairly leadershIp after 10 House In recognition lIf their com. on S ui r I" f . \ latlOn of t~e C\t~ o~dlnallc: honesty have the people roar. ,vel! straIghtened out, and Democratic representatives bined effor!. q res )'. eatured In a.nd lhe po.llce a~e bcmg nolI i 'ng. In .Cact, she uses up toe Sam and S~die are married bad voted wilh Republican The State Supreme Court lJus Thursday Issue of your fled o~ tillS wluch ~eems to I much time and they have to - not on the Tonight Show, members for the Governor may examine our new equal paper, (August 9 edition), be taking place dunng after-, hurry the rest of the show ~ut at Mount Eden. As they, and Burse!y.sponsored ver. yield formula approach to Shame on you "not to feed dark hours. _ ; thro~gh. Afterwards. w hen .:12W off on a honeymoon lion f)f the School Aid Bill school aid In my opinion the squirrels" I feed them . The d~mage. to the la;vn,: :\la:l~n Wall tells her she is "(S!ldie) reached below her which the Democratic lead. our new ~chool aid act i~ . :s now ecomlllg mo~e t I~n defmltely. headed for star. ~~at and took up her knitership bad unsuccessfully at. constitutional and should sur. and they are not as you say I Just s'!lall and ca.usmg III dom, SadIe says "I'm going tmg." tempted to scuttle. vive any court challenge I they are. I do not see any., conv~nlence to reslde!'ts ~n to cross the Ruby Kahn, And Shy Heathcliff and Marian . Id I . thing wrong with thm u(Ju McKmley a v e n 1I e m thIS what happens after that only are united also so all turns Th ever. 0 30 Mill prov ISlOn wou we come your com. • " . •. area G d" '. would have entailed expendi. ments. must be a hater of them. It: I d th th d a 0 can say. ?ut well. Read the book - It I e at eon 0"a Of course the telegrams ' IS really very funny . I hope someone stops feed- ownerIS sugges keep this dog I 1•• 2.2••••• • 831.2712 • 644-6000 463-0577 • WORLDWIDE REPRESENTATION Memllem: National Selected Mortician/! VA 2.9660 ~ 'al'or~d BUT YOUR nl'td\.? do YOU know 0., wo,king I"iClly fo, YOU. INSURANCE CONSULTANTS INTERNATIONAl (313) 815.0051 \ . tdb .. Yo\.! whOI W. 'peciolizt solely in provld",ca (on"lJr'mg and'y ..,vie .. WE DO NOT SUI INSuRANn. evoluol,o", Ore obieelive. eompelen'. ,ndependen'. unb,ol<d and equally impo~on'r our knowte'dg~ aTld ell(perfen<e are. 16916 KerCHnl Pl.. Grosse 'Gilte . Fr,. ",fmlf'" '0 2 Thurscl.y, August 16, 1973 GROSSE POINTE Pig. Thirteen NEWS Hutzel Hospital Opens New Section SymphonyWomen Offer 3 'Preludes' Luncheon Coneerts Will be Given at the Grosse Pointe War Memorial: New Conductor. . Aldo Ceeeato Will Make Appearance WOMI.'S PAG.S From Another Pointe I I Short and to of View The Pointe By Kathy Duff Pointer GEORGE MYERS recently visited II fnfmer Pierce Junior High teacher, JERRY DOONAN. Mr. Myers sends word that Mr. Doonan, now at the Belmont Nursing Center, Harper avenue at Allard road, welcomes visitors. Most Pointers will admit. that autumn is around the corner, however, we are not quite ready to admit that summer is almost over. For those of you who are thinking about a worthwhile fall project, classes are about to begin at the Grosse Pointe War Memorial in braille transcription. Mrs. John McNamara, of Touraine road, dropped by. the NEWS offices to say that the classes wiU be. held every Thursday morning at 10 o'clock beginnL"1g September 13. A veteran of eight years of braille instruction, Mrs. McNamara stressed that braille transcription is not difficult and can be mastered in a surprisingly short period of time by a conscientious student. $ " .. On the Dean's list for the spring quarter at Kalamazoo College were KAREN GLOWACKI, of Webber place, FRANK JEFFERIS. of Lake Shore drive and three brothers, STEVE, MARK and MICHAEL THOMPSON, of Three Mile drive. The Detroit Symphony Preludes, the "get to know your Orchestra" project of the Women's A?sociation for the Detroit Symphony Orchestra,. IS off to ~n early start this year. A luncheon meetmg for its committee members will be held on Tuesday, August 21, at the Detroit Press Club. Chairman of the popu-l---------lar mini.musicale and on Friday. March 22, Memluncheon series, part ed. bers of the Ensemble are ucational, part social, and Ervin ~funroe, flute; Do~ald all delightful, is Mrs. Ar- Baker, oboe; Ba.rbara FH~k. nold W.Lungershausen, cU, cello: and .Allee Lungers. of Berkshire road. hausen, harpsichord. A f~1V , There will be three Pre. wo~ds about baroque mUSIC, 'ludes this season, all to be which has recently ~ecome held in the Grosse Pointe so po~ular. and ~ bnef exWar Memorial Fries Ball. pl,anahon of the mstru~e~ts room, imd all on Friday Will ¥recede the musl.cale. momings at 11:15 o'.clock. Q~eshons from the audience The dates are February 1 will be. as always. encourMarch 1, and March 22. • agEed.h .. . I '11 b Maestro Aldo Ceccato new ac mlnI.muslca e WI. C PrinCipal Conductor of the followed by. a~ optIOnal DetrOit Symphony Orchestra lunc!leon. Serle~ tickets may . 'be purchased In two ways: a.n~ Mr~. C.ecc~to Will par. $20 for the three musicales h~lpate m. t.1e first .program and luncheon, or $8 for the WIth an mfor~al mterview three musicales only. Sin~lc by Fran ~arr~s and No~l Prelude tickets are also Duncan. ThiS will be on Ffl- available at $1.50 (includes I alumni, Class of '70, Mr. day, Feb~uary I, 1974. luncheon) and $3 each. I Noble sees volunteer work The ~nday, March I, PreT!ckE'ls may be obtained i as a channeled outlet replac- lude ~111be conducted by the. by sending a check or money ing the sometimes destruc- DetrOit Symphony Brass larder payable to Detroit live protests of yesteryear. Quintet with Frank Kadera- Symphony Prelud~s. to Mrs. Br;ngillg together the com. bek, trump~t: Gordon Smith, Arnold W. Lungershausen, munity and the university, by trumpet; Raymond Tarnal', :l411 Berkshire Road, Grosse ,me~ns oC volunteers a trombone; Eugene wad~'l Pointe ~8230 "bnd~~ between t~wn and French horn; a~ i Wes~e:: Com'mittee' members in. gown. as ~r,. No Ie says. Jacobs tuba. The musicians I de besides Mrs Lungerscan be a dlfflcult task. It . d" '. '. _ • • cu , . means gelling along with the \~111 ISCUSS thel. I.l~t. umen,s hausen, t'Je Mesda!U~s RusCity Council. the businr-~s- n.ld present a s..ort pro. sell E. B,auer. Wllll~m H. men and the students. This gram. Bundesen, Robert Fife. C. is th~ aspect of Mr. Noble's T:1e De t r 0 i t Symphony Jackson France, Kenneth E. job that keeps him the bust. Baroque Ensemble will pre. Frankford. Berj Haidostlan, I est each day. s~:tt the last mini.musicale I (Continued OD Page 18) Four Pointe women recently cut a ribbon of surgical gaule to open a new emergency suite at Hutzel Hospital in the Detroit Medical Center. Left to right are MRS. ROBERT NIC. COLINI, of Wedgewood road, wife of a consulting psychiatrist on the hos- pital staff; MRS. DAVID D. WILLIAMS trustee oi Lake of the Shore road, wife of a hospital; MRS. ED- rate among the elderly, which is over ten times as At the elose of the eourse, students will be given high as that of any other a manuscript to transcribe into braille. These are age group, a change oC focus in geriatric care is necesseat to the Library of Congress which will Issue eertifintes of Certified Braille Transcribers to all A senior at Lake Superior sary. Rather than continuin:; to increase the number of .who attain aD Hcepted level of proficiency. State College and an Army geriatric residential and Pointers wishing adelftlonal informatioD on thw ROTC cadet, KEVIN J. housing facilities, he said the DAY, of The Park, recently very worthwhile proJett may call 881.9566 for adeli. social services for the aged completed the six-week ad- must be expandetl within the Uonallnformatlon. There is no charge for the course; vanced summer camp at comn:lUnity. (CoDtfDlled 011 Pare 26) Fort Riley, Kans. Along with :$ =t :e: other ROTC cadets, he put In the past, students. upon into action many classroom theories and procedures and graduating from college, put moved closer to commission- aside any thoughts of community activities in order to ing as second Lieutenant find a job in the real work upon graduation. world. No longer so-volun. teerism is now a profession. Pointe resident, DR. ROB- RICK NOBEL. formerly of ERT NICCOLlNI, a psychia. Roslyn rOll,}. is the full-time tric consultant at Hutzel paid director of the Office of Hospital and an instructor Volunteer Community Servo in the Department of Psy- ice at the University of chiatry at Wayne State Uni- Virginia in Charlottesville. 878•• versity, wrote in "Geria. His original career goal of tries" the signs and symp. economics has become contoms of mental depression tin gent to his present pro. They belong one of our ladies and they're lighting associated with suicide. He .gram. up at the bair-do they just saw in the mirror. It's a stated that an unhappy Besides Mr. Nobel, the servbair.cJo' we cUd- and it's guaranteed to please be. mood, crying spells, loss of ice is staffed by an attorney, cause everything we do is just a little bit nicer. Our interest, feelings of guilt and a public relations persr.n and bnIablDp are a little brisker. Our shampoos a little pessimism and a decrease two secretaries. Instead of more thorough. Our sets a little more careful. Ii you'd 'jn efficiency and. concentra: being university-sponsored, it JUat ~ ~ to light up at the end of your hair tion are some of the visible Is 'a private corporation, ilppolDtment, see us. We're better than belladonna. , indicators of depression which receives some funds which could increase suicide from the university. potential. He also described I: The volunteer activities in. certain paramenters of sex, elude tutoring, companion. religion, Camily history, en- ship therapy, medical servBeauty S.lon vironment and age that are ices, professiona~ services. GROSSE POINTE WOODS DOWNTOWN used to estimate suicide Opertion SCRUB, a housing 21316 Mock AVI. 45 E. Adoms risk. Dr. Niccolini agreed repair rehabilitation pro. 886-6060 WO 2- 11 12 with findings in a lecent naThurda)l and Friday evenings by appointment tional survey of psychiatrists that to reduce the suicide ...... grams and Big Brother/Big Sister work. During the school year, about 1,500 students of the approxima~ely 13,000 undergraduates and graduate students volunteer anywhere from two to 10 or 15 hours a week. . Mr. No.ble was a volunteer III the Big Brothel' program beCore taking over his posi. tion as director oCthe organitalion. He believes that "volunteerism is now a new kind of student activism." A University of Mirhigan I I I I I ,. " .. '" I t Th.s. are to Bart Edmond DRASIIC CleaRance A selected group of values to $185 REDUCED IN GROUPS OF '10.$20 $30.'40. '50 * * summer* most other*spring and DRESSES - COSTUMES ALL WEATHER COATS Up To 1/2 off * * * Now 1/3 to 1/2 oft * ~• .., .f SWlUlRS - IlOUSES • SIIRTS • SLACKS. UNNIS PRlSSES • 'ANTSUITS • IlAZlRS /Mrii~ H.",: O~n Ster, Daily 9 :30 a.m. to 5 p.m. 3 Kercheval Ave., at Fisher Road CLOSED SATURDAYS Punch ond Jlldll Block TU 1.1505 Michael Farley Wed Angust 4 Mary Virginia Ouellette became the bride of Michael John Farley in a 7 o'clock ceremony in St. Anne Chapel in Grosse Ile, Mich., on sat. urday, August 4. A reception, given by the bride'.~ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Ouellette, of Grosse TIe, followed at the . Sheraton Motor Inn in Wood. haven. Serving as her sister's maid of honor was Susan M. Ouellette. Bridesmaids were another sister of the bride, Therese Ouellette; Patricia Farley, sister of the bridegroom; and Lauri Anderson. The bridegroom, son of the James T. Farleys, of Colonial road, asked his brother, Thomas Farley, to act as best man. Groomsmen were Carl Evanoff, of Lansing, Mich.; David Halleran, of New York; Peter Leus, of Dearborn; and Arthur przybylowicz, also of Dearborn. Following a wedding trip in Upper Michigan, the newlyweds will ml1ke their home in East Lansing. 'fhe bride was graduated from Michigan State Univer'l sity in 1972. She is presen()y a graduate student in social work at M.S.U. Mr. Farley was graduated lrom Michigan State Uni. versity in 1973. - ... =_. _.eM .... ..... ,. _. ..-. .. ,-"'-" I G.t AMy Ow. laMr Day Beautiful NOVA SCOTIA 8 days - 7 nites 15 meals, etc. o.,.m 5-., Stpt.2nd A Few ~aces Le'" CALL TODAY DAY TRAVEL TV 6.0111 II ....Ille-t ........dotwl II ""'. -. ._'- ....._ .. _~_.__ ._..."':...-:.-.-_=:::...-=~ / Jbt sbops of W"ltolt.Pi~rc~ ..M. I,,*,al at SI.Clair hse PelIItI s,," 2111 Stlefset Mati lIlY I $ J d 444 ('40 GROSSE , J Mrs. Burt M. Allen Weds Burt Allen Bridegroom!, F.ther Assists in Double Ring Ceremony: Couple Will M.lee Home in L.wrence, Kansas In an afternoon ceremony-on Saturday, August 4, at Holy Family Catholic Church in Detroit, Christine Ann Burczyk exchanged vows with Burt Mayfield Allen, of Sterling Heights. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Burczyk, of Littlestone road; the bridegroom is ,the son of the ,:. Reverend and Mrs. Marion C. Allen, of Lawrence, Kansas. ' Father Noel Patacconi, the bridegroom's brother, O.S.B., assisted by the Robert. Allen, of Lawrence, bridegroom's father, effi. Kans. In the usher corps ciated the double ring ceremony. A reception followed at Athena Hall in Roseville. r" _ i_ ;, .;_,; ;. 2 2 j jj 2 j Thursday, August NEWS Q 16, 1973 Society News Gathered from the Pointes Christine Burczyk " POINlt 51. For the 3:30 o'clock rites, tbe bride selected a Renais. sancestyle gown of satapeau with a bodice trimmed in Chantilly Jaee. Her illusion ven was he.ld in place by a camelot headpiece. She car. ried a cascade bouquet of yellow sweetheart roses and white poms. The fonner Miss BurelY. aslted her sister" Martha Burezylt, to be the maid of honor. Carrying a' colonial bouquet of green and white pomB, sbe wore a lime green dotted Swiss dren with an organdy trimmed jacket. Comilleting her outfit was a whitt! ~leture bat. The bridesm.idJ were Kay O'Toole, of Mt. Clemens; Kathy Kirsch, of Detroit; and Mrs. Don ManclJieW, of Detroit. Their ensemble. in lemon yellow' were identical to that of tbe maid of honor. The nower giru were Kate Ryder, of St. Clair Shores, and Maura McKeever, of Devon.hire road. The" wore' lime green dotted Swiss dre.self With wblte sashes reaching the hemlines. They carried white baskets of ,reen and white poms. The ringbearer, Robert Zeitz, of Dearborn Heights, carried a heart.shaped pillow of lace with white streamers. ActiDC as best man was were the bride's brother, Paul BurClylt; Benjamin BurdsaU, II, of Ithaca, N. Y.; James MacMahon and Frank MacMahon, both of Montreal, Can. Mrs. Burclyk cbose a pre. dominantly yenow noral dress with a princess line. The dress featured long sleeves, a roned collar and a full skirt. Sbe wore a yellow orchid corsage, Mrs. Allen selected a turquoise sheath trimmed at the neckline with pearls. She wore a white orchid corsage. Following a wedding trip to Toronto, the couple will be at home in Lawrence, Kansllf. Navy ll>ldloman Second Class THOMAS K. CASSELL, son of MR; and MRS. JAMES CASSELL, of Cranfonl lane, was promoted to his present rank while serving with Patrol Squadron Thirty at the Naval Air Station in Patuxent River, Md. A 1965 graduate of Richmond Acad. emy, Augusta, Ga., and II 1971 graduate of Augusta College, he joined the Navy in February, 1971. • • • Navy Airman Apprentice RICHARD C. ROBINSON, son of MR. and MRS, REGINALD ROBINSON, of Vernier road, completed the AirCl1!W Survival EQuipmentman School in Lakehurst, N, J. --_._--------------- Meado'w Brook In Final Week The final week of Meadow Brook Music Festival brings five exciting personalities to the pavilion stage: pianist Philippe Entremont, conduc. tor Hiroyuki Iwaki, singer John Sebastian, jazz impre. sario Pete FOlmtain, and 1he irrepressible Victor Borge. John Sebastian opens the Festival's eighth week with a concert on Wednesday, August 15, at 8:30. Mr, Sebastian, well.remembered as the founder and lead singer of the popular LOvin' Spoonful group in the 1960's, continues to write and sing his gentle songs about love, happiness, and lhe better life. The Thursday, August 16, and Saturday, August 18. evening concerts will feature the expressive Fren':h pianist Philippe Entremont. A four. time winner of France's highest record honor, the Grand Prix de Disque, Mr. E n t rem 0 n t is especially noted fOf his sensitive interpretations of the romantic writers. Guest conductor for the two concerts will be inter. nationally renowned Hiro. yuki Iwaki, formerly Chief Conductor of the NHK Sym, Photo by Eddie McGrath, Jr. phony in Japan and current. Married Saturday. August 4, in Holy Family ly chief conductor of the Catholic Church in Detroit were CHRISTINE Philharmonic. He will ANN BURCZYK, daughter of the Walter J. Hague condll'Ct for the first time at Burczyks, of Littlestone road, and Burt Mayfield Meadcw Brook "" by Allen, son of the Reverend and Mrs. Marion C. the Japanese composer Allen of Lawrence. Kansas. Ishii, as well as more fami- liar works o! Schubert, Second Piano Saturday. Victor Borge brings the 1973 Meadow Brook Festival to a grand finale with An Evening of Mirth and Merriment on Sunday, August 19, at 6:30_ A famed pianist and distinguished musician, Victor Borge has become one of America's most beloved personalities because of his sophisticated sense of comedy. ':v '71" Special Offering for Senior Citizens Only Wa/'iL Coillurf!J,!Jnc. 16721 MACK MAKE CONNIES FOl 886.9770 Appointment. YOUR HEADQUARTERS FOR BAC\\-T<> SC\10ol CLOTHES Large Selection of We Specialize In GIRLS BOYS HUSKIES and SLIMS Name Srand • Dresses • Farrah • Pant Suits • Levi FREE ALTERATIONS ON BOYS PANTS & GIRLS SLACKS BOYS CORDUROY Pre-Season SALE On WIIIIIR GA•• III'. IO~ DIICOUIlI' PAN" • DETROIT_ '"ell. COnnleS'. !l2i'::3525 ' h'. Reg. ,$6.00 $7.00 $8.00 USl OUR -"Y.A •.,lY - W. WIk ... 8045 EAST JEFFERSO\ • Mann • Billy the Kid • Slacks Use Our Layaway! Quality Nursing I MRS. RAY W. MacDON. ALD, of Lochmoor boule. vard, was recently elected to the Detroit Public Li. brary's Friends Board of Directors. Mrs. MacDonald, who is active in many civic affairs, was named at the Friends annual meeting. The 30-year-old Friends organiza. tion provides financial and volunteer support to the De. trait library system. Samuel Thomas, Jr. was elected pre.ident, and C. E. Frazer Clark, Jr., was also named to the Board. FALL SPECIAL ., Born in Copenhagen, Mr. Borge's impact on his adopt. ed country _ has seen him shatter records on Broadway, become a star on the radio and television circuit, and receive awards for both pro. fessional and humanitarian causes from the Uniled States Congress. Appearing Beethoven, and Sibelius. Mr. Entremont will play R8vel's Piano Concerto for I was performed by the Rev- the Left Hand on Thursday erend G. Vernon White. evening, and the Saint-Saens Serving as maid of honor was Regina Britton Watson, sister of the bride, Lyman, Baker, hrother of the bridegroom, was best man. The ushers were Richard Hutch. ing and Brian Watson, a nephew of the bride. The couple will be at home in Warren after a wedding trip to northern Michigan. Woods resident, JOHN M. Transferring from West QUINN, who competes in Suburban Hospital School of football aDd track at North Nursing to Wheaton college, High SChool, recently at. Wheaton, nt, is REBEKAH tended a Fellowship of SEARS, daughter of MR. and Christian Athletes conference MRS. RAYMOND SEARS, of inMt. Pleasant, on the Cen. Yorktown road. She will be tral Michigan University, entering as a freshman. . campus. ' on Meadow Brook favorite Pete Fountllin returns by popular l!emand on Friday, August 17, at 8:30, after a sell-out concert last year. Born and raised in New Orleans, Mr. Fountain devel. oped his famous jazz style and technique silting in at various Bourbon Street clubs. His clarinet virtuoso bas made him a national celebrity. Janet Morrison Married July 28 -----Janet Britton Morrison and Ronald LaGrand Baker excb-anged marriage vows on Saturday, July 28, at the Christ Un i t e d Methodist Church on Ea!;t Warren ?venue in Detroit. The bride IS the daughter of Mrs. Regina M. Britton, of Roslyn ro~d, and the late Geo~ge L. Britton. Her husband IS the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Baker, of Warren. The 3 o'clock ceremony Concerto with Mr. Borge that evening will be Marylyn Mulvey. All concerts are held at the Howard C. Baldwin Memorial Pavilion on the campus of Oakland Univer. sity, Roc h est e r, Mich. Tickets for tlte Meadow Brook Music Festival are available at Hudson's, Grin. nell's, Wayne State Univer. sity, Macomb County Com. munity College, and the Festival Box Office. For information, Pointers mllv call 377-2010, day or evening. '3.99 $••65 '5.29 • ~ SALI Reg. ..13 $6.50 ".&9 $7.50 ' •• 99 $9.00 '5.99 $10~00 '6.6S, a... ..... FOR'SOYS' AND GIRLS' WEAR Ample Parlcing in F,onl and Rear Care' 23208 MACK near 9 MILE PR 7-8020 ~i~t:~:~:~:~:.:~:.:~:.:~:.:.:.:~:.:~:.:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:.:~:.:-:~:.:~:.:~:.:.~;~::~~~:::::;.:::~:.:;.:~::;.::~:~:;~;;. ...............''.. .. OUR 50th AUGUST FUR SALE . '~_... .....' I ~ '" "- t by Matouk at excellent savings. A white 1~1 '.' ::: THATYQU CAN ~ CAPTURE (! Use our convenient LAY.A WAY plan. A small deposifwill hold your fur until fall. ~ p hand-rolled hem and soil'release finish. ~;~ 65"x84" oblong or oval, $24 65"x 104" oblong or oval, $32 I 65"x124" 65" round, $20 ;~i ~1~ 18"x18" napkins, each 1.8(' •• oblong or oval, $40 THE KINO ANYTHING OF SWEATER COAT YOU'O TO HAVE. II MARVElOUS IN GI A,'v1()ROUS CRFAM WITH WARM liNING A PFRrFCT .'. ::: ~ ::: :~: •• 1;1 ~;1 :~: .... ::: .... • .... ::= ::: ~;~ ::: .... ,,". pO'. II ,~ " ;:j ~~~ ~~~ ~.i rr- beauty from Spain with ~~~ ::: ::: r ~.~:";:.: :::::;~~ ~~;sL:;::;:~;;::~O:I::~ :~:::~:~:c:~:~:~~ I .1:'1:.:;:;, Pfressrayon/pod,vester WI bit,hSOiJ-releak~fini,sh. I n shades o ecru, avoca o. roya ue, pump In or emon. :.: ..::.'::.; . 52"x52" square, $5 52"x70" oblong or oval, 6.50 ,;. : .'. :'; DO SOFT KNIT A LUXURIOUSLY AND CUFFS OF SHERPA PILE. AND SOFT WRAP BELT TO PULL IT ALL TOGfTHF R RUI KY KNIT DALON !31N IT NOW AND YOUU NfVF R HARDFR k -".',_'-"(I ~~~ delicate floral print, painstakingly ::: :~ "pO 6, ~ ) press tablecloth 11; ;;~ -<t'; , ( ~ ~.1 ::: permanent polyester/cotton It ~::~:: .... .... If ~ 111111 ~ I ~;j "/ ~ :;: :::. . '•:'.' . ::: ,~ ;~~~~~ ~ @•• "~,,,I' f) "'-~ ~ii ;ij ~;~i;~ .'. SALE ! "Rosalinda" e.e -, , ::: ~111j1 FUR :... .' )" " .- "---\.V?'"6"U' 111111; ~~ OUR AUGUST 1:. ,,~ .. .:.:::/ on Hundreds of Fun during ,. ~ . ::: .' :.'.' Savings ;, il~.' j~~ ~AGi\, '\j'V UUU U U;; jjj- A ~ .../ ::: Great l(, \\ h\/lrwlrrlffC: 1~f ::: 1" ~ ,.," ~~ .... FIND TO WAIT FOR IN SIZES S.M.l THAT FAIL 19261 MACK . Woods Thl4lr,) Op<!R daily 9:30.0 S:30 p.m. (NtxlIO HUGHES & HATCHER :.: ::: ::: :;: ::: ::: ::: 1ji WAS IT'S $66 ::; ::; ~'Q@~ G , , 'Y y y {f@)[f 11Do@ Qu@)lJVD@ ::: 111 ~ ~ ~ , _..... ll~;.:.:.:.:.;.:,;.;.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.;.;.}.:~.~.~.~:~.:~~.~:~.:~~.~.~~:~:~.;.:::.~~~:~~.~:~,~:~;.~:.~~.:~;.:.~~~:.~.~~~.:~~, !' •• e ne. GROSSE Thursdey, August 16. 1973 POINTE NEWS Women'sPage-by, of .and for Pointe Wome~ ----------_.----------- ... ---_._---------------- --" i-- Mrs. Robert Couvreur Eileen Pomaski T wo groom's S th S ro ers erve as Ushers: BrideTwo Sisters Act as Bridemaids at 6 O'Clock Rites -----Couple Wed on the Steps of the Lakeside Terrace of the Grosse Pointe War Memorial Alger House; Reception Follows in GC'rden Eileen Pholo by Collingwood Studio Married Friday, August 10, in St. Peter Church was EILEEN POMASKI, daughter of the Joseph R. Pomaskis, of Country Club drive, to Mr. Couvreur, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Couvreur, of St. Clair Shores. ---------------------- Youth Orchestra Plans Auditions CUSTOM FURRIERS ANNOUNCES The 'Opening of OUJ:' New FUR SALON at 20327 Mack Ave. < > MICHIGAI MEAT STAIDAIDS E.cluIiY.', at • __ -.-_. tee.D. )we' 'c6 ...a.. came from AI,pena, ,Mich., for their nephew', wedding. Mr. aad Jlr •. Adamski are playl!d guitar and san( at now at borne in Neff road, following their weddinl trip Mr. and .Mrs. Donald Ad. to Toronto and Montreal. ,.LA,~ I Elizabeth Ann Belanger, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. W. George Belanger, of Harvard road, and William Paul Adamski, son of Mrs. Michael F. Adamski, of Detroit, and the late Mr. Adamski, exchanged wedding vows on the steps of the lakeside terrace of Alger House, Grosse Pointe War Memorial, on Saturday evening, July 28. The Reverend Karll--------Trautmann presided at bridesmaid, and two other the 6:30 rites, A recep- nieces, Dana Quarnstrom and tion followed on the ter. Jodi Marie Lelll, were Dower race and gardens of Alger girls. House. Th, a tie n d ant s were Golden garnet sW<letheart gowned alike in. floor.lengtb roses accented the bride's yellow and whlte checked . d Wl'tb) ace. long - sleeved, bigh. necked, d trlmme Tb {) g Id empire-waisted, silk jersey elr owers we~e. 0 en gown. She wore II wreath of garnet roses. dames and golden garnet roses in her baby's breath. hair, and carried three roseds CMiChlaedl J.o Adamski, hof symbolic of past, present an leve an ,., was IS future. brotber's best man, and 'Mrs. Carl ,Robert Quarn. George R. B"elanger served strom, of North Oxford road, as usher at his sister's wed. served as her sister's maid ding. of honor, and another sister, The bride's mother wore a Mrs. James George 'Lehl, of floor.length, yellow and white Eugene, Ore.,. act e d as jersey sheath. Her corsage bridesmaid. was of wbite sweetheart Carla Jo Quarnstrom, niece roses. Mrs. Adamski chose oI the bride, was a junior a long white pique dress fea----------turing gold buttons from Lovers of Grouse Bird neckline 10 hem. Her corsage Invited to Dinner Fete was of golden garnet roses. ' II you are interested in the conservation of grouse and woodcock, you should attend Sum mer auditions for phony Orchestra have been the Monday, September 10, young musicians who are In. announced for Monday, Tues- meeting of tbe Southeastern terested in becoming mem- day and Wednesday. August Michigan Section of the bers of the Detroit Sym- 27, 211and 29, by the Youth Ruffed Grouse Society of Orcbestra's administrator, North America. The dinner Raymond Turner. , meeting, starting at 7 p.m., Applicants will be asked will be preceded by a "get party starting \ to play one prepared selec. acquainted" tion. (accompaniment is not at 5:30. It is the first annual required), and to sigbt read meeting of this section and music. Audition appoint- is a must to grouse hunters. The pro g ram includes ments may be made by tele. movies of grouse hunting; a phoning 961-07(10. forecast of grouse bunting Musicians who perfonned throughout the at preliminary audition ses. conditions ASSOCIATE OF slate, an explanation of "Put sians in June have been notiOETRO'T FUR CORPORATION and Take Pheasant Hunt. fied of final audition appointments. Any student who was ing," and a discussion of tbe invited to return for final activities of the grouse society and habitat improve. auditions, but who has not yet received notification of ment conducted by Section a final audition date by mail, Chairman Bob Lytle. The meeting will be beld is urged to call 961-0700 to at the Raleigh House, Telecorrect this oversight graph road (U.S. 24) near The Detroit Symphony 10 Mile, about a mile soutb Youth Orchestra, whicb will of 1-696. Pointers need not present three concerts this be members to attend. Donaseason pllis a trio of chamber tion is $9 in advance or $10 music programs, numbers at the door. Reservations, over 100 taleDted young which are recommended, musicians from the metro- should be sent to: Jim politan area. Rainey, treasurer, 11301 Bet. 7 and 8 Mile Rd •• The Youth Orchestra is Schaefer road, Detroit 48227. sponsored by the Detroit Crone Pointe Wood. Symphony Orchestra and in a proIession8lly oriented 885-9000 was founded in 1970 to pro- environment. vide an opportunity for See Our Collection of Paul Freeman, conductortalented and interested young in-refjdence of the Detroit Contemporary Fun, and the musicians to reeeive addi. Symphony Orchestra, is conNow Fallhionll in Mink. tional orchestral experience ductor of the Detroit Sym. phony Youth Orchestra. 'Pointers MR. and 'MRS. FRANK (SKIP) GMEINER recently hosted a unique party aboard the tugboat "PresC!otont." Guests board. ed the tug in W'mdsor for a buffet supper and a cruise ' Uli the Detroit River into Lake S1. Clair. Mr. Gmein. er's mother, MRS. RUTH GMEINER, and his brother and, MR. and MRS. DOUGLAS GMEINER. were present for the occa. . sion. Crew members and wives who joined Ule parly were Poinlers MR. and MRS. JEFF ORRAN, MR. Bnd MRS. RICHARD PURCELL and IAN TAYLOR. Oth~r !'uinters included MR. and MRS. ROBERT GOLDSBERRY, MR. and MRS. CHARLES TODD, MR. and MRS. JIM MAIN, MR. and MRS. DALE MILLER, HARVEY JANISSE, CARL VON. SCHWARZ and the tug's owners, JdR. and MRS. JOE CAROLf'O. ' • __ MiMr. and M1'8. Norbert XakOWllki professional B Pom~ki, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Josep~ R. Pomaslu, of Count&)' Club drive, became the bnde of Robert Couvreur in St. Peter Church on Friday evening, August 10: The bridegroom is the. son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Couvreur, of St. ClaIr Shores. ' --------For the 6 o'clock rites the usher corps were Thomas at which the Reverend Pomaski aDd Paul Pomaski, LeRoy Moreeuw offici. brothers ,,! the bride, and ated, the bride selected a Robert Peterson of S't. Clair gown of satateau trimmed Shores. with Alencon lace and For her daughter's wed. featuring a chapel.length ding, Mrs. Pomaski selected train. The dress was faSh- a long green chiUon dress ioned with an empire with lace accents. Mrs. Couvreur chose a long yellow waist, long bishop sleeves gown with white beaded and a bodice accented by trim. Both mothers' flowers embroidered pearls. Her were white orchids. elbow.length illusion veil The couple left the wed. Was caught by a camelot ding reception, held at the headpi .... e. Buckingham Hall, for a wed~ Yellow roses, white carna- dinl trip to Jamaica. They tions and baby's breath plan to m:ke their home in formed the bridal bouquet. Detroit. The former Miss Pomuki ----asked Mary Phillip, of Me. LYNDALENAHAN,daughKinley road, to IIerve as ter of MR. and MRS. DENIS maid of honor. Also dressed LENAHAN, of Crescent lane, in yellow and green fioral recently received her Bache. gowns were bridesmaids lor of Arts degree from Janet Campana, of Flint; Hillsdale College. Her major Diane Couvreur and Kath. was economics and business leen Couvreur, both sisters administration. of the bridegroom, of St. • • • Clair Shores. R e c e D t I y receiving a The attendants carried bachelor degree from the bouquets of yellow cama. University of Denver at the tions and creen star flowers. sum mer commencement Acting as his brother's exercises was M I C H A E L best man was James Couv- GLANCY, of Lake Shore reur, of St. Clair Shores. In drive. Mrs. and Outdoor Rites for ~~:~~~.