Preliminary Program Eastern Sociological Society 2008 Annual

 Preliminary Program Eastern Sociological Society 2008 Annual Meeting December 22, 2007
See index to participants at the end of this document
Thursday, February 21
Sessions 12:00 PM—1:30 PM
1. Miniconference— Mini-Conference: Global Network on Inequality, Session
2. Regular Paper Session— Children, Adolescents, and Popular Culture
Celebrity Tales: A critical analysis of the messages in the books celebrities
write for children, Michelle R. Napierski-Prancl, Russell Sage College
Using the Sounds of Greasepaint in The Classroom: Teaching Sociology with
Musical Theater, Robin Armstrong, McDaniel College; Debra C. Lemke,
McDaniel College
All I Wanted was to be Accepted but they Tortured Me, Heather M. Griffiths,
Fayetteville State University; Sharmila Udyavar, Fayetteville State University
Television Influence on Adolescent Occupational Ideas, Susan Kremmel,
Rutgers, State University of New Jersey
3. Regular Paper Session— Crime in International Context
Human Trafficking in the Twenty-First Century, Nicholas A. Astone, Alabama
State University; Mary Kathryn Astone, Troy University
Sex Trafficking in Women in Israel in the Age of Globalization, Dana Zarhin,
Brandeis University
Criminal Opportunists: The Birth and Evolution of the Albanian Criminal
Organization in the United States , Marin K. Kurti, Fordham University
4. Regular Paper Session— Deviance and Lived Experiences
Techniques of Neutralization Theory and Positive Deviance, Nicole A.
Shoenberger, Indiana University of PA; Alex Heckert, Indiana University of
PA; Druann Heckert, Fayetteville State University
Missing vocabulary in the sociology of deviance, Charles M. Vivona, St. John's
Border Wars: New Drug Treatment Technologies and the Addicted Body, Julie
C. Netherland, CUNY- Graduate Center
Awakening to “Truth”: Trauma, Memory, and the Social Geometry of Personal
Discovery, Thomas Degloma, Rutgers University
Coming to age in inner-city Pittsburgh, Stacey J. Bosick, Harvard University
5. Regular Paper Session— Identity and the Internet
Trust in Online Exchange, Denise Anthony, Dartmouth College
Identity Construction on Facebook: Digital Empowerment in Anchored
Relationships, Shanyang Zhao, Temple University; Sherri Grasmuck, Temple
University; Jason Martin, Temple University
Socialization Online: A Case Study of Albright Students, Brett M. Lehman,
Albright College; Chenyang Xiao, Albright College
The Story of Petite Anglaise: Celebrity Workbloggers and Workplace
Resistance, Abigail M. Schoneboom, City University New York
Can technological devices replace face to face interaction?, Debra C. Lemke,
McDaniel College; Boni Li, University of Northern Kentucky
6. Regular Paper Session— Math, Science and Gender Issues
Gender and racial patterns in attaining a science/engineering bachelor
degree, Yingyi Ma, Syracuse University
Effective Teaching Practices and Achievement: Where Teachers and Students
Agree, Jamie Libonate, LaSalle University; Judith Stull, Temple University/
LaSalle University; Susan Varnum, Temple University; Diane Ketlehut, Temple
Differences in Students’ Attitudes Toward Learning Science in School and
Attitudes toward Science as a Career, Andria Smythe, Temple University;
Judith Stull, Temple University/ LaSalle University; Diane Ketlehut, Temple
University; Susan Varnum, Temple University
Teaching math and statistics: Where do students go wrong?, Judith Stull,
Temple University/ LaSalle University; Susan Varnum, Temple University;
John Schiller, Temple University; Joseph Ducette, Temple University
7. Regular Paper Session— Medical Issues Across Institutions
Medicine and the Military Culture: Growing Tensions in a Clash of Cultures,
Matthew W. Hallgarth, U.S. Air Force Academy
Creating the Theraputic Subject-Population: Autism in Elementary Education,
Kate S. Jenkins, CUNY Graduate Center
The Social Construction of Migraine Headaches in the Workplace: The
Disclosure Dilemma, Lisa Pollich, City University of New York; Lisa Pollich,
City University of New York
8. Regular Paper Session— Race, Class and Housing
Gentrification in Everyday Life, Judith Desena, St John's University
“Socioeconomic Diversity is Overrated”: Social Class and Gentrification in a
Racially Integrated Urban Neighborhood , Meghan Ashlin Rich, University of
Beyond Concentrated Poverty: Income Mixing in America's Neighborhoods,
Laura M. Tach, Harvard University
Mixed-Income Housing: Reconsidering Physical Design and its Implications for
Relationship Building, Wendy C. Sedlak, Temple University
9. Regular Paper Session— Race/Ethnicity and Education
Racial identity formation for African-American students in Miami, Paula B.
Fernandez, William Paterson University
The Primary Determinants of Ethnic Distance in Children: Socializing Enmity
in Serbian Schools, Tamara Pavasovic, Harvard University
The End of Oppositional Culture and Acting White?: Rethinking Ogbu’s
Cultural Ecological Model of Minority Student Achievement, Travis L. Gosa,
Johns Hopkins University
Double Standards in K-12 Educational Leadership: Black Women's
Perspectives, D. Chanele Moore, University of Delaware
10. Meeting— Executive Committee Meeting
Sessions 1:45 PM—3:15 PM
11. Miniconference— The 40th Anniversary of Tally's Corner/Elliott LiebowChanges on the Corner: The Life of the Inner City Poor 40 Years Later (1)
12. Regular Paper Session— Aspects of Welfare Reform
21st Century Policy Shifts Affecting Economically Poor Student Parents, A.
Fiona Pearson, Central Connecticut State University
Capitalism and Welfare Reform: Who Really Benefits from Welfare-to-Work
Policies? , Shannon M. Monnat, University at Albany, SUNY Albany; Laura A.
Bunyan, University at Albany, SUNY Albany
To Strive for More: Women, Welfare, Higher Education and the Interplay of
Narratives in the Lives of Low-Income Mothers, Autumn R. Green, Boston
White Shame in America: Understanding the End of Welfare As We Knew It,
J. Heather Wiley, CUNY Graduate Center
13. Regular Paper Session— Civic Engagement in the Public Sphere
Civic Engagement on Campus: Mapping Involvement and Debunking Myths,
Don Levy, Siena College; Mathew Johnson, Siena College
Participation as Commodity?: Selling Deliberative Products in the Public
Sphere , Caroline W. Lee, Lafayette College
On Aborted Revolution Ideas and roles of civil rights groups during the
‘Wende’ in East Germany 1989/90, Antonia Levy, CUNY Graduate Center;
Jamie McCallum, CUNY Graduate Center
Religion and Local Activism: Anti-Violence and Immigrant Rights Movements
in Trenton, New Jersey, Elizabeth Borland, The College of New Jersey;
Joanna Deleon, The College of New Jersey
Postsocialist Restructuring as Passive Revolution: The Case of the Czech
Transformation, John D. Boy, CUNY Graduate Center
14. Regular Paper Session— Gender and Crime
Gender Disparities in Sentencing in Richmond, VA, Stephanie T. Lake,
Adelphi University
Does Gender Matter? Gender Influences and Other Factors that Affect
Concerns toward Prison Rape, Laura Anne Rapp, University of Delaware
Gendered Justice: Gender, race and class differences in sentencing for
spousal homicide in the United States, Patricia A. Lenihan, SUNY Albany
Gender Differences in Offender's HIV Risk Behaviors, Kristin M. Maiden,
University of Delaware; Christine A. Saum, Rowan University; Brian C. Starks,
University of Delaware
15. Regular Paper Session— Narratives, Frames and Social Movements
Narratives and the Creation of a Social Movement Community: The AIDS
Community in New York , Susan M. Chambre, CUNY --- Baruch College
“Can I Tell My Story?” Ensuring Accountability via Narratives of Dissent in the
Burning Man Organization, Katherine K. Chen, William Paterson University
Solidaristic Appeals and the Framing of Issues: Mobilizational Tactics within
Environmental Movement Organizations, Daniel Sarabia, Roanoke College
Retaining RCers: Mechanisms Promoting Affective Commitment in a Diffuse
Therapeutic Community, Kerry J. Strand, Hood College
Playing on the Fears of Whites for the Benefit of Blacks: Framing Black Higher
Education for Mass Consumption, Melissa Wooten, University of
Massachusetts - Amherst
Judith Gerson, Rutgers University
16. Regular Paper Session— Obstacles in the Transition to Adulthood
Symbolic Interactions of Formerly Incarcerated Emerging Adults with
Psychiatric Disabilities, Stephanie W. Hartwell, UMass Boston; William Fisher,
UMASS Medical School; Maryann Davis, UMASS Medical School
Pushed Out of the Classroom into Prison: The Struggle of the Youth Within
the Educational System, Ian A. Stuart, John Jay College
Identifying persistent offenders during the transition to adulthood, Stacey J.
Bosick, Harvard University
Justine Burns, UCT, Cape Town
17. Regular Paper Session— Thinking Beyond Borders
Values, Power, and the Modes of Structured Interaction in the Social Shaping
of the New Global Publics, Markus S. Schulz, UIUC
Crossing Borders to Interdependence: An Evaluation of Past and Present
Developing Interdependence along the Israeli-Palestinian and IsraeliJordanian Borders, Tamar Arieli, Bar Ilan University
Beyond Ourselves?: Knowing the Globe Through the Self-Reflective Mode,
Mohammad H. Tamdgidi, University of Massachusetts Boston
Global dynamics, local spaces and new possibilities of social change, Yifat
Gutman, New School for Social Research
Global Capitalism and Technological Inequality in Developing Countries, 19802005, Dianne S. Stalker, SUNY Stony Brook
Surinder Jodhka, Jawaharlel Nehru University, New Delhi
18. Regular Paper Session— Transfers across Social Groups
“I got to try to give back: Reciprocity as a source of and obstacle to social
capital among the poor”, Joan Maya Mazelis, Yeshiva University
Differences in Household Expenditures between Non-, Light and Heavy Lottery
Players, Megumi Omori, Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania; Kenneth
Brandon Lang, Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania
Performance Expectations, Perceived Social Relations, and Balance Theory:
The Case of Teacher Expectations, Matthew Pittinsky, Teachers College,
Columbia University
Social Service Programs and Congregational Ideology: Characteristics of
Congregations that Volunteer, Andrea C. Barra, Rutgers University
19. Regular Paper Session— Workplace Environment
Joel Schoening, Shippensburg University
Amy N. Dunckel, SUNY Stony Brook
Corporate programs for employees living with HIV/AIDS or at risk of HIV
infection, Henry M. Silvert, The Conference Board
The Relative Impact of Workplace Environment on Well-Being: A Comparison
of Salaried and Non-Salaried Workers, Jennifer Higgins McCormick,
University at Buffalo
Sessions 3:30 PM—5:00 PM
20. Foundation Presidents Panel
Craig Calhoun, Social Science Research Council
Eric Wanner, Russell Sage Foundation
Robert Granger, William T. Grant Foundation
21. Passing as the Child’s Mother, Substituting for one’s own Mother, and
Claiming Empowerment: Nannies and Their Children talk about their Lives
Organizer: Margaret Klein Nelson, Middlebury College
"I'm still trying to] figure out how I feel about it": A Nanny's Daughter
Speaks, Margaret Klein Nelson, Middlebury College
Passing (or not) for Mom: Nannies, Ethnicity, and Public Judgment, Cameron
MacDonald, University of Wisconsin, Madison
The Force of Domesticity: Women and Migration in the Philippines, Rhacel
Parrenas, University of California, Davis
Anita I. Garey, University of Connecticut
22. Religion and Ethnicity in a Global Metropolis
Organizer: Nicholas Alexiou, Queens College
The Greek Jewish Community of New York. Panel Discussion , Nicholas
Alexiou, Queens College, CUNY;Sociology Department
The Tradition Headdress Among Muslim and Jewish Women in New York, Bibi
Khan, Queens College, CUNY;Sociology Department
The Role of the Church in the Korean Community of New York, Hanna Chang,
Queens College, CUNY;Sociology Department
The Role of Christianity in Two Recently Arriving Groups: Albanians and
Nepalis, Kaisa Hagen, Queens College, CUNY;Sociology Department
23. Miniconference— The 40th Anniversary of Tally's Corner/Elliott LiebowChanges on the Corner: The Life of the Inner City Poor 40 Years Later (2)
24. Regular Paper Session— Constructing Identity
An Examination of the Construction of Identity in a Postmodern, Global World,
John C. Bridges, Bucknell University
Boundaries of race and citizenship in Imperial Japan, Hwaji Shin, University
of San Francisco
Belonging, Identity, and Ethnicity: Croatian Serbs in Serbia, Sreca Perunovic,
John Jay College of Criminal Justice
The Company One Keeps -- an exploration of social ties' impact on felt
ethnicity, Ed Chung, Elizabethtown College; Paul Ngo, St. Norbert College;
Joy Pahl, St. Norbert College
Towards a Qualitative and Quantitative Understanding of Ethnicity and
Emotion, Peter M. Pisano, St. Norbert College; Ed Chung, Elizabethtown
College; Paul Ngo, St. Norbert College
Clara E. Rodriguez, Fordham University
25. Regular Paper Session— Crime and Populations
In Search of the Perfect Execution Audience, Annulla Linders, University of
Investigating Precipitating Factors in Mass Murder: Do “Last Straws” Get to
the Bottom of Rampage Killing or Merely Scratch the Surface?, Eric Madfis,
Northeastern University; Tammi Arford, Northeastern University
Presumed Danger: Problems in Pre-Conceptualizing the Sexually Offending
Subject, Diana C. Rickard, The Graduate Center, CUNY
The Cycle of Victimization and Offending for Female Offenders: An Analysis of
a Prison Sample , Ronet Bachman, University of Delaware; Laurin Parker,
University of Delaware
26. Regular Paper Session— Deviance across Social Groups
Rationales for Recovery and Redemption: Parallel Accounts at Faith-Based
and Science-Based Drug Rehabilitation Centers , Daniel E. Hood, State
University of NY at Farmingdale
Stigma, Identity and Neutralization : a Qualitative Approach to Understanding
the Re-Integrative Efforts of Ex-Offenders., Matthew S. Vogel, University at
Gendered Differences in Group Support for Deviance, Lauren Sardi Ross,
University of Connecticut; Jamie Gusrang, University of Connecticut; C.
Wesley Younts, University of Connecticut
A Gender Specific Analysis of Formal Social Control, Jessica Singer, SUNY
Making Watching a Crime: the emergence of video voyeurism law in New York
State , Dan H. Nickolai, State University of New York at Buffalo
27. Regular Paper Session— Focus on New York
Upstate New York: Sociological Perspectives, Joseph F. Sullivan, SUNY-Potsdam
Race, Ethnicity and De Facto Segregation in New York City Housing, Judith R.
Halasz, SUNY New Paltz
“The Aura of Legitimacy in the Marijuana Paraphernalia Marketplace: An
analysis of the social and economic networks head shops in New York State.”,
Anna K. Ryan, University at Albany
Assessing the Relationship Between Gentrification and Crime: A Case Study of
Albany, New York, Michael S. Barton, University at Albany
Economic Redevelopment, Community and Environmental Politics on the
Urban Waterfront: New York City's Newtown Creek, Steven Lang, LaGuardia
Community College- CUNY
28. Regular Paper Session— Popular Culture and Identities
The "Essence," "Heart & Soul" of "Today’s Black Woman": Understanding
Black women’s sexuality in contemporary magazines, Gloria Gadsden, East
Stroudsburg University
Death Metal Subculture: Fanaticism and the Life-Course, Jacob A. Lang,
University at Buffalo
Textual Analysis of Film: Application of Media Literacy Principles-Hotel
Rwanda, Francis P. Ellis, University of Pennsylvania
How Can I Be A Villain, I am a Women? – A look at the non-normative gender
roles of female criminal among Batman’s Villainesses., Stephanie A. Bennett,
SUNY Oneonta
Beats, Rhymes, and Justice: The Hip-Hop Generation, Street Journalism, and
the Making of a Global Movement, Paul Khalil Saucier, Rhode Island College;
Daniel Lennox, University of Connecticut
29. Workshop— Globalizing Introductory Sociology
Organizer: Debra C. Lemke, McDaniel College
Debra C. Lemke, McDaniel College
Lauren Dundes, McDaniel College
Linda L. Semu, McDaniel College
Sessions 5:30 PM—7:00 PM
30. New Deal/Nation Panel
Presider: Katrina Vanden Heuvel
Edwin Amenta, University of California, Irvine
Ira Katznelson, Columbia University
Sherle Schwenninger, World Policy Institute
The Roosevelt Legacy That Might Have Been, Richard Parker, Harvard
Friday, February 22
Sessions 8:30 AM—10:00 AM
31. Author Meets Critics— Marked: Race, Crime, and Finding Work in an Era
of Mass Incarceration
Organizer: Elijah Anderson, Yale University
Author, Devah Pager, Princeton University
Critic 1, Phil Kasinitz, Graduate Center, CUNY
Critic 2, Robert Washington, Bryn Mawr College
Critic 3: Cindy Ness, University of Pennsylvania, Cindy Ness, University of
32. Miniconference— Mini-Conference: Global Network on Inequality,
Session II
33. Invited Panel— Honoring the 40th Anniversary of the PSID: Celebrating
the PSID's Sample and Design
Presider: Frank Stafford, University of Michigan
Frank Stafford, University of Michigan
Mary Corcoran, University of Michigan
Sandy Hofferth, University of Maryland
34. Regular Paper Session— Different Experiences of Motherhood
Family Instability and School Completion Among Teen Moms, Mary P.
Erdmans, Central Connecticut State University
“Opting Out or Unable to Opt In?”, Sarah A. Damaske, New York University
The Impact of being a Stay-At-Home Mother on Divorce, Arielle T.
Kuperberg, University of Pennsylvania
“A Higher Tolerance for Pain”: Mental Health Issues Among Second
Generation Asian American Working Mothers , Miliann Kang, UMASS
Amherst; Sandy Yu, Smith College
35. Regular Paper Session— Globalization and Human Rights
Organizer: Jonathan M. White, Bridgewater State College
Globalizing Forces and Their Impact on Human Rights Activism in Northern
Uganda , Amy Finnegan, Boston College
“Comparative Effects of Neo-Liberal Globalization on the Rights and Welfare of
Children in Indonesia, Kenya, and Colombia,” , Curtis Holland, Bridgewater
State College
Interpreting International Justice on the Ground: The UN Backed Tribunal in
Cambodia, Adam Saltsman, Boston College
Globalization, Macrogovernance and the Welfare State: A Structure for
Human Rights?, Shelley K. White, Boston College
"The Engaged Sociologist: Globalization and Human Rights", Kathleen
Korgen, William Paterson University; Jonathan M. White, Bridgewater State
36. Regular Paper Session— HIV/AIDS across Populations
Narratives of Distrust: African Americans, HIV-AIDS and Vaccines, Jacob
Heller, SUNY College at Old Westbury
Administering Culturally Sensitive and Socially Appropriate HIV Prevention
Programs to Caribbean Women in New York City, Marcia Bayne-Smith,
Queens College - CUNY; John Furnari, Queens College - CUNY; Alan L.
