Coastal and Marine issues for the European Biodiversity Strategy 5 Questions Tim O’Higgins 28/6/2016 The AQUACROSS project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 642317. Session structure Colla4ngandgroupingAquacross-challenges specificallyrelatedtofreshwatersystems 45´ !BREAK! checkingbackwithfreshwaterbreak-outsession toiden4fyrelatedchallenges 15´ Challenge1: Ques4on Challenge2: Ques4on 28/6/2016 Challenge4: Challenge Ques4on 3:Ques4on Challenge5: Ques4on 60´ In Session 6… FRESHWATER Challenge5: Challenge1: Outcome Outcome Challenge2: MARINE Challenge4: Outcome Challenge1: Challenge3: Outcome Challenge5: Outcome Outcome Challenge2: Outcome Challenge4: Outcome Challenge3: Outcome Outcome + + + + + NEEDSFORINNOVATION (HowtobedealtwithinAquacross?) 28/6/2016 Session structure Colla4ngandgroupingAquacross-challenges specificallyrelatedtofreshwatersystems 45´ !BREAK! checkingbackwithmarinebreak-outsessionto iden4fyrelatedchallenges 15´ Ecosystembased management Uncertainty Biodiversity Ecosystem services 28/6/2016 Resilience 60´ QUESTION 1: WHAT IS ECOSYSTEM BASED MANAGEMENT IN THE MARINE ENVIRONMENT 28/6/2016 28/6/2016 Ecosystem Services How can ecosystem services contribute to practical management of freshwaters? What role can trade-offs and co-benefits between ecosystem services and biodiversity or among different ecosystems services play for on-ground management? 28/6/2016 Quantifying objectives: Value function AssessmentNitrate [mgN/L] verygood - good poor - - bad andmore moderate Advantagesofcon4nuousfunc4on: →improvementwithinaclassisvisible →avoidsroundingerrors →qualityclassescanbederivedanyhow NO3 [mgN/L] +hierarchicalaggrega4on Langhans,Reichert,Schuwirth(2014):ThemethodmaWers:aguideforindicatoraggrega4oninecologicalassessments. EcologicalIndicators45,494-507 Eawag:SwissFederalInsOtuteofAquaOcScienceandTechnology Propagation of uncertainty 1. define probability distributions of attributes 2. draw sample from distributions of attributes 3. calculate value for each attribute sample to get a sample of values 4. estimate mean and quantiles MonteCarloSimulaOon NO3 [mgN/L] Eawag:SwissFederalInsOtuteofAquaOcScienceandTechnology Visualization of uncertainty 90% probability interval median before after Reichert,R.,Schuwirth,N.,Langhans,S.D.(2013):Construc4ng,evalua4ng,andvisualizingvalueandu4lityfunc4onsfordecisionsupport. EnvironmentalModellingandSo4ware46,283-291;R-packages"u4lity"and"ecoval" Eawag:SwissFederalInsOtuteofAquaOcScienceandTechnology 28/6/2016 Spatial Classification of service production and benefits 28/6/2016 Resilience Thecapacityofasystemtoabsorbdisturbanceandreorganize whileundergoingchangesoastos4llretainessen4allythesame func4on,structure,iden4ty,andfeedbacks. =>Lossofresiliencemayleadtoaregimeshic Folkeetal.2004 Likelihood of regime shifts may increase if resilience is reduced How can resilience be reduced? o Removing diversity o Removing whole functional groups of species o Removing whole trophic levels o Impacting on ecosystems via emissions of waste, pollutants etc. o Climate change o Altering the magnitude, frequency, duration of disturbances => Combined and synergistic effects!! Folkeetal.(2004) Resilience thinking Inves4gateshowinterac4ngsystemsofpeopleandnature (=social-ecologicalsystems)canbestbemanagedtoensurea sustainableandresilientsupplyoftheessen4alecosystemservices onwhichhumanitydepends. 7principlesforbuildingresilience(fromtheSRC): Maintaindiversity &redundancy Manage connec4vity Manageslow variables& feedbacks Fostercomplex adap4ve systemsthinking Encourage learning Broaden par4cipa4on Promotepolycentric governance structures Principlesforbuildingresilience;Biggs,Schlüter,Schoon(2015) e.g. managing connectivity in Scottish Aquaculture Theeconomyofscaleisthescalemismatch 28/6/2016 Resilience What are the challenges in making resilience thinking operational in marine management? Which are the most pressing research gaps to make resilience thinking operational? 28/6/2016 QUESTION 2: WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT MARINE BIODIVERSITY? , 28/6/2016 Alan Wilson - QUESTION 2: WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT MARINE BIODIVERSITY? , Alan Wilson - ECRINS-10,000,000km2 8/7/16 Event: Author: CONSERVATIONSSTATUSOFSPECIESOFEUROPEAN INTEREST 28/6/2016 28/6/2016 Event: Author: CostelloeEmblowandWhite(eds)2001.EuropeanRegisterofMarineSpecies, 8/7/16 X X X X X X X X X X X X X 8/7/16 Event: Author: X X X X X