WORKPLACE HEALTH & SAFETY CHECKLIST Workplace Safety Inspections Adopt a systematic approach by inspecting 8 areas of safety: 1. MANAGEMENT - An indication that the safety management system is working effectively is a good starting point. Have a look at the safety meeting minutes, these should be displayed on the noticeboard. Are all relevant areas discussed? 2. EMERGENCY FACILITIES Fire equipment adequate, emergency escape routes, exits, signage and illumination, emergency info. displayed, accident procedure known, adequate first aid supplies and trained personnel. 3. ROOM SERVICES Temperature, ventilation, humidity, water (hot/cold/drinking) marked, gas lines/appliances, electricity, lighting, sockets/switches, noise levels. 4. ROOM FABRIC Condition of floors, vent/heating ducts unobstructed, windows secure and operating safely, any slippery surfaces, all hazardous structural features marked e.g. wall fixtures, low beams, obscured steps 5. ROOM FURNISHINGS Are chairs, tables, vinyl or carpet tiles in good condition? All wall fixtures secure? (e.g. shelving units, boards and screens) 6. ROOM EQUIPMENT Equipment stable and tested, correctly guarded (if appropriate), all plugs and cabling undamaged and tidy (nothing trailing). Are all work areas and passageways adequate, obvious and unobstructed? 7. ROOM MATERIALS No overloading of cupboards, shelves or racking, no storage too heavy/too high, no excessive quantities of flammable or combustible materials are stored. 8. ROOM ACTIVITIES Are all occupants competent or under effective supervision, have all appropriate legal requirements been met with regard to training e.g., (Display Screen Regs, Fire Training Regs, Man Handling Regs)? IS THE WORKPLACE GENERALLY CLEAN AND TIDY Please keep back copies of at least four inspections Safety Checklist Health & Safety Services January 2010 1 WORKPLACE HEALTH & SAFETY CHECKLIST NAME OF DEPARTMENT: .............................................................................................................................................. LOCATIONS/BUILDINGS COVERED:............................................................................................................................ NAME OF PERSON(S) CARRYING OUT INSPECTION: .............................................................................................. DATE OF INSPECTION: .................................................................................................................................................. 1. GENERAL MANAGEMENT OK N/A OK N/A Are the Departments Risk Assessments & Safety Policy brought to the attention of new staff during induction? Does a Safety Meeting Regularly Occur? Are the following considered at this meeting: Health & Safety training Risk Assessments and any service specific Risk Assessments currently in place The system for staff and students to be familiarised with the Universities fire and Emergency Procedures including those for disabled people? Defects and any other health and safety concerns raised by staff. A plan of any health and safety improvements considered to be a priority for the Department. A system for monitoring that any items outstanding from the risk assessment process or safety inspections are prioritised and actioned appropriately. Is the Departmental Safety Notice board maintained and Displaying appropriate contact details? Is there a system for all work equipment to be assessed for suitability in terms of health and safety prior to purchase? ACTION TO BE TAKEN:(raise outstanding areas from this section at the safety meeting) 2. EMERGENCY FACILITIES - FIRE & FIRST AID Are sufficient numbers of fire wardens trained to assist in an emergency? Can all fire exits be opened immediately and easily? Are all escape routes free from obstructions and available for use (including any external escape routes)? Are all fire signs clearly visible? Are all fire extinguishers accessible and clearly visible, displaying a valid test date (annual )? Can the fire alarm be heard throughout the department in all rooms? Are there adequate first aiders to cover the areas required? Does the First Aid box/cupboard contain any other contents other than those listed as required Safety Checklist Health & Safety Services January 2010 2 WORKPLACE HEALTH & SAFETY CHECKLIST (e.g. antiseptics and painkillers)? Is it clear where the First Aid box is kept (suitable signage)? Are emergency showers available if required? ACTION TO BE TAKEN: 3. SERVICES OK N/A Is the lighting suitable and sufficient, and lighting tubes working and stable? Are electrical wall sockets and switches undamaged? Is hot/cold and drinking water clearly indicated? Are ventilation levels adequate (good fresh air supply)? Can any fumes and heat produced by equipment be discharged safely? Is a reasonable temperature maintained (min 16c after first hour)? Does each room have access to a thermometer? Are heaters/radiators suitable, and safe? ACTION TO BE TAKEN: 4. FABRIC OK N/A OK N/A Are any hazardous features clearly marked/in good repair (eg wall fixtures, low beams, obscure steps)? Are windows secure and operating correctly? Are any handrails secure and intact? Are clearways, walkways and traffic routes in the inspection area free of rubbish and equipment? Are floors, passages and stairs clean, non-slip and free from obstruction, are there any loose covers or stair treads? Are all traffic routes clearly identified and free from training cables? Are any changes in levels on traffic routes clearly marked? Are staff aware of any asbestos materials still present in their work area (refer to asbestos survey in Facilities)? 3 Is there sufficient room to work safely (min 11m per person)? Are the gangways/spaces between desks adequate? Are toilet provisions adequate, clean with a sufficient supply of hot and cold water, soap and drying aids? Is the access to the department safe (gritted in winter, steps and ramps in good condition)? ACTION TO BE TAKEN: 5. FURNITURE & FITTINGS Are filing cabinets fitted with devices to prevent more than one drawer opening at a time and Safety Checklist Health & Safety Services January 2010 3 WORKPLACE HEALTH & SAFETY CHECKLIST keys removed? Are suitable steps or kick stools provided for accessing items at height ? Is the room generally clean and tidy? Are chairs, desks and stools in good condition? Are chalk/whiteboards /projection screens secure and operating smoothly? Are all other wall fixtures secure, (eg, TV sets, etc.)? ACTION TO BE TAKEN: 6. ELECTRICAL FITTINGS AND EQUIPMENT OK N/A Are all pieces of electrical equipment labelled to indicate they have been included in the inspection programme? Are trailing cables routed to avoid danger/trips? Are there sufficient outlet sockets (wall sockets not overloaded with adaptors)? Is user check poster on electrical equipment displayed next to store cupboards for electrical items? Are photocopiers regularly serviced and positioned in well ventilated areas (not on fire escape routes)? ACTION TO BE TAKEN: 7. MATERIALS OK N/A Are cupboards and shelves overloaded? Are there any areas where falling objects could cause personal injury? Is shelf storage stable, with nothing too heavy/too high? Are desk passageways unobstructed by storage? Are excessive quantities stored (fire risk)? ACTION TO BE TAKEN: 8. ACTIVITIES OK N/A Have written risk assessment been completed for all activities involving significant risks? Has a workstation assessment been carried out for each person? Have manual handling assessments been carried out in relevant areas of work? Have appropriate employees attended a manual handling course? Has a COSHH assessment been carried out for activities using hazardous substances? Are appropriate hazard warning signs in place to remind employees of workplace dangers? Have individual assessments been completed for pregnant workers, young people at work and anyone with a health issue which may be exacerbated by work? Safety Checklist Health & Safety Services January 2010 4 WORKPLACE HEALTH & SAFETY CHECKLIST Are there any significant fire hazards in your area of responsibility, if so are they adequately controlled? ACTION TO BE TAKEN: OUTCOME OF INSPECTION DATE What is the date of the staff meeting at which the outcome of this inspection will be reported? SUMMARY OF ACTION TO BE TAKEN RESPONSIBILITY Signed : DATE TO BE COMPLETED Date: Review Date: Safety Checklist Health & Safety Services January 2010 5