SECTION 16460 GROUNDING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 REQUIREMENTS A. 1.02 SCOPE A. 1.03 1.04 The general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and General Requirements, apply to the work specified in this Section. The work under this Section shall consist of furnishing and installing grounding systems as shown on the Drawings and herein specified. QUALITY ASSURANCE A. All equipment, materials, and their installation shall conform to the requirements of the National Electrical Code (NEC), local code requirements, and these Specifications. B. All equipment and material shall be listed by Underwriter's Laboratories, Inc. (UL) for their intended use and shall bear the UL label. C. Equipment shall be constructed in accordance with National Electrical Manufacturer's Association (NEMA) standards. DESCRIPTION A. The equipment grounding system shall be designed so all building steel, metallic structures, raceways, enclosures, cabinets, machine frames, junction boxes, outlet boxes, portable equipment, and all other conductive items in close proximity with electrical circuits operate continuously at ground potential providing a low impedance path for possible ground fault currents. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS AND COMPONENTS A. MAIN GROUNDING SYSTEM: 1. The ground bus in the main distribution switchboard shall be connected to at least three (3) copper-clad ground rods, not less than 3/4 inches in 16460-1 11/13 GROUNDING SECTION 16460 diameter, ten (10) feet long, and driven full length into the ground outside in unpaved earth. Where required to meet the requirements of herein specified tests, extra rods shall be installed at no additional cost to the Owner. The rods shall be located a minimum of ten (10) feet from each other, or any other electrode, and shall be loop interconnected with each other by a minimum No. 4/0 AWG bare copper conductor thermal welded, using the proper style mold, to each rod below grade. 2. Provide a minimum No. 4/0 AWG green insulated copper ground conductor from the main distribution switchboard ground bus to the main metallic water service entrance (before the first pipe joint inside the building) and connect to same by means of adequate ground clamps. Where a dielectric main water fitting is installed, this ground conductor shall be connected to the street side of the dielectric water fitting. The conduit shall be bonded to the ground conductor at each end. Furnish and install with ground clamps, a minimum No. 4/0 AWG jumper around the water meter. 3. Provide a secondary building ground bar to serve as part of the building grounding electrode system in each electric room and other utilitarian areas of the building where dry-type transformers will be located, and in each communication room and/or where telecommunications main distribution frames (MDF) and sub-distribution frames (SDF) will be located. A ground bar(s) shall also be located at the telephone and CATV service entrance demarcation point(s). The ground bar(s) shall be electro-tin plated copper, minimum size of ¼” x 6” x 12” or larger sizes as shown on the Drawings or required, with 3/8” plastic standoff insulators bolted to the wall. These ground bars shall be connected with a continuous No. 4/0 AWG bare copper ground conductor using high compression two (2) hole lugs. The No. 4/0 AWG ground conductor shall originate at the main switchboard ground bus and route through the building corridor ceilings unspliced to each of the ground bars. Provide “low smoke” type exothermic welds in an accessible ceiling using the proper style mold. Where impractical to use an exothermic weld due to space constraints, the Contractor may use an irreversible compression type connection listed for the purpose but only at locations approved by the Owner. 4. (ENGINEER, USE THIS PARAGRAPH FOR AN ALL STEEL FRAMED BUILDING IN LIEU OF #3 ABOVE.) Provide a secondary building ground bar to serve as part of the building grounding electrode system in each electric room and other utilitarian areas of the building where drytype transformers will be located, and in each communication room and/or where telecommunications main distribution frames (MDF) and sub-distribution frames (SDF) will be located. A ground bar(s) shall also be located at the telephone and CATV service entrance demarcation 16460-2 11/13 GROUNDING SECTION 16460 point(s). The ground bar(s) shall be electro-tin plated copper, minimum size of ¼” x 6” x 12” or larger sizes as shown on the Drawings or required, with 3/8” plastic standoff insulators bolted to the wall. These ground bars shall be connected with a continuous No. 4/0 AWG bare copper ground conductor using high compression two (2) hole lugs. The No. 4/0 AWG ground conductor shall originate at the nearest accessible building steel beam or column using a “low smoke” type exothermic weld with the proper style mold. Remove the building steel paint completely prior to making grounding connections and repaint with proper galvanized paint when complete. 