EMERGENCY CHECKLIST Cessna C182S Skylane HB-CZU Page 1 FIRE ON GROUND DURING ENGINE START 1 Cranking ------------------------------------------------ CONTINUE IF ENGINE STARTS 2 3 Power ---------------------------------------------------- 1700 RPM FOR A FEW MINUTES Engine --------------------------------------------------- SHUTDOWN & INSPECT IF ENGINE FAILS TO START 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Throttle -------------------------------------------------Mixture -------------------------------------------------Cranking -----------------------------------------------Fule Selector Valve ---------------------------------Auxilary Fuel Pump ---------------------------------Fire Extinguisher -------------------------------------Engine --------------------------------------------------- FULL OPEN IDLE CUT OFF CONTINUE ( 2 –3 Min.) PUSH DOWN & ROTATE TO OFF OFF OBTAIN / GROUND ATTENDANTS SECURE a) Master Switch -------------------------------------- OFF b) Ignition Switch ------------------------------------- OFF c) Fuel Selector --------------------------------------- OFF 11 12 13 14 Parking Brake ----------------------------------------Airplane ------------------------------------------------Fire ------------------------------------------------------Fire Damage ------------------------------------------- © 07/2010-V1.0en RELEASE EVACUATE EXTINGUISH INSPECT FOR DAMAGE Flight School of EMERGENCY CHECKLIST Cessna C182S Skylane HB-CZU Page 2 FIRE IN FLIGHT ENGINE FIRE 1 2 3 4 5 6 Mixture ----------------------------------------------------------------- IDLE CUT-OFF Fuel Selector Valve ------------------------------------------------- PUSH DOWN & ROTATE TO OFF Auxiliary Fuel Pump ------------------------------------------------- OFF Master Switch -------------------------------------------------------- OFF Cabin Air & Cabin Heat (except wing root vents !)----------- OFF Airspeed --------------------------------------------------------------- 100 KIAS If fire is not extinguished, increase glide speed to find an airspeed which will provide an incombustible mixture ! 7 Emergency Landing ------------------------------------------------- EXECUTE ELECTRICAL FIRE IN FLIGHT (Smoke in the cabin !) 1 2 3 4 5 Master Switch -------------------------------------------------------Vents & Cabin Air & Cabin Heat --------------------------------Fire Extinguisher (if available) -----------------------------------Avionics Power Switch ---------------------------------------------All Other Switches (except ignition switch) -------------------- OFF CLOSED ACTIVATE OFF OFF When it is ascertained that the fire has been extinguished, ventilate the cabin ! 6 Vents & Cabin Air & Cabin Heat --------------------------------- OPEN If fire appears out and electrical power is necessary for continuance of flight ! 7 8 9 10 11 Master Switch -------------------------------------------------------- ON Circuit Breakers ------------------------------------------------------ CHECK FOR FAULTY CIRCUIT / DO NOT RESET ! Radio Switches ------------------------------------------------------- OFF Avionics Power Switch --------------------------------------------- ON Radios & Electrical Switches ------------------------------------- ON ONE AT A TIME, WITH DELAY AFTER EACH, UNTIL FAULTY CIRCUIT IS LOCALIZED ! LAND AS SOON AS POSSIBLE ! © 07/2010-V1.0en Flight School of EMERGENCY CHECKLIST Cessna C182S Skylane HB-CZU Page 3 ENGINE POWER LOSS IN FLIGHT 1 2 3 4 5 Airspeed --------------------------------------------------------------Fuel Selector Valve ------------------------------------------------Auxiliary Fuel Pump ------------------------------------------------Mixture ----------------------------------------------------------------Ignition Switch -------------------------------------------------------- TRIMM FOR 75 KIAS BOTH ON RICH BOTH (or START if propeller is not windmilling !) WHEN POWER IS RESTORED 6 Mixture ----------------------------------------------------------------- AS REQUIRED WHEN POWER IS NOT RESTORED 7 Emergency Landing ------------------------------------------------- EXECUTE EMERGENCY LANDING Trimm for best glide speed: 75 KIAS @ 3100 lbs 70 KIAS @ 2600 lbs 62 KIAS @ 2000 lbs Locate suitable field MAYDAY CALL Transponder 7700 / ALT When the landing field can easily be reached 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 Seat Belts & Shoulder Harnesses ----------------------------- TIGHTEN Mixture --------------------------------------------------------------- IDLE CUT OFF Fuel Selector Valve ----------------------------------------------- PUSH DOWN & ROTATE TO OFF Ignition Switch ------------------------------------------------------ OFF Flaps ------------------------------------------------------------------ FULL DOWN Master Switch ------------------------------------------------------ OFF Doors ----------------------------------------------------------------- UNLATCH Speed ---------------------------------------------------------------- REDUCE FOR LANDING Touchdown ---------------------------------------------------------- SLIGHTLY TAIL LOW Brakes ---------------------------------------------------------------- APPLY HEAVILY © 07/2010-V1.0en Flight School of EMERGENCY CHECKLIST Cessna C182S Skylane HB-CZU Page 4 ALTERNATOR FAILURE Low Voltage Annunciator Illuminates during flight Ammeter Indicates Discharge 1 2 Avionics Power Switch --------------------------------------------- OFF Alternator Circuit Breaker ------------------------------------------ CHECK IN if 1 and 2 are checked ON/IN and still no output ! ALTERNATOR RECYCLING PROCEDURE 3 4 5 6 Master Switch -------------------------------------------------------Master Switch -------------------------------------------------------Low Voltage Annunciator -----------------------------------------Avionics Power Switch --------------------------------------------- OFF (both sides !) ON (both sides !) CHECK OFF ON if low voltage light illuminates again ! 7 8 Alternator Switch ----------------------------------------------------- OFF Nonessential Radio and Electrical Equipment --------------- OFF Land on the nearest Airport as practicable ! RADIO FAILURE NO RADIO CONTACT WITH TWR / ATC 1 2 3 Radio ------------------------------------------------------------------- ON Volume ----------------------------------------------------------------- TEST SQUELCH Headset / Mike Plugs ----------------------------------------------- PLUGED IN if still no contact ! 4 5 Transponder ---------------------------------------------------- 7600 / ALT Procedure ------------------------------------------------------- ACCORDING VFR GUIDE Air Traffic Control Tower Light Gun Signals Color and type of signal Steady Green Flashing Green Aircraft on the ground Cleared for take off Cleared for taxi Steady Red Stop Flashing Red Flashing White Alternating Red and Green Taxi clear of the runway in use Return to starting point on airport Execise extreme caution © 07/2010-V1.0en Aircraft in flight Cleared to land Return for landing (to be followed by steady green at the proper time) Give way to other aircraft and continue circling Airport unsafe - Do Not Land Not applicable Execise extreme caution Flight School of