Gonzalez, Queens College - CUNY
College Students' Perceptions and Knowledge of HIV and AIDS, Ashley Megan
Bowersox, Ursinus College
HIV/AIDS Infection and Transmission: Attitudes, Concern, and Risk Behavior
among Gay and Bisexual Men in NYC and LA, Alyson Spurgas, CUNY
Graduate Center; David Bimbi, CHEST; Jeffrey Parsons, CHEST
37. Regular Paper Session— Issues on College Campuses
What Happened to the Class of 2005?, Roberta M. Spalter-Roth, American
Sociological Association
The Role of Uncertainty in Knowledge of Suspected Drink Spiking Incidents,
Pamela Donovan, Bloomsburg University
Envisioning Higher Education: Boundaries of Higher Education Proposals,
Gerald M. Turkel, University of Delaware
Public Mandates, Public Money, and Social Change in Public Higher Education,
Kristin G. Esterberg, University of Massachusetts Lowell; John Wooding,
University of Massachusetts Lowell
38. Regular Paper Session— Political Activists
“Selling Out” or “Keeping the Faith?” The Political Involvement of Former
Student Activists , Paul T. Murray, Siena College
Network Effects in Political Activism: Selection, Mobilization, and Endogenous
Social Effects, Chaeyoon Lim, Harvard University
Inside Insider Activism: Understanding Movements that Target Organizations,
Mikaila Ml Arthur, Hamilton College
39. Regular Paper Session— Preventing Childhood Victimization
The Effectiveness of Schools as Capable Guardians in Preventing School
Victimization, Ann Marie Popp, Duquesne University
Community Response to Sex Offenders: Sexual Predator Legislation and the
Implemention of Civil Commitment Statutes, Lloyd Klein, Kingsborough
Community College
Toward Responsive Regulation: The Potential Implications of Xctasy’s Law and
Dual Track Legislation on the Child Welfare System in New York State,
Timothy A. McCorry, Buffalo State College; Paul C. Fuller, St. John Fisher
Aaron Kupchik, University of Delaware
40. Regular Paper Session— Talking about Various Methodologies
Decomposing Similarities: Using Regression Decomposition and Path Analysis
to Understand the Lack of Group Differences, Natalia Sarkisian, Boston
Developing an Operational Measure of Consumerism for Quantitative Analyses
of United States Consumers, David J. Roelfs, SUNY Stony Brook
The Sociology of Meditation: A Critical Autoethnography of a Strange 10-Day
Vipassana Meditation Experience, Mohammad H. Tamdgidi, University of
Massachusetts Boston
Sessions 10:15 AM—11:45 AM
41. Structuring the Global: a Panel Discussion
Organizer: Ino Rossi, St. John's University
Trauma, Globality, and Postcoloniality, Jeffrey Alexander, Yale University
Cosmopolitanism and Hegemony, Craig Calhoun, Social Science Research
Time structuring the global, Karin Knorr, University of Constance / University
of Chicago
Assembling the Bits and Pieces, Saskia Sassen, Columbia
42. Author Meets Critics— Single by Chance, Mothers by Choice
Organizer: Margaret Andersen, University of Delaware
Critic 1,
Critic 2,
Critic 3,
Rosanna Hertz, Wellesley College
Cynthia Fuchs Epstein, CUNY Graduate Center
Katrina Bell McDonald, Johns Hopkins University
Susan Miller, University of Delaware
43. Miniconference— The 40th Anniversary of Tally's Corner/Elliott LiebowLiebow and the Moynihan Report 40 Years Later
44. Invited Panel— Honoring the 40th Anniversary of the PSID: Celebrating
Findings, Past and Present
Presider: Frank Stafford, University of Michigan
Greg Duncan, Northwestern
Robert Moffitt, Johns Hopkins University
Jean Yeung, NYU
45. Regular Paper Session— Consequences of Single Parenthood
Father Absence and the Male College Drop-Out: The Overlooked Connection,
Teresa Donati, Fairleigh DickinsonUniversity
Family Structure and Adolescent Substance Use: An Examination of TwoParent Versus Single-Parent Households , Sampson Lee Blair, SUNY Buffalo; Jacob A. Lang, University at Buffalo
A Relationship Legacy: The Intergenerational Transmission of Marriage and
Divorce, Sarah Halpern-Meekin, Harvard University
Effect of Mid to Late Life Parental Divorce on Family Relationships: Preliminary
Findings, Joleen R. Loucks, SUNY-Albany
Christine M. Percheski, Princeton University
46. Regular Paper Session— Gendered Bodies
The Aging Female Body in Feature Film, Elizabeth W. Markson, Boston
Cultural Capitals and Hegemonic Masculinities: Bodybuilders and a Study of
Field-Specificity and Intra-Gender Relations , Tristan S. Bridges, University of
A Body That Matters: Replacing Butler’s “Performativity” with Grosz’s
“Corporeality” in Masculinities Research, Brian Paul Fair, Brandeis University
Inside Session Wrestling, Jane Montefiore, None
Gender Stereotypes in Sports Entertainment, Joanne Ardovini, Metropolitan
Colege of New York
47. Regular Paper Session— Race, Ethnicity, SES, and Health
Presider: Ronald J. Flores, St. Lawrence University
Community Health Workers & Cancer Clinical Trials: Knowledge, Trust and
Their Sources, Russell K. Schutt, University of Massachusetts Boston; Lidia
Schapira, Massachusetts General Hospital; Jessica Santiccioli, University of
Massachusetts Boston; Silas Henlon, University of Massachusetts Boston
Predictors of Mental Health Consumer Outcomes: A Socio-Demographic
Analysis , Shannon M. Monnat, New York State Office of Mental Health
Substance Abuse and Other Health Concerns of Native Americans in New
England, Sylvia Mignon I. Mignon, University of Massachusetts-Boston;
William M. Holmes, University of Massachusetts-Boston
Good Patients or Strong Advocates: How Socioeconomic Status Shapes How
Families Navigate the Health Care Community , Elizabeth A. Gage, The State
University of New York at Buffalo
48. Regular Paper Session— Sociology of Sport
Drawing Connections between Sport and Social Justice: Listening to the
Voices of Athletes, Peter Kaufman, SUNY New Paltz; Eli A. Wolff, Center for
the Study of Sport in Society
Race, class and French soccer., Alexis Jean Tremoulinas, Harvard university
Sports Fanship Habitus: Measuring Sport Consumption, Don Levy, Siena
Globalization of Labor in Major League Baseball, Joseph G. A. Trumino, St.
John's University
49. Regular Paper Session— Symbols, Discourse, and Narratives
Interview Research and the “Defended Subject”: Women, Weddings and
Consumer Desire, Patricia Arend, Babson College
The Need for Consistent Human Sexuality Education in the United States
Medical Education Curriculum, Domenico Z. Ruggerio, Colgate University;
Susan Holsapple, Colgate University
The Conflict Over Origins: A Discourse Analysis of the Creationism/Evolution
Dispute, Timothy Shortell, Brooklyn College, CUNY
Religious Symbols in Popular Culture: A Postmodern Perspective, John W.
Heeren, Cal State University, San Bernardino
Holy Sparks and Spiritual Fire: Social Justice as Spiritual Transformation,
Bruce Luske, Marist College
50. Regular Paper Session— Teaching Sociology Online
Presider: Robin Isserles, CUNY, Bureau of Manhattan Community College
Online Teaching and Testing in Introductory Sociology Courses, Sara Anne
Brallier, Coastal Carolina University; Kerry A. Schwanz, Coastal Carolina
University; Linda J. Palm, Coastal Carolina University; Karen A. Maguire,
Coastal Carolina University
Engaging Distance Education Students and Faculty in Sociology and the Social
Sciences: How to Teach, Learn, and Build a Global Community Online,
Darlene Ann Smucny, University of Maryland University College; Katherine
Humber, University of Maryland University College
The Advantages and Disadvantages of Teaching Undergraduate Courses
Online, Jamie M. Graham, Coastal Carolina University; Sara Anne Brallier,
Coastal Carolina University; Linda J. Palm, Coastal Carolina University
Sessions 12:00 PM—1:30 PM
51. Honoring the 40th Anniversary of the PSID: Reception
52. Author Meets Critics— Embracing Sisterhood: Class, Identity, and
Contemporary Black Women
Organizer: Cheryl Townsend Gilkes, Colby College
Critic 1,
Critic 2,
Critic 3:
Katrina Bell McDonald, Johns Hopkins University
Erica Chito Childs, Hunter College
Maggie Ussery, University of Delaware
Cheryl Townsend Gilkes, Cheryl Townsend Gilkes, Colby College
53. Regular Paper Session— Factors Affecting Educational Achievement
Theories of minority underperformance: a comprehensive look at
achievement gaps in the National Longitudinal Survey of Freshmen, Nicholas
J. Ehrmann, Princeton University
Neighborhoods as Contexts for Adolescents' Success, Ann Owens, Harvard
Religious Differences in Educational Attainment: An Examination of Family
Religion and Adult Status Attainment, Christy Panagakis, SUNY-Buffalo
Dorren McMahon, Geary Institute, Dublin
54. Regular Paper Session— Social Activism
Social Activism: Social Activism: From Direct Action to Direct Services ,
Benjamin Heim Shepard, City Tech/City University of New York
The SEIU Summer Internship Program: Education through Activism, Stuart P.
Eimer, Widener University; Max Mishler, Service Employees International
Al Gore’s “Cavalry”: Social Movement Organization in the Global Media Age,
Stephan F. Groschwitz, University of Cincinnati
“Strategic Dilemmas in Organizational Frame Selection and Audience Frame
Preference in Women’s Peace Organizing” , Rachel V. Kutz-Flamenbaum,
SUNY Stony Brook
55. Regular Paper Session— Sociological Perspectives on Africa
With Intent to Destroy: Methods of Targeting Women in Darfur, Joyce Apsel,
New York University
Out of Africa: Representations of the Suffering Other, Danielle Taana Smith,
Rochester Institute of Technology
Sierra Leone - Inequality and Despair Globalization a Gendered Context ,
Brandie M. Dingman, State University of NY Albany
Title:Urban Ecological Paradigms And Urban Planning : A Critique Of The
Conventional Approach To The Field Of Urban Studies , Zacchaeus O.
Ogunnika, Virginia State University
Unraveling the Culprits of Residential Segregation: Race, Class, and Schooling
In Pretoria, Johannesburg and Vereeniging , Fareeda M. Griffith, University of
Malcolm Keswell, Univ. of Stellenbosch and UCT, Cape Town
56. Regular Paper Session— Spaces of Memory from the Micro to the Macro
Organizers: Amy K. Sodaro, New School for Social Research; Yifat Gutman, New
School for Social Research; Adam Brown, New School for Social Research
This panel is intended to address and review the study of collective memory and its
inherent complexities: from the most individual mechanisms in the brain to global
representations in culture and history, as well as the spaces and processes in
57. Regular Paper Session— The Latino Experience in the U.S.
The Timing of First Marriage Among Latinos: An Examination of Expectations
and Family Characteristics, Sampson Lee Blair, SUNY - Buffalo
How does a white woman become a Chicana, and other questions of identity,
Chelsea Starr, UNCW
Understanding Latino Diversity: Pan-ethnic Identity Formation among Latinos,
Van Tran, Harvard University
Nativity, Language, Education, and Pan-Hispanic Intermarriage, Hyoung-Jin
Shin, Brown University
58. Regular Paper Session— The Natural Environment and Sociology
Re-configuring Professional Identities: Weather Forecasting in the Digital Age,
Phaedra Daipha, Rutgers University
A Sociological Examination of Fire Science Studies, Manuel R. Torres,
University of Delaware; Lauren Barsky, University of Delaware; Benigno
Aguirre, University of Delaware; Rita Poteyeva, University of Delaware
How Did the National Weather Service (NWS) Become a Civilian
Organization?: Political Opportunities, Framing, and Bureaucratic Insurgency,
William R. Donner, University of Delaware
Perception and Use of Natural Resources in a Rural Alaska Fishing
Community, Ruth A. Kelty, National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration;
Ryan D. Kelty, United States Military Academy
59. Refereed Roundtable— A Global Perspective: Class Projects and
Assignments: A Comparison of Two Disciplines- Sociology & Political Science
Organizer: Carol Poll, SUNY/FIT
Carol Poll, SUNY/FIT
Susanne Bleiberg Seperson, Dowling College
Yasemin Celik, SUNY/FIT
Praveen Chaudry, SUNY/FIT
Rachel Schwartz, SUNY/FIT
60. Refereed Roundtable— Culture and Social Thought I
The Archive as an Aesthetic of Social Critique: Creating and Deconstructing
Histories, Lindsay A. Caplan, CUNY Graduate Center
Identity and cultural property: cultural heritage reconstruction as an
instrument of peace, Maria Luisa Maniscalco, University Roma Tre; Vittoria
Pomponio, University Roma Tre
The Socio-Spatial Domain: Explaining the Process of Cultural Selection,
Roderick Graham, CUNY Graduate Center
61. Refereed Roundtable— Culture and Social Thought II
Art Criticism as a Dimension of the Public Sphere, Karen Coleman, New
School for Social Research
Knowledge, Experts, and Wikipedia: An Analysis of the Social Structure of an
Encyclopedia with 50,000 Authors, Michael Restivo, Stony Brook University
Untitled, Jenny Brooks-Klinger, Fordham University; Heidi C Mootoo,
Fordham University
62. Refereed Roundtable— Environment and Society I
Brownfields, Neighborhood Isolation, and Environmental Predation: The Case
of Trenton, NJ, Diane C. Bates, The College of New Jersey
The Impact of Policy Decisions on Sprawl or Sustainable Development, Jill
Eshelman, Northeastern University
The Social Costs of the Cosmetics Industry, Amy Lubitow, Northeastern
Climate Refugees: social impacts of an unnatural disaster, Kat Rickenbacker,
Northeastern University
63. Refereed Roundtable— Intersectionalities around Crime
Familial Paternalism in the Federal Courts? An Examination of Gender, Race,
Offense Type, and Family Ties Effects under the Federal Sentencing
Guidelines, Melissa A. Logue, Saint Joseph's University; Elizabeth Young,
Saint Joseph's University
Police Response to Female Victims of Assault: The Interaction of Race and
Victim/Offender Relationship, Ronet Bachman, University of Delaware;
Gabriela Wasileski, University of Delaware; Jheanelle Wilkins, University of
Education Level and Learning Styles as Predictors of Criminal Activity, Amy
B. Lindquist, University of Delaware; Kristin M. Maiden, University of
Delaware; Daniel J. O'Connell, University of Delaware
Beyond Institutionalization: Investigating the "Joint Mentality", Deirdre
Deanna Caputo-Levine, SUNY Stonybrook
64. Refereed Roundtable— Meditation and the Mind
The Engaged Buddhism of Thich Nhat Hanh (Thay): The Globally
Transformative Mode of “Interbeing” of A Meditative Man, Mohammad H.
Tamdgidi, University of Massachusetts Boston
Hospice Nurses, Spiritual Development and a Changing Health Care Paradigm,
Amy L. Barr, The University of New Hampshire
Transcending the Body: The Role of Divine Mind in the Practice of Christian
Science Healing, Sarah Gibb, University of New Hampshire
65. Refereed Roundtable— Talking about Race
Imus and Rutgers: ‘Racial Events’ as Spaces of Ideological Contestation ,
Jeffrey K. Dowd, Rutgers University
Tentative: Education and Racial Tolerance:An Analysis of Aggregated General
Social Survey Data, Trevor Glode, Northeastern University
Beyond the Black/White Divide: Blurring Boundaries, Shifting Racial
Categories, Carolyn Corrado, University at Albany
Lesleigh Campanela, William Paterson University; Kathleen Korgen, William
Paterson University
God Bless Africa! The Impact of Social Inequality on Religiosity in PostApartheid South Africa., Megan E McAdams, Skidmore College
Sessions 1:45 PM—3:15 PM
66. Author Meets Critics— Opting Out? Why Women Really Quit Careers and
Head Home
Organizer: Anita I. Garey, University of Connecticut
Critic 1,
Critic 2,
Critic 3,
Pamela Stone, Hunter College & Graduate Center, CUNY
Suzanne Bianchi, University of Maryland
Joyce Tang, Queens College
Rosanna Hertz, Wellesley College
67. Regular Paper Session— Creative Approaches to Teaching Sociology
Representations of Protest: Using Cultural Artifacts to Study Challenges to
Injustice, Jacqueline Keil, Kean University
Using A Sociological Autobiography to Teach the Sociological Imagination: An
Outcome Assessment for Teaching Introduction to Sociology , Margaret
Bussigel, Mount Saint Mary College; Thomas M. Conroy, Lehman College CUNY; Susan Vorsanger, Mount Saint Mary College
Teaching and Learning at the Intersection of Sociology and Film, Alessandra
Seggi, The New School
Transformation through Integration: Re-visioning A Social Problems Course,
Laura L. O'Toole, Roanoke College
Readers' Theater as Public Pedagogy: Putting Culture into Motion to Foster
Dialogue and Understanding about Somali Immigrants in Maine, Kimberly A.
Huisman, University of Maine
68. Regular Paper Session— How Many Exceptionalisms? A Conversation
About Comparative Historical Research
Organizer: John C. Torpey, CUNY Graduate Center
Craig Calhoun, Social Science Research Council
Fred Cooper, NYU History
Nancy Foner, Hunter College and Graduate Center, CUNY
Aristide Zolberg, New School for Social Research
69. Regular Paper Session— Integrating Service Learning Into
Undergraduate Courses
Organizer: Jonathan M. White, Bridgewater State College
Community-Based Learning as a Catalyst for Local Problem Solving, Carl
Milofsky, Bucknell University
International Service Learning: Preparation and Integration for
Interdisciplinary Studies, Peggy Walsh, Keene State College
Service, Activism and the International Experience: How Undergraduate
Service Trips Affect Student Engagement, Amy Finnegan, Boston College;
Shelley K. White, Boston College
HIPPA: An Obstacle for Service Learning?, Betty McCall, Lycoming College
What Does the Research Tell Us About the Merits of Service Learning?,
Jonathan M. White, Bridgewater State College
Kathleen Korgen, William Paterson University
70. Regular Paper Session— NSF Proposal Preparation and Merit Review
Organizer: Kevin F. Gotham, NSF
In this session, NSF program officers will review NSF funding opportunities, merit
review criteria, and proposal preparation for professional sociologists and graduate
71. Regular Paper Session— Perspectives on Globalization: A Multi
Disciplinary Approach
Organizers: Lauren Langman, Loyola University of Chicago; Ino Rossi, St. John's
The global as an embedded structure of the ordinary discourse, Ino Rossi, St.
John's University
From Resource Mobilization to Defending Resources: Global Justice as
Identity, Lauren Langman, Loyola University of Chicago
The Two Faces of Globalization, Michael Thompson, William Patterson
Housing Debt and the Dilapidated Dollar, Max Fraad-Wolff, New School
72. Regular Paper Session— Preparing Undergraduate Students for Graduate
School: What Faculty Mentors Should Know
Organizer: Susan M. Ross, Lycoming College
Join several directors of sociology graduate programs as they draw upon their
experiences to help inform undergraduate mentors about improving the odds for
successful student applicants. Presented by the ESS Committee on Undergraduate
Joan Kahn, University of Maryland
Ron Jacobs, SUNY-Albany
73. Regular Paper Session— Public and Political Sociologies
Public Sociology: Why Now?, Lynn S. Chancer, Hunter College
Can You Sing Your Way to Good Citizenship?: Choral Societies as “Schools of
Democracy”, Matthew G. Baggetta, Harvard University
Reconstructing the Political Lebenswelt: How Politicos, Think and Feel about
their Craft, Matthew Mahler, SUNY Stony Brook
Fernanda R. Page Poma, State University of New York Stony Brook
Analyzing Voter Identification Laws, Robert Biggert, Assumption College;
Sara Layman, Assumption College
74. Panel— Semester, Interrupted: When Life and Academia Clash
Organizers: Laura West Steck, York College of Pennsylvania; Tamara L. Smith,
Westfield State College
Tamara L. Smith, Westfield State College
75. Workshop— Teaching Transgender
Reese C. Kelly, SUNY Albany
Kimberly G. Tauches, State University of New York
Stacia J. Creek, Southern Illinois University Carbondale
76. Meeting— Sociological Forum Editorial Board Meeting
Sessions 3:00 PM—5:00 PM
77. ESS Employment Center
Organizer: Suzanne Goodney Lea, Trinity College
Sessions 3:30 PM—5:00 PM
78. Special Session: Spotlight on Current Research by the ASA Minority
Fellowship Program (MFP)
Organizer: Leslie Paik, City College of New York - CUNY
Margaret Chin, Hunter College and CUNY Graduate Center
R. L'Heureux Lewis, The City College of New York
Elizabeth Piatt, Northeastern Ohio Universities Colleges of Medicine and
Leslie Paik, City College of New York - CUNY
79. Invited Thematic Session— Robin Williams, Jr. Lecture
Presider: Elizabeth Higginbotham, University of Delaware
Illuminating Sociology in Everyday Life: Lessons about Race, Class and
Gender from Two Photographic Collections, Margaret Andersen, 2007-2008
Robin M. Williams, Jr Lecturer, University of Delaware
80. Regular Paper Session— "The Forum" Live: Human Rights Law
Presider: Janet Ruane, Montclair State University
Organizer: Karen Cerulo, Rutgers
It Ought to be a Crime: More on Criminalizing Human Rights Violations,
Judith Blau, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
When Sociology Meets Human Rights Continued, Ron Levi, University of
Dan Levy, SUNY at Stony Brook
Ethel Brooks, Rutgers University
Thomas Cushman, Wellesley College
81. Regular Paper Session— Borders, Nations and a Globalized World
Word-Society and the Cosmopolitanization of the Nation-State, Daniel Levy,
Department of Sociology; Larissa Buchholz, Columbia University
The Privatizing of Knowledge Production and its Responses, Malav Kanuga,
Graduate Center
A Superpower Prerogative: Implementing Selective Free-trade Strategies
within Capitalist Globalization Scenarios, Mary Ann Romano, Molloy College
Neo-liberalism and Global Tobacco usage from 1990 to 2000: a cross-national
study., Gary Maynard, SUNY at Stony Brook
Nadya Guimaraes, University of Sao Paolo, Brazil
82. Regular Paper Session— Humanist Sociology and Community Activism
Organizers: Corey W. Dolgon, Worcester State College; Mary Chayko, College of
Saint Elizabeth; Benjamin Heim Shepard, City Tech/City University of New York
"Electronic Activism: The Benefits and Limits of Organizing Online;”, Mary
Chayko, College of Saint Elizabeth
A Humanist Turn in Anti-Poverty Community Mobilization., Benjamin Heim
Shepard, City Tech/City University of New York
The Role of Community College Students in Ending Homelessness", Tim
Woods, Manchester Community College
Corey W. Dolgon, Worcester State College
83. Regular Paper Session— Issues of Gender and Sexual Identity
Larry Craig, Ted Haggard, and Mark Foley: Media Negotiations of Identity and
Sexual Behavior., Eve I. Shapiro, University of Connecticut
Subjectivity, Objectivity, Affectivity: Gender relations in Daniela Rossell's
'Ricas y Famosas', Deborah S. Gambs, CUNY Graduate Center
Crafting a Workable Identity: Knitting Groups as a Response to Cultural
Contradictions of Gender in the Middle Class , Jennifer Dziuba-Leatherman,
University of New Hampshire
Sex, Gender, and Performances of Sexuality, Suzanne Pennington, University
at Albany, SUNY
84. Regular Paper Session— New Directions in Marriage and Health
Organizer: Kristen Springer, Rutgers University
Sarah Rosenfield, Rutgers University
85. Regular Paper Session— Sociology, Education, and Public Service
Committing Undergraduates to Public Sociology, Debra A. Cornelius,
Shippensburg University
Community Service: Thickening the “Place,” Empowering the Self, Suzanne
S. Hudd, Quinnipiac University; David T. Ives, Quinnipiac University; Keith
Kerr, Quinnipiac University
Service-Learning and Faculty: Motivation, Shauntey James, Walsh University;
Robert Humphries, Walsh University
Social model and educational ethos: A possible conflict in education for
citizenship, Alfredo Rodriguez, University of Navarra; Aurora Bernal,
University of Navarre-Spain; Miguel Rumayor, University PanamericanaMexico
The “Jena” Phenomenon: Current events, experiential learning, community
activism in “the classroom” and the training of future sociologists, Mark A.