5. (ENGINEER, USE THIS PARAGRAPH FOR AN ALL STEEL FRAMED BUILDING.) Bond the building steel at each building expansion joint with No. 4/0 AWG bare copper using a “low smoke” type exothermic weld using the proper style mold at accessible locations. Remove the building steel paint completely prior to making grounding/bonding connections and repaint with proper galvanized paint when complete. 6. New Buildings, Building Additions and Exterior Electrical Equipment Enclosures: (ENGINEER TO EDIT PARAGRAPHS BELOW TO SUIT PROJECT) a. Buildings with new concrete foundations and/or footings shall be provided with a minimum No. 4 AWG bare copper ground conductor from the main distribution switchboard ground bus to the foundations and/or footings concrete-encased electrode rebar meeting the requirements of NEC 250.52(A)(3). The conductor shall be thermal welded to the concrete-encased electrode (rebar), using the proper style mold. Refer to the detail on the Drawings. (ENGINEER EDIT OUT THIS PORTION IF NOT USING) Building additions foundations and/or footings not within a reasonable distance from the switchboard may have the concreteencased electrode bonded to the buildings secondary building electrode system ground bar. b. Exterior electrical equipment enclosures with new concrete foundations and/or footings shall be provided with a bare copper ground conductor from the ground rods (if provided) and/or from the ground bus of the main panel within the enclosure to the concrete-encased electrode, meeting the requirements of NEC 250.52(A)(3), as shown on the Drawings. The conductor shall be thermal welded to the concrete-encased electrode (rebar), using the proper style mold. The enclosure, if metal, shall be bonded to the grounded electrode. c. (ENGINEER, USE THIS PARAGRAPH FOR A STEEL FRAMED BUILDING.) Steel frame buildings shall also have the steel 16460-3 11/13 GROUNDING SECTION 16460 columns anchor bolt connected to the concrete-encased electrode (rebar) with a No. 4/0 AWG bare copper ground conductor having an exothermic weld at both ends, using the proper style molds. Coordinate the installation of the anchor bolts to the base plate to scrape away paint/rust prior to the installation of the washer and nut to the steel columns anchor bolts. Refer to the detail on the Drawings. B. Secondary services shall be grounded on the "line" side in accordance with the NEC. The neutral disconnecting link, or links, shall be located so that the main distribution switchboard neutral bus with all interior secondary neutrals can be isolated from the common ground bus and the service entrance conductors. C. The equipment grounding conductors and straps shall be sized in compliance with the NEC. All equipment grounding conductors shall be provided with green insulation equivalent to the insulation on the associated phase conductors. The related feeder and branch circuit grounding conductors shall be connected to the ground bus with pressure connectors. A feeder serving several panelboards shall have a continuous grounding conductor which shall be connected to each related cabinet ground bus. D. This Contractor shall furnish and install a separate green insulated equipment grounding conductor for each single or three-phase feeder and each branch circuit with a two-pole or three-pole protective device. The required grounding conductor shall be installed in the same raceway with the related phase and/or neutral conductors. Where there are parallel feeders installed in more than one raceway, each raceway shall have a green insulated equipment ground conductor. Single-phase branch circuits required for 120 and 277 volt lighting, receptacles, and motors shall consist of phase and neutral conductors installed in a common metallic raceway, which shall serve as the grounding conductor. Flexible metallic conduit equipment connections utilized in conjunction with the above single-phase branch circuits shall be provided with suitable green insulated grounding conductors connected to grounding terminals at each end of the flexible conduit. E. This Contractor shall furnish and install in the same raceway with the associated phase and/or neutral conductors, a green colored equipment ground conductor having the same type insulation and connected as described below: 1. Where electrical devices, such as heaters, are installed in air ducts, provide a green insulated equipment ground conductor sized in accordance with the NEC based on the rating of the overcurrent device supplying the unit. This conductor shall be bonded to the ground bus in the associated panelboard. 