¥,~~~t~ EI.Izabeth Be Ianger :~i:~:::~~y~:~~f~=:: · d A 10 arrle ugusf. M • J' Brlue amsld, Mr. and chael Fitzpatrlek f'.' engagement, UPHOLSTERING. Wide Selection of Decorator Fabrics SY .GxcluJille ..9nc. .::I. /;it'41;11 U,,'o~'m,., 755.7110 I .. • • - .. • ~, I - -- ~ If "0 ... • ~ .. • • • • I .. I • . Peg. ~ixt"n • - • • • • • ' " " ~ " -T ''OJ ~. --;I' • GROSSE w" ••• <; G 4 , , 9 , ,; & '$ $ $ fj J! ; 5 j t 1515 NEWS POINTE 3!iti.J(idq Thursday, August J 6. J 973 Society Ne-w"sGathered from thePoinles ,I I, ' Nancy J. Bradford Says Vows Friday Mrs. Richard Nicholson Danish pastries and laney sandwiches. The first meeting of the "Spirit of Scandinavia" new Kappa Alpha Theta M d M V Kr hours are from 1 p,m, to 11 Club has bnen scheduled for r.::n rs, ern ug, p. m , F r l'day, n oon t 0 11 p.m. Tuesday, August 28. All of Bad Axe, Mich .• announce Saturday and Sunday. Eastside Thetas are invited the engagement of, their Traditional craftware such to ('orne and reservations daughter, Gale, to Calier L. as knit caps, linen table- may be made by calling 885. I Worrell, the ron of Dr. and 1 th d 11 h d d a s. a 11, an mal' 547: by Sunday, August 26'1 Mrs. CaUer H, Worrell, of plates, pewter candle hold. At the meeting, which will Audubon roaa, ers, vases, cookbooks, flags, I be hostessed by Mrs. Ray, [ 18 and 19, bread boards, cheese cutters mond C. Walk suggestions Miss Kl'ug is a junior at A feature of thi" year's and po.rcelai~ egg eups will will be taken' for a local Michigan State .University Scandinavian Festival will be be avallablt In other booths. philanthropic project. and Mr. ~o~rell 15 a grad. I the performance of the Scan. Detroit Mayor Roman S, . uate of Michigan State. dina~'ian Festiva.! Symphony. Gribbs will give official i Overconfidence is believ-I An. October wedding' is at 6.30 p.m., Fnday, August. greetings at 6 p,m. Friday, ing that evenlually the im- planned at Sacred Heart 17. August 17. possible is going to happen. 'Church in Bad Axe. 1 Raising of the five Scandi. --.-----------------------na vian flags by youth In national costume and the An extension of (he Pointes .. singing of the national ant~ems will precede the sym. phony. I I I I I . and the Reverend Ray. , .H I I f j mond ~.,' 0 m, unc e 0 ber silk illusion ve~ was held by a noral headpleee of silk hyacinthS', stephanotis I ~he bridegroom, of C.ov, and baby's breath. l~ngton,. Ky. A reception The former Miss Bradiord pmmedlately followed at carried a French bouquet of ~he Gourmet House. ivy, .tephanotis, and baby's Serving as her sister'. breath accented with yellow matron of honor was Mrs. dried flowers. Vineent F. LoCicero. Also Donald Shoemaker, of Eu. Igowned in halter dresses of cUd, 0., was best man. ~ "prico! linen were brlde.- Serving as ushers were ,-maids Mrs, Gary Hendrick. Robert Nicholson, brother of J,son and Mr~. Donald Shoe- the bridegroom, of Chester. ,maker. TheIr dresst5 fea. ton, l.nd.: Al Niderstros, of : tured ruffled bems .ncl Pittsburgh, Pa.; and Vincent ,matching capelets. 'n1ey LoCieer6. ; carried multi.eolored Frenell The mother of the bride • : bouquet$ of dried nower,. wore a floor.length yellow Photo by I!:ddle McGrath. Jr. i Preceding the bride were silk organdy dress (or her At an evening ceremony, Friday, August 10, : flower girls Cristina LoCi. daughter's wedding, The NANCY JANE BRADFORD, daughter of Mr. and Icero and Lisa LoCieero, sleeveless dress, which fea. Mrs. Joseph N. DiSante, of Alger place, was marnieees of the bride, and Ann tured a double ruffle at the ried to RichQrd Dale Nicholson, son of the Edwin Nicholson, a niece' of the neck and hem, was accented Ibridegroom. The three girls at the waist by a satin rib. Nicholsons, of Chltsterton, Ind. ; were dressed in white em- 1>onand yellow silk organdy .., broidered organdy over apr!. rose. Mrs, Nicholson, mother cot lawn, aceented with of the bridegroom, chose a velvet ribbon at the pink floor-length gown fash. f wapricot a i s t 1i n e. They carried toned with a pearl embroid. Ibaskets of flowers, ered bodice. Mr. and Mrs. Winthrop ated with Zeta Tau Alpha t For her wedding, the bride Following a honeymoon in 'selected a gown of English Tahiti, the Dew Riehard D. Hilton Connor, of Lincoln sorority. She is currently a programmer for net featuring re.embroldered NJcholson, will make their road, announce the engage. computer ment of their daughter, Gail, Michigan Consolidated Gas I Alencon lace applJque. aDd 1>ome10 EucJid, O. to Raymond Charles Gieleg. Company. . , ~ hem II, son of Mr. and Mrs. Her fiance was graduated Raymond Charles Gleleghem, from Grosse Pointe High of Hunt Club drive. Sehool, and reeeived bis Miss Connor was graduated Bachelor of Business Admin. from Grosse Pointe High istration degree from East. School, and received her ern Miehigan University, Bachelor of Seience degree majoring in accounting. from The University of Mich. An Oetober wedding is igan, where she was affili. planned. ' I I f , --------------------- ~c'2!?~ Condominiums from $40,490 SWISSAIR TOUR TO GREECE - EGYPT LEBANON 15 Days - .L... ISRAEL Odober 9.23' $899, inclusive from New York_ Experienced Grosse Pointe tour leaders. Phone: 884.1672 or 8&1-1872 t ' 011 In the food booths, Scandi. navian delicacies will be on sale; pastil's (meat-ar,d. potato-filled dough), bologna, Finish stew, karjala pirakka (dough-wrapped cheese and potatoes), Swedish m~at. balls, Norwegian pea soup, Gail Connor To Be Bride ' I Slates First Meetnig I N. DiSante, of Alger place, to Richard Dale Nichol- , , Calier Worrell To Take Bride Kappa Alpha Theta Host Festival II 81. Paul's On.the.Lake-Cburch was the setting Friday evening, August 10, for the wedding of Nan. cy Jane Bradford, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph son, of Euclid, O. The bridegroom's. parents are the Edwin NichoLsons. of Chesterton, Ind. Co-officiating at the '1 o'clock rites were the pearl beading. The cathedral. Reverend James F. Cronk length train was of tulle and Scandinavians The five major Seandina. vian nationalities, leelandle, Swedish, Danish. Finnish and Norwegian, of diverse geo. graphic, economic and social characteristics have eooperated 10 produce the third Spirit of Scandinavia Ethnic Festival on downlown De. lroH's rivafront F rid aye I through Sunday, August 17. Couple Will Make Their Homo in Euelid, 0., Fol. lowing Wedding Trip in Tahiti ~;' % 4 , , 4J $ i $ $ 33370 Jefferson Avenue On Lake S•• (;lair 8elwern 1:1 and 1.1 I\lile St. Clair Shores Roods 294-0810 Mod",s "l'<n daily 12-8 p.m. FriSat. 126 l'lus<d Thursday MultiPlex Home,Corporation SPEcTAL-YALUABLEC()UPON -------n FOR A LIFETIME OF IIAPPY ~IEjJIOI'IES •.• v •.-i,~~~~- ,:.L_~"'-.: L :'1 ~ _ ~~ ~)".~t!l:-:::.::::_ ~ .. ~., .~ 1.;1._.' -:\ ..... "IN THE VILLAGE" babies, children. adults AW,lken to the' sun glinting on the blue waters ot Lake Michigan ... run along the sandy beach, , . IeI'I Ihe sun's rays warm your very soul as you lit. p'eacefully reslingon your terrace _ .. sleep to llll' g('ntle lapping of 10.000wave!' ... entertain your guests in your spacious living room ... or St'I'I'L',Vour most delicio~ dinner specially prepared in your modern, efficient and totally ('lPelrie kilehen. And. of course. La Croft is il\('al1y localed near shops. restaurants. dock la('ililies. golfing. ski resorts, fishing. beaches and ,nowmobile lrails. La Crofl is a special plat.t'. . its amenities. both nalural a"d rnanmade. are 100 many 10 mention. Come see La Croft Condominium ... you'll want to make ~.()1II' n'sen'alions early_ I 20" OFF Olt'~ r I See our line of Bridal Accessories too! AUGUST 16, 17, 18 ONLY I :Jhl?CarJ Shoppl? 881-4780 19491 MACK On Duty: Thursday and Friday, 9:30 til 8 P.M. Saturday til5 P.M. One 5x7 Color Portrait (Adlcining lollcnbo .. iere 8okery) ~b.I..f_Q...UT_A ~Q...£A Y E _________ ~lli~1 slOrB Bridge oml Pork Streets Charlevoix, Michigan 49720 (616) 547-9905 SHOE SALE THIS ~USTOM BUILTRANCH, with approximately 3100 sq. ft., has been de. signed to insure yau and your family many years of comfort and convenience. For formal entertaining, a 20x30 living room, highlighted by a sup~rb stone fireploce, is sure to please. Additional rooms include a large formal dining area. den, four bedrooms, and 2~ baths. Quality features range from the kitchen's co.ordinated built-ins to a utility room with built in storage cabinets and sewing center. $89.700.00. COMPlETE YOUR COllECTION WITH A WIDE SELECTION OF STYLES AND COLORS AT GREAT SAVINGS • NATURAumR $1290 • ANDtAMO to $1490 $1290 • COBBLERS SELECT GROUP BROKEN SIZES HAND BAGS $1290 $1000 $1 000 Jbt sbops of Walto1t.Pi~r,~ Kerchevol ot St, Clair. GrOise Pointe Some .... ' Malle Troy Open 9 '05:30 Mon. Sat, I I • Fur Addilional Information and a Free Brochure Contact PROPEAT'EB.INC. I I I I subject • AdditiOMI subjects $1.00 each (group or individual) • All ages: , luxury Condominiums on lake Michigan , I SPECIAL WEDDING INVITATIONS ' I II I Only one sitting per ~;~~,~~ I LOCATED ON WINKLER Mill POND, this cusfom built colonial is sef in a wooded arftO. Perfect for a large family, the home includes four large bedrooms, two and one.half baths, a panefed family room with fireplace, and a large pantry in the kitchen. For entertainment there is an inground swim. ming pool. covered patio with bar, and good fishing in the pond. One of our finest homes ... THIS CHARMING RANCH is located on a very beautiful lot with many large trees. Included in the spacious home are three bedrooms. formal dining room, large paneled family room with fireplace and much more, Delulll'l custum drapes and carpeting, plus central air conditioning are only a few of the many fine features of this home. This quality constructed home is awaiting your inspection - May we show you through? '0 ,. .... ' •• o-.ft-- •• . I 1 I !JI Thursday. August 16. 1973 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Women's Page- by, of and for Pointe Women St. Paul Wedding For Cherie Renouf \\~VEyts 40% OFF :; _____________________ ...... _. The bride is the daugh. toerof Mr. and Mrs. Stan. ley Joseph Renouf, of Lakeland avenue. The bridegroom's parents are Mr. and Mrs, Carleton B. Lucas, of P 0 m pan 0 Beach, Fla. b eap secured her double aUk illllllon ven. The bride ear. "l L._ .1. You can move into one of the homes A whole new way of life awaits you at Wabeek. The Beautiful Place. Come give your dreams a chance to grow. 1740 W. long lake Rd., Bloomfield Hills, Mich. 48013, 851-4222. Open 7 days a week for your convenience. A taint venture of Chrysler Realty Corporation and Del E. Webb Wabeek, Inc. .'.,:..\~~':?\~.;t: ,...... ~~c~~~ :."": .::\X.~:. ::. ': lJi~'rtB~;"~1f,\'f:: .. WABEEK Of BUlOMm:w HILL" I ANNUAL MIDSUMMER Photo by FURNITURE Paul Gaeh CHERIE ELIZABETH RENOUF, daughter of the Stanley J. Renoufs, of Lakeland avenue, became the bride of Robert Carleton Lucas, son of Mr. and Mrs, Carleton B. Lucas, 0 f Pompano Beach, Fla" on Saturday, August 11, in St. Paul's On.the-Lake Church. Mrs. Renout wore a long, sleeveless eIre.s featuring a white bodice and poppy.redand.white skirt. Her collar WI! trimmed with matching red and white material and her costume included'a short. sleeved jacket. Mrs. Lucas selected a long, silk jersey dress with floorlength ehifCon eOlt In green, turquo!Je and white. The couple will be at home in Cadieux road after their wedding trip to southern Spain. SALE! 10T050%OFF R.00il SAMPLES, IN STOCI ACCESSORIES AND ACCENTS Of OUt VlRY. FI.ST .cOWCTlONS, i;;:'" FUlNtSHIIIGS ,,~'/;.. I "". i;$~i..... Museum Shows Art Exhibit frorn Russia Official notificatiDn has been rt!ceived from the USSR that its touring ex, hibitlon of Impressionist masterpieces bas been ex. tended a month to include Detroit. POINT! . NOW" IN PROGRESS' I and baby's breath accented the bridesmaid's dresses of yellow and white check. The gowns were fashioned with high necks, puffed long sleeves and yokes trimmed with lace. Sasbes tied the empire walsts. already available for occupancy-or build your own home on one of Wabeek's many choice lots. Wooded. lake view. Golf course front. Up to 2 acres in size; beginning at $18,000. .... .'; GI05S1 k ro~::.e~~: ~~~e:~ EAMSARE ut:.1~ UllTATwAUt:.E •"''1 . Becau,e that classic French Provincial overlooking the private la~e is more than just a house being buill; iI's a dream coming true. Just W.e that sprawling contemporary along the fifth fairway of the Wabeek Country Club golf course. VAN fURNITURf rled I nOielay of wbite rOle., ltephanotia and baby', breath. JuUe Christine Renout served a. her .ilter'a maid of honor. Brldesmaida were Catherine Anile Renouf, an. other .1atl)rj Anne M. Fiaherj Christine B. CoUlns, of De. troit: and Mrs, Thomas Schrock. sister of the bride. groom, of KalamllOO. The bridegroom & , ked Thomas Schrock, of Kala. mazoo, to act as best man. In the usher corps were 11al Le Due, uncle of the bride. groom, of Union Lake; and three brothers of the bride, Chrl'stopher J. Renoul, Stan. ley J. Rencuf, Jr., and Stephen P. Renouf. The bride selected a white batiste gown featuring bi.hop sleeves of Venice laee and a square yoke embroidered with pearls, Venice lace also decorated the thr~ front panels of the gown and the two panels in the dress's train. A ruffled Venice lace trim finished the hemlines ofAboth tile bgown and train. .d ed Jull t '_e._em_ro_l_er e LII.( Take a walk through Wabeek. Over the rolling hills. Across the green valleys. Along the quiet lakes. You'll see more than just a beautiful community blooming to life. You'll see lifetime ambitions being fulfilled. Her fiance wllaraduated from Gro... PolDte South mall SCbool ud FerrlJ State Colle,e. He hi. I de,,," In Grosse Pointe Hunt Club. -------- A Wide Variety In Basic Colors ;i. SIAI.AIDS Cherie Elizabeth Renouf and Robert Carleton Lucas exchanged marriage vows at a 1 o'clock ceremony in St. Paul's On.the.Lake Church on Saturday, August 11, The Reverend James Cronk presided at th" rites which werfi followed by a reception at the Thun., Fri., Sat. I Mr. and Mrs. Cbarles BusiDes. Administration and Ferguson, of Royal Oak, an. is preHnUy employed withthe Sbaw Wa1k,,' Compaoy. nounce the enga,ementof their daughter, Jennifer Lyn, An early spring wedding to Dale T. Marsban, son of is planned. Mr. and :Mrs. Morrison Marshall, of Boumemouth road. The bride-eleet was grad. uated fJ:om Dondero High School and from central Mlcbllan University. She haa bclullv.ty a Masten dearee in Edue&. ot t10n aDd i. preeelltly em. ployed with Weat Bloomfield SChoolJ, ..aT Hunt Club LAST 3 DAYS Dale Marshall To Claim Bride MICIIGAI Couple Leave for Wedding Trip in Southern Spain Following Reception at Grosse Pointe HANDBAGS r"\_ Mrs. Robert C. Lucas C. Gerstenberll, chairman of the boar4 of General Motor. Corporation, helped persuade Russian officials to include Detroit before the paintings were crated up for their scheduled return trip in mid. September OICOIlnNG SIIMCIS - '1 cOIMI.n taMS. ,. ' Landscape" and 10M0 n t Sainte. Victoire." Vincent Van Gogh is representl!d with three key works. seven of Paul Gauguin's finest works, painted during bis early years ill Tahiti, are among these thoiee ImpresFormally titled "lmpres.' sionist works in the loan sionist and Post.Impres. An admission fee will be h sionat Paintings from the charged to offset costs. & 0"1. . . USSR." the selection from Both the Soviet Union and O~m of the RU!lslan colthe Hermitage Museum in the United States regard the lecU!ln dates to the turn of ...., . the century, betweell' 1904 Leningrad and t he P US(lA.lnloan event ~s a maJor and 1914 when World War I . Museum in Moscow is the breakthrough m the cultural e tl first exhibition of Western exchange program between .~gan. It was promin n y art ever lent to the United the two countries ~1SPlayedafter the Revol?. tion but was relegated to States by the Soviet Union. "The Russian decision to museum storage in the 1930's The 41 paintings by 14 show .thepaintings here is when Stalin decreed that major artists of the period a compliment to Detroit," realistic painting was more 1870.1920, including Matisse, Willis F. Woods, director of inspirational !or the Russian Gauguin, C e z ann e, Van the Detroit Institute of Arts, peoples. Gogh, Picasso, Renoir and said. "They have always In recent years, however, Monet, will be shown at the known us as the prototype of its display has again been Detroit Institute of Arts from the successful industrial city. made public, and the fl Wednesday, September 26, Seven of the paintings are works in the current show through Sunday, October 21. by Henri Matisse, including are only a small part of per. The exhibition has been his mas t e r pie c e, "Tbe haps the largest coUection of GlOSS£ POIlfft 20343 Mack Avetllle TU setting attendance records in Dance." Five are the work Impressionist and Post.lm(1efwMn V_let ~ MoJoh) Washington, New York, Los of Paul Cezanne, amoDi pressionist painting in any Angeles and Chicago since them the. famous "Blue COWItry except France. I SHOP: Mon., Thurs. & Fri. 'fil9 P.M. it debuted in the U. S. this spring. Lee Hills, president of the Open Thursday and Friday evenings Arts Commission, with asAgain Open AllDay $CIturday sistance from Henry Ford II, ehairman of the Ford Motor Company, and Richard I' I ~~!~~~;I .~, .,:>;.;.\r,;, :-. 4•.5885 YOUR DIAMOND ISA BETTER WAY ... and more enjoyable A safe is a fine place to store and protect your money ... but, there is a better way! An in./estment in a diamond is a safe and more pleasurable way to store your money. Won't you drop in and discuss your investment with us? Our diamonds are the very finest your money can buy. Valente Jewelerj Fine Jewelers Since 1934 16601 E, Warren at Ken.ington Rd•• TU 1-4800 , ___ \ sssa src • ce a as ••• r ..sea. ens de MoH 'M••• # rlet'ed".- E M de ,'-' " • .;..J~.-...L........I......4....t_~J...JI~,~~",!..AI t" .... ", I .. ... •• "' ••••••••• GROSSE 1 t, !2ddUt!H! 'k""c:cceeCSCS6ddSS POINTE iiiiit_ NEWS Thursday. August 16. 1973 Society News Gathered from the' Pointes ; Mrs. Russell E. Wilcox IJudith A. Stedman I SIGNAL INTENTIONS , To avoid rear end colli. I sions, share all your plans with Ihe driver directly be. hind you. Wayne O_lfe_rs_V_e_tsProgram Th. Grot.. Point. Con'Nption.1 Church Veterans who netd an edu. tutorial service lor veterilns 240 ChaUonte at Lothrop cational "second chance" are who are enrolled in the pro. Summer Schedule: being actively sought by the gram and domestic and fi. Wayne state ~niversily Vel. nancial counseling, where Worship Service 10 a.m. • erans Educational Opportun. needed. The program head. "The Trouble With ity Program. quarters are at 4216 Mc. Giving" The program, lunded by a Dougall, Detroit 4820.7. Regis. . Thursday Week.ender , [rom the U. S. tration for the fall quarter Service 7:30 Reception at ~he Detroit Yacht Club Follows 2 $100,000grant Office of Education, is a will begin Sept. 10 and can. 20475 5111111111,11.1., ... O'Clock Ceremony at Christ Church /' Rev. R. R. Ru&c:laeoa. D.O. three.pronged drive to pro- tinue through Sept. 17. Fur. GrD'" '.lllt. Woeli, vide edu('ation for veterans ther information may be Ob' Grosse Puinte Rev. J. H. Cummlnes 8:00 a.m. Eucharist who may think their le:;rning tained by calling 577-4705. 10;00 a.m. Eucharist with skills are not sharp enough ----Hymns Judith Anne Stedman and Russell Edward Wi!. lor them to lake advantage t' cOY. exchanged marriage vows at a 2 o'clock cere~ of G. I. Bill educational bene. US Nursery car e thru 10:00 a.m. I mony in Christ Church Grosse Pointe on Saturday, fits. service August 11. The Reverend Arnold A. Fenton offici. Veterans who may have MfMllI." .t Ker....... ated. ---------dropped out of higb school, -ed Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. for instance, can enroll in New coaching assignments TU 4-0511 The bride is the daugh. Vanderzee, of Akron, O. VEOP's General Educational at Austin High School have Summer Schedule ter of Mr. and Mrs. Lynn The new RUS1ieU E. WH. Development Program, or recently been filled bJ' Ath' Gross. 'oillt. U"It.d Sunday Servlce .:30 a.m. Gifford Stedman, Jr., of ~l(es left the wedding recep. G.E.D. :rhe G.E,D. program lettc Director Pete Pucher. METHOD~ST CHURCH (Nursery for sman children) North Brys drive. The tiOD at the De-troit Yacht l'i'ovides basic courses to.F. J. "Bud" Newberry of 211 Moro .. Rood Sunday School, ';30 a.ln. Ages 3-S bridegroom's parents are Club for a honeymoon in ward preparation for exam. The Woods has been named I".nu Thursday Service 8;00 p.m. Edward Arnett Wilcox, of Ontario, Can. They plan tt) inations for high school head coach o[ the varsity (July ~Aulust 23) Ferndale, M i c h ., and make tbeir home in Madison equivalency certificates.. hockey team, while Steve R.y. GMr •• I. Kllra. Beatrice Shurly Wilcox, Heights. Vocational training for, Avsharian was selected as. Summer Schedule: of St. Clair Shores. On Thursday nIght, August technical careers is provided sistant coach. 9:30 a.m. 9, Mr. Wilcox, lather o[ the under another .. ~art of the Newberry. a prep star at,' PInt "'11011 WORSHIP SERV[CE For the early afterl)OOD bridegroom, gave a reo prog~am. FacilIties at com. Notre Dame High School, wedding, the bride selec:ted bearsal dinner at the Bay. mumty colleges and Cass also p I aye d junior "A" [ Nursery and Church a white silk orgmu gown view Yacht Club. Tecbnical High School are hoc key with the Toronto School thru sixth grade featuriDa: a blah neckline used by students enrolled in Marlboros and varsity hOCkey edged with a ruffle. A ruffle tbese courses. at the University of Day ten, V.m.l.r :aoa4 at Wed•• "ood also edged the long sleeves. Still another part 01 the in Ohio. He has set as his Drive. Grosse Pointe Woods Floral lace applique aeprogram is for veterans who goal to make the A u s tin . 88f.~ • cealed the bodice, sltirt and 0 OtVs wish to enroll in college and hockey program "the finest Summer Schedule !UDg circular train. . "'__ I need preparatory courses. in the United States." , Sunday Church School and A cap of matching lace Mr. and Mrs. Mario They take courses through Others named include Paul Church Worship 9:30 a.m. l'tIoto by BdQie MoQrath. Jr. held her short, three.tiered Farm!s, 01 Rosedale road, the Wayne State Division 01 Rogers. head varsity base. R.,.. P: K.ppler ell,'font. .nd Llthr.~ veU. The former Miss Sted. have announced the en~age. Urban Extension and are al. ball coach with Jan Szymczak Wed Saturday afternoon, August 11, in Christ :a.y. D .. 14. Proctor. TU ''''71 MIl. p.,tor man carried a small Colonial ment of their daughter, Mar~' lowed to transfe.r tQ WSU or II as his ass.istant; Nick Ro. Church Grossl: Pointe was JUDITH ANNE STEDWe Invit. You to Worship bouquet of white roses and Louise, to Dennis J. Plun. a community college upon kich, head varsity t r a c k With U. MAN, daughter of the Lynn Gifford stedmans, baby's b~ath accented by kett, son of Mr. and Mrs. successful com pIe t ion of c 0 a c h; Bruce Dyer head Jr., of North Brys drive, to Russell Edward Wil- white streamers. 9 a.m. Worship and Edward C. Plunkett, o[ Inks. those courses. cross country co a c h, and COX, son of Edward A. Wilcox, of, Ferndale, and Sunday School 9 a.m. ServIng as matron of honor ter. . Calvin McKinney Ditector' Szymczak, :Ross Baumann, (Ages 1.5) Beatrice S. Wilcox, of St. Clair Shores. was the bride's sister, Mrs. Miss Farmis was gradu., Counselor of the VEOP Pro. Gary Buslepp and Jim Gerbc Itev. Chart" W. '."dreck James A. Baubie, Jr., of St. ated from Our Lady Star of gram, said job placement as assis~ant football coaches. L. Clair Shores. She was dress. the Sea High School.. She will also be an importan~ P~cher IS head coach of the '--:-". .~--- ... ed In a white and green voile attended Thom8s Busmess part of the program. Similar .llndders. print gown accented by kelly School and is currently em. programs have. been very green ribbon at the empire played ~y General Motors successful in linning attrac. GROSSE POINTE waist. A creen picture hat, Corporatlon. tive jobs lor veterans while G'ilS. Point. trimmed with a white band An August wedding is they are still enrolled in WOODS and bow, completed ber out. planned in St. Joan of Arc I courses. I fit. She carried a small Cburch. McKinney was quick to .. re6bglerian Ulllt'" P,,,.,t.ri.n Colonial bouquet of white Pllint out that schedules can /? IS Lake Shore Rd. roses and baby's breath with Prentis Cancer Center be arranged so veterans can L~ For informatioD mght or green streamers. Offers Free Pap Tests co~tinue in !heir present j?bs 199$0 MACK ~~~~t TORREY d.y call 88Z.S.~, dial a Michael George Alschbach, while learnmg and drawmg ROAD 886-4300 prayer 882.8770. of Harper Woods. aded as F P -1 d . G.I. benefits. 10 a.m. Worship ServIce .nd Worship Service and best man. Ushers were Gary ree ap Tests Wit be a. VEOP will also provide a Church School FREE INSTAUATION ministered during the months __ ~'Say A Good Word for Church School 10:00 a.m. ON ALL Stephen Sworek, of St. Clair of August anrt september in Jesus" "God Gives His Children "Strength" CARPETING BOUGHT Shores, aDd Stuart James the Meyer L. Prentis Cancer .- - • - - - - - - - •• - - - - • • -, Mr. JQhn Deason Dykstra, of Grosse Pointe. Center of the Michigan Can. • • Preaching Ray H. Kiely DURING THIS SALE1 Mrs. Stedman chose a cer Foundation. The PreJltis • • _ na"y and white print silk Center. is located at 110 East • WENOW. afternoon dress for her Warren avenue. I daupter's wC\lding. The Appointments may be' • CARRY mother of the bridegroom, made by calling the Michi. • • A 21336 Mack Ave. Mn. Wilcox, sele'eted a dress gan Cancer Foundation, a l?i+rl"Or.1 • COMPLETE of navy blue c:repe with a Torch Drive Agency, at 833. • ' _ • Grosse Pointe WGOds UNE OF white wbeat design covering 0710. Tests will be adminis. • \'.•..... "A BIBLE TEACHING GOSPEL PREACHING MOTOROLA the full skirt and bodice. tered Monday through Fri.,. FELLOWSHIP" Both mothers pinned cor. day between 9 a.m. and 4:30 . • TV'S 9:45-Sunday School-for all ages sages of w~te sweetheart p.m. I I i 11:00-Worship Service : 4(";;"'/(#> .. 'i; 'to I 7:00-Service of Praise ----------cervical cancer in Detroit. l./ 'if • I °1 W ed t0 Mr W I COX St, Michael's Episcopal Church I I I A j N In anles I V . Chi arsIty oac es. I 1----------- l It. lam.. Lutherln Ohurch "'rTVM~./'frl»l\IU I Ev. Lutheran Ohurch M F . ary armIs T S V av St, 'Iul Ev, 3'1 Lutheran Church I __ .''1. It."". 40% I rlt. p, OFF ALL MEMORIAL CHURCH f., DISCONTINUED CHAIRS .1 'ell."'1 "" I I I "" GROSSE POINTE IAPMT (HURCH . ro:t:.:: & Carpel. Co. ::Jurnilure 16421 HARPER NR. WHITTIER MON., TUES., THURS. AND FRI. 9 TO 9 TELEPHONE 881-1285 "# celli, Vol1rad J. Von Berg, WUr:~.and '. .1.;:1.# (ContlDuell from Pale 13) Pierre V. Heftler, Robert HeNe, Isabene Horsch, Robert Jay. Winfield W. Jewell, Jr .• Kurt Keydel. Ray Macdonald, Alfred D. Moran, FeUx Resnick, William R. Shaw, Sterling Sanford. HaTaylor, Flavio YAm. :~r::r~. '«" ~:~r~IUd.ID::~~J:a~a: ;;::.efr~~ : 'Preludes' :J.ournier l'..... ~:Z~~~~~ij: """, women, and almost 40 per. I cent among black women, in • whom the rate of occ:urence I is twice as high. Thi3 find. ing reflects the improved • outlook for women with this. form of callcer. I The Michigan C a n.cer • Foundation hopes to reduce the deaths from cervical I cancer by 80 percent within. Alex. five years. ----CLOSED CIIlCUIT Success takes initiative even an electric: switch accompUshes nothing unitss it's pumed. -------- • ..... ld' d' 'ded . t' "~uewor IS IVI 100 people who do thin~s and ,I people who get credIt. Try, I if you can, to belong to the first dass. There is far less • competition." I II :;:",,,l 7:S0-Wed. Church Time ~~ .~ ..... ".,-; Prastor-Larry I W'8 ' re in such a 1at h er, •• I RICHA D I NobQdy~ CHURCH" Lislen to us on Radio WBFG.FM weekly mornings 8 to 8:15. ----- ---- _ Think Christmas Now! AUGUST I BUICK-OPEL: ~ away, you drive with. SEMI ANNUAL 1510]I_c"'".I' ulII'IIE "II" I n VA ..1-5400 _ •• __ a sml • __ .. • fII ,. .----1 I DECOUPAGE and CRAFT SALE 20%OFF First OHering 293 CHALFONTE McGUI1l • walks away • I & Share Prayer . "THE END OF YOUR SEARCH FOR A FRIENDLY • we',-e shaving prices Family POPKIE PAINT 31019 HARPER 293-1570 AT 13 MILE RD. in the Shores Shopping Center' I 1, 1 GUIDE TO GOOD SERVICE JOANNA WISTERN • ',PR!V.!lI:C;;tV.YfFE.URli( LIMOUSINE WINDOW I,SIRYICE SHADES P;'Nt. Sl1UHUS. S10'M BlINC'S KAUFMANN DOORS AND WINDOWS .. .. GRA'e--TOP Nestled Among The Trees 293 Cha/fonte, Grosse Pointe Farms. Elegant 4 bedroom 2~ bath, foyer entrance colonial. Just out of the "breaking in" period. Spacious family room with fireplace, central air, eledronic air filter, attached side entrance garage. Attractive landscaping, corner location. Call for appointment to inspect this fine home. Priced at $61.900. MICHIGAN REALTV CO. 886-2506 886.4880 f • _.......1---" ~._ • -"::-_..o..-_.'_.~ ... ., ' .. - ... "':"~ t ", • Off Kercheval ... in Grosse Poillte Farms. No doubt you have driven by and admired its attractive Stitting and handsome lines. Only because of a carp orate tronsfer can you now arrange to buy this picturesque Colonial home by con. facting one of our consultants for inspection. If you are in the mood for a home that enjoys an outstanding locotion, that sets a mood for a relaxing atmosphere, fhat is perfect for utilizing and displaying antiques, and yet has been considerably updated . . . then we suggest this is for you. Call tor lervln, TM Grosse: Pointe Cab TU 2-5300 15011 KERCHEVAL East of Aller • In \.he Park TU S-MOO Cloted Mondays SERVICINC THE CROSSE POINTES FOR OVER V% CENTURY I""",ct.i $",.'o"r ,••'NC' details today! $58,500. WA 1-8282 ORlAND htel.lIl ... Chain Link AII-$til.1 .ncl Rudic styt .. .. ~ • HEARTY CI!.R!AIJoH'. 395 FISHER ROAD SAUS AND SERVICE Point. Area TU 6-3800 MEHLENBACHER FENCE CO. 10403 HARPER RESIDEMTIAL, INDUSTRIAL ,.