King, Morehouse College; Cynthia Hewitt, Morehouse College; Paul Hajjar,
Morehouse College; Kendall Brown, Morehouse College
Simon Burgess, University of Bristol, U.K.
86. Regular Paper Session— War and Military Sociology
Citizens’ Reaction to War in the U.S.: A Study of Public Opposition in the
Korean, Vietnam, Persian Gulf, and Iraq Wars, Stephen Cole, SUNY Stony
Brook; Emanuel Boussios, STONY BROOK UNIVERSITY
Newspaper Coverage of the Pro-and Anti-War Events Leading up to the 2nd
Iraq War, Timothy J. Madigan, Mansfield University; Chris McGann, Mansfield
Without Smith, Dunoyer, and Comte: Globalization, Parasitism, and War,
Barbara D. Wyche, St. Paul's College
Moving Military Sociology Theory Forward into the World Risk Society (The
Sociology of Peace, War, and Military Institutions: Regular and Student
Sessions ), Sam Alvaro, Carleton University
87. Workshop— How to Get a Job in Academe: Issues Women Face on the
Job Market (Sponsored by the Committee on the Status of Women)
Organizers: Laura West Steck, York College of Pennsylvania; Medora W. Barnes,
University of Connecticut
Professional Development Workshop sponsored by the Committee on the Status of
Workshop Leader: Joanne Ardovini, Metropolitan College of New York, Joanne
Ardovini, Metropolitan Colege of New York
88. Undergraduate Poster— Undergraduate Poster Session I
Filial Piety and Intergenerational Coresidence: The case of Chinese
Singaporeans, Jason Loh, Gettysburg College
Animals as Equals?: Assessing Differences in Attitudes toward Animal Rights,
Kristin Harkness, Skidmore College
Is Lack of Social Support in Adolescence Predictive of Loneliness in
Adulthood?, Amanda Mohabir, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Online Dating Strategies in Singapore: A Social Exchange Perspective,
Ambika D Kirkland, Gettysburg College
The role of technology on the transnational practices and ethnic/cultural
identification of young Dominicans, Lis Mery Ramirez, Rutgers University
Title V of the No Child Left Behind Act: Bringing the Anti-Hip Hop Culture to
the Classrooms, Serena Monsa La Rocque, John Jay College of Criminal
HIV/AIDS among the elderly, Stephanie Marie Bonnes, Gettysburg College
How Do Gang Prevention Tactics Compare in Urban and Non-Urban Places?,
Sophonie M. Joseph, Rutgers University
The Emergence of the “Uniparent”, Rachel Scarpato, Lafayette College
From Captain Hook to the Bionic Woman: Exploring the social factors in the
choices of limb prostheses, Geralyn Colvil, Rutgers University
First Time Mothers and the Transition to Motherhood, Laura R Scimone,
Siena College
Historical Views on Capital Punishment, Emily E Harsen, Gettysburg College
Public Consumption of Mind-Altering Advertisements: Exploring the Effects of
the Media-Waged War on Drugs, Dave Hamell, Rutgers University
The Effect of Siblings and Family on the Development of Eating Disorders.,
Caroline M. O'Sullivan, Siena College
A Statistical Report on Homicide and related factors in America’s 100 Largest
Cities, Nick C Campellone, Gettysburg College
When Does Art 'Cross the Line'? Assessing Attitudes Towards Government
Funding for the Arts, Susanna E. Cooper, Skidmore College
Gender Socialization in the Middle School, Samantha Yang Liu, Rutgers, the
State University of New Jersey
Female Athletes and Cultural Capital, Dominique Koch, Gettysburg College
Do Media Images Shape College Women’s Perceptions and Definitions of
Eating Disorders?, Tori Nicole Moskovciak, Rutgers University
The Effect of Siblings and Family on the Development of Eating Disorders,
Caroline M O'Sullivan, Siena College
Exploring the Various Influences on Alcohol Comsumption and Drinking
Patterns, Jessica R Fernandez, Gettysburg College
Minorities in Greek Lettered Organizations, Kara D Aniya, Rutgers University
The Holy Rollers: An In-depth Look at Social Captial and Religious
Attendance, Peter R Brownell, Skidmore College
Dating preferences in Singapore: An Examination of a Singaporean dating
website, Li Fong Chen, Gettysburg College
Precious Illusions: The Spread of Knowledge as a Mechanism of
Estrangement, Adina Ora Koch, Northeastern University
The Presence of Women within Popular Music, Reegan M Matters, Gettysburg
The Effect of Income and Co-Worker Friends on Job Satisfaction: More Money
or More Friends?, Jonathan CE Helmken, Skidmore College
Expectations of possible relationships: Romanian online personal ads , Erin N
Avery, Gettysburg College
Cultural Networking, or, How Factors Like Gender Affect the Way We
Recommend Cultural Materials., Kevin J Collery, King's College
The Americanization of Denmark: Conceptualizing the Globalization of
Culture, Jillian R Shambaugh, Gettysburg College
The Morality of Home: How Neighborhood Appearance is Used to Draw ClassBased Moral Boundaries, Michelle Anne Steward, Harvard University
Are Only Children Only Different as Children?, Alex C Hanson, Skidmore
Should Women Work? A Study on Attitudes of Gnder Roles., Courtney Ann
Small, Gettysburg College
Hip Hop is Dead: The American Homogenization of Culture, Emily Y Schor,
Skidmore College
Identity Formation of Korean-American Rutgers Students, Kiwako Kono,
Rutgers University
Racial Identities On and Off the Field: How Media affects the Performances of
Professional Quarterbacks, Danielle Grossman, Trinity College
Rachel A Kent, Rutgers University
Kaitlyn E Whipple, Gettysburg College
Soy Un Hombre Gay: Identity Formation Among South American Gay Men,
Klintong J Jaramillo, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
The Effects of Social Service Interventions Through the Life Course, Carrie M.
Farrell, St. Bonaventure University
Single Parenthood in American Society, Tabatha Giribaldi, College of Saint
Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité: French Attitudes towards Restricting Immigration,
Jodie B Levinson, Skidmore College
Untitled, Kenneth A Woods, Georgetown University
A Sociological Investigation Into Interracial Marriage , Melissa V. Tolbert,
College of Saint Elizabeth
Sessions 5:30 PM—7:00 PM
89. Humanist Sociology and Community Activism Reception
90. Plenary— Going Global: Education and Mobility on Four Continents
Geetha Nambisan, Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi
Louis Chauvel, Sciences-Po, Paris
Malcolm Keswell, Univ. of Stellenbosch and UCT, Cape Town
Saturday, February 23
Sessions 7:30 AM—8:30 AM
91. Meeting— ASA Department Chairs' Breakfast
Sessions 8:30 AM—10:00 AM
92. Author Meets Critics— The First Year Out
Organizer: Maria Kefalas, St. Joseph's University
Critic 1,
Critic 2,
Critic 3,
Tim Clydesdale, The College of New Jersey
Camille Charles, University of Pennsylvania
Maria Kefalas, St. Joseph's University
Kimberly Goyette, Temple University
93. Miniconference— Mini-Conference: Global Network on Inequality,
Session III
94. Miniconference— Sociology of Peace, War, and Military Institutions:
Presider: Ryan Kelty, United States Military Academy
Out of Africa: Representations of the Suffering Other, Danielle Taana Smith,
Rochester Institute of Technology
R-Day at West Point: A Visual Ethnography of a Total Institution, Murphy A.
Caine, Columbia University; Morten G. Ender, United States Military Academy;
Jana K. Fajardo, Columbia University; W. Cochran Pruett, Columbia University
Models of the Evolving Military: Postmodern Organizations vs. Platform
Companies, Guy L. Siebold, Attorney at Law
95. Regular Paper Session— Adolescents, Race/Ethnicity, and Identity
“They Just Came to America, Their English Is Bad, and They Stink”:
Adolescent Status Systems Overlapping and Resisting Those of Society ,
Emily Rauscher, New York University
Other People’s Racism: High School Students’ Construction of Race and Racial
Conflict, Jessica Halliday Hardie, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill;
Karolyn D. Tyson, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Cape Verdean Youth: Race and the Performance of Diasporic Identities, Paul
Khalil Saucier, Rhode Island College
“They Have a Different Way of Showing Who They Are”: Multiculturalism,
Adolescent Identities and the Reproduction of Modern Racism , Nandi E. Dill,
New York University
What are America's Shopping Malls Teaching Teens About Race? A Qualitative
Study, Melissa F. Pirkey, Southern Connecticut State University
Aaron Kupchik, University of Delaware
96. Regular Paper Session— Cognition, Emotions and Identity
Transferential Fields: Falling Through Borderspace, Kim J. Cunningham,
CUNY Graduate Center
In the Space of the Unthinkable: A Cognitive Note on the Sociology of
Interest, Daina Cheyenne Harvey, Rutgers
A Place Called Hyphen: Here and There and Back Again, Rachelle Germana,
Rutgers University
97. Regular Paper Session— Environment and Society II
Environmental Inequality as Structural Violence, Diane M. Sicotte, Drexel
The Making of Global Nature: Universal Heritages for an Unknown Future,
Bahar Aykan, Cuny Graduate Center
Phenomenological/Existentialist Experience and Capitalist Domination over
Nature, Miin-Wen Shih, Gettysburg College
Urban Ecological Paradigms And Urban Planning : A Critique Of The
Conventional Approach To The Field Of Urban Studies, Zacchaeus Ogunnika,
Virginia State University
Ecology and the Politics of Desire, Justin Myers, CUNY Graduate Center
98. Regular Paper Session— Global Views of Sociology in Local, Regional,
and National Identity
Organizers: Deborah L. Rexrode, University of Virginia; Rae Blumberg, University of
University of Virginia Paper Session
Construction of the Turkish Nation: Turks as the Civilizers of the World, Sema
Akboga, University of Virginia
Imperialism, War History and the Promotion of German Classical Music, DaWei Hsu, University of Virginia
White Guise: Navigating (Dis)similarities of White Identity Formations,
Matthew W. Hughey, University of Virginia
Making Mountains into Men: Memory and Mourning in the Fall of the Old Man
of the Mountain, Carey Sargent, University of Virginia
A Durkheimian Analysis on Nationalism and Religon in Turkey: The Case of
the Turkish History Thesis and the Turkish-Islamic Synthesis, Gulay
Turkmen, University of Virginia
Deborah L. Rexrode, University of Virginia
99. Regular Paper Session— Immigrant Experience
Life Experiences among the First Generation Muslim Women in the U.S.:
Preliminary Findings , Hooshang Pazaki, East Stroudsburg University; Chin
Hu, East Stroudsburg University; Kholoud Al-Qubbaj, Southern Utha
Returning Home, Finding a Job, Living a Middle Class Life: Greek immigrants
and Greek Americans returning to Greece. , Anna Karpathakis, Kingsborough
The Economic Effects of Post-September 11th Discrimination on Middle
Eastern Immigrants, Jeffrey S. Napierala, SUNY Albany
“The Land of Opportunity” Contested: How U.S. Immigration Policy
Perpetuates Inequality, Elizabeth Miller, CUNY Graduate Center
Untitled, Hatsuki Higashida, The State University of New York at Buffalo
100. Regular Paper Session— Medicine and Organizations
U.S. Government Human Experimentation Programs: What Lessons Can Be
Learned?, Ken Cunningham, Penn State Harrisburg
Stakeholder accounts of disseminating research findings about cancer:
enabling and educating the public versus securing research funding,
Katherine C. Smith, Bloomberg School of Public Health Johns Hopkins Un;
Rachel F. Singer, Johns Hopkins University; Elizabeth E. Kromm, Howard
County Department of Health
Gifts to Physicians from Drug Companies: Data from the Vermont Disclosure
Law, Susan Chimonas, Columbia University
101. Regular Paper Session— Politics and Public Opinion
Consuming Politics, Yasemin Besen-Cassino, Montclair State University;
Daniel Cassino, Fairleigh Dickinson University
The Civil-Civic Citizen: Young Americans Talk about Community, Politics &
Citizenship , Paul E. Lachelier, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Political Attitudes among the Elderly in the United States, Sweden, Spain, and
Japan: 1990-2005, Duane A. Matcha, Siena College; Bonita A. SessingMatcha, Hudson Valley Community College
Women and Politics: When the Gender Gap in Public Opinion Affects Change,
Christine M. Griffin, Kiley & Company, Inc
Is America Ready for a Woman President? Using Public Opinion Research to
Measure Americans Receptiveness to a Woman President, Kathleen Tobin
Flusser, Marist College/SUNY Albany
102. Regular Paper Session— Post-War Issues in International Settings
“Lessons from the Comparative Studies of the Cold War: American vs.
Immigrant Anti-Communism” , Ieva Zake, Rowan University
Lingering Consequences of War: The Case of Explosive Remnants of War in
Vietnam, Sara Smits, Saint Anselm College
Post-war Collectivization of a Ukrainian Village, John Holian, Mansfield
103. Regular Paper Session— Topics in Child Care
A Provider Like Us: The likelihood and consequences of ethnic matching in
child care choices., Amy B. Armenia, Hofstra University; Tiffany J. Johnson,
Hofstra University
Defining the 'Good Enough' Family: How Parents in the Child Welfare System
Accrue 'Care Capital' With Caseworkers and Courts, Stephanie A. Bryson,
Brandeis University
Young Mothers, Employment & Child Care, Jessica L. Looze, University of
Massachusetts - Amherst
Day care teachers and parents: conflicts and convergence, Patricia B.
Christian, Canisius College
104. Regular Paper Session— Youth and Identity
Race and Class Inequalities: Young Children’s Perspectives, Heather B.
Johnson, Lehigh University; Xochitl Renee Mota, Lehigh University
Personal Symbols of Traversing Boundaries? Construction of Religious and
Ethnic Identities among Young Adult Children of Interreligious Marriages with
One Jewish Parent (tentative title), Rachel L. Rockenmacher, Brandeis
School-to-Work Program Participation and the Post-High School Employment
Success of Young Adults with Disabilities, Carrie L. Shandra, Brown
University; Dennis P. Hogan, Brown University
Multiple Meanings of Race: An exploration of race socialization and meaning
amongst youth, R. L'Heureux Lewis, The City College of New York
Karen Robson, Geary Institute, Dublin
105. Refereed Roundtable— Challenges in Teaching Sociology
Teaching the Marginalized Student: Politics, Pedagogy, & Preparedness in the
Modern Academy, Suzanne Goodney Lea, Trinity University in Washington,
Teaching Social Class Inequality to Non-Traditional Students, Brian P.
Kapitulik, University of Massachusetts, Amherst; Joshua Carreiro, University
of Massachusetts, Amherst
Resource Sharing for Sociology : How do Globalize your curriculum without
spending extra hours reinventing the wheel , Robin Armstrong, McDaniel
Responding to the Quantitative Literacy Gap among Students in Sociology
Courses: An Evaluation of the Integrating Data Analysis (IDA) Project at
Lehman College , Esther Isabelle Wilder, Lehman College, The City University
of New York
My Experiences and Challenges in teaching the Diversity in Society and
Introduction to Sociology: a roundtable discussion, Ragwinder K. Dhindsa,
106. Refereed Roundtable— Community Varieties
Broad Street Shuffle: Experiencing the Cosmopolitan Canopy in a Small
Northeastern City, Peter R. Grahame, Pennsylvania State University Schuylkill; Dawn Bellaman, Pennsylvania State University -Harrisburg; Tosha
Desenberg, Pennsylvania State University -Harrisburg
Location of the Campus Bookstore: A Quantitative Study of Mansfield
University opinions on moving the Mansfield Campus Bookstore, Ryan C.
Stage, Mansfield University; Timothy J. Madigan, Mansfield University
A look to the Puerto Rican Community in Chicago through its Annual Parade,
Raul Diaz, Il. Department of Public Health
Notes on Lower East Side Cocktail Bars: The Mixology Cultural Field and
Spaces of Creativity in the Contemporary City, Richard E. Ocejo, CUNY
Graduate Center
107. Refereed Roundtable— Crossing International Borders
The Struggle Doesn’t Stop: Post-resettlement challenges for recent refugees
in the US and Canada, Sarah Desai, University at Buffalo, SUNY
Developing a Theory of Fictive Kin Work: China Adoptive Parents’ Efforts to
Connect Their Children and Families with Americans of Chinese Heritage ,
Amy E. Traver, SUNY Stony Brook
Transmitting Memories: Punjabis in the Diaspora & the Trauma of Partition,
Shruti Devgan, Rutgers University
The Making of the “Infiltrator”: An Analysis of Undocumented Migration from
Bangladesh to India., Shweta Majumdar, University of Connecticut
108. Refereed Roundtable— Generations and Work
Examining Attitudes of “Generation Y” College Students toward Work and
Family, Leslie Cintron, Washington & Lee University; Jennifer Sproul,
Washington & Lee University
Jeanine Hanna, SUNY Albany
Over-education in the U.S. Labor Market: New Directions for Research, China
J. Layne, SUNY Albany
109. Refereed Roundtable— Student Research on Social Issues
Organizer: Judith Desena, St John's University
Differences in Views of Gender Roles in the Home with Respect to Race,
Amanda Reichmuth, St. John's University
Attitudes on Sex Relationships, Alexis Figueroa, St. John's University
Brazilians in New York City, Daniela Shope, St. John's University
An Examination of Rehabilitation in the U.S. and Reforming a System Plagued
by Recidivism, Mohanad Andy Khoury, St. John's University
Social Power: Observance of its Effects in Individual and Group Settings,
Andrew Tealer, St. John's University
Child Support Enforcement: Financial vs. Emotional Support, Naomi Macana,
St. John's University
Natalie Byfield, St. John's University
110. Meeting— Committee Meeting - Committee on the Status of Women
Organizers: Laura West Steck, York College of Pennsylvania; Medora Barnes,
University of Connecticut
Sessions 10:15 AM—11:45 AM
111. Miniconference— Sociology of Peace, War, and Military Institutions:
Presider: Morten G. Ender, United States Military Academy
The Strategic Imagination: War in the Thanatogenetic Paradigm, R.e.