2. From the equipment ground bus in panelboards through raceways and 16460-4 11/13 GROUNDING SECTION 16460 flexible metallic conduit to ground terminal in a connection box mounted on three-phase motors, furnish and install a ground conductor sized as herein specified. Where the motor has a separate starter and disconnecting device, the ground conductor shall originate at the ground bus in the panelboard. Motors shall be bonded to each starter and disconnecting device enclosure. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 POWER SYSTEM GROUNDING A. This Contractor shall furnish and install green insulated ground conductor(s) in a raceway to the main ground and domestic metallic water main with ground clamps designed specifically for that purpose. B. Main distribution system: From the ground electrodes, this Contractor shall furnish and install an insulated ground conductor to the ground bus within the switchgear, to the neutral of the switchgear, and to all non-current carrying parts. C. Secondary building grounding: Furnish and install secondary building ground bars where indicated and as detailed on the drawings. Connect the ground bars with No. 4/0 AWG bare copper ground conductors originating from the (switchgear ground bus) (building steel). Provide green tags on the ground conductors every fifty (50) feet or less. The tags shall identify the ground conductor as the building secondary grounding electrode system. Laminate tags and secure with tie wraps. D. Branch circuit grounding: This Contractor shall furnish and install grounding bushings, ground terminal blocks, and grounding jumpers at distribution centers, pullboxes, panelboards, and the like. E. Bonding jumpers: This Contractor shall furnish and install a green insulated bonding conductor (size shall correlated with the over-current device protecting the conductor) attached to grounding bushings on the raceway, to lugs on boxes, and other enclosures. F. Bonding conductors: This Contractor shall furnish and install a bonding conductor in all flexible conduits connected at each end to a grounding bushing. G. Pole mounting luminaire (lighting fixture) grounding: This Contractor shall furnish and install a ground conductor with green insulation to the lighting standard (pole). Connect to a corrosion-resistant ground stud or ground clamp furnished as part of the standard. The ground conductor shall originate and be run with the branch circuit wiring. H. All electrical outlets shall be connected from the device grounding terminal to the 16460-5 11/13 GROUNDING SECTION 16460 outlet box with No. 12 AWG green insulated conductor. This Contractor shall furnish and install a green screw terminal in the outlet box and a continuous green ground conductor from the green terminal screw to the grounding systems as indicated on the Drawings. 3.02 COMMUNICATION GROUNDING A. 3.03 Telephone 1. This Contractor shall furnish and install one (1) No. 2 AWG green ground conductor in a ¾ inch raceway from the telephone equipment demarcation space to the main service ground or building secondary grounding electrode system. 2. This Contractor shall furnish and install one (1) No. 2 AWG type green ground loop between each raceway terminating at the telephone equipment demarcation backboard by means of a grounding bushing. B. Fire detection and alarm systems: This Contractor shall furnish and install one (1) No. 8 AWG green ground conductor in a 3/4 inch raceway from system equipment enclosures to the main service ground or building secondary grounding electrode system. C. Ancillary communication systems: Provide additional grounding of other building systems as described elsewhere in these specifications. TESTS A. The completed grounding system shall be subjected to a ground resistance test with an earth test megger to ensure that the ground resistance, without chemical treatment or other artificial means, does not exceed five (5) ohms at the service entrance equipment’s ground bus. The Contractor shall furnish and install additional ground rods and conductors from the exterior ground grid to achieve the required resistance to ground. Testing equipment must be calibrated to the manufacturer’s requirements. Upon request, the Contractor shall provide documentation of the testing equipment’s most recent calibration. B. (ENGINEER, USE THIS PARAGRAPH FOR AN ALL STEEL FRAMED BUILDING.) In addition to the above, steel framed buildings shall be subjected to a ground resistance test with an earth test megger for the adequacy of the steel framing of the building as a grounding electrode system for five (5) ohms or less. Testing shall be at all of the secondary building ground bar connection points. If testing results do not meet the required resistance, the engineer must be notified. END OF SECTION 16460-6 11/13