< Thursday. August GROSSE 16, J 973 POINTE Page Nineteen NEWS Women's Page -by, of and for Pointe Women S. Cushman Mrs. Thomas M. Clement I Lynda A. Lenahan w. To Wed in Fall Married August 4 Following a Weddint'l Trip to Barbados, Couple ':I Will Be at Home in Perrysburg. Ohio Exchanging Mrs. John W. Soper, of Farmington, Conn., and Ged. des Parsons, of Roxbury, Conn., have announced the engagement of their daugilter, Martha Kelso Parsons, to William Sanderson Cush. man, son of Mr. and Mrs. vows in the..Grosse Pointe Woods Robinson Cushman, of Narra. gansett, R.I. on Saturday, August 4, were The future bridegroom is an d Th omas M ount Clement. the son of Mrs. John H. ConThe bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Denis E. way, of Pine court, Jl.nd the Lenahan; the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. late J. Boyer Candler. Carl H. Clement, Jr. ---------I The couple plan a fall wed. For the 1:30 o'clock Shaker Heights, Ohio; and ding. ceremony, at which the Betsy Clement, sister of the ---------Reverend J 0 h n Deason bridegroom. David Root, of Toledo, Ohio; officiated, the bride chose The bridesmaids wore Jeff Day, of Toledo, Ohio; a natural ivory linen emerald green linen dresses and Dan Lenahan, the bride's gown with heavy Swiss w hie b featured smocked brother. embroidery inserts which bodices and a rume at the Mrs. Lenahan wore a floorformed panels in the long h8ltered necklines lInd hems. They carried bouquets of length gown of field flowers full skirt. Her bouffant .pink Fuji mums, pink carna. on a background of white cathedral.length veil was tions and pink daisies, ac- pique, The dress had a long. held in place by a Flem. eented by purple statice and sleeved, waist length jacket ish cap of Swiss embroi. pink.and.white checked silk featuring a half.belt in the back. Mrs. Clement selected dery and was adorned bowS' and streamers, with raised petals of Acting as a junior brides. a blue chiffon floor-length matching lace. maid was the former Miss dress fashioned with long The former Miss Lenahan Lenahan's sister, Tete. Her sleeves and a high neck. Relatives in town for the carried a bouquet of pink dress was identical to those tea roses. baby's breath, of the bridesmaids, but wedding were the bride's stephanotis, fern and pittis fashioned wilh a smocked aunt, Mrs. Kenneth Smith. of porum. back. She carried a small San Diego, CaI., and the aunt, Mrs. The bride asked Ann La. basket of the same flowers. bridegroom's Rocque, of Bloomfield Hills, Mr. Clement asked his William Anfin, of Radford, to be the maid of honor. brother, Christopher Cleo Va •• After a reception at the Bridesmaids were Jan Shep. ment, to serve as the best herd, of Bloomfield Hills; man. In the usher corps Detroit Golf Club, the couple Mr.s, David Root, of Toledo, were. Carl Clement, also a left .for a trip in the Bar. OhiO; Jane Zimmerman, of brother of the bridegr,oom; bados. The new Thomas Clements, both graduates of Hillsdale Col)ege, will make their home in Perrysburg, Ohio. . Ch t Pres byenan urch Lyn da A nn L ena h an Women's Dresses 12 ~ to 26 ~ - 8 to 20 Shaker Square-Bill I Sturbridge Simms Classics Berkshire a.Tween Swirl City Stene Puritan Forever Young Parkshire lady laura Hobnobber Model (Snap Coat) We welcome Michigan BankAmericard, Master Charg!!, Security BankAmericClrd 16434 E. Warren a' E. Outer Dr. (N... , 1o Sanden! ) Monday thtu Sat. 9:30 ',i' TU. 4.7980 5:30 A planned move of GAIL and BARRY VAN TIEM, of Manor road, to Brighton, Mich., prompted MRS. RON HICKS to organize a family party at The Farms Park recently. Families attended. bringing with them a potluck dish for the buffet. Neighbors who came were MR. and MRS. ALLAN COX, MR. and MRS. LARRY LONWERS, MR. and MRS. STAR WADE, MR. and MRS. JOHN MARCUS, MR. and MRS. ARTHUR KEYES, MR. and MRS. TOM KIDD and MRS. BERNARD AL. LOR. , I • This charming English' Colonial has four bedrooms on the second floor with a fifth bedroom and full bathroom on the first floor. The kitchen is complete with limed oak cabinets. Carpeting, draperies, fully air conditioned and natural woodwork throughout. Ava;lable for immediate occupancy. By owner ... $65,400. 1019 Kensington, Grosse 'te. Park, 882-4163 I I I Arts Department. .T,he Cass Concourse ex. hlbit c~se~ are devoted to a new blbhlJgraphy prepared by the. Library's Business and Fmance Departmel:,. "How to ~,aise Your. Invest. me~t I.Q. Books Intend,ell to lm~rove the lD. vestor s understandmg or the stock market. are on display. and free copies of the book. list are available {or pickup. All three exhibils will con. tinue on view through August at Main Library. Serving as treasurer of the WSU School of Medicine Alumni Ass 0 cia t ion is JAMES J. AlUTO, M,D., of Lochmoor bouh!vard, A SOUTHERN COLONIAL, ,. ALWAYS IN STYLE .- ~ .. Photo by J. S. De Forrest LYNDA ANN LENAHAN, daughter of the Denis E. Lenahans, of Crescent lane, became the bride of Thomas Mount Clement, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl H. Clement, Jr., of Perrvsburg, Ohio, in an afternoon ceremony at Grosse' Pointe Woods Presbyterian Church on Saturday, August 4. ! ISABELLE'S Detroit Main Library Offers New Exhibits A centennial anniversary, I early 1.900$ is a feature of a unique hobby, and every tile exhibit, man's wish to get rich are The unique hobby is that . . . of Don Loucks "King of the the tOPICS.of exhIbIts cu~. Autograph CoiJectors." In. rently on vIew at the DetrOit stead of the customary auto. Main Library. 5201 Wood- graph book, Mr. Loucks ward at Kirby. creates original collages The lL'Oth anniversary of ~hich express the personal. , . Ity of the celebrity. The the fO~lldmg of the Detr~lt I three. dimensional panels. News IS commemorated 10 I' which measure as much as an. exllibit in Adam Strohm two by three feet in sh:e, are Hall which features a News- created with paint, papier prepared display of Great mac!le. scraps of cloth, cut. Photo Stories by News outs, photographs, and other photographers, plus historical materials. Examples of signmemorabilia calling to mind ed collages made for enter. the period 100 years ago into tainer", Ilports figures, and which the newspaper was others in public lire are on born. An authentic news- display in the third floor exboy's dellverJ' wagon of the hibit corridor near the Fine PopHlar Groups Hit Pille Knob Singer 'l'om Jones will be at the Pine Knob Music Theater for a engagement beginning Wednes. day, August 15, through Sun. day, August 19. Concert time is 8:30 p.m. except 7:30 p.m. on Sunday. The British star has come a long way sinee his days as a builder's laborer in south Wales. Before he turned professional 'towards the end of 1964, he was a popular entertainer in his own country. He first gained national prominence when his recording off "It's Not Unusual" reached No. 1 in the British hit parade. 1 Since that time Mr. Jones has sold more than a hundred million singles, won over 24 gold records and been named Entertainer of the Year in more than a dozen countries. The singer now spends a great deal of his time on tour. Nearly six of the nine months he devotes to his world tour are spent in the Unlted States by publie demand. This is his fourth major Ameriean tour in four years. At Pink Knob, he will be singing such old bits as "What's Ne'w Pussycat?" and selections from his new album "The Body and Soul of Tom Jones." Following Tom Jon e s' performances, Chicago will be at Pine Knob for three days, Monday, August 20 through Wednesday, August 22. The concert is a complete seHoul. Detroit's own Rare Earth will be appearing at Pine Knob on Monday, August 27, at 7:30 p.m. Most of the six members of Rare Earth, Ray Monette, Ed Guzman, Mark Olson Gil Bridges, Mike Urso, ami Pete Hoorelbeke, played as back-up musicians on some of Motown's biggest records before gJining tiny recognition on their own. Ray Monette has played for virtually every artist on Motown plus a few Atlantic artists like Aretha Franklin and Wilson Pickett. Rare Earth has bad sold. out concerts all over the country, including one in Madison Square Garden. The group also has four gold albums, "Ecology," "One World," "Get Ready" and "Rare Earth in Concert" and as many gold singles to their credit. The group has recently completed its newest album, "Willie Remembers." , Upcoming events include I Blood, Sweat and Tears on Tuesday, August 28, at 1:30 p.m., and Sonny and Cher on Sunday, Septemher 2, at 2 p.m. and 8:30 p.m. Tickets for all Pine Knob concerts may be ordered by mail through the Fisher Theatre, Fisher Building, Detroit, Mich. 48202. For ad. ditional ticket information, Pointers may call 559.9111, Comes on strong with just as much appeal inside as from the curb. The marble floor foyer is Jar'Jet than many living rooms, Not only does this southern colonial have a large family room, but there is olso a library to complement the spacious living and dining rooms. The moster suite includes dressing toom and large bath. Two other bathrooms service another four bedrooms. You nome it ... our kitchen has it. The house has the luxury of central air conditioning, a central vacuum system and inter-comm systems to all rooms. l I I , . 114 Kercheval, on the Hill . 886-6Gl0 - Our Ojibways all have views, but then, so do our Manitous. r"".".",.,."",m"""'' ' ' ~~;:~~~E::::~r!~~7.::=~:<",~,m"'~"~'~~<<<~"1 I I ~ ~ ~. h MRS. EUGENE WALLACE, of Oxford road, was the recipient of a note from the White House recently. She had sent a clipping from the July 26 issue of the NEWS dealing with Dr. William Lange's trip t" China, along with aT' .:;."com. panying leUp.. <0 President. In it, ~:,e stated lhat more ..,cople who hed visited China should make their views known to the public This she believes, would tend t~ establish more friendly reo lahons between the U. S. and China. Ronald L. Elllott, Deputy Special Assistant to the President answered with • note reading: "It was thoughUul of you to give the President the benetlt of your comments. He appreciates your encouragement and has asked that your message be brought to the attention of appropriate Government ot'.. iieials." ~ Y I I ~ *.'. Mak. yaur awn. .. yagurl! y ~ The Salton Yogurt Maker changes whole, skim ~ '.' J or powdered !i.'1 ~ milk into one quarl af creamy, light, :.'1~. healthful yogurt, No artificial additives, It's !11 easy, quick, economical to mo~e yogurt to suit ~; 11~ ::: your toste, from mild to lart. lucile/gloss/plastic. ::: :1: 16x33~x4% j:~ ~~ ~ * unit, five individual cupS'. 9.95 ~ I \\1 h Jacob SOIlS @~@~ 1I'@)c? U[}U@ Du@)OVD@~! ::~.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.~.:.;.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:~:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.;.:.:.:.:.;.;.;;:=: eeemcssnSSSSSg I 772722772.277 S11 Mr. g.cs ss The Ojibway and Manitou units, like all condom iniumsatThe Leelanau Homestead are on the water and have fireplaces, slate hearths, wood ceilings, private .dpcks, and breezy, (Ins Il KI tchens with frost-f ree .~Iqerators and continuous-clean ovens. They're handsome, contemporary second homes in the 50 to 60 thousand dollar bracket. They are part of the Midwest's most exclusive resort community. It's complete. Ready to visit and enjoy. Built on 220 acres with 4200 feet of white, sandy beach on Lake Michi. gan and 5500 feet of frontage on the sparkling Crystal River, You can play tennis on the championship clay courts, • 'ddC ... ' •• d ••• e •• Ca:loe in the river. Sail in the Bay. Fish for trout or salmon. Play golf nearby. Dine and drink at the Homestead Inn. Go to a concert at Interlochen, summer stock at the Cherry County Playhouse, Or just sit and regain your sanity. Reserve your condominium now. Th.::!yareready for occupancy. Or, come for a visit It's a great place to vacation. Even nicer to come home to. The Leelanau Homestead, Glen Arbor. Michigan 49636. Call or write for free color brochures, In Michigan call tollfree 800-632-1708. THE LEELANAU HOtvtESTEAD • ti= •••• ddH =.rl._- ......... --IIi~.-.--...u......._,._~_. ~ _ \ - , -, ~~~.~.~~~.-~ ...-..~ , - ---- r-.- , , "".r"II Pag. Eight•• ,. GROSSE I 4 .c.e..2..clllls~slllla.d .S'd.S.'I:.'.I',I:I'I:I'_: •• elCllle~. , ,.. ,.. , POINTE :1:1_ NEWS Thursday, AuC)ust 16, 1973 Society News Gathered from the. Pointes Mrs. Russell t. Wilcox Wayne Offers Vets Program IJudith A. Stedman Wed to Mr.Wilcox SIGNAL INTENTIONS To avoid rear end colli. sions, share all your plans with the driver directly be. hind you. ' A uslIn . N ames St, Midlael's Episcopal Chunh N?rth Bry~ drive. The For the early aftefJlOOn weddf!1g. the bride seleeted a white sUk organza gown featuring a high necldine edged with a rulIle. A ruffle i also edged the long sleeves. Floral Wed Saturday afternoon, August 11, in Christ .Church Grosse Pointe was JUDITH ANNE STEDMAN, daughter of ~he Lynn Gifford Stedmans, Jr., of North Brys drive, to Russell Edward Wilcox, son of Edward A. Wilcox, of. Ferndale, and Beatrice S. Wilcox, of St. Clair Shores. lace OFF ALL DISCONTINUED CHAIRS FREE INST AlLA nON ON ALL CARPETING BOUGHT DURING THIS SALEI WE NOW CARRY A COMPLETE UNE OF MOTOROLA TV'S :J.oul"nier & Carpel Co. HARPER HR. WHITTIER MON., TUES., THURS .• "ND FRI. 9 TO 9 TELEPHONE 881-1285 I w.... St. Jim.. Luth.ran Ohuroh I I I "'nl,'... l PlIIt",II" Ev. Lutheran Church Mary Farmis. T o Say V St. Paul Ev. J'I Lutheran Church I (CoDtlDuecl 16421 ae. i. fits. tsherrvu'cleO:OO a.m. Veterans who may have Q • dropped out of high school, 110-----____ McMlII," et ..... 1 for instance. can enroll in New coaching assignments I r:':':':':':':':':':':':':':':'-:':':'~ TU 4-0511 VEOP's General Educational 8t Austin High School have Summer Schedule Gro... 'ol"t. U"lt •• Development Program, or recently been filled by AthSunday ~rv/ce 8:30 a,m. METHODIST CHU RCH G.E.D. :rhe G .. E.D. program letic Director Pete pucher'l (Nursery lor lDlall children) F. J. "Bud" Newberry of 211 Moro.. Roed Sunday School, .:30 a.llI. tion at the De,trolt Yacht provides basi~ courses toAge. 30' 116.2363 ward preparation for exam. The Woods has been named Club for a honeymoon in Thursday ServIce 8:00 p.llI. (July 5-Augll5t 23) Ontario. Can. They plan to jnat.ions for h.i~h school head coach or the varsity P.T1'l/ A"Thoma, hO.ckey team, v,:hile Steve make their home in Madison equIValency certificates.. R••• GM". I. 1(11", Vocational training for Avsharian was selected asSummer Schedule: Heights. technical careers is provided slstant coach. On Thursday nIght, August 9:30 a.m. Newberry, a prep star at) 9, Mr. Wilcox. fatber of the under another .. ~art of the WORSHIP SERVICE bridegroom, gave are. program, FaCIlities at corn- Notre Dame High School, bearsal dinner at the Bay. munity colleges and Cass also p I aye d junior "AU t Nursery and Church view Yacht Club. Technical High School are hoc key with the Toronto School thru sixth grade used by students enrolled in Marlboros and varsity hockey these courses. at the Univer!'ity of Dayton, '----------" V.rnler ROl4 .t W.d,.woOlS Still another part of the in Ohio. He has set as his -----~~--Drive. Grosse Pointe Woolb 8M.~ • program is for veterans who goal to make the A u s tin OtVs wish to enroll in college and ~ockey p~ogr"m "th,~ finest Summer Schedule . -I need preparatory courses. In the United States. Sunday Church School and Mr. and Mrs. Mario They take courses through Others named include Paul Church Worship 9:30 a.m, Farmis. of Rosedale road, the Wayne State Division of Rogers. head varsity base. !In. P.' K.ppl.r Ch.I"IIt. .n. Letl!ro, have announced the engage. Urban Extension and are aI- ball coach with Jan Szymc~ak Rn. Davlil.• roctor. TU 1-1610 ANl. •• ltor ment of their daughter, Mary lowed 10 transfer tQ WSU or as his ass"islant; Nick RoW. Invite You to Worship Louise, to Dennis J. Plun- a community college upon kich, head varsity t r a c k With U. kett, son of Mr. and Mrs. successful com p let ion of c 0 a c h; Bruce Dyer head 9 a.m. Worship and Edward C. Plunkett, of Inks- those courses. cross counlry c 0 a c h, and Sunday School 9 a.m. ter. . Calvin McKinney Ditector' Szymczak. ,Ross Baumann, (Ages 1-5) Miss Farmis was gradu- I Counselor of the VEOP Pro. Gary Buslepp and Jim Gerbe It.v. Ch.r1" W. ',n'ruclc ated from <?ur Lady Star of gram, said job placement as assis~ant football coaches, Il.". !tolan" L. 'ch... " the Sea HIgh School. She will also be an important P~cher IS head coach of the attended Thomas Business part of the program. Similar gfldders. SChool and is currently em. programs have been very plqyed ~y General Motors successful in finding aUracGROSSE POINTE CorpOration. tive jobs for veterans while Gr.IS' Pollff. WOODS An August wedding is they are still enrolled in planned in St. Joan of Arc I courses. r Church. McKinney was quick to p!>int out that schedules can 16 Lake Shore Rd. Prentis Cancer Center be arranged so veterans can For informalioll Dillhl or Offers Free F6p Tests co~tinue in !heir present j?bs elay call 88Z.u..'"", dial a 10050 MACK AVE. at TORREY whIle learmng and drawmg ROAD 18&-43lHl prayer 882.8'770. 10 a.m. WorshIp ServIce and benefits. F ree P ap-T--ests w'ill b ea. d' G.I. Worship Service and Church School VEOP will also provide a ministered during the months I "Say A Good Word for Church School 10:00 a.m. . Jesus" "God Gives His Children of August and September in "Strength" Mr. John Deason the Meyer L. pre,n tis Cancer .----------•••••••• , Ray H. Kiely Preaching Center of the Michigan Can. • .. • cer F<Jundation. The Prelltis • Center is located at 110 East • • Warren aVenue. AppOintments may be' • made by calling the Michi. I I 21336 Mack Ave. gan Cancer Foundation, a I Ft:,O;' Grosse Pointe Woods Torch Drive Agency. at 833- • ,I 0710. Tests will be adminis. I ," CIA BIBLE TEACHING GOSPEL PREACHING tered Monday through Fri- '. ,~. FELLOWSHIP" day between 9 a.m. and 4:30 "'" \ ~; • cented the bodice, skirt and long circular train. A cap of matching lace held her short. three-tiered veil. The former Miss Sted. man carried a smaU Colonial bouquet of white roses and baby's breath accented Ly white streamer'. Serving as matron of honor was tte bride's .ister, Mrs. James A. Baubie, Jr., of St. Clair Sbores. She was dressed in a while and green volle print gown aC(!ented by kelly green ribbOn at the empire waist. A green pIcture hat, trimmed with a white band and bow. completed her outfit. She urried a small Colonial 1K>uquet of white roses and baby's breath with green streamers. Micbael George Alschbach, of Harper Woods. acted as best man. Ushers were Gary Stephen Sworek, of st. Clair Shores, and stuart James Dykstra. of Grosse Pointe. Mrs. Stedman chose a navy and while print silk afternoon dress for ber (laughter's wedding. The mother of the bridegroom, Mrs. Wilcox. selel!ted a dress of navy blue crepe with a white wheat design covering the full lSkirt and bodice. Both mothers pinned corsages of white sweetheart p.m. I roses to their shoulders. More than 500 women die I guests lnclud. needlessly each year from .' I 40% ~u,.nilu,.e applique I I Varo;,l.ty Coaches mony in Christ Church Grosse Point~ on Saturday, August 11. The Reverend Arnold A. Fenton officiated. -------Tbe bride is the daugb. ed Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. ter of Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Vanderzee, of Akron, O. . . f d S ed f The Dew Russell E. WIIGlf or t ma~, Jr., 0 ,coxes left the wedding recep. brldegroom s parents are Edward Arnett Wilcox, of Ferndale, M i c h ., and Beatrice Shurly Wilcox, of St. Clair Shores. JIboto bjt EddIe McGrath. Ir. TII. Gro... 'olllt. Con,Nptfonll Ch h J Veterans who need an edu. tutorial service {or veterans urc cational "sel'ond chance" are who are enrolled in the pro. 240 Chalfont. at Lothrop being actively sought by the gram and domestic and n. I "'_ -;. -;. -;,.., .. ~ Summer Schedule: Wayne State University Vet. nanelal counseling, where Worship Service 10 a.m. erans Educational Opportun. needed. The program head. "The Trouble With ily Program. quarters are at 4216 Mc. Giving" The program, funded by a Dougall, Delroit4820J. Regis-I Thursday Week.ender grant from the U. S. tration for the fall quarter Service 1:30 Reception at the Detroit Yacht Club Follows 2 $100,000 Otiice of Education, is a will begin sept. 10 and con., 20475 Suulll.lIel. .... O'Clo,k Ceremony at Christ Church three-pronged drive to pro- tinue through Sept. 17. FurGro... '.llIt. Rev. R. R. But~IleoD, D.D. Grosse Pointe vide education (or veterans ther information may be Ob. 8:00 a,m, Eucharist Rev. J. B. CummlDls who may think their learning tained by calling 577.4705. II skills ai <? not sharp enough j 10:00 a .m. Eucharist with Judith Anne Stedman and Russell Edward Wi!. lor them to take advantage Hymns Nursery car e cox exchanged marriage vows at a 2 o'clock cere~ of G. 1. Bill educational bene- i I I froD1 Pale 13) Pierre V. Heftler, Robert Hesse, laabelle Horsch, Robert Jay, Winfield W. Jewell, Jr., Kurt Keyd'!l, Ray Xac. donald, Alfred D. Moran, Felix Resnick, William R. Shaw, Ster lin g Sanford, Harry Taylor, Flav.!o VaD!. celli, Vollrad J. Von Berg, Bernard Whitley and Alexancler R. Wrliley. CLOSED CIIlCUIT Success takes Initiative even an electric swltc:h ac. complishes nothing umess it's pu~. ~:~C:;r, c~nt:-Ia~~ :~:;~: the death rate from cervical cancer has dropped almost 50 per cent among white women, and almost 40 per. cent among black women, in whom the rate of occurence is twice au high. This find. ing reflects tbe improved' outlook for W(lmen with this form of Callcer. The Michigan C a n.c e r Foundation hopes to reduce the deaths (rom cervical' cancer by 80 percent within. five years. ' d' 'ded . t "The war ld IS I~I 10 0 people who do thm~s and people who get credIt. Try, if y,)u can. to belong to the. ~~~~~t~~~.?ere rlr. '"ita ,,, ••,'''''11 .e~u,.c~ I I 70''''1 -'" ,f \ _i" ' • .~. "v' t • :,~"';' '/ ~:' • <'~, .' • ..~ • ';1;; : A .*,.~ t:~,.... ,::~::~~:". I • GROSSE POINTE BIPnST CHURCH 9:45-Sund;ly School-for all ages 11:00-Worship Service 7:00-Service of Praise 7:30-Wed. Church Family Prayer Time Pastor-Larry ' I I We're in such a lather, we're shaving prices I • I walkS • I II-- _ Y04 I drivewith. • away Think Christmas Now! AUGUST I J - away, '5"3 lerchewad "dl ,.III! PAil" _R5 VA 1-5400 a sml _._. •• _._', First OHering CHURCH" Listen to us on Radio WBFG-FM weekly mornlngs 8 to 8:15. I I & Share McGurn "THE END OF YOUR SEARCH FOR A FRIENDLY ICHA D •• Nobo.dYl,) BUICK.OPEL: I is far less, •••••• 293 CHALFONTE MEMORIAL CHURCH pre:Jt'J lena,. SALE SEMI • • I, ANNUAL DECOUPAGE and CRAFT. SALE 20%OFF POPKIE PAINT 31019 HARPER 293-1570 AT 13 MIlE RD. in the Shores Shopping Center. GUIDE TO GOOD SERVICE • I.PR!v..~'!J:C;f'A1!f.",ulilb~ JOANNA WESTERN LIMOUSINE WINDOW SHADES PAINt. Sl-eUTTUS. SERYICE SlINDS KAUFMANN STORM~,DOOIi'~ AND WIN~WS GRA"'.TOP Senlnl ".. Nestled Among The Trees I'olnt. Off Kerchevol ... in Groue Point-e Farms. No doubt you have driven by and admired its attractive setting and handsome lines. Only because of a corporate transfer can you now arrange to buy this picturesque Colonial home by contacting one of our consultants for inspection. If you are in the mood for a home that enjoys an outstanding lorotion, that sets a mood for a relaxing atMosphere, thaI is perfect for utililing and displaying antiques, and yet has been c...nsiderflbly updated . . . then we suggest this is for ~ou. Call for 293 (ha/fonte, Grosse Pointe Farms. Elegant 4 bedroom 2~ bath, foyer entrance colonial. Just auf of the "breaking in" period. Spacious family room wi~h fireplace, central air, electronic air filter, attached side entrance garage. Attractive landscaping, corner location. Call for SALES AND SERVICE Ar .. 15011 KERCHEVAL Gross.: Pointe Cob East 01 AII~r • In the Park TtJ 5$00 Cloted Monda)'ll TU 2.5300 SERVICINC THE CROSSE POINnS FOR OVER Vz CENTURY I,~"Sty"~ " 'He. ."cI.1 'or 'Of details loday! $58.500 WI 1.1282 appointment to inspect this fine home. Priced at $61,900. 11IcI..1I11l1 Link AII.S... I In4 Chlin MICHIGAN REALTY CO. 886-2506 886-4880 Rudlc MEHLENBACHER FENCE CO. TU 6.3800 395 FISHER ROAD StyI.. 10403 HARPER RESIDENTIAL, INDUSTRIAL r t t SF'. ; . ; EE nEaEsssn. S 5S PSSS SEEERS GROSSE Thursday, August 16, 1973 POINTE Plge Nineteen NEWS Women's Page -by, of and for Pointe Women W. S. A. Lenahan To Wed in Fall Married August 4 Lynda Following a Wedding Trip to Barbados, Couple Will Be at Home in Perrysburg. Ohio Exchanging vows in the,Grosse Pointe Woods Presbyterian Church on Saturday, August 4, were Lynda Ann Lenahan and Thomas Mount Clement. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Denis E. LeDiahan; the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl H. Clement, Jr. It'or the 1:30 o'clock Shaker Heights Ohio' and ceremony, at which the Belsy Clement. 'sister ~f the Reverend J 0 h n Deason bridegroom. officiated, the bride chose The bridesmaids wore a natural ivory linen emerald green linen dres~es gown with heavy Swiss w h.1 c h featured smocked embroidery inserts which bodlces and ~ rume at the formed panels in the long haltered ne~kbnes and hems. I ki H bo They earned bouquets of f ul s rt. er ~ff:mtpink Fuji mums. pink carnacathe?ral.length veil was tions and pink daisies, ac~eld 10 place ~y a Fle~. cented by purple statlce and 1sh cap of SWISS embrOI. pink.and.white checked silk dery and was adorned bows and streamers, with raised petals of Acting as a Junior brides. matching lace. maid was the former Miss The former Miss Lenahan Lenahan's sister. Tete. Her carried a bouquet of pink dress was identical to those tea roses, baby's breath, of the bridesmaids, but stephanotis, fern and pittis fashioned with l! smocked porum. back. She carried a small The bride asked Ann La. basket of the S'8me flowers. Rocque, of Bloomfield Hills, Mr. Clement asked his to be the maid of honor. brother. Christopher Cleo Bridesmaids were Jan Shep ment, to serve as the best herd, of Bloomfield Hills; man. ln the usher corps Mrs. David Root, of Toledo, were. Carl Clement also a Ohio; Jane Zimmerman, of brother of the bridegr.oom; Mrs. J()hn W. Soper, of Farmington, Conn., and Ged. des Parsons, of Roxbury, Conn., have announced the engagement of their daugh. ter, Martha Kelso Parsons, to William Sanderson Cush. man, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robinson Cushman, of Narragansett, R.I. David Root, of Toledo, Ohio; Jeff Day, of Toledo, Ohio; and Dan Lenahan, the bride's brother. Mrs. Lenahan wore a floor. length gown of field flowers on a background of white pique. The dress had a long. sleeved, waist length jacket featuring a half.belt in the back. Mrs. Clement selected a blue chiffon fioor.length dress fashioned with long sleeves and a high neck. Relatives in town for the wedding were the bride's aunt, Mrs. Kenneth Smith. of San Diego, Cal., and the bridegroom's aunt, Mrs. William Anfin, of Radford, Va .• After a reception at the Detroit Golf Club, the couple left -for a trip in the Barbados. The new Thomas Clements, both graduates of Hillsdale Col)ege, will make their home in Perr.ysburg. Ohio. .! Women's Snaker Square-Bill , A planned move of GAIL and BARRY VAN TIEM, of Manor road. to Brigbton. Mich .• prompted MRS. RON HICKS to organize a family party at The Farms Park recently. Families attended. bringing with them a potluck dish for the buffet. Neigh. bors who. came were MR. and MRS. ALLAN COX, MR. and MRS. LARRY LON. WERS, MR. and MRS. STAR WADE, MR. and MRS. JOHN MARCUS, MR. and MRS. ARTHUR KEYES, MR. and MRS, TOM KIDD \ and MRS. BERNARD ALLOR. Dresses 12~ to 26 ~ - 8 to 20 Sturbridge Classics Simms Berkshire B.Tween Swirl City Scene Puritan forever Young Parkshire lady laura Hobnobber Model (Snap Cool) I I We welcomeMichigon BankAmericard, Master Charge, Security 8anirAmerica,d \ 16434 E. Warren al E. Ouler Dr, INext 10 Sonde"l ' The future bridegroom is the son of Mrs. John H. Con. way, of Pine court, and the late J. Boyer Candler. The couple plan a fall wed. ding. I ISABELLE'S TU. 4-7980 Monday ,h,u Sat. 9:30 ',il 5:30 floor with a English' fifth Colonial bedroom has and four full bedrooms bathroom The kitchen fully air is complete with limed oak cabinets. conditioned and natural woodwork for immediate occupancy. By owner . .•• on on the Carpeting, throughout. the first second floor. draperies, Aval'lable $65,400. 1019 Kensington Gr')S5ePte. Park, 882-4163 l ____________________ Open'Thursday Again and Open Friday evenings All Day Saturdays . ~:~ Make your The Solton ::: .'. ::: .:. ~:~ or powdere healthful ::: ~:~ .:. ~:~ own ..• Yogurt Maker changes d k .. mil into one quart yogurl. No artificial easy, qUick, c:onomical your toste, from mild additives. to make to tort. whole, skim f I h 0 creomy, ig t, Popular Groups Hit Pine Knob Singer Tom Jones will be World," "Get Ready" and at the Pine Knob Music "Rare Earth in Concert" and Theater for a fiveday en- as many gold single~ to their gagement beginning Wednes. credit. The group has recent. day, August 15. through Sun. ly completed its newest al. day, August 19. Concert time bum, "Willie Remembers." is 8:30 p.m. except 7:30 p.m. Upcoming. events include I on Sunday. Blood, Sweat and Tears on The British star has cOl":!e Tuesday. August 28, at 7:30 a long way since his days as p,m., and Sonny and Cher on a builder's laborer in south Sunday. September 2, at 2 Wales. Before he turned pro. p.m. and 8:30 p.m. fessional'towards the end of Tickets for all Pine Knob 1964, he was a popular en- concerts may be ordered by tertainer in his own country. mail through the Fisher He first gained national Theatre, Fisher Building, prominence when his record. Detroit, Mich. 48202. For ad. ing off ''It.s Not Unusual" ditional ticket information, reached No. 1 in the British Pointers may call 559.9111. hit parade. . Since that time Mr. Jones has sold more than a bndred million singles, won over 24 gold records and been named Entertainer of the Year in more than a dozen countries. The singer now spends a great deal of his time on tour. Nearly six of the nine months he devotes to his world tour are spent in the United States by public demand. This is his fourth major American tour in four years. At Pink Knob, he will be singing such old hils as "What's Ne'w Pussycat?" and selections from his new album "The Body and Soul of Tom Jones." Following Tom Jon e s' yogurt Irs to SUit lucile/gloss/plastic ::: Jao 0~ 's JJ Son ::: 16x33.4x4~ unit, five individual cupS'. 9.95 .'. i~1 .:::.: ::: ::: n @ u.@~ fS=>ri=\'\ ul,Q,Cf n~~ u.UU~ ~I"";::\"\~~ LJU&U u U~::: th;~~ MRS. EUGENE WAL. LACE, of Oxford road, was the recipient of a note from the White House 7ecently. She had sent a clipping from the July 26 issue or the NEWS dealing with Dr. William Lange's trip f,. China, along with all ;'.,;companying lell,," President. In it, .lle stated that more "cople who had visited China should make their views known to the public This she bel' d" woul tend to ,0 ::: ~~; i::~~~s:et~::~ t~~~~i a~ed .:" China. Ronald L. Flliott Deputy Speelal Assistant ~ .:. the President answered with a note readil',Cf: "It was ::: thoughUul of you to give the President the benefit of your i:; 1:~ ;~ .