Theresa Canjar Wirtz
The Israel Defense Forces as an Epistemic Authority: An Intellectual
Challenge in the Reality of the Israeli - Palestinian Conflict, Kobi Michael, The
Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Optimal Intelligence Assessment in an Open, Global, and Networked World,
Guntram F. Werther, Thunderbird - School of Global Management
Why Do Major Armed Conflict and Militarization Affect Life Chances?, Steven
Carlton-Ford, University of Cincinnati
112. Invited Panel— Russell Sage Foundation Panel 1: Unmarried Couples
with Children
Kathryn Edin, Harvard University
Heather Hill, Brown University
Lindsay Monte, Northwestern University
Christina Gibson-Davis, Duke University
113. Regular Paper Session— Gender and the Internet
The Online Landscape for Mothers, Felicia Song, Louisiana State University
“Hollaback!”: Gender, Race & Cyberfeminism(s), Jessie Daniels, CUNY-Hunter
Gender and Online Class Discussion: Does New Technology Change
Established Patterns?, Melinda S. Miceli, Univerisity of Hartford; Stephen J.
Misovich, University of Hartford; Julie Shiller, University of Hartford
Consciousness Raising 2.0: Sex blogging and the creation of a feminist sex
commons, Elizabeth A. Wood, Nassau Community College
Gender and sexual orientation differences in use of- and outcome fromonline personals, Christian Grov, CHEST & NDRI; Janet Lever, California
State University Los Angeles; Tracy Royce, University of California Santa
Barbara; Brian Gillespie, University of California Irvine
114. Regular Paper Session— Issues about Getting Married (or Not)
How does premarital cohabitation affect trajectories of marital quality?,
Sarah Halpern-Meekin, Harvard University; Laura Tach, Harvard University
Marital Status as a Predictor of Occupational Mobility: An Examination of
Gender Differences Among Recent Immigrants, Hatsuki Higashida, The State
University of New York at Buffalo
Marital power: Examining power as a potential mediator the relationship
between resource contribution and marital satisfaction, Kristi L. Gozjolko,
University of New Hampshire
Cohort Changes in Pre-Marital Behavior, Sharon L. Sassler, Cornell
University; Amanda J. Miller, Ohio State
Peter Stein, University of North Carolina
115. Regular Paper Session— Issues around HIV/AIDS
"The role of community in HIV/AIDS knowledge: the case of India.",
Christopher R. Morett, Fordham University; Sunita Bose, SUNY-New Paltz;
Daniel M. Durkin, Fordham University
Dissolving Under the Burden of the Disease: Assessing the Needs of Women
with HIV/AIDS in New York City, Diana Salas, New York University; LeslieAnn Bolden, New York University
Racial differences in HIV-risk behaviors of reentering offenders, Brian C.
Starks, University of Delaware; Kristin M. Maiden, University of Delaware;
Christine A. Saum, Rowan University
Nevirapine and the Culture of Response to the Global HIV/AIDS Pandemic:
Traveling with Baggage, Alton Phillips, New York University
Daughters of the Diaspora: An HIV/Prevention Intervention Model, Marcia
Bayne Smith, Queens College - City University of New York; Alan L. Gonzalez,
Queens College - CUNY; John Furnari, Queens College - CUNY
116. Regular Paper Session— Issues around Work and the Economy
Workplace Flexibility in Comparative Perspective, Janet C. Gornick, Baruch &
Graduate Center, CUNY; Karen Lyness, Baruch & Graduate Center, CUNY;
Pamela Stone, Hunter College & Graduate Center, CUNY; Angela Grotto,
Graduate Center, CUNY
Labor Intensive Requirements in Human Resource Development, Omar Nagi,
College of Mount Saint Vincent; Yafreisy Carrero, College of Mount Saint
Does the Corporate Board align shareholder and management interests to
improve financial performance?, Stephen T. Alagaratnam, St Ambrose
Employer Sanctions and Labor Control in United States, Kaiwen Yang, John
Jay College of Criminal Justice
117. Regular Paper Session— So You Need a Job?: Preparing for, Managing,
and Recovering from the Academic Job Search
Organizer: Suzanne Goodney Lea, Trinity University in Washington, DC
Suzanne Goodney Lea, Trinity University in Washington, DC
118. Regular Paper Session— Sociological Perspectives on Asia
Unpacking Outsourcing: The Case of India, Valerian Desousa, West Chester
Constructed Japanese Nationalism: An analysis of Japanese History
textbooks, Charles P. Nguyen, George Mason University
The Forces of Globalization in the Philippine Experience, Maria Elena P.
Rivera-Beckstrom, New School for Social Research
Upward Mobility in the World-System: The Cases of Sweden and South Korea,
Christopher S. Leckband, SUNY Stony Brook; Robert J.s. Ross, Clark
Impact of Market Reform on China’s Political Development: Democratic or
Authoritarian Capitalism?, Rebecca S.k. Li, The College of New Jersey
Yi-Lee Wong, Tohoku University
119. Regular Paper Session— The Second-Generation Experience
"The Back Pocket Map: Effects of Transferrable Assets on the Occupational
and Educational Advancement off Second-Generation Immigrants" , Patricia
Fernandez-Kelly, Princeton University
"Acting Professionally": How Young Adult Children of Immigrants Negotiate
Racial Discrimination and Other Obstacles in the Service Economy, Robert C.
Smith, Baruch COllege and Graduate Center CUNY
Transnationalism as a backup plan? The case of second-generation expatriate
workers in Dubai, Syed Ali, Long Island University
The Pull of Tradition, the Push towards Equality: Gender in the Second
Generation South Asian Experience, Rifat Salam, CUNY/Borough Of
Manhattan Community College
Anne Djuve Britt, FAFO, Norway
120. Regular Paper Session— Transnationalism - Racial/Ethnic Impacts
Organizers: Nadia Kim, Loyola Marymount Univ; Wendy Roth, University of British
US Imperialism and Racialization in South Korea - Future Immigrants and
Non-Migrants, Nadia Kim, Loyola Marymount Univ
Transnational Racializations: The Extension of Racial Boundaries from
Receiving to Sending Societies , Wendy Roth, University of British Columbia
Interrogating Transnationalism: Children of affluent migrants and questions of
"race.", Bandana Purkayastha, University of Connecticut.
Global inequities and diasporic return: Japanese American and Japanese
Brazilian Encounters with the Ethnic Homeland , Takeyuki (Gaku) Tsuda,
Arizona State University
Nancy Foner, Hunter College and Graduate Center, CUNY
121. Refereed Roundtable— Aging and Economic Issues
Elders' Well-being: A Comparison between Rural and Urban China, Yue Zhuo,
Canaries in the Coal Mine? Retirement Planning in a Declining Economy ,
Kriston D'Amuro, University at Buffalo, SUNY; Debra Street, University at
Buffalo, SUNY
Aging in Rust Belt and Rural Communities: Trajectories of Social Support ,
Elizabeth A. Gage, The State University of New York at Buffalo; Debra Street,
University at Buffalo, SUNY
Expectations and Experiences: Migration Plans and Community Connections
Among Midlife and Older Adults , Elizabeth Roby, University at Buffalo, SUNY;
Debra Street, University at Buffalo, SUNY; Yumiko Fujita, University at
Buffalo, SUNY
122. Refereed Roundtable— Dealing with "Disease"
Hungering for Legitimacy -- Celiac Disease & Patients' Struggles for Diagnosis,
Pina Valle, SUNY Brockport; Denise Copelton, SUNY Brockport
Raising an ADHD Child: A Cross-Cultural Comparison of Canadian and
American Families, Patricia Elizabeth Neff, University at Buffalo
The World is Vietnam: The Phenomenology of The Vietnam War as a Standard
Model of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Justin Snyder, University of Virginia
Redefining the Eczema Experience, Isabelle H. Lee, Graduate Center of CUNY
Vulvodynia: Intersections of Gender, Sexuality, and Chronic Illness, Amy S.
Braksmajer, Stony Brook University
123. Refereed Roundtable— Globalized Gendered Effects on Education,
Labor and Technology
Organizers: Deborah L. Rexrode, University of Virginia; Rae Blumberg, University of
University of Virginia Roundtable
Mothers of Invention: Examining "Experts'" Construction of Pregnancy and
Birth, Alana M. Bibeau, University of Virginia
Girls' Engagement with Math: Beliefs, Behavior and Belonging, Ellen
Markowitz, University of Virginia
Cohabiting Families and the Academic Outcomes of Sons and Daughters,
David S. Morris, University of Virginia
Globalization's Gendered Effects on Labor and Equality: An Updated
Discussion of Women in Mexico's Maquiladoras, Madison Sandy, University of
The Intergenerational Influence on Gender Difference and Gender
Stratification, Peipei Xiang, University of Virginia
Deborah L. Rexrode, University of Virginia
124. Refereed Roundtable— Intersecting Lives and Technology
"Virtual Social Networking: Students' Perceptions of Privacy and Risks",
Marcoux M. Faiia, Faculty; Marcoux M. Faiia, Faculty
Video Games: A Four-Fold Analysis, Ian J. Sheinheit, State University of New
York, Albany
Online Gaming Addiction: How Strong is it?, Emily Joyce Campbell, Mansfield
University; Timothy J. Madigan, Mansfield University
The "Halo" Effect: Video Games and Violence, Whitney D. Gunter, University
of Delaware; Nicholas W. Bakken, University of Delaware
125. Refereed Roundtable— Issues around Sexual Behavior
She's a Slut, He's a Player: the Gendered Double Standard in Hookups Among
College Students, Danielle M. Currier, Radford University
The Low Down on Hooking Up: Gender Identities, Sexual Norms, and College
Students’ Sexual Relationships , Jamie Gusrang, University of Connecticut
Doing Engagement in a Post-Dating Culture, Erica Hunter, University at
“Do Headlines and Newspaper Accounts of Violent Sexual Campus Crimes
Involving Fraternities and Sports Organizations Reinforce Hegemonic
Masculinity Ideology?” Presented by: Jeanne Kimpel – Fordham U, Jeanne
Kimpel, Fordham University
The Declining Significance of Class among Sexual Risk Taking Behavior, Lynn
Letukas, University of Delaware; John Barnshaw, University of Delaware
126. Refereed Roundtable— Pregnancy and Reproduction
Becoming an Abortion Provider: Intention to Provide Abortion Among Ob/Gyn
Residents, Courtney B. Jackson, Ibis Reproductive Health
New Reproductive Technologies in the United States: Another Case for
American Exceptionalism?, Lauren Jade Martin, The Graduate Center of the
City University of New
Pregnancy Mythologies, Danielle Bessett, NYU/Mount Holyoke College
127. Refereed Roundtable— Sociology and the Physical Body
Selling your moves: the tandem performance of emotional labor in
professional wrestling, Tyson Smith, SUNY Stony Brook
What’s White Got to Do With It? : Body Image and Eating Problems among
Diverse Cultural Backgrounds , Nicole M. Perez, University of Miami
Narratives about Pain and Injury in Yoga, Misty A. Curreli, Stony Brook
How Do Subjects Embody their Social World? Exploring Modern Dancers’
Experiences of Pain to Illustrate their Embodiment of the Social World of the
Modern Dance., Sourabh Singh, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
128. Refereed Roundtable— Theorizing Sociology
The Alienation, Individuation and Emancipation of Art Work in the Age of
Global, Computer Aided Capitalism, William Difazio, St. John's University
Second (Life Itself): New Ontologies of Risk and Play in an Informational
Culture, Kim J. Cunningham, CUNY Graduate Center
Anxiety of Influence & Intolerance of “Otherness”, Siamak Movahedi,
University of Massachusetts, Boston
What is an affective fact?, Aaron Weeks, CUNY Grad Center
129. Undergraduate Poster— Undergraduate Poster Session II
Living Longer: Social Factors Affecting Women As They Age (Undergraduate
poster), Jennifer Del Pesce, College of Saint Elizabeth
Chambermaids and Checkout Girls: Examining the Experience of Russian and
Eastern European Female Migrant Workers (Undergraduate Poster), Sara
Tomczuk, The College of New Jersey; Eileen Tomczuk, Tulane University
This is What a Police State Looks Like: Civil Disobedience and the Functions of
State Response at the "October Rebellion.", Christopher V Re, Stony Brook
The Homeless Role: A Study of Interaction Patterns among Homeless and
non-homeless, Christa M. Vanet, The Pennsylvania State University
The Wand, the Mirror, and the Cave of Gender, Alisa S Elliott, Shepherd
Cyber-bullying: the New Generation of Mean, Kelly L. Shiraldi, The College of
Saint Elizabeth
Two Weeks in Haiti: An Autoethnography, Thomas Bradley Foster, West
Virginia Wesleyan College
Cheating in the Classroom: An Application of Kohlberg’s Theory of Moral
Development, Amber Trosky, William Paterson University
Police Officers' Perspectives about Their Jobs and Their City, Mishelle LaRaia,
William Paterson University
The Forgotten America: Working Poor in the North Country’s New Economy,
Jonathan K Cardinal, St. Lawrence University
Adolescent Mobility and Friendship Networks, Leanne T. Rosanio, College of
Saint Elizabeth
Lack of Education and Its Correlation with Criminal Behavior, Paulaska S
Ramirez, William Paterson University
The Right to Learn Across the Tracks: An Analysis of Public School Integration
in the United States and South Africa, Erin M. Pollard, Ursinus College
Bridging the Gap: Continuing the Rural Student’s Education Past High School
Graduation, Elizabeth S Skinner, St. Lawrence University
What Factors Encouraged or Prevented Juvenile Delinquency among Blacks
and Hispanics Living in Paterson?, Jessie DeJesus, William Paterson
Occidental Medicine: A Threat to Traditional Medicine in Bolivia?, Elizabeth T
McElwee, Villanova University
The implications of the next generation: the sandwich generation, Katherine
Balliet, College of Saint Elizabeth
Singled and Strong: The Choice not to Marry in a Coupled World, Juliane
Katz, Ursinus College
Literacy in Rural Communities: Fostering a Foundation for Learning, Stacey
Banfield-Hardaway, St. Lawrence University
Reading Between the Lines: the Portrayal of Trans-identified Americans in
Newspapers. , Jesenia Rios, College of Saint Rose
Autistic Pre-K Students: Views of Teachers and Parents, Edgar Ruiz, William
Paterson University
Domestic Violence and the Effectiveness of Available Resources, Ashley L.
Graf, College of Saint Elizabeth
College Students' Attitudes, Knowledge, and Level of Engagement in Risky
Sexual Behaviors in Regard to HIV/AIDS, Skye MacKay, University of New
Should Lesbians and Gay men parent children? An Opinion Poll, Lauren
Torres, William Paterson University
The Effects of Dormitory Housing and First-Year Program on the Development
of Undergraduates' Social Capital, Bethany A South, Westminster College
“I know pronounce you… penis and vagina”, Damon Mazzeo, The College of
Saint Rose; Lindsay Bombard, The college of saint rose
Gender Inequality and the workforce, Joseline Mendoza, College Of Saint
Rewriting Marriage: A Sociological Study on How Societal Changes Have
Reshaped Our Concept of Marriage, Juliane Katz, Ursinus College
Domestic Violence Organizations Interaction with Lesbian Victims, Lindsay
Wolf, SUNY College at Brockport
Mexican-American Social Mobility: The Importance of Community Context,
Sarah F Blanchard, Villanova University
Wealth in Brown, Black and White: The racial distribution of Housing values
and Homeownership Among Latinos, Salvatore Labaro, SUNY ALBANY
“Real” White in the Real World: White Privilege in Youth Reality Television,
Jarred J Haynes, The College of Saint Rose
Faith in Action: Service Provision Within the Protestant Church as a Function
of Denomination, Charlotta Chung, St. Lawrence University
Urban Residential Segregation and Social Inequality, undergraduate poster.,
Shamichael Lymore, College of Saint Elizabeth
Where the Learning Begins: Inner City Schools and Toxic Waste, Tamaria D.
Green, The College of New Jersey ; Regine Saintilien, The College of New
Diversity Training in Social Services: The Effects of Increasing Cultural
Knowledge on Working with the Latino Population, Shannon P Campbell,
University of Rhode Island
Untitled, Ryan F Arroyo, St. Lawrence University
The Influence of Family Structure on the College Plans of Youth in Rural
Communities, Rachel Manchester, St. Lawrence University
Racism, Shalleria T Reid, Bronx Community College
How social capital affects health, Jill Marie DalBon, Westminster College
Sessions 12:00 PM—1:30 PM
130. Miniconference— Sociology of Peace, War, and Military Institutions:
Presider: Irving Smith III, United States Military Academy
The US Army's Hispanic Future, Jason K. Dempsey, US Army
Attitudes toward Homosexuals in the Military: Military, ROTC, and Civilian
Undergraduate Comparisons, Morten G. Ender, United States Military
Academy; Andrew J. Brennan, United States Military Academy; David E.
Rohall, Western Illinois University; Michael D. Matthews, United States
Military Academy
Gender and the Warrior Ethic, Mary Lou Kendrigan, Lansing Community
Survey of the Integration of Foreign Cadets in the Hellenic Army Academy,
Georges Kaffes, Hellenic Army Academy
131. Invited Panel— Russell Sage Foundation Panel 2: Low Wage Work in
Niels Westergard-Nielsen, Aarhus School of Business
Rosemary Batt, ILR School, Cornell University
Annette Bernhardt, Brennan Center for Justice, NYU
Chunling Li, Chinese Academy of Social Science, Beijing
132. Regular Paper Session— American Higher Education: Local and Global,
Diverse and Divided
Organizer: Karen Elaine Rosenblum, George Mason University
Listening to Writers Across Borders, Alex Scott Antram, George Mason
Diversity and Social Justice in Higher Education, Jennifer Lerner, Northern
Virginia Community College, Loudoun
The Sacred and The Profane: The politics and practices of public prayer in a
secular university , Karen Misencik, George Mason University
Representing Diversity: The Children of Immigrants in Higher Education,
Karen Elaine Rosenblum, George Mason University
David W. Haines, George Mason University
133. Regular Paper Session— Assimilation and Acculturation
English-Speaking West Indians: THE Test Case for Segmented Assimilation,
Suzanne J. Model, University of Massachusetts
Assimilation in the Homeownership Patterns of Middle Easterners: A Study of
Arabs, Armenians, Iranians, Israelis, and Turks , Basak Ozgenc, University at
Albany, SUNY; Nancy A. Denton, University at Albany, SUNY
Homeownership and its translation to Black Identities; A Theory of Black
Assimilation, Cassandra G. Carter, Critical Demography
Assimilation patterns among African Immigrants in the United States , Abdi
M. Kusow, Oakland University
Vincent Parrillo, William Paterson University
134. Regular Paper Session— Global Changes, Local Lives
Organizer: Lois Weis, University At Buffalo
Globalization and multi-sited ethnographic approaches, Greg Dimitriadis,
University at Buffalo, State University of New Yor
The Minority in the Majority: School-Community Relations in an Affluent
Chinese Immigrant Community in Canada, Guofang Li, Michigan State
Global Changes, Gender, and New Forms of “Othering” Within the White
Working Class, Lois Weis, University At Buffalo
Periphery or Center? Community Education and Ethnic Identity in a Chinese
American Community, Liang Du, University at Buffalo, State University of
New Yor
Here and there: Belonging and identity in transnational Latino families,
Catalina Crespo, University at Buffalo
Lois Weis, University At Buffalo
135. Regular Paper Session— How Organizations Work
Finding Solutions to Complex Social and Economic Problems: Organizations,
Managers and Citizen Action, Joseph P. Eshun, Pennsylvania State University
- Lehigh Valley; Jeffrey A. Robinson, New York University, Stern School;
Quintus R. Jett, Dartmouth College, Tuck School; Raed Elaydi, Pennsylvania
State University - Delaware
Social capital and the illusion of power in Hollywood: How industry structure
leads to routinization of behavior in the filmmaking process, Bryan R.
Greenberg, Elizabethtown College
Follow the Money: Negotiating rewards and risks in emergent technology
research and development consortia, Jennifer H. Geertsma, University of
From security management to leisure time. The challenges of the new
international military environment. Findings on Multinational cooperation in
missions abroad. The Italian perspective. , Maria Luisa Maniscalco, University
Roma TRE; Giulia Aubry, University Roma TRE
Michael Schwartz, SUNY- Stony Brook
136. Regular Paper Session— Looking Beyond Ourselves: Understanding the
Global Construction of Gender Identity
Organizers: Deborah L. Rexrode, University of Virginia; Rae Blumberg, University of
University of Virginia Paper Session
Manu and the "New" Woman: An Inquiry into Women's Status in the PostLiberalization Period in India, Bhavani Arabandi, University of Virginia
Mothers of Invention? A Myth-breaking Look at Women's Key Roles in
Subsistence Technology - Past, Present and Future, Rae Blumberg, University
of Virginia
The Feminist Politics of Homosocial Groups of Men, Tristan S. Bridges,
University of Virginia
The Changing Role of Women in the Church: Barriers or Gateways to Financial
Giving, Deborah L. Rexrode, University of Virginia
The Gendered Significance of the Family Meal, Tara L. Tober, University of
Rae Blumberg, University of Virginia
137. Regular Paper Session— Modes of Immigrant Incorporation in Ireland
Organizers: Zoua M. Vang, Harvard University; Helen Beckler Marrow, Harvard
The Spatial Assimilation of Immigrants in Post-Celtic Tiger Ireland, Zoua M.
Vang, Harvard University
Experiences of the “New” Irish: Economic incorporation or ethnic penalties in
the labor market? , Dorren C. Mc Mahon, University College Dublin
Contexts of exit in the migration of Russian speakers from the Baltic countries
to Ireland, Sofya Aptekar, Princeton University
"Latin Americans are Kind of Cool": A Case Study in Context of Reception
toward Newcomers in Ireland, Helen Beckler Marrow, Harvard University
Zoua M. Vang, Harvard University
138. Regular Paper Session— Sociological Perspectives in Latin America
Communities, Civil Society, and the State in Peru, Henry Vandenburgh,
Bridgewater State College
Transformations of the Everyday in Latin American Social Movements, Erin C.
Siodmak, CUNY graduate center
Not In My River. Roadblocks and Contentious Action against the Pulp Mills in
Argentina and Uruguay, Diana E. Baldermann, SUNY at Stony Brook
Cristian Cox, Ministry of Education, Chile
139. Regular Paper Session— Teaching and Researching Gender Issues
Learning for a Change: Rage and the Promise of the Feminist Classroom,
Deborah J. Cohan, Connecticut College
Understanding Gender over Time and Place: Using Writing to Teach the
Sociology of Gender, Laurie L. Gordy, Daniel Webster College
Feminist Sociology/Cultural Studies and Feminist Culture(s), Corina D.
Medley, Northeastern University
140. Regular Paper Session— Young People in International Context
Emerging Ideas About Immigrant Youth Activism: Globalization as Both A
Problem and Solution, Thomas P. Pineros Shields, Brandeis University
Defining Workforce Readiness of New Graduates in a Global Economy: The
Mid-Market Perspective, Henry M. Silvert, The Conference Board; Jill CasnerLotto, The Conference Board
Ethnocentrism and Human Rights: Focus on the Convention on the Rights of
the Child., Sara E. Kitchen, Chestnut Hill College
Cost sharing and student resistance at the University of Ouagadougou: The
politics of qualitative research and the tensions and possibilities from a
sociopolitical landmine., Touorouzou Herve Some, D' Youville College
Antonio Sergio Guimaraes, University of Sao Paolo, Brazil
141. Refereed Roundtable— Carework Issues
Caregiving Crisis: Are we there yet?, Janice Kay Purk, Mansfield University;
Timothy J. Madigan, Mansfield University
Informal Elderly Care in Japan: Gender, Kin and Depression, Andrew Tiedt,
Fordham University
Poster: "Why should they be abused any more than children?": Lessons from
a study of vulnerable adult abuse in England., Rachel Filinson, Rhode Island
How Professional Socialization and Practice Characteristics Shape Culturally
Competent Care: Structure, Selection and Cultural Competence, Mary A.
Matteliano, University at Buffalo
142. Refereed Roundtable— Cultural Transitions
Parental Influence on Teenagers becoming Witches: A Transnational Study,
Helen A. Berger, West Chester University
Causes and consequences of transitioning from celibate Catholic priesthood
into married Protestant ministry, Stephen Joseph Fichter, Rutgers University
Arachne’s Children: The Metamorphosis of the Culture of Tarantism in the
South of Italy, and the Role of Music in Modern Exorcism., Lee Robert
Blackstone, SUNY College at Old Westbury
143. Refereed Roundtable— Discussing Families and Children
Child Advocacy: An Ethnographic Focus on the Need to Encourage InterInstitutional Collaboration to Ensure the Welfare of Children in Crisis., Milton
L. Butts, Jr., UMass Boston
Fighting for Custody: Toward a Critical Intersectional Framework , Guenevere
L. Mead, University of Delaware
Chronicling the Many Futures of Welfare Reform in the United States As the
Band Plays On, J. Heather Wiley, CUNY Graduate Center
Differences in Social Support Among Single Mothers and Single Fathers,
Stephanie M. Laudone, Fordham University
Building Character: A Historical Analysis of the Effects of Child Labor
Regulation, Michael D. Jolley, CUNY Graduate Center
144. Refereed Roundtable— Hate Crimes and Sexual Victimization
Political Threat and Social Control: Hate Crimes as a Reaction to Homosexual
Gains, Gretchen M. Barrett, University at Albany
Heather Zaykowski, University of Delaware
Social Context and the Effect of Adult Male Sexual Victimization, Rachel
Kalish, Stony Brook University
Responding to Hate: LGBT Hate Crime Victims and the Intersection of Race,
Class, Gender, and Sexuality, Doug Meyer, The Graduate Center, CUNY
Colin P. Ashley, CUNY Graduate Center
145. Refereed Roundtable— Media and Social Constructions I
Negotiating News: A Study of the Social Construction of News Reality,
Stephen F. Ostertag, University of Connecticut
The Media, the Public, and Politicians: How They Reacted to the Crime Wave
of the Late 1980s and Early 1990s, Peter P. Cassino, Northeastern University
Radio and the Public Sphere, Andrew Horvitz, SUNY Albany
146. Refereed Roundtable— Media and Social Constructions II
The Prison and the Press: How the US Mass Media Constructs Narratives of
Prison and Prisoners, Tammi Arford, Northeastern University; Eric Madfis,
Northeastern University
Construction Of A Heroin Epidemic: Heroin in the Boston Media, Kevin Daly,
University of Delaware
Media Representations of Pregnancy and Birth, Katherine McInerney,
Northeastern University; Theresa Morris, Trinity College
147. Refereed Roundtable— Neighborhood Issues
Community Research Tactics and Social Change: Assessing Needs and Assets
in an Inner City Neighborhood, Jeffry Will, University of North Florida; Tracy
Milligan, Center for Community Initiatives; Tim Cheney, Center for
Community Initiatives
Neighborhood, race, and the online public sphere, Amy E. Stuart, New School
for Social Research
The Intergenerational Transmission of Residential Segregation and Contact
Theory, Tara S. Pierce, University of New Hampshire
An Ethnography on Police “Intimidation”: Are Citizen Police Intimidated?,
W(h)ither the New Urban Sociology? The Premature Rise and Belated Demise
of "Urban as Ideology", Sinan T. Gulhan, SUNY-Binghamton
148. Refereed Roundtable— Population Studies
Shifting Demographic Patterns within the United States—Local and Global
Repercussions, John Markert, Cumberland University
Genealogical Consequences of the Single Child Policy- A Thought Experiment,
Neha Gondal, Rutgers University
Go Forth And Multiply: Revisiting Religion and Fertility in The United States
The Case Of Evangelical Protestants, Gordon Gauchat, University of
Connecticut; Michael J. McFarland, University of Connecticut; Casey Borch,
University of Alabama Birmingham
Brandie M. Dingman, State University of NY Albany
How is Racial Gap in Physical Health Conditional on Socioeconomic Status?,
Qing Lai, Temple University
149. Refereed Roundtable— Sociology of Disasters
Owning a Piece of a Disaster: Disaster Debris as Souvenirs, Barbara J.
Feldman, Montclair State University
The Hurricane that Challenged Miami: Social Vulnerability to Disasters and
Business Continuity following Hurricane Andrew, Jenniffer M. SantosHernandez, University of Delaware; Gabriela Wasileski, University of Delaware
What is a disaster? Why should anyone care?, John Barnshaw, University of
Nationalism Trumps Catastrophe? A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis of
Media Constructed Solidarity, Lynn Letukas, University of Delaware; Anna
Olofsson, Mid-Sweden University ; John Barnshaw, University of Delaware
Sessions 1:00 PM—3:00 PM
150. ESS Employment Center
Organizer: Suzanne Goodney Lea, Trinity College
Sessions 1:45 PM—3:15 PM
151. Author Meets Critics— Passing the Torch
Organizer: David Karen, Bryn Mawr College
Critic 1,
Critic 2,
Critic 3,
Paul Attewell, CUNY Graduate Center; David Lavin, CUNY Graduate
Jaap Dronkers, European University Institute
Caroline Persell, New York University
Annette Lareau, University of Maryland
152. Miniconference— Sociology of Peace, War, and Military Institutions:
Veterans and their Institutions
"God Bless You, young Hero! Come back safely": Perspectives on seeing one's
children go to War. , Joan I. Biddle, Independent Scholar
American Veterans and Social Mobility, Irving Smith III, United States
Military Academy; David R. Segal, University of Maryland
The Political Sociology of Veterans: The American Legion as a Mediating
Organization Between Veterans, Civil Society, and the State, Darrin Joseph
Kowitz, University of New Mexico
153. Regular Paper Session— Cultural Heritage and Credibility
Beyond Bloody Lane: Battlefield Tourists vs. Reenactors, Lee G. Streetman,
Delaware State University
“Excavation of Diversity, Heritage, and Exclusion: The New York African Burial
Ground Returns to Public Space”, Susan Pearce, West Virginia University
Battling for Credibility: Collective Identity and Status in Hip Hop Turntablism,
Ashley Rondini, Brandeis University
Commemorative Forms and the Politics of Regret, Amy K. Sodaro, New
School for Social Research
154. Regular Paper Session— Elites and Exclusion
Barred From The Club: Social Exclusion Among the Wealthy, Henry L.
Tischler, Framingham State College
Hiring and Inequality in Elite Professions, Lauren A. Rivera, Harvard
"Not in my Goddamn Club!": The Negotiation of Belongingness Within
Contested Space, Thomas Hochschild, University of Connecticut
Social Reproduction and Black Middle-Class Participation in the Arts, Patricia
Banks, Mount Holyoke
Johnny Eric Williams, Trinity College
155. Regular Paper Session— Immigrant Adaptation
Presider: Nancy Foner, Hunter College and Graduate Center, CUNY
Competing Meanings and Practices of Diversity in Multicultural Space:
Influences on the Social Mixing Patterns of African-American and SecondGeneration Immigrant University Students , Sherri Grasmuck, Temple
University; Jennifer Kim, Temple University
“Authentic Japanese,” “Home Country/es” and questions of ethno-racialization
of Japanese-Brazilian migrants in Japan., Miho Iwata, University of
Malawian Immigrant Health care Workers' Identity, Adaptation to, and Impact
on the US Health Care System, Linda L. Semu, McDaniel College
Asian American Smoking Behaviors and Acculturation, Hideki Morooka,
Fayetteville State University
156. Regular Paper Session— Immigration in Local Context in America
Migration and Family Stability: A look at African immigrants in Philadelphia,
Augustine N. Isamah, Montgomery County Community College
“What part of ILLEGAL don’t you understand?” The Internet as a
Communicative Institution of the Civil Sphere , Bernadette N. Jaworsky, Yale
The Straw that Broke the Camel’s Back: Illegal Immigration and Moral Panic
in a Rural Pennsylvania City, Jamie G. Longazel, University of Delaware
Mapping African Immigrants and African Immigrant Communities in Maryland,
Mindelyn R. Buford, II, The Johns Hopkins University
Gracia Liu Farrer, Tohoku University
157. Regular Paper Session— Parent-Child Interactions
Work-Family Strategies and the Quality of Parent-Child Relationships across
Three Cohorts of Parents , Kristen Springer, Rutgers University; Deborah
Carr, Rutgers University
Called to Account: Parents and Children Doing Gender in Everyday
Interactions, Emily W. Kane, Bates College
In Pursuit of Paternal Significance: Fathers’ Impact on their Daughters’ Sexual
Beliefs and Decision-Making , Rachel Everley, Virginia Commonwealth
The Effects of Children on Men's Wages from a Cross-National Perspective,
Irene S. Boeckmann, University of Massachusetts - Amherst
158. Regular Paper Session— Transnationalism
Transnational Gossip, Joanna G. Dreby, Kent State University
Global Economy and Transnational Families: Directions and Issues, Keumjae
Park, William Paterson University
Negotiating Gender and Ethno-Racial Boundaries in the Context of
Transnational Migration: the Case of Chinese Immigrant Families in the U.S.,
Chih-Yan Ken Sun, Brandeis University
159. Regular Paper Session— Women's Empowerment in a Global Context
Global Empowerment of Children and Women Framed by the UN, Diana
Papademas, SUNY - Old Westbury
Voices From the Slums: Brazilian Urban Poor Women on Work, Relationships,
and Favela Life, Nicole Barreto McCoy, George Mason University
‘Self-Destruction, Ya Heading for Self-Destruction!’: The Capitalist WorldEconomy and its Implications on Afro-Dominican Women, Griselda Rodriguez,
Syracuse University
Temporeras: Rural Women in Agro-industry in Chile, Gabriela Alvarez,
Graduate Center CUNY
Sukhadeo Thorat, Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi
160. Refereed Roundtable— Historical Sociology
Dubious Dangers: Risk and Justice in Early Twentieth Century America,
Saran Ghatak, Keene State College
Whose Revolution Is It Anyway? Misconceptions on the 1960's
Counterculture., Caroline Erb, CUNY Graduate Center and Hunter College
Black Lynchings in Post-Reconstruction South: The Power Threat Hypothesis
Re-revisited., Mattias Smångs, Columbia University in the City of New York
Eastern State Penitentiary and the Rehabilitative Potential of Education in
Antebellum America, Paul Kahan, Temple University
Adorno and Lazarsfeld's work for the Princeton Radio Project: Adorno Listens
to the Hit Parade, Susan E. Cavin, New York University
161. Refereed Roundtable— Issues around Immigration
Blaming the Immigrant For Our Economic Woes, Martin Oppenheimer, Critical
L. Daisy Henderson, University at Buffalo, State University of New Yor
Geographically Influenced Narratives on Immigration, Chris Galván, SUNY
The Incorporation of Highly Skilled Migrants in Postindustrial Societies,
Masayo Nishida, Boston University
Filipinos in the Nursing Field, Angela Antonia Torregoza, CUNY - City College
162. Refereed Roundtable— Issues around the Carceral Experience
Beyond the Human World: Animals in a Carceral Space, Gennifer Furst,
William Paterson University
Intersecting Employment and Reentry Programs: Collaborative Behavioral
Management for Parolees, Nicholas W. Bakken, University of Delaware;
Whitney D. Gunter, University of Delaware
Round and Round: What 'Revolving Door' Prisoners Think of Their Prospects,
Amanda Howerton, Salem State College
Incarceration and Social Exclusion: What are the Connections?, Megha
Ramaswamy, City University of New York, Graduate Center; Nicholas
Freudenberg, City University of New York, Hunter College
A Descriptive Analysis: Factors Which Influence a Successful Reentry after a
Period of Incarceration, Michelle A. Palamara, University at Buffalo
163. Refereed Roundtable— Issues of Knowledge and Practice in Sociology
Knowledge is Power: The Dilemma of Writing and Researching Gender
Difference, Paul E. Calarco, Jr, Hudson Valley Community College
Pushing the Limits: Bringing Creativity to Sociological Discourse, Autumn R.
Green, Boston College
Untitled, Steven C. Kehnel, University of Missouri--Columbia
Elizabeth Bullock, CUNY Graduate Center
164. Refereed Roundtable— Labor Issues
Hollywood labor unions and Globalization, Siegel L. Andrea, The Graduate
Center at CUNY
Where the (Part-Time) Jobs Are, China J. Layne, SUNY Albany
Methodologically Choices when Uncovering Union Identities, Carrie A.
Roseamelia, Syracuse University
Shifting boundaries of illegality: Street labor markets in global cities, Sarah
C. Swider, University of Wisconsin-Madison
165. Refereed Roundtable— LGBT Issues
Racial-ethnic Diversity and Young Gay Men’s Desires to Parent, Daniel Farr,
College of Saint Rose
Border-Crossing and Transgender Identity Management, Reese C. Kelly,
SUNY Albany
Trans Sex, Trans Gender: The Place and Importance of Gender(/)Queer
Theory in Transgender Activism and Advocacy, Mary C. Burke, University of
Reduction and Dissonance in Sexual Identities: An Examination of Compulsory
Heterosexuality, Nicole Lamarre, University at Albany, SUNY
166. Refereed Roundtable— Sociological Theorists
Distancing as a mechanism for solidarity in stratified social systems: further
mining of Goffman's role-distance concept, Richard Williams, Rutgers
Comparative Perspectives in the Work of Tamara K. Hareven, Nena S.
Craven, University of Delaware
Techniques In Situations: How Foucault and Goffman help us understand a
top-down construction of self , Jeffrey Johnson, George Mason University
Foucault: Questions of Method, Aaron Weeks, CUNY Grad Center
Beyond the Antinomy of Reform and Revolution: Antonio Gramsci’s Concept
of Hegemony, Wilma Borrelli, CUNY - The Graduate Center
167. Refereed Roundtable— Sociology about China
Democracy Enlightenment or Sugar-coated Democracy: China’s Heated
Debate over the Democratic Implication of Super Girl, Jingsi Wu, University
at Albany, State University of New York
Housing Inequality in Urban China: Evidence from 2003 Chinese General
Social Survey, Qing Lai, Temple University; Wei Zhou, Temple University
Experience of Overseas Chinese and Non-Chinese Investors in China: Is It
Guanxi That Makes the Difference?, Rebecca S.k. Li, The College of New
Jersey; Sara Tomczuk, The College of New Jersey
Gender Mainstreaming Policies and Gender/National Identity in Taiwan, FangMei Lin, National Taiwan Normal University
168. Undergraduate Poster— Undergraduate Poster Session III
Family Caregiving in Pennsylvania student poster, Emily Joyce Campbell,
Mansfield University; Timothy J. Madigan, Mansfield University; Janice Kay
Purk, Mansfield University
The Implications of Foster Care on Today's Youth, Christina E. Cressler, St.
Bonaventure University
Variations in Sexual Education: A Comparison of Communities, Melissa D.
Busher, Central Connecticut State University
Applying Theories of the 90’s Crime Drop in the Next Decade: A Look at
Incarceration and Unemployment Effects on Index Crimes., Andrew P.