~i~~~rme~~t:~ra~:m:ttP~:~ia~:: .::~ I Arts Department. .T.he Cass Concourse exhlblt c~se~ are devoted to a new blbllography prepared by the Library's Business and Finance Depr.rtment. "How to ~,aise Your. Invest. me~t I.Q. Books mtend.ed to Improve the m. vestor's understanding of the stock market. are on display, and free copIes of the book. list are available for pickup. All three exhibits will con. tinue on view t!lrough August at Main Library. Serving as treasurer of the WSU School of Medicine Alumni Ass 0 cia t ion is JAMES J. AIUTO, M,D., of Lochmoor boul~vard. ALWAYS IN 5 TYLE Photo by J. S. De Fonesl days. Monday. August 20 through Wednesday, August 22. The concert is a complete sellout. Detroit's own Rare Earth will be appearing at Pine Knob on Monday, August 27, at 7:30 p.m. Most of the six members oJ Rare Earth, Ray Monette. Ed Guzman, Mark Olson Gil Bridges, Mike Urso, and Pete Hoorelbeke, played as back-up musicians on some of Motown"s biggest records before gaining any recogni. tion on their own. Ray Mon. • ette has played {or Virtually ~:j every artist on Mutown plus a few Atlantic artists like Arethr. Franklin and Wilson Pickett. Rare Earth has had sold. out concerts all over the country, including one in Madison Square Garden. The gro.!P also has four gold albums, "Ecology," "One ::: ::: ::: ::: A centennial anniversary, f early 19005 is a feature of a unique hobby, and every tile exhibit.. man's wish to get rich are The unique hob~y is that . . . of Don Loucks "Kmg of the the tOPICS.of exhibits cu~. Autograph Cohectors." In. rently on view at the DetrOit stead of the customary auto. Main Library, 5201 Wood. graph book, Mr. Loucks ward at Kirby. creates original collages Th looth n' f which express the personal. e . an Iversary ~ Ity of the celebrity. The the fo~ndmg of the Detr~lt I three. dimensional panels, News IS commemorated In I. which measure as much as an exhibit in Adam Strohm two by three feet in size, are Hall which features a News. ereated with paint. papier prepared display of Great mache. scraps of cloth. cut. Photo Stories by News outs, photographs. and other photographers, plus bis',urical materials. Examples of sign. memorabilia calling to mind ed collages made for enterthe period 100 years ago into tainers, sports figures, and which the newspaper was others in public life are on borll. An auU>entic news. display in the third floor ex-, boy's delivery wagon of the hibit corridor near the Fine LYNDA ANN LENAHAN, daughter of the Denis E. Lenahans, of Crescent lane. became the bride of Thomas Mount Clement. son of Mr. an~ ~rs. Carl H. Clement, Jr., of Perrysburg, OhIO, 10 an afternoon ceremony at Grosse Pointe Woods Presbyterian Church on Saturday, August 4. ~~~~m;~:sKn~~iC;:rO yogurt! Main Library Offers Ne'wExhibits A SOUTHERN COLONIAl ... I This charming Detroit Mrs. Thomas M. Clement asked that your message be brought to the attention of appropriate Government of. ;:~.:.:.:.:.:.~.:.:.:.:.:.i,t':':I:':':':':I:':':':':':':':":':':':':':':':':':':':':':':':':':'~':':':':':':':,:,:-:-:.:-:-:-:-:.:-:.:.:-:.:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:.: ..:-:.:.:.:.:-:.:.:.:~:.:.:.:-:;$~ tic ials. " Comes on strong with just as much appeal inside as from the .curb. The marble floor foyer is larger than many living rooms. Nol only does this soulhern colonial have a large family room, but there is also a library to complement the spacious living and dining rooms. The master suite includes dressing room and large bath. Two other bathrooms service onotner four bedrooms. You nome it ... our kitchen has it. The house has the luxury of central air conditioning, a cenlral vacuum system and inter.comm systems to all rooms. 114 Kercheval, on the Hill - 886-6010 Our Ojibways • all have views, but then , so do our Manitous. . The Ojibway and Manitou units, like all condominiums at Tile Leelanau Homestead are on the water and have fireplaces, slate hearths, wood ceilings, private .dpcks, and breezy, (l"SIi Kilchenswith frost-free .'1qerators and continuous-clean ovens. They're handsome, contemporary second homes in the 50 to 60 thousand dollar bracket. They are part of the Midwest's most exclusive resort community. It's complete. Ready te Jis\tand enjoy. Built on 220 acres with 4200 feet of white, sandy beach on Lake Michigan and 5500 feet of frontage on the sparkling Crystal River. You can play tennis on the championship ciay courts. Canoe in the river. Sail in the Bay. Fish for trout or salmon. Play golf nearby. Dine anj drink at the Homestead Inn, Go toa concert at Interlochen. summer stock at the Cherry County Playhouse. Or just sit and regain your sanity. Reserve your condominium n:)w.They are ready for occupancy. Or, come for a visit It's a great place to vacalion. Even nicer to come home to. The Leelanau Homestead, Glen Arbor, Michigan 49636, Call or write for free color brochures. In Michigan call tollfree 800-632-1708. THE • LEELANAU HOMESTEAD r f ... w_ \ , , flge Twenty GROSSE POINTE •~ • ... .. ~ • .. 1 NEWS ;, ,;, <It ... ... Thursday, August 16, 1973 I Society News Gathered from the Pointes MI'55 Had ley Wed S.l Greg 0 ry Y ez baCk I fair in the Community M r. an d Mrs...G A Yez b ac k I entire Arts building, with a special preview scheduled for Wed. ~~~larf;eeS~Yle':t~e$;~~y ~~rr~ ried bouquets of streammg ivy and mums matching the color of their dresses. The bridegroom, who is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Yezback, asked his brother, John Yezback. to Couple Will Make Home in Harper Woods Fol- serve as best man. Acting as lowing a Trip to Flordia ushers were brother 01 the ---------bride, Willard J. Hadley, IV, Saint Maron Cathedral in Detroit was the set- and Thomas Melchior, of ting for late afternoon wedding of Mary Sue Hadley Detroit. and Gregory Anthony Yezback on Saturday, June 2. Rhi~estones accented t~e Father Ferris Kleem officiated the 5 o'clock rites, I neckhne of Mrs. H8dley s For the ceremony, the -----1 floor length, mint green bride, who is the daugh- ques The dress featured dre~s fealuri,ng.a bodice em. . brOidered With pearls. They ler of the Willard J. Had. a sh~dow.paneled scoop both wore a corsage of cym.1 { leys, of Balfour road, neckhne and a .stand.up bidlum orchids. chose a s<ltin and white co.lIar. A. matc~mg laceThe bride's grane. silk organza gown with tnmmed headplece held mother Mrs.' Willard J. lily of the valley appli- the long illusion mantilla. Hadley: Sr., of Shorewood, The former Miss Hadley Wise.. and her maternal carried an arrangement of grandmother, Mrs. Howard cymbidium orchids, stephan. J. Alberts, of Kenosha,Wise., otis and mums intermingled were in town for the wed. with streaming ivy. ding. Other relatives from , The bride asked her sister, Kenosha included Mr. and Patti Hadley, to be the maiCi Mrs. James Ellsworth and Exclulively of honor. The bridesmaids their children. A close friend at were Mrs. Wayne Senneke, of the family,. Leonard III also a sister ot the bride, of Pudge, of Oakbrook, m., was DeKalb, 111.,and Paula Yez- also present. The bride. back, sister of the bride. groom's 'sister. Mrs. Judith groom. Cramer, who lives in Florida, The maid of honor wore was in town for the occasion. an embroidered floor length, After a dinner reception iu dress of avocado-heather. the Saint Maron Cathedral ," The dress was fashioned with Hall, the couple leit for a .' an empire waist trlmmed in trip in Florida. They will MARY SUE HADLEY, daughter of Mr. and ;., I' pearls and long, full chiffon make their home in Harper Mrs. Willard J. Hadley; of Balfour road, and ( )1: I sle:.:ves. The bridesmaids' Woods. GREGORY ANTHONY YEZBACK, son of the Joseph Yezbacks, exchanged vows Saturday, June 2, in Saint Maron Cathedral in Detroit. ------- I I I I MICHIGAI nesday, August 22, from 7 to 9 p.m. A Husband Calling Contest will be held at 3 p.m. Friday August 31 which 15 open to any woman who feels in ,fine voice, utilizing the same basic techniques one would in calling a hog. It.s hoped The P,)inte will' lend its local talent. . ~he crownl~g of the State Fair Queen Willbe at 8 p.m. on Wednesday, August 29, Beauty quee~s fr~m all ov~r the state Will vie for thJS title. I Continual daily handicraft demonstrations will be t,fCered in the Community Arts Building, including spinning and weaving, flower ar. ranging, rug hooking, pottery duced rates for children on I NANCY ROACH, of Bed. all midway rides. ford road, recently completed Ethnic Entertainment will, six weeks as a research as. be offered daily in the .lnter'l sista?t at Wayne State Un!national Grove, featuring a verslty. Ms. Roach, a Um. wide variety of folk song and versity-Liggett School studance. dent, was one of three stu. There's more, of course, dents assigned W l'esearch from quiet quilting exh.ibils progra".ls. at the WSUSchl>?l to Kung Fu dem.onstratJons, of Medlcme. She worked In from sheep shearmg contests the Anatomy. Department on to fashion shows, {rom the electron microscopy, and baton twirling and strutting presented a talk to her col. competition to "Faels and le~gues on h.ow the el.ectron Fancies of Hypnosis." microscope IS used m reo It's all at the 1973 Michi. search and in training mediSI IF' cal students gan a e air. ..~ .-,._' _ I ORDINA".CE ~O 160 I~ I~. IAN ORDINANCE TO AMEND ORDINANCE NO. 156 OF THE CITY OF GROSSE POINTE. THE CITY OF GROSSE POINTE ORDAINS: MEAT and m~re. . Section 1. Section 6 of Ordinance No. 156 of Specla! contests {o~ chJl. the City of Grosse Pointe be and the same is amenddren Will be held In the coliseum grove at 10 a.m.ed to read as follows: daily except Sundays ~nd Section 6. There are hereby authorized to ~abor Day. These favorites be issued and sold pursuant to the provisions mclude the "most freckles .' f M' h' 1933 contest" Friday, August 24, of Act 94, Pub1Lc Acts ~ IC Igan', , .as the "pie eating contest," amended, reve~ue bonds 1n t~e aggre~ate prmTuesday, August 28 and cipal sum of Nme Hundred Seventy.fIve Thoumore, including egg throw'l and ($975,000.00) Dollar~ for the purp.ose of ing and bubble gum blowillg paying the cost of the project a~d refundmg th~ contests. outstanding bonds, together With all legal, flSquare and round dllncing' nancial and other expens~s incident thereto and for any lightfooted fairgoer, to the issuance and sale of the bonds hereby with live bands, will be authorized. Said bonds shall be known as "Austaged daily in the coliseum tomobile Parking System Improvement and Regrov~... funding Revenue Bonds"; shall be dated as of <?hlldrens Day IS ~et for July 1 1973' shall be numebered consecutively Friday. August 24, WIth reo in direct order of their maturities from 1 to 195, Ii ; i both inclusive; shall be coupon bonds in the ~ ~~:;"',;:'~£~C '1' denomination of $5,000.00 each; shall be reg~ ,COMP.,LHE : 11 ,,"~"',~~Y-~~ ~~. istrable as to principal only in the manner here: APPRAISAL SERVICE ,. ~.T-;)1 inafter set forth in the bond form; shall bear The 1973 Michigan State weighing more than one ton We Buy-Sell Of'd : interest at a rate of rates to be hereafter de. I Fair is coming soon. So it's will strain against giant : liquidate, ESIoIl's ;, termined not exceeding eight per.cent (8%) per about that time {or Pointers weights for $4,500 in prize If ( 8. CHARlES GAll£RIU : to dust off their cruddiest money. annum, payable on January I, 1974, and there. J' after semi-annually on the first day of July and s~ea~ers, perfeel for hog A State Fair Art Show will 'I; . 825 Woodward Ave, vlewmg, and head over to I be set up for viewing, with January in each year; and shall mature seri!lily Pontiac /8100mfi.ld the Fairgrounds at Wood. professional and amateur on July 1st in each year as follows: ward .and Eight Mile road in competition in p aiD tin g, for information $25,000.00 in each year from 1975 to 1981, kindlr call De,troJt: . prints, drawings, photog. inclusive; Openmg noon. Thurs!iay, raphy, ceramics and weav. own you, A condominium 3J"?2P. August 23, and running ing. The show runs {or the at Whittier Manor. 1 $50,000.00 in each year from 1982 to 1988, through Labor Day, Monday, inclusive; $146.50 per month. CALIFORNIA FLY AND DRIVE September 3, this year's fiir $75,000.00 in each year from 1989 to 1994, Is all you pay with 20% several first.time 1 days 6 mghts at the Holiday I nn of Oakland (San Francisco) ofters inclusive. CITY OF down and a conventional events in addition to' many and or the Holiday I nn of Brenlwood (Los Angeles) plus the use of mortgage to own a one a car. With unlimIted mileage. San Francisco-Civic Center, Financial proven favorites. Bonds maturing in the years 1975 to 1988, bedroom, one bath [)istflc!. Fisherman's Wharf and l"s Angeles-Hollywood available New this year are a Festiinclusive, shall not be subject to redemption condominium al Whittier al addllional cost San Dlego-$28900' Weekly departures via val of Foods. offering good prior to maturity. Bonds maturing after 1988 Manor. This price ArJlERICAr~ AIRLINES or UNITED AIR LINES. . things. to nibble and munch Includes all mortgage shall be subpect to redemption prior to matur. Plus 10,; tu and ser""es, based on as well as displays. aemon. MICHIGAN charnes. maintenance double occupancy. ity, at the option of the City, in inverse numerstrationsand consumer tips costs and taxes, And for LAS VEGAS ical order, on any interest payment date on and from food experts; an animal thiS cost you can enjoy after July I, 1988. Each bond called to be reo HOLIDAY INN Center Strip petting farm where children Itw finer life style at deemed as hereinbefore provided shall be recan pet and snuggle animals private living with a DOUBLE SINGLE deemed at the par value thereof and accrued their own size. and rides in Dalcony. natural oak interest, plus a-premium exprsssed as a peran "Around the World in 80 3 NIGHTS/4 DAYS $199.00* $234.00* ~Ioor and other niceties centage of par value, in accordance with the Days" style ascensio'n bal. , you might expect to pa'i Augvst 6, 1973 4 NIGHTS 15 DAYS $219.00* $259.00* loon, following schedule: more lor, The meeting was called to order at 8:15 p.m. There also are 13 top en. 5% on each bond called for redemption SPECIAL LAS VEGAS tert..iners in free twice-daily Present on Roll C"ll: Mayor William G. Butler, on or after July 1, 1988, but prior to shows.. two auto thrill shows RIVIERA HOLIDAY Couocilmen Mark C. Stevens, Nancy J. Waugaman, July 1, 1989; and 23 free horse shows Richard C. Hudson, W. James Mast and E. Rust DOUBLE SI NGLE 4% on each bond callen for redempti.m especially featuring the DeMuirhead. on or after July I, 1989, but prior to troit Mounted Police. There 3 NIGHTSj4 DAYS $227.00* $260.00* will be exhibits of more live. July 1, 1990; Those Absent Were: CouncilmanJames H. Dinge. man. stock, produce and hgr:di. 4 NIGHTS/5 DAYS $234.00* $279.00* 3% on each bond called for redemption Lor: :l:!cd r,p,'" Grosse craft than most people can Po,nte less than '''2 mile on or afler July I, 1990, but prior to Mayor William G. Butler presided at the meeting. probably cover in a day, and 'rO(ll lhe 1-94 exoressw,Jv July 1, 1991; RENO HOLIDAY INN of course, the midway with Ueveloped by: The Minutes of the Regular Meeting which wu 2% on each bond called for redemption DOUBLE SINGLE rides and games and moun. JOhn D. Hoben & Co. held on July 16, 1973, were accepted as corrected. on or after July 1, 1991, but prior to tains of hot dogs. I Sales: MIchigan 3 NIGHTS/4 DAYS $209.ll0* $244.00* July 1, 1992; Condomi"lum Corp. The Fair's star entel tain'l The Council received a Petition for Amendment to 1% on each bond called for redemption 4 N!.GHTS/5 DAYS ers will perform daily at 4:30 r;\orlel~ now open from $219.00* $259.00* the Zoning Ordinance and a Request for Variances 17 PM daily. Closed on or after July 1, 1992, but prior to p.m. and 8:30 p.m., except '"rjhJ's 10% 101 law. anr1 'SerlHce and Approval of Site and Architectural Plans, filed ThursdClYs. For • tl'~a~e ~r1d SI€i.OQ pef pE:'I~')n lar Sunday tUllel maturity. for the Labor Day shows at on behaU of, Superior .Lake Enterprises, pertaining information call 884-3555. 3 p.m. and 6 p.m. I to Rose Terrace; and deferred the matter pending Refore or after model Notice of redemption shall be given to the , Some of the scheduled 'I the establishment of procedures and criteria for site /lours call 886-488D. holders of the bonds t,~ be redeemed by publi. plan review. entertainers are Roberta • E:.1!i,,'d urnr\ S\5.0rli) pUfchasc cation of such notice not less than thirty (30) iH' c:(,"', .. ,~ntiO',<J1 Flack, Thursday. August 23; .....,::,,.lr;a~{", at 7'. in!ef(>sl The Council granted the appeal of Mr. Edward days prior to the date fixed for redemption at Doc Severinson and the Now M. Ranger of 335 Grosse Pointe Boulevard; andthere. least once in a newspaper or publication c~rGeneration Brass, on Friday, by authorized the issuance of a Permit for the can. August 24; Ann Murray, Sun. culated in the State of Michigan '.',hich carries, t struction of a six.foot stockade fence to surround the day, August 26; Loretta Lynn as part of its regular service, notices of sale of rear yard on his property located at the foregoing and Buck Owens, 'Monday, municipal bonds; provided, that where any a'.1dress. 11 August 27; Jerry Lee Lewis, bond shall be registered, then notice of the TueS1lay, August 28; Bill redemption thereof shall be given by mail The Council approved the low bid of General j ~!' Cosby, Thursday and Friday. Electric, in the total amount of $4,920, for the pur. addressed to the registered holder thereof at August 30 and :n; and Joey chase of six new portable, hand-held radio trans. the registered address, which notice shall be Heatherton, Saturday, Sep. ceivers, in accordance wilh the specifications. mailed not less than thirty, (30) days prior to tember 1. the date fixed for redemption. Bonds so called 3 In addition. Dan Fleenor's Thl' Council rcceiv!!d the followin Reports and ,4 ~/o for redemption shall not bear interest after the Hurricane Helldrivers will ordered them placed on file: perform daredevil drivin~ I date fixed for redemption provided funds are IT'S JUST LIKE THE GOOD 'OL DAYS A. Grosse Pointe Youth Services Division's Re. feats Friday, August 24 I on hand with the paying agent to redeem the port for the month o( June, 1973, both (or the entire through Monday. August 26. same. The principal of said bonds and the inDivision and for the City of Grosse Pointe Farms, ill I The International Demolition tcrest thereon shall be payable in lawful money particular. Derby, called "the world's of the United States of America at such bank largest traffic accident" and B. Police Department Report {or the month of or trust company located in the Stale of Mich. really a Dodge 'em game July, 1973. . igan and qualified under Michigan or Federal using real cars, will be law to act as paying agent ar- shall be designated crashing a:ld smashing on C. Police Departmer:t Bicycle Safely Status Re. by the original purchaser of the bonds and ap. Sunday evening. September port. dated August 1, 1973. proved by the Cily. A co-paying agent similarly 2. 1Cyou can believe that... The Council approved an Agreement with Local Other State Fair high. qualified, designated and approved, but located lights include the following. I 522, Council 23, A.F.S.C,M_E., A.F.L..C.I.O., for a either within or without the State of Michigan, thl ce,yt'ar peliod beginning July I, 1973. A new teethered ascent may also be named. ride in David Lee Clagget's Section 2. If any. s(:ction, paragraph, sentence, The Council approved the adjustments in the "The Stars and Stripes," a dause or phrase of this ordinance shall be held insalary schedule for the Departmental Supervisors , 70.fO(\Ihigh hot air balloon. and the Administrative personnel. valid, the same shall not affect any other part of .... I Mr. Clallg"fl, a Ypsilanti this ordinance. aeronaut, will "pt'rate the The Council scheduled a Public Hearing to be Section 3. All ordinances and resolutions and ride daily. wcathl'f and "inn 1 held at 8:00 p.m, on Monday. August 20, 1973, to con. parts thereof insofar as the same may be in con. conditions permitting, of ~ , l,t'''l;on of a Resoluliol'l authorizing the course. I City to I,proceed flict herewith are to the extent of such conflict wilh necessary weed eutling and gen. hereby repealed. A National Heavyweight. crOllcleanup on vacant lots, and to assess the cost Draft Horse Championship Section 4. This ordinance shall be published of the project to the pruperty owners on the tax rolls will be held in which horses' for the foregoing work. in full in The Grosse Pointe News, a newspaper of 708 BALFOUR gene.r~1 circulation in the City of Grosse Pointe The Council approved payment of a statement This spacious colonial holds both charm and modern II qualifIed under State law to publish legal nolices (rom the firm of Vilican.Leman & Associates, In. promptly after its adoption and the same shall comforts 010n9 with being an economical way to buy. corporated. in thc amount of $210.00.for professional I recorded in. the Ordin~nce Book of the City and 4 bedrooms, 2 ~ baths, paneled library, and bright family community planning sf'rvices rendered by the foresuch recordmg authenticated by the signatures of going firm pertaining to the ncw Zoning Ordinance. room. Central air, modern kitchen, and modern details the Mayor and City Clerk. add to family comfort. Roomy Jot and locotion near Upon proper motion made, supported and carried, Section 5. This ordinance is hereby determined Exclusively schools and parks perfect for family. (he meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m. by the City Council to be immediately necessary at for the presel:valiol\ of the health, safety anQ Wel. Wifliam G. Butler Andre,. Bremer, Jr, fare of the CIty and shall become effective imme. Mayor diately upon its adoption. Cit)' Clerk tnc. Published: CONlY ISLAND T. W, KRESSBACH, 93 Kercheval Grosse P"inie News, issue of August 16, 1973. "On the Hill" 886-3060 City Clerk MACK AT ANITA Publish G.P.N. 8-16.73 STAIDAIDS f!:'.: 1 I I State Fair Set For August, 23 ,l.i..~ = ITired of 'SAN ow~a~o~!~~~!?,1$ ft....j' , H :i :~ '" \: ' e;t'~_t Join" Jtmn~ SUMMARY OF THE MINUTES I I I I m-8470 647-8100 'l'IMNS.J~"I'INE."'iL~. rl:IU~ ..... travelltureMI Higher Interest Rates Limiting Your Buying Freedom? ASSUME THIS 6 INTEREST RATE! I I -........... '1-"-- _. I I MICHIGAI be MEAT STAIDARDS I I I I '141 JOHN S..GOODMAN, '. r ... .. ' ,t ti' •. '.. I ,;, t' ittWt.t ef Orbit' . ,. 7 DD 72 EES Thursday. August 16. 1973 G R 0 SSE P 0, f N TEN EW 5 .,<.; {~~:::-):: Plge Twenty-One ':4 . ~., '<,',": 2A-MU1IC 4-HII.' WANTED GENERAL EDUCATION 4-HELP WA.NTED G1N£RAL IS-SITUATION WANT£D I ~>,~ ... :"./, 16-FOR RENT UNFURNISHED 16A.-FOR RENT FURNISHED 17-WANTED TO RENTIS-ARTICLES FORSALt: RESPONSIBLE man looking CRAFTSMAN 21 in, reel 3 bedroom for apartment or house in mower with grass catcher. ' Colonial,' attractively fur. exchange for maintenance SllS.7069. I nished, suitable for exeeu. work. 731.7662. Bob. Good . tive. 823.2915. references. OAK DESK, and Jen,ny Lind SMALL APARTMENT, quiet ----------89be1d2' best offel', Call 884. iocation near Indian Vii. CANADIAN diplomat wishes . lage VA 1.2850 to rent prestigious lour -R-I-C-O-H-------. . I bedroom home. Mr. Stock. 126C Deluxe, never IN GROSSE POINTE near 963.86&6. used, CDS electric eye, .... J e fferson <:1.t y IIml't s, ---------f.2.8 lens with shutter Ea~. ,.. l~ Rn 4 BEDROOMS Nicely furnished apart. ELDERLY widow, away duro speeds 1/30 through 1/250. CLOSED DURING AUGUST. DRIVERS for Ice cream "DOMESTIC MATURE woman will baby. 'ments, only $Hi5 to $180 ing the day needs small 1 Takes 126 film, flashcube, REGISTRATION FOR FALL trucks. 1184.9515. ---------sit by the week. 884.7727. 4 BATHS per month: includes bedroom apartment or flat. accessory shoe, automatic SEMESTER BEGINS SE:P. WANTED Experienced. ----------blt"t N' f advance. List $100, will sell GIRL ".siatant for diversl. coo It • wAl"-e•• e. and CAR WAXIN G, vinyl top reo P tee ec nCI y. Ice or Wlaking distance fro m TEMBER4, , Grosse "' In Woods. exclusive areasquare of G.feet.. one or two persons. CoU~ge Hill ' Vill age or M:ae.k for $60. 882-4507. fled duties in oHice and eouple,. Pointe conditioning, Dragomer 3,100 _ Instruction offered in Piano, E~plo)'ment Agency, TUx. Shell Service, 884-6455, New England colonial, li. graduates preferred, adults Moross shopping eenters. G.\RAGE SALE _ Moving.Voice, Guitar, S t r i n all, . sale. of qUllity retail shop. Mr. Brirgel, TR 1-0202. edo ~78. 15803 Mack at Berkshire, brary, huge family room, only. no pets. Telephone 884-1809. Will sell odds and ends Woodwinds. DiltiDgulsbed I' - ----------------------.--Z fireplaces. $890 net 821-8985. household and clothing faeulty. tu 2-4963.16237 BABY SITI'ER.Hou!lekeeper. LOVING MOTHER wishes lease per month. 1 year APARTMENT for single I' HE.TIRED PHYSICIAN de. items, sports equipment, Mack at Three Mile. 3 children, full time. Must babysitting in my licensed lease with $5,000 security lady, 2 rooms, bath snd. sires 2 or 3 bedr?om apart. Many never used. Electric have references. 526.3881. home for 1 baby or toddler, deposit. Also an option to cooking faciliUes. Refer. m~nt or nat m Grosse trains, electric g u ita r, 21-TUTOlfHG ---------7.~, Mon..Fri. Teacher pre. d I Pomte Box L.7 Grosse d COOKING and light ,house. buy plan pOssible. Occu. ences require . Call a ter I .' , drums, go. cart, Hon a. ferred. 885-1085. Pomte News . PRIVATE TUTORING keeping for elderly cl>uple. paney Septem ber 1. 1008 6 p.m. 885-74 17. 9:00 to 6:00 Satur d ay an d in Own transportation. TU 1. Lochmoor. Call 557-4805 GROSSE POINTE WOODS. NEEDED _ Furnished two Sunday. 164 Moross in YOUR OWN HOME 4530, TU 6-6309. or 886-0115. Two bedroboms'ttde~'dsum. bedroom apartment or _F_a_r_m_s. . _ All subjeclt; •. GOOD COOK, 2 in family, _ MANISTIQUE. Jefferson, 3 mer porc, a ac e ga. house before September HO GAUGE electric tr ains. Adults and t'bildren. Cere otber help employed. Ex-T-A-K-E-:rHE--D-A-Y-O-F-Froom modern flat. storage, rage. ~nished basement. 1st, 6 month old baby_ Dr. MuJtipJe sets of passenger, tified teachers. cellent references, Reply fenced yud, parking, $95. Responsible Adults only, Waring, M.D., Bon Secours freight, antique trains _ CaD: FULL TIME Box B-12, Grosse Pointe MAIDS tran.sported . .Bonded. Wa~er Realty. 885.8443. refer~Dl:es required. $300 Hospital. 1184.8500. 12'xS' "L" shaped layout. DETROIT AND SUBURBAN N screened, in.sured domes. -----~---per month. , Landscaping incompl~te. Immediate openings a vall. . ews. tic help for one day or QUIET Grosse Pointe Woods TWO Grosse Pointe Academy TU'roRlNG SERVICE able in HOUSEKEEPIN.G HOUSEKEEPER _ Live in, mare. area offers spacious thl'teC SHOREWOOD 886.8710 lady teachers want to rent :i'U't~act~~~~a~~s~~v~~i 537-4653 DEPARTMENT, Apply In one in family, other help bedroom executive rlinch, GROSSE POINTE WOODS2 bedroom apartment, pre. 886-0356after six or week. HATHEMA1'J'CS Tt1TO:RING penon. employed. References. TU DOMESTIC PERSONNEL with two full baths, :dtchen 2 bedrooms, den, summer fer garage apartment, Box ACE 5-0720 POOL. 961.1060. 963.0161. with built.ins and den or .porch, attached garage. S.2, Grosse Poinle News, end. b1 COlT . EXPERIENCED housekeep. office at home. Well deco: Finislled basement. Com. ARTIST closing studio. AnPh,D. Mathematician HOSPITAL EUROPEAN LAUNDRESSIng done on regular b8Sis. rated and available Augusl pletely furnished. Respon- 7A-ROOM WANTED tiques, furniture, acces. 158 Kercheval Monday, Tuesday, Wednes. 779.5042. 1 for one year or longer sible adults only. refer. ---------sorles, props, gadgets, mis. 3-LOST AND 'OUND Grosse Pointe Farms day, summer months, 2 -_________ lease at $500. R, G. Edgar ences\'equired. $300 per STUDENT Medical Doctor at eellaneous. 12.5 p.m, only. An Equ:ll Opportunity days, the rest of year. Top LADY WANTS day work, Associates, TU 6-6010. month. Wayne State desires room 9() Hall Place. MAN'S GOLD Austrian' coin Employer wages, References. 884Grosse Pointe reference, 860 NOTTINGHAM. newly SHOREWOOD 886-8710 and some home privileges ring, vicinity of Lochmoor h air dresser, 3248. , Own transportation. 366decorated, 2 bedroom fiats, 2 ROOM furnished apart. in private residence in a FREEZER, microwave oven Blvd., Fairway, Grosse FEMALE and an your meats, vege. steady. No evenings. 177321HOUSEKEEPER _ Com. 4172 after 5. heat furnished, pave<!park. ment. $85 a month, utilities suburban Detroit commun. Pointe Woods. 1184-3362. tabtes, fruits and juices, . Iu de d . 8217492 ity. Phone Jackson collect Hack, G.oue Pointe. panlon, (live in), for elder. ---------ARE L I A B L E, excellent ing, $160 monthly. Forap. mc '. 1.517.782.3492. for what you are spending 4-HILP WANTID ly invalid woman, Grosse worker wishes 2 days pointment caU J. F. Web. 3 BEDROOM, air condition. _ on the food alone. Bruce, GENERAL Pointe Park. Have other work. 875.6733. ber Co., 964-5550. ed ranch with attached 2 YOUNG. MAN employed, 773.1973. regular household help. L •.DY WISHES day work, 19777 EAST IDA LANE, 2 car garage, glass enclosed seeking room in Grosse LANDSCAPING help,. over Generous time off and sal. n f .. , f" '" d Pointe area. Colin Fiu. MO'IING; Unusual old sllnt 18, full time. .,veniDgs, light cleaning, ironing,. bedroom ranch, partially amI y room, 1n11> .. e rec. front desk, old Phil co Cab.ry. 2 in family. Refer. lilt h'ldr f c." rpeted, attached garage. reation room in the base. gerald. 885-4672. 925.1972. ences. Box P-2, Grosse es C.l en, re erenees. .. . inet ' r a d i 0, humidifiers, Pointe News. TU 2-4336. Ideal location. Available ment, 11,<2 bath, newly EMPLOYED"NURSE~cleBires cbairs, davenpor,t, twin bed YOUNG LADY 18 or older 11:30 A.M. - a P.M. SHIFT $"""... per. month. 884- . decorated ...and .. carpeted G P . t ---------'''''. h Rel room in rOS(le OlD e for drug store clerking, frames and head boards, . . . 48-SERVICf. TO LADY wisl)es day work on 4423 throug out. erences reo area. immediately. WA afternoons and evenings. F orma I tr aJJ11llg or experl. fireplace set, full and queen EXCHAu~:: Tuesday_ Cleaning only.' quired, no children, no 882.5152. bed spreads (never used) i!nce in Dietary Super. .~'" References. Cora Reed.! GROSSE POINTE FARMS, pets. 886,10106. 1-4235 before noon. vision. Must rotate week. ----------, 2 bed . tI folding scre\1ns, washer, MED.TECH ASCP part time ends and Hollda.ys. RESPONSIBLE working man VA 1-8()22, room, convemer. y 6B-ROOMS FOR RENT 8~ARTICLES FOR SALE dryer, double bed, nute. with references, will main. I I located. Gar(ige. $265. days. 885.5932. 821.5283. APPLY IN PERSON tain yard and house in ex. SCOTCH WOMAN, day or I 0698. LOVELY Room for employed G NTIC G S 1 A weeklv cleaning Baby sit. -----"---.-1d Kit h . '1 ,GI A arage a e. ny WANTED Medical Aide in ENGLANDER sofa bed. Must . PERSONNEL change for quarters . .(64. ting 'companio~, nursing. UPPER INCOME. Middle. ~~19 c en pnvI eges'l thing you mighl need. Fri busy Grosse Pointe office. sell this week. Very rea. DEPARTMENT 3989 alter 6. 885.2747. aged lady. 4 rooms, bath,.' day~aturday , 10 to 4 386 To .sslst Doctor and also sonable. 882-4467. 