Wheeler, Bloomsburg University
Where We Were: How Traumatic Events Shape Collective Memory, Brittany
A. Morin-Mezzadri, Elmira College
Opening Communication Lines: The Dilemma of Apathetic Parents When Their
Developmentally Disabled Son/Daughter "Ages Out" of the Public School
System, Abbey K Whittaker, Lycoming College
educative revolution, oluwaseun adedeke, bronx cummunity college
Abstract: Does a Correlation Exist between the Objectification of Women and
External Male Competition?, Capri A. May, Elmira College
Motorcycle Helmets: The Resons why people are and are not suing their
head., Robert J Cywinski, Bloomsburg University
An Analysis of a Nation’s Changing Media and Political Narrative from
9/11/2001 to the Iraq War (3/20/2003), Jesse Teitel, Bucknell University
Who should pays?: Pennsylvanians opinions on the health care coverage,
Logan A. R. Kinch, Mansfield University of Pennsylvania; Janice Kay Purk,
Mansfield University; Timothy J. Madigan, Mansfield University
Breaking the Cycles of Domestic Violence: One Woman's Story, Daria Nike
Larned, Bloomsburg University
Working Mothers…the New Superman of the 21st Century , Ashley L
Kneafsey, Elizabethtown College
The Affects of Religiosity on Female Body Image: A Quantitative Study,
Jessica Chance, Lycoming College
The Implications of Medical Student Stratification for Health of At-Risk
Populations., Tinika L McIntosh, Mount St. Mary's University
Giving substance to the "indefinite substance" of ethnicity - methodology
issues with the study of ethnic identification, Stephanie M. Prekopa,
Elizabethtown College
Immigrants in New York, Shawna Halema Davis, Bronx Community College
Social Identity and Classifications of Behavior, May Kim, Pennsylvania State
Virgins and Nonvirgins: A study on female decision making., Carolyn G
Kaschak, Bloomsburg University
Hyphenated America: A Cross-Cultural Analysis of Immigration Experience,
Tiffany Zappulla, Lycoming College; Amilcar Guzman, Lycoming College
Love: What's race got to do with it?, Robert K Cohick, Bloomsburg University
The Effects of Race and Religion on the Attitudes towards Euthanasia, Caitlin
A Mulligan, Mount Saint Mary's University
How Can You Believe That?: The Role of Social Factors in the Acquisition of
Religious Beliefs, Brian W Johnson, Lycoming College
Catholic and Protestant Church Members, Mandy Lee Leftwich, Bloomsburg
University of Pennsylvania
Setting the Agenda: The U.S. Politics and Public Policy of Climate Change,
Daniel J Mallinson, Elizabethtown College
The Young Lords Party in New York City During the Mid 1960s-1970s, Daniel
A Torres, Bronx Community College
Intersectionality and Queer Student Organizations: Assessing the Utilization
of Queer Politics, Bridget Harr, Bates College
The not so Desperate Housewife: The Effects of a Woman’s Employment on
Infidelity, Elizabeth A Kammann, Elizabethtown College
The Visual Media Narrative of September 11, 2001: The Ethics of
Photojournalism on the Images of September 11, 2001, Emily M.C. Haley ,
Bucknell University
Cohabiting Unmarried Parents with Children: Possible Causes for This Recent
Increase Along with Fascinating Trends, Amanda Rae Noss, Bloomsburg
Shannon Karin O'Connor Daley, Drew University
Meghan L Hughes, Elizabethtown College
Casey A Crouch, Mount St. Mary's University
Untitled, Melissa Toner, Drew University
Poverty a Global Issue, babatunde f omole, bronx community college
The Influences of the Residential Campus Environment on Romantic
Relationships, Jeffrey M Jozefski, Boston College
Manning Up:How American Masculinity Influences American Violence, Julia
Soffa, Skidmore College
'Acting White': Does the Label Affect Academic Achievement?, Erin M.
Pollard, Ursinus College
Advertising Cannabis: legal practices of a potentially illegal product, Vianny
P. Tineo, The College of Saint Rose
Sessions 3:30 PM—5:00 PM
169. Author Meets Critics— Black Wealth/White Wealth (10th anniversary
Organizer: Elizabeth Higginbotham, University of Delaware
Author, Melvin Oliver, UC Santa Barbara; Thomas Shapiro, Brandeis
Critic 1: Howard Taylor, Princeton University, Howard Taylor, Princeton
Critic 2, Rhonda Levine, Colgate University
Critic 3, Louis Chauvel, University of Paris
170. Regular Paper Session— Affluence and Elites
Economic Security Versus Economic Empowerment: Profiles of Black Wealth,
Lori L. Sykes, John Jay College of Criminal Justice
Is the Power of the Inner Circle of CEOs beneficial to the firm’s Stakeholders?,
Stephen T. Alagaratnam, St Ambrose University
Nonprofits and the Power Elite: Interlocking directorates between the
nonprofit sector and the corporate community, Scott V. Dolan, University at
Beyond God: Explanations of Community Formation in an Affluent Church,
Caroline Erb, CUNY Graduate Center and Hunter College
171. Regular Paper Session— Constructing Whiteness
Examining Whiteness: The Culture of Segregation in the South, 1960-2007,
Sandra K. Gill, Gettysburg College
White Identity in the White Supremacist Movement, David Bugg, SUNY Potsdam; Dianne Dentice, Stephen F. Austin State University
The Cultural Construction of White Racial Identity in Dominant Discourse,
Margie L. Kiter Edwards, Shepherd University; Laura B. Monico, Shepherd
White Cultural Nationalism and White Supremacy: Toward a White Centered
Universe, Dianne C. Dentice, Stephen F. Austin State University; Stanislav
Vysotsky, Northeastern University
172. Regular Paper Session— Dissertation Research on Women and Gender Committee on the Status of Women Paper Session
Organizer: Laura West Steck, York College of Pennsylvania
This session features the work of graduate students conducting dissertation research
on women and gender
The Other Side of Leaving: Coping Mechanisms in Violent Relationships in
Pune, India, Niveditha Menon, University of Pennsylvania
Not an “Angel”, Not a “Whore”: Stigma of Commercial Surrogacy in India,
Amrita Pande, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Do I Stay or Do I Go Now?: Negotiating Work and Family Decisions during the
Transition to Parenthood, Medora W. Barnes, University of Connecticut
The Conundrum of Connotations & the Hooters Girl: Exploring the Cultural
Toolkit of Stigma Strategies, Michelle Newton-Francis, American University
Laura West Steck, York College of Pennsylvania
173. Regular Paper Session— Immigration Policy
Family Reunification, the Meaning of Race, and Immigration to the U.S.,
1865-2007, Catherine Lee, Rutgers University
Explaining Local Immigration Policy, Beth Frankel-Merenstein, Central CT
State University
Who is Green? The Influence of American Regional Culture on Immigrants’
Environmental Behaviors, Stephanie S. Bramlett, University of New
Kwang-Yeong Shin, Department of Sociology, Chung-Ang University, Seoul,
174. Regular Paper Session— Issues in and around the Military
Military family readiness during deployments, Gina Di Nola, Colorado
Technical University
Church Adherence and Military Enlistment Before and After the 9/11 Attacks,
Jungyun Gill, University of Connecticut; Jim V. Defronzo, University of
Social Control and Patterns of Myth in the Enlisted Ranks of the U.S. Army,
Daniel Burland, University of Massachusetts -- Amherst
Religion in the Ranks: Religion and Canadian Military Culture in the 21st
Century, Joanne M. Benham Rennick, University of Waterloo
175. Regular Paper Session— Masculinities
From the Streets to the Workplace: An Ethnographic Study of Puerto Rican
Men, Timothy Black, University of Hartford
Reconfiguring the Gender Order? East Indian Men and Globalization in the
Caribbean Context, Kamini Maraj Grahame, The Pennsylvania State
University; Peter R. Grahame, Pennsylvania State University - Schuylkill
"Manning the Homefront: Constructing Masculinity as a Stay at Home Dad”,
Dana A. Hysock, Macon State College; Elizabeth A. Mansley, Delaware State
Rethinking Hegemonic Masculinities, Robert G. Caputi, UC Santa Barbara
176. Regular Paper Session— New Research on Middle Eastern Americans
Organizer: Mehdi Bozorgmehr, City College and Graduate Center, CUNY
Gender-Based Performances of Arab-American Artists in New York, Maysoun
Freij, Emory University
Sorting Out Middle Eastern Identities in Detroit, Scott Heil, Graduate Center,
Becoming American through Ethnic Organizations: A Case Study, Jessica
Sperling, Graduate Center, CUNY
Iranian Refugees in Comparative Perspective, Elizabeth Miller, Graduate
Center, CUNY
Anny Bakalian, Graduate Center, CUNY
177. Regular Paper Session— Organizations Beyond Borders
Taking it Global: Uprooting and Implanting America’s Nonprofit Sector Frame,
Erzsebet Fazekas, University at Albany, SUNY
Fugitive Identities: India's Call Centers and Postsocial Globality, Aneesh
Aneesh, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Advanced Warnings from Highgate Cemetery: A Marxist Analysis of
Globalization, the World Trade Organization, and the Evolving Role(s) of
Capitalist Nation-States, Daniel Ryan, Morgan State University, Baltimore,
Cross-National Determinants of Corporate Social Responsibility: Revisiting the
Paradox of Social Cost, Alwyn Lim, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
178. Panel— Teaching Undergraduate Research Methods
Theresa Morris, Trinity College
Jan Deamicis, Utica College
Stephanie A. Bennett, SUNY Oneonta
179. Meeting— Committee on Undergraduate Education Meeting
Sessions 5:30 PM—7:00 PM
180. Plenary— Awards and Presidential Address [Katherine Newman]
Presider: Elizabeth Higginbotham, University of Delaware
Sunday, February 24
Sessions 8:30 AM—10:00 AM
181. Miniconference— Mini-Conference: Global Network on Inequality,
Session IV
182. Regular Paper Session— East Asian Marriage and Parenting
Virtual Mothering: A Cultural Critique of the Emergent Figure of Korean
Birthmothers in Popular Media, Hosu Kim, Fordham University
Adopting Asia's Children, Jungyun Gill, University of Connecticut
“You Were Given to Me by a Fisherman”: Chinese Parenting and the Use of
Pregnancy Myths. , Deirdre M. Smythe, University of Windsor
Age at First Marriage in China, Lin Guo, SUNY-Albany
183. Regular Paper Session— Global Justice
"From Resource Mobilization to Defending Resources: Global Justice as
Identity" , Lauren Langman, Loyola University of Chicago
From Classical Sociology to Contemporary Criminology: Confronting Crime in
Postmodern Societies, Shahid M. Shahidullah, Virginia State University
Collective Memory and the Growth of International Law at Turning Points in
Twentieth Century Societies , Mary J. Gallant, Rowan University; Harry M.
Rhea, Neumann College
Constituting Human Rights: The US Constitution in Comparative Analysis,
Louis Edgar Esparza, Stony Brook University
Vigilantism: Talibanization in Pakistan, Fida Mohammad, SUNY
184. Regular Paper Session— Globalization and Environmental Issues
Socialist Development and Sustainability in China: 1949-1978, Miin-Wen
Shih, Gettysburg College
Debt, Structural Adjustment, and Deforestation: A Cross-National Analysis,
John M. Shandra, Stony Brook; Bruce London, Clark University; Eran Shor,
Stony Brook University, NY; Gary Maynard, SUNY at Stony Brook
Neoliberal Globalization, Social Metabolism and Unequal Ecological Exchange:
From National to Local Accounts in Turkey , Lora L. Karaoglu, Northeastern
World Systems and the Propaganda Model: Media coverage of 'Third World'
and 'First World' Disasters., Gary Maynard, SUNY at Stony Brook
185. Regular Paper Session— Issues around Medicalization
“The Implications of Medicalization and Risk for the Prevention Movement in
the Social Sciences”, Victor Perez, University of Delaware
Rethinking Demedicalization: "Gender Identity Disorder of Childhood" and the
Ongoing Relevance of Homosexuality in Medicalization Processes, Karl
Bryant, SUNY-New Paltz
Alternative and complementary medicines, recognition and selfhood, Eeva K.
Sointu, Smith College
Of Quackery and Quantities: Homeopathy, the Rhetoric of Statistics, and
Contest over Epistemic Authority in Nineteenth Century Medicine , Owen P.
Whooley, New York University
186. Regular Paper Session— Rethinking Global Labor and Populations
Organizer: Greg Goldberg, CUNY Graduate Center
The Compression Theory of Value: Towards a political economy of perceptual
technologies, Greg Goldberg, CUNY Graduate Center
Surplus Populations and Surplus Value: Homelessness in the United States,
Craig D. Willse, The Graduate Center, CUNY
Is the Global really Glo-bile?: Imag-ing the “World-Picture”, Sam Han, The
Graduate Center, City Univeristy of New York
Intimate Apparel: Back to Africa for Cotton, Companionship and Colonialism,
Kara Van Cleaf, CUNY Graduate Center
Life After the Mind/Body Split: An Exploration of Corporeal Intelligence in the
Technoscape, Rachel Schiff, CUNY Graduate Center
Patricia T. Clough, Graduate Center/CUNY
187. Regular Paper Session— Science and Risk Construction
Ecological Statecraft: Keeping Ticks Out of Texas , Mark P. Jones, Millersville
Pluto and the Classification of the Planets, Charles A. McCoy, University of
Neonatal Circumcision The Gendered Construction of the Medical Necessity of
Genital Surgeries, Melissa Francesca Lavin, University of Connecticut-Storrs;
Lauren Sardi Ross, University of Connecticut
Consuming Risk Assessment Technology: The Rise and Fall of the Full Body
Computed Tomography (CT) Scan Controversy 1999-2005, Julia E.
Szymczak, University of Pennsylvania
Seeking Regulation and Adding Value: The Case of Trans Fat Labeling, David
Schleifer, New York University
188. Regular Paper Session— Sociological Analyses of Markets
Alan Greenspan and the Myths of Global Free Market Capitalism: A
Sociological Critique, William Difazio, St. John's University
The Subprime Mortgage Refinance Market in Philadelphia- 1993 to 2003,
Frances M. Barlas, Temple University
The Return of Just-in-Case Production Chains? The Impacts of NAFTA and
9/11 on Distribution Clusters in New Jersey, Ohio, and Ontario (Canada), A.
J. Jacobs, East Carolina University
Observations of a "gold-bug" sociologist, Charles M. Vivona, St. John's
Financialization, Speculation, and the Crisis of Affordable Housing: lessons of
the sub-prime mortgage crisis and its impacts on the U.S. housing finance
system., Karl Eugene Beitel, SEIU 1021
189. Regular Paper Session— Thinking about Racism
Measuring Racism: A Hierarchical Latent Structure Model Approach, Hayward
Derrick Horton, University at Albany, SUNY Albany; Emily Marguiles,
University at Albany, SUNY Albany; Shannon M. Monnat, University at Albany,
SUNY Albany
The Racial Pay Gap of Chemists, Phil Broyles, Shippensburg University;
Weston Fenner, Shippensburg University
Race, Education, and Earnings: Do African-Americans and Whites Receive
Comparable Returns for Human Capital Investments?, Michelle Jean Budig,
University of Massachusetts; Melissa Fugiero, University of Massachusetts
190. Regular Paper Session— Women and Work Issues
Women's earnings and time allocation in the U.S., Sanjiv Gupta, University of
Massachusetts; Liana C. Sayer, Ohio State University; Philip Cohen, UNCChapel Hill
Women and Work: Life as an Attorney, Phyllis G. Kitzerow, Westminster
College; Virginia Tomlinson, Westminster College
The changing occupational health of women, 1983-1999., Bridget M.
Costello, King's College
Understanding Co-worker Relations in Healthcare Occupations, Jillian M.
Crocker, University of Massachusetts
Work, Family and Third Places, Lori L. McNeil, Long Island University, C.W.
Post Campus
191. Meeting— Eastern Region Chapter of Sociologists for Women in Society
(SWS-East) Chapter Meeting
Organizers: Tamara L. Smith, Westfield State College; Laura West Steck, York
College of Pennsylvania
192. Meeting— ESS General Business Meeting
Sessions 10:15 AM—11:45 AM
193. Author Meets Critics— Judging Juveniles
Organizer: Leslie Paik, City College of New York - CUNY
Critic 1,
Critic 2,
Critic 3,
Aaron Kupchik, University of Delaware
Simon Singer, Northeastern University
Juan Battle, CUNY Graduate Center
Leslie Paik, City College of New York - CUNY
194. Regular Paper Session— Adolescent Issues
How to Avoid Doing what Simple Simon Says: Measuring Adolescent Social
Brokerage and its Influence on Serious Delinquency , William Mangino,
Hofstra University
Friends and Peers are Different: Attitudes towards Peers in a Multiracial High
School, Susan Rakosi Rosenbloom, Drew University
Adolescent Substance Use and Family Structure: An Examination of SingleParent and Two-Parent Households, Nick Robertson, State University of New
York at Buffalo
Factors Influencing Adolescent Multiracial Identification: A Quantitative
Approach, Crystal A. Bedley, Rutgers University
Geetha Nambisan, Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi
195. Regular Paper Session— Aspects of International Migration
Contact, Culture, and Labor Market Competition: Explaining Variations in AntiImmigrant Sentiment , Steven P. Vallas, Geo Mason Univ; Emily
Zimmerman, George Mason University; Shannon N. Davis, George Mason
The Anti-Immigration and Anti-Racism Movements in France, 1980 to 1985,
Marit A. Berntson, Roanoke College
Title of the Paper: Changes in Structure of Black Neighborhoods and Korean
Immigrants’ Changing Middleman role, Pyong Gap Min, Queens College and
the Graduate Center, CUNY
Political Incorporation across Space and Generation among Hispanics and
Asians, Sookhee Oh, University of Missouri-Kansas City; Jennifer Darrah,
Brown University
Moving on Up: Socioeconomic Comparisons of Asian American Ethnic
Enclaves, C.n. Le, Univ. of MA, Amherst
Hanne Cecilie Kavli, FAFO, Norway
196. Regular Paper Session— Domestic Violence
"Changing Through Tradition", Roberta R. Farber, Stern College, Yeshiva
Police Report and Disposition Analysis in Cases of Domestic Violence in Two
New Hampshire Cities, Catherine A. Seabury, University of New Hampshire
The Price of Public Health: Consequences of State Funding on Anti-Domestic
Violence Work in South Asian Communities (pending) , Soniya Munshi, CUNY
Graduate Center
Homeless Women, Domestic Violence, and Welfare Reform, Anne R.
Roschelle, State University of New York at New Paltz
Exploring the Causes of Domestic Violence Relationships, Scott J. Schneider,
University at Buffalo
197. Regular Paper Session— Hegemony, Boundaries and Religion in the
Middle East
Organizer: Vida Bajc, University of Pennsylvania
The session contributes to the area of Middle East Sociology by explicating specific
socio-cultural practices particular to this area and the western attitudes toward
American Hegemony, New Imperialism and Promotion of Democracy: NED
and NDI Activities in Turkey, Tugrul Keskin, Virginia Polytechnic and State
Stripping away Israeli citizenship: between loyalty and religion , Ben Herzog,
Yale University
The use of space and control over Christian holy sites in Jerusalem: The
cultural logic of ritual practice in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, Vida Bajc,
University of Pennsylvania
Ronald Nerio, Wagner College
198. Regular Paper Session— Hurricane Katrina and Social Life
Policing and Hurricane Evacuation: Conflicts between Social Bonds., David
Bugg, SUNY - Potsdam; Lisa K. Zottarelli, Texas Woman's University; Erin
Rider, Texas Woman's University
Inequities in “Equality:” Engaging Service-Learning and Social Stratification in
Post-Katrina New Orleans, Dana Greene, North Carolina Central University
Hurricane Katrina: The Forty Year Catastrophe, John Barnshaw, University of
Delaware; Lynn Letukas, University of Delaware
Perceptions of Government Response Efforts Post-Katrina As Affected By
Race, Class, and Location, Lauren M. Ross, George Washington University
199. Regular Paper Session— Issues around Mental Health
Taking License: A Sociological Perspective on the New York State
Psychoanalytic License, Christian J. Churchill, St. Thomas Aquinas College;
Phillinda Rosnick, New York Freudian Society
Free Will or Mentally Ill? The Medicalization of Pathological Gambling, Jacob
Avery, University of Pennsylvania
Blurring the Boundaries Between Meaning-making and Medicalization in
Contemporary American Psychoanalysis, Dena T. Smith, Rutgers University
Compliance, Risk, and the Psychiatrization of Homelessness, Craig D. Willse,
The Graduate Center, CUNY
The rise and fall of psychoanalysis in main stream American sociology
between 1900s and 1960s, George Cavalletto, Brooklyn and Hunter Colleges;
Catherine Silver, Brooklyn College and Grad Center CUNY
200. Regular Paper Session— Talking about Various Communities
Change in Retail Composition in Three Small Town Business Districts,
Alexander R. Thomas, SUNY College at Oneonta; Polly J. Smith, Utica College
Fear and Discomfort in Rural Pa, An Analysis of Community Concern and its
Implications, Heather S. Feldhaus, Bloomsburg University; Alana Atchinson,
Bloomsburg University
The Exurban Phenomena and Increasing Inequality: An analysis of residential
segregation in exurban MSA’s , Emily K. Margulies, SUNY-Albany
Tied to the Past: Economic Barriers to Change in a Post-Industrial Mill Town,
Chris R. Colocousis, University Of New Hampshire
Sessions 12:00 PM—1:30 PM
201. Regular Paper Session— Collaborating within and across Organizations
Social Dynamics of Academic Interdisciplinary Research Teams , Debra
Street, University at Buffalo, SUNY; Sharmistha Bagchi-Sen, University at
Buffalo, SUNY; Sarah Desai, University at Buffalo, SUNY
Symbiosis and Exploitation in Strategic Alliances: The Israeli case of Maccabi
Tel-Aviv Basketball Club and the Public Channel, Eran Shor, Stony Brook
University, NY
A Paradox of Diversity: Race Relations in the U.S. Postal Service, Linda
Benbow, New Paltz State University
When Public Radio Goes Private: The Privatization of Funding for Public Radio
and the Rise of Cultural Programming on NPR Stations, Andrew M. Lindner,
Penn State University
202. Regular Paper Session— Critical Theory and Multimedia Methods: From
The Infra-empirical to the Global
Organizer: Patricia T. Clough, Graduate Center/CUNY
Beyond Data Collection: Rethinking Imagining the Social, Sam Han, Graduate
Center CUNY
Beyond Reflexivity, Rachel Schiff, CUNY Graduate Center
Writing Poetry Into Data Analysis, Polly Sylvia, CUNY Graduate Center
Jackie Orr
203. Regular Paper Session— Deportation and Reentry
Organizer: Douglas E. Thompkins, John Jay College
This panel issues a call for the development of new programs to address the reentry
needs and concerns of former prisoners facing deportation as well as the concerns of
their family members.
The Unintended Consequences of Deportation Polices on the Reentry Process,
Douglas E. Thompkins, John Jay College
Deportation and Transition, Angela Navarro, John Jay College
Tba, Douglas E. Thompkins, John Jay College
tba, Douglas E. Thompkins, John Jay College
Gail Garfield, John Jay College
204. Regular Paper Session— Fashion and the Body
Styles of walk: A documentary video presentation of the expressive
embodiment of walk compared by setting, group membership, and individual
technique., Paul C. Fuller, St. John Fisher; Andy Dillon, Rochester Indy
Media; Matt Isaac
Fashion Modelling Work: Channelling the Indeterminacy and Fluidity of Affect,
Elizabeth A. Wissinger, Borough of Manhattan Community College
Made in Japan: Fashion Modeling in Tokyo, Ashley Elizabeth Mears, New York
205. Regular Paper Session— Gender and Teaching Evaluations - Panel
Session Cosponsored by the Committee on the Status of Women and the
Eastern Region Chapter of Sociologists for Women in Society
Organizers: Laura West Steck, York College of Pennsylvania; Medora Barnes,
University of Connecticut; Tamara L. Smith, Westfield State College
Angie Beeman, University of Connecticut
Tamara L. Smith, Westfield State College
Laura West Steck, York College of Pennsylvania
206. Regular Paper Session— Islam and Sociology
Legal defenses: A Comparison between Islamic and American Criminal Justice
System, Fida Mohammad, SUNY
The Reinterpretation of Mahr among Pakistani American women, Farha
Ternikar, Le Moyne College
The rise and Fall of the Reformist Islamism: Social and Political Context,
Majid Mohammadi, Transregional Institute
207. Regular Paper Session— The Practice and Politics of Integrating Social
and Biological Data for Social Research
Organizer: Kristen Springer, Rutgers University
David Peterson, Rutgers University
208. Regular Paper Session— Visualizing Health and Illness
Organizer: Kate S. Jenkins, CUNY Graduate Center
Using visual methodologies and data sources, we explore different notions of health,
illness, and disability.
The Visual and the Corporeal: Transplantation and Hybridity, Laura Mauldin,
CUNY Graduate Center
"This is not about pity": Autobiographical Videos as Case Studies for
Analyzing the Social Construction of Illness, Karen Gregory, CUNY Graduate
Producing Autistic Culture: the Videography of Autism, Kate S. Jenkins, CUNY
Graduate Center
209. Meeting— Executive Committee Meeting
printed on 12/22/2007 8:45:53 PM
Index to Participants
adedeke, oluwaseun ( 168
Aguirre, Benigno ( 58
Akboga, Sema ( 98
Alagaratnam, Stephen T. ( 116, 170
Alexander, Jeffrey ( 41
Alexiou, Nicholas ( 22
Ali, Syed ( 119
Al-Qubbaj, Kholoud ( 99
Alvarez, Gabriela ( 159
Alvaro, Sam ( 86
Amenta, Edwin ( 30
Andersen, 2007-2008 Robin M. Williams, Jr Lecturer, Margaret ( 79
Andersen, Margaret ( 42
Anderson, Elijah ( 31
Andrea, Siegel L. ( 164
Aneesh, Aneesh ( 177
Aniya, Kara D ( 88
Anthony, Denise ( 5
Antram, Alex Scott ( 132
Apsel, Joyce ( 55
Aptekar, Sofya ( 137
Arabandi, Bhavani ( 136
Ardovini, Joanne ( 46, 87
Arend, Patricia ( 49
Arford, Tammi ( 25, 146
Arieli, Tamar ( 17
Armenia, Amy B. ( 103
Armstrong, Robin ( 2, 105
Arroyo, Ryan F ( 129
Arthur, Mikaila Ml ( 38
Ashley, Colin P. ( 144
Astone, Mary Kathryn ( 3
Astone, Nicholas A. ( 3
Atchinson, Alana ( 200
Attewell, Paul ( 151
Aubry, Giulia ( 135
Avery, Erin N ( 88
Avery, Jacob ( 199
Aykan, Bahar ( 97
Bachman, Ronet ( 25, 63
Bagchi-Sen, Sharmistha ( 201
Baggetta, Matthew G. ( 73
Bajc, Vida ( 197
Bakalian, Anny ( 176
Bakken, Nicholas W. ( 124, 162
Baldermann, Diana E. ( 138
Balliet, Katherine ( 129
Banfield-Hardaway, Stacey ( 129
Banks, Patricia ( 154
Barlas, Frances M. ( 188
Barnes, Medora ( 110, 205
Barnes, Medora W. ( 87, 172
Barnshaw, John ( 125, 149, 198
Barr, Amy L. ( 64
Barra, Andrea C. ( 18
Barrett, Gretchen M. ( 144
Barsky, Lauren ( 58
Barton, Michael S. ( 27
Bates, Diane C. ( 62
Batt, Rosemary ( 131
Battle, Juan ( 193
Bayne-Smith, Marcia ( 36
Bedley, Crystal A. ( 194
Beeman, Angie ( 205
Beitel, Karl Eugene ( 188
Bellaman, Dawn ( 106
Benbow, Linda ( 201
Benham Rennick, Joanne M. ( 174
Bennett, Stephanie A. ( 28, 178
Berger, Helen A. ( 142
Bernal, Aurora (No e-mail provided): 85
Bernhardt, Annette ( 131
Berntson, Marit A. ( 195
Besen-Cassino, Yasemin ( 101
Bessett, Danielle ( 126
Bianchi, Suzanne ( 66
Bibeau, Alana M. ( 123
Biddle, Joan I. ( 152
Biggert, Robert ( 73
Bimbi, David ( 36
Black, Timothy ( 175
Blackstone, Lee Robert ( 142
Blair, Sampson Lee ( 45, 57
Blanchard, Sarah F ( 129
Blau, Judith ( 80
Blumberg, Rae ( 98, 123, 136
Boeckmann, Irene S. ( 157
Bolden, Leslie-Ann ( 115
Bombard, Lindsay ( 129
Bonnes, Stephanie Marie ( 88
Borch, Casey ( 148
Borland, Elizabeth ( 13
Borrelli, Wilma ( 166
Bose, Sunita ( 115
Bosick, Stacey J. ( 4, 16
Boussios, Emanuel ( 86, 147
Bowersox, Ashley Megan ( 36
Boy, John D. ( 13
Bozorgmehr, Mehdi ( 176
Braksmajer, Amy S. ( 122
Brallier, Sara Anne ( 50
Bramlett, Stephanie S. ( 173
Brennan, Andrew J. ( 130
Bridges, John C. ( 24
Bridges, Tristan S. ( 46, 136
Britt, Anne Djuve ( 119
Brooks, Ethel ( 80
Brooks-Klinger, Jenny ( 61
Brown, Adam ( 56
Brown, Kendall ( 85
Brownell, Peter R ( 88
Broyles, Phil ( 189
Bryant, Karl ( 185
Bryson, Stephanie A. ( 103
Buchholz, Larissa ( 81
Budig, Michelle Jean ( 189
Buford, II, Mindelyn R. ( 156
Bugg, David ( 171, 198
Bullock, Elizabeth ( 163
Bunyan, Laura A. ( 12
Burgess, Simon ( 85
Burke, Mary C. ( 165
Burland, Daniel ( 174
Burns, Justine ( 16
Busher, Melissa D. ( 168
Bussigel, Margaret ( 67
Butts, Jr., Milton L. ( 143
Byfield, Natalie (No e-mail provided): 109
Caine, Murphy A. ( 94
Calarco, Jr, Paul E. ( 163
Calhoun, Craig ( 20, 41, 68
Campanela, Lesleigh ( 65
Campbell, Emily Joyce ( 124, 168
Campbell, Shannon P ( 129
Campellone, Nick C ( 88
Canjar Wirtz, R.e. Theresa ( 111
Caplan, Lindsay A. ( 60
Caputi, Robert G. ( 175
Caputo-Levine, Deirdre Deanna ( 63
Cardinal, Jonathan K ( 129
Carlton-Ford, Steven ( 111
Carr, Deborah ( 157
Carreiro, Joshua ( 105
Carrero, Yafreisy ( 116
Carter, Cassandra G. ( 133
Casner-Lotto, Jill ( 140
Cassino, Daniel ( 101
Cassino, Peter P. ( 145
Cavalletto, George ( 199
Cavin, Susan E. ( 160
Celik, Yasemin ( 59
Cerulo, Karen ( 80
Chambre, Susan M. ( 15
Chance, Jessica ( 168
Chancer, Lynn S. ( 73
Chang, Hanna ( 22
Charles, Camille ( 92
Chaudry, Praveen ( 59
Chauvel, Louis ( 90, 169
Chayko, Mary ( 82
Chen, Katherine K. ( 15
Chen, Li Fong ( 88
Cheney, Tim ( 147
Chimonas, Susan ( 100
Chin, Margaret ( 78
Chito Childs, Erica ( 52
Christian, Patricia B. ( 103
Chung, Charlotta ( 129
Chung, Ed ( 24
Churchill, Christian J. ( 199
Cintron, Leslie ( 108
Clough, Patricia T. ( 186, 202
Clydesdale, Tim ( 92
Cohan, Deborah J. ( 139
Cohen, Philip ( 190
Cohick, Robert K ( 168
Cole, Stephen ( 86
Coleman, Karen ( 61
Collery, Kevin J ( 88
Colocousis, Chris R. ( 200
Colvil, Geralyn ( 88
Conroy, Thomas M. ( 67
Cooper, Fred ( 68
Cooper, Susanna E. ( 88
Copelton, Denise ( 122
Corcoran, Mary ( 33
Cornelius, Debra A. ( 85
Corrado, Carolyn ( 65
Costello, Bridget M. ( 190
Cox, Cristian ( 138
Craven, Nena S. ( 166
Creek, Stacia J. ( 75
Crespo, Catalina ( 134
Cressler, Christina E. ( 168
Crocker, Jillian M. ( 190
Crouch, Casey A ( 168
Cunningham, Ken ( 100
Cunningham, Kim J. ( 96, 128
Curreli, Misty A. ( 127
Currier, Danielle M. ( 125
Cushman, Thomas ( 80
Cywinski, Robert J ( 168
D'Amuro, Kriston ( 121
Daipha, Phaedra ( 58
DalBon, Jill Marie ( 129
Daley, Shannon Karin O'Connor ( 168
Daly, Kevin ( 146
Damaske, Sarah A. ( 34
Daniels, Jessie ( 113
Darrah, Jennifer ( 195
Davis, Maryann ( 16
Davis, Shannon N. ( 195
Davis, Shawna Halema ( 168
Deamicis, Jan ( 178
Defronzo, Jim V. ( 174
Degloma, Thomas ( 4
DeJesus, Jessie ( 129
Del Pesce, Jennifer ( 129
Deleon, Joanna ( 13
Dempsey, Jason K. ( 130
Dentice, Dianne ( 171
Dentice, Dianne C. ( 171
Denton, Nancy A. ( 133
Desai, Sarah ( 107, 201
Desena, Judith ( 8, 109
Desenberg, Tosha ( 106
Desousa, Valerian ( 118
Devgan, Shruti ( 107
Dhindsa, Ragwinder K. ( 105
Di Nola, Gina ( 174
Diaz, Raul ( 106
Difazio, William ( 128, 188
Dill, Nandi E. ( 95
Dillon, Andy ( 204
Dimitriadis, Greg ( 134
Dingman, Brandie M. ( 55, 148
Dolan, Scott V. ( 170
Dolgon, Corey W. ( 82
Donati, Teresa ( 45
Donner, William R. ( 58
Donovan, Pamela ( 37
Dowd, Jeffrey K. ( 65
Dreby, Joanna G. ( 158
Dronkers, Jaap ( 151
Du, Liang ( 134
Ducette, Joseph ( 6
Duncan, Greg ( 44
Dunckel, Amy N. ( 19
Dundes, Lauren ( 29
Durkin, Daniel M. ( 115
Dziuba-Leatherman, Jennifer ( 83
Edin, Kathryn ( 112
Ehrmann, Nicholas J. ( 53
Eimer, Stuart P. ( 54
Elaydi, Raed ( 135
Elliott, Alisa S ( 129
Ellis, Francis P. ( 28
Ender, Morten G. ( 94, 111, 130
Epstein, Cynthia Fuchs ( 42
Erb, Caroline ( 160, 170
Erdmans, Mary P. ( 34
Eshelman, Jill ( 62
Eshun, Joseph P. ( 135
Esparza, Louis Edgar ( 183
Esterberg, Kristin G. ( 37
Everley, Rachel ( 157
Faiia, Marcoux M. ( 124
Fair, Brian Paul ( 46
Fajardo, Jana K. ( 94
Farber, Roberta R. ( 196
Farr, Daniel ( 165
Farrell, Carrie M. ( 88
Farrer, Gracia Liu ( 156
Fazekas, Erzsebet ( 177
Feldhaus, Heather S. ( 200
Feldman, Barbara J. ( 149
Fenner, Weston ( 189
Fernandez, Jessica R ( 88
Fernandez, Paula B. ( 9
Fernandez-Kelly, Patricia ( 119
Fichter, Stephen Joseph ( 142
Figueroa, Alexis (No e-mail provided): 109
Filinson, Rachel ( 141
Finnegan, Amy ( 35, 69
Fisher, William ( 16
Flores, Ronald J. ( 47
Foner, Nancy ( 68, 120, 155
Foster, Thomas Bradley ( 129
Fraad-Wolff, Max ( 71
Frankel-Merenstein, Beth ( 173
Freij, Maysoun ( 176
Freudenberg, Nicholas ( 162
Fugiero, Melissa ( 189
Fujita, Yumiko ( 121
Fuller, Paul C. ( 39, 204
Furnari, John ( 36, 115
Furst, Gennifer ( 162
Gadsden, Gloria ( 28
Gage, Elizabeth A. ( 47, 121
Gallant, Mary J. ( 183
Galván, Chris ( 161
Gambs, Deborah S. ( 83
Garey, Anita I. ( 21, 66
Garfield, Gail ( 203
Gauchat, Gordon ( 148
Geertsma, Jennifer H. ( 135
Germana, Rachelle ( 96
Gerson, Judith ( 15
Ghatak, Saran ( 160
Gibb, Sarah ( 64
Gibson-Davis, Christina ( 112
Gill, Jungyun ( 174, 182
Gill, Sandra K. ( 171
Gillespie, Brian ( 113
Giribaldi, Tabatha ( 88
Glode, Trevor ( 65
Goldberg, Greg ( 186
Gondal, Neha ( 148
Gonzalez, Alan L. ( 36, 115
Goodney Lea, Suzanne ( 77, 150
Gordy, Laurie L. ( 139
Gornick, Janet C. ( 116
Gosa, Travis L. ( 9
Gotham, Kevin F. ( 70
Goyette, Kimberly ( 92
Gozjolko, Kristi L. ( 114
Graf, Ashley L. ( 129
Graham, Jamie M. ( 50
Graham, Roderick ( 60
Grahame, Kamini Maraj ( 175
Grahame, Peter R. ( 106, 175
Granger, Robert (No e-mail provided): 20
Grasmuck, Sherri ( 5, 155
Green, Autumn R. ( 12, 163
Green, Tamaria D. ( 129
Greenberg, Bryan R. ( 135
Greene, Dana ( 198
Gregory, Karen ( 208
Griffin, Christine M. ( 101
Griffith, Fareeda M. ( 55
Griffiths, Heather M. ( 2
Groschwitz, Stephan F. ( 54
Grossman, Danielle ( 88
Grotto, Angela ( 116
Grov, Christian ( 113
Guimaraes, Antonio Sergio ( 140
Guimaraes, Nadya ( 81
Gulhan, Sinan T. ( 147
Gunter, Whitney D. ( 124, 162
Guo, Lin ( 182
Gupta, Sanjiv ( 190
Gusrang, Jamie ( 26, 125
Gutman, Yifat ( 17, 56
Guzman, Amilcar ( 168
Hagen, Kaisa ( 22
Haines, David W. ( 132
Hajjar, Paul ( 85
Halasz, Judith R. ( 27
Haley , Emily M.C. ( 168
Hallgarth, Matthew W. ( 7
Halpern-Meekin, Sarah ( 45, 114
Hamell, Dave ( 88
Han, Sam ( 186
Han, Sam ( 202
Hanna, Jeanine ( 108
Hanson, Alex C ( 88
Hardie, Jessica Halliday ( 95
Harkness, Kristin ( 88
Harr, Bridget ( 168
Harsen, Emily E ( 88
Hartwell, Stephanie W. ( 16
Harvey, Daina Cheyenne ( 96
Haynes, Jarred J ( 129
Heckert, Alex ( 4
Heckert, Druann ( 4
Heeren, John W. ( 49
Heil, Scott ( 176
Heller, Jacob ( 36
Helmken, Jonathan CE ( 88
Henderson, L. Daisy ( 161
Henlon, Silas ( 47
Hertz, Rosanna ( 42, 66
Herzog, Ben ( 197
Hewitt, Cynthia ( 85
Higashida, Hatsuki ( 99, 114
Higginbotham, Elizabeth ( 79, 169, 180
Hill, Heather ( 112
Hochschild, Thomas ( 154
Hofferth, Sandy ( 33
Hogan, Dennis P. ( 104
Holian, John ( 102
Holland, Curtis ( 35
Holmes, William M. ( 47
Holsapple, Susan ( 49
Hood, Daniel E. ( 26
Horton, Hayward Derrick ( 189
Horvitz, Andrew ( 145
Howerton, Amanda ( 162
Hsu, Da-Wei ( 98
Hu, Chin ( 99
Hudd, Suzanne S. ( 85
Hughes, Meghan L ( 168
Hughey, Matthew W. ( 98
Huisman, Kimberly A. ( 67
Humber, Katherine ( 50
Humphries, Robert ( 85
Hunter, Erica ( 125
Hysock, Dana A. ( 175
Isaac, Matt ( 204
Isamah, Augustine N. ( 156
Isserles, Robin ( 50
Ives, David T. ( 85
Iwata, Miho ( 155
Jackson, Courtney B. ( 126
Jacobs, A. J. ( 188
Jacobs, Ron ( 72
James, Shauntey ( 85
Jaramillo, Klintong J ( 88
Jaworsky, Bernadette N. ( 156
Jenkins, Kate S. ( 7, 208
Jett, Quintus R. ( 135
Jodhka, Surinder ( 17
Johnson, Brian W ( 168
Johnson, Heather B. ( 104
Johnson, Jeffrey ( 166
Johnson, Mathew ( 13
Johnson, Tiffany J. ( 103
Jolley, Michael D. ( 143
Jones, Mark P. ( 187
Joseph, Sophonie M. ( 88
Jozefski, Jeffrey M ( 168
Kaffes, Georges ( 130
Kahan, Paul ( 160
Kahn, Joan ( 72
Kalish, Rachel ( 144
Kammann, Elizabeth A ( 168
Kane, Emily W. ( 157
Kang, Miliann ( 34
Kanuga, Malav ( 81
Kapitulik, Brian P. ( 105
Karaoglu, Lora L. ( 184
Karen, David ( 151
Karpathakis, Anna ( 99