5--3ITUATION ----------1 garage, heat. TV 1.3436. PLEASANT ROOM for gen . McKinley. paper work. Write Box U'l, WANTED HOUSEKEEPER, full charge ---------~ t1eman. private bath. Ga . Grosse Pointe News. ' COLONIAL baby X'O c k e-r WASHER, gas dryer, good for business man. Live ill. 3 BEDROOM ranch in Grosse rage 882.1246 condition $50 complete. Cypress woo d .. HEALTH Suburbs. Moderate size Pointe City, near shopping, . , . cradle, EXP CARETAKER, Farmer, HOME Q 881.B209. home. Have car. Refer. schools and transportation. GROSSE POINTE WOODS, Never used. 778.1345 alte r estate, ranch, rel\l)rt. Refer. llS9KERCHEVAL ellC~es.Prefer 8t17. CARE ences. Box T.7, Grosse Appliances. Available Sep. Roslyn Rd. near Mack. 1'>2 6 p.m. GARAGE SALE. Miscenan. GROSSE POINTE FARMS 2777, Ext. 49. Pointe News. . tember. $285 per month. rooms and bath, entire up eous arUcles. Some draft. .BY , EXTENDO ta b Ie, walnut 886-4215. stairs, nearly new. Kitchen ing tools. Thursday.Friday, An Equal Opportunity HOMEMAKERS.UPJOHN TEACHER desires woman to se.ts. 8' comfortably, neve r ---------privileges, air conditioned 10-5. 1126 Hollywood. Employer 6-IOR RENT care for 1 year old in my ! Nurses, Nurse Aids, GerI •• , I. use.,," 71IH345 after 6, p.m. UPPER INCOME, 4 rooms, f1U1!ished; 884.1942. . . UNFURNISHED home. 3 days a week. Slart RECENT G r a d u ate Harper . Wa r.r e n area. or trlc aid.s and housekeepers PHOTOGRAPHY equipment, September. 88H381. Trivia , Adults. TU 2.2800. 6C-OFFfCE fOR RENT TREASURES and dryer, enlarger, trays, con. mature woman for down. to work part or all the MARINE CITY, overlooking _ glaesware, china, Viclo!;'ian time. All e m p 1 0 y e e s tact printer, miscellaneous. . SECRETARY wanted, legal St. Clair niver. large, new GROSSE POIl''4TE WOCDSOFF~CE with answering ser • tow n insur.nce clerical screened, bonded and in. antiques, llquidating estate. 88li.7641 after 6 p.m. experience preferred, typ2 bedroom deluxe apart4 bedroom; 2 bath, witb vice, $75. '17901 East War. positioo. No ex pe r I ell c e lured. 24 hour service. Friday-Saturday, 9-4. 1044 necessary, we will train, ing and shorthand. Grosse ment for lease. Call 165. family room, Central air ren. KENMORE ironer, king sile, S, Brys, Grosse Poi n t e 1i,ht t y pin g desirable. Detroit loll. Clemens Pointe law office. 886.1783. 5213. conditioning. Lease at $375 WE--L-L-A-P-P-O-IN-T-E-D-o-ff-jc-e-i-n walnut head board, (ormic. Woods. Reply Box B 15. GFrosse 872-0200 '192-0620 top breakfast table and 3 I . per month. Immeruate pos. prestige 0 ill c e buildng, DECKHAND - Experienced Pointe News. PROFESSIONAL COUPLE, chairs, snack tables, Scott session. . 'COmplete, with or without GARAqE SALE - Tbursday .BERKSHIRE preferred. Owoer of M' I . and Friday 16-4. Saturday I :;ood references, no chilo spreader. All in good eon. HIGBIE MAXON, INC. answering service, recep. Hatteras y a c h t needs CONDOMINIUMS 9.12. 289 )It. Vernon ~ition, 881-5223 cv~nings MANAGER dren, 1 quiet dog, desire to 886-3400 tion area available along young man III or older for (Farms). Between Charle. and Saturday only. For Stroh's Ice Cream- Par. house.sit for minimum 1 For rent "Or sale, luxury 2 --------'--with office. C()X & Baker. cle8ning and maintenance 179-6600. voix and Challonte. Moving town. RIVARD-2 bedroom upper. lor. Grosse Pointe Farms. month. CallcoUect, 216- bedroomapartmi!nts, work. Full time, excellent GARAGE SALE, Fri., Aug. Fir'!place, enclosed ter. so all must go. houses, Vernier road across 464-8574 alter 5 p.m. salary, all fringe benefits. 17 and Sat. Aug. 18. 10 Can 961.5840, ice cream race, garage. Adults only. OFFICE SPACE available. from Locllmoor Golf Club. Boat berthed .t Grosse a.mA p.m., 1590 Ford DAY WORK. caring for eld. division for appOintment. No pets. $250 month. 884Approlcimate 230 square GARAGE SALE - 738 Neff. Open 12 to 6 Saturday and Pointe Yacht Club. C. M. Court (off Mack between '7Manufacturers erly, experienced, refer. rep new 0600. . feet. Private parking In. Sunday. Shown daily by Shelton, 651.S500 or 651. WANTED Lady with experi' 8). Odds and ends, antique soap, bubble bath. Much ences. 821-4974. appOintment. Adults only. Johnstone & Johnstone cluded. 2711 East Jeffer1150. glassware, snow tires, swiv. more. Saturday 9-5. ence handling stationary son. The Rohde Building. GROSSE POINTE PARK 886-4036 evenings, weekends . el chair, pine infant dress. and wedding invitations. 24 HOUR Ideal for manufacturers Sharp four room upper in. RECEPTIONIST.TYPIST Also must be able to type ing table. Much more. 7'15'(}800 daily rep, accountants, lawyers, STEREO amplifier. Exc~lleut condition, $Z5O, Road aud come. Stove, no frust reo TO WORK EVENINGS correctly. Goebel. TU I. ,NURSING CARE investors or retired execu. Track, back Issues, ext'el. ELECTRIC st'iwing machine, frigerator. drapes, carpet . tives. Call 259-1010Monday . AND/OR SATURDAYS MEDICAL PERSONNEL FOR RENT cabinet model, coffee table. lent condition, hall priced, ed, all utilities, modern through Friday. 823-5468. Varied duties in pleasant I.ICENSED practical nurse to POOL • '.BEDROOM h 0 me, 2'>2 kitchen and bath, no chil. 'portable radio, $15, S surroundings. Must enjoy live in, prepare meals and I battis, dressing room, din. ga~!!e train equipment anlt GARAGE FLEA MARKET. dren" or pets, employed FOR LEASE - OUice space dealing with public. Type assist .!'emi.invalid woman. 63 Kercheval, log room" kitchen with GE model railroad magazines. woman or quiet couple, approximately 1,400 squue Dog house, chairs, h"use. 5:) w.p.m. Pleasant speak. No housework. 881--4647. Grosse Pointe Farms dlshwash~r, stove, refriger. 881-6741. deposit. VA {-2421. ft. "On the Hill." Mr. hold items, clothing, books, ing voice. Knowledge of EXPERIENCED Secretary"5 882.6840 354-4290 at.01', break1ast C~mi1yroom Vesco,Colonial Federa~. ~kates, bikes, pool table, 7 MILE and Mack area, 2 business machines. Prefer th t 1 Ii 1 BARN SIDING - Authentic 886.6661. dolls, games, toys. AU in days. Grosse Pointe lOCI' WI n., u r -a rep ace. bedroom lower flat. $175, I" weathered, hand bewn, man for evening bours. tion; Dictation, files, gener. HOME maintenance work Storm and screen ~lldClws, excellent condition, some . heat included. 882.5141. TWO OFFICES in Chet natural timber. 1-463.2179. Reply Box R.1, Grosse al office work, ph 0 n e , done, reasonable, experi. carpeting, 2~ar attached never used. Lots more. 998 Sampson Travel Service Pointe News, v • r i e d and interesting enced all phases. Ask for garage, full 'bIlsement, gas UPPER 3 rooms and bath. Roslyn, Grosse Pointe Wds, HOUSE' and Garage Sale. 3 Building, $50, $70. lOG -M-A-L-E-1-S-0-r-o-v-er-to-w-or-k work. Top pay and fringes Dean, 886.4132. heat. Entire lot lands<:aped, 'Thursday.Saturday 10-6. $150, working cOl1ple only. upholstered chairs, S bar Kercheval, 885.7510. . t t for qualified person. Call with large outdoor patio. Seen alter 7, evenings, 4805 stools 28", $12 each. elecpart.time a amusemen Mr Partee at 884-3393 be. AUTOS WAXED. washed, Immediate occupancy for GARAGE and basement sale. Chatsworth. tric chord organ, $50, 7 FISHER MEWS-377 Fisher center, also boys 13.15 to tween 2.5:30 p.m. cleaned, last week, Blue reSpOnsible party. Located Washer dryer, ironer, re. iece Woodard w r 0 ugh t Rd:, 1.3 rooms, 5 day jani. P sell candy, part time. 885. Coral treatment, beautifies in Grosse Pointe School ST. CLAIR Village Apart . frlgerator, indoor and out. tor service, air conditioned. iron set $225, Mrs. size door fum.iture, etc. Satu. .;;;0303=;;;. =======:,1 PART TIME and preserves. Vinyl top district in Harper WOOdS.' ments, 20211 E. 8 Mile Rd. TU 2-0899. j fourteen coals, dresses, day, 10 to 4. 1034 Woods .. care, interior shampoo. 20441 Danbury Lane. Call 2 bednom apartment, car. elc., man's 42 long suits, General oflice. work, 4 mom. 773-7119. owner, VA 2.2590 week. peted. all appliances, DC. HAMPTON SQUARE BLDG. Lane, Grosse Pointe Woods. topcoats etc. Thursday ings per wee~, ....... t -----------days. 1 cupancy September. Man 884.3871. 22811 Mack Avenue through Sunday. 20668 working conditions. Mack. MATURE WOMAN wishes I ager, Apt. 2.$, 779-1177, Mapl Lane. TU 4-4082. Warren area, 886-0670. babysitting. in my home, - ' __ ~ . _ Various size suites available. GARAGE SALE, Ye OIde 884.4516 -----------. ---------. week days only. 884-2883. 3 ROOM carpeted apartment. ' BRICK RANCH-Milk River Antiques. Bric.brae, furni. ------------19.'>7FRIGIDAIRE Slimline. BABYSITTER. Full time, , . 12131 Harper. $150 per and Lake Shore area. SI. lure, miscellaneous. ol76 good condition $30.00.881. days. Mature woman pre. EXPERIENCED babyslttmg. month, plus security. 521 Clair Shores. Two beel. 6D-VACATION Allard Road, Farms. RENTALS 4448. Free time doesn't have to I fened. 885-6479. now or ~chool season, 5 5110. rooms and den, finished "th' t do" days, f1e:(lble schedules ac. basement, air conditioned. HILLSBORO Beach Florida. '0 SPEED Europeon touring GARAGE SALE. Thursday, ~~~ra~ :Jvat: duty EXPERI~N~ED boo~k~~~ cepted. In my home. 882. NEWLY de~orated 2.bedroom Rent $375. References and Furnished apartments on bike. Excellent condition. Friday: 9-4. Treasures old assignments are avan.ble for Ladles Ready P' 0624. horne, private drive, Mo. security deposit required ocean. Low summer and Mike, 885.0185. and new, furniture, air con. now Work when you want Shop in Grosse olD.te., ----------rang.Ford X.way. Septem. Box A.7. Grosse Point~ fall rates. Beach. pOol, ------------ditioner, new car radios, for 'as lOIlg as you want. Can 885.5690 between 9.30 PRIVATE NURSING, ber 1st. References. 824. News. colored T.V. pictures. TU SC;HWhINNbiked' (~an's) 26 English twin buggy, etc. No fee to /lnd 5 p.m. 7979. I ---------.____ 4.6949. lnc , 3 spec , like new. 406 Mt. Vernon. ... • N D f'tt nd Around the Cloak J FIVE BEDROOMS two and Call after 5:30 p.m. 8115OUTSTANDING EXP:RIE CE fo: e~ad~e!>' In home, hO.spital or nursing 1674 ALTER below Jefferson., a half baths, fa~ily room, 21 FOOT Winneba$o motor 7928. DREXEL mahogany Chippen. COMPANY BENEFITS an. sewer . Grosse home. RN's, LPN's, Aides, 5 room upper, $160 plus library in perfect condi.!, sleeps 6, seU con. GAR -G-E-S-ALE---68--S dale dining set: 3 s('ction • Hospitaliza~on S~Clllty CSI~ClP~'koo be. companions, male &ttend' security depOsit. Call alter lion $:l5O.00 per month. tamed, air conditioning, nin~dale, de:hum~i!ie~~: breakfront c'lina cabinet; • Paid Vacation Pomte. a I ants,live.lns. SCreened and i 6 p,m. 8l!6-4271. full power. '179.0348. bow.fronl buffet with brass • Ho.liday. Pay . tween 9:30 and 5 p.m. _I bonded. 24 hour service.! ------------.CHAMPION FLORIDA Stuart condomi. ~:~s~ix~r::~lra~~~u~~al~~i ra il; 2 pedestal ta ble with • Shllt Dlllerenhal BOOKKEEPER Licensed nurses for illsur. RIVARD. upper, 2 bed. TU 4.5700 nium furn'shed 882.0510 bargains. Moving. Friday 3 extra I e a v e s; 4 side • Workman's Comp. I . ance cases. r()()ms and sun room. car. I. . chain '.lpholslered in gold • Social security Full charge through trill peted, stove and refriger. GRAYTON - Chandler Park SUM:\IER RENTALS, 2 week I and Saturday, slripe, host and hostess WE ARE LOOKING bala~ce and ~a.yroll. ~ood POINT..E A.R...EA N.UR.SES.. ator. Separ~te basement, area. Lower 5 room fiat. minimum in July and Au. WILSON T2000 Tennis rack. chairs covered in needle. FOR ) workmg condlhons. frmge TU {.3180 front and Side doors. ga. Adults only, no pets, $185, gusl, quarler mile sandy el. Gut strings. Good con., poinl, $900. Queen Ann R' . I d N benefits. ? O. Box E.7, __ ~. ~ .. ~ _ rage, $250 a month, heal TU 2.5255, TU 5.8763, 4 to bcach, pool. tennis courts. dilion. Call 881.6963. style highboy, 7 drawers, : Li~~~s:~e Pra~~~~~ I Grosse POlDte News. MOTHER'S HELPER, baby. included .. 823.6756. 7 p,m. homes and condominiums __ ._. ~_ unusual black, gold and Nurses I'REAL ESTATE Salespeople i sitting in ~y home {or pre. I iNDrAN-VILLAGE~ l-060~Va~ UP-P-F.R~lillcoiw:. 3 r()oms, in natural settings. Phone BIG GARAGE SA~.E, satur', pastel painted Chlnoiscrie .....c tic. I Nurses. school children on Salur. Carl Andnrson, j.6l6.'>'7. day. new bargallls, 20129 design, cabricle legs, $500. • .... needed - experienced or Dyke, 1 bedroom apart. heated. stove, refrigerator. ~ .... M H Two baroque silver.!\lated • Companion5 • Aides training program a~'aiJable days. 886.3615. ment, al>pliances, private utilities furnished. TU 4341 or w r i t e L'Arbre . oross. near arper. candelabras, 4.branch with Call or write today lull time - will consider COMPANION NURSE. Live parking, carpeted. air con. 1-3268. Croche, Harbor Springs, I BASEMENTs"Ai E. ~01s, center holder, $150 each, 882.6640 parI time if u\tima~e goal. in, 61,<2 days wl'ck, $50 day. I ditioned, $140. 9619139 or ~-_.... . Michigan 49740. clolhing dishes. ThurSday firm appraisal. Widdlcomb IS full lime-pOtential un., Love !!Iderly, drives. Ref. I 499.9378. OUTER DRIVE-Dickerson 6F-':-SHARE LIVING through'Sunday. 11 to 6. walnut twin bed set with MEDICAL limited earnings-plenty of erences, will travel. TW area. 3 rO?~ fro~t apart QUART~RS 315 Bellanger. chest of drawers and dress. PERSONNEL floor time-prefer licensed, 11-4281. 1385 EASTLAWN,.l bedroom mcut. BUIldIDg ImmaCll' . . ... ----.---. ing table with beautiful POOL or plogram available to ----~.---_.---.-ap~rtment, ap~l~a.nces, car. lately dean, Stuve, refrig. GIRL (0 share rcnl in house STERLING SILVER fl a t mirror, $450. By appoint. 63 Kucheval help you get your license. WILL CARE for pre.schooler pelmg, all ull1Jhes. ldeal eralor. Lots of closet space. with 2 others. Grosse ware. Miscellanf'ous, and ment only, Saturday and Grosse Pointe Farms Ask lor Mr. Carter. 884'1 in my Grossc Pointe home. for bachelors. From $100. I Adults only. $120. 371.7746 Pointe Woods area. 885. Chanlilly by Gorham, 885, 4400. 8fl~.8168, 961.91311or ED 1.2330, ,or 886.2280. 8888. 1736. Sunday, TV. 5.3947. TRUMPET and trombone GENERAL OFFICE GARDENER - Mature, fUll, EXPERIl!.:NCED nurses aid INDIAN VILLAGE lessons in your home by Girl for small ollice to an. time, 2 bedroom carriage would like work. Care of experienced teacher. VA swer telephone, type and h ou s e provided. Reler. old and handicapped. 822. E. JEFFERSON AREA 2.9226. do other diversified office ences. Reply .Box M.6, 5070. Close to downtown, trans. duUes. P. O. Box E'7, Grosse Pointe News. -----------port~tion and ,river fronl. :, Grosse Pointe News, I ----------WILL house sit in your Spaelous studio and ~ne GROSSE POINTE CLERK for liquor store, over Grosse Pointe home while l bedroom apartments With DELiVERY BOY wanted, 18 years, full time. 11200 you are on vacation. No carpeting. $97 to $120. Util. INSTITUTE OF with ear. Apply at 17209 Morang. children. Grosse Pointe Wes included. 824.8010. --'-------f 884 '.0221 Mack. 4.a._H~.:.' W.a....TED l_re.erences. ----------MUSIC I WESTCHESTER, I AIDES AND PORTERS an . 5A-::o~g:f~ I I --! DIETARY SUPERVISOR' ean I 889-1---------- ------_.--- _ COTTAGE HOSPITAL . I\ . I i ! _6MO_,_______ I II I . I I OUR CLIENTS NEED YOUR NURSI'NG SKILL II !- ~ I I .I I I I --.---_ I I I i I I I I I I I I j. I ~ .-----.- ... ---.~.I I I , ~ t ••• Page Twenty-Two I-AIlTICLIS OLD CLOCKS. G R 0 SSE FOR.SALt I-AIlTICW FOl SALI '-ARTICLES watches, few. OUTFIT THE ENTIRE elry. We repair, buy or FAMILY AT ~ THE leU. Edward lCiUa, ~rtl. REGULAR PRICE fied Muter Watchmaker, "AL1l0ST NEW" t3 Kercheval, Colonial Fed. APPAREL eral Bid,. 185-5755. Care/u1J¥ .. Iected lor qualit)' ---------ityl. and condition • .: WEDDING INVITATIONS, nr-sel, coau, tIPOrUWflr. 10% discount with this ad. fUfl ........1 'I:' .... raved or R.1Jed ' --, • c. ...... Four outfits for the price of PERSONALIZED at • • • STATIONARY 50% OFF INSTANT COPIES, IOC, 1110 LEE'S low priced Instant printing. 2033t I"ck 881-8082 SCRATCH PADS, 35<:pound, CoD.lenmtDU 01 fine qualit)' 4 pounds $1.00. gOOd condition IDC1current For all your printing needs. .tyle clothing welcome. ECONOMEE SERVICE PRINTING AUTOMOBILE A. 15201 Kercheval low a. $27.U quarterly at Lakepointe buy. $50,000-$100,000Uabn. Groue Pointe VA 2-7100 Ity, Property Dama, •. TU ------...... -1-2171. WE BUY OLD TV'S, WORK. C" R PET I N G, n-"o".1 ING OR NOT. CALL FRI. A aw DAY OR SATURDW .• 1. IlraftdJ, flt.t qul1!t)'. IIW 5!95. reprt .. ntatlv •. _7211. E W S' _ fOl $AU 8-ARTICLES FOIl SALE 8C-OFFICI EQUIPMENT BASEMENT SALE. (Florida VALLEY pool table. bar bound). l"amps, pictures, sl!e, slate. $300, like new, rug., bedspreads, glass. moving. 886.2643. ware, bric'a-brac, books, records, clothing, garden MOVING - Garage Sale. tools. etc. Saturday, 9.5:30. Kitchen stove, utensils, 309 Grosse Pointe Blvd. yard equipment, tools, pic. lur s knl'ck knacks Fri FEDDER'S 5,000 BTU air e , .' day, Saturday, August 17. conditioner. 1 month old. MUlt sell. $70. 823.2767. 18, 10 to • only. 18 Hamp. ton Rd., Grosse Poinle MOVING-Garag. Sale. Fur. Shores. nilure, appliances, many miscellaneous i t ems, 5 ELECTRIC STOVE, ironer, plng.pong table, round oak piece blonde bedroom set, table, 6 cbairs, maple youth dinette, tab 1 e s, chairs, bed, baby equipment. 884. workbench, etc. Everything 1633. much Fridaj'.Saturday, 10-4. 1~ Whittier. WINCHESTER MODEL 21 HAMPTON.ROSLYN FLEA double barrel 18 gauge MARKET .hot (Wt. Excellent condl. 10 famJliea cleaned their tic», tomplete)y re.tored closets, furniture, TV, b)' WiDchfllter t h r 0 u g b craftl, whatever. Friday. Ab 1 .. FI h Saturday, 10 to 6. 1528 'rcromb. an.. tc. Hampton-1697 Roslyn. tell, beat offer. SoU- , II-CARS FOR SALE 1 •• -eARS Thursday, August FOR SALt .. 10, 1913 I lie-lOAnMOTORS AND 1967 AUSTIN HEALY 3000. 1973 CADILLAC Coupe de . Very good condition. 9 a.m.' VllIe, w bit e with. red 20 HORSEP~WER eJectric 4 p,m. 779-6199. leather" full y equlp}led. s tar t Evmrude scooter $6,250. 8&'"2183. boat. Used once .• 99.1852. 1970 LINCOLN 2 door, load. 9-AiTJCLES WANTED ed $1975 1963 Lincoln , 1969 MUSTANG, excellenl 22' VINEYARD Haven keel d~r, l~ad~, $900. 885-1266. mechanical con d i t ion. sailboat, motor .and com. Priced to sell. Days 372. pass, newly pamted and POCKET WATCHES - That MARK III 1970 5100. Evenings 882.M60. caulked. ,Best offer. 886. old pocket watch of Grand. Low mileage, owned by Com. 2595. pa's sitting in the drawer pany executive. Had excel. 1969 ME~CEDES ~ SL. , may be valuable. We buy lent care and is in very Red WIth black' JI1terlor, TROJAN 31 It. t~.1n 210 h.p., all sorts of old pocket good condition TU 4-7020 AM.FM, 2 tops and excel. excellent condition, load.ed watches, parts and watch . : lent condition. Call 792.2911 wit h equipment. $9,800. chains. 886.3011. '68 TORNADO, air, f u \1 after 4 'p.m. Thursday. Must sell, leaving country. power, vinyl top, FM, very CADILLAC, 19&7 Coupe de Call 886-4565 or 884-{)211}; clean, $1,195. 881.61'l1. Ville. Full power, air, Bur. CHRIS.CRAFT, 1967, 25' Sea PIANOS WANTED GRANDS, Spinets, Console$ '73 OLDS Cutlass Colonade. gundy, black interior. One Skiff, 180 horsepower, bead, 4 door, air, vinyl top, only owner. 886-4048. FM stereo, $4,500. 739-1331. and Small l1prigbts. Cash. 2,700 actual miles. Show , VE 7-0506 room condition Wife's car CHEVY, 1964 wagon, V-B, 1969 SPORTYAK II B, with 778.3786 after.s . automatic, power steering, oars, rubrail and oar10eb. GLASSWARE, dishes, paper. ,. good tires. $275. T111-C917. 881-8631. , back books, furniture, odds 1968 CATALINA, 38,000miles, and ends. 778.5181. power s tee r i n g, power II e-IO''''T5 "'ND II F-TItAILiRS AND brakes, iOod condition. $850 ft,. WANTED Lionel train. and CAMPERS or best offer. TV 1.8859. MOTORS other make.. '171.0529. OLDSMOB1LE 1972 Delta 88 ' 1961 CHRIS CRAFT mi. 1971 VW CAMPER, red, ex. ' eel GRANDFATHER c10cQ IlI.d S "".. cellellt condfUoD, loti of MODEL CARS 2 door hardtop, air, powe; hogany, 21', 2'15 bor .. , 111 1 YEAR O LD la d ie. I .• pe aDUqu. eloeu prot.uloD. Cl1STOM DARPES and cur. IA-MU I_L In plutlc or metal. .teerln, and brake. Mint hour., excellent cOQCilllo.n. ~xIf ai. 824-4512. bicycle, $30. 881-6110I. lib' rep.ired by llc.Dftd mad. at home at IMSTRUMINTS 8864477 Beat offer 268.6253 ' 1950 22' ChrJ. Craft, aU M'OVING - dinin, room •• t, cloekmak.r, PlcIN, aIld pricel. Call . . maho,any, 95 horae, excel- 12I-VACATJON 12 plec., Grand RapJd., d.Uvtl')' iD Pointe..... .ft'r 5 p.m. 881-$458, ALL Ml1SICAL BOOKS, Art Objecll Sought. MG MIDGET 1973. White, lent condltlon, MUlt 1111 PROPIRn' Browler. alway, w.lcome. immaculate, 9,000 mlles, one. Evenln'l after 6 p.m. . $225; 2 year old HudlOD 0111,. All work ",uantetcl. GARAGE SALE, Augult 11th, INSTRl1MENTS B. C. Cl... Book Shop. warr.nty, un d e r coaled, 886.6656. AMC larl' cheat Imltr, ."11. Thur.da" 10.6, Toy., bou.e. Rentall M.IIO per month. M1.1 GRAYLING. 80 PJctureJque Ethel Clnl, 1870 L.. white radials, 32 MPG, Jib nEW, $150; 5 It. c II hold Iteml 281 Moran Drum OUtfltl, ampUflers, bookc .... , $25 each, $10'.1 M LE butt.t, 48 mch Ster. . . acres 7 milel weat of Gray. ver.tte (68218). WO 3. Grosse PoInte Owner. 293. SAILBOAT, 12', ,wtan. fhlt~l, IIxophoDe., J Catam.ran. CaU 885-ll654 for aUi Scott hand lawn .... HoUl'. Bel,. earpet, POOL TABLE. Movlll" mu.1 ling •• ,000 feet frontale on ~87. 6639. electric b..... , clanlcal after ~ p,m., week day. mower with catch.r, $20: 11xI6.', 773.*7 .fter &:30 uU, J yearl old, BruM' thl! Manutee River. Five. luJtara. violin., trumpet., CASH PAID for any old PORSCHE 1967, 912, very only. , 2 twenty lb. L.P. tank. p.m. wick, ,ooct condition. No bedroom year.round lod,e. arlill', banjo.. con, 0 grandfather cloc"', pendu. good condJUon, $2,575. 886. Excellent hunting, fishIng, with valvel and rack, $Uj ATV realOnable offer refu.ed. FIBERGLASS 2j ft. V bun, dnunt, clar1Deta. otbera. lum clocks and pocket 7424. Iro.1rlle, f10. Weekdays, len SCRAMBLER, excel. lI85441 day •.•• 7561 eve. five mJlel fi'om all major 140 H.P, Mere:ruisl\r Out. AU rental feea .ppll6d to t condition, •• n1n ski resorts. watches. 886.3011. _ 1972 PONTIAC Gran Prix821.(l~78. 3310. II. drive; family size cabin, !lurchale price. Studio, MAN'S 5 or 11}Jpeed racer, Loaded with extras, $3,800. refrigerator, Ganey, dinette, SHOREWOOD 861.2862. 886-8710 M 0 V I N G - Junlle.Gym, CARPETING 180yardl Phila. good condltlon. 785-4969. Can John 353.0664 or 723. child'. play table, .mall PINE, Early American dln. delphia sculptured bel.e, toilet. Sleeps 4, sun deck, BEAUTIFUL cottage ill Lex. 0980. complete with trailer, must chesl, 23" televi.lon, lawn linea'room .. t. 6 ~leee. drop excellent condition. Antique SPINET PIANO, beautiful NEEDED, wheel chairs for ington Heights. on Lake I II 882 f table and pada. Hutch satin decorator draperies, sell Ihis week. 881.0500 dark mahogany. 873-4M0 taking nursing home pa. 1973 CADILLAC Coupe de mow~r, m sce aneous. • "~~70 lnebe., 2 b I. e k IcaUoped valanee. S Interior Huron. Completely furnish881-3810. or 0499.9307. tients back alld forth to Ville. Slereo, air, vinyl top, ed. Ready for immediate 1554. Hitcncock chairs, $250. Also doors. VA 1.3424. church Contributions ap. tilt and telescoping wheel, CARTOP, Alum., like new. occupancy. Priced to sell HOUSEHOLD iteml, turnl. KJdD.y .bape mahlllan)' ANPEG, 8B.12 bass Amp., preciated 881-4873 way seat, door locks, tint. $135. 881.0550. now. 7359 Maple, 20 miles ture, appllaneel, c1oth1n,. delt. $75. 11116-1902 after DaOPLEAF dlnln. roo m $150 .• 'arfLsa minl.compact . • ed glass. Excellent condi. nortb of Port Huron. Open Saturday 9-4. N8 We. t 8:00 p.m. tabl.e, mahogany Duncan Organ $250, together, $350. CHRIS CRAFT 25 foot Con. lOA-MOTORCYCLES I tion, 5.400 miles. $6,000. chester Phyfe. Recently refinlshed. Sunday call any time. 371PR 7.7491. stellatlon 1956, 4 sleeper. . CUSTOM MADE formica Eltce1lent condition, seats FOR SALE I 886.1321. fASS. Excellent condition. $2,550. BOYS 24 inch bicycle. Stillgbar,. .too1J, Ozlte black 12. Cultom pad, $75. 885. DRUM SET - six pieces, 1972 PLYMOUTH D us te r, VA 1-4888. ray. $25. 8ll9.()258. and reel urpetlng. 712.979S. 7031. silver sparkle, llrofessional 1973 HONDA 3s(} CB. Excel. HUNTING LODGE - 7 bed. power steering, power disc lent condition (purple). model. New heads, Zildjlan HOBIE CAT 16' L ate s t brakes, air, vinyl roof, low rooms, 4 baths, stablel, 4() COMPLETE bou.ehold fur- 1'1' ALtTMINUM Arrowcra1t 2.DRESSER LAMPS. Glass C y m b a 1. $90.00. 886-0356 Must sell, going to school. equipment and trailer. 884- ft. main hall (2 fireplac:es) miles. 885-5417. nlshing, living. diDing room canoe, paddlea, perservers, .tand, $1 ea. 2 dresser $800. PR 8.7267. after sJx or weekend. 5191 or 886-7952. garage, domestic suite, and set, bedroom. TV, carpet. ear rack included. Exce). lampS, ceramic, lS.ln. $5 1973 OLDS Toronado, full 7 acres on 2 excellent Ilsb. drapes, etc. VA 1.9354. lent condition, $175.• ' eaeb. 1 bed table lamp, ELECTRIC GUITAR-Never NORTON Dunstal 69, custom power, electric door locks, 1973 BOSTON WHALER Out. ing lakes. ---------7895, 773.5468. marble stand, $10 ea. used Kent. Best strings, paint and much chrome. windows, seats, rear de. rage I - 21 ft. 4 in. full SCHWINN 20" girl's bike, 1 Bed table lamp, Bronze good action. Cor d inc1. $675. 886-5229. froster. c r u i s e control, canvas-Johnson 125 H.P. HARSENS ISLAND - 3'1 $18. 886-3310. 40" ELECTRIC RAN G E, .tand, 25.inches, $20, 1 }iv. Good fisherman, g rea t $!5.00. CIU 886-0356 after 1971NORTON Command',) 750 stereo. Priced to sell. 885acres with canal lcts{ high G E. refrigerator. TU h MOVING, General Electric 1.MI8. in, Z'OOm lamp, 3 Iig t, skier. Excellent condition. SIX or weekend. rear view mirror, sissy bar, .4917. and dry) near golfing with stove, portable dishwasher, Bra •• silnd, $25. 1 886.1?65. exooUent development posturn signals. only 1,000. 1966 CHRYSLER New York. Shwlnn heavy duty bike. GARAGE SALE _ Big, nice seat or foot s tool, red CLA.RINET, H2 year old, ex. sibilities. Only one hour ceUent condition. 779-0798. Like new. $1.295. 881-7987. er, 4 door, ha!'dtop, a11 1964, 24' CHRISCRAFT Sea mlsc:elb,neous, 888-153ll6. ,tuff, antiques, some junk, leather, diameter x13 from Detroit. Skiff. 185 horsepower, V. HONDA 450 Scrambler, $650, power, air. 886'()369. ' 'ume clothes. Great varl. in., high, $10. 1 Foot Stool bunk. 884-3522. 2 DESKS, file cabinet, .torely, August 17th, 18th, 9 • leg8, 1. inches x 16 high, II-ANTIQUES FOR HARRISON TWP.-2 acres also Go.Cart, McCullough MERCURY Montego 1968, age cabinet, chairs, (:tc:. .a 933 H wthorne green leather top, $7. 1 with small borne zoned SALE 91 B engine. $275 881.3468. hardtop. MX, power steer. ALBACOR Sail boat 16' fiber. a.m. a , Cast I ron F rame with a 11 881."''''''''. ......... Grosse p.m. Pointe Woods. CONDO iD a great invest. glass and trailer. Excellent 1971 TRIUMPH 500. Excel. ing, stereo. Excellent condi. Red loft cushion, 12.ln. wide FURNITURE Stripping-proment area. . condition. C a 11 711.0571 lent condition, 5,000 miles. lion, $650. 777-6286. , fessional removal of fin. 40 INCH Hotpoint electric RIDING TRACTOR. 38'" cut, by 68.ln., long, $20. 6 setsafter 5 p.m. isbes from wood, metal, range, push button and au. $260. Slate pool table, 30 pieces, 10 inch diameter, LOT FOR SALE Woods 881.5785. 1971 CADILLAC Sedan de, Pickup-deliver. 839.1766. tomatic features, excellent regulation .Ize with acces. rim Sea Green, white een. l.ane-Perfect for building Ville, 24,OCOmiles, AM.FM l4' HOBIE CAT with trailer. HONDO, CB350, 1972, 1400 condition, $75. Can between sories. Used twice. $175. ter, with Gold band, type, or investing witb land beradio, aU power, ;;.Lr. 882Excellent condition. 1 year miles, adult owned and op. ing the Pointe's 1 and 6 p.m. 886-2720., 341-6178. "Norita anna," Andover meH 'B'ANK Antiques, 28&8!i rarest 2649. old. Stored. 885.2151 after Armada Rid.g e, between erated. New condition. asset. , style. Can 885.3602. , 5 p.m. Richmond and Annada, 'Must sell. 885-7069. 2-3 SPEED bikes, in excel. LADY'S 3 speed, bronze. Ex. CORVETTE, 1962. Excellent \' Michigan. 784,5302, Friday. lent condition. Lady's with cellent condition, $75. 886. 10'xlO' dining canopy, nylon condition. 2 tops. many ex. 8' HYDROPLANE, mini max, "Under All Is the GO.CART - Rebuilt engine. Saturday and Sunday. bike seat, both with lad. 9481. screen. Coleman ice chest. tras. Must see. 399-3147. plan, racing wheels ..nd s 1i c k 5, good condition. -.4nd" controls, $40, Can after 6 . dIe baskets, $75 for pair or 823-S167. Looks like new, lots of fun. 1968 CHRYSLER Newport. REGIONAL MALL p.m. 886.2724. $40 each. TU 1-6648. GARAGE SALE, 6B2 Sun. $80.00, Can 886.0356 after Very good condition. Auto. FLEA MARKET Friday. Saturday. WOODARD wrought iron, ta. JOHN S. GARAGE SALE-1ZO'" .. !Sed. I nlnGg.dale. six or weekend. matic, power steering, SLlCKCP.AFT '71 - 17W, E. refrigerator, stove, ble 30"xSO" , 1 host chair, 15 Mile and Gratiot brakes, $550. 821-3149. 215 horsepower, inboard. ord (at Kerch"'val) Friday power saw, 2 chesls of 3 side chairs. $175. ll84- Every Monday in August, HONDA CL 305, 1966 - Re. outboard. 190 hours. $3,500. 9-7, guitar, trike, beds. cur. drawers, household mlscel. 7C22 after 6 p.m. first twaMondays in Sep. built engine, vah'es re- 1968 PO NT I A C Catalina, 884.1587. tains, rugs, radio, dishes, laneous. tember, 9:30-6 p.m. For in. bored. New tires, good conInc. power brakes, steering, vases, baby items, many , MOVING - desk and chair, formation call 779-3416 or dilion. $275_00.Cat! 886-0356 vinyl top, $87S. 771-6817. KAYAK - 2 man, 15. Excel. toys, ice skates, clothing, 2 DOUBLE BEDS, dresser.. f.. ns, casement all' condi. 9:! Kercheval 886.306ll 777-9100. after six or weekend. lent condition. 881.1743. miscellaneous. (mahogany), 2 blond twin tioner, 8000'$ BTU'E, $75. CHRYSLER Convertible 1966. "On The Hill" beds dresser. 7 pieee din. Stroller.buggy, umbrella ta. FURNITURE refinished reo 3 H..P. RurT.MAN Mini Bike, ROAMER 1 owner, $450. 822-5089after AQUARIUM, 16 gal. com. ing ~oom set. Call Thurs. ble, 9 piece twin beds bed33 'Ft. Chris-:Craft, 1967, twin paired, stripped, any 'type I like new, $80. 881-8631. 6 p.m. plete, $55; air conditioner, day 1.5 p.m. 881-6817. room set. 882-83'19. 210. Call weekdays 532.5686 of caning. Free estimates, 197J. SHOW Sportster, low 1972 DODGE Colt wagon. $75; bun k beds, $40; . -after 6 p.m. 643-4912. guitar, $30; Hollywood YARD SALE - G. E. air 2 SCHWINN Fa i r Lady's .7f.89U. mileage, custom paint, 6" Like new. 886.572li. bed, $50; stainless cook. conditioner bikes ham. Stingrays. Excellent condi. BRASS BED, player piano 26' DOUBLE Plank mahogaextension with c h rom e 1965 PLYMOUTH Fury 2 ware set, $20, canopy bed mock, Iimb~ella table, good tion. 885-8947. ny skiff, twt1 135 Gray show c 0 v e rs, 16" all food press sausage stuffer, door, new tires, automatic. engines. Sleeps 2. $2,950. chrome rear wheel, custom top, $10; baby items (play. clothing, gLrls' sizes 4-8, COCKTAIL table marble fireplace cover, 1890 White Good running condition. drag pipes, seat and sissy 822-5232. pen, bathinette, car bed, teens, women:s; plaype~, $65; Swing set' $10. 886treadle sewing machine, $300 or best offer. 881.1042. etc.) Maternity clothes toys, desk, plcturi"il. Fn. 8823 bar. Many eAtras. Must large 1917 elee. cash regis(size 9), tricycle, $6; "old day only, August 17th, 10 . sell. $2,150. 884-4245. 1973 CADILLAC Coupe de ster. 381-055(). '72 Mark IV burnt orange fashione<l" sink, $75. 881a.m." p.m., U59 Hampton, 2 WICKER rockers $35 each, Ville, full power, stereo, 4107. (yellow Colonia!), Grosse 1 good condition, 1 fair, ANN ARBOR ANTIQUES 1969 HONDA, 125 cc twin. '72 Eldo. Convert. Stereo taupe, immaculate, 5,000 881-8305. miles. $5.895. 775-5208 or MARKET, Sunday, August 'R01ARY lawnmower, 20 Pointe Woods. 886.3667. '72 Sdn. deV. air. Stereo GOOD SELECTION SL 7-6730. 19, 5055 Saline.Ann Arbor '72 Cpe. deV,air,14,055 mi. inch, $30. 881.7309. GIRLS' RIDING BOOTS, 1973 KENMORE washer, 5 11-eARS FOR SALE NOW AVAILABLE Road, Exit 175, 1.94, then '71 Eld. Convert. Red DINING ROOM furniture, I black, 6B, like new. In. months old, 3 year warran. JAGUAR 1972 - 12 cylinder south. 180 quality dealers eludes rubbers. 823.1462. ty, $17$ or highest offer. 1970 TOYOTA Carolla wagon, XKE Roadster, air, stereo, '70 Sdn. deV. air, loaded mint condition. Buffet, ex- I ~ 654 from 11 states, guaranteed low mileage, gQod condj.. automatic. Mint condition. tention table, 8 chairs, un. HOUSEHOLD ITEM8-0fflce Antique trunk ~. 5. 1 "71 Sdn. deV. air. antiques and genuine col. Call 94, 565-7693. tion. $925. Firm. 886-2969. !lsual styling. ~o!odifiedcon. equipment. Bargain prices. GARAGE SALE Rummage. lectivles only. Fer.turing: '71 Mark III. Loaded temporary oriental solid 884.5716. Good, new, used. baby bed. furniture: country, original CHEV,ROLET, 1971 Kings. JAQUAR, 1969, 2+2, perfect DEMOS mahogany, white toys, and household. August paint, cradle and blanket condition, $3,250. 881-6688, wood wagon, 9 passenger, cork top. 881-4554. MATCHING G. E. remger. 17th and 18th, 1669 Allard, Good selection chest old green; set four 771.3440. air, power steering, brakes, ator and double oven eler.. New Car Warranty step down Windsors, tav. tinted glllsE, radio, trailer GARAGE SALE-Reasonably tdc stove. price dto. sell. 3.IN.ONE baby stroller, walk ern table, hutch table all setup, new tires. looks and 1965 VOLKSWAGEN, very priced baby furniture, ex. 886-4987. er, potty chair. Jerry car. good condition, new en. runs like new. $2,550. 886old hed; mahogany snake cellent condition, Aqua gas rier, sterilizer and bottle~ gine, new painted, $675. 4272 after 6. foot candle stand; Chip. wall oven and count!!r unit. GARAGE SALE, August 18, and carrier seat. 1981 Ken 882-4118. CADILLAC pendale co f n e r chair; 536-6260 Aqua chair, hanging lamps, 19, 1178 Harvard, 9 a.m.'S More Dr., Grosse Point! Sheraton mahogany bow 1959COUGAR convertible, ex. 20903 HARPER much more. Thursday and p.m. We've got everything Woods. 886.9346. cellent condition, AM-FM OR W HIT E '64 Thunderbird'i front chest, reeded col. 2 blocks north of Vernier Friday 10 to 4. 1059 MarLan including hand made cer. po 'tV e r stereo, new tires. 886.1342. power steering, umns, mint; Country Hep. 881-6600 757-0767 Ct. off River Rd., Grosse amies. GOODYEAR 885 x 15 All brakes, rons good. 885.7100. plewhlle can die stand, 1965 FALCON, 2 door hard. Pointe Woods. weather 4 ply, good tread. trestle table, cherry corner ,EXCEPTIONAL Moving Sale. 823.2017. top, automatic, power steer. 1973 BUICK La Sabre, cus'l MOVING SALE; 488 Manor, Many Items never uleC. 2 curboard. Fjne collections: ing. Good transportation, tom: 2 door. "Completely Farms, Saturday 10 to 3. lawn mowera - 1 power, BOY'S 5.speed Sehwlnn Col Shaker 'items, post cards, $250. 889-{)44S. Loaded." $3,895. 881.3531. Double Oven stove, dryer, White portable Itwing ma. Jeliate. Good condition. Call mlniatur" lamps, dolls, i r 0 n e r, baby equipment, chine, tpcwrlter., m 0 vi. 882-2fl49. quilt., cup plates, Oriental 1971 OPEL GT, " lpeed, 1970 CHEVELLE :M a 11 b u , fireglow orange, new Ra. toys, clothing. 886.5086. and .tm cam.rll, Debumi. and Navajo rugs, paper, automatlc, vinyl top, power difler, TV let, picnic table LEATHER TOP tables, porI. dial tires, new exllaust license platel, salt shaker .teerlng, askin, 885MOVlNG; Many household and benchel, bookl, Nation. able garbage d i. POI a 1. systilm. Young lady's cllr. tops. 10 a.m.'S p.m. (Come 063~. 1 items, antiques, 7 ft folding al Geozraphical 1955-1964. men'. '011 clubs, b~Il, Excellent condition. 7'15early). Free admission and pool table, complete, $10, Luggage, washing machine. Ihoe., typewriter. Motor~, 2256 after 6 p.m. parking. Aug. 18.19, 10 to 5 p.m. Mucb more. All priced to tools, IU\1 lamp. Miscel. 1883 Lancaster, G r 0 •• e s.ll. Saturd.y only, 10 to, laneou •. 88e.:U:U. \WVlNG: Everything priced 1987 ELDORADO. By origi. '72 Ambassador 2 dr. Javelins and AMX's. 9 nal owner. Excellent condi. to sell, antiques, oil paint. Pointe Woods. 4:30. No prIor sal ... 290 DINING ROOM .et (Early Brougham H.T., 8, auto., tlon. New engine, many aCt to choose from. $1,295 1ngs, furnllure, rugs, etc. -P-AN-E-L-E-D-D-O-O-R-, -IO-w-.-II-t Lothrop, Farms. American) bulfet, table, 4 P.S., P.B., air cond., up. cessorles. Ui9-1010 daYl, Al! day August 18-19.Indian top Hendredon chest, pro. REFRIGERATOR In 100 d chain, ftenmore gas dryer vinyl roof. Extra .harp! TU 1.1115 nights, week. Village M8nor, 8120 E. Jef. jectlon .creen, anUque condition. White with Imz. All excellent. 8lM.27iU, Only $2,995. ends. '69 Opel Wagon. A real feraon, Apartment 3N. 824. white bedroom set. ED cr unft. TU ).5753. ACADEMIC American His. 7330. buy. $~95. CADILLAC, Eldorado, 1969. BEFORE 1-8462. tOry Library, over 1,eM' "72 Gran Torino, V-S, Cruise,control, stereo tape ----------1 GARAGE SALE, 1230 Haw. volumes, hard cover, loft ';'RASS BED, double. Very auto., p.S., p.b., vinyl '70 Monte Carlo, 2 dr. deck. Man y accessories. T'WAS THE DAY I thome, Friday and Satur. j 't -""5 968 ornate, highly polished. 778- $2,499. 821.7324. YOU BUY roof, aIr, 1 owner. Only H.T., lull power. V.8, dmay10 to 4. Leaving atate, cover ouma .. , 1997. $2,805. auto:, air, buckets, con. OF THE KING'S any Items; fin., chll. 3073. 1958 Hili. BE SURE sole, tilt wheel, stereo, \NTIQUE CLOCKS: Mantel, CONVERTIBLE. CORONA TION . .. dren', I urn 1t u r e. bed. NO REASONABLE man, 1 ownp.r, rUI'S well, '71 Gremlin, 6 cyt stick, Mag. wheels, red witfl $85.00; iF r e n c h Mission, All the Counts, Viscounts, Dls. spreads, decorative items, OFFER REFUSED $100. 884-7:179. radio. Only $1,f". TO VISIT $90.00; Blm Barn. $95.00; white vinyl roof. $2,495. counts and Noaccounts etc. 3,000 beautiful pieces of fur. German Oak, $125.00; Jer. PONTIAC. 1969 BonnevlUe, were there. 'The King cried I GENERAL ELECTRIC cop. nlture for all rooms mU;;l ome OG, $125.00; School This week's transporta. '73 Gremlin X. Luggage air condition ed, fully to Daniel, "Come forth Dan. pertone stove. 30 inches, 2 be lold at once. Trees Fur. House, $165.00; Vie n n a tion special I I • rack, AM.Fr.. stereo, equipped. Normally $1,900 ie!." But Daniel slipped on I ieara old, like new, seU. nlture Warehouse" 1137] Regulator, $175.00; F r e e 13,000 mUes. $2,345. value, must let go this '70 Rebel wagon, V-8r the Lion's tail Clnd came cleaning oven, $260. Gener. E. State Fair. 521.2300 Swinger, $200.00; GB2WT auto., p.s., $1,195. week, $1,125. 889'()544. '1 fifth. The spectator!> in al Electric coppertane reo Monday through Friday 10 Vienna Regulator, $225.00. great glee threw jeweled frigerator, good condlllon, a.m. to 9 p.m. Saturdll,\' 884.2883. 1973 CORVETTE. low mile. baubles at Danie! who $65. New king size Field. 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. S\lllda~' age, air, 4. speed, AM-FM ,\ ~'rIQUE .1Ight .llxtures, S, stereo, I eat her Interior., proudly ignored them. We crest bedspread, green and noon to 5 p.m. !Ier hangmg crvstal chan' Must sell. 884-4245 dldn't! Our Lion keeper blue, heavy tr1nge, ~. lelier, hanging milk glass . picked them up and we 886.7963. 65 YARDS of sea green Cl'" 964-15811 ,amp, 3 boudoir side lights, 1970 OLDS Cutlass, power have them for you at . • . petlng on floor, reasonab)". '; candle side lights, several stccring, brakcs, air. Ex. SEARS window air condi. 2 high back gold silk cus, 31 80 E. JEFFERSON 18201 MACK ,mall glass l!lmp shades. cellcnt condition. 882-3l!17 LEE'S tioner, 11,000 BTU, 115 (om made davenport, OJ'(' 885-8000 681.0065. 8ltcr 6. 20339 Mack 881.8082 volt, $80. 886.1594. scoop bar chair. 886.0798. or oc. :, I POI N TEN ; NEWER Model, Smith Cor. ona deluxe electric type. writer, $100. 821.2404. I '0. =~ an taw I 1:.. m. '6 I I I GOODMAN I • , , l , I? ;' EXECUTIVE CARS AND DEMOS ROGER RINKE CADILLAC CO. McGLONE '1.~. SUMMER ! SPECIALS BUT .H. I . COFFEY CADILLAC GROSSE POINTE AMERICAN ~ DE r , , t.... .... ''p'" !." t " 75$ 2)' e t ) ... .- 's ') » • _trt , Thurscl.y, August 16, 1973 IlD UJCI ANDIIVlI PlOfIlTY 6 RO SSE I 120 UJCI AND liVER U-IIAL aTAn PlOPDTY fOI SALI _-- . IJ-RIAL POI N TEN UTATE FOI SAU_ . EW S 1J-REAL ESTATE '01 SALE Page Twenty-Three U-REAL ESTAn FOR SALE I U-ItEAL '01 ESTA.TI SALE U-IEAL UTATI 'OI.SAU ~ DUPLEX, on Moross Dear KERBY ROAD 212 - In the CONDOMINIUM, Grosse TRAVERSE AREA - Beau. GRAND TRAVERSE BAYGROSSE POINTE OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 Harper, all electric, 2 bedFarms, near Kercheval, PoiDte City. 3 bedrooms, tIfu1 lal'le hWtop • bed. Cbarmiq yea r around WOODS MIKE MABARAK room, fiDisbed buement, room boGIe oa 10 acres, bome, 100 feet of .andy facing beautiful landscaped appliances, carpeting, al. ESSEX, 15219-Great Colonl. REAL ESTATE al on Windmlll Pointe. 3 1"2 car garage. 884-9125. edte 04 NorthpOrt. Fan. beaell, NO feet deep, scenic 1960 LENNON, 3 bedroor4 area. Living room 25')(26', tractively decorated, 7% bedrooms including large 3 (coulde be.) bedrooms, talUe .iew ell mnes of view of bay and. Omena 882-4431 mortgage assumable. $36,' brick bungalow, 1~ baths, MT. VERNON, IIh story master, den, james room Grand Traverse Bay, Gull Point. Boat house, boat 3 baths, screened porch 900. By appointment. After formal diDing room, fin. bome. Shown by appointwith fireplace, central air, OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 13'x24', easily winterized, hInd, and Northport harbor, and .buffle board 6 and weekends, 881-4859. I.hed recreaUOI:l room, ment. Shores Realty Servo attached garage. Handy to PolDt. lliDute. from ma. court. Green house, ga. large finished basement screened porcb, .i ear ,a. No agents. ice, 777.7502. Grosse Pointe Park grade sclloo1. Lovely moveIiDa aDCl beaeb. Home ba.' ra,e, lar,e Ila,stooe fire. area. Garage aparhnent rage, gas barbecue end in condition and fast oc- Three .Mile Drive, custom been remodeled at great place: Living room blS rented for $1.800 per year. MARINE CITY, near 26 Mile patio. Air conditioned. New BISHOP 4:i66 - 3 bedroom cupancy. Low. ~'s. South of 4Jk bedrooms, 2~ baths, Road - Gentleman farm carpeting thru • out. Mid expeue. Horse .Iable. gla •• wan overloolting bay. more than pays taxes and brick Colonial, dining room, spacious woods with bird. Jefferson, north of l.ake. with 21 acres and a large 30's. By owner. Show!) by La". maple trees sur. Completely fumiabed, can. large kitchen. 1~ baths, I insurance. $69,000. By own. wood Ooors and natural pointe. 884-0600. appointment. barn for your horses; 3 screened porch, finished round. the bome. Could not not be duplicated at price er. Call for appointment. woodwoJ'k. Can 882-"31 Johnstone 5' bedroom brick ranch home basement with wet bar, 2 be dup1leated at this price, $58,000. Financing avail886-0141. No brokers please. 886-0862 for details. for comfortable Jiving car garage. $30.400. TU 2$81,500. Can be financed. able. WATSONS' REALTY, Johnstone BY.OWNER $59,900. 5570. WATSONS REALTY. 'BOX BOX 386, NORTHPORT, SHOWN BY WILDWOOD • bedroom, 2"2 bath home BEACONSFIELD - P r ice .. NORTHPORT, MICHl. MICHIGAN 49670. APPOINTMENT BY OWNER. 3 bedroom with study, play room and GAN 49670. drastically rel!uced on this GROSSE POINTE PARK .r Dutch Colonial, living New Listing, del u x e 2nd family room. Completely Brick 6 and 6 - each .unit Beautiful Center Entrance floor, corner 2 bedroom, ST. CLAIR room, dining room, natural remodeled. Many extras. has central air conditioning with custom kitchen, wash. BEACH O'PINES Colonial, 3 bedrooms, .2 Enjoy the sweeping river 881-7178. ' fireplace, rec room, Ilh -man)' more interesting er, dryer, fully carpeted. full baths plus 2 half baths, GRAND BEND, ONTARIO views from this older home baths . Close to scllools. features. Owner very an. Louvre doors and large $90,000 finished basement, family St. Clair Office on the bluff above the GROSSE POINTE FARMS Leaving state. 331-10llD. No xious-Call today. storage area. room. new carpeting thru Luxurious LAKEFRONT 122 Phone (313) 329.9003 beautiful St. Clair River, ~ Provellcal Road. For sale brokers please. out. CaU 882-4431 for de. froatale, EX ECU'l'IVE 1 acre lot with access to by owner. 7 bedrooms, 4~ Marine City Office CARTER CO. YEAJ\ R 0 UN D HOME, C. W. BABCOCK '" SONS tails. the water. $45,000. Terms. balb" gas be.'\t, library, GROSSE POINTE PARK Phone (313) 765-4013 884-4400 777.3310 featured In a recent "Pa. 5 bedroom, 2"2 baths, for. family room, modern kit. radA of Home,", Cape Cod Appredate the spectacular mal dlniDg room. large ST. CLAIR SHORES, 23159 chen, newly carpeted and deajfll, 2 Daptooe patios, llving room plus den. A decorated, with 3 ear al. views of International Westbury Dr. Owner sel. outdoor barbeclle, larite WE HAVE WHAT IT TAKES TO GIVE YOU A tached garage. 886.1800. real buy at $22,000. shipping from this attrac. ling bri<;k ranch, 2 car at,wadeek overlllOking lake, Uve • bedroom home OD LEN REALTY 759.3530 tached garage. Aalr condi. croQuet, muffleboard, bad. COMPLETE HOME SELLING AND BUYING SERVICE the St. Clair River, com. ROSEVILLE. 120 Unit apart. tioned. Family room, 2 mlDtoD courts, water .lily plete liviD&, facUities on ment complex. Mty be di- BY OWNER. Shelby.Stoney large bedrooms, Ilh baths. pool, decorative outdoor Creek a~ea. Eleven room both upper and lower BALFOUR'. Exquisite 4 bedroom 3~2 bath home. Family rooril. Library on aeeond vided into 72 and 48 U.nits. Fenced. 6% Mortgage. 1m. lJIhttnr, c e d al' hedges, Jeve1l. $55,000. spacious Colonial, partially me d i ale occupancy. No floor. Central air. Heated 2Ox40 inground swimmiDg pool. Recreation room with Excellent Investment. ~autifully IlJldJealled, prl. landscaped. $58,500. 1.781agents. Best South East natural fireplace. 2~ ear attached garage. 'Many more excellent features. 886vac)' plua prestige; 5 miD. llacGlaahan Co. 1-329-985( SHOREWOOD 886.8110 3009. neighborhood. 772-8699. 5800. from summer and winter TRAVERSE AREA-152 roll21742 NEWCASTLE, Harper 947 WASHINGTON sl'OrU, 50 miD. from Port GROSSE POINTE SHORES Ing acres, 4,0 woocls. Hilltop BEACONSFIELD. A deluxe five and five brick flat. Florida room. DividP.d base. Woods. 1~ story, 3 bed- Lovely 3 bedroom brick bun. H~, luse living room view of Grand Traverse HI-N.DRY ment, two furnaces. Two car 3arage. 886-5806. rooms, 2"2 car garage, fin. galow. Modern kitchen, sun with fireplace, bar dlninl LAKEFRO.NT HOME Bay. Cattle aDd corps OD Isbed basement. By Owner. room overlooking large lot. Lakeshore Dr. Unique quad room, • bedrooms, 2 bath. BEDFORD. A spacious English Tudor brick colonial home. Three bedrooms, 2* arm. ;[.,a r g e farmhOWle. Finished basement, garage. Shown by appoilltment. 886room., Florlcla Room, DeW baths. Library. Kitchen built.iDs. Screenedporcb. Large 2 car garage. 886-5800. lev~l brick oome. PlushiD bam, 0 the r buildings. 0598. Mid SO's. drapet, abag broadloom, every respect. Remodeled Paved road. $88,000. Only BISHOP RD. A picture window with a view of the lake worth beholding. You'D be modern kitchen, fumilhed, d rea m kitchen. Profes. $22,000 down. WATSONS 416 FISHER, Farms. Im- HANDLOS, 773-9520 enchanted by this up-to.the.minute ranch home. Every modem convenience inProperty vallie bicreal1nl sional decor throughout, REALTY, BOX 386, maculate, newly decorated cluding cenlral air conditioning. Three bedrooms, three balbs, big family room, alllluall)'. For appoir.tment BEAUTIFuL modem home, <:entral aJr - split heating NORTHPORT, MICHIGAN 2 or 3 bedroom, 1~ bath, lwo way fireplace. Immediale occupancy at a realistic price. 886-l58OO. eon t a e t John Aaeltyne, DiDety acres of land, three system. Fascinating built. 49610. Cape Cod. Den, large kitchear garage and large barn Grand BeDd, Ontario 238in appointments designed GRAYTON. This lovely home features large rooms. Three bedrooms, two and a en, gas grill. Screened TRAVERSE AREA - Hilltop 271S, ~le. Representative. Michigan. ,by Architects and Walter porch. $35,900. 886-4618. near Lexington, half baths, library, family room. Basement recreation room. Central air acres, fantastic scenic view Beautiful view of Lake . MONTREAL TRUST Dl&:mple. Bllilt in 1955. 4 Open Sunday 1-5. conditioning. Two car garage. 886.5800. for ml1es ot'Grand Traverse Huron. Excellent invest!bedrooms or 3 bedroom, REALTOR !Jay, lLakeMlchJgan, Mani. CONDOM~ ment opportunity. Phone HOLLYWOOD. Beautiful brick ranch home. Carpeting and. drapes throughout FOR SALE den, 2 baths up - pOwder PROFESSIONAL manufac. tou Islands, and country. We find it difficult to offer Central air C:'Onditioning.Florida room and a carpeted covered terrace. P.lUeIed 359-8876. :room dGwn. 2 fireplaces. turer Uquldat1Dg-must leD. aide. WoOded, good road, rec~tion rMm. Attached two ear garage with electric doors. 886.5800. our attractive 3 bedroom, Wet bar in family room. louted north of Leland. Chalet on exclualve lake BY OWNER First floor laundry, dry IIh bath, Colonial for sale JEFFERSON. Cbarming English Tudor home extensively remodeled and broutbt near Gaylord and otaego Beautiful hom!~~L~16,500. basement. A must see to after enjoying the convene CHOICE FARMS location on up to date. Large library. Kitchen has dishwasher and walk iD pantry. Large Owner, (6l.6) ~. Ski Club. ~ 1»edrooms aDd McMillan. 3 bedrooms, 1 JAa appreciate borne for the ience of condominium living . well landscaped yard ,!ith 2'h car garage. 888..'\800 . .loft. 2 .batbs, fireplace, 2 baths English Tudor.' Ex. discriminating buyer. Price and being only minutes Iront decks, tully lUl'llUhed, PERE MARQUETTE RIVER redllced. from Maire School, •"1'11e cellent condition, newly deeLAKESHORE LANE. In Grosse Pointe Shores near the Yacht Club. FIve large • • • on Big Soulb Branch atove, dfsbwuhe1', refriger. Village," and the. C i t y orated with u~ated kitch' MARV. BOUTIN bedrooms, three full baths. Family room, formal dining room. Recreation room. 01. . PereMarquette River ator. beds, etc:. 2~-ear .a. Park. We will always have en. For appomlment can 884.7733 713.7820 Attached two ear garage. 886-5800. bet. ,B'aldwin and Luting. rage with loft for guest 885-2518. }lleasant memories of the too, your home away from .bouae. Woocled lot, gorgeous LEXINGTON. A most attractive brick ranch home on a large Jot Large rooms . hours of leisure spent on hOme or your retitement view. 732-47'7(. Formal diniDg room plus table space in the kilchen. COmpletely finished baseour tree-shaded patio lookhome Ju jdOJal location for iDg at the well kept, spa. ment. AUaclled two car garage. Large terrAce. Beautiful garden. 886-5800. fiBhiDI, hunting, snow mo- cious courtyard. We'll also Everything you ever want. bilillg. Near N. Lake MichiLOCHMOOR. This beautiful big colonial home is centrally air eoaditioned Ill:! miss the coziness of our ed to bow about a real gan and other aurrounding carpeted throughout. Four bedrooms, 3~ baths. Big family room and a ba.e. townhouse with fuD, thick estate career ••• likOi. Two au.year homes ment recreation room for entertaining. Attached 2 ear garage. 886~. carpeting, ..custom drape. How much Clll I. eam? with lleautilul river front. ries, central air condition. OPEN SUNDAY 2.5 How do I cet a llcelSlel LOTIIROP. Large nine room brick colonial home with a circular staircaae. Library. age, one completely furn. iIIg, modem kitchell, and. What tIIId of training Is Sewing room and hobby room which could be bedrooms. Partitioned ba.ement; Jahed, one partially fum. 20847 COUNTRY CLUB-BEAT THE HIGH COST many extras. We are offer. available? 886.5800. ilbed. P r ice d to sell. OF A NEW MORTGAGE. Adorable 'Cape Cod Ing our' unit at $37,900, our P hot oa and de.cription WIleD iJ the belt time house with loads of charm. Living room, dining mortgage is assumable; MADISON. Three bedroom briclt bungalow with two full baths. Huge second ftoor to start? avaJlable in Detroit: can room family room with Franklin stove, sun room an<i we do not anticipate bedroom has dressing room and bath. All carpeted. New furnace: Modernized. But were ulWned to ask. 981.U" Monday thru Fri. leQ~g to raised deck overlooking large yard. any problems giving OCCU. kitchen. Garage. Attractively priced. 888.5800. day only. t a.m. to 5 p.m. , By Ml8terbedroom and full bath down. Two bed. pancy. 0 u r condominium for full details. MARTER. This ten year old brick colonial home is in mint condition. Four bed. rooms and full baU, 'up. Well equipped kitchen. association enjoys the repurooms with a walk-in closet and bath off the master. Beautifully paneled family utility room. Owner anxious. LARGE ASSUM. tation of being one of the CROOICBD LA.KE ESTATES. room. Formal dining room, family kilcllen with built in.. Attached garage fhiest in the G r 0 as e ABLE MORTGAGE. Priced at $30,900. Located II mDes north of for two cars. 886.5800. PoiDtes. For an appoint. I Petolkey Oil the inland BY APPOINTMENT ment, please call 881-7016. Plqae <:aU Mr. FIlm at waterway. The home conMAR\'LAND. A low priced, well maintaiDed 3 bedroom colonial bome with. a new taillI a larg;, llviDg room, WOODS, Lancaster 8lI8-42OO to diseUJI these 571 LAKESHORE ROAD-Establish a setting of con. roof, new furnace, new porch. Two ear garage. Land contract available. $2O,9Oq n ear or any olber questiona famOy room, cliniDg room, fidence iD this stunning lakcfront home. An airy but owner will consider offers. 886.5800. . Mack, 3 bedroom bunga~ you might bave c:oneern. and breakfast room. There luminous quality abounds throughout the grace. low, 2lh baths. fireplace, iDg a career In Real Es. are 5 bedrooms, 3 baths, NOTTINGHAM. Keep cool in warm weather ;:;ith three room coolers in this updated ful spaces of tbis superb living center. Guests are $3(,500. lIN-1949. and 2 Datura! fireplaces. A three bedroom colonial home. Cheery kitchen with range. Two car tate. welcomed iD a series of magnificently detailed garage. 886.5800. guest cottage is also located CONDOMlNIUM rooms iDcluding a step-oown living room, family Dn the groUDds. Owner is BEST BUY! UKE HOME room, a superbly.efficient kitchen a~d master. ANITA. Sharp bungalow iD beautiful Brea. Natural fireplace. wet bar in basement, anxious to sell and hIS reo WEDGEWOOD MANOR suite on the first floor. A large family can be patio in yard. Low assumption. Priced under $30,000. (G-432) duced the price to $65,000. 225M Masonic, east of Harper .accommod .. ted quite easily in this elegant flve McCUNE-DICKINSON bedroom home. Call us for an appointment. Luxurious kitcben, master WAYBURN. A newly decorated older home with three bedrooms, modern kitchen aeaJtora bedroom and all purpose aud bath, new furnace, dining room, family room, basement with lav., garap, 817 LAKEPOINTE - FAMILY LIVING POOLSIDE! 310 Howard Street den, 1lh baths, close to etc. (G-423) , Gracious center entrance colonial. :WviDg room Petoskey, Michigan IIIbopping and recreation. Luxury.appoiDted 2-family with fireplace, dining room, sunroom, kitchen and 616-M7-U66 LAKEPOINTE. An older 3 bedroom home in excellent condition. Features Include Open Da~ly 1-$, not Thursbreakfast room, powdec room. Five bedrooms. home for sale. Includes all a new fronl porch, basement, 2 car garage. (G-416). day. 12E-COMMERCIAL Beautiful quality built pool. A real buy in the appliances, new Kitchen. 293-M60 H. Kodan 886-2206 LAKEPOINTE. An 1fnmaeulate four bedroom colonial "Ituated on professionally PlOPElTY mid forties. Ready for your inspection. Aid dilbwaabers, renovatlandscaped grounds near schools and ,a park. Large bedrooms, dining room, GROSSE P0I1Io'TE WOODS' ed kitdJen.s, .new eentral 572 BARRINGTON-Well mainlained three bedroom .spacious kitchen, cl1arming family room with fireplace. Truly a charming area. 23281 North RoseMEDICAL colonal. Firepla:e in living room and recreation air cODditioDing, Dew wool home. $59,900. (G-406) dale Court. 8 year old Cape room. Formal dining room, first floor powder BUILDING Cod Colonial, 4 large bed. carpeting, new'd rape s, NEFF. Excellentlwo family home with 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, living room, dining room. Bright and cheerful kitchen with eating Situated on :.1aclt at Univer. rooms, ample closets, 2~ 12dZ family room. garage room and kitchen on each floor. Separaie Oasements, 3 car ,arage, centrlii space. Priced to ~. sity, this fine building is baths, liviDg room, diDing air. (G.396) dooro(lpeJler, patio. Assumcompletely air ~ObdItioned. room, family room, very 1371 LAKEPOINTE-Well decorated . three bedroom • medicil suites and one able 6% 'l{, mortgage. workable kitchen, 2Jk car brick colonial. Living room, dining room, large RENAUD. A custom built masterpiece is thIs elegant four bedroom colonial. COuntdental apite. Ample parkgarage, dry finished base. er's lower to be vaeant. screened porch, kitcllen with separate breakfast less features include spacious rooms throughout, 3Y.1 luxurious baths, two ing. ment, central air, humid. room. First Ooor lav. Finished recreation room fireplaces, an excellent floor plan. Your privacy is assured by large and ifer, electronic filter. !Jy with bar and built-in shelves. LARGE ASSUMbeautiful grounds. G-382). 821.6248 DAVI ES-MOFFETT owner. Open Sunday 2.5. ABLE MORTGAGE. Priced at $32,900. 886-3521. VERNIER. A luxurious four bedroom brick colonial. Moden) kitchen and family TV 5-3.220 24 ELM COURT-Elegance and charm radiate thruroom. Formal dining room plus den, 2 ear attacbed garage. 315 ft. deep lot. oul this lovely home on a nice quiet street in the Priced in $5O's. Grosse Poinle North schools. (G-3R1). Farms. An openness that can't be compared with FIRST OFFERING PEMBERTON. A brick colonial home with real. distinction on Windmill PoiDte. any newer house is accentuated by the unusually Four large bedrooms, two baths, two balf baths. Air conditioned kitchen. 1250 ~ Mile Drive. Immediate possesson is offered with this spadous older high ceilingS. Three bedrooms. a silting room, and Screened terrace. Two car garage. 886.MOO. studio where creativity can flourish, are on the famOy home. 'l0x2ll0 foot lot. Total of 5 bedrooms, 31h baths. den, breakfast second floor. This unusually channing home can rooJl', etc ...• goocl carpeting. Assumable mortgage at 6~ %. Priced at $46,500. RIDGE RD. One block from shopping on the Hill. Brick home with three bedrooms, be the one your family is looking for and is one full and two balf baths. Modem kilehen with range and dishwasher: listed at $79,500. THE HOME TO FIT ANY AGE! Finished basement with fireplace in the recreation room. Attached two car 263 ROOSEVELT-A fashionable lownhouse with six garage. 886-5800. A bit of New England Oavor gives this charming Dutch Colonial some added bedrooms, three balhs, plus a powder room on pluses •.• in addition to the advantages of its convenienl location, namely: 1ITEPHENS RD., near Beaupre and Charlevoix. First offering. See this beautiful the first floor and den. All large rooms for easy wlllking distance to Elworthy Field. tiny.tot, tennis courts r;.nd ball diam0!lds, Ranch, in the heart of Grosse Pointe Farms. New carpet thru.out, family room, living. as well as Village shopping. Maire Elementary School, etc .... EspeCially kidney shaped heated pool with equipment. Nice Iar-ge rooms designed with a 669 CANTERBURY-Four bedrooms, two and a half appropriate for those wanting the comforts of a first floor bedroom and bath in flak for enl~rtainment. 2 car garage along with other extras. 886-5800. bath colonial. Family room with natural fireaddition to 3 bedrooms a::.d a bath on the se<:ond floor. And then to top off the place, two tar attached garage. Pl'iced in the list of surprises a 27xI5.8' first Ooor family room. All for $33,500 with quick STRATFORD PL. A charming home of authentic Cape Cod design near the lake. fifties por.sesslon. Three large bedrooms, two and a half baths. Walnut paneled family room. Large formal dining room. Attached garage for two cars. 886-5800. 1657 ROSLYN-Farm type bungalow with three bedrooms. This house has a flew (urnace but still AMONG THE CLASSICS WASHINGTON RD. A charming three bedroom home with a den or fourth bedroom needs some work and needs an energetic owner. in design and traditional appeal. Substantial «-nter-entrance Condominium in and two baths. 'Modern kitchen. Recreation room. Ideal location. 886.5800. Corner lot in Grosse Pointe Woods. Grosse PoiDte City. Library, modern kitchen, 4 bedrooms and 2 baths on the WHITTIER. An attractive brick colonial home on a spacious lot. Three bedrooms, second Ooor. Lake view, $44,900. BALFOUR SQUARE IIf.z baths, formal dining room. Carpeting and drapes. Two car attached garage A TOWNHOUSE WITH TRUE ELEGANCE - Living and a breezeway easily converted into a family room. 886.5800. room with natural fireplace, three bedrooms, two BE SURE TO INVESTIGATE THIS and a half baths. Beautifully carpeted throughout. YORKSHIRE. A very attractive English colonial. Large living room, formal dining 3 bedroom 1',i bath Colonial located on a dead end street in Grosse Pointe An outstanding flames room carpeted in Kelly room. Two fireplaces. Six bedrooms, lwo full and two half baths. Recreation Woods Surrounded by I lriendly atmosphere, this home represents an opporgreen. Private patio. Call us for viewing. room. 886.5800. tunity 'to invest In a colivenlent locaUon at an attractive price o{ $29,000. Catherine W. Champion COntact ('ne of our consultants for complete details. YORKSHIRE. A lovely three bedroom brick Colonial home with a beautUul large John E. Brink Shirley K. Kennedy yard. Large paneled basement Updated kitchen. Garage. 886.~OO. Sally S. Clarke Dorothy M. Mitchell Mildred B. Kelley Richard E. Borland Dorothy W. Healy Evelyne M. Rupp THREE MILE. DRIVE. Luxury and charm abound in this English cototlial. Five Greg Wheeler William R. McBrearty Lee Hennes bedrooms, 3Y.z baths. Libr8ty, formal dining room. Finished basement with Lee Jenks GryUs recreation room Qnd card room. Three room apartment over the 3 car attached William G. Adlhoch garage. 886.5800. _an I ED SASS REALTOR _. l CHAMPION I SCHWEITZER REAL ESTATE HARCOURT ROAD own. l Borland. McBrearty REALTORS CHAMPION Realtor TU.4-5700 TU 6.3800 395 Fisher Road MEMBERS OF GROSSE POINTE REAL ESTATE BOARD Schweitzer Ma\tBER OF THE GROSSE POINTE REAL ESTATE BOARD 102 Kercheval 18780 MACK 21300 MACK Grosse Pointe Farms Grosse PoiDte Woods 886-5800 886.4200 "On The Hill" ,i • me.S.S aSSeSSE?S??? SPSSSS'psrssn.ees ••rsn •• br --- - ~ . ... ~ ... ... , '. GROSSE Twenty-Four ;II-UAL &TAn :I .. 111-lEAL DTAn '01 $AU IAU U-IEAL UTATI .01 $AU POINTE U-IlEAL UTATE FORSAU GIOIa • - • I I, NEWS Thursd.y. August 16. 1973 U-ItL\L ISTATI FOISAU 11 alAL UTATI FOI tAU POINTE SHORES ,'18 McKINLEY, a cIeli;ht- VERY ATTRACTIVE Colo- ST. CLAIR SHORES-Espe. SOMERSET. ~ family Lit, Dunl, 3 bedroom ful home, located In top brick. ExceUent coodition, nial, • spacious bedrooms, cial1,yfor swimmers. 