Kaschak, Carolyn G ( 168
Kasinitz, Phil ( 31
Katz, Juliane ( 129
Katznelson, Ira ( 30
Kaufman, Peter ( 48
Kavli, Hanne Cecilie ( 195
Kefalas, Maria ( 92
Kehnel, Steven C. ( 163
Keil, Jacqueline ( 67
Kelly, Reese C. ( 75, 165
Kelty, Ruth A. ( 58
Kelty, Ryan ( 94
Kelty, Ryan D. ( 58
Kendrigan, Mary Lou ( 130
Kent, Rachel A ( 88
Kerr, Keith ( 85
Keskin, Tugrul ( 197
Keswell, Malcolm ( 55, 90
Ketlehut, Diane ( 6
Khan, Bibi ( 22
Khoury, Mohanad Andy (No e-mail provided): 109
Kim, Hosu ( 182
Kim, Jennifer ( 155
Kim, May ( 168
Kim, Nadia ( 120
Kimpel, Jeanne ( 125
Kinch, Logan A. R. ( 168
King, Mark A. ( 85
Kirkland, Ambika D ( 88
Kitchen, Sara E. ( 140
Kiter Edwards, Margie L. ( 171
Kitzerow, Phyllis G. ( 190
Klein, Lloyd ( 39
Kneafsey, Ashley L ( 168
Knorr, Karin ( 41
Koch, Adina Ora ( 88
Koch, Dominique ( 88
Kono, Kiwako ( 88
Korgen, Kathleen ( 35, 65, 69
Kowitz, Darrin Joseph ( 152
Kremmel, Susan ( 2
Kromm, Elizabeth E. ( 100
Kupchik, Aaron ( 39, 95, 193
Kuperberg, Arielle T. ( 34
Kurti, Marin K. ( 3
Kusow, Abdi M. ( 133
Kutz-Flamenbaum, Rachel V. ( 54
La Rocque, Serena Monsa ( 88
Labaro, Salvatore ( 129
Lachelier, Paul E. ( 101
Lai, Qing ( 148, 167
Lake, Stephanie T. ( 14
Lamarre, Nicole ( 165
Lang, Jacob A. ( 28, 45
Lang, Kenneth Brandon ( 18
Lang, Steven ( 27
Langman, Lauren ( 71, 183
LaRaia, Mishelle ( 129
Lareau, Annette ( 151
Larned, Daria Nike (, 168
Laudone, Stephanie M. ( 143
Lavin, David ( 151
Lavin, Melissa Francesca ( 187
Layman, Sara ( 73
Layne, China J. ( 108, 164
Le, C.n. ( 195
Lea, Suzanne Goodney ( 105, 117
Leckband, Christopher S. ( 118
Lee, Caroline W. ( 13
Lee, Catherine ( 173
Lee, Isabelle H. ( 122
Leftwich, Mandy Lee ( 168
Lehman, Brett M. ( 5
Lemke, Debra C. ( 2, 5, 29
Lenihan, Patricia A. ( 14
Lennox, Daniel ( 28
Lerner, Jennifer ( 132
Letukas, Lynn ( 125, 149, 198
Lever, Janet ( 113
Levi, Ron ( 80
Levine, Rhonda ( 169
Levinson, Jodie B ( 88
Levy, Antonia ( 13
Levy, Dan ( 80
Levy, Daniel ( 81
Levy, Don ( 13, 48
Lewis, R. L'Heureux ( 78, 104
Li, Boni ( 5
Li, Chunling ( 131
Li, Guofang ( 134
Li, Rebecca S.k. ( 118, 167
Libonate, Jamie ( 6
Lim, Alwyn ( 177
Lim, Chaeyoon ( 38
Lin, Fang-Mei ( 167
Linders, Annulla ( 25
Lindner, Andrew M. ( 201
Lindquist, Amy B. ( 63
Liu, Samantha Yang ( 88
Logue, Melissa A. ( 63
Loh, Jason ( 88
London, Bruce ( 184
Longazel, Jamie G. ( 156
Looze, Jessica L. ( 103
Loucks, Joleen R. ( 45
Lubitow, Amy ( 62
Luske, Bruce ( 49
Lymore, Shamichael ( 129
Lyness, Karen ( 116
Ma, Yingyi ( 6
Macana, Naomi (No e-mail provided): 109
MacDonald, Cameron ( 21
MacKay, Skye ( 129
Madfis, Eric ( 25, 146
Madigan, Timothy J. ( 86, 106, 124, 141, 168
Maguire, Karen A. ( 50
Mahler, Matthew ( 73
Maiden, Kristin M. ( 14, 63, 115
Majumdar, Shweta ( 107
Mallinson, Daniel J ( 168
Manchester, Rachel ( 129
Mangino, William ( 194
Maniscalco, Maria Luisa ( 60
Maniscalco, Maria Luisa ( 135
Mansley, Elizabeth A. ( 175
Marguiles, Emily ( 189
Margulies, Emily K. ( 200
Markert, John ( 148
Markowitz, Ellen ( 123
Markson, Elizabeth W. ( 46
Marrow, Helen Beckler ( 137
Martin, Jason ( 5
Martin, Lauren Jade ( 126
Matcha, Duane A. ( 101
Matteliano, Mary A. ( 141
Matters, Reegan M ( 88
Matthews, Michael D. ( 130
Mauldin, Laura ( 208
May, Capri A. ( 168
Maynard, Gary ( 81, 184
Mazelis, Joan Maya ( 18
Mazzeo, Damon ( 129
Mc Mahon, Dorren C. ( 137
McAdams, Megan E ( 65
McCall, Betty ( 69
McCallum, Jamie ( 13
McCormick, Jennifer Higgins ( 19
McCorry, Timothy A. ( 39
McCoy, Charles A. ( 187
McCoy, Nicole Barreto ( 159
McDonald, Katrina Bell ( 42, 52
McElwee, Elizabeth T ( 129
McFarland, Michael J. ( 148
McGann, Chris ( 86
McInerney, Katherine ( 146
McIntosh, Tinika L ( 168
McMahon, Dorren ( 53
McNeil, Lori L. (lorimcneil2002): 190
Mead, Guenevere L. ( 143
Mears, Ashley Elizabeth ( 204
Medley, Corina D. ( 139
Mendoza, Joseline ( 129
Menon, Niveditha ( 172
Meyer, Doug ( 144
Miceli, Melinda S. ( 113
Michael, Kobi ( 111
Mignon, Sylvia Mignon I. ( 47
Miller, Amanda J. ( 114
Miller, Elizabeth ( 99
Miller, Elizabeth (No e-mail provided): 176
Miller, Susan ( 42
Milligan, Tracy ( 147
Milofsky, Carl ( 69
Min, Pyong Gap ( 195
Misencik, Karen ( 132
Mishler, Max ( 54
Misovich, Stephen J. ( 113
Model, Suzanne J. ( 133
Moffitt, Robert ( 44
Mohabir, Amanda ( 88
Mohammad, Fida ( 183, 206
Mohammadi, Majid ( 206
Monico, Laura B. ( 171
Monnat, Shannon M. ( 47
Monnat, Shannon M. ( 12, 189
Monte, Lindsay ( 112
Montefiore, Jane ( 46
Moore, D. Chanele ( 9
Mootoo, Heidi C ( 61
Morett, Christopher R. ( 115
Morin-Mezzadri, Brittany A. ( 168
Morooka, Hideki ( 155
Morris, David S. ( 123
Morris, Theresa ( 146, 178
Moskovciak, Tori Nicole ( 88
Mota, Xochitl Renee ( 104
Movahedi, Siamak ( 128
Mulligan, Caitlin A ( 168
Munshi, Soniya ( 196
Murray, Paul T. ( 38
Myers, Justin ( 97
Nagi, Omar ( 116
Nambisan, Geetha ( 90, 194
Napierala, Jeffrey S. ( 99
Napierski-Prancl, Michelle R. ( 2
Navarro, Angela ( 203
Neff, Patricia Elizabeth ( 122
Nelson, Margaret Klein ( 21
Nerio, Ronald ( 197
Ness, Cindy ( 31
Netherland, Julie C. ( 4
Newton-Francis, Michelle ( 172
Ngo, Paul ( 24
Nguyen, Charles P. ( 118
Nickolai, Dan H. ( 26
Nishida, Masayo ( 161
Noss, Amanda Rae ( 168
O'Connell, Daniel J. ( 63
Ocejo, Richard E. ( 106
Ogunnika, Zacchaeus ( 97
Ogunnika, Zacchaeus O. ( 55
Oh, Sookhee ( 195
Oliver, Melvin ( 169
Olofsson, Anna ( 149
omole, babatunde f ( 168
Omori, Megumi ( 18
Oppenheimer, Martin ( 161
Orr, Jackie ( 202
Ostertag, Stephen F. ( 145
O'Sullivan, Caroline M ( 88
O'Sullivan, Caroline M. ( 88
O'Toole, Laura L. ( 67
Owens, Ann ( 53
Ozgenc, Basak ( 133
Page Poma, Fernanda R. ( 73
Pager, Devah ( 31
Pahl, Joy ( 24
Paik, Leslie ( 78, 193
Palamara, Michelle A. ( 162
Palm, Linda J. ( 50
Panagakis, Christy ( ): 53
Pande, Amrita ( 172
Papademas, Diana ( 159
Park, Keumjae ( 158
Parker, Laurin ( 25
Parker, Richard ( 30
Parrenas, Rhacel ( 21
Parrillo, Vincent ( 133
Parsons, Jeffrey ( 36
Pavasovic, Tamara ( 9
Pazaki, Hooshang ( 99
Pearce, Susan ( 153
Pearson, A. Fiona ( 12
Pennington, Suzanne ( 83
Percheski, Christine M. ( 45
Perez, Nicole M. ( 127
Perez, Victor ( 185
Persell, Caroline ( 151
Perunovic, Sreca ( 24
Peterson, David ( 207
Phillips, Alton ( 115
Piatt, Elizabeth ( 78
Pierce, Tara S. ( 147
Pineros Shields, Thomas P. ( 140
Pirkey, Melissa F. ( 95
Pisano, Peter M. ( 24
Pittinsky, Matthew ( 18
Poll, Carol ( 59
Pollard, Erin M. ( 129, 168
Pollich, Lisa ( 7
Pomponio, Vittoria ( 60
Popp, Ann Marie ( 39
Poteyeva, Rita ( 58
Prekopa, Stephanie M. ( 168
Pruett, W. Cochran ( 94
Purk, Janice Kay ( 141, 168
Purkayastha, Bandana ( 120
Ramaswamy, Megha ( 162
Ramirez, Lis Mery ( 88
Ramirez, Paulaska S ( 129
Rapp, Laura Anne ( 14
Rauscher, Emily ( 95
Re, Christopher V ( 129
Reichmuth, Amanda (No e-mail provided): 109
Reid, Shalleria T ( 129
Restivo, Michael ( 61
Rexrode, Deborah L. ( 98, 123, 136
Rhea, Harry M. ( 183
Rich, Meghan Ashlin ( 8
Rickard, Diana C. ( 25
Rickenbacker, Kat ( 62
Rider, Erin ( 198
Rios, Jesenia ( 129
Rivera, Lauren A. ( 154
Rivera-Beckstrom, Maria Elena P. ( 118
Robertson, Nick ( 194
Robinson, Jeffrey A. ( 135
Robson, Karen ( 104
Roby, Elizabeth ( 121
Rockenmacher, Rachel L. ( 104
Rodriguez, Alfredo ( 85
Rodriguez, Clara E. ( 24
Rodriguez, Griselda ( 159
Roelfs, David J. ( 40
Rohall, David E. ( 130
Romano, Mary Ann ( 81
Rondini, Ashley ( 153
Rosanio, Leanne T. ( 129
Roschelle, Anne R. ( 196
Roseamelia, Carrie A. ( 164
Rosenbloom, Susan Rakosi ( 194
Rosenblum, Karen Elaine ( 132
Rosenfield, Sarah ( 84
Rosnick, Phillinda ( 199
Ross, Lauren M. ( 198
Ross, Lauren Sardi ( 26, 187
Ross, Robert J.s. ( 118
Ross, Susan M. ( 72
Rossi, Ino ( 41, 71
Roth, Wendy ( 120
Royce, Tracy ( 113
Ruane, Janet (No e-mail provided): 80
Ruggerio, Domenico Z. ( 49
Ruiz, Edgar ( 129
Rumayor, Miguel (No e-mail provided): 85
Ryan, Anna K. ( 27
Ryan, Daniel ( 177
Saintilien, Regine ( 129
Salam, Rifat ( 119
Salas, Diana ( 115
Saltsman, Adam ( 35
Sandy, Madison ( 123
Santiccioli, Jessica ( 47
Santos-Hernandez, Jenniffer M. ( 149
Sarabia, Daniel ( 15
Sargent, Carey ( 98
Sarkisian, Natalia ( 40
Sassen, Saskia ( 41
Sassler, Sharon L. ( 114
Saucier, Paul Khalil ( 28, 95
Saum, Christine A. ( 14, 115
Sayer, Liana C. ( 190
Scarpato, Rachel ( 88
Schapira, Lidia ( 47
Schiff, Rachel ( 186, 202
Schiller, John ( 6
Schleifer, David ( 187
Schneider, Scott J. ( 196
Schoening, Joel ( 19
Schoneboom, Abigail M. ( 5
Schor, Emily Y ( 88
Schulz, Markus S. ( 17
Schutt, Russell K. ( 47
Schwanz, Kerry A. ( 50
Schwartz, Michael ( 135
Schwartz, Rachel ( 59
Schwenninger, Sherle ( 30
Scimone, Laura R ( 88
Seabury, Catherine A. ( 196
Sedlak, Wendy C. ( 8
Segal, David R. ( 152
Seggi, Alessandra ( 67
Semu, Linda L. ( 29, 155
Seperson, Susanne Bleiberg ( 59
Sessing-Matcha, Bonita A. ( 101
Shahidullah, Shahid M. ( 183
Shambaugh, Jillian R ( 88
Shandra, Carrie L. ( 104
Shandra, John M. ( 184
Shapiro, Eve I. ( 83
Shapiro, Thomas ( 169
Sheinheit, Ian J. ( 124
Shepard, Benjamin Heim ( 54, 82
Shih, Miin-Wen ( 97, 184
Shiller, Julie ( 113
Shin, Hwaji ( 24
Shin, Hyoung-Jin ( 57
Shin, Kwang-Yeong ( 173
Shiraldi, Kelly L. ( 129
Shoenberger, Nicole A. ( 4
Shope, Daniela (No e-mail provided): 109
Shor, Eran ( 184, 201
Shortell, Timothy ( 49
Sicotte, Diane M. ( 97
Siebold, Guy L. ( 94
Silver, Catherine ( 199
Silvert, Henry M. ( 19, 140
Singer, Jessica ( 26
Singer, Rachel F. ( 100
Singer, Simon ( 193
Singh, Sourabh ( 127
Siodmak, Erin C. ( 138
Skinner, Elizabeth S ( 129
Small, Courtney Ann ( 88
Smångs, Mattias ( 160
Smith III, Irving ( 130, 152
Smith, Danielle Taana ( 55, 94
Smith, Dena T. ( 199
Smith, Katherine C. ( 100
Smith, Marcia Bayne ( 115
Smith, Polly J. ( 200
Smith, Robert C. ( 119
Smith, Tamara L. ( 74, 191, 205
Smith, Tyson ( 127
Smits, Sara ( 102
Smucny, Darlene Ann ( 50
Smythe, Andria ( 6
Smythe, Deirdre M. ( 182
Snyder, Justin ( 122
Sodaro, Amy K. ( 56, 153
Soffa, Julia ( 168
Sointu, Eeva K. ( 185
Some, Touorouzou Herve ( 140
Song, Felicia ( 113
South, Bethany A ( 129
Spalter-Roth, Roberta M. ( 37
Sperling, Jessica ( 176
Springer, Kristen ( 84, 157, 207
Sproul, Jennifer ( 108
Spurgas, Alyson ( 36
Stafford, Frank ( 33, 44
Stage, Ryan C. ( 106
Stalker, Dianne S. ( 17
Starks, Brian C. ( 14, 115
Starr, Chelsea ( 57
Steck, Laura West ( 74, 87, 110, 172, 191, 205
Stein, Peter ( 114
Steward, Michelle Anne ( 88
Stone, Pamela ( 66, 116
Strand, Kerry J. ( 15
Street, Debra ( 121, 201
Streetman, Lee G. ( 153
Stuart, Amy E. ( 147
Stuart, Ian A. ( 16
Stull, Judith ( 6
Sullivan, Joseph F. ( 27
Sun, Chih-Yan Ken ( 158
Swider, Sarah C. ( 164
Sykes, Lori L. ( 170
Sylvia, Polly ( 202
Szymczak, Julia E. ( 187
Tach, Laura ( 114
Tach, Laura M. ( 8
Tamdgidi, Mohammad H. ( 17, 40, 64
Tang, Joyce ( 66
Tauches, Kimberly G. ( 75
Taylor, Howard ( 169
Tealer, Andrew (No e-mail provided): 109
Teitel, Jesse ( 168
Ternikar, Farha ( 206
Thomas, Alexander R. ( 200
Thompkins, Douglas E. ( 203
Thompson, Michael ( 71
Thorat, Sukhadeo ( 159
Tiedt, Andrew ( 141
Tineo, Vianny P. ( 168
Tischler, Henry L. ( 154
Tober, Tara L. ( 136
Tobin Flusser, Kathleen ( 101
Tolbert, Melissa V. ( 88
Tomczuk, Eileen ( 129
Tomczuk, Sara ( 129, 167
Tomlinson, Virginia ( 190
Toner, Melissa ( 168
Torpey, John C. ( 68
Torregoza, Angela Antonia ( 161
Torres, Daniel A ( 168
Torres, Lauren ( 129
Torres, Manuel R. ( 58
Townsend Gilkes, Cheryl ( 52
Tran, Van ( 57
Traver, Amy E. ( 107
Tremoulinas, Alexis Jean ( 48
Trosky, Amber ( 129
Trumino, Joseph G. A. ( 48
Tsuda, Takeyuki (Gaku) ( 120
Turkel, Gerald M. ( 37
Turkmen, Gulay ( 98
Tyson, Karolyn D. ( 95
Udyavar, Sharmila ( 2
Ussery, Maggie ( 52
Vallas, Steven P. (svallas): 195
Valle, Pina ( 122
Van Cleaf, Kara ( 186
Vanden Heuvel, Katrina ( 30
Vandenburgh, Henry ( 138
Vanet, Christa M. ( 129
Vang, Zoua M. ( 137
Varnum, Susan ( 6
Vivona, Charles M. ( 4, 188
Vogel, Matthew S. ( 26
Vorsanger, Susan ( 67
Vysotsky, Stanislav ( 171
Walsh, Peggy ( 69
Wanner, Eric (No e-mail provided): 20
Washington, Robert ( 31
Wasileski, Gabriela ( 63, 149
Weeks, Aaron ( 128, 166
Weis, Lois ( 134
Werther, Guntram F. ( 111
Westergard-Nielsen, Niels ( 131
Wheeler, Andrew P. ( 168
Whipple, Kaitlyn E ( 88
White, Jonathan M. ( 35, 69
White, Shelley K. ( 35, 69
Whittaker, Abbey K ( 168
Whooley, Owen P. ( 185
Wilder, Esther Isabelle ( 105
Wiley, J. Heather ( 12, 143
Wilkins, Jheanelle ( 63
Will, Jeffry ( 147
Williams, Johnny Eric ( 154
Williams, Richard ( 166
Willse, Craig D. ( 186, 199
Wissinger, Elizabeth A. ( 204
Wolf, Lindsay ( 129
Wolff, Eli A. ( 48
Wong, Yi-Lee ( 118
Wood, Elizabeth A. ( 113
Wooding, John ( 37
Woods, Kenneth A ( 88
Woods, Tim ( 82
Wooten, Melissa ( 15
Wu, Jingsi ( 167
Wyche, Barbara D. ( 86
Xiang, Peipei ( 123
Xiao, Chenyang ( 5
Yang, Kaiwen ( 116
Yeung, Jean ( 44
Young, Elizabeth ( 63
Younts, C. Wesley ( 26
Yu, Sandy (No e-mail provided): 34
Zake, Ieva ( ): 102
Zappulla, Tiffany ( 168
Zarhin, Dana ( 3
Zaykowski, Heather ( 144
Zhao, Shanyang ( 5
Zhou, Wei ( 167
Zhuo, Yue ( 121
Zimmerman, Emily ( 195
Zolberg, Aristide ( 68
Zottarelli, Lisa K. ( 198
printed on 12/22/2007 8:46:16 PM