3 bed. ..... prime eondJtioIl, Farm. area. 3 bedroom., 3 bedrooms, separate util. 2 batbs, large Uving aDd room, 11Al bath brick ranc'll, N NtU, Uvinl, l11ning 1* bath., paneled reerea. itie., Mutacb1er kitcben, 21,2 car garage. Lltrge pool. dining rooms, center hall, ... family room., large ....... atraordinary base..... ceDtral alt, sprinkler •)'atem. Owner. Open Sun. M)' N. lion room plut many otbel' add!tlonlll features. $36,' 500. By owner. 8lI8.f'l38 for appointment. No brok. en please. WOODS LANE-Firat Offering. Four.bedroom, 2"1 baSh brick and aluminum eolonial. central air eoodltiomng. Family room with natural fireplace. IIID)' extr... NEFF JlOAD-Fu-.t Offering. Five. and.five lneome, with two-ear garage in excellent conditioll. - CAHTERBURY-euatom bullt colonial FOW' bed. ExeeUent OCC\IPIncy. Price redueed. rooms, h\JDib' 100m, circular .tairway. locatJoA, Immediate OPEN SUNDAY 2.5. I22'l HAIIPTON-T!lree bedroom brick colonial in tl(ce11eat eondlUoa. Immediate occupaDCY. Price baa bKn reduced. Excellent mortgage assump. tioD. OPEN SUNDAY 2-5. PEJOUTON - Beautiful brick Englisb Tudor. Four bedroom., 3* baths. Den plus rec. 100m. HUie Uvial room. Screened terrace. Excellent con(ll. t1ClD. w~rful family home. Open to offers. WHEN YOU THINK OF REAL ESTATE THINK OF TAPPAN FIRST OFFERING-GrOS£e POlnte Farms Special! For tJIoIe who want the best of every thin,. .u. perb, beaut1fu1ly decorated 3 bedroom eoloDial wJth lar,e famn, room, eentnl air conditioninl, on weU.l&Ddsc.ped lot. Must be seen to appreclatel NEW OFFERING in the Woods! Truly spotless. CUB. tom-buJJt, center entrance fUlCb, available at oace. Completely carpeted with three bedrooms, IedIeroek fireplace in living room, dining room, eoDveD1ellt family room. Kitchen has built.ins jD. dudiD. dishwaaber, aDd there is the fint floor laundry! Attadled garage with electric door opener. All this .ituated on irregular lot which affora ample privacy! PRIcED FOR Qt1ICK SALE-3 bedroom contempo. • rar:' euatom.buUt with real mahogany paneled Jibnry. retreatioD room wIth n.tural fireplace. Beaut.lfuUy laDdscaped. e leg ant neighborin. houIea, beautiful street near w.terfront parks, 708 LAKEPOINTE. MOST RANCH for the mouey In all Groasc Pointe, brict ud aluminum for ea.y maIntenance, l.rge UriDI room~, comblnation with real fireJllace. 3 bedrooms, charming family room plus fIDlahed basement. All for $32,900! Between Mack aDd Harper, 23t4 ALLARD. GROSSE POINTE SHORES modem home with yearroWKl iDd?or swimming pool, 15x40 ft.• and beau. tJfuJ. 4Ox80 llan-enclosed view room. " bedroom., S fireplaces, large kitchen and family room. It's always awim time at 935 BALLANTYNE! EXCEPTIONALY CLEAN - One-owMr residence awaJting your inspection, " bedroom English. liv. iDl room with fireplace, formal dlnJn. room, screeDed terrace. B(;autiiully landscaped, 1488 ROSLYN. ," ~ ~. , NEWER HOME-l bedroom colonial with channing decor and best workmanship, 2 ful1 baths plus 2 IWf baths, hmily room, centrally alt cond!o tioned. Two-ear attached garage with circular drive. iprlnkler system. Near waterfront parks. 'l1Jl WESTCHESTER. )lUST SEE TO APPRECIATF_Extra special" bed. t'OOm, 2* bath Engliah home in excenent eon. diUOIIand suitable for large family. Living room with fireplace, full dining room, den .nd music room. Attraetive .lIumable mortgage. 1430 BISHOP. FIRST ADVERTISED-Location, charm and couveni. enee .re tbe prime assets of this 3 bedroom. 2 bath Cape Cod plus the added feature of a paneled library. Call us today for complete infor. mation-beiore it is SOLD! ONE FLOOR LIVlNG-Custom.built French Colonial conatrut'ted 01 finest materials with he.vy alate rool. First floor utility, 2 bedrooms with con. necOUg bath, laundry. Additional 2 bedrooms and bath on second floor. Nicely landscaped on charm. inl street near parks, 653 LAKEPOINTE. CHARM OF THE 20's, bullt to demanding standards, 3 bedroom brick colonial with parquet fioors, leaded class windows, marble fireplace. Master . bedroom with decorative fireplace, huge family kltc:ben. OWner .nxious, wautS oller on 11116 NOmNGHAM. CHOICE LAKEFRONT HOME with gorgeous view, beautIful pounds, one ot new~r homes on rAke. shore to suit most discriminating -buyer. Very complete with ~ family bedrooms, new carpets. drlilpetl, prlze.winning kitchen. View of the lake f,TOm moat rooms. centrally air eonditioned, aprinkling system. HARPER WOODS 21121 BOURNEMOUTH-Exceptionally, well.kept .11 brick seml.ranch with dining room, bright kiteh. en, nice tarpetlng, aU appliances included. Priced for fast lale! 21231 KENlfORE-Sultable for small famlJy or re. tiree, 2 bedroom, custom.built ranch with sep• rate dining room plus country kilchen. Excellent c:ondlUon. 21112 LOCH)fOOR-Grosse Pointe Schools, 3 bedroom brick, outltanding new kitchen, family room built by Jenzen, finished basement. 20100 WIDLWooD-Deluxe first Cloor co-op apart. ment, 2 bedroom., kitchen with bullt.ln appli. ances. fully carpeted and draped. Excellent con. dKJon. TAPPAN 884-6200 CENTER HALL COLONIAL QUEEN ]+] WILCOX ,~ssociates ~viD, Wm. W. QUEEN 886.4141 SILLOWA Y & CO. REALTORS 16825 Kercheval In The Village 884-7000 SUNDAY OPEN HOUSE 2-5 1985 HUNT CLUB. All Brick Colonial, large living room with wood burning fireplace. Extra flfst !loor room, paneled recreation room. large master bedroom and excellent location in the Woods make this the best buy on the market in the low 30's. Frank Huster will be there to • show you around. 1604 EDMUNDTON. Be the first to see this new offering, which we think is the best buy in the three bedroom ranch variety. There is .a baIt. and a half 'and great family room. The !larage is attached and the yard completely fenced. APPOINTMENTS PLEASE THE LAST 1'1ME this one appeared on the market it sold immediately. We think history repeats itself, so Ii you are a serious contender for 'newer house and require only three bedrooms, this would 00 the one. The two full baths on the second floor make great dressing rooms. Na. tural fireplaces ar~ in both living room and fam. ily ronms. The well landscaped yard is fenced and the house is air conditioned. Don't let this onc catch you lookiilg . . . someone else may bea~ you to the punch. CLNOIAL ON large lot. Shouldn't you have a home ina setting? Easy living. too, with large bedroom and bath on first fioor and two large bedrooms and bath on second. Priced t(\ sell in low 50's. 1375 Hollywood. FIVE BEDROOM COLONIAL IN THE FARMS. Very attractive brick colonial witb five bedrooms and three baths. Living room has natural fireplace and an attractive paneled den is included. Re. cently remodeled Mutschler kitchen. On a secluded tree lined street it is in top notch condition. FOUR BEDROOM REGENCY COLONIAL. On a quiet cul-de.sac in the Farms-near the lake. Attractive formal home. The large livin", room with fireplace has French doors leading to screened porc\1 with awning roof. In addition to the four bedrooms, the second fioor has a magnificent paneled library with fireplace. Call us for an appointment. ALL GOOD THINGS COME to those who wait, and we are proud to off~r this Regency colonial in the Farms which was custom 'built for a small tam. ily desiring spacious rooms with high ceilings and attractive detailing. 011 'll deadend str<!et which lead; from Lake Shore this little gem is sure to go off ... the market soon. Because the price is only $79,500. ULTIMATE IN CONTEMPORARY DESIGN. One of the Pointe's tinest example of contemporary architecture. Loaded with special features such as octagonal family room with flagstone floor and radiant heat. The kitchen equiplT'''nt would satisfy the most fastidiolls gourmand. If this doesn't whet y,)ur appetite, call us for more details. SllORES RANCH ON A SECLUDED STREET. This fine three bedroom ranch has two fall baths. Delightful family room isacces~'ible from the living room or the breakfast room. Full basement includes a recreation rOOm and lavatory. Avail. able for immedi8te occupancy. MAGIFICENT FRENCH COUNTRY HOUSE. Seldom have we had the opportunity to present such an attractive home. Just recently redecorated it is a picture of elegance. On a three hundrer1 foot lot it includes a heated swimming pool, green house and carriage house with apartment Call us now for more details . SUMMERTI,ME, wintertime. all the time this house provides the ultimate in living. Enjoy central air conditioning and reliable forced air gas heat. The family rOOm has R fireplace and the kitchen Is a showplace. Upstairs are five bedrooms and two baths. There's a full basement with playroom, laundry and storage rooms. The two car garage is attached and the fenced yard magnificently landscaped. Just add your furniture and move ill. Occupancy is at ~ur option. R. G. EDGAR 114 KERCHEVAL 1025 HARVARD . . . 6 bed. rooms. 31,2 baths. library. 1557 HOLLYWOOD ... bedrooms, 1* baths Family room. CALL 573-011Ot REAL ESTATE ONE 3 GROSSE POINTE WOOD&3 bedroom Colonial, ll,i baths. family room.. car. peted throughout. acellent ! 17845 E. JEF~ERSON •.. IS condition. TU 1-1903. bedrooms, library, garden + I----------1 . / NEAR 17849 KERCHEVAL .•. 4 bedrooms. 2* baths, )j., brary. . 197 LAKEVIEW 4 bed. . . '. rooms, 2* baths. library. U1 LAKELAND . . . 4 Bed. rooms. 2* b8ths. library + fami!) room. ern ltitcl1en, den, larp. liVing aDd d.lniD1 room. 4 bed. room., 2 baths 011 2nd I1oor. 2 bedrooms aDd bath OD 3r11: Don't m1u itl IF YOU ARE THINKING OF SEWNG CALL 930 LAKESHORE ... 5 bed. rooms, 3 baths, library. 751 LINCOLN . . . 3 bed. rooms, 1~ baths, screened porch. 447 MORAN ... 3 bedrooms, 1* b..ths, screened porch. 588 NEFF ... Townhouse, 3 1:edrooms, 2. baths. aoo NEFF ... 5 &,; 5, with porch and recreation room. PROVENCAL ... 7 bed-I rooms, maid's quarters, 2/ rnaster suites. s8a Immediate Occupancy TERRIFIC LOCATION Dear Hill SbODpinl{ and Richard school. It,l.story home with heated Florida room, 2 bedroom. and bath cIowD Unusual suite on 2nd floor contains sitting .room, 2 bedrooms and bath.' see 208 McMillan today! AT . rue CIasslc 344 UNIVERSITY ... 4 bed. AUTHENTIC Italian Renrooms. 2% baths, family aissance architecture eomroom. bined with spacious and charming interior. 2'l.foot 1184 WHITTIER ... 3 bed family room, 5 bedrooms, rooms, 2;i baths. library. 4 baths. study. fainily kitchen plus attached .part. 15539 WINDMILL POINTE ment. Only a bIoek from Dr ...... bedrooms, 2~ the lake. $87,l5OO. baths. family room. 15660 WINDMILL POINTE Near Lakefront Park Dr. . . . 5 bedrooms, 31,i BARRINGTON 529. Great baths, library. location for ehildreD. 4bedroom colonial with paD. el«:d library, 2 batba, 2 lavatories. bre.kfast room, screened porch. Low to' •. Purdy and Associates FARMS 889-0500 TOLES WOODS 889-0510 81 Kercheval 886-K12 Our 31st Year In Grosse Pointe OPEN SUNDAY 2 :30 - 5:00 733 HARCOURT Five nice rooms in each unit of tbis well ~alntained income on Harcourt near the lake. Live ~ unit. bein" held tor immetliate possession by purenaser, let t~nant provide additional income. Consider the tax advantage, too. 474 ST. CLAIR Fine town house at the right price. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths on 2nd floor. 1 bedroom, bath on 3rd. Lovely Mutschler kitchen with many cabinets, appliances. FOLLOWING BY APPOINTMENT FARMS-l GEORGE PALMS. RE.AL TOR THE UNIQUE combination of restrained cODtempora.,. architecture enhanced by imaginative deconting. Li. brary or 4th bedroom. 2 baths, screened porch over. looking attracti.vely laDd. s~aped yard. FIDe reerea. tio~ room. complete bar. offIce and bath in ~ment. Two nearby parka are great for children. A quiet location on Ford Court in the Woods. Y2 STORY Choice street near the lake. Well built, air condition. ing 3 bedrooms, 2% baths, paneled den. Nice kitChen with range, refrigerator. dishwasher. At. tached 2 car garage. Largerec. room. CITY-ENGLISH Older brick 2.story home with 2 nice bedrooms, Hi baths and den. Side drive, 2~ car garage. Nice garden. Many trees. SHORES-CAPE COD Builder's own top-quality residence. Paneled library. large bedroom and bath on 1st floor, 2 large bedrooms and bath on 2nd fioor, recreation rov.n and paneled office in basement. FARM5-COLONIAL True colonial det.:\il in this 3 bedroom, 11k bath home situated on large deep lot. Nice kitchen. Separate breakfast room. Recreation room with fireplace. WOODS-COLONIAL 3 bedroom home witb attractive bay window in livln, room. Good kitchen. SCreened, covered terrace I).f living room. Situated amid lovely spruce trees. DAVIES.MOFFETT TV 5.3220 CITY PARK 323 Rivard. Cbarmill, CoaclomlnllUD. Featuring mod. Something Different . room. TU 6-4444 A Family Business For Over A Century HIGBIE MAXON B, 1st OFFERING - Condominium. 3 bedrooms, baths, modern kitchen and eentra1 ~lir condJtion. Won't last lon, at $39,500. mg. 1st OFFERING - DelighUul Center Hall Colonial. Ubrary wltb fireplace, family room overlooking beautiful Jard 'With apriDltler system,S hc1lOOms. 3 baths OQ 2nd. Ree. room wUh fireplace, attaeh. ed garage and central air coDditioDinj. • • • • • • • • WABNER ]lOAD ..... eu.tom WDliam.buq CoIoDIal near the Lake. Spadous marble foyer with "Jr. cular staircase. Large library. 2 powder roOms and l,t f1Of)f utility room. " bedrooms, 3 batbl up. Central air .. nd lawn sprinkler sylltem. TOURAINE-5 bedroom Ilk bath Early American Cc>lonial, l..ibrary. family room. enelosed porch. ree:. room aDd attached garage. GROSSE PTE. WooDS-3 bedroom ranch in Monteith school dJstrict. Family room aDd a ree:. room. Low interest allumable morttage. Bunt In the !lO's. SADDLE LANE--Near Barnes 5ehool. Built in IlH13', this Colonial offers 6 bedrooms and 3"1 baths, family l'OOm with fireplace, pantry tnd laundry room. finished. basement aDd attached garag",. Approx. $415,000 ex!sting mortaale at '1t,l%. Im- mediate possession. GROSSE PTE. WOODS-OD a Jovely tree lined street. 5 bedroom., 3t,l bath Regency with both Ub1.U7 and family room. Large patio, paneled ree. roOm, central air and sprinkler system. IN THE FARM.~ near the HUl. 5 bedroom "t,l bath semi.ranch. Ubrary and family room. Central Air, sprinkler system and burclar alarm. Must be seen. LORAINE-3 or • bedroom 11k story near tnnspor. tatioa. Ga. heat. 2 ear garage and 60 foot lot. $31,500. LAKE FRONTA'GE-2 choice loc.tiODS. An Early American Colonial with " bedrooms on 230 ft. of frontage .nd • 6 bedroom 2 story 00 110 it of frontage. Call for det.lla on either bouse. GROSSE POINTE PARK-Built in 1951. Handsome 3 bedroom 1~ bath Colonial. SCreened porch. large ree. room Bnd 2 car attached garaRe. Mortgage assumption avanable . CONDOMINIUM - Grosse Pte. Woods - Luxurious centrally air conditioned. 2 bedroom, 2 bath 1st Door unit. Kit'!hen with bU..lns. plus c.rpeting ..nd heated awimming pool. 7% asaumable mort. iage. KENWOOD ROAD-Ideally located near .bops, trans. portation and St. Pauls. 5 bedroom. 41,2 bath (plus maids) English. SpaclcUi (amily room, screened terrace, unique 'library, 3 car attacbed garage and walled y.rd. JEFFERSON-6 bedroom English. Den, library, rami. ly room and 1st floor laundry. 3 ear garage with apartmenl TWO FAMILY FLAT-2 bedroom •• 11k baths and family room in each unit. Divided basement, .separate utilities aDd 3 car ,arage. Land Con. tract terms. GROSSE POINTE mORES-Ferry School district. Centrally air conditioned rancb. 2 bedroom. 1~ bath., library .nd family room. Reeen~' dec. orated and carpeted. $67,500. CRESTWOOD in 11te Shores-3 bedroom 2 bath Centrally Air Conditioned Rnch. Paneled f.mily room. FIne kitchen With self cleaning ovens aDl1 an electronic oven. Attached ,ara,e. HIGBIE MAXON INC. 886.3400 83 KERCHEVAL AVENUE 81 Kercheval Ave. ' ,~ 'f::t Purdy and ... ... .. BUY 9UR 'I 1'OOIIIt, I bedroom., 2~ VEGETABLE GARDEN bathl attached 2 car la. And we'll throw In our 5 ra,e ~ la,.e lot. Offered room, 2'Al ~tb. 22 by owner. 888-t007. Open kitchen, family room, 2 car SwMtay 2 to 5. 1153 Whit. (ara,e. For under MO,GOO. tier Groue Pointe Park. No • brokers. 881-1525. Lal'. & ASSOCIATES OIl.tbe -Hill 10 Kercheval I ..... EALUTAn fOl $AU FOI WI Ilew carpeting, automatic $27 .500. C.ll 294.3511 after 6. panelled recreation room. =TWO F.IRST garage door. 21,2 car ga . near schools, low taxes and OFFERINGS rage, new concrete driveIII heat. Harllain for quick PRICED REDUCED RANCK IN 11IE WOODSway. ~,900. 888~78 . sale. 0n1)' $32,000. Open University, palatial home for One owner home, 3 Jaree dally and Sunday 2 to a. the discriminating buyer, ST. CLAIR SHORES. 22ll2O bedrooms,lamily room. 1"1 EASTLAND ARE.!\, price NORTH OXFORD, centel' Broten invited. elegant decor, new Idtchen, has been t'lduced OIl thiI han Coto-'.l ... bedroomt. Gary Lane, 3 becI1'oom baths. , 2 bedroom ToWDho\llt 10.... OWNER original oak paneling. ranch, 11,2 baths, central cated at Wood.bridJe Eut, S\i baths, outatADdin, flm. 1215 NOTTINGHAM air, fully carpeted, fire. COLONIAL IN FARMS - 3 Dlcely decorated aDd has iIJ' room with wel bar. place. 2 car garage. Early HARPER WOODS bedrooms, 1* bath, li- mill)' extr.s. Owner mlJl{ corner lot. Move ill FARMS - Red face brick 8 Mile Road, 3 bedroom, all occupancy. Low 40's. Open brary. ConvenieDt for seU. can after 9 p.m. 778cood1tioa. No agents ... Colonial, center door, 3 aluminum sided bome. SO' schools and ahoppm,. Sunday 2"5. Owner 712.9825. 8OZl. 11M. bedrooms, 21Al baths, nat. lot. Grosse Pointe sehools. e-o-O.L BRICK BUNGA. ura! fireplace, all appli. LOW - Central .It eoDdiances, 2 car garage. large OWNER ANXIOUS TO SELL tionin" 3 bedrooms. 1"I fenced lot. Price reduced OPEN SUNDAY 2-4 baths, recreatlOIl room. In to ,",900. Terms. Buyel's the Woods. only. 881-6404. 884-3550 MOVE IN BEFORE SCHOOL STARTS CO.OP-HARPER WOODS 8'lS NOTRE DAME - Eastland sboppiD, at MORAN-FIRST OFFERING-Distinctive 3 bedroom your fingertips. 2 bed. OPEN SUNDAY Cbedt tt1ese features. Bril."lt aDd alurniJlum ceMer 1* baths Colonial with att. garage. Excellent rooms, laundry aDd fur. entrallCe CoIOllia1, new kitehen ad famUy room, 2:30 TO 5:00 d0811t space, panelled recreation room. carpet. nace rooms, paneled with natural fireplace, powder room. in,. Won.t last. 1039 WHITTIER: G rea t room with natural fireplace lAd ba)', fOlmal diDinI kitchen, family room. pan. room, " IJedrooms and ~th. DeW' furpace, tiled and CHALFONTE 292-Reduced price. An attractive 4 eled library. four bed. paoelecl basement, 2 car brick prase, new driveway, bedroom, 2 batb semi ranch. rooms, dl'o:sslng room, two UlllDIable mortga,e, walk to Villale Sbops. 0D1)' BALFOUR lOOl>-6 bedroom English Tudor. baths plus two lavatories. $U,500. Very attractive mortgage, BEDFORD 1018-1st floor bedrooms and A.C. MEMBER OF Foliowing by Appointment can be assumed. Trans. GROSSE POINTE ferred owner is anxious to HAWTHORNE 1985-3 bedroom bungalow. EXCLUSIVE CHARLES STREET REAL ESTATE BOARD sell. Quick possession. Sharp Townhouse, 5 bedrooms. 1 baths, large livin, MARYLAND 1217-2 bedroom bungalow. Make offer. aDd d.lninl room, powder room, Florida room. Nl'w NO'M'INGHAM 1416-Englisb 3 bedroom in top confurnace. Anumable mongaie. 3 ear ' .... 'e. Pia)' SHOWN BY GROSSE POINTE WOODS, dition. Reasonable. yud. APPOINTMENT .. bedrooms. 21,i batbJ, 21 ft. family ,room, spacious STEPHENS 332-Ranch on quiet court. EXCELLENT BUY FO~ LARGE FAMILY 1120 BUCKINGHAM . • . 5 custom kitchen with bWItLarle ColonW witb cOUDtr)' kitebell .Dd pantry. IJbedrooms, 3* baths, li. ins, central air, wet bar SHELBOURNE 453-Large Ranch with A.C. brary all4 sun room, powder room. fOrlDal d.lnin, brary + garden room. and recreation room. priroom with beamed eeilinl, 5 bedrooms, 3 baths, 2 WILLIAMS 200-Colonial 3 bedrilOm. Fine location. 80 GROSSE POINTE BLVD. vate patio, 2 c.r lara,e, furoace., new roof. Recently redecorated. 9i1 lot electric door, putters, could be divided or used for a tenDiI eourt. Only 3 bedrooms, 2 baths and drapes and carpetinl. library. .,110O. Owner "ya seU. Jar... " IIJ-IIAL DTAn ~--_ -._-----_ ..... . Thursd.y. August 10. 191J GR.OSSE ( .I'~"SAU UA-LOTS '0I1AL1 14-1IAL ISTATE 11G-ROOA WANTID 40xllt _1 GROSSE PoJnte GROSSE POINTE FARIIS"arm., Dear R i e b u cl VacaDt lot. Cboiee lOOxla, YOUNG COUPLE desire 3 readJ for bWIdiq. Owner, bedroom Colonial in Farms Sebool, eoDvlll1eDt to Ibopda,i 1'54.5240, eves." or WoodJ. Low 30's. No .. pIq etIIter. TU 2..... ., broker •. 881~ after 6 p.m. la.t OGe, BLOOMFIELD -Residential , 4-0128. lot, l00x15O, Woodward. 1s-:-IustNW Square Lake Road area. OPPORTUNITY DESIRABLE Lot for Sale in Water, &ewers. Beautiful Sl Clair, Midlilan, ro 5- home site. '10,000. TU INDOOR miniature golf al\d ALGER flLACE - 1I101.U15.Term.. ro OOA. 4.0571. FIKANY OFFERING-tell Trun. 1005 Cadieux - Cozy and bIt)'. OpeD SuD4ay 2-&. CODYeoieAtcenter hall coClwm1D& comfortable and 100000, 5 bedrooms plus, eonveG1ent delcrlbea this .. fOW' full bath., '1 Jav., Ii. bedroom 2~ bath brick br.ry, family I'oom, first CoJoDial Joeated JIl the floor IaUDdry room, 3 fire.. bi!art of 'Ibe Park. It of. p1ae., recreation room in fen a famny room, lit ba.ement, Z ear attached floor Ja~' regm, carheated iarage, ~nvenient. peting u4 clnpe., reuea. Iy loeated, extra wide lot, tion room, gas heat with Ideal for large and active eeDtral air, lots of closets family. aftc1 storace area, lUaebed 2 car gllale with electrie eye doon, lot 8Ox'115. Tbi. home awaita your wpee- don. 1216 DevOOlbire - Gracious S bedroom tentH ball co1oDial, .flQor plan exceDeat .for.~, 1150 Whittier - Center baD brick colODial, • bedrooms, 2~ baths, 2 fire. place., family room, air CODditioDiDg, sprlDkling system, extra large lot. 0wDet anxious to sell. natural deD, 3 full bathl plus 1 lav., ex-, va large kitchen, earpet. ibg aDd drape. lneluded, iu beat, 3 ear brlct ,arate, Dice lot, eloae to 'SC:hools, park, aDd shop- GROSSE POINTE CITY Alger Pbce, Vacant lot, HOd85. Last ODe avail. able. piDe. FIKANY 886-5051 GOODMAN FOR SURE" DON'T LET HIGH INTEREST BATES RUN YOUR LIFE. HERE ARE SOME LOW INTEBESTi ASSUMABLE MORTGAGES COUPLF.D WITH FINE RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY. SEE THESE SUNDAY 2:30-5:00 CADIEUX 854 - Sbarp Federal COl0Diai with great Goor plu, family and ree. rooma, 3 bedrooms, and;1~ baths. __ . GRAYTON 1382 - Unique Early English with dcm and modern features. A sllJ1)J'ishlg $35.51 Or call for aa appoiJllment. Spaclous.2 unit flat Ilear leff~. HIgh demlDd area, 3 bedrooms In eaclJ, and an JD fiDe coadldoD. NEFF - BISHOP 830 - On the waters edge With great prlee. 3 bedrooms, 2~ baths, library, terrace, modern . BY APPOINTMENT ONLY SEE PIC'l'URE AD! WASmNGTON-TraditiODal !lxawiDg room, paneled Tudor with '1 bedrooms, library, family room. IfcKINU."Y PLACE - Excellent 5 bedroom deD, carriage boUle,. and exquisite details. wi~h N. DEEPLANDS - New Orleans colonial with cen. tral air, swimming pool, country kitchell, family room, library, and much more. IfOROSS - A truly differellt ranch with 3 bed. rooms, 2 baths, fond paneled den in woodsy setting. PARK LANE - Very diHerent contemporary fascinating design ed deligbtful loeation. with IN THE AREA FARM BROOK BEACH - R,neb E. OUTER DR. - 2 bedroom with charm at $19.0! DECORATING AND QUALITY WORK by carpen- QUALITY ter with over 20 years ex. perience In Grosse Pointe LANDSCAPING Kitchens remodeled, base Lawn Service and Gardening menta paneled, room addi We Have Openings for , tions, ete. Conscientious Thursday and Friday.: Small $lJbs aceeptable. TV Trimming, Planting' and I 4-5372. Seeding by : Highly Experienced Men: Sodding Guaranteed lor Up to 5 Years MORE V.\LUE tor your Design and Construction money. Additions, kitchens, of All Types of Patios , dormers, basements, bath. rooms, wall removals. JOHN C. CARL ISL~ KENSINGTON - 4 bedroom English with den and modem ~tdlen in MINT CONDmON! WILDWpoD. - Space and variety. of a borne with none of tile bead aebes. 2 bedroom, 2 bath CO.OP APT. witb den, terrace, formal living and dining rooms plus spaciow modem kitehen ~nd full basement. s. GOODMAN KEN'S MOVING-Loc:al, auburbs. On. pleee or houseful. Low ratel. Tt! 2.asto. SERVICE plano COMPLETE .nca. TuDiD" l'ebui14iD" refiDilb. iDl, c1e-motbinl. Member 'P1aIIO TecluUelaDJ Guild. R. ZedI, m-7'107. PIANO TUNING Action P.egulation Key Reeoverlnl Reb\lildlng and Refinishing B8(.z:m Tbom •• Pettit, member Plano TecbD1cians Guild 21 C WCTRICAL SERVI.cE GROSSE POINTE'S ONLY HOOVER FACTORY AUTHORIZED SERVICE TU 1- 1014 PR 2-4050 21002 MACK CANNON ELECTRIC COMPLETE ELECTRICAL SERVICE RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL Lieense 47 294-4749 21E-STORMS AND SCREENS ALUMINUM storms. doors, screens. Quality products. Lowest prices. 773-7010. 886.3060 WOULD YOU CONSIDER BUYING THE tv10ST EXCITING HOUSE ON THE STREET? IC you love contemporary stylin" a lunctional family orien'ed floor plan .Dd a superb kitchen it might be worth your consideration. Especially it you under. stand quality construction, and realize the duplication costs of this four bedroom, two bath home would be lIS i.,ucb 15 ~,OOO more than the $77,700 now being isked. A1Id there's Immediate oeeupancy and a prlme "Woods" location IS well. Let'. discuss It. KELLY C:T 889-0800 Modernization ing. No footage charge. JOHN C. CARLISLE Telephone price. 17 years 779-6864 '176-3333 experience. Cal Roemer" Plumbing. TV 2.31:10: CODDENS 2t.I-PAINTING, DECORATING COMPLETE LANDSCAPE BIDIGAREBROS. INC. Offiee 772.5715 Evenings, SuDdays TU 1-6988 I CARPENTER Work-Paneling, partitions, s bel v e s (ldtcbens, ceilings, smaU jobs, etc.). TU 2-2795. HARRY SlUm BUILDING CO. Emblished in Grosse Pointe Area SiDee ltS? R 'd fl 1 del I esl en'"~e;~elln~mmerc a Alterations and Maintenance New Construction 88$.3900 885.7013 I KITCHEN REMODELING We InstaU Formica-Sink Tops Cabinets-All Styles Built-Ins-Installed 21F-HOME IMPROVEMENT EASTVIEW ALUMINUM INC. B. F. GOODRICH VlNYTJ PRODUCTS ALCOA BUILDING PROD Storm Windows, Doors, Awning., Porch Enclosures Siding - Seamless Gutters J.M. Seal Tab Rooting Storms and Sereen Repair LI~DHr, Insu~, Bonded 15030 Hotlrton.Whltter LA '.15816 or anteed. 1.0565. Al Sehneider, INTERIOR.EXTERIOR PAINTING COMPLETE Dee 0 ra ti n g sernee. Paper banilDe and removing. Material, work. manksbip guaranteed. For estimates call INTERIOR and exterior painUng and paper hanging. Reasonable rates, 30 years experienee. Ray BarnowskY, 371-231'4 aIter 6 CARPENTER-All t~,pes r .. pair and remodeling. Carl Watson. LA 6.5501. ROOFING, siding, gutters Lowest prices. Written guarantee. 713.7010. CONSTRUCTION PAVING & EXCAVATING CONTRACTORS p.m. R. ok T. PROFESSIONAL painUng, interior and ex. terior. Free estimates. 41>'2 Roland, Grosse Pointe Farms, 882-4586 PROFESSIONAL Floor Sand. ing and finishing. Specializing in dark staining. "Supply o,,:n power." Can for free esUmate. W. Abra. ham, TW 1-5924. TED'S WALLPAPER REMOVING EX~LUSiVELY Free Estimates - Insured 565-9555 EXPERIENCED PAINTER available immediately, ex. terior and interior, Iree estimates. Call anytime. 573.9579, (63.9736. EXTERIOR painting, work guaranteed, gutter clean. ing. Free estimates. 7770067 or 773.0715. EXT E RIO R and interior pftintinz. Work guaranteed, free estimates. 779-3947. BIGELOW'S INTERIOR-EXTERIOR Exper.t painting and repairs. 884.4749 Alter 5 p.m. DONALD BLI SS Decorator Free Interior EsUmates TU 1-7050 40 Years in Groue Pointe EXTERIOR house painting. Free estimates. 822-7185. LARRY'S CUSTOM PLUMBING AND HEATING Residential aDd Commercial E,lO;TABUSHED 1924 Repaira .Dd Remodel La wn SpriDJdel' Service All types of waterproofing. 7 'year guarantee. Ref e r - Water Heater.-..A. O. SmIth Pel'maglua end Rheem enees. LA 6-7836. TV 1.7410 BASEMENTS WATER2IV--5'LVE1tPLAnNG PROOFED - Reuonable rate., workmanship guaranteed. SlI1.Q06S or 779.1225. • Silver and Gold Plating • Oxidizing and RepairiDll CHAS. F.JEFFREY • Brall Polishing, &2.1800 Lacquering • Basement Wiltel'Pl'OOfiDl • FIreplace fixtures • Underpin footings refinished • Cracked or walls • Copper pol/shing .aDd References bulfing Licensed Insured • G& K INTERIOR and Exterior 'painting and paper hanging. Free estimates. .18 years e;;qJerien<:e. SlW.0382. SERVICE Tradition Since 1920 i 779-6864 776.33$8 THOMAS i LANDSCAPING CO. ' ~WN AND GARDEN: LEEBERT CAPIZZO CONSTRUCTION SILVERSMITHS All Types of Woaterpl'OOfing 14110 CHARLEVOIX Guaranteed Reilonable 3 blocks west of Chalmers Licensed and Insured VA 2-7;).<8 882-1121 885-1900 CODDENS ~12 Asphal~ Paving Co. , 21~PLASTER lVORK • Driveways Our Specialty • Seal Coating NEW 8nd repair work. Neat, • Resurfac1ng dean service. 20 years ex. • Repairs perience. Free estimates. Resurface your old broken Albert Verstraete. 521-2536. up drive at Il fraction of the cost of concrete. LA 6.7836 SPECIALIZING in repairs lor 18 years. Cracks eliml. CODDENS nated. Clean. Jim BlIck. Asphalt Paving Co. I • Driveways Our Specialty weIl. VA 1-7051. I· 21W-DRESSMAKING 6' TAILORING ALTERATIONS; on all kinds of women's wear. Very ex. perienced dress maker. Hours: 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. 82(-4762. ALTERATIONS and repairs. 1152 Maryland, G r 0 sse Pointe Park, VA 1.2631. 21 $-CARPENTER Seeal C~ating 2IZ-LANDSCAPING &• Resurfacmg • Repairs GARDfN SfRVICE CHR ISTOPHER Resurface your old broken CONST. CO. up drive at a fraction of the Modernization • Alterations PROFESSIONAL hedge trim. mingo Old shrubs removed cost of concrete. LA 6-7836 Additions • Family Rooms and replaced. General Kitchen and RecreaUon Areas landscaping. 884~. 21-O-CEMENT AND Estate Maintenance BRICK WORK J AMES BARKER EASTERN TREE and stump 923.8587 .!emoval. Insured. 29:\-4069 L. STREMERSCH 923-8585 or answering service. 773. CEMENT CONTRACTOR 0600. LICENSED.BONDED • Cement Work Construetlon Company WOOD IS • Waterproofing • Brick Work STILL BEST BUILDERS Make arrangements now No job too small ok REMODELERS 889.0591 - 886.8541 to have your old worn out windows replaced. We Additions. Dormers CHAS. F. JEFFREY specialize in the installa. Rec. Room!', Bathrooms MASON CONTRACTOR tion 01 our new "Tilt In" Kitchens, New Homes LICENSED INSURED Wash from inside, spring • Brick • Block • Stone balanced. weather strip. Custom Garages and Doors • Cement Work ped wood window. One • Waterproofing day installation. We take • Tuck Pointing Fre~ Estimates and Plannlne out the old and r It in • Patios of any kind the new top "nd bottom • Chimney Repaired window for only FINANCING ARRANGED • Pre.Cast Steps "PORCHES A SPECIALITY" Free Estimates 882.1800 Anytime R. CUSTOMCRAFT • • • • • • 881.1024 CEMENT WORK of any kind. Bonded, licensed, in. CARPENTRY, cabinet ma. sured. TV 2,9988, aCter 6 king, kitchens, baths. 773. p.m. or 372.4939. 7010. ~ Farms Off'leer 1: N b S d. , a s pee ster -An early morning speedster apparently stopped for;a "nap" before being arrested by Farms police Thursdalf, August 9. : Officer Gerald Deburghgraeve, while stopped l)n Grosse Pointe boulevard bt Moran road, heard the souqd of squealing tires and auto rapidly accelerating. Ife spotted the .vehicle, driven by 'William Loring Newnap, Jr., IS, oC Washington roall, in his rear-view mirror zip. ping along the boulevard at a high rate of speed. ; As the auto passed by, tll.e officer gave chase with. tll.e overhead lights swirling and siren blaring. A speedomet,r cbeek showed he was goilfg 711 m.p.m., and the youth was still pulling away. Finally, Newnan, pulled over at McKinley place, sbht off the motor and attempted to pretend he was asleep bY laying across the front seat, police said. In his report, the offleer stated Newnan main. tained the position he bad been there sleeping for 10 minutes, and didn't know what this was all about. The youth was issued a vio/ation for speeding .in ex. cess oC 70 in a 30 m.p.h, zone. He was released on hIs own recogni~ance for arralgnment In The Farms Municipal Court Thursday, August 29. PAItTIG' $36.50 BUTLER'S PAINTING SERVICE SPEelAUZING IN PRIVATE ESTATES Pr..... Werts alii, 24 Y,.. In G,ou. /'oint. Area 871-7318 ADVERTI SEMENT FOR BIDS The Village of Grosse Pointe Shores will receive sealed bids fr.r the light. ing 01 four (4) tennis eourts until 2:00 p.m. Au. gust 28, 1973 E.D.T. at the Village Offices. 795 Lake Shore Road, Grosse Pointe, Michigan at which time and place all bids will be publicly opened and read aloud. Plans and Specifications may be obtained at the Village Office, 795 Lake Shore Road_ A check in the amount of $15_00 must be submitted as a deposit (or each of pians and spe. cifi~alions. same to be reo f~nded upon return of plans Jnd specifications in good condition v.ithin 10 days 01 opening of the bids. The successful bidder will be required to furnish sat. i s f act 0 r y Performance Bond and Labor and Ma. terial Bond each in the amount oC 100% of the contract, thc tolal cost of which ShAll be paid by the accepted bidder. All proposals shall be mlldt, on forms 10 be sup. plied by the Village. All proposals shall remain Cirm for a period of 30 days after official opening of the bids. The VlJlage. of Grosse Pointe Shores reserve the rlgM to reject any or all bids, in whole or in part., and to waive any informalities therein. Calf TU 1.2779 C, B, Lorancer ARMADA WOOD PRODUCTS 3S Years In Dusincss Clerk Village of Grosse Pointe Shores ) I sa • i SERVICE 881'.! 0292 COODENS WATERPROOFING DRIVEWAY SEAL COATING WILLIAM FORSYTHE VAlley 2.9108 LA 7-'1230 Exterior 1tG-ROOFING SERVICE • TU ; _,.0 Free Estimates No Obligations No DelaYt! Bill Paige 371-0403 Excavating 3 bedroom colonial with recroom. ASSOCIATES 100 KERCHEVAL Guttera cleanecl 11%-LANDSC""ING 6' GARDEN SERVICE NUlUIING, r4mGval, .pray. In,, leediD. and .tump removal. Free estimates. JIM SurrON Complet. tree .unee. Cal 1677 Bryl Drive FIe m in g. Tree service . TU 4-2942 TU 2.243f TUxedu 1-6950. CEMENT WORK • PaUos • Driveways • Briek &: Brock Repairs Waterproofing," paranteed good work, licensed, bonded. Free estimates. 716.1113 PAVING FREE PICKUP ok DELIVERY NEW REBUILT PARTS STRONGMAN, PAINTING ASPHALT POINTE VACUUM INC. "On The Hill" 93 Kercheval GtrrrER WORK Caulkils., . ebiIDM1 repaln ADVANCE IfAENTENANCE • AtUc•• Porcb Enclosuref • AddiUons • Kitehenl • Commercial buUdin,s J. BASTONE KURT O. BAEHR DEVONSHIRE HOMES, Inc. CONSTRUCTION SEWERS CLEANED, broken• New Homes LABRADOR, mixed, gentle. CUSTOM PainUng and Dec. ESTABUSHED .1924 Sewers repaired. GuaranoraUng, wan papering. • FamUy Rooms All sbots, spayed. Free to teed. Reasonable rates. • Driveways Guaranteed. Free e.U. • Kitchens good bome. 886-7526. 881-0063 or 179.1225. • Patlos mates .. LA 1.5711. • Alterations • Porcbes ll5A-HORSES FOR SALE ADVANCE MAINTENANCE • Patios • Chimneys EXPERT painUn,. pap e r • Free Estimat'Js Electric Sewer Cleaning [. QUARTER HORSE, reglster• Waterproofing hanging. Free estimate •. DAN STEFFES COMMERCIAL ed, gentle and well trained, G. Van Assehe. 881.5754. LICENSED BUILDER . RESIDENTIAL LA 6-7836 6 years old, moving, must 885.1416 689-6696 I All Work Guaranteed :leI). Very reasonable. 885. YERKEY (;, SONS H. CHAUVIN 4841 day". 713-1223 evenings. 21T-PLUMIING AND WE SPECIAUZE-Exterior CEMENT CONTRAcrOR HEATING 20A-CARPET LAYING painting. 2'1 years' experi. 2IN--AS~:~~ ¥fORK! ALL TYPES OF ence. CEMENT WORK CARPET LAYING • Walks. Drives. Porcl1es FOR CLEAN and dependable NEW AND OLD .ervlee, call ELlrIERS DU PONT PAINTS • Patios • Waterproofing Stairs Carpeted Shifted PLUMBING and nEAT. • Pre-east Steps Used Repairs of AU Types ING, Plumbing License • 'I\lck Pointing Reasonable. Call Evenmgs Cllaret B\Il'DIRe-W:oven #04558, TUxedo 4-4882. • Chlmney P.epair TW 1.5896 7'12-3116 ALSO No job too small NEW CARPET SALES IN-BlNK.ERAroR installed, HUGHES BROTHERS Free estimates SImples Shown in AND $95. Dlsbmasters, all re. DECORATORS' Licensed and Bonded Your Home pairs, Power Humidifiers, PR 9-8427 5293 Yoruhire BOB TRUDEL Water Heaters aDd Shower 779-8427 882.14'13 29'-5896 ' 882-!J750 or 3'l1-8128 Heads. ELMERS P,LUMB'ING 21 P-¥fATERPROOFING COMPLETE deeorating. Pa. al-MOVING io: AND HEATlNG perhanging. insured, guar. with private beacb. JOHN IRICK WORK TO~~AJ~ l1A-PIANO HARBOR HILL - Superb locale, tastefully de~lgned with variety and claarm. BALFOUR - ALL ROOr ok 215-CARPENTER ZI.o..-eEMEMT AND ~'-I-PAINTING. DECORATING SERVICE r~~;o. STOlAGE SUNDAY 2:30-5:00 ~~. Page Twenty-Five TU 2-55St INtERIOR - EXTERIOR J. D. CANDLER QUALITY WORK ROOFING CO. 94 Years ReUlble Service JERRY WHITAKER ice eream parlor. Short ResidenUal Ie Commercial LAWRENCE VERBEKE 882.9361 hours, good profit. Like to All tyPes of Roofs Ie Decks CEMENT CO. see one? CaU 771-8415. Gutters ok Downspouts CONCRETE-BRICK REPAIRS WILL PAINT your home in. STONENo Job Too Lal'ge-or Small terior or exterior. Quality 1 FOIl SALE WATERPROOFING Fl'ee Estimates work at a reasonable rate. BLACK LAB. Must sell im. CONCRETE - Driveways, CALL 899-2100 885-7424. After 6 p.m. sidewalks, patio., garage mediately-Best offer. 18 Insured Wormen 121J-WALL WA$HING floors, eement patching of moeth old medium sized family watch' dog with all types. LOWEST PRICES on new WALL WASHING, reasong rea t dispositiOD an~ AND BLOCK gutters. Gutters repaired able, free estimates. York. BRICK charm. Call Greg day, 886Porches; pre-cast steps, exand cleaned. Ne~ roofs ~r sbire Window Cleaning. 3060. Evening 331.60'11. pert tuck pointing and ~f repair. No JOb too bIg 885-0894 chimney repairs. or too llmall. Work done . FREE 2 Kittens, fluffy, 1 STONE Patios, walks, personally. Serving Grosse WALL WASHING Blaek, 1 Gray, trained. 706 fIowerboxes, stone repairs Pointe for 25 years. Rich. PAINTING ok DECORATING Rivard. TV 5.3751 after 6. of all types. ard Willert~, 50 Roslyn Rd. HOME MAINTENANCE or Saturday and Sunday. WATERPROOFING - Base. estimate~, call TU ELMER T. LABADIE ment leaks. OLD ENGLISH Sh~p dog 17 Years ESinthe Pointes puppies, A. K. C" S bot s , TUxedo 2-2064 wormed, 10 weeks, $145. 11H-RUG CUANING N~R~~B 331-7103 or 922-7792. 21K-WINDOW Licensed. Bonded. Insured CALLEBS ok SON WASHING Carpet aDd Upholstery clean. 773.9133 OLD ENGLISH sheep dogs, AXe, c ham p ion sired, ing. Fast drying. Free esti. A.OK Window Cleaners. Sermates. Fully insured. 772. vice on storms aDd screens. CAPIZZO CONSl'RUCTION super quality, home raised, All types ~l Cement aDd 9555. Free estimates. Monthly shots, wormed, $200 and Brick Wort CARPET CLEANING win. I rates. 521.2459. up. 526-8046. " All types of waterproofing dow aDd wall washing, 30 CALLEBS ok SON BLACK LABRADOR, 10 All types of excavating years experience. Com. Window cleaning. Fully in. montha,male, AKC, train~U woI1l; guaranteed mercial and residential. sured. Reasonable prices. Licensed and Insured ed, genUe. 886-8889 . Guaranteed, bonded and Free estimates. 772.9555. 885.061% insured. 543.1353. 6 MONTH OLD, AKC regisG.OLMIN DE SENDER tered, Boston Terrier. Call WINDOW CLEANING CONSTRUCTION 886 .. 750. CA R PET C L EAN I NG SERVICE New and repairs _ Brick, WALL WASHING BOUVIER PUPPIES, AKC, FULLY INSURED FREE ESTIMATES Stone, Block, Chimneys. 8 weeks, excellent guard YORKSIfiRE WE ARE INSURED Cement work aDd waterdog, $2511 snd up. 711-7932. MAINTENANCE 372-3022 proofing. 25 years experi885-oBN enee. If DO answer call YORKSHIRE T ERR 1E R, F E ti t YORKSHIRE Window Clean. evenings. Uny- 4 pound male, all ree s ma es ing. Reasonable. Free est!. '. 822.1201 beige, 1 year old. Very CARPET CLEANING mates. Insured. 885.()(l94. I loveable but not with smaU 2 Rool'tlS $22.00 ,- . 'PATIOS children .. Shots and train. WE REMOVE .THE SOIL 21 M-SEWER SERVICE Brick, block or cement, 3 ed, $15. Also 4'x8' portable CALL AFTER 6.00. 191-7588. ELECTRIC SEWER cleangenerations of experlence. dog pen, $35. 886-3667. BROWN MiDiature Poodles, 10 month female with papers, 2 year male. 713. 8811. JOHN S, OPEN NG NEWS I REALTOR INC. "BE SECURE, GOODMAN '. '-Pm REALTOR~ lit POINTE ..__ ... --------- ". .... Pete Twenty-Sil * " ; GROSSE * * * iJ4ente Q $ , POINTE 'X S&; $' j' $21 NEWS of it , it :5 J ii - Thursday. August I b. 1973 Feature Page Pointer :: j : * Interest * * * From Another Pointe of View I F.vorite Receipes 01 People in The Know (Continued from Page 13) materials will cost about .$10. As.the materials must be ordered in adunce, early class reservations are , I GULYAS SOUP essential. Assisting Mrs. McNamara is Eva Carabell By Pat Rousseau I I Contributed bv Mrs. Andrew who has worked with the class lor the past six The sweater ... is a fashion favorite morning, ; Vince, of Bialrmoor COllrt j'ears. noon and night. At Walton Pierce you will see many I 11/2 oz. lard (or oil) Hungary. Anyone? versions of the look. We admired a red knit jacket I j 2 medium sized onions I aweater tied at the waist and paired with Glen 1 b'k Grosse Pointe has a pocket of Hungarian cu. Plaid slacks. Zip up fashion with a camel knit short t sp. paprl a ture on Blairmoor court! Mr. and Mrs. Andrew cropped sweater jacket edgecrwith leather and en., ~:~per Vince, both active members of the Detroit Hun. sem6led with a ~lender sweater dress ($86). For 2 lbs. beef (cut in cubes). garlan community, have spent the last year making evening there is a sparkling black Lurex twin sweat-! 1/2 raw potato grated final plans for their recently opened supper club er look that tops a slender black satin skirt. The 1 tbsp. tomato paste in Hazel Park. softest sweater for evening is an Angora blend with 41/2 pts. bone and veg~. No one could better represent the Hungarian zip front, it's worn with a Blue Lurex halter neck table stock, (should community, as Mr. Vince is a former Hungarian evening gown ($78). See the latest sweatering day be seasoned with salt) actor, singer, and star. of numerous Hungarian through night at Walton Pierce. 1/2 tsp. caraway seed operettas. He is widely known in Detroit as a eru. .. .. .. 2 or 3 small potatoes sader of Hungarian eulture. He was eharter presi. Moving On Your Mind .. , Want all the com. 11 gree~ pepper dent of the Hungarian Arts Club of Detroit, worked fort of home but few of the responsioilities? Your I./carrots, celery and Hun. with the Hungarian ehurches and societies in the belt move is to the Jefferson Apartments, Grosse garian parsley roots resettlement of Hungarian refugees. In retent years, Pointe's newest condominium. You'll love the large are optional) he has promoted Hungarian musicalr. and variety airy rooms withnine.foot ceilings. A doorman parks i Fry finelv chopped onions shows at the Masonic Te.mple. Besides his new Jlour car in a garage and receives your packageS'j in lard or oil to a gold brown career as restaurateur, he IS currently a Hungarian There's a refrigerator for perishables. Exterior maift. color, add paprika and salt broadctlster. tenance, gardening and snow removal are arranged. after removing oDioDSfrom Mrs Vince is a business teacher at East Detroit Inn doted 1OO11s,floors, plumbing, windows insure beat. Add the beef cut into. . b h d t f tn4%imum quiet. Fire protection and three security walnut-sized cubes caraway High School. They have two sons, ot gra ua es 0 '1Istems guard you while at home or away. Other . MRS. ROBERT E. VALK, OF RE~AUD ROAD, met three:y~ar.old seeds and the grat~ raw po.. Grosse Point~ High S.choo!. Andrew i.s a s~nior at conveniences include individual heating and cool. Eltzab.eth Homfelt. on a r~cent to~r of Umted Ce~ebral. Palsy Assoclatlo~ of lato. Cover and simmer aboul Central Michigan U~lVer~lty completmg hIS wC?rk mg, ice makers, a washer.dryer, a wet bar with a DetroIt, .where Ehzab~th IS ~ pat~ent. Mrs., Valk IS c.halfm~n of the Umted 110 minutes, stirring occasion. in Secondary EducatlO.n ~n Speech an~ Dr~mat1cs. link for entertaining, and natural fireplaces. There FoundatIon Torch Dflve resldentlal campaIgn Northeast Umt. ally. Add lomato paste, hair Alan is a student at MIchIgan State University. 'cupful of stock; simmer till ., are three separate elevators, and approximately By Kathy Duff girls got their mother inter- meat is nearly done. Then ., Mrs. ~ince. has given us some hps on Hunganan 1,000 8qUllre feet of private storage. The Jefferson ested in s c h 0 0 I activities. add lbe remainder of. tbe CUlSlOewhich IS worse than Greek to most of Us. Apartmen~s is ar. adult c~'?l~unity. Don't worry Most women would be slightly uneasy at the their mother got them in. stock', bring to boil, add po. Mrs. Vince emphasized that the greatest treasure about 8elllng your home. ymt ,he model apartment thought of having 13000 volunteers under them. voh,ed in her pet activitil!s. tables cJjt in small cubes, of Hungarian cookery is the talent, initilltive and and learn about the trade.m program for your home. '_' Both girls were active in the car~ots, ~elery, and Hun. imagination of the cook. There's a new pricing policy, too! The model is open Matter of fa('~, most women would pamc. However, Christ Church Grosse Pointe garlan parsley roots CUbed'l 12 to 5 da!ly except Wednesday. Enter on Neff or Mrs. Robert K Valk, of Renaud road, acts as though Altar Guild, which A I ice it used: The masterpieces of the Hungarian kitchen are St. Clair Roads ... 17111 E. Jefferson Avenue ... it was the natural' "next step" after her many years headed for several years, The CSIPErKE : chieken paprikash, chicken fried in bread crumbs, 882.7708 or 886-4880 . . . Michigan Condominium of involvement with the United Foundation Torch GUild, in charge of ~he a!tar I (Genuine Hungarian Gulyas roast suekling pig, (the skin of whir.h b~omes like Corporation. Drl've. now~rs. and. other. hturglcal Soup Is garnished witb csi.. glass in the oven.) The favorite specialties of the • '... .. !uTmshmgs,.1$ also respons. petke, according to' Mrs. Hungarian kitchen are the various pork and bacon c.u. Suede tlresses ••• shirt and tent style, in Camel Asked how she became so dedicated to the Ible for takm~ t~e ~owers to Vince) products; stuffed cabbage, layered cabbage, boiled uti Brlek Red. with Imart dickies to ~akh. Dresses priced Torch Drive, Mrs. Valk (Alice) will smile ,!lnd say, the congregation s SIck. . _ cabbage with meat (Szekelv gulyas) and stuffed r.... to $50. Smart ne.. look for tall , .. all at Mlchelle's "It came in the moving van." Both girls se~ved as presi-11 cu~ flour pepper in tomato sauce. Aiso popular are many Botdiqae ••. 1'7865Mack Avenue. . Besl'des bel'ng AII'ce's dent ?f, the. S!gma Gamma 11. ego I varieties of meats roasted on the spit. • ... .. ASSOCIation Jumors. and often plOch of salt modest way of shrugging dren can do. Most of them volunteered their time at the S'ft n . t bo I dd Among the pastries, a Hungarian specialty is What keeps tots out and lets adults in? ... off praise the comment wore braces, yet managed to downtown De t r 0 i t Ortho . J dourltJnKOa d IW' a the paper.thin filled rolled and baked retes 'stru. "Kindergard," now offered for self installation at refers to the Valks' move I climb .ladders and t~ey were d. Cli. I egg an sa nelll ngre.dl " ~ Mutschler Kitchens. A perfect for. 1960 f T 1 d- 0 as active as any children. pae IC me. ents Into a sUff dough. (Add de'.) Hungarian housewi.ves vie with each other as those certain cabinets and drawers where children 10 rom 0 e v, ., "The teachers kept an eye On a short tour of the Valk I small amount$ of water if to who can make the thlDnest and crispest strudel. are not permitted to be. There is no lock or key to her hom~ town. In th~ on the children, but left them home, each room reflects the,. necessary.) Flatten between With a little pra~tice, anyone can le~n the art of van, beSides the Valks to play independently. If I different activities the Valks your palms and plftch into puJJing retes. Various fillings are used sweet cheF. fuss with and they are sold three in a box for $1.89. family possessions, came were a teacher, I would have en~y. The back sunroom~ a small, beaD.siled pIeces; add ries, apples, dill with cottage chee;e and even Stop in and ask at ... 20227 Mack Avenue. . . Alice's high commitment bitten my nails to nothing! ~nmsul8 of ~Iass extendl~g to the gulyas and boDslowly 1 cabbage. Closed on Saturdays for August. to the United Foundation "Another agency 1 recently mto the Valks backyard, dls. for 10 minules before servo • • '" and other service organi. vis i t e d was the Michigan I played .Alice'~ g~rden and ing. The techniques used in the Hungarian kitchen In Marthas Closet •• , 75 Fisher Road you will zations which have always Cancer Foundation. I had no \ the famIly sWlmmmg pool. --do not differ from. those used by other peoples. find the latest in fall jewelry, They have a beautiful been a part of her life. idea tha~ Sl> much research Hungry Pigeons Ito Europe together. Bob is I Then what is different about Hungarian cooking? .election oJ necklaces ... Matinee and choker length Sitting in the mostly red ~as c~rr:~ o~ta\~~ f~unda. Alice loves to garden (.li1d often over there on business \ First, is the liberal use of" paprika. Dishes flavored ..• ,ome with gold tone spacers between the beads library ot the Valks' Renaud lon, f ou~ Ia I was \ has scored many successes since he is with Essex In. with paprika are not hot. The finest brands of paprika , •• 1'Grious colors include Amber, Jade Green, Jet road home, Alice said that m?,~, ~t' a rUter~a age~y. 1 anelonly one failure in recent f ternationaI." are not strong at all. This shouldclatify the mis. Black Marble Brown Bittersweet and clear lucite. she had been a section chair. datio~:r:r s:rena~:~ed o~; years. As the October 16 Torch conception that Hungarian food is spicey. It is not. T"'" .0 unusual y' ou must come in to see them. ma.n during the 197~ Torch belief thjt every:ne benefits "This spring. the Junior Drive draws .near, ld!. V~lk It can be seasoned highly for those who prefer. ,-" Drive In early sprmg she from lhe United Foundation League Gardners planted th2/' had better enJoy cooking dm. . ., Prices range from $10 to $35. was a'sked to step one 'rung It hit 0 . downtown Kern Block with a ner more and more often! The use of lard mstead of other kmds of ammal • '" >I< higher to the post of North. gani~:t~o~~~Po~CI~di~:n~hr~ very fan c y assort~ent .of ~is wife ...... m be out in the ~at.or vegetable shortening is typical. It is ch~racterTIIote 10Jo at Mr. Q Say • , , DOW Is .MIL' east Unit chairman. Allce im. YMCA d YWCA" flowers. You won't beheve It. fIeld helpmg m~rshal1 the IStIC to use more SOUrcream than average 10 Hun. 1M U.e ~ Ul.IDk Lal Velas for al low as mediately said yes, eve n ~le Ele 'ants but the pigeons ATE all the 13,.000 volunteers m the earn. garian cooking. A great number of soups, sauces and 1'IlJI priee ladues Unllecl .let Air. though it meant that she was . '. pII . flowers. So we replanted !he palgn. . vegetables and even a number of meat dishes cannot .o&el .114 mutla Dlueh more ••• 'v more res po n sib I e for all live It IS defmltely a Umted block with marigolds whIch However, Mr. Valk IS also be. agO 'd .th t H lones' .f_aU. taU 186.'500 or stop by at P.ointes,Macomb County and Foundation summer for Alice we are told the pigeo~s won't an active Torch Drive volun. 1m me WI OU sour cream. appy ca . lNI1 Jladl Avenal. part of Detroit. this y~ar. !I0wever,. any sea. eat." tee~. Re,~e.ntlyhe was ask~d Hungarian harvested wines are very diverse .. .. " "Before we moved to De. ~on will fmd her Immers.ed Needlepoint is everywhere, to. s.tar . In a UF l.eadershlP in character, according to Mrs. Vince. The fiery, , Boutique Gifts . . . for birthday and showers. troit I was involved with m .a. ~Iethora of c0'.l'mumty from a yellow and green pj].. tralnmg fIlm. The fllm, to be full.bodied highly alcoholic wines are vintaged .Notre Dame Pharmacy has a fascinating selection Unit~dFoundation in Toledo. ~~~v:~~eds'A~;:r~nsdPrMmrg'vYa~Uk lo~ in the sunroom. {which ~hr~~en ~oo~h~~S~~d:r~fiTnO~~~ in the hil1~. From the sandy lowland soil come the S uc h as ml'rrors ,. small J.ewelry Th't . Alleehterms a "sampler" I o. f'tvam yaccessofles.. er~ I was caIIed the Com. I Ull to their elbows in second. th 't . d n hal. charter campaian (the sec. wh.Ite aszu and th e tart ve I'vety. h ue d carets. Counter Points I 1'-----------', I I l :::.- I. ,j I I I I : .1 I I "0 I'. -------- I. I I I are (! '1". boxes, lipstick holders, Kleenex cases, picture :~~~~ t~h~;tro: \e ~ol:n~ hand goods donated to the sh~~fd :a~nvaa;e~:on : ~~'.~~ tor ~f the cam~:ig~ aimed at Hungarlr.n Tokav wine was taken into the 'frames etc. to coordinate your powder room .•. all ed h ..' annual Planned Parenthood in needlepoint) to a piano busmess contrIbutions), was ._ ,. in non.tarnish 24KT gold plated. Prices start at teer ere. . White Elephant Sale. Planned bench cover des i g n e d to made last May by Wayne French court. Louis Xl V ealled it 'The Wme of .'5.50, .Two Younl He~pe!'s P').ren~hoc,>d is another s~rvice match surrounding floral up- State Univ~rsity .students. Kings, the King of Wines." Franz Schubert eom. '" " " Ahce has s.erved I.n almosl orga.DIzationthat came 10 the holstery patterns. UDlted posed a song in tribute of Tokay. In Goethe's At The Edward Nepi Salon Soft wavy bobs every capacIty while as a movmg van from Toledo, At . "I can't emphasl'l:e enough . . . ., Torch Drive volunteer. She least, ac::ording to Alice. She Allee. c~uld be. ca~led. ll' how much I.believe in united "Faust," Mephisto pours Tokay- ••the wonder wine ,4 14 Gatsby •.. Curled bangs (via curling iron) will recall the year she col. served on the League's board dpe~fectlOhD1st, but It ItS JUllstgiving. By giving the united into Faust's goblet "In the love of Hungarian Wine, flipped up and back side parts, front hair caught I t d d t d .th h h.I' T Id omg w at comes na ura y 1 11' . :• ..It''. b-rettes. Haor tonted natural color w'•+. .hseveral ec e oor. o. oor w~ er w I e In a e 0.. for her way. on y a very. sma. per. outstanding geniuses and simple people meet. they 1UJ" .. , • • two daughters, Mane and When her two gJrls were . .. . centage of donatIons IS ab.. . • ' 'differertt tones, See the artists at The Nepi Salon S usa n, even though both students at the University. ]n the hVlng roo111IS some I sorbed in campaign costs. It umte a mulhtude of hedomsts and people enjoy. , , • 19463 Mack Avenue. Call for appointment 884- periodically retired to stroll. Liggett School, she 0 f ten of Marie's art work. is only because I believe so ing Jife." .8858. ers en route. Remembering found herself a room mother retndtlythe -, ol~~st daughhteprIS strongly in ttJe United Foun., Th V" t t II d h Bud t '" .. " those years. Alice will stress and a member of 0 the r s u ymg grap<ucs at t e ar-! dation that I accepted thO! e IDce s res auran, ca e t e apes The Pause That Relreshes ... these hot swnmer days that there is a ~o.lunteerjob school committees, Eve r y sons School of Design in Ne~ region chairmanship. I knew. Supper Club. opened in mid.August. For adventurous I b WedDesd t t!I G Id LI t vi fall lor everyone wlllmg to con. year, when the U.LS June York. On a coffee table IS that] would have to give up . . . • Mlrtha's ~{:t. e 0 en on 0 ew tribute, no matter what the Carnival would roll around.] one of her sculptures, a thre2. all other activities during this; Pomte chefs, we ha"e pnnted one of Mrs. Vince s f: .. .. .. volunteer's schedule. the private school had a big. quarters head of a boy. time." recipes in our Good Taste Column. Tbe NEWS is For a good selection of 1974 cal.. "Every time I visit one of ger volunteer assignment for "Marie just 10 v e s New Any otller Pointe women looking fOfWlIrd to hearing of magnificent suceesl;':'S the United Foundation agen. Mr. and Mrs. Valk. By the York City, and we think that who would like to donate d' f .. . ... endars come to THE SPHERE . . . des. I am impressed. A few time the youngest daughter, she is a confirmed New their time to the 1973 Torch or Isasterous aIlures In attemptmg Gulyas Soup .19849 Mack Avenue. We have aUrae. weeks ago, I vis i t e d the S usa n was graduated, the Yorker. Over this summer. Drive should eon t act UF and its accompanying Csipetke (what else?). So just live and practical designs from Draw. Uni~edCerebral Palsy Asso. couple had served as chair-I she ;s working in an advert;s- headquarters at WO 5.7100. give us a call . . . ing Board, Hallmark, :lOd Casperi. ciatlon of D e t r 0 i t . I was men of the entire fair. Iing agency before rdurning Especially if you are one , _ ... >0<" amazed at what those chil. However, just as the two, to Parsons for her last year." of Alice Valk's friends Get ready for faU . . . Margaret .... Susan was no where to be that is the only way you will Diamond Suggests ••. Sheer elegant Lookmg for food Items advertised seen last Friday morning as be able to see her this fall! brown all weather coat, belted, hood ... [ in Gourmet magazine? Try me . '.. I she has her own summer day ----------,... I try to carry camp which she organized an d ou tl' med' m racoon . , . $150 . . '. <oJ f S most of those "goodIes" 0 ft!WI ~e At 377 }'isher Road. ~'J or you; ummer hours: Tues.Fri. 1 -5 with two o( her girl (riends. -"'A-:i :-~ ... " .. , Sat. 9:30-4. 17001 Kercheval (Across "She will start her second' , .- I I " cU~.1 I ;.',.;"'::I: H. II. . I I 1 .=e~=6~===::::;::::::::W:.= ..=~~~ -= ...=. MI ! I It .I~ I I ! CARNATIONS I I I I SIUorOC'' MER''SHO r I ..- ..-~.-,.-.~---- - ----.-..-~::.-~-;~.-'~;-~-:~:-.: ,-.-,:-'::;~7t::-;-t'-i........ ,... '.-,,.,-" .. ..... j...... j ,")-, "_.'"".'-;-0"."""')-'-,£-;-' -'S-Z-q-S-'-p-_ .."-,, ...,..... , ...-,- ....... ; 2 -. m r' I" 2 dz. for .;.139 WMe 'hey las' - Thurs., Auguss 9 ,h,u Sun., Augusl 12 I I I ,-~------------------~ 7th ANNUAL SALE Most All Perenl}ials and Annuals Yl price Rose Bushes and Rhododenron 15% oft .1 .- -.-------- . Ol!J£e_m.... ~-------------------I FRESH CUT $192 I Just arrived at Bijouterie ... Jewell'y by Cueter from Jacobson:S) I~ the Village. 1~~:~nati:i~:r~ai~~~r~~~~Ja~~ '.'~._-:-' _ =::; .. _ . . . New imported 18KT gold je ...!elry the selection $ . working with children, but includes rings, fancy chains, earrings, and brace. Looking for the unusual in needle i she has not decided in which lets ••. we especially admire the jewelry accented point ... The Moth Hole has mono I field." with turquoise and cultured pearls. Also on display canvases,Persian wools, original hand. Once in the kitchen, one of are elegant and handsome Universal Geneve 18KT painted designs and do custom de. Mr, Valk's hobbies surfaced. '\fl.... " -t.. ,un; ..r gold Watches. We also carry a wide selection of signing at 17 Kercheval. Hours 10 to . Hanging over a solid wood fiehinjlli in ...... Ih ... n t:an.da. Technos and Accutron watches ... 19860 Mack 4. Closed Saturdays during August. I carving table (Alice bought it Ih.. ..if.. and I land .. d 2 ."forthf"rn PiJ,;p" an f"onN"ru,j"f" Avenue, we have Master Charge and BankAmeri. 885.3'/70. ~ i fro~ Hud.son's after it had card for your convenience. The slimmer hours are I 0 .. " I~lhved ItS pur,,?se as a .... illlh;"1II 2.1 .nd 251,; lb•. urh. 10 to 5:30 Monday through Saturday. W~ stili have a selecllon or "" summer apparel ~~~r~~ypr~perty~ IS'13 se~.o~ g u ens.,s w No.. ... find Ihal ..u .. bill .. .. " I ••• but do come in and see our complele line of new fall would ~o y .. Uo.. 1II;.. nl in :'01.... 'I'.... k Modern Man-the full ser~ice Men's Salon. ~f. ,dresses, pant lluitSand separatn at Gerri's Boullque, Loch. other th~~e aan~~~~o:':}~~i~ (E •• ln,.o Kodak) i. b,.injlli fering Styling, haircolormg, Hatr & Scalp Cleanszng : moor IInd Mack, 884.793.8., .. Child. oul a n'" rum •• am a and p .... j ....lo.. Ih.1 .. ill r ....d and Treatments, Hair Straightening, Hair Body " ", .. Taco Maswr ""und on Ih .. film a. '0\1 lak .. Processing, Selling and Servicing of Hair Goods. . Home Health Care Products. , : are .1~creasm~.1 "Bob 'ust loves to CCo k lh.. mG.;.... "1 ~Id ha", Set the "Professionals." That's MODERN MAN" ly lmporlanl for all of us today. Fac.lOg rlsmg hospl' and the iirls are always b~g: lIi n anylhinlll" h d. 19609 Mack Ave. Appt. TV 1-0010. . tal costs and convalescent ho~es filled to capaCIty 1 ging him to make a Mexican ..d Ih... U.' ..... a i 10 lh.. '" .. • more and more of us face carmg for ll!inner... Alice commented as ';jllihl of h .... pikf' p.tein,. u"d . lh .. boal and Ih ... ub ... qu 1 •All 'I1Je leUer To See ... the display of beautiful, patients at hom(' .. W~ can set:Vic~ all • she surveyed lhe four rungs I.ndin .... fn ~ope, oriental rugs, .Ed MaliszewskI's, 21435 Mack, bas }'our needs, prescn.ptJons, m~dlcatIons, . 10f hanging utensils. . Th am ....a .. ill "" a,.it. Me. elpalMle4 .. twice tile size Ind remodeled. It still has ! walkers, wheelchairS hospital drE:ss, Occasionally. I he necdle., abl. in Iy S"pl.mbfo •• nd ;1 'lle ... me IIolltlque llmo.phere ud personal service. 'I1Je ings incontinence pads, catheters. We pointer artist, counselor and ..ill p ..o:'ably ...... Iuli .. ni ... erielnaJs • dl,pllY ua be ordered in olher slles. Of course, I have them all. We will charge and de. gourmel cook manage to gel .h,. .m .....u.' mn"ir bUIi;n"!I~. tHre Is a «reat selection I)[ carpetiDg and area rugs. , . ; liver. Let us help you. Il's a difficult together on the family's 20.1 77"5510. .". 'job, .. A. J. Meyer, Inc .. 16361 Mack . f~ot sailboat docked at the ~. • ~ Avenue. Little Club. :::::::=? Are you as beauhful as you can be? , .. Patsy • ... .. "All of us Jove to sail. and n suggests coming into Viviane Woodard for your helighllul to look at-Fun 10 decorate ... our petite, ~e wil.l ~pend days on Lake t\ t\ FREE make.up lesson. We are located at 18164. go anywhere glass top, wrought Iron flowered decorative 'It. ClaIr m our sloop. We a~so CARL JOYNER. '=::= Mack Avenue corner of Fisher Road . . . Call for Ilables. Specially priced-$29.95, See them at Wright's, love to Iravel as a fam.lly .oat MACK...'" tAe WD~ your appointment. , • 884.5446. 18650 Mark Avenue. and have taken several tnps .- . J Allemon on E. Warren Ave.• FLOWE' SPECIALS Allemon Floris on E.Warren 17931 East Warren ;6-" ii-£iF E (j '--r-..-i;:;•• Tu 4-6120 0 :;n ,,